About the Chihuahua breed how to choose a puppy. Special control and security. What is the purpose of the puppy?

12-Sabrina>13-Scorpio>thank you! My kids))
when choosing a puppy.Need to pay attention:
1.Where and how do all dogs live, nursery!
2. Are they healthy, well-groomed, not kept in cages, psyche!
3. Opportunity sees the puppy's parents. At least mom. Check their documents, look at the hallmarks.
4. The puppy must have papers w/k, vet.passport.brand.
5. puppies are taken no earlier than two months of age.
If you think that I don’t give a damn, let everything be in cages and clogged, everything will be fine with me. You are mistaken, the foundation has been laid ..
6 .at two months. I’m sorry to say that the puppy will be mini, but this is a big lie about the fact that all our mothers give birth at 1.5 kg to fool people as they want. ((. The smallest puppy can start growing, but the largest girl left for herself for breeding. stops growing .. (((and becomes mini. so it’s safe to say that the puppy will be small after 5-6 months.
About mini Toy Knoppi, she correctly said that they are too small, these are sick dogs, disabled people who are dangerous to leave standing on a book. Normal weight for sneezes is from 1500 to 3 kg. and 3 kg sneeze, still the smallest dog in the world. When people come to me, tearfully asking for a mini, they were amazed to see standard dogs and asked if they were puppies or adult dogs. We have mothers with an average weight of 2500 kg.
If you want to choose a puppy, you need to focus not on weight and not exactly on the price .. how everyone loves. only for the price ... and everyone says for themselves, it’s cheaper for us .. that’s why it’s cheaper for ourselves. not to a neighbor .. to your beloved ..
So, you need to come to a kennel or a breeder, see the dogs (adults), choose who you like, what type, color, why do you need a dog? For exhibitions, for the soul, as a companion. boy girl. and if not, then wait. The choice must be taken seriously and thoughtfully. Then you will be happy, a dog with good genetics and health will delight you for many years!


Description and breed standard

The miniature Chihuahua got its name from the Mexican province of Chihuahua, where in 1850 its first images were found in the famous Montezuma Palace. At the end of the 19th century, live dogs were found in the forest, from there they were brought to the United States. At the first exhibitions where the dogs were presented, they made a splash. Officially, the breed was recognized only in 1904, in 1907 it came from the USA to Britain. The standard was developed and approved in 1923. To date, the description of the Chihuahua mini and the characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • The height of the dog at the withers is 15-23 cm.
  • Weight indicators - from 1.5 kg to 2.5 kg, fluctuations from 0.5 kg (super mini dogs) to 3 kg are acceptable.
  • The head is rounded, in the shape of an apple, the forehead is convex, the stop and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle are well defined.
  • The nose is moderately short, slightly upturned, the color of the lobe can be any.
  • The muzzle is short, straight, wide at the base, pointed at the tip.
  • Lips tightly pressed, scissor bite, cheeks dry and slightly pronounced.
  • The eyes are round and large, dark in color, expressive.
  • The ears are large, stand straight, open, wide at the base, slightly rounded at the tips, calm state located at an angle of 45°.
  • The neck is medium, slightly curved along the upper line, without dewlap; in males, the volume of the neck is larger than in females. Long-haired dogs have a fluffy collar.
  • The body is compact, its length is slightly longer than the height, the back is strong and short, the withers are slightly pronounced, the loin is muscular, the croup is slightly sloping, almost flat and wide.
  • The chest is deep and broad, the curve of the ribs is pronounced, when viewed from the front, the chest is medium wide, but not barrel-shaped. The abdomen is well tucked up.
  • The tail is medium, wide at the base and tapering at the tip. Set on high, curved in a curve or oval line, the tip is directed to the waist. The tail never goes down, does not hang between the legs.
  • The shoulders are well defined, muscular, the shoulder blades are close to the body, the front legs are straight, the pasterns are slightly inclined, the paws are small, oval, the pads are dense.
  • The hind legs are parallel to each other, the corners of the joints are well defined, in harmony with the joints of the front legs. The hocks are short, the metatarsus has pronounced Achilles tendons. The back legs are also small and oval.

All deviations from the standards are considered defects and lead to disqualification. Special attention pay attention to the weight and height of the dogs.

Features of wool and color

There are two types of coat in domestic chihuahuas: smooth short or long fluffy. Smooth-haired dogs are the most popular. It is believed that initially chihuahuas had long hair and did not know how to bark at all. Perhaps this variety appeared due to crossing with a Chinese hairless dog, which the Spaniards carried on their ships to catch rats. There is another version that short hair is the result of crossing a Chihuahua with local hairless Mexican dogs. In modern selection of smooth-haired dogs, Chihuahuas were crossed with pinschers and toy terriers.

The ideal coat of a smooth-haired dog is soft, smooth and glossy. It can be slightly elongated on the neck, tail, tummy and muzzle. There are short-haired chihuahuas with and without undercoat. The undercoat is dense, much shorter than the outer coat. Hard, scratchy hair in this breed is unacceptable, it is impossible to breed such dogs, it violates the standard.

Long-haired chihuahuas have pronounced fleece on the tummy, neck, ears and paws, as well as a beautiful plume on the tail. Their coat is straight or slightly wavy. The neck is bordered by a pretty collar. Long-haired Chihuahuas were crossed when breeding the breed with Spitz and Papillons. Chihuahua color can be any: white, black, spotted, tan. The rarest is silver-gray with a blue or blue tint. It is extremely difficult to breed such dogs, since the blue color gene is associated with a number of hereditary diseases. More appearance dogs, features of its coat and color, can be seen in numerous photos.

The nature and training of the dog

The miniature chihuahua doesn't quite look like your average decorative companion. Her character traits, despite her tiny size, are similar to those of a real watchdog. She warns the owner of the danger with a loud bark, rushes to the defense, even if she sees a much larger dog in front of her.

These pets are wary of strangers, they can either get scared or bark, sometimes even attack. It all depends on the temperament of each individual dog. Male Chihuahuas are disliked or feared because they greater growth and their voices are coarser. In addition, the owners of these little dogs are mostly women.

In the house, microdogs choose one owner, they treat the rest of the family coolly, but they will follow their pet on their heels, watching everything he does. According to the owners, chihuahuas copy the character and subtly feel the mood of a person, so the behavior of this miniature dog is a mirror of the soul of its owner. Dogs play with children, but they are not advised to start in a house where the child is less than 8 years old. If you hurt a dog, he will not hesitate to bite, protecting himself. In addition, the bones of the dogs are fragile, they can easily be injured by careless handling.

Chihuahuas get along with other animals in different ways. Large dogs are dangerous for them, they often perceive babies as rodents and their prey. In addition, some representatives of this breed like to "burrow". They bark loudly at other dogs, even if they are several times larger. big dog you may not like it, his answer for the chihuahua will be fatal.

The hunting instincts of a microdog are poorly developed, therefore it calmly perceives mice, hamsters or birds. It also does not react to cats, but small puppies can suffer from a cat. You can not start a Chihuahua in a house where there is already an adult cat. It is better to bring a kitten to an already adult dog.

dog training

Training a Mexican Chihuahua mini dog is not easy. She learns standard commands and rules, but more complex tricks are only possible for individual specimens and with great experience and patience of the trainer. Chihuahuas are dogs with a primitive temperament, rather wayward. The personality traits of domestic Chihuahua dogs are different. Some are calm and obedient, others are shy, others are pronounced dominants and are difficult to control. When buying a puppy, you never know what temper you will encounter.

Dog care and nutrition

Chihuahua - dogs average activity. A half-hour walk on a leash twice a day is enough for them. In warm and dry weather, they like to frolic in the yard, but with the onset of cold weather they freeze, they prefer to sit out in an apartment. Starting from the end of September until the end of April, in our climate, these decorative dogs need to be walked in clothes. For smooth-haired chihuahua clothes should be warmer than for long-haired. In winter, it is advisable to wear boots on the paws - special shoes for dogs is now sold in any pet store, it is not difficult to buy it.

Chihuahuas are very clean and easy to care for. But they have one small problem: when they are scared, they can not hold urine, no matter how hard they try. Little bladder does not allow the dog to wait from morning to evening walk, therefore it is better to accustom him to the tray. This task is not easy, but possible. You can not severely punish the dog if it shits in the wrong place. She gets scared and the situation will only get worse.

Short haired chihuahua mini special care does not require. Bathe dogs every 2-3 months. Dry shampoo can be used to condition the coat. Long haired dogs require better care. They should be combed two or three times a week, and shampoo and conditioner should be used when bathing. Haircut and special grooming for the Chihuahua are not provided, but some owners trim the coat to reduce the hassle of keeping.

Dog food

Chihuahuas can be fed both natural products and ready-made feeds. This little dog eats a little: only 60-80 g per kg of weight. The basis of nutrition is meat and offal (40-60% of the diet). Be sure to add vegetables, cereals, fruits, vitamins to food. Cottage cheese and an egg will be useful for a dog, but not more than once a week. Most breeders recommend feeding with ready-made foods, as they are well balanced, because in such a small amount of food that this breed consumes, it is difficult to calculate all the necessary substances for it. Each package of ready-made food has a table with food norms for dogs of different weights.

