Parents' meetings. Interactive methods: exercises and training for parents “Happy to school

Target: Help parents analyze their parenting behavior, focus on the positive aspects of raising a child, forms of manifestation of love for a child.


  • Consider the positive and negative aspects of the educational influence of parents on the child.
  • Derive a formula for the success of fulfilling the role of parents.
  • Reassure parents of the need for generous expressions of their unconditional parental love

Materials: ball, colored paper (for drawing palms), pens, glue, drawing paper for sticking palms, leaflets for drawing the sun, 1 drawing paper with a drawn sun, markers).

Good afternoon. The topic of our meeting is "Seed education". “We become parents at the time of the birth of our first child and comprehend the basics of raising a child as he grows up, often making mistakes due to ignorance of the characteristics psychological development of a given age. "

“Faith, hope, love, selflessness, risk and patience! Patience! Parenting is patience. Understand, accept, endure.
(lettering on the board)


The family is one of the most ancient social institutions. It arose much earlier than religion, state, army, education, market.

The family is a complex system of relationships, since it usually unites not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives.

Whatever the parent, they will always answer in the affirmative to the question "Do you love your child?" And how we love and, moreover, whether we know how to love, somehow we didn't have to think about it. Let's reflect on this issue today and try to highlight the components of parental love.

Before we get started, I would like to meet you. I suggest you write your name and patronymic on the cards and attach them.

Thanks. Now get closer to the circle. Stretch your arms forward. I have a ball in my hands. Let's not let him fall, let him roll on our palms. Good. And now in the other direction. Thanks. Let's sit down. How did you feel doing this exercise? I will ask everyone to say at least one sentence. Parents speak out round.

We will work efficiently, for this we need to discuss the rules of work. We offer the following:

  1. Everyone has the right to speak out on the topic of conversation and be heard.
  2. We do not have spectators, everyone works.
  3. We are good friends, educated people, we know how to keep our secrets, we don't gossip.
  4. Trust us as friends, trust us as specialists , because, preparing for the meeting, we leafed through a large amount of pedagogical literature, looking for information with the amendment for today.

Accept the rules? Let's get to work.

Exercise "I wish you well"

Purpose: transferring positive feelings to each other through tactile contact.

The members of the group stand in a circle, hold hands and, according to the instructions of the psychologist, convey their positive feelings to each other with the help of tactile contact; the result is verified by polling.

Enter the circle game

Parents stand in a circle, hold hands tightly and imagine that they are children. One remains behind the circle - this is an adult. His task is to convince preschoolers to let him into the circle. To do this, you need to choose the right tone of communication and the right words.

Questions for analysis:

  • What did you feel while completing this assignment?
  • Was it easy to enter the circle?

Exercise "As a child, I dreamed ... ..."

Participants throw the ball to each other with the words: "As a child, I dreamed ..."

This exercise encourages group members to enter a childish ego state.

Game "What is he - my child"

The task of the game is to determine how the parents see their child. To do this, each of them traces the outline of the hand, on the image of each finger, he writes the name of the child by letter. Then parents are invited to decipher the letters, name the qualities of the child's character that begin with this letter. In the center of the palm, you can depict the symbol of who he is in the family.

The palms are glued to whatman paper. Summing up:

Most often, positive characteristics are given, which allows you to see positive qualities in the child, thereby setting him up for success. Also, the game leads parents to certain conclusions about the formation of the child's personality.

The exercise is a sketch. REAL FAMILY

Played by 2 teachers

Mother: Why are you being rude to me? It's not my fault that you are in a bad mood.

A son: Leave me alone. When a person feels bad, it is better not to touch him.

Mother: If it's hard for you now, you need to find the reason for it. Let's talk and you will feel better.

A son: It is impossible to speak openly with you, then you will reproach me.

Mother: Each of us must learn to speak without reproach and rudeness. But we will not learn this if we do not tell each other about our problems.

A son: Not everything can be shared with parents.

Mother: In a real family, people can talk to each other about everything and not be afraid of anything.

A son: Do we have a real family?


Exercise "In the rays of the parent sun."

Each of you, please draw a circle, write your name on it, now from this symbol (you, like the sun) draw rays one by one and sign each of them, answering the question: “How do I warm my child, how does the sun warm the earth? " for example, you write on one ray “I always wake up my child with kind, affectionate words”, on the other “I hug the child seven or eight times a day, realizing how important it is for him,” on the third, “I am kind,” etc. ... Please work, you have 3 minutes!

Let's share our pedagogical findings with colleagues.

The sun is drawn on the board. It is you who warm your child with your warmth, what are your rays called? Parents go out and write down the answer to the question "How do I warm my child?"

Let's sit back in a circle and take a close look at what we get.

See how radiant our parental sun is. It, like the one under which we live, generously gives us its warmth, affection, without choosing the time and place for this. So we, parents, should love their children, without any conditions, of course.

“Where there is not enough patience, one should try to understand, where I don’t understand - try to endure, and I always accept the child, I always love”.
S. Soloveichik

We had a very intense conversation with you today. You understand that we just did not touch on many topics. I would like to ask you to rate our work today. Please finish three sentences:

  • “From today's conversation, I understood ...
  • I did not like…
  • I would like to continue the conversation on the topic ...

Thanks a lot for your work.

    Warm-up games, dating games


    Standing in a circle, children and parents join hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, I must say a few kind words to him, for something to praise. The host nods his head and says: "Thank you, I am very pleased!" Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

    1. Some children cannot give a compliment, they need help. Instead of praise, you can simply say "tasty", "sweet", "flower", "milk" word.

    2. If the child finds it difficult to compliment, do not wait for his neighbor to be sad, say the compliment yourself.


    Those sitting in a circle join hands, look their neighbors in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile (in turn).


    Participants stand in a circle. The first participant states his name and an adjective that characterizes him (the player) and begins with the same letter as his name. For example: Gorgeous Valeria, Interesting Igor, etc. The second participant names the first phrase and says his own. The third participant calls the phrases of the first two players and so on until the last participant says his name.


    “Here is a funny ball running fast and fast from hand to hand. Whoever has a funny ball will tell us now! " (the ball is passed from hand to hand)


    Participants join hands in a circle. The first player starts the game by giving his name. The second participant repeats the name of the first participant in a circle and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game continues until the last person calls all the names, including his own.


    Participants stand in a circle. The presenter starts the game, he says: “My name is Masha, and I can do this (shows some original movement). The second participant repeats the name and movement of the first: “Her name is Masha, and she knows how to do this ... and my name is Igor, and I can do this (shows her movement). The third participant repeats the names and movements of the previous two and adds his own, and so on until the last participant says his name and adds a movement to it.


    The participants of the game sit on chairs in a circle, one place is not occupied by anyone. In the center is the driver. All participants during the game change seats in a circle counterclockwise. The player, sitting near an empty chair, sits down on it with the words "and I'm on my way." The next player - with the words "and me too". The third participant says "and I am a hare" and, striking an empty chair with his left hand, calls the name of a person sitting in a circle. The one whose name was pronounced must run over to an empty chair as quickly as possible. The driver's task is to have time to take a chair faster than the one who was named. Those who do not have time becomes a driver. The game starts over.


    The teacher invites parents to create their own self-portrait and present it to everyone present. The portrait can be painted. Parents can choose several objects that represent them as a person, as specialists, and with their help present themselves to others.


    Each of the participants must put three objects on the table that they have at hand or in a bag. His neighbor, looking at these objects, must determine the inclinations and interests of their owner.


    Talking to each other, parents find among the participants in the meeting people who are somewhat similar to themselves, for example: born in February; loves quiet evenings; has a large collection of stamps; like winter; loves the sea, etc. Participants need to find as many people as possible who have similar qualities to them.


    Various objects are laid out on the table. It can be a ball, a doll, a note, etc. Everyone chooses for himself the object that is associated with his childhood, and tells the corresponding episode from his life.


    Participants depict the Brownian movement of molecules. When meeting, they greet and get to know each other. At the command of the leader: "Molecule of 2, 3, etc.", the players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. people. As soon as the command "Chaos" sounds, the participants again begin to move like molecules. Thus, the game continues.


    All participants need to shake hands with everyone and at the same time say: "Hello, how are you?" say only these words and nothing else. There is a main condition in this game: to greet any of the participants, you can release your hand only after you start to greet someone else with your other hand. In other words, you need to be in continuous contact with someone from the squadron.


    The players stand in a circle. The ball is thrown from one player to another, telling his name and hobby. After the glomerulus is completely unwound (there will be no players left without a thread), the glomerulus is unwound, by means of naming the name and hobbies of the one from whom the thread of the glomerulus came. The one from whom the ball began to unwind should give the name and hobby of the last person to whom the thread came. The rules for winding up the ball cannot be announced in advance.

    Games to relieve anxiety, emotionally stimulating.


    All participants stand in a circle. Closing their eyes, everyone starts to move at random in different directions; you can't talk; on the clap of the presenter, they stop and open their eyes.

    They close their eyes again and do the same procedure, but still emit a buzz; on a clap they stop and open their eyes.

    Exercise Analysis - Answers to a series of questions.

    What feelings arise in the first and second cases?

    What prevented the movement?

    What helped not to collide?

    The most common answers are:

    a) "the feeling of anxiety and fear prevails";

    b) "there are feelings of awkwardness."

    It is necessary to compare the sensations during the exercise with the sensations when the participants find themselves in new companies, unusual situations. Such a comparison helps to understand and formulate the cause of anxiety and fear in communication. Those who focus more on themselves than on others have more failures.


    The educator suggests “putting in the basket of feelings” your experiences about the topic or problem of the meeting. For example, at a meeting on adaptation, the teacher suggests to parents:

    “Dear mums and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of which there are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child is on the threshold of kindergarten, feelings and emotions firmly settled in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Now we will pass this basket on and I will ask you to tell us about your impressions during the first 2 weeks of visiting the preschool educational institution. "

    "SUN RAYS"

    Children and parents stand in a circle, stretch their right hand forward, towards the center, connecting it with the hands of other participants.

    Stretch your left hand towards the sun, take some of the heat from it and put it in your heart. Let this warmth warm you and everyone around you.


    Participants stand in a circle.


