"Whoever is weak in spirit has an animal in disgrace." Causes of dog aggression and the consequences of their mass extermination. Those who don't like dogs

Today I want to raise a very difficult topic that causes a lot of discussion on the Internet. This topic concerns the relationship between people and dogs. I want to tell my vision of this issue and propose solutions, including talking about which side of this difficult issue to show our children and what can be changed specifically in each family.

But first things first.


In the cities of Ukraine appeared a lot stray dogs. They become more and more aggressive (so say those who do not like them), attacks on the rise on people, including lethal outcome. The society is divided into two parts: some are in favor of animals, others are sure that mass destruction of animals is the best way out of the situation because other strategies are allegedly ineffective. The abscess opened up during the preparation of Ukraine for Euro 2012. This is how it looked in Ukraine:

The first wave of protest arose when mobile crematoria began to be used. Dogs were caught and thrown into the fire alive. In addition to crematoria, dogs are poisoned (and right in front of children!!!), shot, beaten with sticks, etc.

In general, the attitude towards animals is a good indicator of the health of society. So think...

“Whoever is weak in spirit has an animal in disgrace.” (c) Ilya Muromets.

So what are they, dogs?

If you are an animal lover, then they look like this for you:

And if not an amateur, then like this:

But what is it really? And in fact, there is both. And first of all, the world will turn to you the side that you yourself turn to it. Self-tested...

Who owes whom?

Dogs are amazing creatures. They have, I think special status, and the attitude towards them should be special. When a person needs help, the dog:

- takes part in hostilities, sacrificing his life,

- tracks down criminals, participates in their capture - in the most difficult and dangerous cases,

looking for drugs

- mines in a minefield,

- participates in rescue operations (rescues some people she does not know),

- shepherds the flock

- protects the owner and is ready to give her life for him,

- guards housing and property,

- helping the blind

- sad with the owner when he feels bad, subtly feeling the world of a person and empathizing with him,

After all, she's just a friend...

All this dogs did and do for us, without hesitation and without bargaining. In the same time, when a dog needs help, a person often cowardly tucks his tail and chooses the easiest solution at first glance - to kill. Why at first glance? Because this solution has short and long term effects. Which? Read on.

Causes of dog aggression and the consequences of their mass extermination

When a discussion about dogs starts, a video shootout starts in the comments. They upload a video where it was filmed how a dog (or a pack) attacked a cat, a person, etc. with the question " what did this man do to the dog? he was just walking by!”

When I went to training with my dog, our trainer told me a lot about the psychology of dogs. And I can say with confidence that people asking this question either want to justify their actions or have no idea about the psychology of these animals. In addition, to answer the question, you also need to know what were the previous meetings of this dog with a person ...

By the way, when brutalized people gather in a flock, their behavior is not much different from the behavior of a flock of other animals. This is clearly seen in the broadcast " Evil people against angry dogs ”.

The question is not what special person made to a specific dog. The question is, what has mankind done to dogs in general? I would like to point out and emphasize that

An increase in the level of aggression on the part of dogs surprisingly coincides with an increase in the manifestation of aggression on the part of a person.

But many people stubbornly refuse to admit it.


Consequence of our own actions!!!

During the shooting and trapping of animals in preparation for Euro 2012, there were crippled and scared Many animals. Naturally, they became more afraid of humans. Moreover, it happened in front of other relatives, who, although they were not crippled, were very scared and also began to be more wary of a person. This is how natural selection works.

And a good part of the animals ended up on the street through the fault of the owners themselves. Well, the owner is tired of the dog, he is tired of educating her with kicks. Do not put to sleep, he is a good owner. “I’ll kick you out into the street, what if someone picks it up?” And how do you think this animal, which has already suffered enough from the owner, will also react to other people in a state of stress (change of environment from home to harsh outdoors)?

According to statistics, in Kyiv alone, EVERY YEAR, the owners drive about 10 thousand dogs out into the street. Almost half of them are recycled ...

Do you know that some families have practice take small puppies for a child and when they grow up, throw them out into the street and take them again little puppy so that the child plays and learns good.

This is all without regard to the fact that the dogs cold, hungry, nothing to drink, and also they have puppies, whom they protect, etc. etc. etc.

I hope I answered the question “what did this person do to this dog?” and why dogs are becoming more and more aggressive.

So who is to blame for all this???

It's obvious to me that it's not a dog. They simply became hostages of this situation through the fault of people - and only people.