Health and breeding

Chihuahua females are allowed to mate at the third estrus, approximately 1.5 years. Males are knitted faster, in a year. It is undesirable to allow breeding bitches that weigh less than 2 kg. The course of pregnancy in dogs with low weight will be difficult, and they may not always give birth on their own.

On the eve of mating, dogs are dewormed, be sure to visit a veterinarian. To achieve a positive result, mating should be carried out on the 11-15th day after the onset of estrus. It is not allowed for a female more than one mating per year: her body can be depleted.

Chihuahua puppies in the same litter are born with different weights, this is not considered a defect, their fontanel is not closed. Similar features are characteristic only for representatives of this breed. Dogs grow quickly, you can wean them from their mother at three months. This is the age at which you can already approximately determine what size and weight adult dogs will be. Before you give a puppy, he is vaccinated. The first vaccination is carried out from 8 weeks of age, revaccination - at 12 weeks. Vaccinations need to be repeated annually.

Mini dogs of the Chihuahua breed are long-lived. Average duration They have 18-20 years of life. It largely depends on the conditions in which the dog lives, how correct her feeding is. The health of purebred dogs is excellent. Unfortunately, the great popularity of the breed led to the fact that unscrupulous breeders began to participate in its breeding. appeared in the lines hereditary diseases. Chihuahuas have:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • eye inflammation.

Small dogs do not tolerate cold well, they catch colds. Since their bones are fragile, pets often get injured. The fontanel or molera does not always grow even in adult dogs, so you should be careful about the dog, make sure that he does not hurt his head. Chihuahua mini, which weighs less than 1.5 kg, is more prone to disease and lives less. Supermini puppies often do not survive.

Selection and price of a puppy

It is advised to buy a small puppy not earlier than he is 3 months old. Many breeders recommend purchasing them at the age of 6-8 months. By that time, the puppies have already grown up enough, socialized, received all vaccinations, they are not so sensitive to a change of residence. In addition, these dogs have already learned the basic commands.

Chihuahua breeding has become very popular, so it is not always possible to find a reliable nursery. Before choosing a breeder, you should carefully look at reviews about him, inspect the conditions for keeping dogs and puppies. It does not hurt to study the breed standard according to the description, video and photo. Without this knowledge right choice difficult, distinguish or not distinguish a dog.

How much will a chihuahua cost? Price chihuahua puppy depends on the purity of the breed, its exhibition qualities, pedigree. For example, rare elite blue silver super puppies can go up to $1,000. In Russia, exhibition dogs cost from 20 to 60 thousand rubles, ordinary ones - 7 - 15 thousand rubles.

In Ukraine, a puppy can be bought for 2000 and 15,000 hryvnias. Do not take dogs with a very small weight, they may be in poor health. Sometimes breeders underfeed puppies in order to pass them off as super mini representatives of the breed, so they recommend purchasing six-month-old dogs. If the dogs are not purebred, have any disadvantages, they can be given to good hands or at a bargain price.


Where to buy

Choosing a dog breed and discussing your choice with your family is half the battle. We need to take a responsible approach to this process. Buying a pet in the markets or in dubious stores is not the best option for you. Buying puppies in such places does not give any guarantee that the baby will be physically and psychologically healthy.

Take your time and go around a few specialized nurseries. But even there, do not lose vigilance - many breeders save on the maintenance of their pets for the sake of future benefits. Not only that, such dog breeders are trying to circumvent sanitary standards. They do not particularly follow the rules for breeding dogs of this breed. They do not track the choice of boys for mating, and the bitches are not allowed to rest after the next birth. Under such conditions, the risk of obtaining defective offspring is simply enormous.

Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the following things:

  • for cleanliness in the aviary;
  • on the quality and quantity of food.

A conscientious breeder watches over his babies. The place where puppies live is always clean and dry. High-quality food in the prescribed volume is given to the dogs the required number of times.

If you wish to view the pedigree of your chosen puppy, the owner must provide all the detailed information and show the pet's parents. So you can imagine what kind of exterior and characteristic qualities your dog will have in the future. Also ask about the number of babies in the litter. There should be no more than five.

Together with the pedigree, the breeder is obliged to issue a veterinary passport and show where the stigma is on the dog.

If all the rules are observed in this nursery, you can safely purchase a Chihuahua puppy.

What is the purpose of the puppy?

Before you buy a Chihuahua puppy, decide what exactly you are taking it for. Not only the price will depend on this, but also the time when it is best to take the pet home.

If you plan to take part in exhibitions with your baby or start breeding a chihuahua, then it is advisable to pick up a puppy after a change of teeth, that is, at three to four months. Such dogs are carefully selected according to standard indicators. Accordingly, their price will be higher.

If you are looking for a companion dog, then you can buy a puppy as early as two months. In this case, the cost will be lower, because its qualities are not adjusted to the standard.

He or she

Before choosing a pet, decide on the gender of the dog. Chihuahua boys and girls have their own characteristics. Boys are active and curious, while girls are more affectionate and cautious.

Owners of girls will have to deal with estrus and pregnancy. Unmated boys are calm with bitches, but after mating it is best to lead the male on a leash - he will try to run after the girl during her estrus.

Also, Chihuahua boys love to mark their territory. You will have to take up education from the first day the boy appears in your house.

Basic indicators

To choose the right little chihuahua, you need to pay attention to two parameters:

  • puppy exterior;
  • puppy behavior.

External indicators

First of all, examine the baby's jaw. The bite in dogs of this breed is formed in a month and a half and can be either scissor-shaped or straight. Do not forget that the shorter the muzzle of the puppy, the worse the quality of the teeth.

The apple-shaped head of a chihuahua speaks of the thoroughbredness of the baby, as well as a short muzzle with a pronounced forehead. That is, a flat skull is unacceptable.

Pay attention to the state auricles puppy. Clean, without irritation and purulent discharge - this is what the ears of a healthy dog ​​look like.

Feel the lobe of the nose - it is usually wet. Dry nose is the first sign of any disease. The presence of discharge also indicates that the baby is sick. Perhaps he caught a cold.

The huge, round eyes of the Chihuahua should be slightly moist, with no discharge.

Pay attention to the coat of the Chihuahua: the short coat should be shiny and smooth, while the long coat should feel soft and thick to the touch. Long-haired Chihuahuas can have slightly wavy hair, but not curly hair.

On the skin of the puppy, there should be no rash, any irritation and dandruff. In the presence of such deviations, the puppy most likely has skin problems. If you find fleas in your pet's fur, then they are very poorly monitored.

The puppy's paws need to be well felt to find out if he has any dislocations or displacements.

Do not forget that the fontanel of a Chihuahua almost never overgrows. This means that you will always have to keep an eye on your pet to avoid trouble. For example, clean up all the unstable items in your house, or prevent the baby from fighting big dogs. Each decorative dog of this breed has this feature.


Chihuahua species

Chihuahuas are divided into longhaired and smoothhaired. The former have a soft, straight, silky coat and a not very dense undercoat. The hair of long-haired dogs has a fine structure. They are longest in the area of ​​the ears, neck, tail and hind legs. hairline at the neck it resembles a frill, and at the hind legs panties.

In smooth-haired species, the coat is dense and short. It feels very soft and smooth to the touch. The hair is shiny and silky. The rarest coat of wool they have is at the neck. In these places, animals can be seen skin covering. Long-haired and smooth-haired dogs differ in character. In "hairies" it is soft and flexible. Dogs with short hair are very mobile and quick-tempered.

By body type, breed standards are divided into two types: cobby and dir. The English word cobbi means stocky and undersized. Cobbies are burly men with large round eyes which are far apart from each other. Their muzzle is adorned with a snub-nosed nose. Their chest and paws are well developed, the powerful tail has a dense coat.

Dirs are like deer. This similarity gave the name to this group of animals. It originated from English word deer - deer. Dogs have a small head with an elongated muzzle. Their ears, in relation to the size of their heads, appear large. The chest of dirs is much smaller than that of cobbies. They have thin long tails, not very thick wool with undercoat. Breeders recognize both species but preference for breeding is given to them by the cobby.

Informal types of breed

The result of the illiterate breeding of the Chihuahua was the appearance various types, which formed intrabreed offshoots. They represent tribal marriage. These include types such as:

  • Pikinese. Snub-nosed and bug-eyed animals that look more like Japanese Chins than Pekingese. They have a large, curled-up tail that constantly lies on their backs.
  • Aboriginal. They have an insufficiently round head, high-set ears and closely spaced eyes.
  • English. They are distinguished by a rough body structure and an overloaded skeleton. Compared to other species, they have a fairly large weight.
  • Extreme. Characteristic features of the type are a convex forehead, bulging eyes and a snub-nosed muzzle. The head is enlarged. Animals are dwarf in size and have very small paws.
  • Exotic. The size of these dogs is even smaller than that of the extreme ones.
  • Classical. They have a flattened forehead, a slightly lowered muzzle and an irregular stop angle. They belong to dir-type.

