Is it possible to become smart if stupid. Give your brain a rest. Arrange daily fashion shows around the house

Smart people have always been respected. They are excellent interlocutors, they can easily find an answer to almost any question, and they move up the career ladder more confidently. Perhaps that is why each of us wondered, how to become smarter. This would make life much easier and would bring many advantages. The only question is how to do it.

The mind is directly dependent on human brain activity. In fact, the more we think, the smarter we become. Intelligence must be distinguished from wisdom. I believe that the mind is the ability to find solutions to practical problems, and wisdom is the ability to find solutions to everyday problems. Therefore, in order to "pump" the mind, it is necessary to play various tasks, as well as train the brain. So that the only way become smarter - think more. I'm kidding, of course. Although the concept, in my opinion, is correct, so I will give recommendations based on it.

Front practical advice One property of our brain should be mentioned. It can be trained just like a muscle. Constant training will make your brain flexible and very efficient. It will be easier for you to control yourself, you will be able to cope with tasks faster, and mental work will take less effort. This will help you develop in other areas, so you need to train your brain constantly.

Read more books

Think for yourself, don't you associate a smart person with a person who reads a lot? Of course yes! Books allow you to broaden your horizons, play various situations and develop along with the development of characters. Of course, we are talking about literary works, and not about books that the author writes every two weeks. It is necessary to read books chosen by the people, which have already been tested for quality more than once.

They can be found using special ratings. Most easy way- type something like "Top 100 novels" in Yandex. Another option is to ask your friends. Surely you have a couple of friends in your friends whom you consider very smart. Ask them which books they remember the most and be sure to read them. Go to the library or visit a bookstore. I know from experience that it is better to read a real book. It is impossible to do this from a computer, it is very difficult to keep the essence. Another good option is e-books.

This is probably the most popular answer to the question of how to become smart person. Once upon a time I watched a video, and there the video blogger talked about how experience accumulates over the years, and books can double and triple this experience. In 50 years you can gain only 50 years of experience, and if you read books, this experience will be several times more. Let's say 150 years. Do you think it's realistic to live that long? Of course not, but books allow for that too.

By the way, not fiction books, but, as I call them, practical books also help to develop the mind. In fact, this is some kind of experience that is known to the author and which he shares with readers. For example, I prefer books on psychology. Usually I just go to some Read City, find the right shelf there and look through book after book. Finding suitable option, I write down the title and author, or buy it right away.

Choose the area that interests you. Maybe it will be economics or political science, or maybe it will be esotericism and philosophy. It all depends on your preferences. And… read 100 books on your topic! Two well-known business coaches recommend doing this to become the most the best specialists in your field. Surveys show that 90% of professionals have read 1 or less books on their topic. That is, after reading even one book, you will become better than 90% in your field. Won't it make you smarter?

Create an environment

Our environment determines us. No wonder they say that it is enough to know a person's friends in order to understand who he is. The people with whom we are constantly in contact have a strong influence on us. We adopt their manner of communication, words and topics of conversation. I often notice this myself. At one time I had to spend in a circle of people who adored poetry and sublime themes. Soon I began to notice that I, too, was trying to find meaning even in ordinary-looking words. By the way, after that I really fell in love with Brodsky.

When I was at school, I had to constantly go to children's camps (first as a child, then as a counselor) and I noticed that it was very difficult for me to acclimatize after such trips. A friendly atmosphere reigned in the camps, focusing on the best, on achieving results. When I came home, I saw only despondency and indifference in the eyes, which at first was very painful. I remember that I didn’t even want to talk to anyone for a couple of weeks, despite the fact that these people were my friends or classmates. Then time passed, and I again merged into the usual course.

In my opinion, the biggest influence on me was my Orlyat brother Misha. Then I was still little interested in how to become smart and rich, but the first steps were already taken. Misha, on the other hand, was a year younger than me and had already achieved quite serious (for that age) heights. He was very smart, had a great command of the word and wanted to become a journalist. His achievements inspired me, since I was older, but I could not even boast of half of such awards. At home, I was one of the best in the environment and always tried to support it, but here is such a paradox. Of course it made me change.

