The development of fine motor skills in children. What is gross motor skills? Its importance for the human body. Paper work. Origami. Weaving

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All mothers know that children need to develop fine motor skills of their hands. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly, and indeed what is fine motor skills and what features does it have? What activities, games and exercises should be done with children to develop motor skills? Let's consider all these questions in detail.

General concept and features of fine motor skills of children

fine motor skills- this is the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes as a result of the coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscular and bone. With regard to the motor skills of the hands and fingers, the term dexterity is often used. The fine motor area includes a large number of a variety of movements: from simple gestures (for example, grabbing a toy) to very complex movements(for example, writing and drawing).

The development of fine motor skills plays important role for general development child. Fine motor skills develop from the newborn. First, the baby looks at his hands, then learns to control them. First, he takes objects with the whole palm, then only with two (thumb and forefinger) fingers. Then the child is taught to properly hold a spoon, pencil, brush.

Fine motor skills have very important feature. It is associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Also, scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills and the development of speech are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. In the brain, speech and motor centers are located very close to each other. Therefore, when the motor skills of the fingers are stimulated, the speech center begins to activate. That is why for the timely development of the child's speech it is necessary great attention to develop fine motor skills. Fine motor skills directly affect manual dexterity, handwriting, which will be formed in the future, and the reaction speed of the child.

According to the peculiarities of the development of fine motor skills of the child, in the future they judge his readiness for training in a school institution. If everything is in order, then the child is prepared for learning to write, knows how to think and reason logically, has good memory, concentration, attention and imagination, coherent speech.

Fine motor skills develop gradually individual process And each child goes through it at their own pace. At first, the baby's movements are awkward, inept and inharmonious. To help the baby improve fine motor skills, you need to play educational games with him (the online magazine "Razvitie" has articles about educational games for children at 1 year old, as well as games for the development of children at 2 years old).

Activities, games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills

There are many activities, games and exercises to develop fine motor skills. They can be divided into following groups: finger games, games with small items, modeling and drawing, finger massage. Articles about the development of the child according to the Montessori system, as well as about the Montessori games, will also be interesting.

Consider the most simple and effective games:

1. Hand massage

This is the easiest and most versatile way for any age to develop fine motor skills. Run your finger along the child's palms, stroke them and massage. Accompany your actions with the saying “Magpie-Crow”.


Since childhood, everyone knows the nursery rhyme “Ladushki-okladushki”. This game will teach the little ones to straighten their fingers and clap their hands.

3. paper tearing

This exercise is suitable for children from 7 months. Give your baby a few sheets of soft colored paper. He will feel it with pleasure, begin to turn it in his hands and tear it. This occupation will give him untold pleasure.

4. Page turning

After a year, tearing the paper can be replaced by turning the pages of some picture book or magazine.

5. beads

Children like to touch small objects, which is very useful. Therefore, you can put on some beads with beads of various sizes and shapes. The child will touch them with his fingers with joy and interest.

6. bowl inserts

From them you can build towers, put them into each other. This game develops the child's concept of the size of objects.

7. cereals

Pour any cereal into a bowl and give it to the baby. He will touch the cereal with his hand or spill it through his fingers. This game develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

8. Jars of cereals

Pour different cereals into jars and let the child dip his hand into each of the jars in turn. So he can feel different grains and take them with his fingers. You can complicate the task. In front of a child, bury some small object into the grits and give him a jar. Let him try to find this item.

9. Drawing in the sand

Pour sand onto the tray. Take the child's finger in your hand and run it across the sand. You can start with simple figures- lines, rectangle, circle, gradually complicating the task.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills


You will need a pea and a jar with a removable lid. Show the child that you first need to remove the lid, then take the pea with your fingers and put it in a jar, then close the lid. Ask your child to do the same. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. Show the baby the whole chain of actions slowly several times and then he will definitely be able to repeat everything. Active children quickly get bored with this game, in this case there is no need to force them. Offer the child a different game.

11.Screw caps

Such a simple activity as screwing and unscrewing the lids of cans, bottles, bubbles develops finger dexterity. Offer your baby vessels different size and shapes, it will make the game more varied.

12.Fastening, unfastening and lacing

This exercise does not require any additional toys. Gradually include the child in the process of dressing. Let him fasten and unbutton his own buttons and zippers. This will not only develop hand movements, but also teach the child to be independent. Also, give your child some unnecessary lace-up shoes that will be a great hand trainer.

13. modeling

Modeling is suitable for children different ages. Plasticine, clay, dough are suitable for modeling. When you are going to bake something, be sure to bring your child with you. He will love to knead and roll out the dough. In addition, he will be proud that he helps his mother.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands

14. Drawing and coloring

It is very useful to trace the outline of pictures, consisting of dotted lines, as well as color objects. various shapes. It is very useful to draw on vertical surfaces: wall, blackboard, mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to hang a special board for the baby so that he draws.

15. Collecting mosaics and puzzles

For children under 3 years old, puzzles and mosaics with large parts are chosen. Puzzles also train the imagination.

16. Cutting

Buy baby scissors, glue stick, colored paper and cardboard. Teach him to craft. Cut out pictures, paste them, make snowflakes, etc. This will not only develop fine motor skills, but also spatial imagination and creative thinking.

However, it is worth remembering one simple thing. Games for the development of fine motor skills should be carried out under the supervision of adults. Otherwise, the child may swallow some small part or choke on it. You need to play games and perform exercises that develop fine motor skills systematically. Practice with your child every day and you will soon notice that your baby's movements become more and more smooth, clear and coordinated each time.

