Strong appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy how to cope with hunger. What foods should be avoided. How lactation affects the body of a woman and a child

There are several types of fasting: complete, absolute, therapeutic. What is the difference? Complete fasting is the refusal to eat, but you can drink water. Absolute (or dry) fasting is the exclusion of both food and water for a period of 7 to 10 days. Complete and absolute fasting is carried out with therapeutic purpose in people with acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract, obesity and some other diseases. It is called unloading-dietary therapy. In addition, complete fasting is divided by duration into short - up to 3 days, medium - 7-10 days and long - from 14 days. There are also such concepts as "fruit starvation, bread starvation" and others. In this case, this is not true starvation, since a person eats only certain products. Fasting is also divided by goals: they can be health, religious, social and political. We will consider only wellness, because. only this type of fasting can be resorted to by a pregnant woman.

Now there is no consensus among experts about fasting during pregnancy.

Some of them think that short-term, one-day, fasting 1-2 times a month is even useful, as it teaches the child in the womb to better use its internal capabilities. In no case should such fasting be dry, since in this case toxins will not be removed from the woman's body. On fasting days, you can use not only drinking water, but also add honey to it and lemon juice. Particular attention is paid to the withdrawal from starvation - it should be smooth. It is not recommended to carry out long fasting, more than 3 days, especially for unprepared women.

However, there is another opinion: it is strictly contraindicated for a pregnant woman to starve, as this can lead to the development of hypoxia and fetal hypotrophy. However, if a woman has excessive weight gain, it is recommended to spend fasting days - cottage cheese, apple days.

Why should a pregnant woman starve?

The purpose and meaning of fasting and unloading days- the same. What products to prefer - depends on your lifestyle, habits, health status. But let's make a reservation right away - it is extremely difficult to carry out both in the absence of an appropriate mood and preparation. What to do?

The most important thing is to tune in to the fact that carrying out these activities will alleviate your condition, for example, with toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, and in the second half of pregnancy it will help control weight gain (especially if it is excessive).

But in any case, before starting any of these activities, you need to consult a doctor, as there are unequivocal and categorical contraindications to fasting (for example, diabetes, diseases of the liver, kidneys, of cardio-vascular system, severe anemia, many inflammatory diseases- especially during an exacerbation).

If you begin to feel worse, stop both fasting and fasting immediately and contact your doctor. And remember: everything is good in moderation!

During pregnancy, constant hunger may seem normal reaction to the requirements of the organism growing inside. However, the state of hunger should correspond not only to the condition and lifestyle of the expectant mother, but also to the period of pregnancy. And if the question is why there is hunger at night or why, having had enough, we continue to eat, then here we need to understand in more detail, which we will try to do together.

According to the sensations of hunger, pregnancy can be divided into trimesters corresponding to the period of bearing a child.

In the first trimester, the desire to eat constantly may not arise due to the fact that this is required by the fetus, which is this stage development requires an increase in the diet of the mother, but rather because of the autosuggestion of a woman who has learned about her situation. Overeating during this period may be prevented by the presence of toxicosis. Nausea and refusal to eat will please weight loss obese women, but do not forget that toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon and weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. And if there is no toxicosis, then excessive food intake, especially for such psychological moments as "jamming" of stress, will lead to the expansion of the stomach and the presence of extra pounds in a woman, and not in a fetus.

In the fight against anxiety or stress, food should not be allowed to become a kind of antidepressant when you want to eat a lot of sweet or fatty foods. Subsequently deal with extra pounds it is much harder, the stomach will get used to more food.

The opinion that food is needed not by the mother, but by the child - these are temporary excuses that will cease to be relevant immediately after the birth of the child. But the child will be born, and the hunger will not go away, which can lead primarily to endocrine disruption and obesity. It will help to cope with such hunger friendly atmosphere, daily walks on fresh air. And when you have free time, you should find an activity that will allow you to be distracted. For me, attending water aerobics classes for pregnant women has become such a hobby.

In the first trimester, a woman should eat in small portions, but quite often - up to five times a day. Nutrition during all periods of pregnancy should be given Special attention. Cottage cheese and other dairy products, whole grain bread and other fiber, as well as fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. Do not ignore the intake of vitamins. During this period, the body begins not only to work with a vengeance, but also to release hormones unusual for it. Therefore, to prevent excessive weight gain, nutrition should be moderately high-calorie and necessarily healthy.