    All participants stand in a circle. Each child in turn goes to the center. His chorus is called by name three times. Then the phrase "We love you" is recited in chorus. You can call the child some kind of affectionate nickname (sun, bunny).


    The game is played in a circle. The participants in the game take turns talking about what time of year, a natural phenomenon, the weather their mood looks like today. Better to start an adult: "My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, and yours?" The exercise is carried out in a circle. The adult summarizes what the whole group is in today: sad, funny, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting children's answers, remember that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

    Leadership determination games.

    During the organizational period of the group, it is necessary to identify leaders in order to facilitate the election of parental self-government bodies in the future.


    Participants need to build a carriage from the people present. Foreign objects cannot be used. During the assignment, the facilitator needs to observe the behavior of the participants: who organizes the work, to whom others listen, who chooses what “roles” in the carriage. The fact is that each "role" speaks of certain qualities of a person:

  • Roof- these are people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;
  • Doors- they are usually people who have good communication skills (who know how to negotiate, interact with others):
  • Seats- these are people who are not very active, calm;
  • Riders- those who know how to travel at someone else's expense, not very hardworking and responsible;
  • Horses- these are hard workers, ready to "carry on" any work;
  • Coachman- these are usually leaders who know how to lead;

If a participant chooses a role for himself servants, who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities, but do not want (do not know how) to show them, they are more ready to provide the rear (or these are the so-called "gray cardinals"). After the carriage is ready, the participants sit down in a circle, discuss how the games went, whether everyone found a place for themselves during the construction of the carriage, whether everyone felt comfortable, and then the presenter explains to them the meaning of the "roles" that they have chosen. Note: if the group is led and assigned by one person, then the values ​​mentioned above will not reflect the qualities of these people.

Dyusembaeva A.

Dolinskaya OSOSH,

Terekty district,

West-Kazakhstan region

"Upbringing in a family and school"


1. Show that family traditions, moral principles, pedagogical skills of parents are necessary conditions for the formation of a child's moral convictions;

2. Consider the problems of moral education of children in the family.

Meeting plan:

1. Introductory part: greeting, organizing moment (explaining the goals and objectives of the meeting, within which it is held), task "Helper / free microphone" (what I expect from the meeting), task 1 (draw a portrait of your child).

2. Training task "Child".

3. Lecturer's report "The value orientation of a teenager in modern society and family."

4. Training task "Values".

5. Lecturer's message "Moral education of students in the family and at school"

6. Training task "My child".

7. Summing up. "", "Last Mate or Free Microphone".

Meeting progress

I. Introductory part.

1. Greetings.

2. Organizational moment.

While teaching a child at school, we (children, teachers and parents) make up a triangle (while I am not belittling the role of public institutions, houses of culture, neighbors, etc.). The main apex of the triangle is, of course, the child. His task, learning new things, is to discover himself for himself (what I can, I can, what I am capable of). And the task of adults is to help him in this very difficult task.

What happens to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? Will fall!

And what is said in the fable of I.A. Krylov's "Swan, Cancer and Pike"? "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their work will not go well, but it will not work out, only torment."

Hence the conclusion: we should unite our efforts so that the child can live well and work in his “second” home - at school.

The participation of parents in the school life of children is of great importance for the children, for me, and for the parents themselves.

The theme of our parent meeting is as follows "Education in the family and school." Today we will talk about our children, their upbringing and the role of the family and school in the upbringing process.

Now you have heard the topic, plunged into the life of the school a little. Let each of you introduce yourself and say what he expects from today's meeting.

3. Task 1.

II. Training task "Child"

Take this little man in your hands. His name is Arman. Live the day with little Armand

In the morning my mother went to Armand and began to wake him up. He so did not want to get up, for two more minutes he wanted to lie in bed. Mom began to scream at the child for his disobedience ... Armand felt so sad that they did not understand him ...


But the boy got up, washed, put on a new shirt and went out to breakfast. He went up to dad, silently stood beside him, smiled affectionately and spun around so that dad would appreciate his new shirt. But dad did not notice the new shirt, pushed Arman away, shouting at him that he did not sit down to breakfast ... Armand felt even sadder in his soul ...

- Take a piece off the boy.

After breakfast, Armand got ready and went to school. On the way to school, a huge dog barked at him. She growled loudly, then ran up to the boy and jumped on him, but did not bite, only stained his new shirt. This did not add to Armand's joy ...

- Take a piece off the boy.

On the porch of the school, Arman met his friend Ruslan. Ruslan walked very cheerful and cheerful, and instead of greeting he kicked Arman's briefcase hard so that the handle came off the briefcase. Our Armand is a man, and men do not cry. He held back his tears and went to class.

- Take a bite off the boy.

And in the lesson today there was a test. Armand was so worried about everything that had happened to him in the morning that he wrote it in a two. Here the boy's mood dropped completely ...

- Take a bite off the boy.

Arman walked home with brisk steps, in a dirty shirt, with a briefcase without a pen and a huge deuce, he was in a hurry, because he knew that his parents were not at home. All the way he thought about what he would be in the evening for a dirty shirt, a torn briefcase and a deuce in mathematics. What if mom and dad don't notice ?! The child's heart was beating with such force and pain that it was ready to jump out of the chest. Here is a familiar street, house, entrance, floor, apartment ... The door was open, Arman was terribly frightened - his parents were at home. He entered, my mother was standing on the threshold ...


the timing of this exercise.

III. Lecturer's message "The value orientation of a teenager in modern society, family" (text of the lecture Appendix 1).

IV. Training assignment "Values"

Please write three values ​​on the pieces of paper. Put them for yourself so that the most expensive for you is at the very bottom, and the least expensive at the top.

So, every morning you get up and live your day, as you see fit, experience various difficulties, overcome obstacles. Somewhere in a hurry, somewhere you are lazy, but you live in the rhythm of our modern society. Days fly by imperceptibly, time cannot be stopped ... And then one day, waking up in the morning, you understand that the value that lies in front of you is gone, it is no longer there. Take her away.

You are living again, because life goes on. You are in a hurry, in a hurry to do everything that is possible. Somewhere they did not listen to the end, somewhere they did not overlook, somewhere they did not love. And then one day, waking up in the morning, you understand that the value that lies in front of you is gone, it is no longer there. Take her away.

Look, all is not lost, you go on with life. Strive to live every day more intensely, run, run, when you come home, you fall exhausted on the sofa, close your eyes, sleep. The next day, business, work, vanity again ... And again, somewhere they did not listen to it, somewhere they did not overlook, somewhere they misunderstood, somewhere they did not love. Once you wake up, you understand that, and the last value has gone away from you. All ... They are no more ...

You have the opportunity to take, if you like, the fourth piece of paper and write on it something else that will keep you in this life ...

Look at what you have written or at blank space if you have not written anything. What are you experiencing now, answer this question for yourself, within yourself.

Now return all your valuables, we have no right to take them away from you, they are with you. Just think about what you can do to keep these values ​​with you longer.

Dear parents, please analyze what condition you had during this exercise. ("Assistant" in a circle).

For each of you, your child is undoubtedly a value. Think about what you are doing wrong, maybe somewhere he lacks attention, somewhere your love and understanding. Maybe this exercise can help you solve some of your parenting problems in the family.


Vi. Training task "My child".

Draw your palm on a piece of paper - this is your child. In the center of the palm, write his name, just as you usually call him, write his best qualities on your fingers. And around the palm of your hand, write all possible ways to protect your wonderful child from the negative influence of society. Environment. What can you or someone else do for him?

Vii ... Summarizing. A child's soul is a full bowl

Each of you (and mine) have a heart (stickers),

Kind, smart, generous, strong, fair, healthy, caring ...

Look what a bright, beautiful soul a child has! And what should be the adults, among whom the child lives, so that this bowl does not splash, does not break, but becomes more

"The Last Helper."

Dear parents, at the beginning of our meeting you talked about what you would like, what you expect from this meeting. We will now ask you to write your feedback on the meeting on these stickers. They can be both positive and negative, perhaps you will express some of your impressions and wishes. We will be interested in any of your opinions. We will then post on the board.

richer ?. We express our deepest gratitude to you for taking the time today and visiting the schools at. We hope to see you soon, to cooperate with the school. Let's bring up our kids together.

Appendix # 2

"Moral education of students in the family and at school"

In modern conditions, the situation is such that the family and school are the main respondents for all the failures associated with the upbringing of the younger generation.

What role should the family and school play during this period in the life of a teenager? How can they help to survive the stages of growing up of their child with minimal losses for him and for the parents?

First of all, this is all-round emotional support for the child. Whatever throwing torments the child, no matter how ridiculous these throwing is from the point of view of an adult, parents should empathize, understand, accept and support their child just because they are his parents.


The problem of moral education remains very urgent today.

The burden of difficulties that we have inherited is very heavy. The end of the 2nd millennium was marked by catastrophes that entail imbalance in the physical and moral health of people. The horrible manifestations of social and economic cataclysms are the increased juvenile delinquency, blooming with lush flowers and, like ambrosia, an intractable drug addiction. The consequence (or the reason?) Of this are lack of spirituality, revaluation of values, loss of moral guidelines of the younger generation and, consequently, of society as a whole.

Family education is inextricably linked with the life of society and the state.

Child and society, family and society, child and family. These closely related concepts can be arranged in the following sequence: family - child - society. The child grew up, became a conscious member of society, created a family in which children were born again ... From this we can conclude that the moral health of our society depends on how moral, kind and decent our children are.

The family is traditionally the main educational institution ... What the child acquires in the family in childhood, he retains throughout his subsequent life. The importance of the family is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the personality, none of the institutions of upbringing can compare with the family. It lays the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters school, he is already more than half formed as a person..

The moral values, guidelines and beliefs of the individual are contained in the family. The family is a special kind of collective that plays a basic, long-term and most important role in upbringing.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the main content of moral education was the formation of such personality traits as ideology, humanism, citizenship, responsibility, hard work, nobility and the ability to manage oneself..

One of the central concepts of the human moral world is conscience. “Conscience is a person's ability to self-control, self-esteem based on public moral assessments. Conscience primordially means knowledge of general information about human behavior, its norms, principles, the essence of a person, etc..