All these species are widespread in everyday life, but are not used to breed the breed.

pygmy chihuahua

The difference between the breed standard and mini becomes apparent at the age of 12-15 months. The standard weight is from 1.7 to 3 kg. Mini include animals with a weight of 0.8 to 1.7 kg. Their life expectancy can reach 12 years. They have an incomplete set of teeth and a very fragile body structure. They cannot be dropped, kicked or beaten. It is not recommended to let larger animals near them. Even a cat can cause them serious injury.

Miniature Chihuahuas have weakened immune systems, so they require special care. Their food must be carefully ground. Despite their miniature size, pygmy dogs have real instincts watchdog. They have excellent hearing and excellent reaction. When a stranger appears, they begin to bark loudly and try to protect their master, showing their fearlessness.

They have features such as:

  • high intelligence;
  • observation;
  • stubbornness;
  • determination.

They are easily trained, very devoted to their master, jealous and touchy, they really do not like to be shouted at. Most part of time representatives of dwarf species are in motion. A calmer disposition in those of them who belong to the long-haired type.

short haired chihuahua

This species was bred before the longhair. Short-haired Chihuahuas have a height at the withers of 15 to 23 cm and a weight of 1 to 3 kg. These are active animals cheerful disposition who love to play. They are jealous of the attention of their owners, so experts do not recommend starting them for families with small children. Feeling a lack of attention, they can be aggressive towards the baby surrounded by the care of parents. It is very important for them to be the most beloved and adored member of the family.

Among the people surrounding the dog, she chooses her “favorite”. It becomes the person who spends the most time with her, feeds her, takes her for a walk and plays with her. After the birth, smooth-haired puppies in the first days eat only mother's milk. Gradually they are transferred to feeding with cottage cheese and ground boiled beef. They are fed 5-6 times a day. V feeding ration you can not include sweet, salty, smoked, fried and fatty foods.

How to choose a puppy?

Before buying a Chihuahua puppy, you need to decide on the question of why it is being purchased. If in the future it is planned to continue the breed, then the choice must be taken very seriously.

Among the dogs sold in the markets and in kennels, you can find a large number of puppies that are far from the requirements of breed standards. For Chihuahua lovers dreaming of dog shows and medals, it is better to look for a thoroughbred puppy from breeders.

Any thoroughbred puppy has its own pedigree and passport. Such puppies have the highest price. If they are bought as a true friend, then many deviations from the standards can be turned a blind eye.

Already in puppyhood, dogs begin to show the difference between male and female character. Girls bark less often, are less belligerent, love to sit on the hands of the owner. They are much easier to train and bring less trouble to the owners. Boys are more active, stubborn, like to bark and are very proud. Regardless of the sex of the animals, they become aggressive and irritable if they are not walked enough.


Where to buy?

You have already familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of keeping the breed and the difficulties of feeding, but then, an equally difficult test awaits you, you need to choose a healthy Chihuahua puppy. The first and, in fact, main question- where to buy a dog. There are several options:

  1. In a large nursery boarding house.
  2. In a private nursery.
  3. From an official breeder.
  4. From hands without documents.

First option- that's great rarity. The maintenance of a boarding house is a very expensive pleasure and such high-class nurseries can only be found abroad. Plus in the great experience of the breeder, a well-established system of feeding and care. Another advantage is the thorough examination of producers for genetic diseases. The downside is that your future pet is far away and if you do not visit the nursery in person, you will not be able to verify the words of the breeder.

Second option- This is a system according to which the breeder keeps several dogs, and sells his promising puppies under co-ownership agreements. That is, a puppy offered for sale may not be in the breeder's house / kennel (in another city, region, country). Unfortunately, many private kennels are a puppy production line and nothing more, but if you find breeders who really love their dogs, you will be very lucky.

Important! Do not buy a puppy at the first inspection of the litter, think, weigh your feelings, compare and check the data obtained, re-read the breed standard. If the breeder strongly insists on an instant purchase, further negotiations with him are not worth it!

Third option is the purchase of a puppy from a dog that lives with a breeder. In a sense, this choice is optimal, since the seller knows the pros and cons of his dogs. The risk is that the breeder may have little experience or be dishonest, that is, deliberately withhold facts in order to deceive.

Advice: watch the behavior of the seller during the negotiations, decent breeders will literally arrange an interrogation with passion and will think (!) Is it worth giving you their puppy!

All of the above options imply the presence of pedigrees and the high cost of puppies. If you are financially constrained, then you can consider pet-class puppies (without prospects for an exhibition career). Such dogs are cheaper, but are sold with the condition of sterilization.

Fourth option- this is a puppy without a pedigree, as experience shows, the favorite option of most people who buy a dog for fun. The absence of a pedigree not only deprives the dog of the right to breeding work, but also carries certain risks. Chihuahuas of unknown origin often have mental problems. In addition, as a bonus, with ill-conceived matings, the risks of developing breed pathologies increase (and there are a lot of them).

Advice: if you want to get a healthy dog, read the documents and conclusions of veterinary examinations before looking at the puppies themselves. If there are no documents, then it is not worth negotiating!

Puppy gender

Perhaps the choice of the puppy's sex is the only decision that should be made intuitively. Already in puppyhood boy and girl behave differently. Usually, females grow and develop faster. Contrary to popular belief, Chihuahua males are more loyal and obedient. Bitches are more picky in education and even in food.

Many would-be owners choose the bore as it won't mark territory. We dare to disappoint you, girls also mark, and not so rarely. A non-breeding male can be castrated, which will forever remove the issue of wet corners. If the boy is a potential producer, it will be easier to potty train him.

Advice: during puberty, even perfectly bred dogs can mark territory. If sterilization or castration is not possible due to breeding value, it is recommended to use hygienic belts for dogs.

The weaker half of the Chihuahua also has advantages. For example, they like to sit on their hands more and bark less. Boys love to guard apartment and owner, which is often fraught with barking under the door. Males are prone to skirmishes with same-sex dogs, even if the opponent is much larger. Girls remain playful as adults and willingly trained, males become proud.

Interesting! The theory does not cover all the features of the development of heterosexual puppies, education also plays a significant role. In the absence of socialization or lack of walks, the dog will be nervous, may begin to bite or run away and this does not depend on gender.


Description and photo

To some owners, their tiny dogs resemble either miniature Dobermans or fluffy pigs, depending on what kind of adult animal it takes on. Due to the fact that many other bloods have been poured into this breed to diversify their appearance, the breed standards are strictly regulated only by weight. Color and coat are very different.

Why mini: appearance and weight of the breed

Dogs smaller than the Chihuahua breed dogs cannot be found. These are the smallest animals in the canine world. The subsection of the "mini" breed includes the smallest of its representatives, which differ from the standard Chihuahua in their tiny size and weight according to the breed description. You can evaluate the appearance of the breed in the following photos.
Breed standards were developed in the middle of the last century, and these indicators are quite strict:

  • general form- compact body, in males, the height from the paws to the scruff of the neck practically coincides with the total body length, which causes square proportions. Bitches have a slightly elongated body due to the need to bear puppies. Important is the shape of the skull, similar to an apple, a shortened muzzle, a tail curved in a crescent, which the dog holds up;
  • proportions- length from tail to neck slightly exceeds height from paws to withers;
  • head- apple-shaped, it is possible to have a fontanel, which does not overgrow in adult Chihuahua-mini and Chihuahua-standard. The difference in the transition from the forehead and the head as a whole to the muzzle and shortened nose is pronounced, it is deep, separating the muzzle from the strongly convex forehead;
  • muzzle- has the form of a short wedge, which tapers from the eyes to the nose;
  • nose- small, slightly upturned, any pigmentation is allowed;
  • lips- dark or light, without excessive saliva, tightly cover the teeth;
  • teeth- a complete set of forty-two pieces. Twenty on the upper jaw, twenty-two on the lower;
  • jaws- scissor bite, let's say straight. Pincer bite is considered a marriage;
  • eyes- large, expressive, very dark (mostly brown). Can be bulging and with an iris light color, but such a phenomenon is highly undesirable;
  • ears- relatively large head, erect. Calm, contented chihuahuas spread them apart, then the dog's ears hang slightly with rounded tips at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • neck- medium length, with a thickening at the base of the skull. The neck of males is thicker than that of females;
  • withers- not expressed. Sometimes distinguished by elongated hair;
  • back- strong, extended. Males have slightly shorter backs than females;
  • small of the back- with pronounced muscle tissue, slightly elongated in females due to childbearing ability;
  • croup- wide, even, almost no slope;
  • breast- Rounded ribs form a voluminous chest that descends to the elbows. Excessively wide barrel-shaped chest is unacceptable;
  • tail- Set high and tight, it tapers from a broad base to a thin tip. A healthy and vigorous Chihuahua keeps its tail upturned, slightly curved, according to the characteristics of the breed, it should look like a feather or a crescent. When at rest, it descends and remains curved at the end. Wrinkling of the tail, its presence between the legs or on the back is unacceptable;
  • forelimbs- dry, straight, without angles in the elbows, with flexible pasterns. The elbows are placed close to the body, so the animal moves easily;
  • hind limbs- more muscular than the front. The junctions of the joints are strong, the Achilles tendons are parallel to each other;
  • paws- small, with long spread fingers and claws. Paw pads are springy, tender, dewclaws are in the amount of one or two pieces, but they are removed from puppies;
  • gait- very energetic. The legs move parallel to each other, when accelerating they move to the so-called linear track - they step exactly under the stomach. In running, the manner of movement remains light, the eyes look straight;
  • wool- Chihuahua mini are smooth-haired and long-haired. In smooth-haired animals, both coat and undercoat lie close to the skin, the coat lengthens on the head, tail and withers. There are no hairless dogs. In long-haired animals, the coat has a softer wavy texture, and the undercoat is sparse. There is long wool on ears, insides of paws and tail. Any coat color is allowed, pearl blue and chocolate shades are especially highly valued;
  • weight- in adults, body weight ranges from half to one and a half kilograms. As for the Chihuahua, they can weigh up to three kilograms. Animals that weigh more are not suitable for breeding and exhibition work;
  • growth- in females, sizes from fifteen to nineteen centimeters are permissible. Males are slightly larger, their height at the withers is twenty to twenty-three centimeters.