The development of fine motor skills helps to prepare a baby up to 3 years old for visiting a kindergarten or studying at school. A child who has developed pens from early childhood perceives information better, thinks logically, and has a good memory. Develop mechanisms that affect the development of speech and intellectual performance little man follows from birth.

Fine motor skills, what is it?

Moms, dads and grandmothers of babies should know - fine motor skills are not named because they are not very important in the development of the child, but because it is responsible for the work of small muscles. Ability to handle small items early childhood beneficial effect on further mental and physical development.

Developed fine motor skills in a child help him handle a pen, pencil or brush well, use scissors, a sewing needle and other small objects. Such a baby quickly learns to tie shoelaces or fasten buttons. To work with small objects, the little man will need good coordination, for which one of the sections of the brain is responsible.

By developing fine motor skills in your baby, you thereby contribute to the development of his intelligence and ability to learn.

The child controls the movements of the hands and fingers well when the musculoskeletal and nervous systems are in perfect harmony.

Exercises and massage for the development of fine motor skills in babies

The stages of motor development are individual for each child. The first unfamiliar movements are awkward for the baby, but after several repetitions every day they become confident and more accurate.

There are many options for the development of fine motor skills in children up to three years of age. From the first days of life, the baby is given a massage of the fingers, carrying out the procedure several times a day. Its duration does not exceed 5 minutes.

Massage consists of a series of exercises

  • Stroking and patting have a good effect on sensitive receptors located on the palms and fingers.
  • Accurate unclenching of the cams , which newborn babies squeeze very tightly.
  • Massage the inside of the handle a toy with a pimply or ribbed surface.

Important! All procedures are carried out as gently and accurately as possible.

Starting from two months , children put toys of different shapes in their hands. At the same time, adults should talk with the baby, commenting on their actions. The task of the crumbs is to hold the toy in his hand for as long as possible.

From six months exercise makes it harder. An adult, singing songs or telling nursery rhymes, simultaneously works with the baby’s hands (for example, the well-known “patties”), after which the baby herself will try to repeat the actions of adults.

From nine months When children begin to actively move around the house, showing interest in various objects, there comes a fertile time to continue the development of fine motor skills. Teach your baby to pour cereals or other bulk items from container to container (but stay close!). In the bathroom, you can pour water from glass to glass. Invite the baby to look in a bowl of cereal small toy. Nothing that the croup will crumble, such an activity trains the fingers well.

During classes and games, it is important not to forget that in front of you Small child, who quickly gets tired of monotonous actions and switches his attention to something else.

Fine motor skills development should take the form exciting game, turning monotonous activities into fun entertainment.

Games and activities that develop motor skills in young children

  1. Development of fingers with gymnastics and games with funny rhymes.
    This is the oldest and easiest way. Squeezing and unclenching the handles, moving the fingers and palms gives babies up to three years of great pleasure.
  2. Drawing . Give the baby a pencil, pen or marker. Drawing objects develop the correct grip of the fingers well, which will further contribute to the child's beautiful handwriting or even discover his talent as an artist. In order not to discourage the baby from holding a pencil in his hands, you should not severely punish him if he suddenly paints wallpaper or furniture on you.
  3. modeling . In order for the baby to make a ball or roll up a sausage, you can use not only plasticine, but also clay or dough. Get your little one to work when you bake pies. The responsible task of rolling out the dough will give him pleasure and help the development of the fingers.
  4. Small household items . Little fidgets are constantly trying to grab any household items. There are enough such items in any home. Let your child play with clothespins, a teaspoon, or a jar lid. Children twist unfamiliar objects in their hands with great pleasure. But even here one must not take one's eyes off the young researcher in order to pull these very objects out of his mouth in time.
  5. Stringing items . One of the first toys that appears in children after rattles is a pyramid. At first, the child’s actions are clumsy, he can’t fit the ring of the pyramid on the stick. But our children are little stubborn, they will not stop until they get their way. As the baby grows up, the task of stringing objects is complicated by reducing the size of the toys. Multi-colored beads and similar items are used. Again, for safety reasons, do not leave the child to play with small objects alone, because little inquisitives try to put everything in their mouths.
  6. ironing game . Crumple up a large sheet of paper and ask your child to smooth it with their palms. Children are happy to smooth and then crumple a new toy again.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Today's children can be kindly envied. A huge number of educational toys for all occasions help comprehensive development little man. For fine motor skills, there are a huge number of designers, from simple plastic cubes to Lego with the smallest details . Choose an age-appropriate kit for your child, and he will be happy to build houses and build castles, thereby developing his hands.

Special crumbs develop well large puzzles for the little ones (Seguin's board). By assembling a toy, kids not only develop their hands, but also train logical thinking.

Give the baby sorter cube with holes , into which various objects are inserted, for example, molds for playing in the sandbox. On each side there is a recess in which only a certain toy will fit.

Reappeared on store shelves colorful nesting dolls . Our mothers also developed us with the help of this wonderful toy. Such a gift will bring a lot of joy and benefit your baby.

As a child, everyone loves to listen to fairy tales. If you buy or make toys for puppet theater with your favorite characters , the kid will gladly put them on his hand, making the dolls move.

Remember! The development of speech in a child directly depends on fine motor skills. It happens that the baby cannot explain to adults what he wants, so he is naughty and nervous. The faster the baby learns to speak correctly, the more comfortable he will be in a nursery or kindergarten.