The moral needs of a person are closely related to moral feelings, which are also the motives of human behavior. it

Raising developed moral needs is the main task

parents. The task is quite feasible. What is needed for its successful solution?

1) Parents should be aware of the importance of this task.

2) To develop these moral needs in themselves, since improvement continues throughout human life. Parents who would like to raise their child not spontaneously, but consciously, should begin the analysis of their child's upbringing with an analysis of themselves, with an analysis of the characteristics of their own personality.

3) Know how, by what methods to form moral needs in children.

It should be noted following methods and the conditions for the moral upbringing of a child in a family:

1) The atmosphere of love... A person deprived of this feeling is not able to respect his loved ones, fellow citizens, the Motherland, to do good to people. The atmosphere of love and heartfelt affection, sensitivity, caring of family members for each other has a strong influence on the child's psyche, gives a wide scope for the manifestation of the child's feelings, the formation and implementation of his moral needs.

American psychologist James Dobson notes: “We all really need to not only belong to a separate group of people busy with their own affairs and live in the same house, but also to feel the closeness of loved ones, to breathe the general atmosphere of a family that is aware of its individuality and uniqueness , its own special character, its traditions ”.

At the same time P. Lesgaft argued that blind unreasonable maternal love "killing a child is worse than a cane" makes a person an immoral consumer.

2) The atmosphere of sincerity.“Parents ... should not lie to their children in any important, significant life circumstances. Every lie, every deception, every simulation ... the child notices with extreme acuteness and speed; and, having noticed, falls into embarrassment, temptation and suspicion. If a child cannot be told something, then it is always better to honestly and directly refuse to answer or draw a certain line in information, than to invent nonsense and then get entangled in it or than lie and deceive and then be exposed by childish discernment. And you shouldn't say: “It's too early for you to know”, or “You won't understand it anyway”; such answers only irritate curiosity and pride in the child's soul.

Better to answer like this: “I have no right to tell you this; every person is obliged to keep known secrets, and it is indelicate and immodest to inquire about other people's secrets. " This does not violate the straightforwardness and sincerity, and gives a concrete lesson in duty, discipline and delicacy ... "

The word should be applied specifically to a specific person, the word should be meaningful, have a deep meaning and emotional coloring. For a word to educate, it must leave a mark in the thoughts and soul of the pupil, and for this it is necessary to learn to delve into the meaning of words. Only then can we count on emotional impact. Teenagers love to reason, but parents often suppress this reasoning, emphasizing their immaturity, explaining that they are still small, and therefore it is too early for them to express their opinions. But it is in the course of this reasoning that adolescents comprehend moral concepts. What is the right way to talk to a child? It's all about knowing what to say and how to say.

First, you don’t have to tell a child or teenager what he knows very well without us. It's pointless.

Secondly, we need to think about the tone and manner of our conversation in order to avoid "reprimands" and "boring sermons." Neither one nor the other sinks into the soul of a child.

Thirdly, we need to think over how to connect our conversation with life, what practical result we want to achieve.

And the content, and the tone, and the place, and the timing of the conversation - everything is important. In a word, we convince, but a belief cannot exist without its realization. This is the skill of the educator (parent) so that a conversation with a child evokes in the latter an echo of his own thoughts and experiences, prompting him to be active. Children different ages you need to convince in different ways. Younger students demand convincing examples from life, from books. The teenager is convinced by a deep faith in the word of adults. With children of senior school age, V.A. Sukhomlinsky advises to think aloud, share doubts with them, and seek advice. Such ease affirms trust, frankness, sincerity, brings together

an adult and a child, opens the way to his spiritual world.

4) Reproaches are a big mistake in family education. Alone

reproach the child for the fact that he is already big, but does not study well, others reproach both age and physical strength. Those parents are doing the right thing. Which arouse in children a sense of pride in their adulthood, encourage, instill confidence in the possibility of success, What is the harm of reproaches? The main evil is that such reproaches cause disbelief in oneself, and disbelief in oneself relaxes the will and paralyzes the soul, interfering with making independent decisions in overcoming difficulties.

5) V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered punishment as an extreme measure of influence.

Punishment has educational power in the case when it convinces, makes you think about your own behavior, about your attitude towards people. But the punishment should not offend the dignity of a person, express disbelief in him.

6) Reproach. The educational power of censure depends on the moral qualities and tact of the educator. One must be able, without offending the child, to give a fair, although perhaps harsh assessment of his actions. The art of censure consists in a wise combination of strictness and kindness. It is very important that the child in the censure of an adult feels not only severity, but also self-care.

7) V. A. Sukhomlinsky considers prohibition to be a very important method in education. It prevents many flaws in behavior, teaches children to reasonably relate to their desires. Children and adolescents have a lot of desires, but all of them are impossible and do not need to be satisfied. “If the elders strive to satisfy any child's desire, a capricious creature grows up, a slave to whims and a tyrant of neighbors. The upbringing of desires is the subtlest work of an educator, wise and decisive, sensitive and ruthless. " From childhood it is necessary to teach a person to manage his desires, it is possible, necessary, impossible to relate to concepts correctly.

Thus, parental indulgence is very harmful. “… The art of commanding and prohibiting… is not easy. But in healthy and happy families it always blooms. "

8) It is necessary to educate feelings. This means both word and deed to cause experiences, awaken feelings, deliberately creating an appropriate situation or using a natural environment.

The essence of the emotional situation as a means of education lies in the fact that in connection with any event, deed, a person feels the subtlest experiences of another and responds to them with his own. Feelings are not imposed, but awakened, and they can be awakened not artificially, but by sincere experiences.

9) Regular work in the presence of a child... Constantly observing the work of adults, the child begins to imitate this in the game, and then he himself is included in the labor process as an assistant, and, finally, as an independent performer.

The most important

The method of mastering knowledge and experience in a child is imitation. The instinct of imitation makes the child try to reproduce all the actions and deeds of the people around him. Reproduced means mastered. Only by the age of 7 does the child develop his own

moral grounds and can evaluate the behavior and actions of people around. Therefore, adults who love a child and wish him well should strictly control every step they take so as not to serve as an example of immoral behavior for him.


The family is the first instance on a child's path to life.

The family perceives and passes on cultural and moral values ​​to its pupils. “The family is the primary bosom of human spirituality; and therefore the entire spiritual culture, and above all - the Motherland. "

Parents make up the child's first social environment. Parents are the models that the child is guided by on a daily basis. The personalities of the parents play a vital role in the life of every person.

Only with the confidence of the child in parental love is it possible to correctly form the human mental world, it is possible to educate moral behavior.

The morality of a child is a necessary condition for his fundamental positions, the consistency of his behavior, respect for the dignity of the individual, spirituality.

Itself moral education carried out through the formation of the child's moral needs and beliefs, moral feelings and emotions, moral knowledge about good and evil.

The tasks of the teacher are to explain to loving parents that their pedagogical literacy depends primarily on themselves, on their desire to understand the complex and difficult process of the formation and development of the child's personality; find ways and conditions for the formation of the child's morality.

Undoubtedly, the work of moral education is responsible and difficult, to achieve positive results it is possible only with the interaction of family and school, cooperation between parents and children themselves, therefore, the principles of interaction between adults and students are necessary in communication.

Interaction principles:

Mutual respect and trust.

Reasonable penalties and positive incentives are the path to success.

Believe in the creative powers of the child.

The main thing in raising a child- affection, praise, encouragement for good behavior and good deeds.

Appendix # 1

Each society has a unique value-orientational structure, which reflects the originality of a given culture. Since the set of values ​​that the individual assimilates in the process of socialization it is society that “translates” to him, the study of the system of value orientations of the individual seems to be a particularly urgent problem in a situation of serious social changes, when some “blurring” of the social value structure is noted, many values ​​are destroyed, social structures disappear norm.

Growing up from a “child to a teenager” is invariably accompanied by the desire to understand oneself more deeply, to understand one's feelings, moods, opinions, and relationships. The life of a teenager should be filled with some kind of meaningful relationships, interests, experiences. It is in adolescence that a certain circle of interests begins to be established, which gradually acquires a certain stability. This circle of interests is the psychological basis of the adolescent's value orientations. At this age, there is a switching of interests from the particular and the concrete to the abstract and general, there is an increase in interest in issues of worldview, religion, morality, aesthetics. An interest develops in the psychological experiences of others and in one's own.

At this age, the critical attitude of children to the actions, deeds, behavior of adults is noticeably increased. If the words of adults are at odds with their deeds and actions, they inevitably lose credibility in the eyes of the pupils. A teenager needs an adult friend with whom he could discuss his life problems, share his doubts, worries, count on his help and support. However, parents often do not understand adolescents, the reasons for their riots, disobedience, and conflicting actions.

All parents of teenagers should remember every day and hour: adolescence is the most explosive age: a teenager at this time is like a red-hot light bulb.

Modern adolescents are experiencing an acute crisis in the process of forming their value orientations. First of all, it manifests itself in the absence of basic values ​​in most of them (the meaning of life, the concept of life, spirituality, patriotism, and much more).

The adolescent period marks the transition to adulthood, and the peculiarities of its course leave an imprint on the entire subsequent life.

To summarize age features, then we can say that adolescence is a period of active formation of a person's worldview - a system of views on reality, oneself and other people. At this age, self-esteem and self-knowledge are improved, which has a strong influence on the development of the individual as a whole. Self-esteem is a central neoplasm adolescence, and the leading activity is communication and socially significant activities.

The social formation of a person takes place throughout life and in different social groups. Family, kindergarten, school class, student group, work collective, company of peers - all these are social groups that make up the immediate environment of the individual and act as carriers of various norms and values. Such groups that define the system of external regulation of the individual's behavior are called institutions of socialization.

The family is a unique institution of socialization, since it cannot be replaced by any other social group. It is in the family that the first adaptation period of a person's social life takes place. Until the age of 6-7 years for a child, the main thing is the social environment, which is formed by his habits, the foundations of social relations, a system of meanings. During this period, the system of the child's relationship to himself, to others (attitude to loved ones and to people in general), various types of actions is determined. It is in the family that children acquire the first interaction skills, master the first social roles, comprehend the first norms and values. Subjective value judgments are formed, determined by significant relationships, character is formed, norms are assimilated, social qualities develop. In all cases of improper upbringing, social adaptation is impaired. On the other hand, the positive influence of the family contributes to the successful socialization and social adaptation of the individual, not only in childhood, but also throughout life. The positions that the child's parents form in the system of social relations determine in the future the lifestyle and life plan, which E. Bern called a life scenario.