Character features

These dogs very intelligent, loyal and courageous. Despite their tiny size, mini chihuahuas rush to protect their owner from cars, dogs and other people, regardless of their size and characteristics, so if you don’t teach the “no” command to chihuahua, it can run into aggression from the outside. large dogs. This is an owner animal that sincerely loves only one person - its owner. It treats family members patiently, sometimes even condescendingly, but does not tolerate excessive affection, therefore it can bite small child who decides to play with him.

To people who used to be owners of large dogs, this crumb may seem too intrusive. In fact, the Chihuahua shows only mutual interest. If you are not in the mood to play with your dog, or you want to do household chores, chi-chi will not spin under your feet, but will take care of a bone, a toy, or fall asleep. These are surprisingly intelligent creatures, which are widely used as companions by hearing-impaired people for their quick wits and patience. Pets notify them of the arrival of guests, problems arising at home and incoming calls. They can lie motionless for hours near the owner if he is sick, and are ready to go for a walk with him at any time of the day.

To strangers chihuahua mini treated viciously, but not too aggressive. Adult dogs are very daring, with a real Mexican temperament, easily come into conflict when it comes to protecting the owner. These are brave knights with a soft heart. Chi-Chi are prone to panic attacks, can not stand loneliness, in stressful situations they begin to shake a small shiver. They are loyal and jealous like no other dogs.

History of appearance

This breed begins its history from the sacred Techichi dogs, which were bred by the Mayans and Toltecs. Respectively, Chihuahua from Mexico and the first mention of them dates back to the 15th century. The Toltecs revered this breed as sacred - images of sneezes are still carved on the walls of temples and tombs. The Maya, after conquering the land of the Toltecs, continued this tradition, at the same time eating chi-chi for food. During the conquests, the Spanish conquistadors massively destroyed the local population and their animals. Some of the pets fled to the jungle and settled there.

For several centuries this breed ceased to exist until, in the 19th century, Mexicans stumbled upon feral chi-chi in the surrounding jungle. They tamed them, started breeding tiny dogs at home. Tourists coming to Mexico were fascinated by the brave animals and bought dozens of them. So this breed came to America and European countries, where it immediately began to be shown at exhibitions and earned universal love.

How to buy a healthy puppy

Chihuahua puppy choose from a nursery. If you don't have money for thoroughbred dog, then you can save them up and invest in your pet so that you know for sure that your dog is healthy and will develop properly. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the entire litter. If there are clearly unhealthy animals in it, then your dog also inherited these defects, only along a recessive line. In one litter there can be no more than three, in extreme cases, four puppies, because a larger number provokes diseases and exhaustion in some individuals.
First of all check the skin and coat. A healthy smooth-haired puppy will have a thick and dense coat and undercoat, while a long-haired puppy will have wavy and soft. The skin should be smooth to the touch, free of flea crumbs, dandruff, irritation, and sores. Ears, nose and eyes in healthy animals are clean, without excess mucous and purulent secretions, do not exude at close range bad smell. The baby's limbs are short, but not too short. They are thick, strong, even. Look at the puppy from behind - the hind legs should overlap the front and form straight parallel lines. Feel the puppy's elbow and hock joints - they should not have thickenings, deformations or swelling.

A healthy baby will be playful, frisky and curious. Check n does he have a swollen tummy- stretched skin of the abdomen indicates helminthic invasion. Ask the breeder if the babies ate well in Lately whether their appetite was disturbed. Examine the puppy's parents: they must have the correct breed exterior. If you take a very small puppy into the house, then his mother may look neglected and exhausted, because she did not have time to recover from childbirth - do not be alarmed, this is the norm.

Dogs of this breed are expensive. In addition to the high price per head, they require competent care, good nutrition and regular examinations by a veterinarian. You can't save money on a baby. If you buy an animal from your hands, through an online auction or in a bird market, be prepared for the fact that you will grow at best a mestizo or quadruple. You can buy a real chi-chi only in a certified nursery, and you won’t be able to choose an average quality puppy - nurseries sell only the best representatives of the breed.

average price on these dogs ranges from seven hundred to two thousand dollars. The price is primarily affected by sex - females are more expensive than males by a third. Weight also determines the price - puppies that are light in breed characteristics grow into light dogs, which are considered rarer and more thoroughbred. The blue color of the coat is less common than others and increases the value of the animal by four to five times. Birth and the presence of titles from parents is another costly factor.

Where is the best place for a pet to live?

Due to its small size, this animal gets along well. both in a private house and in a small city apartment. If you do not have the opportunity to often walk your pet, accustom him to a cat tray: he will relieve himself in it. As for personal space, the crumbs must have a permanent place to sleep and rest, in which he will feel safe. In order not to harm a small and fragile creature, for the first few weeks of the dog's stay in the house, you can take it to a specially fenced enclosure. When the baby gets used to it, expand the zone of his walks, first closing it in the room, then enclosing the corridor for him, and then let him run around the whole apartment.

Must buy for your pet special soft house, where he can be comfortable. Place a litter tray, bowls of food and drinking water near the house so that the puppy does not have to look for everything he needs. It is advisable to choose a small house so that such a small dog does not freeze. As your dog matures, you can move the food bowls and litter box to their final locations - for example, put the bowls in the kitchen and take the litter box to the balcony or toilet.

Features of care

The duties of caring for dogs of this breed are not at all burdensome, especially when it comes to smooth-coated chi-chi.

Looking after the hair

There are almost no problems with hair care in dogs of this breed. Most of all, the quality of wool is influenced by the type of food the dog eats. Pet needs brushing massage brush or comb with rare teeth three times a week and pick out small rubbish with your hands. Dogs should be combed along the hairline, after combing, remove dead hairs from the body with a damp cloth or massage mitt. Long-haired sneezes grow hair between the fingers and near the anus - trim it from time to time to maintain good hygiene.

We take baths

Your dog's fur will be slow to get dirty, because this creature clean and handmade. It is necessary to bathe it as oil fat appears, so as not to overdry the delicate, prone to irritation skin - three to four times a year. This can only be used special cosmetics for the care of dogs, since human shampoos are not suitable for these animals. After bathing, the hair of the crumbs should be dried with a cold hair dryer and combed with a comb with sparse teeth, as water procedures provoke a slight shedding.

Eyes, ears, claws, teeth

The ears of these dogs are large, accumulate a large amount of dust and earwax, so they need to be cleaned regularly with cotton pads and cotton buds moistened with warm water or special cleaning liquid. Bulging eyes should be wiped twice a week from mucous secretions and lacrimal sediment. For this purpose, soaked in eye drops for dogs are also suitable. cotton pads. Keep your nails trimmed regularly, as they grow along with the blood vessels that feed them and can injure the delicate paw pads. While trimming, check the nails to the light - they are hollow, and you can clearly see the border of the pulp inside. As for the teeth, they are small in chi-chi and overgrown with tartar. To maintain oral hygiene, brush their teeth with a soft brush and unscented baby toothpaste or tooth powder.

Special control and security

As a puppy under no circumstances don't leave your pet alone. His bones are very fragile, and the fontanel on his head is large, so any unsuccessful jumps from sofas, tables, chairs onto a hard floor can result in fractures at best. Carry the chi-chi on your hands, with one hand under your belly and the other under your ass. These dogs are very nimble, so sometimes they twist out of the wrong grip or try to jump from a human height to the floor, and this is fraught with head injuries.

Until you get used to the new little creature in the house, put a bell on it and the dog will notify you of its approach, because there is a high risk of stepping on a pet spinning under your feet or hitting it with an opening door. Remove all wires, plastic bags and packaging from the floor - chi-chi have an inexplicable weakness for them and constantly gnaw them. Pieces of plastic can be swallowed and will not come out naturally from the intestines.