Developing fine motor skills in a baby, you should not force him to perform certain actions. All classes should take place in a light game form and bring joy to the child.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands affects the intelligence of the baby, his memory, attention and thinking. Therefore, every mother strives to start exercising with the baby as early as possible. Many parents think that only specialists in development centers can conduct such classes. Of course, you can take the baby to classes in groups, but it’s easy to study at home, having developed a system and lesson plan that will be of interest to the child at an early and preschool age and are aimed at developing physical activity.

What is fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are coordinated actions of the hands and fingers that are performed in conjunction with the nervous, bone, visual and muscular systems. In other words, this is the ability to manipulate small objects, in which only the small muscles of the body are involved.

Do not confuse the concepts of fine and gross motor skills, sensory. They are interconnected, develop in the child's body in parallel, but differ from each other:

  • gross motor skills are the movements of the large muscles of the body, the basis physical development child: walking, jumping, turning the body, running and other active actions;
  • sensorics- this is the perception of the surrounding world through sensations (tactile, visual, gustatory, auditory), thanks to which the child develops skills and preferences, he has an idea of various subjects, phenomena and actions.

The mind of a child is at his fingertips.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky, teacher

This is not just a phrase, but a scientifically proven fact. It is at the fingertips that a huge number of nerve endings, through which impulses are fed to the brain, where information is processed, is supplemented by data from various receptors: visual, auditory, olfactory. And only then the child perceives the whole picture, object or action. Teachers, together with famous scientists, have proved that by developing fine motor skills, the baby learns to speak, write, and think logically faster. Therefore, it is recommended to deal with it with early age.

Fine motor skills for the development of speech and other skills

  1. The ability to control hands is the basis for mastering the skills that a child needs in everyday life.
  2. Fine motor skills are needed for the development of the most important mental processes: memory, perception of the surrounding world, thinking, logic, attention and speech.
  3. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.

Fine motor skills begin to develop from birth: first, the baby examines his hands, then learns to squeeze and unclench his fingers, control them in order to grab a toy or a nearby object. As he grows older, he understands how to hold a brush or pencil correctly, learns to draw, and closer to 6-7 years old he tries to write. Of course, the child will be able to study some points on his own, because all children are inquisitive and show interest in unfamiliar objects. However, scientists and teachers insist that parents engage with them through special toys and tasks, perform exercises that help improve fine motor skills of the hands.

The development of intellectual and thought processes begins with the development of the movement of the arms, fingers and hands - this is a fact proven by scientists. Therefore, in order for the child's brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. In addition, all future life will require the coordinated movements needed to draw, write, and perform many other activities.

The lack of development of fine motor skills can lead to such consequences for the baby:

  • lack of interest in drawing, modeling and other activities;
  • difficulty adapting to educational process at school: the child perceives new material worse, does not read well, so the pace of learning seems to him too fast and difficult;
  • underdevelopment creativity, thinking and attention;
  • inability to draw a straight line evenly, to remember and write numbers or letters correctly;
  • if you ask him to draw a picture, in most cases he cannot correctly place objects on the sheet space, he lacks imagination, there is no variety of colors and a clear plot;
  • such children begin to speak later, many have speech defects that are difficult to correct even during classes with specialists.

What affects fine motor skills - video

Ways to develop fine motor skills relevant for children of different ages

In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is imperative to deal with him from birth, I improve fine motor skills of the hands. Today, there are many authoring techniques that develop toys and activities that are carried out in a playful way and help to learn new information through tactile sensations. Depending on the age and preferences of the baby, you can offer him:

  • massage of the hands and fingers;
  • games with cereals, beads, buttons, pebbles;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • graphic exercises, hatching;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • collection of constructors and mosaics;
  • drawing and coloring;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • paper work, origami folding, appliqué;
  • rope games, lacing.

The importance of developing fine motor skills from an early age

The development of fine motor skills in children up to a year

Mom and dad can help their baby develop from birth. For children of the first year of life, such activities are suitable:

  • massage of arms and legs;
  • Finger paint.

Hand massage and massagers

Children up to a year are very useful massage of hands, fingers and legs. Parents can do it at any time of the day with no time limits. The main rule: the baby should like the exercises. If the baby feels discomfort, begins to act up and remove the arms or legs, it is better to postpone classes for a while.

  1. Gently sip the baby's fingers: the exercise should be slow and gentle, no sudden movements. Then each finger needs to be stroked. These actions can be carried out with children from two months and older.
  2. Do circular motions fingers one way, then the other. The exercise is done with each finger separately.
  3. From 5 months, you can easily massage each finger of the child, then the palm and smoothly move to the hand. In addition to the development of fine motor skills, there is a general strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs of the baby.
  4. At 8 months, it's time to connect more active exercises: tap your finger on the baby's palm, lightly press, bend and unbend your fingers. These actions can be done simultaneously with the pronunciation of the rhymes "Forty-white-sided", "There was a horned goat." The same is repeated with the legs of the crumbs.

It is very useful to use special simulators or massagers. They come in the form of a soft ball with an uneven surface, a roller or a ring that is worn on the finger. And you can use improvised materials: roll in your hands Walnut, sew bags from natural fabrics and pour different cereals into them. Give them periodically to the child in the hands - this is an excellent massage and stimulation of nerve endings.

You can perform exercises with a massager in different ways by rolling it:

  • on the table;
  • between palms;
  • from fingertips to elbow;
  • on the back of the hand.

The main thing to remember is that you need to deal with both upper limbs in turn. Some parents mistakenly believe that if they only pay attention to the right, their child will not be left-handed. This is an incorrect statement. For the harmonious development of the crumbs, two hands should be developed equally.