The other guys in our crew were also quite smart and idiosyncratic. Communication with them seriously changed me. Considering that I spent 24 hours a day with them for a month, this could not but affect me. I really became smarter and, it seems to me, more sensual and responsive. When I arrived home, it was felt especially sharply, even my friends told me that I had changed a lot and began to work with my head more.

So, don't think about how to become the smartest. Just find someone smarter than you and befriend them. You will have not only extra convolutions, but also new friends. And that's always good. Also, don't forget your colleagues. They must share your interests, and for this, of course, it is necessary.

Educational programs

How long have you been watching national geographic or "BBC Nature"? Despite the fact that I am one of those people who believe that TV is evil, there is still a lot of good in it. And these are educational programs and normal documentaries. Real professionals work on television, who are able to cram a lot of useful and interesting knowledge into a short video. As a child, for example, I could not be pulled away from the TV when there were programs about animals.

How often do you watch TV? I found statistics on the Internet that says that on average a person spends 2-3 hours a day behind this box. Now imagine that during this time you will watch not the unhappy love of a poor girl from the village, who met with bandits and is forced to become a surrogate mother in order to pay off her ex drinking husband, but useful transmissions. How much new knowledge can you learn during this time? Lot. Lots of. It seems to me that you don’t even have to say: “I want to become smarter” anymore, rather you want to write a book.

If you, like me, do not watch TV in principle, you can find various videos on the Internet. For example, I like to watch videos on YouTube called Science Pok. There for real interesting knowledge issued in small packs of 3-5 minutes. You can also find the necessary video materials using Yandex or Google. Just enter a query with the topic you are interested in and add the word "video". For example, “how to become smarter than video” or “how the land of video appeared”.

Looking for answers

School and institute is Golden time for people who want to gain knowledge. Why? Because it is in these institutions that you are taught to find answers to your questions. Now, with the advent of the Internet, this has become much easier, but before that you had to sit in the library for hours to find desired material. By the way, at the university I also had to deal with similar problem. What can I say? After spending 6-8 hours in the library looking for right question any topic can be learned thoroughly. But this subsection is not about that.

As I said at the very beginning of the post, the mind is, in fact, the ability to solve certain problems. Remember math. you passed new theme and began to solve examples. At first, everything is tight, because you need to carefully understand everything, understand what's what and constantly think. But after you solve a couple of problems, the process becomes noticeably faster and you can solve more complex examples. In addition, if you are well versed in this topic, then it will be much easier for you to solve subsequent tasks. The same thing happens in life.

Here you are interested, for example, how to be smart in school. You ask your parents, teachers, a smart classmate, look on the Internet and finally find the answer. Congratulations, you have become a little smarter. The more answers you can find, the smarter you will become in the end. Therefore, excellent students who are really interested in learning are much smarter than their classmates who are C students. I'm not saying that they are more successful, I'm talking about mental abilities.

Again, choose the area in which you want to become smarter and constantly ask yourself questions. For example, if you want to become a writer, you might be interested in how to properly title a book, how to write to publishers, how much work it takes to write a manuscript, and so on. The more answers you have, the easier it will be for you to find new ones, since everything in this world is interconnected. You will become much smarter, and with practice, experience will come with which you can.

How to become smarter? Create!

Collect all your knowledge on one topic together. You will be surprised, but you can learn a lot of new things for yourself and at the same time consolidate them by improving your memory. By the way, if you are interested in memory issues, you can read my article "".

Take any area in which you feel like a professional, highlight the main topics that other people may be interested in and try to answer them. First, you yourself will become noticeably more professional. You no longer have to ask other specialists how to become smarter and more interesting. Secondly, you will be able to help other people who want to become smarter. Thirdly, you will gain a reputation. Fourth, you can make money on it if you sell your articles. I think this is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

take care of yourself

All the points above are related to this in one way or another. But it is worth dwelling on it in more detail. Perhaps you are already a smart person, but you just don’t know about it. Maybe you've been told too often that you're stupid and you believe it. Maybe you are too irritated Lately and can't concentrate on solving problems, so you feel like you're stupid. Or maybe you are in a circle of intellectuals, against the background of which you seem too stupid. There are many factors that do not depend on your intelligence.