Take the baby outside only on a harness or in a tight collar. The fact is that from loosely fastened collars, frightened sneezes get out and run away. In crowded places, hold your pet in your arms. Do the same on the streets with active traffic - the pet may rush to defend you from the car. Watch out for cyclists, as a dog can run after the wheels of a bicycle, and the driver simply does not have time to dodge a small fluffy lump.

Another danger that awaits your pet on the street is crows. Probably, small dogs remind them of their usual prey - rats. These birds can get close to brave creatures and even peck at them. In the winter, always put your Chihuahua in dog boots and overalls. Thermoregulation in dogs of this breed is poor, and they are often cold.

Feeding mini chihuahua

Even the smallest canids are carnivores, so consider your pet's diet meat based. Chihuahuas are capricious dogs, but you will have to proceed, in addition to their taste preferences, from the usefulness of the food. First, eliminate all foods that have been heavily processed. Refined, sweet, spicy, fatty, salty foods, that is, all fast food, homemade food and store-bought sweets are not suitable for this dog. Organize a healthy diet into five components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Protein your pet will receive from meat and fish fillets, dairy products and eggs. Eggs and sea fish can be given once a week - for example, on weekends, feed cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk three times a week. Poultry and cattle meat must be boiled, for puppies it is chopped into large pieces. Chi-chi cannot eat pork, it is unhealthy meat for him. Chihi offal is loved, but they can be fed no more than twice a week, not raw or fried.

Source of carbohydrates porridge will become: buckwheat, brown rice, oats, corn, cooked in meat broth. For taste, hard cheese can be rubbed into cereals - not much, up to ten grams per serving. Vegetables and fruits given as a vitamin component of the diet. Be sure to boil the vegetables and grind to a puree state. You can feed carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, beets, always with the addition of vegetable oil. Give fruits raw, remove the seeds from the berries first. Chi-chi are rarely prone to allergies, so they can be pampered with strawberries, raspberries, bananas, apples and fruit puree with the addition of dried fruits.

To calculate your servings, pay attention to your dog's height, weight and activity - These animals are very easy to overfeed. For every kilogram of weight in one day, fifty grams of food should be given if the dog is medium-sized and moves little, and seventy to eighty grams if its activity is increased. At the same time, two-thirds of the diet should be meat and dairy products, and a third - fruits and vegetables. Feed the baby twice a day, morning and evening, and during the day, so that he does not beg for delicious food, let's chew on a leather bone or a dog biscuit.

Physical activity

Combine walking and outdoor games with training. These are very smart crumbs, so get them through the encouragement method. execution of commands such as "no", "come" and "sit". The unquestioning submission of the pet to these words will greatly facilitate your life. These dogs are not prone to gaining excess weight, so there is no need to subject them to special physical exertion. Walk your pet three times a day and let him frolic enough without letting go of the harness. He himself will feel tired and will be asked to go home. At home, occupy him with toys and close him in a separate room so that he runs with a ball or a shuttlecock and does not harm himself.

Illnesses and care difficulties

Chi-chi - ancient dog breed, therefore, she rarely has problems with poor heredity. Nevertheless, hydrocephalus is common among animals of this breed due to the fact that the fontanel on the skull is delayed by four months or not at all. Such babies are immediately culled. The tendency to urolithiasis, dislocation of the patella and rheumatism of the bones are individuals of venerable age. As for small puppies, they are found to have valvular heart disease, hypoglycemia, and lung problems. Hypoglycemia can be prevented by weaning puppies from their mother at the age of at least two and a half months. Undescended testicles occur in young males due to improper feeding at puppyhood.

Due to the fact that the skin of these animals is sensitive and thin, they can be affected by the demodex skin mite. This is an unpleasant disease, dangerous for people, but it can be cured. You will have to destroy all dog equipment and take the baby to the veterinarian for diagnosis. Adult bitches may experience problems with childbirth due to multiple pregnancies, so childbirth must be under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Acquired diseases of these dogs include respiratory diseases. Chihi are very sensitive to drafts and cold, so if you overlook and overexpose your pet in uncomfortable conditions, he will catch a cold. They carry colds just like people do - they have a fever, mucous discharge from the nose appears, they sneeze and cough forcefully. Launched SARS lead to chronic problems with the respiratory system, so take your baby to the veterinarian with such symptoms.

Improper feeding or poor hygiene cause digestive problems. Chihuahua minis can suffer from constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting. If your pet shows signs intestinal infection force him to drink with a tablespoon castor oil, and then instead of water, give a weak solution of potassium permanganate or weak tea as a drink.

Chihuahua teeth are small, so they calculus occurs profusely. It causes pulpitis, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity. If you were unwilling or unable to take care of oral cavity your dog, and because of this, he has earned problems with his teeth, go to veterinary clinic for a consultation, get a referral for tartar removal by a professional and ask them to teach you how to clean the teeth of an animal.

About the pros and cons

The advantages of this breed for one dog breeder may be significant disadvantages for another.


  1. Small size. With such a miniature dog, you will be able to enter even those establishments where dogs are not allowed. Usually, shopkeepers and administrators on the beaches are loyal to the Chihuahua. In addition, this pet will not take up much space either in an apartment or in a private house - it will have enough of its own corner with a stove bench, bowl and tray.
  2. Convenient walk. The Mexican baby does not need long walks. To warm up, it will be enough for him to run along the corridor and jump a couple of times for a toy. These dogs can stay indoors for weeks and still not feel longing for the outdoors.
  3. Economy in feeding. Due to the fact that the pet consumes tiny portions of food, you can buy him elite holistic food and keep on them. Holists do not require additional feeding or feeding vitamin supplements, as they have an impeccably balanced composition. This animal needs a maximum of one hundred and fifty grams of purchased or homemade food per day.
  4. Good health. Due to the fact that breeding work on these dogs was practically not carried out, they retained the qualities that their ancient ancestors had, bred by nature itself.
  5. Accuracy. Chihuahuas are not prone to destruction. They are more likely to inadvertently harm themselves than ruin your interior, so you can not worry about the integrity of furniture and shoes.


  1. Injury. As mentioned earlier, these are very fragile creatures that can be harmed if you step to the side unsuccessfully or forget to remove them from the chair. You will have to be doubly careful and at first move around the apartment more slowly than you are used to.
  2. Difficult reproduction. Almost none of the Chi-Chi births can do without veterinary care, since their miniature size allows them to carry and feed puppies, but the mother cannot push them out of the womb. Childbirth greatly exhausts this animal.
  3. Difficulties with training. These animals cannot be called stupid, they simply perceive the actions of their master differently. First of all, chi-chi catch emotions and only then react to voice commands. Any action, any command will require dozens of repetitions before it is learned. Even after your pet is trained, commands will have to be repeated from time to time.

Difficulties in training and caring for these animals are more than offset by their intelligence, curiosity and courage. A small dog with a big heart will love you if you give him food, a home and your care. Chi-chi will capture your mood and well-being, cheer you up when you are sad, walk with you and protect you. Their selfish and quarrelsome disposition can affect everyone except you, because with you she will be brave, loving and patient. Remember the rules of feeding, care and character traits of this baby. Then you will perfectly understand your pet, and he will reciprocate.


What to pay attention to?

Of course, if you are not only a beginner dog breeder, then it will be difficult for you to immediately understand whether the dog is healthy in appearance. Moreover, all puppies are very cute and touching. But still, for some important points in appearance it is worth paying attention.

  1. First, look at how the puppy behaves. If he is weak, lethargic or sullen, it is better to refuse him, even if he is very, very sympathetic to you. All healthy dogs are cheerful, active and cheerful.
  2. Take the baby in your arms and check his reaction, touch the paws, nose, ears. The dog must respond correctly to all parts of the body. But not evil, of course.
  3. Check the skin for any rashes, inflammation or scratching.
  4. The eyes of a Chihuahua should be slightly moist, but not wet, let alone watery.
  5. The baby should not have a swollen tummy or strongly sunken sides. It is only slightly rounded if the puppies have just eaten. If possible, watch the dogs eat.
  6. Wool is also an important indicator of health in puppies. In smooth Chihuahuas, it is smooth and shiny, in long-haired Chihuahuas it is thick and soft to the touch.
  7. Next, you need to check the exterior of the baby. The back of the Chihuahua should be flat and straight, the tail without creases, slightly bent, but not in a bagel.
  8. The head should not be flat or very elongated. Ideally, the muzzle is 1/3 the length of the entire skull. The forehead should be well defined with abrupt transition to the muzzle.
  9. Feet should be straight and parallel when standing.
  10. Check your puppy's bite and teeth health.


Puppy selection options

How to choose a Chihuahua to avoid annoying mistakes? When buying, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

The external condition of the puppy. It should look neat, skin and coat is clean (with shine), eyes and nose without secretions, moderately well-fed.

The behavior of a healthy puppy after rest is quite lively. It is possible to determine the state of health of a puppy by its habits: lethargy or aggressiveness is an undesirable sign.

Breed Standard Compliance. Breed standards must be short muzzle length and round shape skulls.

