Easter egg holders. Egg stand for Easter - how to do it yourself. Salt Dough Easter Crafts Using the Microwave

DIY Easter interior decoration

Stand for Easter eggs. Master class with step by step photo.

Yudicheva Marina Anatolyevna, teacher primary school, boarding school №1, Kirov.
Purpose: This stand is lovely gift for the Easter holiday. Every hostess will be very happy with such a gift. The stand will serve as a decoration Easter table, interior.
Description: The material is intended for children of younger, middle school age, interesting for teachers, parents and all creative people.
Target: make a stand for Easter eggs.
- teach how to make flowers from egg trays, compose a composition,
- develop aesthetic taste, creativity,
- to cultivate care and love for others.


The bright holiday of Easter descends on the earth,
More magical than any fairy tale,
More wonderful than any earthly miracles:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
Easter ringing, and eggs with Easter cakes.
The birches stood up as white candles.
And over the earth the blasphemy rushes:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection
Spring wear jewelry...
And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
Andrey Usachev
To complete the work, you will need the following materials.

- two egg trays,
- polymer glue, PVA glue (one of the two is possible),
- scissors,
- paint brushes
- marker or pencil
- gouache.
1. Prepare the first tray for work. Cut it into six parts.

Side parts No. 1 and No. 6 will be required for the manufacture of leaves and cores for bells.
Parts No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 - for the manufacture of the flowers themselves (roses).
Part number 2 - stand.
2. Cut parts No. 3, No. 4, No. 5. Each will make 6 blanks. In total, 18 blanks will be required for six roses.

3. Let's start making roses. We take a blank.

Fold in half.

Draw the shape of a petal.

Cut out.

We reveal.

Fold in half again.

We cut off the excess.

Part of the flower is ready. One rose will need 3 such parts.

Bend the petals carefully with your fingers to the sides.

Gently shape the petals. For one rose, we did this twice.

We make the middle of the rose. Cut the third part to the center.

We draw an arc. Cut it out along it.

We twist the resulting part.

Details for one rose are ready. We need six of these roses for the stand.
We mix red and white gouache so that we get a light pink color. We color the lower petals.

In the remaining light pink gouache, add a little red. The result is a bright pink color. We color the middle petals. You can make a few red strokes in the center.

Coloring the central rose petals.

We are waiting for the gouache to dry. We begin to glue the rose. We apply glue to the lower petals.

Insert the middle petals.

We drip glue in the center.

Glue the center.

We make 6 roses.

4. Let's start making bells. It will already be easier, because. they are made similar to roses.
We take the second egg tray, cut into pieces. For the bells, we need parts No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6.
We make blanks as for a rose. For bells, 14 blanks will be required. Fold in half. Draw the shape of the petals. Cut out.

The central petals are ready.

We make the same detail. Gently bend each petal to the sides. This will be the lower part of the flower.

We make the middle part from part No. 6. Cut along the line.

We make incisions. We get a fringe. We twist.

The middle is ready.

Details for one bell are ready. We need 7 bells.

We mix red and blue gouache to get a purple color. Color it.

Add white to the remaining gouache. Light purple gouache paint the other 7 flowers.

Color the centers pink.

We glue the bell.

You need 7 of these bells.

5. We make leaflets. We need a part of tray No. 1. We cut it into blanks. We need 4 pieces. We draw the shape of a petal.

Cut out.

We paint with light green gouache. And with dark green gouache we draw veins.

6. We take part of tray No. 2. We paint with light green gouache.

We are waiting for it to dry. We apply glue (preferably polymer) into the recesses.

We glue the flowers in each cell alternating. Get 6 roses and 6 bells.

Coloring eggs for Easter is a common thing, but is it possible to make an original stand with your own hands? Or maybe just put the eggs on a platter as usual?

In fact, making a beautiful support will not take much time, but it will definitely add joy to the holiday. Especially for children, who, by the way, can also take part in this fun activity.

Of course, paper is the most accessible material, so it will not be superfluous to learn how to make an egg stand for Easter from its varieties - ordinary sheets, cardboard, corrugated paper etc.

Boat = stand

Again, let's start with the simplest. As children we did paper boats and let them through the endless spring puddles. Perhaps someone has played these funny fun and on Easter - after all, fortunately, it always falls on a day off. And hardly anyone thought that from such a boat (or rather, from two boats) you can make a very beautiful and stable egg stand with your own hands.