The output here, oddly enough, is the same. Look for a problem and fix it, and then improve yourself. Try to figure out for yourself which methods work better and which ones worse, and so on. Try and don't give up. Remember, there may be many unsuccessful steps, but one of them will eventually lead to victory.

By the way, I noticed that for some reason girls, girls and women want to be smarter. This again speaks of low self-esteem, which often affects the fairer sex.

Let's do it again main ways to get smarter:

  • Think more;
  • Read more books;
  • Create an environment;
  • Watch educational programs;
  • Look for answers to questions;
  • Create;
  • Evolve;
  • Find other answers to the question of how to become smarter;

I hope my article helped you. I try to keep my posts clear and simple, but at the same time, fully reveal the topic. So far, it's not working well, but I'm trying, so I'm waiting for your feedback in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to updates to be the first to receive new posts. Till!

Probably not a single person on the planet would refuse to become wiser - preferably without special efforts from my side. Of course, knowledge by itself does not come to anyone, but the advice of some experts will help quickly and effectively fill the gaps in education.

You can constantly develop your intellect if you allocate time and make an effort for this. First of all, books will help to expand your own horizons, thanks to which you can significantly grow wiser and surprise others with your erudition.

The mind of a person directly depends on his brain activity. In other words, to develop your intelligence, you need to think as much as possible. And the best food for the mind at all times were books.

In addition, fitness for the brain helps to grow wiser: tasks, puzzles, rebuses and so on. To be heard among those around an educated person, you need to constantly train your thinking abilities and increase your intellectual level.

Going to museums and theaters, visiting exhibitions and simply communicating with more developed people will help to significantly expand your horizons. It's never too late to learn - don't forget about it.

Ways to become smart in 5 minutes - brain exercises

Such a proposal should not be taken literally, it is strange to hope that there are ways to help you grow wiser almost instantly. However, if every day you devote at least 5 minutes to self-development, then you can strengthen your mind at home and increase your level of intelligence. What needs to be done for this?

  • Increase vocabulary.
  • Read more.
  • Watch documentary and educational programs.
  • Start learning a foreign language.
  • Learn a new hobby.
  • Study encyclopedias.
  • Meditate.

How to become a smart person - the secrets of intelligence development

The human brain lends itself well to training. The main condition is to do it regularly, giving the process at least a few minutes a day. Each developed personality must constantly strive to become wiser even more.

If you have the desire, patience and perseverance, everything will definitely work out. Most effective method to increase your erudition is the constant reading of books. Reading a lot doesn't have to be everything. free time to spend in the library, for this you don’t even have to leave your own home.

Any book in our time can be found on the Internet. The World Wide Web- an ideal source of new knowledge, do not forget about it.

How to be the perfect wife for him 10 rules for a smart wife

To become perfect wife for your husband, you need to learn a few important rules that will help every girl:

  • Always be patient, surround your loved one with care and attention.
  • Do not scandalize on every occasion - you need to be wiser and not hold vain grievances.
  • Always talk about your wishes - you should not think that a man has telepathic abilities and can read minds.
  • Do not compare your husband with other men's husbands, do not set other men as an example to him.
  • Always be yourself and learn from your mistakes.
  • Respect your husband and ask him for advice more often.
  • Let him have some personal space.
  • Do not impose your own opinion.
  • Do not be jealous and do not give reasons for jealousy.

How to become a smart and interesting girl for others

interesting, like high intelligence, does not appear from scratch, in order to become such in the eyes of others, you will have to work hard and acquire the following qualities:

Main regulations wise woman:

  • Always be sincere with your man, do not pretend and do not lie.
  • Do not waste yourself on random and unnecessary people.
  • Do not humiliate your man and do not criticize him.
  • Avoid pride in relationships, be more sincere and open.
  • In any situation, support your husband and be on his side.