Exercise machines and massagers for the development of fine motor skills of hands - photo gallery

A walnut can be used to massage the hands. A ball-shaped hand massager. This finger trainer can be used when the child has learned to sit. Massagers can be different kind and forms

Finger paint

Children love to draw. You should not think that it is impossible to accustom them to creativity before 1–1.5 years, when they can take a brush or pencil from their hands. Today, finger paints made from natural ingredients and safe even if swallowed are very popular. hand drawing is ideal option development of fine motor skills in children infancy. The child not only feels all movements with his fingers, but also perceives the colors of paints, learns to recognize them. In this case, sensory thinking also develops.

We draw with finger paints - video

Topical methods for the development of motor skills in children from 1 to 2 years

At one year old, the child sits confidently, and perhaps already walks. Now he is more interested in educational toys, books and other objects around him. At this age, it is important for him sensory perception, so you can connect the following classes:

  • finger games, hand and hand massage;
  • finger paints, gouache painting with a brush (children begin to paint with watercolors from the age of three);
  • modeling: it is still difficult for small children to sculpt from plasticine, therefore the best way- dough;
  • sorters and pyramids, soft puzzles - all this remarkably develops fine motor skills;
  • bodyboards, games with lids - here the interest of the child and the scope of the imagination of the parents are important.

Toys and activities for young children - photo gallery

Modeling dough softer than plasticine, so it is more suitable for children aged 1-2 years With the help of a pyramid, you can work out coordination of movements The sorter is great for developing fine motor skills C plastic lids you can come up with a wide variety of games

Educational games for children 1–2 years old - video

Tasks for kids 2-3 years old

At 2–3 years old, a child learns and masters skills very quickly. Children can already explain what they want to do, what they are interested in this moment. At this age, the development of fine motor skills contributes primarily to the development of speech. The kid pronounces more and more new words every day, learns to perceive and copy sounds, begins to speak in whole sentences, so it is extremely important to deal with him during this period. Classes do not radically differ from those that the baby was fond of in 1-2 years. But they can be complicated and new ones added:

  • stringing: invite the child to collect beautiful beads for mom, or distribute figures of the same color on a string;
  • lacing games are very popular with children of this age;
  • building a tower: the baby learns to coordinate movements, distributes the cubes evenly so that they do not fall;
  • modeling plasticine crafts: this modeling material is more complex than dough, and the child needs to make more effort to work with it;
  • classes with cereals: invite the baby to choose one cereal from the container and leave another in it;
  • games with water: a child from a container with a spoon or net catches various objects.

Games with cereals, water, plasticine, cubes and other activities for children 2–3 years old - photo gallery

Building with cubes develops coordination of movements The kid is interested in correctly lacing up a model of a boot or fastening buttons on a doll’s coat Stringing develops logic and patience Modeling from plasticine is a more difficult task than modeling from dough Water games captivate children of different ages

Games for the development of fine motor skills for children 2-3 years old - video

Development of fine motor skills with children of kindergarten age (4-5 years)

At 4-5 years old, the child prefers to perform many tasks only on his own. He is interested in how the development board works, why the wheels are spinning and much more. Curiosity and the desire to learn new things only contribute to harmonious development personality. The kid already has a good command of the brush and pencil, so the main tasks are aimed at preparing the hand for writing. Many parents think it's early for this age. Do not be confused, at 4 years old no one forces the baby to write whole words or letters if he does not show interest. To the exercises and activities described above, it is worth connecting new ones:

  • sand play, or sand therapy, as psychologists often call these exercises: let the child run his fingers along the sand, drawing pictures or objects;
  • working with scissors: first, the child learns to cut out even stripes, then geometric shapes;
  • application: the kid will learn how to create compositions on a paper plane, work with glue and a napkin;
  • drawing, coloring small details, shading - these skills prepare the baby's hand for writing.

Drawing, applique, hatching and other activities for a child 4–5 years old - photo gallery

At the age of 4-5 years, purchase special children's scissors with round edges Applications will teach the child to be careful Sand games calm the child and are very useful for developing motor skills Hatching prepares the child's hand for writing

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old

Fine motor skills for preschoolers 6-7 years old

At 6–7 years old, the child goes to school, so he must be mentally and intellectually prepared for a new stage in his life. Lessons provide discipline, quick capture and understanding of new material, the ability to memorize and repeat tasks well. At this age, all exercises are aimed at developing speech and writing, reading skills. That is why parents should give Special attention improving fine motor skills. Underdevelopment in this area leads in most cases to learning problems: the child cannot write or does it very slowly, he has poorly developed creative skills, imagination and thinking.

The following activities will help prepare your child for school:

  • physical exercises: finger gymnastics, hand massagers, finger games, finger theater;
  • mosaic: small parts that need to be assembled correctly according to the instructions - great way development of small fingers;
  • constructor: at this age, the large cubes familiar to the baby are replaced with smaller parts, with the help of which not only fine motor skills develop, but also imagination;
  • copybook: you can circle not only letters or numbers, but also different figures which may be of interest to the child.

Motor skills classes for preschoolers - photo gallery

Collecting a mosaic according to the model will help improve the fine motor skills of the preschooler's hands Constructors from small parts are very captivating for preschoolers Finger theater helps strengthen the muscles of the hand and fingers

On the importance of developing fine motor skills in preschool children - video

How to develop fine motor skills in left-handed children and toddlers and visual impairment

Studies conducted by scientists have shown that many left-handed children have problems with the development of speech, writing and reading, so it is very important to do exercises with them to develop fine motor skills. Parents of a child who actively uses his left hand, and not his right, during classes, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

  1. The light source during the exercise should be on the right side.
  2. Left-handed children do not visually perceive the space that is to their left, so all objects must be placed to the right.
  3. Classes should be held with breaks. For a left-handed child, this is important, he needs more rest, so try to plan your exercises so that you pause every 20 minutes.
  4. While writing, the child often pushes the left shoulder forward - this is the norm for children who hold the pen in their left hand, you should not specifically change his position.
  5. The main thing is not to focus on the fact that the baby is somehow different from other children. He should feel the support of parents and teachers.