The elongation of the muzzle indicates a relationship with that terrier, but if it is too short, the probability of a cross with a Pekingese is quite high.

The back in the rack is straight, the tail is without bend, slightly bent, but not folded into a ring. The forelimbs of the puppy are even.

At the rear, the angles of connection with the hip, knee and hock joints should be visible. At the age of two months, this is rather difficult to determine, since this defect is more pronounced after five months.

Correct bite

Particular attention should be paid to the teeth and bite of a Chihuahua puppy. As a standard, at two months old, a puppy should already have twelve teeth (an equal number on the upper and lower jaws).

However, there are exceptions to the rules. An important parameter is the correct bite. This means that the upper jaw must completely cover the lower.

But this does not ensure 100% preservation of the correct bite in adulthood. But the original bite defect in the process of changing to molars, as a rule, is aggravated.

Dogs with this defect are not allowed to be bred and do not take part in exhibitions. They are purchased only as a pet.

It is impossible to determine in advance the correct bite in a dog, this is the specificity of the Chihuahua breed.

Puppy height and weight. The largest puppy from the litter may eventually become no larger than its counterparts. So, representatives of mini chihuahuas are sometimes born to large parents.

Before purchasing a Chihuahua puppy, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with its pedigree. When studying genealogy, the main interest is given to the uniformity of the line.

The uniformity of the line confirms the correctness of the rejection of dogs that did not meet the requirements of the breed standard. This indicator is especially important for future exhibitors.

When taking a puppy from the nursery, you should definitely ask the breeders what diet is acceptable for the crumbs and what actions should be taken for a more successful adaptation of the pet in a new family.

A radical change in nutrition can cause disorders of the digestive system, which are brought back to normal only by medical methods.

Long-haired Chihuahuas tend to be more friendly than short-haired ones. The latter are more calm and balanced.

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These are quite loyal creatures, however, when acquiring an adult Chihuahua, the owner will have to earn the dog's trust.


In this video clip, we are talking about how to choose the right baby sneeze. What you need to pay attention to first of all, so that an unscrupulous breeder does not sell you a sick or not purebred puppy.

Chihuahua dog breed, it is worth arming yourself with knowledge on how to acquire it correctly. She is unpretentious, able to satisfy the needs of the owner who gravitates towards small pupils. So, let's listen to the advice of experienced breeders and veterinarians.

When making a choice, first of all, understand: do you need a dog for exhibitions, winning titles or for the soul? A third option is possible - breeding representatives of the breed. If your goal is fame, awards, championship, then you should buy a Chihuahua puppy after a complete change of teeth. This is eight or nine months old. However, at this age, the character of the dog is already established, habits have developed, and it will be difficult to change them, adjust them to suit yourself. Yes, and breeders usually will not keep a puppy until this age. Most often they are sold at the age of two or two and a half months, that is, after the first vaccination. By this period, young chihuahuas are already weaned from their mother, they are active, inquisitive and independent. From the age of a month, bitches feed their cubs reluctantly, because they have sharp teeth. For this reason, breeders sometimes put up chihuahua puppies for sale at a month and a half. At this age, they are all touching, sweet, funny. But with all this, you should pay attention to such points when buying:

  1. Puppy appearance. He must be neat, clean skin and no purulent discharge from the eyes. His nose is clean and warm. The puppy must be well fed. This external signs healthy dog.
  2. Exterior. In this breed, the length of the muzzle and the shape of the dog's head are important, which should not be flat. The muzzle of a purebred Chihuahua is neither long nor narrow. This may be a sign of his relationship with the pinscher or toy. If she's dumb, then the puppy is probably a Pekingese mix. The length of the muzzle is equal to a third of the length of the head. The transition from it to the muzzle (it is called stop) should be sharp, with a well-defined forehead. The back of a young representative of the breed in a standing position should be flat. The tail of a purebred puppy does not have a kink, it is slightly bent, but not twisted into a ring.
  3. Paws. The front legs of a Chihuahua puppy are straight. Angles should be expressed on the back. But at a young age it is difficult to see them, because most often the lack of angles is clearly defined visually only at 4-7 months.
  4. Number of dog teeth. Ideally, at 8 weeks, a young representative of the breed should have six incisors on top and the same number on the bottom. Sometimes part of the incisors hatch after two months of age. There should be two fangs at the top and bottom.
  5. Correct bite. This is a very important feature. You should know that in a puppy, the upper teeth, with the right bite, should cover the lower ones. However, there is no guarantee that when a puppy's teeth change to permanent ones, the bite will also remain correct. If it is initially not correct, then, of course, when changing teeth, the chances for this increase. Incomplete closure of the puppy's jaws, which is accompanied by their curvature or distortion, only worsens with age. This is acceptable for a sofa pet, but for a show participant and a dog that will be used to breed puppies, it is categorically unacceptable. In this case, the dog in the future will see the tip of the tongue from the mouth. That is, the Chihuahua breed in terms of bite is unpredictable. It is for this reason that it is impossible to foresee anything until the complete change of the puppy's teeth.
  6. Puppy options. If you have looked after the largest puppy in the litter, this does not mean at all that he will grow up to be the largest. Also, do not believe in the myth that large parents, which you may be shown, will have the same offspring.
  7. Mahler. So in dogs they call what we call a crown in an infant. A Chihuahua puppy should have one. Even in an adult representative of the breed, it sometimes does not grow completely. The presence of Malera is a sign of the breed of a dog.

Today, Chihuahua dogs are very popular all over the world. Traditionally, these are the smallest dogs on earth. The weight of an adult Chihuahua dog does not exceed, as a rule, 2 kilograms, although the breed standard allows them to weigh up to 3 kilograms.

It is extremely rare to find a specimen weighing up to 1 kilogram. Such dogs are very much appreciated by people who are far from dog breeding, because it is exotic. An important role in this is played by advertising photographs depicting dogs in glasses or coffee cups. Seeing such a photo, do not rush to be delighted. People, however, do not think about the fact that these dwarfs are not able to lead a normal dog life. More than anyone, they are prone to infections.

The ideal weight of an adult dog can be considered 1700 - 2000 grams. These Chihuahuas are strong, cheerful, healthy and will live a long life if properly maintained. To choose a puppy of this breed you will need some knowledge, so the following tips will help you in choosing the right one.

Chihuahua species

They are also called Shiva, they belong to the ancient breeds of dogs, whose history is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. They can be longhaired and shorthaired. As a rule, the long-haired Chihuahua is much softer in character than the smooth-haired one.

The smooth-haired one is such a brave defender and prankster, and the long-haired one is sunny and more affectionate. But these two are united by a balanced temperament, they are absolutely calm and very devoted to the owner of the dog.

Chihuahuas are monogamous, and although they will love all family members, they will show unconditional devotion to only one person - their owner, whom they will choose for themselves.

Chihuahua can be different colors. There are no standards. Therefore, in this regard, when buying a puppy, the choice in color is huge.

Where to buy a puppy?

If you are buying a Chihuahua, don't rush to the "bird market". Otherwise, you will be severely disappointed when, instead of a small dog, a puppy you have acquired grows into “something” the size of a canine greyhound, or even worse, you just buy a sick dog. So, how and where to buy a good dog?

It can be done through the club. With such a purchase, you will be prompted in which litter more promising puppies are expected. They can say when there will be an interesting omet, in which high-class dogs are expected.

You will also have the opportunity to choose the parents of your puppy at the show. After all, you can buy a puppy from the winner bitch you like. Believe me, both the breeder and the club will approach the choice of a male for her very carefully. You can also purchase a puppy from a winning male. At the same time, it would be good to look at the offspring from him, if any, especially at children from different females - how much they are of the same type and similar to their father.

It does not hurt to ask about the exhibition career of the children of the father or mother you like. Often one female or male is the founder of a whole galaxy of "stars" or, on the contrary, they are followed by a "train" of various vices, such as malocclusion, clubfoot, and the like.

Most often, a puppy is purchased on internet ads, as the choice of sites and offers is simply huge. Here, too, it does not hurt to ask about the show career of the puppy's parents, their ancestors. The breeder must also have a document - a pedigree. This is a document confirming the birth of a puppy and its origin. The pedigree contains four generations of the dog's ancestors. It is filled in according to the form approved by the cynological organization. This document also confirms that the puppy meets the breed standard. If there is no pedigree, then there is no guarantee that your Chihuahua's grandmother was not a German Shepherd.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question: where to buy a puppy? Of course, without documents, a puppy will cost much less, but is it worth chasing cheapness in such cases?

Boy or girl?

Most often, not sparing the burden of puppies, future owners choose a male, forgetting or simply not knowing some of the nuances.

Firstly, the bitch flows twice a year, and if you're lucky, then one. The male is "sexually preoccupied" all year round and any dog ​​passing by, in which estrus is your potential “razluchnitsa”, which can take your dog to distant lands. Males are more pugnacious than bitches. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the breed is more pronounced in the male, and he, as a rule, is more beautiful than the female.

Age to acquire a Chihuahua

The best time to buy a puppy will be aged 6 - 10 weeks. You will immediately take up his upbringing, you will be able to fully feed him and walk him, you will be able to give him everything he needs. And at this age, it is psychologically easier for a puppy to adapt to a new place and to a new family.