If a child falls behind in some subjects - for example, mathematics or physics, this does not mean at all that you need to force him to sit longer at textbooks. The following measures will help to pull up the child in school:

  • Attendance at music school - studies have confirmed that the IQ level of "musical" children is higher than that of their peers.
  • Become a smart girl in school and smart boy It is impossible with a lack of sleep - you need to get enough sleep.
  • You should accustom the child to discipline, develop the habit of planning your day.
  • To make the child smarter, you can teach him in game form then he will show more interest in learning.
  • Believe in your baby and support him in every possible way.

It is unlikely that a girl will be able to become smart in 5 minutes in all subjects, in the same way, a boy will not show genius in studying subjects that are difficult for him.

However, it is worth remembering that a fool is one who does not strive to become smarter. Every step towards knowledge, every effort will surely lead to success on the path of self-development.

Charlie Gordon wanted to be smart. So much so that I decided to scientific experiment which, through brain surgery, would have made him a genius. Charlie Gordon is the hero of the best science fiction novel of our time "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes (download). Are you ready to go under the knife to understand the structure spaceships and easily speak three dead languages? Not? Then read on how to become a smart person using little-known tricks and standard tricks.

How to get smarter in 8 days

We do not guarantee that in 8 days you will become a smart person and defend a couple of doctoral dissertations without any problems, but you will be able to raise the level of knowledge. Bring to life simple tips described below.

Learn to play chess

The intellectual game develops thinking and. Stick to the plan: spend the first 4 days studying and playing three games a day. Morning, afternoon and evening. Play against the clock for the next 4 days. Choose a tablet or computer as an opponent so that you don’t suffer excruciatingly from losses.

play woman

Women advice can be neglected. We are sure that this technique is included in the brain by default. Within 8 days, think of phrases for the interlocutor. In the first two days, think to yourself, and in the next 6, finish the phrase out loud. Suitable for testing on relatives and friends. Do not do this at work, otherwise you will get into an unpleasant situation.

Solve crossword puzzles

No no and one more time no! This is not an activity for grandmothers on trains, but a great puzzle game for mature and wealthy people. The brain gets used to doing routine tasks and perceives the crossword with delight. This a great opportunity retrieve facts, figures, stories from memory. For 8 days of daily crossword puzzles, you will become smarter, broaden your horizons.

Fix Wikipedia

Everyone can read, but only a few can separate the true from the imaginary. It is known that Wikipedia was written by ordinary people for ordinary people. Therefore, it contains factual and stylistic errors. Once a day, copy the article into Word, study it carefully. Find confirmation of facts, correct errors or inconsistencies. After you are sure that you have finalized the article and made it better, submit it for moderation.

Change the way you get information

Do you always read? Drop and listen. Are you used to gaining knowledge by listening to the radio? Turn off and rewrite interesting article. To become smarter develop everything possible ways perception. For 2 days, try several combinations, choose the most uncomfortable. Use them in the next 6 days for brain development. If it is difficult to perceive information from an unusual source, try Glycine D3. It promotes the activation of brain activity and is incredibly invigorating. On the second day of admission, you will notice that knowledge is absorbed better.

Arrange daily fashion shows around the house

You can grow new active brain cells quickly and easily. For 8 days, walk around the house and breathe fresh air.

Do neurobics

We have already written about this terrible beast. The main article is located. Do not neglect the exercises, and do them for 8 days. It is not in vain that scientists uncles and aunts tried hard, developing a program for those who want to become smarter.

Why you need to get smarter

The answer is simple: to evolve. When the environment around you is rapidly changing, it is inconvenient to remain at the average level of thinking. To become smarter, it is not necessary to quote Omar Khayyam from memory or, even worse, to know nuclear physics to perfection. It is enough to perform exercises that will give the brain a boost and keep it in a state of readiness. This way you can react faster to external circumstances. In addition, a smart person is always interesting companion, and the generation useful ideas will allow you to climb the career ladder.

Helpful Hint: You can greatly increase your brain response levels by taking effective supplements. For example, Glycine D3. It is not only useful, but also delicious.

How to Become a Smart Person in 10 Minutes: Bonus

Yes, you can. Let's tell efficient way.