Today, preschoolers are often diagnosed with visual problems. There can be many reasons why a child does not see well, but such children should develop on a par with their peers. Very often they cannot perform actions with their hands, they do not understand what to do. That is why they need to develop fine motor skills from an early age. However, it is better to start exercises from the age of two: the baby will already understand what you want from him, and will not be afraid.

  1. Mandatory massage and finger gymnastics: tapping, stroking, playing with massagers - all this should be in the training program.
  2. All classes are aimed at learning information through tactile sensations, so the child is offered objects from different materials, different shapes that he touches, remembers and tries to describe his feelings.
  3. Visually impaired children learn to read in relief-dot cipher, so parents prepare the baby for the perception and understanding of this form: you can use foil on which lines, waves, dots and other shapes are drawn. He circles the raised drawings with his fingers, trying to understand and remember them.
  4. At an older age, a child can draw figures or drawings himself, and then read them by touch, as it were.

Do not think that if the child has poor vision or there is a delay speech development, then classes with him do not make sense. In most cases, regular fine motor development exercises help the baby catch up with their peers and adapt to new information for him.

Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills in children at different ages

Every day the child grows and develops. IN certain age he must be able to perform various tasks. In order to assess the success of the baby, diagnostics are carried out. First of all, they look at how fine motor skills are developed in him. There are special tasks, as they are completed, the teacher or psychologist determines the level of hand motor skills. For each age, the complexity of such exercises is different. As a rule, children are diagnosed from the age of three.

  1. Exercises for 3-4 years.
    1. Collect the coins in the box. Baby is offered a box small size and around it twenty coins are laid out in a chaotic manner. On a signal, he must collect all of them in a box as quickly as possible. The task must be completed first with one hand, then with the other. Normally, a child adds up all the pennies with an active hand in 15 seconds, with the other in 20 seconds.
    2. We draw in the air. The child must draw circles in the air of approximately the same size with his fingers for ten seconds, while the hands move one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. If the baby rotates his fingers in one direction, or the circles are very different in size, the task is considered failed.
    3. Draw a circle, horizontal and vertical lines on paper.
    4. Lacing and buttoning exercises: the child must lace up the mock boot, unbutton and fasten the buttons.
  2. Exercises for 4-5 years.
    1. Ringlet. We need to connect the index and thumb in the form of a circle, and raise the rest up. The child is asked to hold the fingers in this position for 10 seconds.
    2. They check how the child can draw straight, curved lines, waves.
    3. Cutting with scissors: the child should be able to cut simple geometric shapes along the contour.
    4. Fold the sheet in half: the baby should fold a sheet of A4 paper as evenly as possible.
  3. Exercises for 5-7 years.
    1. Draw straight, broken, wavy lines. Draw a person.
    2. On each hand, alternately extend the index finger and little finger at the same time, hold them in this position for five seconds.
    3. Cut out a circle from the square.
    4. Ask the child how to salt the soup, so that the baby slowly rubs the pieces of salt between his fingers.

If, as a result of the diagnosis, a lag in the development of the motor activity of the hands is found, you should not leave this information unattended: you need to select tasks and work hard with the child for the development of fingers.

Card file of exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

The development of fine motor skills is best done in a playful way. So the child will be interested in the process, and the time spent in class will increase significantly. Many parents ask a completely logical question: how, out of so many existing exercises and tasks to choose the necessary and most effective. The answer is simple: it all depends on the interests of the child. Some children prefer building blocks, others drawing, so parents can make a list of activities and exercises depending on the child's preferences.

Finger gymnastics, self-massage and pencil exercises

For children from a very young age and preschoolers, finger gymnastics and self-massage are important. There are about one thousand biological points on the palms that regulate the work of human organs. Gymnastics for fingers is carried out simultaneously with rhymes that are so interesting to children.

Finger gymnastics on the table:

  • free patting with brushes on the table alternately and simultaneously;
  • free tapping with fingers on the table with both hands and alternately;
  • alternately raising and lowering the fingers (the hands lie on the table) of the right and left hands, then both at the same time;
  • imitation of playing the piano.

Exercises for finger gymnastics, self-massage and exercises with a pencil and ball - photo gallery

Exercises for finger gymnastics#1 Exercises for finger gymnastics #2 Exercises for finger gymnastics #3 Exercises with pencils Easy finger massage Self-massage with balls Finger massage with a special massager Playing with a ball to warm up fingers Developing fine motor skills with a ball Ball games with rhymes

Self-massage of fingers and hands - video

finger games

Between classes, preschoolers play finger games. They are accompanied by verses and proverbs that the child easily remembers and can play with his fingers on his own at any time. Such breaks provide an opportunity to relax and stretch your arms, and then proceed to perform new tasks.

Finger games help:

  • develop speech skills and improve them during the game;
  • learn to listen to the teacher or parents and repeat after them;
  • stimulate the development of creative abilities, because the child represents his hands in the form of animals, plants or certain natural phenomena;
  • to train dexterity and flexibility of hands;
  • concentrate attention;
  • train memory (the child remembers rhymes and finger actions during their pronunciation);
  • establish contact between children and adults.