Step by step instructions for those who forgot how to make this toy:

The tongue can be well bent or carefully cut off, but not at the very base, but a little higher so that the craft does not “spread”. Of course, on paper you need to draw circles, flowers and other decorative elements. Or write "HV". In general, this business can be safely entrusted to the kids - they definitely will not be confused. Yes, and making such crafts with the help of children is a pleasure!

Or you can just buy paper with decoration - better in bright colors. Then the Easter table will sparkle with special spring colors: all household members will unconsciously feel this pleasant freshness.

flower stand

Now let's get down to a slightly more complex paper egg stand, which, however, is also quite possible to do with your own hands and decorate the table for Easter.

We'll need colored paper, and also a cardboard tube, on which cling film and other similar materials are usually wound.

We will act like this:

  • First, we cut out the part of the tube we need - about 7-8 cm (we focus on the size of the egg).
  • Tape it on both sides beautiful paper(may be double sided). And with another sheet we do this: cut a strip with a width corresponding to the tube, and cut it into a “fence”, with wide teeth that need to be bent (it is convenient to use a pencil for winding).

  • We paste our "fence" on the base, after which we make the next layer - it will go a little lower. By the way, it is better that the teeth look the other way - it will turn out pronounced effect volume.

  • Well, the lower part will consist of large petals - 4-5 in a row.

  • It turns out here is such a flower.

  • It remains only to revive it and make a green base. We cut out a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the tube - the part that protrudes will turn into leaves when we cut them into strips.

  • It remains to glue this part to the craft - it turns out such a beauty.


Of course, fantasy can go further, because that's what fantasy is for. For example, an egg can be decorated with a butterfly, and the petals can be completely cut out to be approximately the same to make a rosette. The result is a composition with which you can even write a still life. Here is such an original do-it-yourself egg stand - by the way, it will surely become a source of special joy for children.

Quick flower stand option

And here is another version of paper crafts in the same style. We quickly cut out a ring from a paper tube (or you can buy it ready-made from plastic), paint it or paste it over with colored paper. Cut out paper petals different sizes and glue them to the base-ring. Our stand is ready!

And one more piece of advice. If you make all the petals of a flower from corrugated paper, you will get a very cozy, visually soft and warm craft. And yes, it looks more natural.

"Bird" - stand in haste

If we take the usual paper box from under the eggs in which they were sold, and cover it with paint (preferably from a spray can), you get a very simple and original version.

It can also be cut into smaller models - for example, three or four cells.

If there is enough time, then you can arm yourself with paint and decorative feathers to make just such a charm.

At first glance, it does not seem that this stand is made from a box. However, if you look closely, it is clear that we cut out one cell, after which we color it and glue a feather.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make such an egg stand for Easter are as follows:

  • We draw the borders of the future crafts on the box - while not forgetting about the petals.

  • Now cut along the line with scissors.

  • We paint the future stand with paint of any color - the one you like. This must be done from all sides, including from the inside.

  • When the paint dries, glue the feather.

  • Now we can imagine that we have a bird. And in order for the desired to become valid, we will bend her wings, cut out the beak and draw eyes.

Stands for eggs from improvised means

Let's talk about those options for egg coasters that can be easily and quickly made from other improvised materials.

Suppose that there are only a few minutes left before the arrival of the guests. And then suddenly the thought came to mind - it would be nice to surprise your friends with something! And then on hastily' Here's what you can do.

In the style of "Provence"

Surely in the house there is a bookcase on which fruits or sweets are placed. Let's try to temporarily remove sweets from it and put colored eggs. It would be nice to decorate them with straw or greens - it will work original decoration Easter table in Provence style.

There was no bookcase at hand, but there are artificial flowers? Wonderful! We take a salad bowl on a leg (or a bowl for ice cream) and decorate it as the imagination tells. Here everyone has a chance to become a home designer - for sure everything will turn out nice and cozy.

Of course, you can take an ordinary dish and decorate it with straw and artificial flowers. And also cut grass from corrugated colored paper - and then the eggs will lie on the lawn.

From birch branches

Yes, you can make such a stand. And we will get not just an egg stand, but a beautiful Easter wreath. And you need only thin branches for this, hot water and satin ribbon.

We will act like this:

  1. First, the branches need to be held in water for several minutes.
  2. And then you can easily weave a wreath out of them.
  3. To do this, all the twigs are arranged in parallel, and with the help of others, winding is performed. It is preferable to take birch - it is easier to weave.
  4. Well, now we connect satin ribbon and knit a regular bow with big ears.

It turns out so cozy original craft for Easter.

Of course, it is better to take krashenka with a shell of red or orange shades.