  1. Open the smart words dictionary. Take any paper version or a link from the issuance of Yandex. We recommend that you pay attention to the project " buzzword for every day" or Everydayword.
  2. Learn one word. Make 5-7 sentences with him, write them down in a notebook. Sentences should form a text united by a common meaning.
  3. Do the exercise daily, writing sentences in your notebook and leading the thread of the story. At the end of the workout, you should get a coherent story.
  4. Before writing down new sentences, reread the old ones to reinforce the word in your head.
  5. Do 10 minutes for 30 days.

We hope you got the answer to the question of how to become a smart person. Develop, because the world is more interesting than you think!

Who lived back in the 18th century, wrote: “It is bad to live without a mind; what will you do without it?" Indeed, without having a mind, it is impossible to become successful. But what kind of person can be called smart?

Educated and well-read? Or one with natural ingenuity? Or someone who can put their knowledge into practice?

In everyday life, when talking about a person that he is smart, they usually mean that he knows a lot. It turns out that one can be called smart who knows different sciences: physics, chemistry, mathematics and others. However, such knowledge only indicates a person’s good memory or his desire to learn something.

Education or erudition are not always signs of a great mind. Undoubtedly, education enriches a person, but it will not replace intelligence. Everyone, probably, had to meet people who have even more than one education, about whom it can be said that they are not distinguished by a special mind.

A smart person is one who knows how to apply his knowledge in practice, has logical thinking, is able to analyze events and see perspectives, who can distinguish the main from the secondary and think outside the box. This is the one who can think.

It is noteworthy that many people do their things without thinking. Sadly, according to research, most of them only think 10% of their time. And in their actions they are guided by accumulated habits, brought to automatism. Often people make mistakes not because they are stupid, but because they don't like to think.

A smart person is quick-witted, able to draw conclusions and learn from his life experience.

As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle remarked, “Mind consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice.”

Can you develop your mind?

The mind, like muscles, needs to be developed and trained, otherwise it will atrophy as unnecessary. Therefore, in order to grow wiser, you must always give the mind a load, make it work. And, as the English writer Daniel Defoe wrote, “It’s never too late to grow wiser.”

1. Read more

Reading is gymnastics for the brain. It contributes to the replenishment of vocabulary, improves visual memory and develops the ability to analyze information. The main thing is to read every day, highlighting at least half an hour or an hour.

It is said that reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. True, you need not just read, but comprehend what you read.

2. Make your own decisions

Some people strive for some kind of decision on others, not wanting to strain their brains. After all, decision-making involves analyzing the situation and choosing optimal solution, that is, it makes you turn on the thought process, start thinking. Refusal to think gradually leads to degradation, and there can be no talk of any intelligence and success here.

3. Surround yourself with smart and successful people

There is a category of people who strive to communicate with, but at the same time have mercantile goals. Firstly, they believe that against their background they themselves will look smart and successful. And secondly, they make such acquaintances, hoping to take advantage of their position and connections.

However, the advice to surround yourself with smart and successful people only means that a person who finds himself in such a company should try to catch up to their level: think broadly and outside the box, develop, travel, learn foreign languages, etc. After all, as they say folk proverb, "With whom you lead, from that you will type."

4. Get rid of habitual patterns in behavior

Each person creates around himself a comfort zone in which he feels safe. At the same time, being in it all the time, he gets used to performing the same actions, says almost the same words, and as a result lives automatically. New people, events and impressions frighten him, because they threaten to disrupt his daily stay in the “stagnant swamp”.

Nevertheless, if we turn to our own memory, we can see that all the most significant events took place exactly when we destroyed patterns and stereotypes, broke out of the circle of habitual actions.

New people and impressions, non-standard situations shake our minds, make us think, compare, analyze and make decisions.

The Christian philosopher Augustine the Blessed wrote: “If I am deceived, then that is why I already exist. For whoever does not exist cannot, of course, be deceived: I therefore exist if I am deceived.

People whose life passes without emotions, is boring and monotonous, they themselves do not notice how they are degrading, their mind is fading away. They do not need success, because they begin to be content with little - the satisfaction of just basic physical needs.

Travel, change jobs, go on an excursion to another city, try a new dish, buy new thing or just start going to work a different way - just change your habitual image life!