There are many videos on the Internet with examples of finger games. But, in addition, you can buy books with a description of actions, cards with rhymes and explanations in stores for children.

Rhymes and finger games - photo gallery

Finger game "Swan" Finger game "Snail" Set of cards "Playing, learn!" The book "Finger games"

Playing with fingers - video

Development of motor skills with the help of sensory pouches, business board, sorters, lacing, Lego bricks, finger theater and others

Lessons with developing toys are very useful for fine motor skills. For children from one to three years old, bodyboards are interesting, which are soft and hard, in the form of a board. With their help, the child develops thinking, logic, mindfulness, intelligence, remembers colors, learns letters and numbers, objects and different animals.

Young children perceive information not only visually, but also through tactile sensations. Parents can offer them sensory pouches filled with various materials. It can be cereals, small or large items, toys, balls, designer parts.

Today, many children prefer games with a designer, lacing or sorters. They are interesting not only for kids, because here you can use your imagination and have fun. At an early age, offer your child a sorter: let him try to pick up shapes that fit the holes. Then interest him in the designer, the details of which, as they grow older, will become less and less, and the tasks will become more difficult.

Many toys can be made by hand, for example, a business board, soft book, sensory pouches, lacing, sorter, and filling with details, depending on the preferences and interests of the baby. And here ready-made constructor It is better to buy in the store, make it at home will not work.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills - photo gallery

A soft business board in the form of a book is designed for the smallest children A large development board is interesting for children of all ages Transparent bags for the development of fine motor skills Developing bags for the development of fine motor skills are easy to make with your own hands Unusual sensory bags in the form of birds Learn to string objects on a rope Develop fine motor skills with lacing

Examples of finger theater - video

Special games with cereals, clothespins, rubber bands, mats, winder, finger tracks

In addition to classic business boards, laces, pyramids, sorters and other toys, there are many other options for playing with children.

The importance of developing small hand motility in the development of higher mental functions and mastery of speech is known to everyone who has encountered the problem of the development of a child's speech at an early age. Many children with disabilities attract the attention of teachers and doctors just when their peers begin to speak.

Speech underdevelopment becomes an occasion to consult a neurologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist, and often experts tell parents the disappointing news that their child will need a lot of effort from the family and teachers in order to get the result that most children get without difficulty. Most often, parents express their readiness to do everything possible for their child and join the struggle for a better future for their son or daughter.

early age and preschool childhood at special child in this case, they go through an intensive process of recovery, rehabilitation, in classes with speech therapists and defectologists, most of which use the development of fine motor skills in the interests of speech development and achieve certain results.

Parents also understand that it is necessary to use the sensitive period to the maximum, and supplement the classes conducted with their child by specialists with independent projects: draw, read, play, sculpt and apply, strictly ensure that the child is constantly at work, and does not stare senselessly to TV. Unfortunately, the goal of this titanic struggle is not the child reaching his maximum, not working with his individual zone of proximal development, but a more prosaic result - the child reaching the level of development of his average peer, bringing his capabilities closer to the requirements of a general education school.

As a rule, no matter how this race ends: the child "managed to jump into the last car" and got into the first class on an equal footing with other grounds; despite all efforts, the educational institution had to find a special one, designed for kids with different kind HIA - parents accept the fact that the child enters school as an occasion to relax a bit and entrust him to the efforts of specialists. It is at this moment that they cross a psychologically significant milestone and stop demanding from their child that their head and hands be constantly occupied with something useful, assuming that at school they were given daily allowance development, and at home you need to relax. The child begins to uncontrollably watch TV, joins computer games, is suspended from household help on the rights of a person who is tired of studying.

Fine motor skills, which have been stubbornly engaged so far, also cease to interest parents, being perceived by them as a means that was supposed to develop speech and prepare a hand for writing, and which on certain stage worked or didn't work. At the same time, development processes continue to go on in their own mode, no longer supported from outside.

Without specially organized activity, the fine motor skills of a preschooler are chronically underloaded. IN modern school calligraphy is given a lot less attention than during the study of moms and dads. Modern young people have no idea what it means to "set handwriting" or "work out a slope." Objectively speaking, written language is increasingly used in printed form, and schoolchildren are increasingly required to hand in written work in printed form. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the school keeps up with the times, but with a decrease in the load on the hand, the ability to develop the accuracy of small movements, regulate the force of pressure, systematically exercise the fingers, and develop the arbitrariness of manual operations also decreases.

Entertaining activities of children in Lately is also undergoing changes. In a number of cases, it turns the child from a direct performer and participant in entertainment into a mere spectator, listener, and passive reader. own mobility modern child more and more often comes down to the management of intelligent modern technology, which strives to do everything itself. It would seem that for gadgets that are so fond of modern children and teenagers, they also need small movements, but they are quite specific, they do not imply the application of effort, the correlation of the movement of the fingers relative to each other, the variety of movements.

The world has changed and people have changed. Already there are adults who do not know how to lace up their own shoes, because since childhood they have worn shoes that can be easily fastened with a zipper or Velcro. Many people have difficulty filling out forms by hand, because they have not resorted to writing for their own needs for a long time. Watch with which finger you press the doorbell button. Today, most children and adults will do this. thumb right hand, although before widespread mobile phones would no doubt use the index. Everyday manual manipulations have changed, technology is becoming more convenient and understandable, more and more calculated "for a lazy user."

At the same time, if we have the task of constantly stimulating the development of mental functions and speech of a growing child, we need to take him out of his comfort zone and return him to manual labor, to training the hand in various purposeful movements.