All this makes the family a very important and irreplaceable link in the general system of personality development. According to some authors, the family, forming socially valuable qualities in a child (humanism, patriotism, conscientious attitude to public duty, etc.), brings into their formation that personal moment that provides not only knowledge of the norms of behavior, but also beliefs, aspiration to assert these norms in their daily life.

The most important function of the family, in the formation of the child's personality, is the laying of the moral foundation of his personality: the assimilation of simple moral norms (benevolence, truthfulness, responsiveness), emotional and value ideas, the formation of moral feelings. In the family, the child develops "the first ideas about good and bad, beautiful and ugly, good and evil ... the basic (basic) needs of the individual are laid." It is in the family that he acquires the skills of communicating with close people, receives lessons in love for elders, sympathy, mutual understanding, in other words, he goes through the school of direct practical humanism in relationships with people. And if in the early stages of its formation the family lacked something in this regard, the lack of formation of moral values ​​and moral feelings can affect throughout subsequent life, expressed in the inability to deep feelings of friendship, love, compassion.

Simple moral norms, feelings of kindness and humanity, assimilated in the family, become the basis for the formation of more complex concepts of morality and moral feelings - patriotism, a sense of duty to society.

Another important function of the family is preparation for work: the formation of industriousness; responsibility, independence, the formation of practical work skills and skills of cooperation, mutual assistance.

The main elements of the labor education of children are: family and household work, involvement in social labor activity parents through communication and the formation of moral incentives to work. Protecting the child from household chores and economic activities of the family, excessive custody, enthusiasm for "verbal" methods violate the principle of unity of consciousness and activity in the field family education... Meanwhile, any attempt to “introduce” into the child’s consciousness “knowledge and moral norms, bypassing the child’s own activity to master them, undermines“ the very foundations of a healthy mental and moral development of a child, the education of his personality and qualities. ” The normal process of family influence requires the harmonious development of all functions of the family and helps to influence the formation of the child's personality with all aspects of life, with the whole style of his life.

The main characteristic of the family climate is the emotional relationship between family members, in which the leading and decisive role belongs to the relationship between spouses-parents, since it is they who determine the overall organization. family life and features of family influence. The psychological climate of the family forms the child's humanistic personality traits and a certain style of relationships with other people, which manifests itself in his daily behavior, in contacts with comrades, etc.

Considering the factors affecting the developmental potential of the family, one cannot pass over in silence the question of the characteristics of the personality of the father and mother, the traits of their lifestyle and parental authority. In works on pedagogy and educational psychology, it was repeatedly pointed out the importance of the personality of the educator in the process of education. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “nothing ... so fascinates adolescents, nothing with such force awakens the desire to become better, as an intelligent, intellectually rich and generous person.” "The mind is educated by the mind, conscience by conscience, devotion to the motherland - by effective service to the motherland." Lifestyle traits and personal characteristics of parents can influence the process of personality formation as follows:

    serve as a direct model of behavior for the child;

    are the basis on which their authority as educators is built and thereby the effectiveness of interventions increases.

The family takes care not only about the procreation of offspring, but also about its all-round development, focusing mainly on the formation of his household skills and morality.

The family is the main source of population reproduction and stands out among other institutions of upbringing for its responsible attitude to fulfilling the functions of a storehouse and repeater of universal moral wealth. She, as a form of uniting people, is eternal, just as the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children is eternal. In various socio-economic formations, albeit not in the same modifications, these relations will still exist, which confirms the idea of ​​the eternity of the family as an institution of personality formation.

Among the dominant motives of society's interest in preserving and improving the family, it should be noted: firstly, the family has a huge impact on the socialization of the younger generation. N.Ya. Soloviev: "An intelligent, active, creative position of the individual and the organization of family life is needed by everyone: both the individual itself and society, both adults and children, both modern and future generations." Marriage and family relations are influenced not only by the economic conditions of the development of society, but also by the spiritual culture developed by mankind for millennia.

Life proves that not only society affects the family, but the family, as its necessary unit, has a significant impact on the development of society as a whole. It is eternal as life itself is eternal. It is eternal because the family is, first of all, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, which is characteristic of any human society.

In the formation of many civic and personal qualities in adolescents, the social environment plays an important role.

At the same time, the family microclimate can provide invaluable assistance in the timely achievement of this goal. The priority in the formation of many personality traits belongs to the family environment.

The formation of the personality, from birth to full maturity, depends on the influence of the social environment, which contributes to the optimal implementation of the development program inherited with the genotype. The most important role in the implementation of this program is played by the family environment, since it is closest to understanding the hereditary factors of the organism. In addition, as the keeper of the achievements of the past, she is better than others able to convey this samples to new generations.

Therefore, at the present time, at the stage of the revival of the spiritual and cultural heritage, reliance on the family, as the focus of the moral wealth of the people, is an objective need of societies. “The system of customs and traditions of any nation is the result of its efforts over many centuries. Through this system, each nation reproduces itself, its spiritual culture, its character and psychology in a series of successive generations ”. Hence the increased attention of modern society to those spiritual values ​​of folk pedagogy and folk psychology, which, naturally, could only be preserved in family life.

Society is interested in the continuity of only the progressive spiritual wealth of the people. In the implementation of this goal, a huge role belongs to the family, which has absorbed the modern way of thinking, pedagogical and human culture. The well-being of any civilized society to a large extent depends on the social maturity of its members, achieved through the formation of a personality that develops and self-realizes in harmony with itself and society. Important indicators of personality development are the readiness of the growing person for work, social and personal life.

Family issues, the pattern of its development at all times have been and remain the subject of deep study of sociology, philosophy, jurisprudence, pedagogy, psychology, medicine and many other sciences.

It is no coincidence that in the most ancient historical monuments, such as the Laws of the Babylonian King Hammurabi, the Middle Assyrian laws, the Hittite laws, the Indian Artshahastra, Kautilya, the Jewish and Christian Bible, the Muslim Koran and others, family issues, family relations occupy a significant place.

The family is one of the main factors in the socialization of the individual, and the people strove to ensure that this process was purposeful. Socialization of the individual in the family encompassed preparing her for productive work for the benefit of the family and society, mastering the roles of men and women, the norms and requirements of morality, fulfilling civic duties, assimilating cultural values, as well as the realization of the activity of the individual, her self-development and self-realization.

The family, as the primary community of people, is a form of realization of the “initial initial spirituality”. The family is the cradle of humanity, the first school of life, a decisive factor in the formation of personality. It is in the family that a very important period of the formation of the value consciousness of the individual takes place, when the values ​​that are immutable for the parents are mechanically mastered by the child. The family acts as the first reference group, whose norms and values ​​he accepts as his own and embodies them in his behavior. Through the family, the child learns a special version of the culture based on the attitudes and experiences of family members.

The value priorities of children are formed not only by purposeful influence, by the words of the parents, but also by their whole life. As an integral part of one or another ethnic group, the family acts as a microenvironment of ethnic processes. Formation of public opinion on family councils, strict division of labor between the sexes, mutual assistance of all its members, respect for children, the cult of motherhood, hospitality, a system of avoidance that restricts relations between spouses and between parents and children, joyful perception of the birth of a child, respect for age, old age, woman, strict adherence to national traditions. All this created favorable conditions for the development and formation of the personality of a teenager.

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  • Director-head teacher


"Upbringing in a family and school"

parent meeting in the form of training


1. Show that family traditions, moral principles, pedagogical skills of parents are necessary conditions for the formation of moral convictions of the child;

2. Consider the problems of moral education of children in the family.

Meeting plan:

1. Introductory part: greeting, organizing moment (explaining the goals and objectives of the meeting, within which it is held), task "Helper / free microphone" (what I expect from the meeting), task 1 (draw a portrait of your child).

2. Training task "Child".

3. Lecturer's report "The value orientation of a teenager in modern society and family."

4. Training task "Values".

5. Lecturer's message "Moral education of students in the family and at school"

6. Training task "My child".

7. Summing up. "Baby Soul is a Full Cup", "Last Helper or Free Microphone".

Meeting progress

I... Introductory part.

1. Greetings.

2. Organizational moment.

While teaching a child at school, we (children, teachers and parents) make up a triangle (while I am not belittling the role of public institutions, houses of culture, neighbors, etc.). The main apex of the triangle is, of course, the child. His task, learning new things, is to discover himself for himself (what I can, I can, what I am capable of). And the task of adults is to help him in this very difficult task.

What happens to a three-legged stool if one leg breaks? Will fall!

And what is said in the fable of I.A. Krylov's "Swan, Cancer and Pike"? "When there is no agreement among the comrades, their work will not go well, but it will not work out, only torment."

Hence the conclusion: we should unite our efforts so that the child can live well and work in his “second” home - at school.

The participation of parents in the school life of children is of great importance for the children, for me, and for the parents themselves.

The theme of our parent meeting is as follows "Education in the family and school." Today we will talk about our children, their upbringing and the role of the family and school in the upbringing process.

Now you have heard the topic, plunged into the life of the school a little. Let each of you introduce yourself and say what he expects from today's meeting.

3. Task 1.

Now I am asking you to complete the next task. You need to draw a portrait of your child on a piece of paper (it can be a face or some object, a set of objects that would characterize him). Please select the tool you would like to draw and get to work (then the drawings without signatures are posted on the board)

II... Training task "Child"

Take this little man in your hands. His name is Armand. Live the day with little Armand

In the morning my mother went to Armand and began to wake him up. He so did not want to get up, for two more minutes he wanted to lie in bed. Mom began to scream at the child for his disobedience ... Armand felt so sad that they did not understand him ...

- Take a piece off the boy.

But the boy got up, washed, put on a new shirt and went out to breakfast. He went up to dad, silently stood beside him, smiled affectionately and spun around so that dad would appreciate his new shirt. But dad did not notice the new shirt, pushed Arman away, shouting at him that he did not sit down to breakfast ... Armand felt even sadder in his soul ...

- Take a piece off the boy.