If they really started mass sterilizing animals five years ago (when there weren’t so many of them yet) and promoted the establishment of dogs from a shelter, and not from a breeder, then the situation would be radically different ...

There is talk in society that the strategy of "trapping - sterilization - return" is ineffective for regulating the number of homeless animals. But then the “trapping-destroying” strategy is just as ineffective. Because both a sterilized and a killed dog does not give offspring.

Who got hurt first?

And the first to suffer kind dogs who trust a person, eat from their hands (poison !!!), approach without fear (to flayers and murderers). But the most distrustful remained, who are afraid to approach people, and when chance meeting pounce, defending themselves, and expecting new aggression from the person.

I think that's enough to understand that we're just

reap the rewards of our gross intervention in the natural world.

I don't deny there is a problem.. It just should have started a few years ago. Then now we would not have to disentangle what we disentangle.

Where did the money go and who benefits from not solving the problem?

I think it should be known to animal advocates and anti-animals alike that we all have already paid to resolve this issue! We pay taxes, from which the budget is formed and which is then redistributed. Including the solution of the issue of regulation of the number of animals.

And if someone doesn’t like the fact that funds from his taxes go to solve this problem, then also think about what you want or not, you also pay for the maintenance of prisons with murderers, pedophiles, maniacs, etc., and for the repair of the road, which is always in pits and mounds, and for a lot of different things. These are also the problems of our society... So if we have already paid for solving the problem, why not ensure that the money goes where it is needed?

So, very large sums are allocated to solve the issue of stray dogs, which, nevertheless, dissolve somewhere ... Investigation of journalists in the Schuster program “ Evil people vs evil dogs” (link to the video above) showed, using the example of the city of Kyiv, that so much money is allocated for sterilization that this could solve the problem. But where is this money, and to whom is it allocated? As the journalist says, “It is beneficial not to solve the problem, so that the money continues to be allocated from the budget and they can continue to be stolen. This is easy money laundering. And if the problem is solved, then no funds will be allocated for it. What to drink then?

Who benefits from the problem remaining becomes quite obvious.

The fact that it is beneficial not to solve the problem becomes obvious from one more fact. Organizations and volunteers from other countries are ready to help us. Both financially and in action. But Ukraine refuses. Several cities agreed to cooperate with them, but the rest did not ... What's the matter? The answer is simple - let the problem continue to exist. So it's more profitable.

Who solves the problem and how?

Who undertook to solve the problem of regulation of the number of dogs? The citizens themselves, spending their own money and time on this, which is very good for the state. The number of dogs is decreasing, but not at the expense of the budget. And the problem is solved, but not very effectively. The number of offspring from the remaining dogs fully compensates for the number of those killed. Those. the problem remains, and that's good. We continue to allocate money and successfully cut.

Strange set of circumstances:

Isoniazid, which is used to poison dogs, is sold freely in pharmacies, and the antidote to it, Vitamin B6, is currently undergoing re-registration and is not available in pharmacies ... I.e. even if you have time to deliver the dog to the hospital, they will not be able to help her there.

I cannot remain silent about other aspects of this issue. What dog hunters often do (and to be precise, “dog killers”) do without choosing a place and time - including on playgrounds, in crowded places, etc. For some children, the sight of the agony of a dying dog was a real trauma. And the so-called dog hunters do not clean up after themselves the corpses of dogs. There were also deaths when the mother did not have time to keep track of the child and he ate the poison ... The end, as dog hunters say, justifies the means.

By the way, in the program that I indicated above, look at the dog hunter. This is just a typical cold-blooded, emotionless killer, and I am sure that such people will kill a person without hesitation if they decide that he interferes with them or society. And to the question “Who gave you the right to decide who will live in this society and who will die?”, he calmly answers: “No one”. Let's think for a minute… That is. he himself will decide this issue.

Interesting fact:

85% of serial killers started with animal abuse...

Thus, in society there are now several groups of citizens. The first is the government, which benefits from not solving the problem. The second thirsts for blood, these are supporters of killing dogs and performers. The third is indifferent, who prefer to remain indifferent. And the fourth, advocating a peaceful resolution of this issue. These are animal rights activists. Among them are passive (I just love animals and prefer the problem to be solved peacefully) and active (those that act). Despite the fact that they are actually few compared to the rest, they are able to move mountains in the matter of helping animals. They just need a little support.

What do animal rights activists do?

They try on their own (or attracting sponsors) to organize shelters and mini-shelters for animals. They take away homeless dogs and cats from the street, treat, nurse, sterilize, find owners.