But how can you get a teenager to resume work on the development of fine motor skills? He is no longer in a position to play finger games, he is unlikely to be interested in coloring. At the same time, there are activities that meet the requirements of development and at the same time will not seem too childish to a teenager.

One of the exciting activities that train fine motor skills are board games regaining their former popularity. A number of games offered to the consumer today have an attractive universal design that is equally suitable for both children and adults. Pay attention to games in which you need to balance the balancing structure with small game pieces, options are interesting in which it is required to pull out elements of a complex configuration from the total mass, trying not to disturb the rest of the figures. Many logic board games require, in addition to mental activity, rather accurate and verified movements, accuracy, coordination. For some, games can be useful in which the requirements for the accuracy of movements are combined with the requirements for the speed of reaction.

Do not underestimate the value of service work. In any house, the work of improving it and keeping it clean and tidy never ends, especially if you entrust it all to your mother or grandmother, who is exhausted. Make a list of things that your child is able to do independently, involve him in compiling a list of his useful skills for home and family. Fix for the child those things that will be truly necessary, feasible and at the same time allow him to practice economy, accuracy, accuracy of movements.

No less interesting and useful for the development of fine motor skills of adolescents with disabilities can be creative and technical hobbies, especially requiring the development of various kinds of manual operations and archaic technologies. If you do not have the opportunity to engage your child in creativity under the guidance of professionals, it is in your power to master various fine arts on one's own. For those who loved to color pictures in childhood, recently there have been sets for coloring paintings, both based on classical plots and with decorative motifs: they allow you to work in your own mode and with convenient materials, developing not only the accuracy and arbitrariness of movements, but also aesthetic taste. Other creative kits can introduce your child to the techniques of linocut, lithography, printmaking and many others, each of which is curious in its own way and at the same time does not require perfect drawing skills, specific artistic talents from the performer.

Encourage your teen's interest in their own creative projects, trying your hand at new techniques, join his activities if he or she asks for it. Girls may benefit from work with beads, ribbons, embroidery, making toys from fabric, weaving Indian thread bracelets, known to young people as "baubles". Boys can express themselves in modeling, coloring collectible figurines, artistic creativity associated with the processing of materials, handwritten comics, the manufacture of various kinds of equipment for hobbies associated with historical or literary reconstruction. An important condition success in the development of fine manual motor skills is a positive, emotionally colored attitude to the activity. In other words, the work should be not only for the hands, but also for the soul.

Another interesting method correction and development of the intellectual abilities of children and adolescents are kinesiology exercises (kinesiology is the science of the development of the brain through movement).

The Brain Gymnastics (GM) kinesiology exercise program was developed in the 1970s. Paul Dennison, an American doctor, at the Dolina Group Learning Center for the Underachieving in California, where he helped children and adults for 20 years. Dennison developed a system of fast, simple, specific movements that benefit every student, regardless of their problem. It has been particularly effective for children diagnosed as "learning disabilities". Each student did the GM exercises for 10-15 minutes daily. The progress indicators of students for 1 year are such that their academic performance has increased by 50%. The ability of students to concentrate on the task at hand has increased significantly.

Kinesiology is based on the idea that development is underway from movement to thinking, and not vice versa. Whether this is their assumption is fair or not, but complexes of special kinesiology exercises are used in many children's institutions and objectively contribute to the development of children and adolescents with disabilities.

GM exercises are available on the worldwide web if you are ready to approach this project systematically and comprehensively. If specific exercises are not available, it is important to grasp the basic idea of ​​the usefulness of physical exercises aimed at developing coordination, for large and small symmetrical and asymmetric movements associated with a change in concentration, immobility and activity.

In this vein, a teenager can also be useful breathing exercises and practices martial arts, which do not include actual contact forms of struggle. If the health and condition of the child allow systematic sports - swimming, gymnastics, general developmental exercise, then dosed loads (the sport of high achievements is not meant) will have a positive effect on the general psychophysical status of a teenager.

Thus, it is important to remember that, despite the fact that sensitive to the development of speech and thinking through the development of bodily motor skills, it is predominantly early and preschool age, the connection that allows stimulating the maturation of the central nervous system is not broken after. Therefore, it is necessary to continue special classes aimed at improving the coordination and accuracy of manual operations, and beyond the junior school age. In addition to the fact that this kind of employment organizes and disciplines a special child, it also has a positive effect on his rehabilitation.

Borrow baby manual labor and take care of it yourself. Can be carried out free time at the TV or computer screen, but best holiday- this is a change of activity, an interesting creative hobby will be another reason to rush home from work to good mood and your positive example will be useful to the child a hundred times more than a series of soul-saving conversations.

Kropivyanskaya S.O.

Many modern moms and dads have already managed to get acquainted with the concept of "fine motor skills of hands." Trying to positively influence the development of the child, parents stubbornly slip sorters and finger labyrinths to the baby, and with older children they draw and sculpt all day long.

But how do you know if the actions taken are correct? Does the degree of load correspond to the age of the baby and do the exercises bring desired effect? To answer these and other questions, you should take a closer look at the topic.

General concept

Motor skills are a set of body movements performed under the control psychological reactions organism. The motor processes that a person owns give an idea of ​​the level of development of his coordination and intelligence.

Psychologists classify it into several types:

  • General, or large, motor skills are responsible for the movements of a group of muscles. An example of such an activity is running or squatting.
  • Fine motor skills - movements of the hand or fingers. developed motor reactions hands help us lace up our shoes or lock the door with a key. Fine motor skills include actions in which it is necessary to combine the movements of the eyes and hands, as in drawing, for example.
  • Articulatory motor skills are the ability to coordinate work speech apparatus, that is to say.

