What you need to know when buying a Chihuahua dog. What should be considered when buying? Where to buy an animal

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. A three month old puppy fits easily in the palm of your hand. It was first discovered in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, as a result of which it received such a strange name. The Chihuahua is the ancestor of many miniature dog breeds. Purebred representatives of the breed are good-natured, playful, affable and somewhat distrustful towards strangers. But as soon as they recognize “their own” in a person, they immediately become affectionate and easily go into their arms.
There are two varieties of dogs of this breed - long-haired and smooth-haired. And categories depending on weight:
0.5-1.5 kg - super mini;
1.5-2.5 kg - mini;
2.5-3.5 kg - standard.
It is hard to imagine that one of the breeders will grow a dog only to sell it later. Therefore, they buy mostly puppies. 2.5 months is the most acceptable age for acquisition. The puppy already eats on its own, does not suckle its mother, and the first necessary vaccinations have been made for it.
Chihuahua puppy

We will advise you on how to choose a Chihuahua so that this purchase does not turn into a disappointment. So pay attention to the following:
General state. The puppy is healthy if he is active, well fed, there is no discharge from the eyes, ears and nose, the skin is clean, the dog eats well. And if you like the puppy, but you still have some doubts, ask him to take his temperature. Ideally, it should be 39 degrees.
Exterior. The length of the muzzle of a thoroughbred dog is equal to 1/3 of the entire head (from the earlobe to the back of the head). The stop is well defined (transition from the muzzle to the head).
Teeth - must have two fangs on the upper jaw and two on the lower. The number of incisors is ideally six at the top and bottom. But in dogs of this breed, by 2.5 months they may be less.
Correct bite - the lower incisors overlap with the upper ones, the canines of the lower jaw are located between the canines and the extreme incisors of the upper. The slightest deviation during the change of teeth can cause a distorted bite.
The coat of a smooth-haired breed puppy is smooth and shiny, while a long-haired breed is soft and thick.
Abdomen without seals and bulges. If it is swollen, then it is likely that the puppy is helminthized.
Paws. If you look at the puppy from behind, then the left and right limbs should form an almost straight line. The ankles are well spaced. The legs themselves are short and straight. It is important, when choosing a Chihuahua, to feel the joints in order to exclude the presence of dislocations and displacements.
The tail of the dog is straight, without kinks and kinks.
It is ideal to take a baby from a litter in which there were no more than 4 babies. Such puppies got enough mother's milk, which is the most important.
Well, if you can see the parents. They should be strong in muscles, have a shiny coat and not suffer from any disease.
An important point when choosing a puppy - environment where he spent the first weeks and months of his life. Dogs must be kept clean, well-groomed, well-fed, cheerful, the attitude of the owners towards the pets must be friendly. Dogs feel this, and their mood can determine how "happy" or "unhappy" a baby you bring into your home.

Important Features

Chihuahua, like any other breed, has its own characteristics. Some moments may seem strange man choosing a dog. So let's take a look at them:
Due to their diminutive size, Chihuahuas find it difficult to keep warm, so they are often attacked by signs of shivering. So if the puppy you are going to buy is trembling, then this is not a sign of illness, but of his thoroughbredness.
In most representatives of the breed, even in adulthood, the fontanel does not overgrow. Although in other puppies, including miniature breeds, the molera disappears by 3 months of age.
The body length of Chihuahua males is slightly less than that of females.

Bitch or male?

If the dog is chosen as a companion, then there is not much difference in who to take into the house. It is worth paying attention only to physiological moments.
Bitch. She goes into heat twice a year. In representatives of the Chihuahua, it is almost bloodless, therefore special problems hygiene will not. Moreover, dogs of this breed are extremely clean and tidy.
The Chihuahua is a great companion dog. Despite its tiny size, it brings a lot to the owners. pleasant moments. And thanks to its miniature size, it does not cause unnecessary trouble. Chihuahuas do not shit in the house and do not mark the territory indoors. If you are not going to knit a male, then get him a same-sex friend. They get along great and play together. But as soon as you tie your Chihuahua at least once, be prepared for the fact that you will have extra trouble, and your friend will wait for the bitch and suffer from the fact that she is not.
long haired chihuahua