They organize public actions and events, trying to attract the attention of society. Attract new volunteers to work with animals.

There is such an organization in almost every city. I think that information, if desired, can be found through the Internet and social networks.

For example, in our city this is done “ Nature Rescue Society”.

How do I see compromise in society?

Despite the fact that society is now divided on this issue, we can still live together, as Leopold said. But for this we all need to work hard.

dog lovers

Whether your dog is calm or not, walk it on a leash. Let go only if there is not a soul on the street (for example, if you walk at 5 in the morning). Turn to the edge of the sidewalk, avoid people, do not let the dog come up to people, sniff them. There are people who are terrified of dogs. In the end, the dog can sniff and leave a wet nose mark on the clothes. Always behave culturally, even when those who do not like dogs run into you in vain. Do not create a pretext for increasing tension in relation to dogs. This is beneficial to you as well.

Those who love dogs

You may not have a dog, but you love animals. You can help, for example, by spreading the word. You can join an animal welfare group, repost information about missing animals, found ones, about actions that take place in your city, and also promote the idea of ​​adopting dogs from a shelter, and not from a breeder. Post (or repost) photos of dogs before and after they found their owners.

I myself once had a fear of adopting a dog from a shelter. There were many questions - how to nurse, what will come of it, etc. Believe me, volunteers will not leave you alone with the problem. You will be helped, prompted, advised ... And my fear finally disappeared after I looked at a photo on one of the animal protection sites and read an article about a wonderful transformation of shelter dogs who found owners and a house. Look at these wonderful animals and see how their eyes have changed!

I didn't think about such things before, but now I'm sure that our next dog will be either from a shelter or from the street. This and the child good example mercy and another life saved.

Another interesting point– communication between the warring parties on forums and social networks. Sometimes the intensity of old age reaches such a peak that it is no longer possible to make out who is “good” and who is “bad” in this skirmish. I think that those who love animals should behave adequately and calmly, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Good must be distinguished from evil at least by the culture of communication. Otherwise, what's the difference?

You can't save everyone!

Yes, you can't save everyone. This is impossible. But you help that living being that is next to you. If a certain group of people do this, it will be very, very much! Besides, one life saved is still better than none.

We are responsible for those who have tamed

If you decide to take a dog home, remember that it is Living being and from that moment you are responsible for him, you are God for him, you are one family, in joy and in sorrow, in health and in illness. The dog will never betray you. Are you a dog? I find it terrible when an animal is kicked out of the house because of illness. What lesson will the child learn from such actions of parents? Will the parents themselves pay for this in old age?

My parents showed me a very good example in this regard.. Whatever our animals were (and there were a lot of different ones), we always took care of them and never kicked them out or euthanized them.

We had a mongrel named Scarlet. He had epilepsy. The attacks began unexpectedly and it was really scary to look at it. But my mother taught us to help him during attacks, if we ourselves are at home and there are no adults. Scarlet lived with us for almost 17 years and no one even once had the thought of throwing him out or putting him to sleep.

Shepherd Gerda also lived. She had mastitis after giving birth, which we seemed to have cured, but cancer began in that place a few years later. It is difficult to describe what an animal with cancer is. We did our best, saved as best we could, fought for her until last day but she died in our arms.

Now a dog lives at home with his parents, who should have been homeless. But they took him from the street when he was still young. In the photo, the daughter and this shaggy miracle!

Do not throw away babies born to your dog or cat. Neuter your animals if you are not going to breed, so that they do not bring unnecessary offspring. Don't get a new puppy every month for your kid to play with. It's time for adults to grow up, and not behave like irresponsible children on the planet.

Don't pass by a dog that needs help. If you don’t know how to help, you can call the animal protection organization (it would be good to have it stuffed into your mobile phone for this).

Before getting a dog, be careful read about the breed. Indeed, many dogs end up on the street only because the owners have not coped with the characteristics of the breed, which should have been known in advance.

For example, a Rottweiler needs to be provided with a certain motor activity. It is very good if he goes to training courses, or if he has some kind of business of his own (guard, rescue, etc.). If you try to keep him in a cramped apartment, he can go berserk and the owners will not be happy. In any case, with such a dog, you must definitely go through an obedience course ... So think about the breed before you get it ...

In general, it seems to me that having a thoroughbred dog is important first of all for the owner. Is it somehow prestigious, or amuses the owner's vanity ... Is the breed really that important if you need a friend? Among the mongrels there are a lot of unusually beautiful dogs!

