The less we love a woman, the more (easier) she likes us. Who said - The less we love a woman, the more she likes us

A.S. Pushkin was not only an outstanding poet, but also a good connoisseur of women. It is enough to read his unofficial work. But even in more decent works you can learn a lot.

As a well-known lemma from the work of Eugene Onegin " The easier we love a woman, the more she likes us". It is worth noting that among the people the word "easier" was replaced by the word "less", and this somewhat distorted the meaning of this expression. So what did Pushkin want to say?

He wanted to say that when a man shows excessive care and the manifestation of sympathy for a woman, then she grows cold.

The more you love women, the less you like

Why is this happening? Every person, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man, usually falls in love with those who are not particularly accessible to them. But now let's take the example of a man. BUT inaccessible man, of course, she is not going to show any signs of sympathy, respectively, the girl herself is already beginning to think how he would like him.

If another young man approaches the same girl (he may be even prettier than the first), but takes care of her, gives gifts and compliments (without interruptions), then the girl will quickly lose interest in him. Since this person has become completely accessible to her. And, roughly speaking, she can now twirl them as soon as she pleases.

Naturally, you should not take all the above information literally.

But the essence remains the main thing. When you meet a girl, you should not show her that you are ready for anything for her. That you are ready to bend under it. You become a priori a rank lower than her.

It is best to flirt and not show all the cards. Let your girlfriend think about how you really feel about her.

Behave with a girl naturally. If you don't feel like doing something she encourages, say no. In general, the word "no" from a man - Magic word. There are very few men who can refuse something, and do it confidently. When you say “no” to a girl from time to time to her requests, it works extremely effectively. She will be even more interested in you. Do not trust? Do an experiment 🙂

And in general, in a relationship, alternate between different emotions. Do a swing. You can be tough and serious. Then - affectionate and gentle. But the girl will know that at any moment you can behave the way you want. That is, you become for her in good sense unpredictable and uncontrollable. Her charms and habit of controlling men have no effect on you.

So if you like a girl, treat her like a real man. Do not try to "deserve" something from her. If you find it difficult to communicate with a certain girl, then it is better to find one with whom it will be easy.

Let's start with history. This phrase was written by A. S. Pushkin in the novel of the same name in verse “Eugene Onegin”. And it should sound like this: "How less woman we love the easier she likes us." But people, for some reason, twisted it into “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us." Just why - I just can not understand. Well, okay, that's not the point.

Many guys do not quite understand what A. S. Pushkin wanted to say. They think that you should treat a girl badly: you should never confess your love and give gifts, you should not make various surprises and romantic deeds. But this is far from being the case, and Pushkin did not mean to say this at all. He meant that "it takes little time to love a woman". And that's why:

  • The young lady gets tired very quickly of the fact that the guy takes care of her a lot, but she still needs this care.
  • A guy who devotes a lot of time to a girl and appreciates her a lot becomes more boring in her eyes.
  • A guy who does not love a young lady much is less valuable to her.

I can explain easier. For example, you are dating a girl and you normal relationship. If you confess your love to her all the time, write SMS, then she will simply get tired of such actions. On the other hand, if you don't do anything at all, that's also bad, because she needs romance.

So what do you really need to do? The most correct strategy is to love the girl very much and take care of her, but devote little time to this.

For example, you went on a date. For an hour, be completely cold towards her and show no attention. Then, within 10 minutes, explode with passion, start kissing her and affectionately calling her. Then again - ignore her for an hour, then again - show tenderness, etc. I only wrote the time for an example, and you do not need to follow these numbers.

If you do this, then the woman will see that you have a very strong attraction to her. But the most important thing is that she will always miss this attraction, she will want more. And she will never get tired of such love. She herself will provoke you to intimacy.

It's like giving her a whole cake. She will eat a little, and say that she does not want any more, she is already sick of him. And if you give her a small piece, she will beg for more.

Here is the meaning of the phrase: “The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us”. But Pushkin is not such a simple uncle as it seems at first glance.

On this I this article I'm finishing. Bye.