It is worth mentioning that in the first trimester the child does not yet require to eat a lot, but if the pregnant woman feels the desire to eat something special, then this typical state of hunger should be satisfied. For example, in my first pregnancy, I constantly wanted ice cream and meat without gorging myself on other products. But it was worth satisfying your great hunger needs with very small portions of meat, as the feeling of hunger went away. And if you know that by the end of the first three months of pregnancy, the child reaches a weight of 20 grams and a height of 9 cm, then questions about excessive hunger should disappear even from especially suggestible mothers. Feeding such a baby in regular portions costs nothing.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a very comfortable, but fast-flowing period. The tummy is not yet visible, he feels excellent, hemoglobin is normal. The child begins to grow and develop skeletal system. I want to eat much more, and the feeling of hunger for this period is explained by the growth of the fetus and its new needs. The diet must be continued. At the same time, it is worth increasing the intake of foods rich in calcium. For the normal functioning of the stomach, you should not lean on fatty, salty foods, avoid smoked meats. We continue to enjoy vegetables and fruits that will not be available after the birth of a child, and during pregnancy will help the stomach.

During this period, the feeling of hunger at night may increase. Such hunger is dangerous for the mother's health, because by eating at night we activate our stomach. The stomach works, and at this time the intestines sleep. Overnight eating is fraught with discomfort in general condition, lead to constipation and again to weight gain. So best option at night - leave an apple or carrot nearby (by the way, these products perfectly clean plaque from teeth and prevent caries) and a glass of water or milk. Thus, we will avoid extra pounds and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

There is no need to eat before going to bed, the working body will not be able to get good rest, will make the pregnant woman toss and turn in search of sleep. What if you have to go to work in the morning? Therefore, the last time you need to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then we won't get hungry. And as additional information I will give the average data on the height and weight of the baby for 6 months - the child on average reaches 32 cm in height, and the weight remains small - up to 650 grams. The main weight gain in the baby will begin in the next and hungriest period of pregnancy.

The third trimester has its own characteristics. Hunger in the last three months is a constant state. It was during this period that the baby is actively gaining weight, adding an average of 600 grams per month. But if we compare the concept of hunger with the development of the child, then it is necessary to take into account that hunger during this period is dangerous for both the child and the mother. With care in recent months pregnancy, it is necessary to use calcium and foods containing it in its composition. Now the skeletal system of the child is being formed and strengthened, and during childbirth, the bones of the baby should have the ability to adapt to the body of the woman in labor, then childbirth will be easier.

Another difficulty that arises from constant feeling hunger is overfeeding a child who is in the process of building up subcutaneous fat. big baby childbirth is more difficult and surgery is often required.

For the entire period of pregnancy, it is considered normal if a woman gains weight up to 16 kg. Of course, a lot depends on height, but this is the one golden mean, which speaks of proper nutrition and the healthy functioning of the body. With the birth of a child, it is this weight that will be easily lost with the implementation of standard child care.

As a result, I would like to note that during pregnancy you can eat everything, but not much. You can suppress the feeling of hunger without harm to health with fruits and berries. And I can only hope that my experience will be really useful for expectant mothers. Good luck with your pregnancy and healthy children!

Video. Nutrition during pregnancy

We often hear that future mom must eat for two. Some women do just that, and at the end of the term they suffer from swelling, hypertension, back pain, and other pathologies. Pregnant women often say that they constantly want to chew something, have a snack. What to do? Is it normal to feel during pregnancy? constant hunger and increased appetite? Why does it occur?

Causes of hunger during pregnancy

Hormonal restructuring of the body is the main factor that provokes a constant desire to eat. Changes lead to other new sensations and desires. For example, women passionately want to eat those dishes that they did not like before. There is also a desire to combine incongruous dishes: spicy and sweet, salty and sweet. Sometimes in winter, expectant mothers have a desire to eat melon, watermelon.

Gynecologists say that an increase in appetite and new taste habits are normal for expectant mothers. After all, the need for calories necessary for the development and growth of the fetus increases in them.

However, not the last place in the increase in appetite is psychological factor. This refers to the belief that now you need to eat for two. Do not listen to such erroneous opinions. Gynecologists say that with the onset of pregnancy, a woman should increase the amount of food consumed, but only by 300 calories in the first or second trimester and by 450 in the third. But not twice!

Another reason for the constant feeling of hunger is that often accompanies women in position. Psychologists state that depressive states characterized by a lack of the hormone of joy - serotonin. It is found in many sweet foods, in particular chocolate, cocoa. So a woman is trying to compensate for the lack of joy in life by consuming sweets or other favorite foods.

Feeling hungry in early pregnancy

It is at this stage of bearing a baby that expectant mothers begin to experience constant hunger. Some consider it normal and even require their husbands to buy them various goodies. Others, constantly monitoring weight and observing its sharp increase, come to doctors with complaints that they cannot subdue their appetite and begin to suffer from. A competent obstetrician-gynecologist explains to his patient the cause of the problem, her possible consequences and gives practical advice.