If get rid of the dog, then make at least an attempt to attach it. Place an ad on the Internet, in social networks, in groups for the protection of animals. I am sure that in 9 out of 10 cases the dog will find a new owner and it will not end up on the street.

We need to help people, not dogs!

This is often said by heartless people who are generally not ready to help anyone. Why is it necessary to help only people?

As practice shows, you rarely meet a person who will walk past a dying dog and immediately help a person who needs it. A person either feels someone else's pain, or not. Usually those who help dogs will not pass by a person. And the one who passed by the dog, and past man will pass Same.

Any help in the world is important. A person may not be ready to adopt a child from orphanage, and at the same time may be ready to adopt a dog. Or ready to take from the street, overexpose, fatten, wash, and help the animal find new house. Or ready to help volunteers manage the kennel, walk the dogs, help them socialize. Maybe he’s just ready to help financially and transfer money, or buy food, vitamins and bring them to the shelter on his own. Why not? Everything in this world matters.

Those who don't like dogs

There are people who don't like dogs. This is their right. We can't all be the same. It is beneficial for these people that dogs disappear from the streets of the city. And this is where the goals of dog lovers and opponents intersect! This is the point of contact.

If you don't care how there will be fewer dogs on the streets, then it's better to support good than evil. Support volunteer initiatives. If they collect signatures in order for them to be given a piece of land for a shelter, sign it, because some more animals will disappear from the streets. Call the shelter and report homeless animals. Keep an active position on this issue, support journalistic investigations, ensure that your money goes, finally, to solving the problem, and not to building a new suburban dacha. Support animal sterilization projects. Tell your friends on social networks that there is a shelter in your city. After all, among friends there are clearly people who love dogs and will be able to contribute to this cause. 1000 small efforts make a great deed.

I hope people will still be able to agree and find a compromise on this difficult issue. Because as long as we are divided, the problem will still exist and get worse.

What else could be done

You can introduce the practice of chipping pets. In America, for example, this has long been common, but we are still talking about it. In America, a microchip with information about him and his owner is implanted into the withers of an animal. Those. losing a pet is almost impossible. Even if you accidentally “lose” it, it will still be returned to you. I think this would increase the degree of responsibility of the owners. Of the minuses - I think there are good people who will cut out these chips if they want to get rid of the dog ... We still do not have America in this regard. We are wild.

It would also be great if the owners of certain breeds of dogs took special courses with their pets. For example, an obedience course, where, among other things, they would be told about the peculiarities of the psychology of dogs, about proper care and socialization of dogs in society.

Think about which group of people you belong to in this difficult matter. And if you are still for a peaceful solution to this problem, think about what exactly you can do to make the world a little kinder and better. I suggested options above.

Maybe I'm too naive and somehow childishly perceive the situation, but I just can't do it any other way.

You can do exercises while sitting

Sandow's advice was often published in 19th-century books - readers liked him. So, in one of the books, Sandow stated that if you just sit and strain your muscles, you can increase their mass. No dumbbells needed! You just need to tighten your muscles every time you sit on a chair. At the same time, the tension should be as strong as you can afford it - the effect of fatigue should coincide with the fatigue that you get after standard exercise.

A woman can lift weights

We know that there are girls among our readers (albeit in the minority), and we are happy about this. Now, the idea that women could lift weights was very extreme in the 19th century. Now it seems that it is also not customary to think so, because then “women turn into men,” but Sandow was an ardent opponent of this idea. He said that girls also need to lift weights so that their body is protected from diseases, has the beauty and harmony of the physical contour, and also more in line with the ideal sense of self.

Fitness improves bowel movement

It sounds disgusting, but Sandow was convinced that fitness had a beneficial effect on digestive system. He wrote: "Muscular exercise stimulates and strengthens the digestive organs, especially the intestines." The effect of exercise on secretion has indeed been proven. It is well known that the increased circulation that occurs during training accelerates the release of "waste material" not only through the intestines, but also through the sweating of the skin, lungs and kidneys.

Do not dry yourself after the bath - there is a better option

Eugene Sandow was one of the first people to preach cold showers. Modern scholars nod their heads approvingly in the direction of his views, because cold water helps to restore muscles. But Sandow was a fanatic to the end - he forbade his students to dry themselves after a shower. "Stop being kids and just dress calmly - being wet isn't such a bad thing." He explains his strange looks following example:

"I have no doubt that this big mistake. Let me explain why: when you leave the bath, you wipe first one part of the body, then the other, and thus, while one part of the body heats up from friction, the other begins to cool. Many people who take cold baths in this case complain of rheumatism touches, but the whole trouble arises, in my opinion, from the fact that there is an alternate wiping, which can be avoided if you immediately dress and let your nature restore the natural circulation. »

Start exercising when you're young

Sandow believed that fitness should be practiced from the very beginning. early age- since two years. Every year you can increase the weight so that the muscles do not grow quickly, but gradually - almost naturally. The legendary bodybuilder traveled the world with his health program where children have a special place. As a result, an unmeasured number of institutions were opened in Britain alone. physical education and physical culture salons, which are considered the prototypes of modern gyms.