Psychologists from the University of Virginia proved the rightness of the Russian classic, who turned out to be not only a great poet, but also a subtle psychologist. "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us," - this Pushkin's formula for attracting attention has received experimental confirmation. What are the most reliable ways to win the attention of a girl?

Ignoring the girl, the guy is already starting to conquer her

According to study lead author Evin Whitchurch, girls are most attracted to guys who are slightly indifferent to them. By refraining from commenting on the girl and openly demonstrating his attitude towards her, the guy arouses interest in himself. And the girl now and then catches herself thinking about how he really relates to her ... And gradually she herself begins to interpret these frequent thoughts as an interest on her part: "Since I think about him so much, probably, he - something "hooked" me.

The indifferent behavior of a man includes in the fair sex something like self-hypnosis. And how do lovely ladies treat those men who openly express their feelings for them? According to American scientists, almost a mirror image. That is, a guy who shows antipathy towards her quite naturally evokes similar feelings in a girl (and here Pushkin's saying does not work). But the gentleman, who openly expresses his sympathy, with highly likely she will like it.

Two ways to win a girl

It turns out that there are two reliable ways to win attention. nice girl: to behave politely and detachedly, or, on the contrary, not to hide their feelings. It is a pity that not all representatives of the stronger sex try to continue to please their chosen one when candy-bouquet period already passed. The results of a survey of more than two thousand women showed that, on average, an existing partner satisfies them by only 69 percent.

In the list of qualities and habits that, according to their girlfriends, alienate guys from the ideal, the leader is ... their dislike for their mother-in-law. More precisely, the inability to a good relationship with the family of his chosen one. The next in the list of male sins are untidiness (dirt in the bathroom, using her personal toothbrush, unshaven bristles), bad attitude to other close people - her friends, and dislike for children. Aggressive driving, fraught with accidents, grouchiness and criticism also annoy the girls. Oddly enough, in last place was the craving for watching sports programs, hostility to dogs and socks scattered on the floor - girls are ready to put up with these unattractive habits.

To keep a girl, a guy has to show her attention.

According to US researchers who collected this data, women in general do not demand the impossible and look at things realistically. They are willing to endure some male flaws, provided that the partner will work on the most, in their opinion, annoying. For example, a third of the women surveyed would agree to let their partner have a television during the broadcast of sports programs, provided that he listens to them at other times.

Every fifth respondent resigned herself to the fact that her husband forgets to lower the toilet seat after using the toilet, and also to the fact that few men love and know how to cook. But in relation to snoring, which interferes with a good sleep, and linen scattered on the floor, women are irreconcilable. In general, according to American women, the ideal chosen one must first of all have good character and a sense of humour. In third place is external attractiveness, which, of course, includes a neat look.

This phrase in the original looked like this: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us." This is a fragment of Eugene Onegin's reflections.

Eugene Onegin - main character novel of the same name in verse, authored by A. S. Pushkin. Work on the work took more than 7 years - from 1823 to 1831. The final version of the work was published in 1833. "Eugene Onegin" is a unique work. Prior to its release, there was no such thing as a verse novel.

These words belong to Eugene Onegin, the hero of the novel of the same name in verse by the great poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. That's just, "more" or "lighter"? The options are somewhat different from each other: "more" - means the measure, the volume of feelings. Then, as "lighter" - also, it would seem, a measure of weight: lighter-heavier, but in this context it sounds like a measure of the efforts made to please the object of desire.

The paradox of the phrase is that the "less", the more, and easier. But, is it really so? Does this principle work in real life? But this is a completely different question, which will require separate reflections and reasoning, arguments and examples.

"The less we love a woman,

The easier it is for her to like us

And the more we ruin it

In the midst of seductive nets."

These are the words of Eugene Onegin, the hero of the novel of the same name in verse by A.S. Pushkin, the fourth chapter. I don’t think that it was precisely deep knowledge in the ability to seduce that played a decisive role in Tatiana’s love for Evagnius, but, apparently, they did not bring him the expected satisfaction in life.