What should alert you

Unscrupulous sellers often deceive their customers. Here are some points that should alert you:
Sale of a puppy up to 2.5 months. At this age, many of the characteristics of the breed are poorly developed in the Chihuahua. You may be offered a mestizo or a dog of another, less expensive breed.
Too round head long muzzle, narrow landing of eyes and ears, a tail twisted by a ram. Do not believe the seller who will claim that this is a breed brought from Mexico. In fact, it is a mixture with other breeds.
Excessively large, in some ways even rude physique. Massive body, thick paws and overweight with normal height at the withers and body length. Unscrupulous sellers call such dogs the English type of Chihuahua.
In contrast to the previous type, too small, comical head with big eyes, thin paws with pronounced dwarfism.
The blunt muzzle and angular limbs indicate a cross between a Chihuahua and a Pinscher.
There is a breed standard. It does not contain exotic names invented by unscrupulous breeders to attract gullible buyers. It's just a chihuahua. And that's enough!
We hope that our advice will help you avoid trouble with the purchase of a puppy, make the choice simple and clear, and the dog will grow up to be the best representative of its breed.

As a rule, potential owners do not buy a puppy at random: everyone is attracted by the specific qualities inherent in representatives of a particular breed. A pedigree is a confirmation of the breed of a dog. At the age of 45 days, Chihuahua puppies are branded and first vaccinated, so by the time they are transferred to the owner, the pets have a veterinary passport and an animal metric (puppy card), which is subsequently exchanged for a pedigree. The number of the brand located on the ear or stomach of the dog must match the number indicated in the documents.

What to look for when choosing a Chihuahua puppy?

Of course, the best Chihuahua puppies are not sold on the market - they can only be bought from breeders who are professionally breeding a particular breed. Such a specialist will be happy to tell you which puppy from the litter is a potential show winner, who is suitable for breeding and point out pet class kids who do not expect a brilliant career.

What should be considered when buying?

When choosing a pet, potential owners should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Appearance and behavior of the puppy. The absence of discharge from the eyes, nose, ears, shiny coat, fatness and activity are all indicators of a healthy dog ​​that will not cause problems.
  • Pet parents. Pay attention to the conditions in which the puppy's mother lives, what she is fed, how she behaves. The first months of socialization, which the future pet spends with littermates, leave an imprint on all his further behavior. Hysterical, overly nervous parents may well pass on such qualities by inheritance.
  • The number of puppies in the litter. Be sure to ask how many puppies were in the litter. Optimal quantity for a chihuahua - 3-4 pieces. If there are more puppies, they may be malnourished, which may well affect the health of a grown dog.
  • Tail and paws. The Chihuahua is a very fragile breed. If the puppy licks its tail or limps, it could mean an injury. Not too noticeable at the age of several months, it can seriously spoil the exterior of a grown pet.

We should not forget that responsible breeders never give away puppies younger than 2.5 months to avoid further health problems. In addition, an older baby is quite visible breed and future appearance. The exterior of a grown pet, bought in more than early age, can be an unpleasant surprise for the owner.

Today, Chihuahuas are quite popular dogs. Thanks to their small size they are very convenient to keep even in small apartments, so many people prefer to get dogs of this particular breed. However, not everyone knows where to start and how not to make a mistake when choosing a puppy. In this article, we will explain in detail how to choose chihuahua puppy.

To choose a Chihuahua, you must first decide where the animal will be purchased. You should not make a choice in favor of pet stores, and even more so the market, since these places are dubious, and the chances of acquiring a healthy pet are much lower. You should buy a dog only in specialized kennels, but even here you should not lose your vigilance.

It's no secret that the cost of puppies of this breed is quite high, so some unscrupulous sellers, frankly, mock animals for profit. So, for example, they can save on dog food or use females as a procreation machine, not allowing them to really recover from previous births. Naturally, in such conditions, one cannot even talk about healthy puppies.

In order not to run into such sellers, pay attention to the conditions for keeping babies. The cage in which they are kept must be clean, and the food must be of high quality. Also, a good breeder from whom you take a Chihuahua will always be able to provide you with all necessary information about the pet's pedigree, and even show its parents if you want. The dog must have a veterinary passport with all the necessary data. In addition, there should be no more than five individuals in the litter to which the puppy belongs. If everything is in order, feel free to get a pet.

What to look for when buying

How to choose the right Chihuahua puppy? It is not enough just to find a good nursery where the baby will be purchased, you also need to know what indicators you should pay attention to when choosing.

External indicators

Let's start with the simplest - appearance. What do healthy dogs look like? In purebred dogs, the head should be apple-shaped, the muzzle short, and the forehead prominent. If the skull of the animal is flat, then it can be considered a defect. In addition, if the muzzle is too elongated or too flat, this is a clear indication that your baby is not purebred, and he had a terrier or a Pekingese in his family.