You can make an egg stand for Easter from paper and other improvised materials. Sometimes even the most inconspicuous household items take on a second life, if only a little imagination and creative effort is applied.

And then the Easter holiday becomes even more cozy and homely, because such a pleasant occasion for family conversations appears on the table!

Colorful eggs will surely flaunt on the table on a festive Easter day. And they should stand in the center in the most elegant stands to please everyone around, because the Easter holiday is the brightest and most beautiful day.

Stands from trays are often made in kindergartens, because for their manufacture you only need a base, and for decoration - paints, colored paper, feathers, beads, multi-colored threads, plasticine, buttons - in general, everything that is at hand.

Kobeleva Vitalina. “ Happy Easter". The craft is made of shell, gouache, sisal fiber and decorative elements.

Vorobyov Daniil, 4 years old. "Miracle eggs".

Felt egg cups

Coasters and baskets made of felt look very cute and cozy, in them the testicles look like a warm homemade gift for the closest people. How to make such coasters with your own hands, see our master classes.

However, even from ordinary napkins and mini clothespins, you can make a simple but original stand:

"Basket chickens". Tatiana.
Easter sets, chicken-baskets and a white chicken-box are woven of wood, painted with stain, white acrylic paint and acrylic lacquer.

Coasters from improvised materials

Material at hand is usually understood as products that have served their purpose, but are still suitable for all kinds of crafts. These are various containers, boxes, jars, plastic bottles, burnt out light bulbs and so on. It can be cotton pads or . Various household cords and jute threads, wire. And what crafts do you get for Easter from what is at hand?

Easter basket

Another work on Easter contest, Alina Mishina prepared a master class on crafts for Easter.

For work you need:

  • cardboard,
  • PVA glue,
  • beads,
  • garden rope,
  • plasticine (in my case),
  • wire,
  • acrylic paints,
  • tassels,
  • napkins.

We cut the cardboard into circles so that in the end we get a plate. We glue.

We measure the wire according to the desired length and height to the plates. Wrap with garden rope.

We fixed the wire (this is our basket handle). We turn the plate over and remove all the irregularities by gluing napkins. Glue a garden rope on top of the glue.

We tear the garden rope into fibers, we get straws for the basket. We drip glue on top so that the straw does not climb into different sides and kept in a basket.

We take plasticine, sculpt birds and testicles.

We paint plasticine with acrylic paints. Paints lay down well on plasticine.

We decorate the basket, and here is the result.

bright and unusual stand for an Easter egg, you can make from waste and improvised materials. You will need what every housewife has at hand, for example, a plastic jar, string or rope, small remnants of lace. You can decorate an egg with an elegant stand in no time, thereby attracting children to creativity. This master class by Elena Nikolaeva describes the work of decorating.

Materials for creating a bright stand:

  • plastic jar from baby food;
  • clothesline yellow or any other color;
  • pieces of lace;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pieces of organza;
  • decorative button or clipping from a postcard;
  • green corrugated paper or sisal.

How to make a bright egg stand step by step

Pick up an empty plastic baby food jar. It is desirable that it ideally fits the size of the egg. For example, take a container of cottage cheese or yogurt. If her top part will be wide, then you can cut it regular scissors or leave it as you wish. Better not to use a glass container. For decoration, pick up an ordinary clothesline of any bright color, for example, yellow, or use the white version, a cord or twine will do. Be sure to burn the ends of the rope.

You can remove the label from the container or leave it, all the same, the plastic will be decorated with a dense layer of clothesline on top. Using a glue gun, begin to attach the yellow rings around the circumference, pressing them against the plastic, as well as against each other. Be sure to make a dense coating. Move first with the nose of the gun, squeezing out the glue, then wind the rope, pulling it.

Cover the side walls of the jar with a yellow rope, fix the ends at the top and bottom with the same glue.

Can be dyed lower part acrylic paint or decorate using organza pieces or an old baby bow. Glue the petals on the bottom in the form of a flower and attach a flat button or a piece of lace, and a cutout from a postcard is also suitable, in the center.

Turn the workpiece upside down. It turned out a bright basket-stand, which stands on a delicate flower.

Take the tooth-shaped lace and attach it at the top, masking the cut off part of the lid. Also prepare a strip of lace in a different color, such as green, with some interesting floral designs. Focus on the circumference of a cylindrical container. Glue green lace on the side wall, fix the ends with glue. An interesting stand is ready. Additionally, you can use beads and beads for threads, rhinestones and other decoration elements.

