The smallest girl in India. The smallest woman in the world (15 photos)

Jyoti Amge is known as the smallest woman in the world. The 20-year-old record holder lives in the Indian town of Nagpur, which is located in the state of Maharashtra. Her height is only 61.95 cm, which corresponds to the height of 3 month old baby. She received her title of "the smallest" on her birthday on December 16, 2014. Her uniqueness helped the young Indian travel half the world and take part in hundreds of different shows.

Life of Jyoti

The girl's mother, Ranzhany, suspected something was wrong at the very beginning of her pregnancy. During the first ultrasound, the doctors could not see the fetus, so they decided that the baby was dead, and the woman was advised to perform an operation to remove the baby. But, the woman felt that everything was fine with the baby and refused the operation. As a result, at the 10th month of pregnancy, the Ranzhans had C-section and a completely healthy girl was born, in whom it was not possible to identify any abnormalities.

However, the young parents did not rejoice for long. And after a few years it became absolutely clear that they had not quite an ordinary daughter. At 3 years old, Jyoti was significantly different in height from her peers, since her height after birth remained practically unchanged.

But, despite the problems, the Girl went to school with ordinary children, where a miniature desk was made especially for her. She found her friends.

Health problems

Stunting is not Jyoti's only problem. She was also diagnosed with severe calcium deficiency, resulting in fractures of both legs. The difficulty lies in the fact that her bones cannot grow together. Therefore, in order for the girl to be able to move independently, special tires were made for her that fix her legs. Doctors offer her to have an operation, but she and her parents are against it. After all, no one has done such operations yet, so there is high risk appearance negative consequences surgical intervention.

What is the reason for the short stature

As a child, Jyoti was diagnosed with achondroplasia. This disease affects the human skeleton. Also one of the manifestations this disease is dwarfism. Unfortunately, achondroplasia this moment is not treated, therefore, the girl is no longer destined to grow up.

But, even despite such difficulties, the girl does not despair and continues to lead a lifestyle. ordinary person. She claims that she used to experience complexes about this and even considered herself an inferior disabled person. And today, thanks to her active life, she is sure that she will be able to achieve a lot and is no different from her peers.

Film career

After participating in hundreds of variety shows, including the popular Indian show Big Spending, the girl realized that she would like to become an actress. In 2009, she was already on the set when they filmed about her. documentary"Shocking Body"

But most of all, Jyoti is proud of shooting in one of the seasons of the series, which was released under the name American Horror Story.

Curious facts

  • It turns out that Jyoti Amge is not the smallest of the women in history. 150 years ago, there lived a woman in Mexico named Lucia Zarate. Her height was 43 cm, and all only 2 kg.
  • The closest competitor of the girl is the American Bridgette Jordan, who is only 7 cm taller than our heroine.
  • Jyoti is actively collaborating with other record holders and has already had several photo shoots with the highest and low men peace.
  • Between 2011 and 2014, her height increased by only 0.85 cm.
  • The disease achondroplasia affects 1 person out of 50-100 thousand.
  • girl created charitable foundation, which aims to help the elderly and children left without parents in their home country.

In the previous article, I told you about the smallest girl in the world, and today I would like to tell you about the smallest woman in the world.

The smallest woman in the world recently became Jyoti Amge. Her height is 62.8 centimeters, and her weight is only 5.4 kg. She is from India. She is 18 years old and it was on her day of majority that the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records presented her with a certificate with the title "The smallest woman in the world." Jyoti is 7 centimeters shorter than the previous record holder, Bridget Jordan, who is 22 years old and lives in the United States.

Jyoti Amge was born with a weight of 1.3 kg. The parents of the smallest woman in the world were unaware of the features of their daughter until she was five years old. Jyoti, as well as sick with a rare form of dwarfism.

Despite her illness, the tiny woman considers herself happy and does not consider herself different from everyone else. Jyoti has friends who have normal growth. Often friends carry her in their arms, which she really likes. She loves herself, is proud of her height and dreams of becoming a Hollywood actress. By the way, the smallest woman in the world has already starred in two films. The girl is studying at the university.

Jyoti Amge's parents are very proud of their daughter! In order for their daughter to feel comfortable, they thought of all the little things in Jyoti's room - all the furniture and everything that the girl needs for full life made especially to order, all in the size of a unique child.