The emerging feeling of constant hunger can be overcome if you listen to the advice of nutritionists. It is important to observe them, and not ignore them, justifying oneself with the mission of motherhood, with promises to correct the situation after childbirth. So you can only harm yourself and your unborn child. Edema, impaired kidney function, gestational, varicose veins - these are the problems that can be acquired in a few months of overeating.

So, to pacify the constant feeling of hunger, follow these rules:

  1. Eat small portions. For snacks, use biscuit or cereal cookies, fruits, carrots, low-fat yogurt.
  2. Eliminate white bread and pastries from your diet.
  3. Don't confuse thirst with hunger. If you have an urgent desire to eat, just drink a glass of water. Surely the feeling of hunger will recede. But never drink immediately after a meal. Limit food and drink at intervals of 40-60 minutes.
  4. Try to eat less acidic foods. They increase acidity, irritate the stomach and cause hunger.
  5. Make the most of your diet with seasonal fruits and vegetables. The fiber they contain is great for filling the stomach and satisfying hunger.
  6. Protein should be included in your daily diet. It helps to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. By the way, meat dishes Better to steam or stew. Avoid fried meat.
  7. calcium in daily diet must be present. Its rich sources are fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, nuts.
  8. Never eat on the go. So the feeling of fullness will appear very quickly. You need to chew slowly, sitting at the table, not being distracted by TV, books, newspapers, talking on the phone.
  9. Find activities that interest you. After all, the feeling of constant hunger in women often appears from idleness.

Especially for

Pregnancy is the period when any restrictions can cause emotional and physical imbalance of the body as a whole. It's not the best good time to start worrying about overweight exhaust yourself with fasting and dieting. Especially if you haven't experienced it before.

It is known firsthand that many pregnant women resort to fasting technique and use diets as a cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. The results are different. But if you still decide to include this technique in your diet, let's go through it step by step, weigh the pros and cons.

How to fast properly?

So, if you still decide to apply the fasting technique to yourself, here are some tips that will help you do it correctly and without harming your health.

  • gradualness is important. Do not resort to the method of weekly fasting. At first, just one or two days is enough;
  • prepare your body. A few days before the start of fasting, exclude fatty, flour and dairy products from the diet. Give your attention to vegetables and fruits;
  • follow the rules of a gradual exit from starvation. Eat for some time vegetable dishes drink plenty of juice and water. You can't skimp on food.

What should be feared?

To date, there is no unanimous verdict in favor of fasting expectant mothers. Doctors' opinions differ greatly. The main advantages and disadvantages of this technique should be highlighted.

Positive points fasting:

  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that adversely affect the health of the unborn child;
  • the change taste buds;
  • the process of selecting food that is really necessary and useful for the body;
  • hunger activates the reserve forces of the body and directs them to restore the natural metabolism;
  • fasting during pregnancy stimulates blood flow to the fetus and thus the baby receives a large dose of oxygen, which is very important for the development and formation of the brain;
  • great way consumption of adipose tissue.

Negative moments of fasting:

  • an acute shortage of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the mother's body, which are useful for the child;
  • a direct link between fasting during pregnancy and the development of heart disease in older children has been scientifically confirmed;
  • the possibility of premature birth.

Some women during pregnancy begin to eat much more food than usual. In some cases, this is caused by the physiological need of the unborn child. Many experts believe that fasting can worsen appearance child, as it affects the length of his body and weight.

Important: in no case do not resort to the fasting method on your own, be sure to consult with your doctor. Maybe pregnancy is just for you. the best time for experiments.

Fasting and fasting days during pregnancy

If the method of fasting causes a lot of controversy and controversy, then you should try the system of fasting days. It is useful to absolutely everyone. Many doctors recommend using it from the 28th week of pregnancy, that's when the baby begins to gain weight. This will allow you and your baby to receive regular nutrients, is also an excellent stimulation of the development of the cerebral cortex.

Fasting days rules for pregnant women

  1. at the initial stage, you should not resort to long-term diets, one or two days are enough;
  2. it is important to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  3. drink plenty of water. Perfect option 2-3 liters per day. Drink only purified water, no soda;
  4. alternate fasting days. For example, today is your vegetable day, next week fruit or milk;
  5. after fasting days, you should eat only light food - cereals, boiled vegetables
  6. Before embarking on a fasting day system, be sure to consult your doctor.

Some Tips proper nutrition for expectant mothers

  1. known to be too big weight it is categorically contraindicated for a pregnant woman, as this can cause serious complications in the work of the heart;
  2. It is better to eat often, but little by little. The body will only thank you for this;
  3. use the method of separate feeding. It also helps to control nausea and prevents dizziness;
  4. try not to eat after 6:00 pm for two to three days a week;
  5. drink vitamins (with the permission of a doctor).