5. Ditch the TV

TV can be safely called a chronophage - a time devourer. With a huge number different channels just switching from channel to channel in search of an interesting program takes at least half an hour. Unnecessary shows, series with other people's lives and problems create the appearance of their own full-fledged interesting life.

TV has become not only its surrogate, but also a drug that lulls the mind. Why strain and think, analyze, if you can just listen - figuratively speaking, dutifully “chew” television “food”, specially selected for mass consumption, without giving yourself the trouble to start thinking.

By the way, one of the great people remarked that "Those who read books will always control those who watch TV."

The Internet can also be classified as a chronophage if it is not used to obtain information. necessary information, The same social networks, computer games and even some people. Chronophage people not knowing how to spend own time and what to do, they begin to devour someone else's. Do not forget that our time is the most precious thing we have. After all, this is what we give to someone, we will never be able to return.

By identifying the chronophages in our lives and getting rid of them, we will have a lot of time that we can use to become smart and successful.

6. Start a diary or blog

It turns out that expressing your thoughts beautifully and intelligently is not so easy. Many have long lost their school skills in writing and presentations, they have forgotten how to write letters. Keeping a diary or blog develops logical thinking, the ability to analyze, expands vocabulary. If we make it a habit to devote at least half an hour a day to writing it, then in a month it will be possible to see how much we have succeeded.

7. Determine what you are really interested in

For sure favourite hobby, hobby, everyone has. What you know how to do, you need to try to do even better. If there is no favorite activity, you can start studying an interesting, but completely unfamiliar topic. Or, for example, another foreign language. Knowledge of the new good workout mind.

8. Go in for sports

Swimming, fitness, dancing, chess, basketball, cycling are not only relaxation, but also a good one. Scientists have noticed that with moderate physical exertion, a special protein is produced in human muscles that activates memory and contributes to better assimilation of knowledge. Moreover, physical exercise improve blood supply to the brain. Physically active people maintain a clear mind into old age.

8. Listen to music

Psychologists say that, in particular Mozart, has a beneficial effect on mental capacity person.

9. Laugh

best holiday for the brain. Laughter releases endorphins that allow it to relax and unwind.

10. Fall in love

Harmony in love and sex increases, which means it makes a person smarter and more successful. This is stated by the authoritative neuropsychiatrist Amen Daniel Gregory, based on his 20-year practice, in his book "The Brain and Love".

11. Get enough sleep

Everyone knows that sleep is necessary for the body, because during it our strength is restored. But the brain during sleep continues to work actively, analyzing, processing and sorting the accumulated information. Thanks to sleep also erased unnecessary information, which means that memory reserves are released, and the brain is ready to work again.

In this article you will find tips mainly related to appearance and behavior at school. A smart girl is able to conquer any heights if she does everything possible to achieve her goals. This article already assumes that you are a smart girl, but if you want to improve your intellectual ability, you can pick up relevant articles.


    Think of yourself as an "intellectual" person. Follow the example of other smart girls. What do you like and dislike about them? Make a list of pros and cons before changing yourself.

    Your hair must be middle length. Studies show that girls with medium length hair are perceived as smart. If your hair is medium length, you can tie it neatly into a ponytail, wear it loose, or pin it up in a bun. If you prefer long hair, this is your choice, but you must ensure that the hair looks clean and well-groomed. Regardless of your style, always allow enough time to style your hair. However, don't spend too much time on it. You should focus more on your studies and not stand in front of a mirror for hours. Your hair should look natural, avoid overuse of a variety of hair products. Be especially careful with paints. A small leather hoop can be a decoration for you.

    Wear suitable clothing. Cotton shirts, T-shirts with the names of museums or with university logos, simple formal trousers, knee-length skirts, leather sandals - this is what you should choose. Dark blue and brown will matching colors for clothes smart girl. In addition, you can consider plaid clothing. However, you should not wear clothes of the above colors every day. Avoid flashy clothes. Dress modestly. Don't show too much skin.

    Do simple makeup. Avoid glitter and shine. Look for inspiration on sites that offer a variety of different variants makeup for working women. If you do not want to use cosmetics, you are free to not do so. Avoid piercings.