The girl, like her other peers, went to school, she only sat at a separate desk, made for her by special order. According to the title holder, she did not feel disadvantaged at school, she had many school friends.

It is worth noting that Jyote Amge was already listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "The smallest teenager in the world" at that time the girl's height was 61.95 centimeters.

It turns out that schoolchildren in Russia have a complex about their "small" growth is simply ridiculous! Yes, we have twice as many one-year-old children as a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from India!

Yoti Amge from the Indian city of Nagpur is the smallest girl in the world according to the Indian Book of Records. The 16-year-old schoolgirl is only 58 cm tall and weighs 5 kg!

Photograph of a one year old baby.

At Yoti special shape dwarfism - achondroplasia, and she will not grow another centimeter!

All things and decorations are made especially for her. She sleeps in a tiny bed and uses special crockery and cutlery as she normal ones are too big for her.

A shot against the background of an ordinary bike.

Yoti goes to a regular school where she has her own small desk and chair. They treat her like an ordinary schoolgirl.

Yoti has the same interests as her peers: she loves to watch DVDs and loves beautiful outfits.
She says: "I'm proud of my height. I like that they turn to me Special attention. I'm not afraid to be small and I don't regret it. I am just like the rest of the people. I eat like you, I dream like you. I don't feel any difference."

AT hometown the mini girl has become a real celebrity. People come to see her, to talk. And some revere Yoti as a deity.

Her mother, 45-year-old Ranjana Amge, says: "When Yoti was born, she looked like ordinary child. She just didn't grow at all. We consulted with specialists, and they said that Yoti will remain like this forever. "

Yoti is ambitious and hopes to one day work in the film industry.
She says: "I would like to work in big city like in Bombay, to act in films and see London and America."

It has long been proven by experts that short women more popular among males. According to sociological surveys and studies, it was possible to conclude that the most attractive growth is 162-164 centimeters. In this case, of course, the body must be proportional. Based on this, we wondered about what she is, the smallest woman in the world.

Jyote Amge

Unfortunately, a small increase can be caused not only physiological features but also diseases. Currently the smallest woman in India lives. Her name is Amge Jyote. Her height is only 62 centimeters and 8 millimeters. The girl is 18 years old and she suffers from a specific disease of the skeleton. Medicine is powerless against him, despite the fact that achondroplasia ( characteristic feature which is dwarf growth) has been known since ancient times. According to statistics, only a few (1 out of 50-100 thousand people) suffer from it. Jyota in his city of Nagpur is famous person and since school days received the title of the smallest girl. It does not affect her life in any way. Amge considers himself the same as everyone else, and does not see any difference between his life and the lives of other people. In the future, the smallest woman in the world wants to become a Bollywood star, which, with her fame, will most likely not be so difficult. The clothes of the baby are sewn to order by hand due to their miniature size. Jyota looks quite elegant and well-groomed. Bright makeup in the best Indian traditions,

jewelry and a cheerful smile. Recently, she managed to make her dream come true and visit London, see The smallest woman in the world was able to admire wax figures from The well-known British newspaper The Sun contributed to this Jyota.

Bridget Jordan

In the Guinness Book of Records before Jyote Amge, the title of "The smallest woman in the world" belonged to Bridget Jordan from the US state of Illinois. At the age of 22, an American woman is 69 centimeters tall. Interestingly, Bridget got into the Book of Records for the second time. Previously, together with her brother Brad, whose height is 96 centimeters, she received the title of "The smallest sister and brother." The reason for this "achievement" was again a dwarf disease. The guys, despite their originality, lead active life, not much different from the life of ordinary people, and are proud of their uniqueness. Brad even enjoys basketball, oddly enough.

Pauline Master

The previous record, before Bridget Jordan, belonged to the Dutch “Thumbelina” Pauline Masters. Her height at the age of 19 was only 59 centimeters. Unfortunately, her life was short, in 1895, having contracted pneumonia and meningitis, the girl died. Prior to that, she worked in the circus, as she was condemned by society and could not find a use for herself anywhere else.

We learned about who the smallest women in the world are. Both Bridget Jordan and Jyote Amge are ordinary girls who managed to accept their originality and live on!