Fill the inside with strips of green crepe paper or, if you have it, fluffy sisal. It turns out cozy nest for the Easter egg. Green color goes well with yellow and echoes the theme of the spring holiday.

interesting Easter craft ready. She will decorate festive table and will remind you of the imminent approach of spring.

Stand for eggs from improvised materials

Easter chickens are made from salt dough. Painted with gouache paints, varnished on top. One is used as an egg holder. Author Guseva Arina.

Basket from a plastic tray from Raisa:

A quick and easy egg dish is made from plastic bottle, decorated with sisal:

The work of Smirnova Daria is made of salt dough, nest - weaving from newspaper and sisal.

Sapozhnikova Nina Vitalievna: Easter egg in a basket is made of quilling paper. The basket is made from waste material.

Wire stand:

Knitted egg cups

By Easter, every housewife is faced with the question of how to decorate eggs. They can be painted, painted or glued with colorful stickers. And you can knit an Easter egg decoration with a thread and a hook.

For those who know how to knit, an immense scope for creativity opens up, because you can knit like ordinary egg baskets with different patterns, and bags, and various cases in the form of chickens, rabbits, hares.

Pankrats Svetlana Alexandrovna: Egg stand « easter bunny».

Crocheted from semi-woolen yarn. Each testicle has its own pocket. The bunny stands perfectly on the table without any support. The inside of the stand is hollow, where I put a gift from an Easter bunny for my children: as a rule, these are sweets or a Kinder egg.

original and funny clothes for an egg - openwork knitting:

Vase "Ryaba Hen". Pinaeva Anna.
The craft is crocheted from Acrylic yarn.

"Egg Stand" Kotova Ulyana.
The craft is crocheted from Iris yarn.

Stands and baskets made of fabric

Easter basket. Suslova Dasha, 10 years old.

Lyudmila, Armyansk: I am a teacher additional education, presenting an Easter doll with an Easter egg stand.

Video from YouTube, how to sew a similar textile stand:

Solovieva Julia: Easter Bunny. Technique - sewing.

Wicker baskets

I wanted to make egg coasters for Easter, so that it would be quick, simple and easy. And in addition, I have long wanted to try basket weaving. And we just had the remnants of a paper cord or twine lying around (the one from which I made it). And here's what happened in the end. You can try painting and/or varnishing, but I like it anyway (rustic).

Since the task was to simplify the process, for beginners and children, in addition to the paper cord, we also needed cardboard circles and a needle.

An odd number of holes were pierced at the edge with a needle.

We cut several pieces of twine (more precisely: the number of holes minus one and in half :))

Pass the segments into holes, opposite friend friend, and inserted the end of the cord from the skein into the last hole.

Then we begin to weave along the edge of the cardboard.

Having reached the required height, we fill and cut the ends.

In order to hide the unsightly bottom of the basket, as well as for softness, we line it with strips of corrugated paper, feathers, napkins, in general, with everything that your heart desires or that is at hand.

We also decorate to your liking. You can see how to make a bunny out of fabric, birdie.

Eco coasters made of natural materials

Of course, the most natural and natural option is to weave mini nests for eggs from twigs or grass.

By the way, from dried flowers and shells quail eggs you can make very delicate Easter wreaths:

Easter eggs will look very cute if you germinate grass for them in small jars or pots in advance:

You can also decorate the eggs by simply tying them with a woolen or jute rope and sticking beautiful feathers into it.

Egg stand "Nest"

Master class by Tatyana Yablonskaya.

Spring is the time of holidays. Easter or the Resurrection of Christ is truly universal. Its traditions are honored by everyone, from young to old. The hostesses prepare delicious Easter cakes and . Everyone tries to decorate their home in accordance with the theme of the holiday. original ideas a lot of. This master class will reveal to you the secrets of making an interesting stand for decorated eggs. The materials used are simple and finished work causes admiration.

To make such a stand, you will need:
hay or dry grass;
· scissors;
thick cardboard;
· artificial flowers;
thermal gun and silicone rod;
picture of a chicken
· White paper;
a set of gouache paints;
napkin for decoupage;
· PVA glue;
decorative eggs.

First, find dry grass or straw. This material can be purchased at your nearest pet store.

Fold the grass into a thin long strip. Wrap with twine along the entire length. You will get such a blank, as in the photo.

Connect it into a ring and fix everything with twine again.

By the same principle, form another ring of dry grass.

Connect both rings together as shown in the photo below.

Then take a piece thick cardboard, attach hay rings to it and draw a circle. Cut it out with scissors. Glue the rings onto the circle with hot silicone from a heat gun. It turns out a stand.