Also, a healthy puppy will have clean and undamaged ears. It is necessary to carefully examine them for irritations or pustules if you do not want to purchase a sick animal. In addition, about healthy condition doggy testifies wet nose. If it is dry and hot, most likely the baby is sick or has a cold. The dog's eyes should also be free of any discharge. As a rule, they are huge, round and slightly moist.

Look closely at the coat, it should be shiny and smooth. If your pet is long-haired, then it should be soft and thick. Do not take a puppy that has any kind of skin irritation or rash. She must be absolutely healthy. Moreover, refuse to cooperate with the breeder if you find fleas in the baby's wool - this is clear evidence bad care behind the dog.

Do not forget to feel the paws to exclude the possibility of dislocations or improperly fused bones. Chihuahua puppies should be moderately well-fed: weight should not be less than 0.5 kg and more than 2.5 kg. Even mini chihuahuas cannot weigh less than half a kilo. In general, on examination, make sure that the puppies are absolutely healthy and do not have any congenital or acquired defects.

Chihuahua behavior

Last important factor, which helps to identify whether the dog has health problems. She should be playful, active and friendly. If the puppy is apathetic or aggressive, this indicates abnormalities or illnesses. In addition, you should pay attention to the coordination of the dog - in healthy individuals, everything is in order with it. Also pay attention to how the puppy eats: if he does it with appetite, then everything is in order; if not, it's possible he has worms.

Girl or boy

Another question that often torments people who are going to get a Chihuahua: a boy or a girl? Who is better? Whom to choose? In fact, both the boy and the chihuahua girl are both good, the difference is not too great.

If, thinking about who to choose, you opted for a chihuahua girl, be prepared for the fact that she will have heat twice a year. This continues for one to two weeks, and the pet may inadvertently stain your furniture. This problem can be solved with the help of special diapers or, if the individual is clean, she will take care of herself.

Another problem can be pregnancy and difficult childbirth, but if you do not plan to breed, just keep your pet from liaising with the opposite sex. In general, girls are clean, mark their territory much less and are very easy to train.

  1. If you want to immediately take part in exhibitions, then you will probably ask at what age you can take a puppy. In this case, he should be 8-9 months old.
  2. Find out what the dog is fed. Abrupt change food can cause health problems.
  3. Long-haired Chihuahuas are more friendly.
  4. The dog's temperament will not change, so choose carefully.
  5. If there is a desire to train a puppy, take one that closely follows the movement of your hands - they are more prone to training.

When choosing a Chihuahua puppy, we first of all look at its external qualities and playful character, but rarely when we pay attention to the health indicators of the animal.

These indicators are, first of all, the condition of the baby's teeth - this is the correct bite (it can be scissor-shaped or straight), which is formed in a puppy at the age of 1.5 months. Chihuahua, a small dog, loses teeth at the age of 4-5 years, and the shorter the puppy's muzzle, the weaker its teeth. This physiological quality the animal needs to be known.

Next, you need to determine the weight of the baby - as a rule, it is approximately 2-3 kilograms for puppies standard sizes and 1.8 kilograms for mini puppies. Of course, this category of Chihuahua has a much higher price. The choice is yours, but it is worth remembering that it often happens when dishonest breeders sell small puppies of the standard category under the guise of "show class" or "mini" (there are three categories of Chihuahua puppies: "show class", "breed class" and “pet-class”), which is why we need to determine the specified weight.

The next point of inspection of the puppy is to highlight his ears. The ears of a healthy dog ​​are clean, without visible dirt and redness. As a rule, specialists can immediately determine whether an animal is sick or not just by looking at its ears. If possible, it is necessary to buy a puppy in the presence of a veterinarian.

The puppy must be active. Even after sleep, within a few minutes, he will begin to actively run and explore new things, but if the puppy sits (or lies) and does not show activity, then this is already a cause for concern. But do not confuse a sick animal with a shy one, some puppies may simply be scared of new visitors. Chihuahua girls more affectionate, cautious and attentive to new people. This is worth taking into account.

The puppy's nose should always be wet. If it is dry and the animal is inactive, this is a sign of illness. If the dog has a cold and his nose is running, this is not a global problem, he will soon recover, as small dogs have a tendency to catch colds, especially in winter.