After breakfast, Armand got ready and went to school. On the way to school, a huge dog barked at him. She growled loudly, then ran up to the boy and jumped on him, but did not bite, only stained his new shirt. This did not add to Armand's joy ...

- Take a piece off the boy.

On the porch of the school, Arman met his friend Ruslan. Ruslan walked very cheerful and cheerful, and instead of greeting he kicked Arman's briefcase hard so that the handle came off the briefcase. Our Armand is a man, and men do not cry. He held back his tears and went to class.

- Take a bite off the boy.

And in the lesson today there was a test. Armand was so worried about everything that had happened to him in the morning that he wrote it in a two. Here the boy's mood dropped completely ...

- Take a bite off the boy.

Arman walked home with brisk steps, in a dirty shirt, with a briefcase without a pen and a huge deuce, he was in a hurry, because he knew that his parents were not at home. mathematics. What if mom and dad don't notice ?! The child's heart was beating with such force and pain that it was ready to jump out of the chest. Here is a familiar street, house, entrance, floor, apartment ... The door was open, Arman was terribly frightened - his parents were at home. He entered, my mother was standing on the threshold ...

- tear off a piece from the boy. Now look what is left of this child in just one day. Who is to blame for this? And parents, and friends, and school and even a dog. How did the day begin? Be more attentive to your children, learn to understand them. Maybe it's better not to scream again, but just say quietly, affectionately, stroke and kiss. This will be more effective than shouting and pushing.

Dear parents, please analyze what state you had during the timing of this exercise. ("Assistant / free microphone" in a circle).

III... Lecturer's message "The value orientation of a teenager in modern society, family" (text of the lecture Appendix 1).

IV... Training assignment "Values" (to the melody "Crystal sadness")

Please write three values ​​on the pieces of paper. Put them for yourself so that the most expensive for you is at the very bottom, and the least expensive at the top.

So, every morning you get up and live your day, as you see fit, experience various difficulties, overcome obstacles. Somewhere in a hurry, somewhere you are lazy, but you live in the rhythm of our modern society. Days fly by imperceptibly, time cannot be stopped ... And then one day, waking up in the morning, you understand that the value that lies in front of you is gone, it is no longer there. Take her away.

You are living again, because life goes on. You are in a hurry, in a hurry to do everything that is possible. Somewhere they did not listen to the end, somewhere they did not overlook, somewhere they did not love. And then one day, waking up in the morning, you understand that the value that lies in front of you is gone, it is no longer there. Take her away.

Look, all is not lost, you go on with life. Strive to live every day more intensely, run, run, when you come home, you fall exhausted on the sofa, close your eyes, sleep. The next day, business, work, vanity again ... And again, somewhere they did not listen to it, somewhere they did not overlook, somewhere they misunderstood, somewhere they did not love. Once you wake up, you understand that, and the last value has gone away from you. All ... They are no more ...

You have the opportunity to take, if you like, the fourth piece of paper and write on it something else that will keep you in this life ...

Look at what you have written or at blank space if you have not written anything. What are you experiencing now, answer this question for yourself, within yourself.

Now return all your valuables, we have no right to take them away from you, they are with you. Just think about what you can do to keep these values ​​with you longer.

Dear parents, please analyze what condition you had during this exercise. ("Assistant" in a circle).

For each of you, your child is undoubtedly a value. Think about what you are doing wrong, maybe somewhere he lacks attention, somewhere your love and understanding. Maybe this exercise can help you solve some of your parenting problems in the family.

V... Lecturer's message "Moral education of students in the family and at school" (text of the lecture Appendix 2).

VI... Training task "My child".

Draw your palm on a piece of paper - this is your child. In the center of the palm, write his name, just as you usually call him, write his best qualities on your fingers. And around the palm of your hand, write all possible ways to protect your wonderful child from the negative influence of society. Environment. What can you or someone else do for him?

Vii... Summarizing. A child's soul is a full bowl (on the board is a bowl cut from a sheet of Whatman paper)... How do you want to see your child? (What character traits should he have? What qualities would you like to endow him with?)

Each of you (and mine) have a heart (stickers), put it in a bowl and name the quality you want to give your child? (parents, naming the quality, “place” the heart in the bowl).

Kind, smart, generous, strong, fair, healthy, caring ...

Look what a bright, beautiful soul a child has! And what should be the adults, among whom the child lives, so that this bowl does not splash, does not break, but becomes more

"The Last Helper."

Dear parents, at the beginning of our meeting you talked about what you would like, what you expect from this meeting. We will now ask you to write your feedback on the meeting on these stickers. They can be both positive and negative, perhaps you will express some of your impressions and wishes. We will be interested in any of your opinions. We will then post on the board.

richer ?. We express our deepest gratitude to you for taking the time today and visiting the schools at. We hope to see you soon, to cooperate with the school. Let's bring up our kids together.

Appendix # 2

"Moral education of students in the family and at school"

In modern conditions, the situation is such that the family and the school are the main respondents for all the failures associated with the upbringing of the younger generation.

Today's children, unfortunately or fortunately, due to objective and subjective reasons, grow up much earlier. The school is faced with the fact that the problems associated with growing up students concern not only senior school age, but also younger adolescents. It is the transition to adulthood that is often accompanied by a change in the child's eyes in the value of his own family. This is a very important problem that affects not only the child's teaching, but also his entire way of life, his actions and behavior.

What role should the family and school play during this period in the life of a teenager? How can they help to survive the stages of growing up of their child with minimal losses for him and the parents?

First of all, this is all-round emotional support for the child. Whatever throwing torments the child, no matter how ridiculous these throwing is from the point of view of an adult, parents should empathize, understand, accept and support their child just because they are his parents.

Many parents make the mistake of blaming their child for growing up. “Since you are such an adult, it means that I will talk to you in an adult way,” they say. An attempt to lead a child, the desire of parents "once and for all" to put everything in its place often leads to the collapse of the child-parent relationship.

The first and main feeling of parents in relation to their child should be a deep faith in him and trust, sincere and real, which is formed in early childhood, and its sprouts give their shoots in adolescence.

The modern school always acts as an ally of parents in the upbringing of the future generation. Unfortunately, many adults, teachers and parents forget that not a single teenager is immune from the first trial and error - the temptation of the unknown is too great, the ways to achieve many temptations are too simple, it is too difficult to oppose oneself to one's peers. The overall goal of the family and the school is to educate resilience measures against unnecessary trials..

One of the most important features of school age is the development of moral consciousness: moral ideas, concepts, beliefs, a system of value judgments, which a child begins to be guided by at school. Depending on what kind of moral experience he acquires, what kind of moral activity he carries out, his personality will take shape.

The problem of moral education remains very urgent today.

The burden of difficulties that have befallen our time is very heavy. The end of the second millennium was marked by catastrophes that entail an imbalance in the physical and moral health of people. The terrible manifestations of social and economic cataclysms are the increased crime of children, blooming with lush flowers and, like ragweed, difficult to eradicate. The consequence (or the reason?) Of this are lack of spirituality, overestimation of values, loss of moral guidelines of the younger generation and, consequently, of society as a whole.

Family education is inextricably linked with the life of society and the state.

A child and society, family and society, children and families. These closely related concepts can be arranged in the following sequence: family - child - society. The child grew up, became a conscious member of society, created a family in which children were born again ... our society.

The family is the traditional main institution of education .What a child acquires in the family in childhood, it retains throughout the rest of his life. The importance of the family is due to the fact that the child is in it for a significant part of his life, and by the duration of his influence on the personality of none of the educational institutions can be compared with the family.It lays down the foundations of the child's personality, and by the time he enters the school, he is already more than half formed as a person.

The moral values, guidelines and beliefs of an individual are in the family. The family is a special kind of collective that plays a basic, long-term and most important role in upbringing.

The main content of moral education A. Sukhomlinsky considered the formation of such personality traits as ideology, humanism, citizenship, responsibility, diligence, nobility and the ability to manage oneself.

Conscience is one of the central concepts of the human moral world. “Conscience is the ability of a person to self-control, self-esteem based on social moral assessments..

The moral needs of a person are closely related to moral feelings, which are also the motives of human behavior. it compassion, empathy, empathy, selflessness

Educate developed moral needs is the main task

parents. The task is quite feasible. What is needed to successfully solve it?

1) Parents should be aware of the importance of this task.

2) To develop ethical needs for themselves, as improvement continues throughout human life. Parents who wanted to educate their child spontaneously, but consciously, should begin to analyze the upbringing of their child by analyzing themselves, with an analysis of the characteristics of their own personality.

3) Know how, by what methods to form moral needs in children.

The following methods and conditions of moral education of a child in a family should be noted:

1) The atmosphere of love Deprived of this feeling, a person is unable to respect his loved ones, fellow citizens, the Motherland, to do good to people. The atmosphere of love and heartfelt affection, sensitivity, caring of family members about each other has a strong influence on the wearer's psyche, gives a wide scope for the manifestation of the child's feelings, the formation and realization of moral needs.

American psychologist James Dobson notes: "We all really need not only to belong to a separate group of people busy with their own affairs and living in a water house, but also to feel the closeness of their relatives, to breathe the general atmosphere of a family, which is aware of its individuality and uniqueness, its special character, its traditions."

At the same time, P. Lesgaft argued that blind unreasonable motherly love "killing children is harder than thorns" makes a person an immoral consumer.

2) The atmosphere of sincerity.“Parents ... should not lie to their children in any important, significant circumstances of life. Any lie, any deception, any simulation ... the child notices with extreme acuteness and speed; If a child is not allowed to report anything, then it is always better to honestly and outright refuse the answer or draw a certain line in information, than to invent nonsense and then get entangled in it, or deceive and deceive, and then be exposed by childish discernment. And you shouldn't say: “It's too early for you to know,” or “You won't understand it anyway,” such answers only irritate the child's curiosity and pride.

It is better to answer like this: "I do not have the right to tell you this; every person is obliged to keep known secrets, and it is indelicate and immodest to find out other people's secrets." This does not violate the straightforwardness and sincerity, a concrete lesson of duty, discipline and delicacy is given ... "

3) Clarification. Impact by word.