Avoid complex trainers

One can argue with this for a long time, but the title of “the strongest man in the world” puts pressure on us with authority. So, our hero once said: “I never imagined that modern gymnasiums should have sophisticated equipment. Everything you need for sports - everything is on earth. A trapezoid, rings, boards, ladders, masts, a vertical pole and other attributes of gymnastic training are an extra whim. Sandow achieved his success by following the path of barbells and dumbbells - nothing else is needed!

We are talking about exercises in front of a mirror. The mirror is necessary for you to follow the movements of the muscles, the correct execution various exercises. There is no shame in looking at yourself in the mirror if you want to determine where you want to go in terms of physical development.

Work with different weights

Eugene Sandow recommended keeping your body on constant "alert" mode, which means that it should not get used to any particular weight. Swing your arms with moderate weight for a few days just to keep your muscles in good shape, and then take big weight to develop muscles to new levels. Muscles should not get used to the loads.

Water instead of coffee

Just to quote a bodybuilder: “Let me say that tea and coffee contain alkaloids that are harmful to the nerves and stomach. I never drink them. Water is what nature offers to the thirsty and nothing can improve plain water". It's hard to disagree with this.

Moderation is the key to success

Eugene Sandow was not a follower of any of the diets, and in the 19th century there was no craze for diets. However, he was sure that moderation in eating is something that everyone should adhere to. Sandow drank wine, smoked, drank beer, like all the men of his time. He ate what he wanted and drank what he wanted. And everything was in perfect order, because he did not go too far.

IN last years a lot of foxes divorced. Due to natural disasters, feed, as in old days, they lack. And more and more often, especially in winter, they come to human habitation. They do not hesitate to come in in the summer too ... chickens are easy and sweet prey. And it’s okay if only that .. But there are a lot of sick people among foxes, and above all, rabies is a natural focus and hotbed of disease.

And I have a house in the outback. I go out during the summer...

So this year, having gone for a few days, I brought two stories ...

A man was riding a horse. The dog was nearby, sitting in the cart.

A fox ran across the road. A man to a dog .. "atu her atu.". wild ... His life is so ... he has to die, if anything ..

So in this battle, the dog bit the fox, despite the savagery of the latter. Apparently, the proximity of the owner, his approval and support, played a role. .

The same one, having arrived home .. was puzzled .. "Thought" visited his head ..." What if that fox was rabid ... and the dog bitten ... can also go mad. The peasant became afraid for his own skin, he decided to kill potentially sick .. I decided to decide, but my conscience has not yet completely fallen asleep ..

He turned to a neighbor, they say, help ... He helped .., but what ... a familiar thing. He put the dog to the wattle fence, and shot him with a hunting rifle. "That's all and business," as the wife of that hunter told me, from whom, in fact, I heard this story.

"Total and business, think about it" ... - said the "ruler of the world", having killed his devoted friend.

In settlements, once there was an oil mill. Now the production has collapsed, but the building is guarded. The caretaker was hired. A lonely fifty-year-old drunkard. He got himself a goat, and a small dog. A goat is a nurse, and a guard dog, even her nickname is Call. Barking, a dog discount, is heard throughout the district.

So, they were visited by a really rabid fox.

The owner heard a furious, excited, barking and desperate bleating of a goat ... A fox jumped out into the yard.

A goat's udder is bleeding, a dog is in a ball with a fox. Under the arms of nothing .. Somehow I found a drin, but to the animals. And he’s afraid to hit, you can’t tell where whose body is ... He rushed to choke the fox with his hands, she bit him .. He jumped off .. But this moment, when the fox let go of the dog, was enough to tear her throat. The fox is dead.

The analysis confirmed the rabies of the fox .. In general, usually, bitten animals are killed so that they do not spread. In this case, they didn’t do that .. Everyone was given injections And everyone survived. I myself talked with this Man. And it was he who told me everything. Although before that I heard a story from a neighbor, a veterinarian, who took the fox.