Sometimes they sell grown puppies. Do not immediately refuse such offers. If you are buying a puppy and want to pursue his show career, then the age of 4 - 6 months is just perfect for buying. After all, at this age you already clearly see the level of his breed, you will bypass the excitement about the correctness of the bite. And if the dog has any flaws, then they can be seen without any problems.

Buying a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua, you need to pay attention, first of all, to its appearance. He should look healthy, well-fed, he should have a shiny coat. Be sure to look at the puppy's tummy, there should not be umbilical hernia. The nose, ears and eyes must be perfectly clean and not have any signs of purulent discharge. Also, no unpleasant odor should be heard from the ears. The butt should also be clean with no obvious signs of disorder or irritation.

The coat should not have bald areas, especially on the head, muzzle, or limbs. This may indicate staphyloderma or streptoderma. Do not trust the breeder and his stories that these are bite marks during games between puppies.

Chihuahua at home. Puppy care

Even before the puppy appears in the house, you should choose a place for it. The place should be located away from heating devices, not in a draft, not on the aisle. It is advisable at first to raise the curtains, hide shoes, books, various trifles, everything that can get on your baby's tooth.

As for care items, first of all you need two bowls: for food and for water. Chihuahuas are not picky about grooming, they do not need to be bathed and combed often. For hair care, you only need brush preferably with natural bristles.

For walking you will need to buy collar and leash. And in the cold, you will also need clothes, because Chihuahuas are thermophilic and very sensitive to cold. winter walks without clothes for a chihuahua are not allowed. You can also buy a toilet for a puppy in a pet store, this is very convenient, because by accustoming a dog to a tray, you can save time on walking. And also a big plus will be that in bad weather you don't have to go outside.

Hello dear reader! This page will help you to correctly identify a Chihuahua dog without any problems. choose and buy a puppy this particular breed. All little puppies are very cute, but how not to make a mistake with the choice? If you choose a puppy for love, then check out the characteristics of the breed. But, if you are really interested in the breed of a puppy, then it is not superfluous to study breed standard and to know, what documents should a puppy have. It is natural that puppies price different. But even cheap chihuahua puppy must conform to the breed standard as closely as possible.

chihuahua standard

Chihuahua breed standard FCI-Standard N° 218 / 15.09.2010 / GB

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog in the world and bears the name of the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua). There is an assumption that these dogs lived in wild nature, and during the Toltec civilization, were domesticated by them. Images small dog, which was called "Techichi", were used as decorations in urban architecture found in the city of Tula. These sculptures are very reminiscent of real chihuahua.

TRANSLATION: K.Barbosov (source FCI-Standard N° 218 / 15.09.2010 / GB)
ORIGIN: Mexico.
APPLICATION: Companion dog
CLASSIFICATION: Group 9 - Companion and small dogs
Section 6 - Chihuahua
No working test

General form:

This dog has a compact body. The main breed trait is her skull, which is shaped like an apple, as well as the fact that its moderately a long tail carried very high, curved or in the shape of a semicircle with the tip pointing towards the lumbar region.

Important proportions:

The length of the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. However, an almost square format is preferred, especially in males. In bitches, a more extended format is acceptable, due to reproductive function.


Fast, attentive, lively and very brave.


Skull part:

Skull: Well rounded apple-shaped (a feature of the breed).
Stop: Well defined, deep and broad, as the forehead is rounded and hangs over the muzzle.

Front part:

Nose: any color is allowed. Moderately short, slightly directed upwards.
Eyes: Large, round, very expressive, not protruding, completely dark. Light eyes allowed, but not desirable.

Ears: Large, erect, wide open, wide at the base, gradually tapering to slightly rounded tips. Tilt at 45° at rest.

Muzzle: Short, straight in profile, broad at the base, tapering towards the tip of the nose.
Lips: Dry and close fitting.
Cheeks: poorly developed, very clean.

Jaws/Teeth : Scissor or level bite. Overshot, undershot, as well as any other anomaly in the position of the upper or lower jaw must be severely penalized.


With a slightly pronounced nape. Middle length. Thicker in males than in females. Without suspension. In the long-haired variety, the presence of a "mane" is highly desirable.


Compact and well balanced.
Topline: horizontal.
Withers: Slightly marked.
Back: Short and strong.
Loin: Very muscular.
Croup: Broad and strong, almost straight or slightly sloping.
Chest: Broad and deep, ribs well sprung. When viewed from the front - voluminous, but not extensive. When viewed from the side - comes to the elbows. Not barrel-shaped.
Underline and Belly : Well defined, with a well tucked up belly. A sagging (weak) abdomen is acceptable but not desirable.


Set on high, straight, of medium length; broad at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip. Tail set is an important breed trait: in motion it is carried either high, curved or in the shape of a semicircle with the tip pointing towards the loin area, which balances the body. The tail should never be carried between the hindquarters or below the line of the back. The hairline on the tail depends on the coat variety and must match it. In the long-haired variety, the hair on the tail forms a plume. At rest, the tail is lowered and forms a slight hook.



General appearance: Seen from the front, the forelegs are straight and parallel. Seen from the side, vertical.
Shoulders: Smooth and moderately muscled.
The angles of the humeroscapular joints are well defined.
Elbows: Strong and tight to the body, allowing free movement.
Forearm: Straight and of good length.
Pasterns: Slightly sloping, strong and flexible.

Hind limbs:

General appearance: hind limbs muscular with long bones, vertical and parallel to each other, with good angulations of the hips, knees and hocks, in harmony with the angulations of the forelegs.
Metatarsus: The hocks are short, with well-developed Achilles tendons; when viewed from behind, well spaced straight and vertical.
Feet: Very small and oval, with well spaced but not spread (neither hare nor cat feet) toes. The nails are well arched and moderately long. The pads are well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws are not desirable.


strides are long, springy, energetic and active, with good reach of the forequarters and drive of the hindquarters. When viewed from the rear, the hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the tracks of the hind legs coincide with those of the forelegs. With an increase in the speed of movement, there is a tendency to shift the center of gravity (single step). The movements are stable, free and springy, without visible effort, the head is raised, the back is straight.


Smooth and tight fitting all over body.


There are two varieties in the breed:


The coat is short, close fitting all over the body. If there is an undercoat, the coat is somewhat longer; sparse hair on throat and belly allowed; slightly longer on the neck and tail, short on the head and ears. The coat is shiny and its texture is soft. Lack of wool is not allowed.


The coat should be fine and silky, smooth or slightly wavy. Not too dense undercoat is desirable. The coat is longer and forms featherings - on the ears, neck, on the back side of the front and hind limbs, on the paws and tail. Long flowing hair is not allowed.


Let's say any color all sorts of shades and combinations, with the exception of the merle color.

Size and weight:

In the breed, only weight is taken into account, not height.
Weight: Ideal weight: 1.5 to 3 kilograms. Weight from 500 gr. up to 1.5 kg is allowed.

Dogs weighing less than 500 grams and more than 3 kg must be disqualified.


Any deviation from the above points must be regarded as a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault must be considered must be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
Absence of teeth.
"Double teeth" (preservation of temporary teeth).
pointed ears.
Short neck.
Long body.
Hunchbacked or collapsed back (lordosis or kyphosis).
Sloped croup.
Narrow or flat chest.
Tail: Wrong set, short or twisted.
Short limbs.
Loose elbows.
Narrow hindquarters.

Serious deficiencies

Narrow skull
Small, deep-set or bulging eyes.
Long snout.
Overshot or undershot.

Disqualifying vices

Aggressive or overly shy.
Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.
Dogs with an open fontanelle.
Cropped or short ears.
Deformed jaws.
Extremely long body.
The absence of a tail.
In the long-haired variety: dogs with very long, fine and flowing coats.
In the short-haired variety: baldness (alopecia).
Merle color.
Dogs weighing less than 500 grams and more than 3 kg.
N.B. : Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Comments on the standard

Dušan Paunović and Francesco Cochetti commented on the standard and answered questions.

Although the breed is still considered the “head”, but the anatomy is also very important, especially the breed silhouette of the top: a high neck, a straight back, a tail with a sickle. Very ruins the silhouette short neck and incorrect set, shape and length of the tail.

Eyes and Ears: These days it is common to see individuals with very small ears or eyes. Eyes and ears right size are important and give the breed expression of the Chihuahua.

Extremes in the Chihuahua's physique should be penalized. Excessive dampness of the muzzle and body is not good. Deer type - even more so.

Short muzzle and too high forehead also a problem. We must stick to the golden mean and not be led by fashion.

The American type of Chihuahua has been discussed many times, or rather, its shortcomings: spitz coat, poor angles of the limbs, especially the front, squared format. Spitz hair should always be disqualified.

Spring: Preferably without a fontanel, although a very small one is allowed (about 0.2 inches). We cannot forget that the fontanel has always been characteristic of the breed.