The word should be applied to a specific person, the word should be meaningful, have a deep meaning and emotional connotation. In order for the word to educate, it must leave a mark on the thoughts and soul of the pupil, and for this one must learn to delve into the meaning of words. Only then can we count on an emotional impact. Adolescents love to reason, but their parents often suppress these reasoning, emphasizing their immaturity, explaining it by the fact that they are still small, because it’s time to express their opinions. It’s just like these reasoning, adolescents comprehend moral concepts. What is the right way to talk to a child? It's all about knowing what to say and how to say.

First, you don't have to tell a child or teenager what he knows very well without us. It's pointless.

Secondly, we need to think about the tone, the manner of our conversation, in order to avoid "reprimands" and "boring sermons." Nito, nothing else sinks into the soul of a child.

Thirdly, we need to think over how to connect our conversation with life, what practical result we want to achieve.

And the content, and the tone, and the place, and the timing of the conversation - everything is important. In a word, we convince, but a belief cannot exist without its realization. This also involves the mastery of the teacher (parent), so that a conversation with a child would evoke in the latter an echo of his own thoughts, experiences, prompting him to be active. Children of different ages need to be convinced in different ways. Younger students demand convincing examples from life, from books. The teenager is convinced by the deep faith in adults. For children of senior school age, V.A.

an adult and a child, opens the way to his spiritual world.

4) Reproaches are a big mistake in family education. Alone

reproach the child that he is already big, but does not study well, others reproach both age and physical strength. Those parents are doing the right thing. Which arouse in children a sense of pride in their adulthood, encourage, instill confidence in the possibility of success, What is the harm of reproaches? The main evil is that such reproaches cause disbelief in oneself, and disbelief in oneself relaxes the will and paralyzes the soul, interfering with making independent decisions in overcoming difficulties.

5) An extreme measure of influence V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered punishment.

Punishment has an educational power in the case when it convinces, makes one think about one's own behavior, about the attitude towards people. But punishment should not offend the dignity of a person, express disbelief in him.

6) Reproach. The educational power of censure depends on moral qualities, tactfulness of the educator. One must be able, without insulting a child, to give a fair, although perhaps harsh assessment of his actions. The art of censure consists in a wise combination of strictness and kindness.

7) V.A. Sukhomlinsky considers prohibition to be a very important method of upbringing. It prevents many deficiencies in behavior, teaches children to reasonably relate to their desires. There are many desires of children and adolescents, but they hardly need to be satisfied. "If the elders strive to satisfy any desire of the child, a capricious being grows up, the workers of the neighbors. The education of desires is the subtlest work of an educator, wise and decisive, sensitive and ruthless." From childhood, it is necessary to teach a person to control his desires, to relate correctly to concepts is possible, necessary, impossible.

Thus, the indulgence of the parents is very harmful. “... the art of commanding and prohibiting ... is not easy. It always blooms for new health and happy families. "

8) It is necessary to cultivate feelings. It means, in a word, to evoke anxiety, to awaken feelings, by deliberately creating an appropriate situation or using a natural environment.

The essence of the emotional situation as a means of education lies in the fact that in connection with some event or deed, a person feels the subtlest experiences of others and responds with his own. Feelings are not imposed, but awakened, and they can be awakened not artificially, but by sincere experiences.

9) Regular work in the presence of a child Constantly observing the work of adults, the child begins to imitate this game, and then he himself is included in the labor process as an assistant, and, finally, as an independent performer.

10) Protect the child from contact with immoral people.The most important

the method of mastering knowledge and experience in a child is imitation. The instinct of imitation makes the child try to reproduce all the actions and deeds of the people around him. Reproduced means mastered. Only by the age of 7 does the child develop his own

moral grounds and can evaluate the behavior and actions of people around. Therefore, adults who love a child and wish him well should strictly control every step they take so as not to serve as an example of immoral behavior for him.


The family is the first instance on a child's path to life.

Seven perceives and transfers cultural and moral values ​​to its pupils. "The family is the primary bosom of human spirituality, and therefore of the entire spiritual culture, and above all, of the Motherland."

Parents are the first social environment of the child. Parents are the models that the child is guided by on a daily basis. The personalities of the parents play an essential role in the life of every person.

Only the child's confidence in parental love is possible for the correct formation of the mental world of a person, and for the upbringing of moral behavior.

The morality of a child is a necessary condition for his fundamental positions, the sequence of his behavior, respect for dignity, spirituality.

Self-moral education is carried out through the formation of moral needs and beliefs in the child, moral feelings and emotions, moral knowledge about good and evil.

The tasks of the teacher are to explain to loving parents that their pedagogical literacy depends primarily on themselves, on their desire to understand the complex and difficult process of the formation and development of the child's personality; to find ways of the conditions for the formation of the child's morality.

Undoubtedly, work on moral education is responsible and difficult, positive results can be achieved only with the interaction of family and school, cooperation between parents and children themselves, therefore, the principles of interaction between adults and students are necessary in communication.

Interaction principles:

Mutual respect and trust.

Reasonable penalties and positive incentives are the path to success.

Believe in the creative powers of the child.

The main thing in raising a child- affection, praise, encouragement for good behavior and good deeds.

Appendix # 1

"Value orientation of a teenager in modern society, family"

Each society has a unique value-orientational structure, which reflects the originality of a given culture. Since the set of values ​​that the individual assimilates in the process of socialization it is society that “translates” to him, the study of the system of value orientations of the individual seems to be a particularly urgent problem in a situation of serious social changes, when some “blurring” of the social value structure is noted, many values ​​are destroyed, social structures disappear norm.

Growing up from a “child to a teenager” is invariably accompanied by the desire to understand oneself more deeply, to understand one's feelings, moods, opinions, and relationships. The life of a teenager should be filled with some kind of meaningful relationships, interests, experiences. It is in adolescence that a certain circle of interests begins to be established, which gradually acquires a certain stability. This circle of interests is the psychological basis of the adolescent's value orientations. At this age, there is a switching of interests from the particular and the concrete to the abstract and general, there is an increase in interest in issues of worldview, religion, morality, aesthetics. An interest develops in the psychological experiences of others and in one's own.

In times of crisis, the state of society, adolescents are the most socially unstable, morally unprepared and unprotected. Often, not having sufficient life experience, moral convictions, not being able to distinguish life values ​​from imaginary, artificial ones, they consolidate negative tendencies of social development in their consciousness and behavior. In adolescence, the needs are urgent: for self-affirmation, for a friend, to take a worthy place in a team, in communication with peers.

At this age, the critical attitude of children to the actions, deeds, behavior of adults is noticeably increased. If the words of adults are at odds with their deeds and actions, they inevitably lose credibility in the eyes of the pupils. A teenager needs an adult friend with whom he could discuss his life problems, share his doubts, worries, count on his help and support. However, parents often do not understand adolescents, the reasons for their riots, disobedience, and conflicting actions.

All parents of teenagers should remember every day and hour: adolescence is the most explosive age: a teenager at this time is like a red-hot light bulb.

Modern adolescents are experiencing an acute crisis in the process of forming their value orientations. First of all, it manifests itself in the absence of basic values ​​in most of them (the meaning of life, the concept of life, spirituality, patriotism, and much more).

The adolescent period marks the transition to adulthood, and the peculiarities of its course leave an imprint on the entire subsequent life.

Summing up age characteristics, we can say that adolescence is a period of active formation of a person's worldview - a system of views on reality, oneself and other people. At this age, self-esteem and self-knowledge are improved, which has a strong influence on the development of the individual as a whole. Self-esteem is the central neoplasm of adolescence, and the leading activity is communication and socially significant activities.

The social formation of a person takes place throughout life and in different social groups. Family, kindergarten, school class, student group, work collective, company of peers - all these are social groups that make up the immediate environment of the individual and act as carriers of various norms and values. Such groups that define the system of external regulation of the individual's behavior are called institutions of socialization.

The family is a unique institution of socialization, since it cannot be replaced by any other social group. It is in the family that the first adaptation period of a person's social life takes place. Until the age of 6-7 years for a child, the main thing is the social environment, which is formed by his habits, the foundations of social relations, a system of meanings. During this period, the system of the child's relationship to himself, to others (attitude to loved ones and to people in general), various types of actions is determined. It is in the family that children acquire the first skills of interaction, master the first social roles, and comprehend the first norms and values. Subjective value judgments are formed, determined by significant relationships, character is formed, norms are assimilated, social qualities develop. In all cases of improper upbringing, social adaptation is impaired. On the other hand, the positive influence of the family contributes to the successful socialization and social adaptation of the individual, not only in childhood, but also throughout life. The positions that the child's parents form in the system of social relations determine in the future the lifestyle and life plan, which E. Bern called a life scenario.

All this makes the family a very important and irreplaceable link in the general system of personality development. According to some authors, the family, forming socially valuable qualities in a child (humanism, patriotism, conscientious attitude to public duty, etc.), brings into their formation that personal moment that provides not only knowledge of the norms of behavior, but also beliefs, aspiration to assert these norms in their daily life.

The most important function of the family, in the formation of the child's personality, is the laying of the moral foundation of his personality: the assimilation of simple moral norms (benevolence, truthfulness, responsiveness), emotional and value ideas, the formation of moral feelings. In the family, the child develops "the first ideas about good and bad, beautiful and ugly, good and evil ... the basic (basic) needs of the individual are laid." It is in the family that he acquires the skills of communicating with close people, receives lessons in love for elders, sympathy, mutual understanding, in other words, he goes through the school of direct practical humanism in relationships with people. And if in the early stages of its formation the family lacked something in this regard, the lack of formation of moral values ​​and moral feelings can affect throughout subsequent life, expressed in the inability to deep feelings of friendship, love, compassion.

Simple moral norms, feelings of kindness and humanity, assimilated in the family, become the basis for the formation of more complex concepts of morality and moral feelings - patriotism, a sense of duty to society.

Another important function of the family is preparation for work: the formation of industriousness; responsibility, independence, the formation of practical work skills and skills of cooperation, mutual assistance.