It's always interesting to learn about something unique: where does the tallest grass grow, what is the fastest, biggest or poisonous animal, who is the richest or most tattooed person on the planet. In the article we will tell you who is the smallest woman in the world.

doll girl

On December 16, 1993, a girl weighing only 1.5 kg was born in an ordinary Indian family. They named her Jyoti. Doctors gave the baby a disappointing diagnosis - achondroplasia. This is a type of dwarfism. This pathology, unfortunately, is incurable.

In children with this disease, the normal growth of bone tissue is disturbed, as a result of which they have disproportions in the limbs compared to the size of the head and body. This provokes problems in the development of muscle tissue, diseases of the spine and often leads to disability.

Jyoti Amge is an amazing and happy exception. Although at the age of 18 she weighs only 5.2 kg with a height of 62.8 (!) cm, her body is developed relatively proportionally, without sharp pathologies and disproportions. The smallest woman in the world looks like a living doll. She is very sweet in appearance, besides she is smart and has a good sense of humor.

Ambitious and hardworking girl does not dwell on her dwarfism, considering the disease a great success, since her parents are poor and could not provide her with a decent future.

How does the smallest girl in the world live

In the family, a miniature Indian is simply adored. Here everything is done for her safety and comfort - a doll cabinet, a table, a chair, a bed. Her mother and sisters sew her clothes. Jyoti, like any girl of her age, loves to dress up in beautiful bright saris, adorns her wrists with bracelets and tints her long black eyelashes.

Dwarfism did not affect mental development girls, and she successfully completed the regular general education school. In an interview, Jyoti says that she has many friends, classmates never offended the baby and treated her like ordinary girl. True, she had to build a separate desk for her - a miniature one, under the growth of the baby.

Amazing Indian loves to listen to DVDs, watch movies, chat with her friends on mobile phone. Her dream is to become a famous comedian.

Guinness record

The smallest woman in the world is Jyoti Amge. She received her title on December 16, 2011 on her 18th birthday. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records solemnly presented the girl with a certificate and a cash prize. Peewee climbed onto a chair and cut the birthday cake with her small hand. At the same time, she burst into tears and said that she was very happy, because her exclusivity gave her a chance for a prosperous future.

Jyoti, together with representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, has already traveled to many countries and participated in various talk shows. Many articles have been written about her and a documentary filmed. " living doll"has already managed to try herself as an actress, starring in the feature film American Horror Story. She is full of plans for later life and is very optimistic.


Jyoti has rivals. Stacey Herald (height 71 cm, age 35) and Christiane Ray (height 84 cm, age 25) are two of the smallest women in the world. They suffer from a rare genetic disease of the musculoskeletal system. Their bones grow very slowly and are extremely fragile. Unlike Jyoti, who looks like a pretty little doll, Stacey and Christiana look different from ordinary people, move in wheelchairs and are in constant need of assistance. Despite their illness, internally they remain ordinary people with their joys and sorrows.

Fate is written in heaven. This statement is confirmed by the stories of the heroines of the article. Despite the repulsive appearance and illness, the smallest women in the world have found their happiness. They are both married. Stacy's husband is a young guy Will, a priest, compared to his chosen one, he is quite tall - 160 cm. They already have three children. older girl and the youngest boy inherited the mother's disease, but average girl absolutely healthy.

Christiana married Jeremy, 190 cm tall. They had a daughter. Unfortunately, she suffers from the same developmental pathology as her mother.

Doctors say that the birth of these children is a real miracle. After all, the fetus could simply crush internal organs women. Although many believe that it is unethical to give birth to a child who is likely to inherit a terrible disease and repeat the martyrdom life path mother.

Another story

Peruvian Lina Medina is the smallest woman in the world. But this title was given to her not because of a lack of physical development but because she became a woman and a mother at the age of 5! It was at this age that Lina gave birth to a healthy son. The weight of the child was 2.7 kg with a height of 49 cm. Who is the father of the child is a secret to this day. Lina herself (she is now 78 years old) categorically refused any interviews.

Another smallest woman in the world due to motherhood is a six-year-old Kharkov (Ukraine) Liza. Her child died in childbirth.

History knows other cases when girls aged 9-11 gave birth to healthy sons and daughters.