Pay attention to where and how the animal relieves itself. There have been many cases when people bought an animal according to an ad (on the Internet or in a newspaper) that indicated that the puppy was accustomed to a tray or a diaper, but when they came for an inspection, the dog, playing, relieved himself right on the floor, and the breeders immediately explained it as "puppy joy", "puppy fright", "excited state" and so on. As a rule, it is worth making sure that the puppy is accustomed to cleanliness. After all, if you buy a puppy at the age of 3 and older, and he is accustomed to cleanliness, then in the future it will be quite difficult to teach him. Trust, but verify.

It is not uncommon for small puppies to be fed with special food, while the animal also eats other nutritious foods (cottage cheese, milk, cheese, cereals, liquid soups, boiled vegetables, etc.), but if the breeder convinces you that the puppy is accustomed to eat only one food is a sign that no one was engaged in it, or that they were not serious about their work.

Ask for documents for the animal (if any). Chihuahua puppies purchased from a responsible breeder must have the following documents:
- pedigree (it contains all the ancestors of the dog, including the presence of "foreign blood", in fact, this determines the value of the animal and its ability to participate in exhibitions and shows);

Veterinary passport (it must contain all marks indicating vaccinations);

Brand (or microchip, this will help identify the animal and find it in case of loss).

Do not be shy to require the breeder to draw up a contract of sale, this is a very responsible and serious purchase, which must be properly executed. A conscientious breeder will not argue with you or look for ways to delay such an agreement, or not draw it up at all.

Chihuahua is a rather unassuming breed. Looking at the puppy decide what you need it for: diversify family leisure or win exhibition medals. Regardless of the chosen goal, there are a number of rules and criteria that will help you choose a healthy and cheerful puppy.

Choosing a pet

When choosing a puppy, consider several diverse criteria:

  1. Floor. Females are 20% more expensive than males, who like to mark territory and are harder to toilet train. If you want to save money - take a dog.
  2. The size. Miniature Chihuahuas are rare, so the demand and price for them is high. Very little puppy can be purchased if you are not interested in exhibition regalia: judges like the standard "dimensions".
  3. By the way, about exhibitions. If you're going to claim championship titles, check with the seller how promising the puppy is in this regard.
  4. The shortcomings of the breed (malocclusion and size of the fontanel) do not affect the health of the dog in any way, but significantly reduce its cost.
  5. Temperament. It is often directly proportional to the size: the larger the puppy, the more mobile and more fun it is.
  6. Mutual affection. It often happens that the puppy himself chooses his future owner, runs up and caresses him. You, too, can fall victim to dog charm by reaching out to one of the babies.
  7. A special article is breeding. For this purpose, a medium-sized and larger Chihuahua is suitable. It is also recommended to study in great detail the pedigree of the bitch you are purchasing.

Chihuahua Pedigree

The quality of the breed should be of interest to those who dream of prestigious titles at dog shows. Visual proof of the purity of the breed - the parents of your four-legged friend. When you see them, you will understand what his prospects are.

Although, there are no rules without exceptions: cubs of large individuals do not live up to the expectations of breeders and grow up less impressive than their parents. In turn, even very small puppies, growing up, do not grow to their parent sizes.

Studying the pedigree, look at the uniformity of the line, which also appears in the family. This indicator indicates that the breeder accurately culled non-standard puppies, as well as pronounced signs and purity of the breed. For exhibition copies, this is very important.

For a puppy without show ambitions, the “Good” mark is considered acceptable, but such dogs are not used for breeding.

Choosing a Healthy Chihuahua

Since the adults of this breed did not grow up, puppies should be taken after they reach two, even better 2.5 months, when the vaccinations are made.

When choosing, pay attention to such external signs:

  • Wool and skin: in a healthy pet, they are clean, the nose is dry, and the eyes are not watery.
  • Teeth. On the bottom and upper jaws there should be an equal number of incisors (6) and canines (2).
  • Bite. His defect often appears in Chihuahuas only after a change of teeth. Ideally, the lower incisors overlap with the upper ones, and the mandibular canine is located in the middle of the last incisor and upper canine.
  • The features of the breed, manifested in the length of the muzzle, the shape of the skull and a flat back. The tail is not twisted into a ring, the front legs are slender.
  • The puppy does not appear lethargic or emaciated.

What determines the price of a puppy

Often buyers wonder why tiny puppies are so expensive. The explanation is simple: the price of a dog is influenced by its exterior, breed, size, possible flaws and even character.

During years we selected and bought elite puppies, which led to an increase in the number of high-breed chihuahuas (according to international cynological standards FCI) in our kennel. We offer puppies that do not meet these standards at average market prices.