The main elements of the labor education of children are: family and household work, involvement in social labor activities of parents through communication and the formation of moral incentives to work. Protecting the child from household chores and economic activities of the family, excessive custody, enthusiasm for "verbal" methods violate the principle of unity of consciousness and activities in the field of family education. Meanwhile, any attempt to “introduce” into the child’s consciousness “knowledge and moral norms, bypassing the child’s own activity to master them, undermines“ the very foundations of a healthy mental and moral development of a child, the education of his personality and qualities. ” The normal process of family influence requires the harmonious development of all functions of the family and helps to influence the formation of the child's personality with all aspects of life, with the whole style of his life.

The main characteristic of the family climate is the emotional relationship between family members, in which the leading and decisive role belongs to the relationship between spouses-parents, since it is they who determine the general organization of family life and the characteristics of family influence. The psychological climate of the family forms the child's humanistic personality traits and a certain style of relationships with other people, which manifests itself in his daily behavior, in contacts with comrades, etc.

Considering the factors affecting the developmental potential of the family, one cannot pass over in silence the question of the characteristics of the personality of the father and mother, the traits of their lifestyle and parental authority. In works on pedagogy and educational psychology, it was repeatedly pointed out the importance of the personality of the educator in the process of education. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “nothing ... so fascinates adolescents, nothing with such force awakens the desire to become better, as an intelligent, intellectually rich and generous person.” "The mind is educated by the mind, conscience by conscience, devotion to the motherland - by effective service to the motherland." Lifestyle traits and personal characteristics of parents can influence the process of personality formation as follows:

1. to serve as a direct model of behavior for the child;

2. are the basis on which their authority as educators is built and thereby the effectiveness of impacts increases.

“The family takes care not only about the procreation of offspring, but also about its all-round development, focusing mainly on the formation of his household skills and morality.

The family is the main source of population reproduction and stands out among other institutions of upbringing for its responsible attitude to fulfilling the functions of a storehouse and repeater of universal moral wealth. She, as a form of uniting people, is eternal, just as the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children is eternal. In various socio-economic formations, albeit not in the same modifications, these relations will still exist, which confirms the idea of ​​the eternity of the family as an institution of personality formation.

Among the dominant motives of society's interest in preserving and improving the family, it should be noted: firstly, the family has a huge impact on the socialization of the younger generation. N.Ya. Soloviev: "An intelligent, active, creative position of the individual and the organization of family life is needed by everyone: both the individual itself and society, both adults and children, both modern and future generations." Marriage and family relations are influenced not only by the economic conditions of the development of society, but also by the spiritual culture developed by mankind for millennia.

Life proves that not only society affects the family, but the family, as its necessary unit, has a significant impact on the development of society as a whole. It is eternal as life itself is eternal. It is eternal because the family is, first of all, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, which is characteristic of any human society.

In the formation of many civic and personal qualities in adolescents, the social environment plays an important role.

At the same time, the family microclimate can provide invaluable assistance in the timely achievement of this goal. The priority in the formation of many personality traits belongs to the family environment.

The formation of the personality, from birth to full maturity, depends on the influence of the social environment, which contributes to the optimal implementation of the development program inherited with the genotype. The most important role in the implementation of this program is played by the family environment, since it is closest to understanding the hereditary factors of the organism. In addition, as the keeper of the achievements of the past, she is better than others able to convey this samples to new generations.

Therefore, at the present time, at the stage of the revival of the spiritual and cultural heritage, reliance on the family, as the focus of the moral wealth of the people, is an objective need of societies. “The system of customs and traditions of any nation is the result of its efforts over many centuries. Through this system, each nation reproduces itself, its spiritual culture, its character and psychology in a series of successive generations ”. Hence the increased attention of modern society to those spiritual values ​​of folk pedagogy and folk psychology, which, naturally, could only be preserved in family life.

Society is interested in the continuity of only the progressive spiritual wealth of the people. In the implementation of this goal, a huge role belongs to the family, which has absorbed the modern way of thinking, pedagogical and human culture. The well-being of any civilized society to a large extent depends on the social maturity of its members, achieved through the formation of a personality that develops and self-realizes in harmony with itself and society. Important indicators of personality development are the readiness of the growing person for work, social and personal life.

Family issues, the pattern of its development at all times have been and remain the subject of deep study of sociology, philosophy, jurisprudence, pedagogy, psychology, medicine and many other sciences.

It is no coincidence that in the most ancient historical monuments, such as the Laws of the Babylonian King Hammurabi, the Middle Assyrian laws, the Hittite laws, the Indian Artshahastra, Kautilya, the Jewish and Christian Bible, the Muslim Koran and others, family issues, family relations occupy a significant place.

The family is one of the main factors in the socialization of the individual, and the people strove to ensure that this process was purposeful. Socialization of the individual in the family encompassed preparing her for productive work for the benefit of the family and society, mastering the roles of men and women, the norms and requirements of morality, fulfilling civic duties, assimilating cultural values, as well as the realization of the activity of the individual, her self-development and self-realization.

The family, as the primary community of people, is a form of realization of the “initial initial spirituality”. The family is the cradle of humanity, the first school of life, a decisive factor in the formation of personality. It is in the family that a very important period of the formation of the value consciousness of the individual takes place, when the values ​​that are immutable for the parents are mechanically mastered by the child. The family acts as the first reference group, whose norms and values ​​he accepts as his own and embodies them in his behavior. Through the family, the child learns a special version of the culture based on the attitudes and experiences of family members.

The value priorities of children are formed not only by purposeful influence, by the words of the parents, but also by their whole life. As an integral part of one or another ethnic group, the family acts as a microenvironment of ethnic processes. Formation of public opinion on family councils, strict division of labor between the sexes, mutual assistance of all its members, respect for children, the cult of motherhood, hospitality, a system of avoidance that restricts relations between spouses and between parents and children, joyful perception of the birth of a child, respect for age, old age, woman, strict adherence to national traditions. All this created favorable conditions for the development and formation of the personality of a teenager.

JV GBOU SOSH No. 6 Pleasant Samara region

"Kindergarten number 14"

Senior educator

Topic: "Children and Parents"

Target: contribute to the formation of trusting and benevolent relationships between parents and children.


    to generalize the knowledge of parents about the individual characteristics of children;

    identify problems and ways to promote the development of the personality of children.

Form of carrying out: a traditional meeting with elements of training and interactive forms of work.

Participants: educator, teacher - psychologist, parents.

Preparatory work:

    The children are invited to complete the following activity shortly before the meeting:

1. Choose from a certain set of toys one that you like best; (the teacher takes pictures of the child with this toy).

2. Conduct a survey of children (the same questions will be asked to parents at the meeting).

3. Previously, children choose one of the three proposed figures (circle, triangle, square), and then paint it.

    Prepare paper, pens for individual work of parents.

    Prepare questionnaires, tests.

    Make multimedia support for the meeting.

    Make a booklet - a summary of the meeting, which to hand at the end to each parent.


1. Introductory remarks.

5. Mini-lecture on the topic "What you need to know about your child?"

8. Mini-lecture "Living power of water. Living power of words"

11. Test number 3 "My favorite toy".

12. Summing up the results of the meeting.

13. Questioning "Your opinion".

Meeting progress

Parenting can do a lot
but not unlimited.
Vaccinations can be used to force
give a wild apple tree soda apples,
but no gardener art
can't get her to bring acorns.

1. Introductory remarks.

Many parents believe that they know their child perfectly. The smaller our child is, the better we really know him. But, already communicating with the teacher in kindergarten, we notice that our judgments are becoming more and more approximate, after 10-12 years we quite often find in our own family, in the person of our own child, a beautiful (and sometimes quite the opposite) stranger.

Do you know your child and what you need to know about him? Today we will talk about this topic.

2. Game "Hello, let's get to know each other"

Target: To give the participants an opportunity to switch to the "Here and Now" situation, to rally the group. To actualize the child's need for daily communication with parents.

3. Exercise "Get to know your child"

Target: Awareness by parents of the actual needs of their child.

The psychologist gives a general interpretation of the choice in the works of children :

triangle- the need for leadership, management,

circle- the need for communication,

square- the need for knowledge;

yellow- the need for communication;

Red- the need for physical activity;

blue and white- the need for calmness and solitude;

green- the need for self-expression and self-affirmation;

black and brown- the need for freedom and independence (anxiety, negativism, insecurity).

4. Training-reflection of parents on the topic: "What you need to know about your child?"

So what do you need to know about your child? And why do you need to know this? ( Parents' opinions, work in subgroups)

You are all absolutely right. The unequivocal answer to this question: you need to know everything about the child! And since this is practically impossible, we must try to be closer to him.

    To know how he lives, whom and for what he loves.

    Why his mood instantly deteriorates, and what is up to him.

    What he will never cope with, what he believes in and what he doubts, etc.

However, from this large set of information about the child, the most important can be distinguished:

    the state of his health,

    temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic),

    emotional stability or neuroticism (increased nervous irritability),

    isolation (introvert habits),


    personality orientation (personal, business, collectivist).

5. Mini-lecture on the topic "What you need to know about your child?" (make a memo and distribute)

* Sometimes it seems to us that we have a very good child. We wonder why teachers are often unhappy with him, why no one is friends with him. And we draw a salutary conclusion: educators, and in the future, teachers are unjust, and children are stupid, ill-mannered. And we are making a fatal mistake. To avoid this, as well as to scientifically build family pedagogy, you need to know the age psychological characteristics your children. Then you will be able to compare the capabilities and achievements of your child with the requirements of the age, assume them, prepare children for them, take into account the peculiarities and difficulties of each age period. ( memo attached)

* More than once I had to hear such a phrase from parents: "I know what my child needs!" Such parents build a child's life according to their own model, and then they are surprised that this life has failed. Parents consider themselves to be the rulers of the child's future life. Very often they program the belief system, even the profession of their children, thereby suppressing their personality and the ability to more fully realize their abilities! As soon as a child claims to be a person, a problem arises. And why? Because many parents are not able to tell themselves that this is my child, but he has his own values, my duty is to help him realize them. Parents see their task in something else: "I will make his life so that he is happy!"

In childhood, everything is laid that will then make up the essence of a person, his personality. A wise parent and teacher is like an architect who, when designing a new building, well represents not only the facade, but the entire interior. What adults invest in a child with early childhood, remains in it, as in a piggy bank, for many years, melting into character traits, personality traits, forming into habits and skills. But sometimes we, not knowing the future of our child and not knowing his present, build a too rough scheme, an ideal model, prepare for him in our ambitious dreams and bright hopes such roles that we once could not cope with ourselves.