A bit of physiology

Being engaged in the study of issues of child psychology and pedagogy, scientists came to stunning conclusions. It turns out that about a third of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the development of hand motor skills. In addition, this third is located as close as possible to the speech center. Comparison of these facts gave grounds to consider motor activity hands and fingers responsible for human speech.

In this regard, the development of fine motor skills of the hands of a young child is one of the fundamental tasks in teaching speech skills. Of course, along with the improvement of articulatory activity. The results of many years of experience prove that the conclusions of scientists were correct.

In addition to the above dependence, fine motor skills have a direct impact on the formation of logic, thinking skills, memory strengthening, training of observation, imagination and coordination. Children who have better control of their hands show perseverance and get tired more slowly.

Fine motor development calendar

At every age, a child is able to perform certain actions. New opportunities appear in him as the nervous system matures. Each new achievement appears due to the fact that the previous skill was successfully mastered, therefore, the level of motor skills formation must be monitored.

  • 0-4 months - the child is able to coordinate eye movements, tries to reach objects with his hands. If you manage to pick up a toy, then the squeezing of the hand occurs, rather, due to reflexes that fade away up to six months. The baby does not yet have dominant preferences that allow performing actions with a more “comfortable” hand, and they will not appear soon - he is still both “right-handed” and “left-handed”.
  • 4 months - a year - the child's skills are actively improving, now he can shift objects from hand to hand, perform simple actions like turning pages. Now with two fingers the baby will be able to grab even a small bead.
  • 1-2 years - movements are more confident, now the child uses index finger. The first drawing skills appear - the baby displays dots and circles, and soon he will be able to draw a line on the sheet with a pencil. Now he begins to prefer one hand over the other.
  • 2-3 years - hand motor skills allow you to hold scissors and even cut paper with them. The manner of drawing changes along with the way the pencil is held, and the first conscious figures appear on the sheet.
  • 3-4 years old - the kid already draws confidently, knows how to cut the sheet along the drawn line. He has already decided on the dominant hand, but in the games he skillfully uses both. Soon the child will learn to hold a pen or pencil, just like an adult, so by the age of 4 he will be ready to learn writing skills.
  • 4-5 years. Fine motor skills of hands in children of this age already resemble the movements of adults. Please note: while drawing or coloring, the child does not move the whole arm at once, but only with the brush. The movements are more refined, so cutting out an object from paper or decorating without going beyond the contours is no longer so difficult.
  • 5-6 years. At this age, the preschooler's hands should be perfectly coordinated, the child already holds the pen with three fingers, draws small details, like an adult, knows how to use scissors. All the skills of the baby indicate that he will not experience difficulties at school.

Low level of motor development - what is it fraught with?

Insufficiently formed motor skills of the hands impede not only the development of speech skills. Such a child may experience problems with memory, logic. If this is a preschooler, then he needs urgent help, because he will be absolutely not ready for school. Such a student will have difficulty concentrating, he will quickly get tired and will inevitably begin to lag behind.

When and how to start working with a baby?

From birth, you can begin to pay attention to the development of the baby. Of course, a newborn is not interested in a sorter or a toy with lacing. But you can start putting rattles in his handle, let him touch the tissues with his fingers different textures, make baby massage handles.

The age at which it is important active development motor skills of fingers, - 8 months. If until now this issue not paid attention, now is the time to take some action.


To arrange real classes with her own baby, mom does not need professional pedagogical skills. Suitable for exercise simple items, which can always be found in any home. The main principle on which the development of hand motor skills is built is “from large to small”. What is it expressed in?

  • Start rolling plasticine balls with your child. Let the kid blind something. If he can do it, you can gradually move on to smaller and more complex details.
  • You can just tear the paper. First into large pieces, then into small ones. The finer the details in the end, the more high level development of motor skills in a child.
  • Together with the baby, you can string beads on a thread, tie shoelaces, fasten buttons.

Passive gymnastics (massage)

An excellent assistant in the development of coordination of the child is a competent massage therapist. An experienced specialist will help from the hands of the baby. You can start classes already in the first 3-4 months of the child, while sessions can be held for 5 minutes up to several times a day.

It is better to entrust massage sessions to a professional, but if necessary, some exercises can be performed independently. So, the baby's hands need to be stroked for a minute, then slightly rubbed. Then make vibrating tapping fingers on the hands and palms. Another effective exercise during massage - flexion and extension of the fingers, followed by massaging each.


Motor skills toys in huge number sold in children's stores. They even come with instructions indicating the recommended age and a description of the game process. But you don't have to buy anything at all. You can play with any objects - almost any thing in the house (safe for the child) is suitable for the development of motor skills.

A do-it-yourself board for the development of motor skills, or a Montessori board, is a great gift for a baby aged from one to 3 years. Dad can make such a toy. To do this, you need a sheet of plywood and the most dangerous items in the house: a socket with a plug, furniture fittings, switches, bolts and other household items. The meaning of the toy lies in the child's knowledge of such things in their safe form. After getting acquainted with the socket on the stand, the baby will not become interested in the real one, and by feeling these objects with his fingers, he will develop the motor skills of his fingers.

If your beloved child is already 3 years old, then you can offer a game of Cinderella. To do this, various cereals or legumes are poured into the bag, and the child is given the task to sort through everything.

Why not play Guess? You can blindfold your baby and take turns putting household items in his hands - let him guess them.

In addition, the child will approve of mosaic games, finger theater, joint applications. Helping your beloved child to improve himself is not at all difficult, the main thing is to slightly apply your own imagination.