About patella: very good dog with small degrees can be allowed for breeding. For the health of the knees, one should not forget to monitor and not breed dogs with a severe form of luxation.

Teeth and bite: Missing teeth and malocclusion are a big problem for the breed. It must be remembered that an undershot bite, even a small one, is also an incorrect bite, although the judges do not always notice it. One of the downsides of snacking is that it "rude" the face.

Character: the breed character is very important, which should be evaluated outside the ring by the owners themselves, since the chihuahua is not only a show dog, but also for many pet with which to live side by side long years. Excessively playful and aggressive dogs must be disqualified.

CHARACTERISTICS: Vigorous doggy with quick movements with lively, determined actions and a cheeky expression. They must be bright and interested in everything that happens around them in the ring, confident and not aggressive, smart and at the same time sensitive. The American standard says that they should be alert, similar to how terriers behave. A Chihuahua should look like a big dog in a ring. They must move around the ring with good pace (drive). This is very important for this breed, especially at this time. Many Chihuahuas have short movements and not a sufficient anatomical structure. Its reliability is a consequence of good movement, correct shoulder angles and it gives elegance to the dog. Chihuahua small and elegant dogs. They must be fast and confident, and they must never move around the ring with a high tact (minching gait) or like a horse's trot. Their cheeky expression also means they have the right ears, eyes and muzzle length. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. An almost square body is desirable, however, especially in males. In females, due to the function of reproduction, a slight stretch is allowed.

CHARACTER: Sensitive, cheerful, energetic and intelligent dog. Judges must be very gentle with them when they examine the bite and not cover their entire face and eyes. When examining teeth and biting, Chihuahuas are generally well-behaved, some of them have a habit of complaining when their teeth are being examined. If they try to bite (grab) should not be laughed off just because they are tiny dogs, they should always be removed from the ring. Those who bite tend to enjoy it because their owners have accepted and allowed it.

Head and Skull: The head is a very important part of this breed. Ideally, a Chihuahua's head should be in the shape of an apple. The skull is well rounded between the ears and with a well-defined stop to the occiput. Cheeks and muzzle should not be too full. The muzzle is moderately short and slightly pointed. Today you can easily see a lot of snouts that are too pointed and lacking a lower jaw. On the other hand, breeders and judges must be very careful not to look at the wide, ultra short and exaggerated muzzles in the Tibetan Spaniel breed type.

EARS: Small ears are unfortunately very common in the breed. The ears really need to match the head. 45 degrees causes a lot of confusion. When the Chihuahua is relaxed or on the judging table, the ears are usually set at a 45 degree angle, when alarmed, the ears stand much more straight than 45 degrees, but should still have a width between them and it should not be high. On the move, they often "lay" them on the skull, if you put them down and use them in a standing position, they should not be punished. The ears should not be too soft and this is a problem we can find in the breed nowadays. Incorrect position, set or shape of the ears has a negative effect on the expression of the "face" of the Chihuahua.

Forequarters: The front of the Chihuahua should not be like that of a terrier, and the elbows are more mobile than those of a terrier. The pasterns are thinner than the ankles and the difference is much more obvious than in the terrier. Shoulders should be at a good angle. Chihuahuas have good bone weight, they are not too thin or too heavy.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Steps are long, springy, vigorous and active with good reach and drive. Seen from behind, the hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the tracks of the hind legs fit almost track to track from the forelegs. As the speed of movement increases, the limbs show a tendency to converge towards the median plane (single track). The movement remains free and springy without visible effort, the head is raised. GAIT / MOVEMENT : Topline should remain level and firm when moving. Coming and going you should see only two legs.

There are two coat types in the smooth coat and both are equally correct. You can find a coat with a very soft texture and a lustrous coat, and this type rarely has an undercoat. Another type of coat is slightly longer and has an undercoat and has a measured collar. Blue dogs often have ear hair problems on examination.

Popular video chihuahua

Choosing a four-legged friend is not an easy task, especially when it comes to decorative babies. Cute and funny, they, however, have their own characteristics, which an ignorant person may not know about. How to choose a Chihuahua and what you should know before the baby becomes a member of the family?

Of course, it is better to buy a puppy in professional nurseries, and of course, it is advisable to visit them. Choosing from a variety of babies, you can get confused, but you should still know what a healthy Chihuahua puppy looks like:

  • in smooth-haired representatives of the breed, the coat should be smooth, with a natural sheen. In long-haired - it is thick and soft to the touch;
  • skin must be clean; dry skin, swelling, dandruff, the presence of irritated areas - are a signal that the puppy is unhealthy (read more about);
  • the eyes of puppies of this breed should be moistened, their excessive dryness or increased lacrimation should be alarming;
  • the ears should be clean, there should be no discharge from the auricles or nasal passages;
  • the puppy's limbs should be short and straight; ankles are located at some distance; to make sure that there are no pathologies, it is necessary to carefully feel the paws in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints;
  • it is worth paying attention to the behavior of the baby - he should be playful, cheerful;
  • if the puppy has a feeble complexion and a swollen tummy, then this is a sign of helminths;
  • if possible, it is worth assessing the appetite of the future pet.

It is undesirable to take a puppy from a large litter, where the number of offspring exceeds 4 dogs. When it is possible to look at the puppy's parents, it is best to do so. They must have healthy look. But it is worth considering that if the puppy is 2-2.5 months old, then his mother may not yet fully recover from childbirth and feeding, and look haggard and with dull hair.

If there are doubts about the well-being of the crumbs, you can ask him to measure the temperature. Normally, the indicator should be equal to 39 ° C.

The recommended age of a puppy ready to move to a new home is 1.5-2 months. Babies under 6 weeks old have an insufficiently formed psyche, they are more acutely experiencing a change of home, and in the future there may be problems with education and training.

But you can safely take an older pet, since they have already received the basics of education and acquired an adult exterior, which is important for their future exhibition career.

Features of the Chihuahua breed

Experts warn that it is extremely difficult even for professionals to identify the future properties of an adult, based on puppy data. But in addition to general characteristics, there are several features that apply specifically to Chihuahua puppies. For example, you need to pay attention to what kind of bite the puppy has. Normally, it is scissor-shaped: the upper teeth cover the lower ones. But the standard also allows individuals with a direct bite: when the upper and lower incisors are adjacent to each other.

But it is worth knowing that if a 6-week-old puppy has a level bite, then with maturity it can turn into an overbite, which is significant defect for an individual participating in exhibitions. The baby should have all milk teeth: 6 upper and 6 lower incisors, 4 canines.

In a male Chihuahua less than 6 months old, both testes are located in the groin. By six months, they descend into the scrotum.

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Boy or girl

Having decided on the breed, sometimes the owners are at a crossroads, choose a puppy chihuahua girl or a boy? When choosing a female, it is worth considering that every 6-12 months the pet will have “special” days, and at this moment she will require special care and attention. In general, Chihuahua girls are quite clean, but still, if the dog is used to sleeping on the owner's bed, these days it is better to dress her in hygienic panties.

In addition, if a girl does not go to the tray, but to the street, during this period she will attract dogs of the opposite sex. You can exclude walking for this time or transfer them to a period when on the street less dogs. In principle, experts do not recommend decorative rocks to private breeding, as this can negatively affect the health of the dog and cause a number of difficulties.

But if there is still such a goal, then it is worth choosing a larger female. In order for the risks of difficulties with childbirth to be lower, and for the mother to be able to feed the offspring, her weight should be about 2 kg. However, this does not exclude the possibility of difficult childbirth, so the expectant mother will need to consult a specialist, and in some cases, a caesarean section.

Given the size of the dog and the accelerated metabolism of toy breeds, which makes it difficult to find the right dosage, the anesthesia used to perform the operation can be fatal.

What are the characteristics of Chihuahua boys? They look more solid and are ideal companions on trips and travels. The character can be anything, both good-natured and cocky. Actually, as with girls, it is difficult to determine in advance.

As for the search for a couple, this issue can not be touched upon if the pet does not shine for an exhibition career or there is no desire to do this. A dog that has not known the opposite sex will not experience any discomfort about this.

But if the baby is an enviable groom and an excellent party, then he will have to knit. In this case, there is a possibility that the male will mark the boundaries of his home during matings and do so after. You can get rid of this trouble by taking your pet outside more often, or by castrating it.

As for toilet training, it is believed that girls are more understanding in this matter, but it is not so difficult to teach a boy. They get used to the tray well, the only thing here is their own preferences - a certain type of filler, newspapers or pieces of paper, or an empty tray. By choosing suitable option, there will be no problems with coping in the right place with either the male or the female.

Problems due to savings

As you know, Chihuahua crumbs are quite expensive, so many future owners try to cut costs by buying a pet from dubious sellers. But this is not recommended, even if the puppy being purchased is intended solely for the soul.

In case of financial difficulties, you should pay attention to less demanding breeds, because the Chihuahua needs expensive food, litter for the tray, special means and grooming tools, etc.

Acquisition of a dog without documents does not give any guarantee of its purebred, as well as the absence of genetic and other abnormalities. And in well-known nurseries, only healthy, vaccinated puppies with good inclinations are offered.