    Wear glasses if indicated. Many people look smarter with glasses, especially rectangular and round shape. Keep them clean. A thick frame will accentuate your smart look. However, if the glasses are not shown to you in medical purposes, do not wear them.

    Carry the following items with you: a practical backpack of a reasonable size, a good book to read, a notebook with your friends' phone numbers, a notepad, paper, pencils with erasers, erasers, ballpoint pens, sharpener with container, diary.

    Try to impress the teachers. Study hard and aim for high grades. Ask your teacher what you can do to improve your grades. Your teachers will write recommendations that are required for college admission. Keep that in mind! Try to prove yourself in school. Write good articles for school newspaper, take part in different competitions.

    Show your enthusiasm. Many teenagers say that they are bored and not interested in school. They show with all their appearance that they are not ready to make an effort. They think that by their indifference they are gaining a reputation as tough guys. Don't follow their example. If you don't feel satisfied with schoolwork Why waste your time then? You are here to learn.

    Create a comfort zone for doing homework. Keep all your work/books/materials in one place. Mandatory elements study areas should have a desk and desk lamp. This place should reign calm atmosphere. No one should disturb your peace. If you do not have the opportunity to retire at home and be in silence, do your homework in the library. Organizing work and making lists will help you, not only in school, but in life.

    After asking permission from the principal, start a project at your school. Become a volunteer and collect financial assistance, for example for the following projects: "Stop Hunger in Africa" ​​or "Treating Children with Cancer". You will experience satisfaction from this work.

    Get exercise. This will help you be more focused and more relaxed at the same time. Eat protein food: egg white, tuna, chicken, protein bars, etc. Try team sports like soccer or volleyball. Over time, you will be good at it, and you will experience satisfaction from classes. visit sports camp summer (at least 2 weeks). Try running up to 5 km a day to build up your endurance. Also walk up and down stairs to strengthen your leg muscles. You will be proud of yourself because you will become slim and beautiful. Also training in gym, you can develop willpower and self-confidence.

    Find smart woman to emulate. Ask yourself if she can be your "mentor" while you're at school.

    Set goals for yourself. It will be easier for you to achieve a goal if you clearly define it for yourself.

    Work hard to get into a good college. As a rule, during the introductory campaign at the college, they look at the results of your studies at school and the recommendations of teachers. In addition, you will be interviewed.

    Expand the boundaries of your hobbies. Discover interesting activities frisbee, guitar lessons, art or photography. You can practice with your friends.

    Learn to manage your time. Thanks to this, you will have more opportunities for entertainment. Find out what you spend a lot of time on and try to make adjustments to your schedule.

    Develop self-control. Work on willpower and confidence. Try to show self-control when necessary. Sarcasm and gossip are disarming. Learn how to properly respond to these situations, and you will be able to feel comfortable, no matter what.

    Always keep school supplies on the lessons. put it all down necessary accessories on the desk: a pencil case, pens, pencils, notebooks and textbooks. Show that you are willing to learn.

  1. Accept Active participation at the lesson. Raise your hand and answer. The teacher will certainly notice this, which will be reflected in your grades.