Decorate its bottom tightly with hay so that the cardboard is not visible.

Use any artificial flowers as decoration. Spread them among the coils of dried grass.

Then proceed to manufacture. Using a stencil, cut out the silhouette of a bird from white paper and glue it to the cardboard. Separately, prepare 2 cardboard pieces-wings. Paste them on both sides with white paper.

These are the blanks that should be obtained as a result of the work done. Next, they need to decorate. To do this, take paper napkin with a beautiful pattern.

Attach to the details upper layer napkins and coat with PVA glue on top. After drying, the drawing is securely fixed on the cardboard surface.

Glue the wings to the body with a thermal gun, fix the eyes. Paint the scallop and beak with gouache.

After that, glue the chicken on back wall hay stands.

This is what the finished work looks like.

This original stand will fit a lot.

Easter eggs themselves can also be made using the decoupage technique, if there are wooden eggs and colorful paper napkins.

It looks like a stand filled with decorative eggs.

Embrace the idea, you won't regret it. And happy Easter to you!

"Easter Basket" Korshunov Ivan.
Material: egg blanks, cereals, glue, bast, paper.

Poskrebyshev Danil, 10 years old, the city of Mozhga. Wooden craft stand for the egg "Cockerel"

Craft made of wood, a stand for eggs "hen-hen".

Needlework master class: “Easter egg stand” (sawdust)

Knyazeva Irina Anatolyevna, educator of Branch No. 1 of MBDOU No. 137 of Penza

The master class will be of interest to educators, teachers of additional education, children of middle and senior school age, their parents and just creative people who are ready to create souvenirs and decorative elements with their own hands.
Purpose: for a gift, for decorating.

Target: manufacturing Easter gifts do it yourself
Tasks: Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills, accuracy, aesthetic taste. To interest and involve parents in joint leisure activities with children.
Technique: modeling

Rules for working with PVA glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work on this stage
3. It is necessary to apply glue evenly thin layer
4. Try not to get glue on clothes, face and especially eyes
5. After work, close the adhesive tightly and remove
6. Wash your hands and workplace with soap

Materials for sawdust dough:
small sawdust; PVA glue; vegetable oil; starch.

Materials and equipment for crafts:
acrylic paints; sandpaper; brush; stack; file or cling film; rolling pin; modeling board; floral shine; PVA glue; wire thick and thin; toothpick; teip tape white color; starch; ball or toy case from Kinder Surprise

Stages of work:

Sawdust dough recipe:
3 tablespoons of sawdust;
1 tablespoon of starch;
4 tablespoons of PVA glue;
0.5 teaspoon vegetable oil.
Sift small sawdust through a sieve.
Mix starch and sawdust well, and slowly add PVA glue. Then add oil while constantly stirring. The resulting dough is similar to shortbread.

If the dough turned out thick - add more glue, if liquid - add sawdust. The consistency of the dough depends on the sawdust.

1. Wrap the board cling film or paste into a transparent file (for better removal blanks). Cover the dough from sawdust with a film and roll out 1 cm -1.5 cm thick.

Cut in a stack (or you can use stationery knife) from it according to the template circle, with a diameter of 5 cm.

Make a hole in the center of the circle

You can use a toy case from Kinder Surprise.

It should turn out like this.

At an equal distance, along the edge of the circle, make holes with a toothpick

With a brush moistened with water and PVA glue, smooth the edges and the entire surface of the bottom.

We let the work dry completely, as a rule, it takes 2-3 days. Clean up the part sandpaper.

Colorize with paints

Wrap six pieces of thick wire, 8 cm long, with white floral tape.

Bend the wire into a half ring.

To do this, you can use the cylinder from the construction kit.

From a thin wire, cut 9 pieces 3.5 cm long and wrap them also with white teip tape, make a loop at one end. Mix 1 teaspoon of starch with PVA glue until creamy. Dip a loop of wire into a mixture of glue and starch.

Dip the resulting droplet into a floral sheen.

Cut three pieces of thick wire, 11 cm long. Wrap them teip tape. Mark three points on the wire, as in the photo.

This will be the place for attaching the wires with droplets.
Using tape, fasten three thin pieces of wire with a drop in turn.

It should turn out like this.

Bend the wire into a half ring. Small wires are also bent inside the ring.

We get 3 parts for the stand. Lubricate the ends of short pieces of wire with Titanium glue and insert them into the holes in the bottom.

Glue large pieces of wire.

Put the egg on the stand.

Consider a souvenir from all sides. View from above.