The novel was written in 1831, this phrase, although in a modified version, is very popular. And, apparently, young people often try to apply this experience at different times.

This is a phrase from "Eugene Onegin", the creation of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Although in the original it sounds like this: "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us."

Chapter 4, stanza 7

The less we love a woman,

The easier it is for her to like us

And the more we ruin it

In the midst of seductive nets.

Science was famous for love,

Blowing about himself everywhere

And enjoying without loving.

But this important fun

Worthy of old monkeys

Vaunted grandfather's times:

Lovlasov dilapidated fame

With the glory of red heels

And stately wigs.

Have you all seen the original?

Or do you just get information from the Internet?

Open Pushkin, 1904 edition, edited by P.O. Morozova,

With detailed analysis all verses, with variants and corrections.

So here it is in black and white:

"The less we love a woman, the more she likes us"

This phrase belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Only correctly it does not sound “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us", and "The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us."

Alexander Pushkin has always enjoyed great popularity among the most beautiful women Petersburg. This is evidenced by their letters written to Pushkin and preserved to this day. Pushkin himself was very light on their feelings, which is why he wrote these lines.

The less we love a woman,

The easier she likes us

And the more we ruin it

In the midst of seductive nets.

"Eugene Onegin", ch. four.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Only he did not quite say so: "The less we love a woman,

The easier it is for her to like us. "This is from Eugene Onegin. Chapter 4.

The less we love a woman,

The easier it is for her to like us

And the more we ruin it

In the midst of seductive nets.

Debauchery used to be cold-blooded

Science was famous for love,

Blowing about himself everywhere

And enjoying without loving.

But this important fun

Worthy of old monkeys

Vaunted grandfather's times:

Lovlasov dilapidated fame

With the glory of red heels

And stately wigs.

"The less we love a woman,

The easier it is for her to like us."

Wrote once beloved by all schoolchildren, our dear Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, in Eugene Onegin.

Although very common, remade versions of "The less we love a woman, the more she likes us" and others. So that it can now be considered the basis of other, paraphrased types (some have forgotten the original, while others have put in a new meaning).

This is from the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, namely from the 4th chapter of "Eugene Onegin". Here:

The less we love a woman, the more she likes us.

Well, it's all logical. Pushkin was still handsome, so he wiped his feet on his admirers. And they loved him even more. Otherwise it is impossible, even in our time. Alas.

Your quote is incorrect. There should be not "more", but "easier".

This is the seventh stanza of chapter four of Eugene Onegin.

This phrase is often distorted, distorted and parodied.

Zhvanetsky, for example, said in one of his monologues:

Only a subtle connoisseur of female nature and a seducer of women could write such a thing.

In Russian literature, perhaps, there were only two such people. This is the author of this phrase - Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich.

Well, the second person is a favorite of women - this is Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich.

This was said by the great Russian writer - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He, being a wealthy person in terms of female attention, knew well female psychology and he is definitely right about something, which we can see for ourselves in everyday life.

"The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us." - these lines came from the pen of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. These words are heard in the reflections of Eugene Onegin from the poem of the same name.

    The less woman we are the more less she is us- (from A. Pushkin's book Evgeny Onegin The less we love a woman, the easier she likes us) about the attitude of men to women and women to men ... live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

    I. compare. Art. to Small and Small (1 2, 4 digits). The girl was the mother of her peers. Story m. story. Chair m. armchairs. Mal mala m. (about small children). II. compare. Art. adv. to Little (1 2 digits). I must speak. M. began to run. Who l. should m. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    less- 1. compare. Art. to small and small 1), 2), 4) The girl was smaller / smaller than her peers. The story is less / less than the story. The chair is smaller/less than the armchair. Small small less / less. (about small children) 2 ... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    1. comp. Art. to adj. small and small (in 1, 2 and 4 values). The Senate meeting room was smaller halls district court. L. Tolstoy, Resurrection. It seemed to everyone that she [Domna Borisovna] became paler and seemed to have suddenly shrunk less. A. Kozhevnikov, ... ... Small Academic Dictionary