    • Whatever you do, be yourself. You don't get smarter by playing a part. Girls who pretend to be smart when they aren't really look pretty pathetic. Don't lose the respect of others.
    • If you're trying to impress others with a big vocabulary make sure you really understand what you are saying. Otherwise, you will look stupid and everyone will laugh at you. Try to learn one new word from the dictionary every day.
    • Always try to get noticed. Take notes in class and listen to your teachers. Sometimes you have to put in a lot of effort to get special recognition in school. Be the first when it comes to school projects. Don't just look smart, but be smart. Receive several awards and words of praise from teachers. Set a goal to improve your grades!
    • Spend time with your friends! You are a teenager, after all, so have fun.
    • Start writing. Most high schools and colleges reward students for good essay. They might even read your story to the whole class!
    • Never play the fool at school. Be serious and kind. If someone in class asks you for something, answer him quietly (but remember to keep your answer short).
    • Decide on your hobbies and life goals. Is it so important! See what helps you personal growth. Try something new every week, a couple of experiments a week will be enough. See if you can make the world perfect. If someone makes fun of you for it, just ignore those people, even if it's hard.
    • Be competitive. Always strive to be better than others.
    • Is always use proper English. Watch how you build sentences.
      • if you have mobile phone and you post frequently, try to use as little "text slang" as possible.
    • Take up something new for yourself - learn to play the trombone, try horseback riding or live in another country for eight weeks. Try all the possibilities and evaluate them with an open mind.
    • Engage in "smart" activities, such as forensic science. Do your research, learn impromptu speech, oratory, or choose the most suitable style debate. It's a fun and exciting way to learn new things. In addition, you can try yourself in the role of a tutor, a sociologist and perhaps even a politician.
    • Get rewards for your achievements. You can place all rewards on one of the walls in your room. you can hang certificates of merit, school awards, team medals, trophies, and everything you got for your achievements on the wall. Over time, the rewards will become more and more, and you will be able to proudly evaluate your results.
    • Take part in the creation of the school newspaper. Set aside time to participate in extracurricular activities. Team sports and any charitable work will be assessed for college admissions.
    • In striving towards the goal of becoming a smart girl, try to enrich your mind. When choosing a book to read, try to take a step forward. If you like to read fictional stories about strong girls and women, step up and read a book about contemporary feminism. Watch or listen to the news as often as possible. Opinions about human intelligence are built over time, so the more often you say smart things that you learned from books, the smarter you will seem.
      • Always carry a book with you - again, not something primitive. Good book is an excuse to start a conversation. Browse classic books in the bookstore. In addition, select educational literature that will help you prepare for college.
      • However, keep in mind that not all women who write, say, romance novels actually love to do it (although many of them enjoy writing!). Some are just trying to make ends meet. Always look at the big picture.
    • Ask others about their progress. smart girls obsessed good grades because they want to get into a good university.
    • Strive to have your own beliefs and views. Be interested in everything and be curious. Develop a love for social activities. Do you like any political party? Why? Are you for or against death penalty? Why? You will need to write an essay for college, showing what your values ​​are. Do your own research. Strive to always be aware of current events and politics.
    • Practice yoga at home good way relieve stress. The shops sell activity CDs or you can take a lesson from an instructor.


    • When you go to a party, do not drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol destroys brain cells, not to mention liver cells. Many children, experiencing stress at school, try to drown it out with alcoholic beverages. Don't follow their example. You can do something that you will regret very much later. Instead of alcoholic beverages, drink soda. In addition to being bad for your health, drinking alcohol is against the law if you are underage.
    • If you're shy, it's likely that you find it difficult to ask your teacher a question. This situation can be exacerbated if your culture a) discourages girls from asking questions, and/or b) asking questions shows that the teacher is not competent in their subject. But you can try asking the question anyway. Listen very carefully to the teacher's answer.
    • Try to be consistent and consistent. Your behavior and your speech should be gentle and not rough.
    • Is always do homework and hand it all over deadlines. Smart girls are ready to take responsibility and do all the work on time.
    • Unfortunately, you will encounter people and situations that will prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams. However, if you really want it, you will be successful.
    • Many smart people go to extremes and hallmark becomes a boast. Don't act like that, be simple and humble. Never brag about your results. control works or tests. Let people know about your success! Wait for them to hear about it from your mom, best friend or teachers.
    • If your parents encourage you to study better, etc., say that you are striving for this. If they're obsessed with your performance, you'll have a hard time finding mutual language with them. Advise them, very gently and kindly, to start a new hobby and leave you alone. Smile and hug your parents. You are not only smart and beautiful (inside and out), but you are a lady first and foremost. Remember about this.
    • If you feel tired, ask your parents to rest.
    • Don't let your unsuccessful attempts to get into college affect your mood. Getting into some universities is almost impossible... nearly. Don't take it personally!
    • The usual day of a smart girl is quite busy. You may have to set aside a lot of time for extra classes. During summer holidays take up swimming and cycling to improve your physical endurance. Exercise improves brain function.