What does a child need for full development?

In short, these are normal parents, good living and upbringing conditions, full-fledged communication with peers and adults, constant, active, age-appropriate activity.

The powerful need for activity is the eternal engine of human development. The wisdom of development lies in the fact that each age is characterized not only by a certain composition of types of activity, but there is also the most important, as psychologists say, the leader. It is in it that the processes develop that prepare the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development.

Violations of the normal development of the child occur, when there is no agreement between educators - dad and mom, between parents and teachers, when the chain of succession is destroyed. And then what is called personality disintegration happens. To put it simply, a child is like a cart being pulled in different directions. Then the development slips or deviates to the side.

The line of deviant behavior often originates in early childhood and, under the confluence of unfavorable circumstances, ultimately leads to persistent indiscipline, misconduct and other forms of anti public behavior in adolescence.

If pedagogical neglect is a state of the child's personality caused by deficiencies in his development, behavior, activities and relationships, caused by pedagogical reasons, then we must start with the latter. This can be the moral ill health of the family itself, flaws in family upbringing, shortcomings and mistakes of kindergarten and school.

First of all, we need to eliminate our adult mistakes. With a kind, reasonable, sparing attitude, take the child out of the state of discomfort (feelings of uselessness, insecurity, abandonment, inferiority, joylessness, hopelessness) and only then (or at the same time) help him achieve success in the most difficult business for him, arouse the desire to become better, to form faith in yourself, your strengths and capabilities.

6. Pedagogical workshop "My child"

Do you know the merits and demerits of your child? I offer you an essay from pedagogical literature.

The composition "My child".

"I really wanted to have a child. But I didn’t succeed for a long time. I already decided that I was an inferior woman .. when I finally realized that I was pregnant, there was no limit to my happiness. I was very difficult to bear and give birth to my son. was not born, I thought a lot about him, what he will look like outwardly, how he will grow and grow wiser with every year we walk the streets with him, and everyone will look at us with admiration. I imagined all the main milestones in his life: here he goes to kindergarten, here he goes to school ... but fate, along with the happiness of being a mother, gave me a punishment. My child was not born very healthy, and his preschool childhood was a chain of sleepless nights and torments for me. Sometimes I asked God, why do I need such torments? But the worst thing started at school. He turned out to be completely incapable of learning. Very angry and aggressive, deceiving me and the teacher, taking other people's things, very lazy, not interested in anything, not making friends with anyone. I'm already ashamed to show up at school and open my diary. Sometimes it seems to me that I will go crazy. "

How did you react to this composition? Describe points in your personal experience that might explain your reaction. Play the role of this woman who raised her son alone and pinned all her hopes on him. Become her child, whom my mother never called by name, from which she goes crazy and knows all his shortcomings. How did you feel in both roles? How would you feel if you were this woman? Is there a difference in your feelings and experiences? What do you think of it?

7. Exercise "What makes me sad about my child, and what makes me happy?"

Target: Identifying topics for educating parents and caregivers. Increasing the importance of narrow specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, neuropathologist) in solving certain problems.

Which column of the table is more full? Why?

For reflection, a table with the text is offered (answers of the same woman):

Table on the screen.

The virtues of my child

My baby's flaws

How I would like to see my child












Behaves badly

Good student

Learns poorly







8. "Living power of water. Living power of the word"

Target: Educating parents on the problem of the influence of society on the development of the child.

Experience 1: the experiments were carried out over water. Water was taken and frozen from three places: from a holy spring; the water stood in a place where they constantly swore; water that stood in front of the TV screen during programs showing situations of cruelty and tragedy. The water crystals from the holy spring were in the shape of a symmetrical, beautiful star. Crystals of water from a place where they constantly quarreled and sorted out relations were already in the form of an asymmetrical and inharmonious figure, similar to something unpleasant. The crystals of water in front of the TV were not just ugly, but terrible and reminded of characters from a horror movie.

Experience 2: water was drawn from one source (from the tap) in three glasses. They put one glass of water aside and did not talk to him, the other was constantly scolded, the third was told only good things. After a while, the water, which was not paid attention to, it bloomed, which she scolded, faded, and that which was said only good in its composition and its crystal looked like water taken from a holy spring.

Output: Research has shown that all ailments and problems are from bad words and images.

Think about it, if a bad word even affects water, how can it affect a child? How will he grow if he only listens to criticism, abuse and negativity?

There is not a single person in life who would have only one merits or demerits, just as there is no person without merits and demerits. The wisdom of the parents is that, seeing both, they correlate them with the effectiveness of family education. The described mother herself admitted that she had not brought up anything good in the child. But the child is not an empty vessel. And if some positive qualities are not formed in him, then bad habits and inclinations arise. If a child is lazy, this means that the family was not taught to work, if he is aggressive, it means that he did not know a good attitude. Parents need to know well the strengths and weaknesses of their child in order to balance them, relying on the positive to help him get rid of the negative. Try to look at your child with those eyes.

9. Test number 1 "What kind of parent are you".

Who doesn't want an answer to this question! That is why you are offered a test game. Check the phrases that you often use with children:



How many times should I tell you.

I don't know what I would do without you.

And who are you just born into!

What wonderful friends you have.

Well, who do you look like!

I'm in your time!

What friends you have!

What are you only thinking about!

What a clever girl you are!

What do you think, sonny (daughter)?

Everybody has children like children, and you!

How smart you are!

Please advise me.

Now calculate the total number of points and give your answer. Of course, you understand that our game is just a hint of the actual state of affairs, because what kind of parent you are, no one knows better than yourself.

7-8 points. You live in perfect harmony with your child. He truly loves and respects you. Your relationship builds personality.

9-10 points. You are inconsistent with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.

11-12 points. It is necessary to be more attentive to the child. Authority is not a substitute for love.

13-14 points... You are on the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Give him more time.

So you found out what kind of parent you are, appreciated the advantages and disadvantages of your child.

But does your opinion coincide with the child's idea of ​​himself?

I offer you the answers of your children. How they themselves assessed their shortcomings and advantages, and what phrases do you most often say to them. Study the child's opinion.

(While the parents are reading, soft music is played.)

How are you feeling now? Why do you think?

(There is a discussion.)

I told you a thousand times:

How many times should you repeat:

I'm in your time:

What are you thinking about:

Is it really hard to remember:

You become:

Everybody has children like children, and you:

Leave me alone, I have no time:

Why is Lena (Katya, Vasya, etc.) like that, but you are not:

And use more often:

You are my smartest:

It's good that I have you:

You are good for me:

I love you very much:

Thank you:

I couldn't have done it without you:

You are my support and assistant (tsa)!

remember, that children learn to live with life.(Words on screen)

If a child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate.

If a child lives in enmity, he learns to be aggressive.

If a child is ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn.

If a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt.

If a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to accept others.

If a child is often encouraged, he learns to believe in himself.

If a child is praised often, he learns to be noble.

If a child lives in honesty, he learns to be fair.

If a child lives in trust in the world, he learns to believe in people.

When a child lives in an environment of acceptance, he finds love in the world.

10. Test number 2 "Do I know my child well."

Your child's favorite activity

Who do you think is the most beautiful in the family, according to the child?

What is your child's favorite food?

What is your child's favorite fairy tale?

Write the name of your child's best friend or girlfriend

The children first give answers to these questions, and then the parents answer at the meeting. And the answers are compared by the parents themselves.

12. Test number 3 "My favorite toy".

Children choose a toy from the set of toys offered to them (book, bricks, mosaic, car, doll, etc.) and the teacher takes pictures of the child with this toy. At the meeting, parents from the same set should choose a toy that they think their child has chosen. Compare their selection to photography.

13. Summing up the results of the meeting.

Summing up the results of the meeting, it should be noted that children are largely guided by their parents.

The child learns

What he sees in his house.

Parents are an example of this.

Sebastian Brunt.

Brochures with basic excerpts and advice from the collection are offered as a gift.

Authoritative parents- proactive, sociable kind children. Authoritative are those parents who love and understand children, preferring not to punish them, but to explain to them what is good and what is bad, without fear of praising them once again. They demand meaningful behavior from children and try to help them by being sensitive to their needs. At the same time, such parents do not indulge children's whims.

Children of such parents are usually inquisitive, try to justify, and not impose their point of view, they take their responsibilities responsibly. They find it easier to master socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior. They are more energetic and confident, they have a better sense of dignity and self-control. It is easier for them to establish relationships with peers.

Authoritarian parents believe that a child should not be given too much freedom and rights, that he should implicitly obey their will and authority in everything. They strive to develop discipline in the child, leaving him no opportunity to choose options for behavior, limit his independence, deprive him of the right to object to elders, even if the child is right. Strict control over behavior is the basis of their upbringing, which does not go beyond severe prohibitions, reprimands and often physical punishment.

With such upbringing, children only develop a mechanism of external control, develop a sense of guilt and fear of punishment and, as a rule, self-control is weak, if it appears at all.

Indulgent parents - impulsive, aggressive children.

As a rule, condescending parents are not inclined to control their children, allowing them to do as they please, without demanding responsibility and independence from them. These parents allow their children to do whatever they want, to the extent of not paying attention to outbursts of anger and violent behavior.

All this leads to the fact that children do not have a desire to learn social norms of behavior, self-control and a sense of responsibility are not formed. They do their best to avoid something new, unexpected, unknown for fear of choosing the wrong form of behavior when faced with this new one.

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for your active participation in the discussion of issues.

Have you received answers to your questions?

What useful things did you learn in the meeting?

As a solution to the meeting, I offer you handouts and a tips and tricks booklet.

(Brochures are distributed to all parents)


Dear Parents! To find out how the topics and content of parenting meetings meet the needs of the family, I ask you to answer the questionnaire. Your sincere answers will help me to better see the positives and negative sides of parenting meetings. I would very much like to improve the quality of their conduct, taking into account your interests, requests, opinions.


    Your impressions of the parent meeting ____________________________________

    What did you like the most? _____________________________________________


    Do you want parental meetings to be held in this manner? Why? _________


4. A meeting on what topic would you like to attend next? _________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your help!

Natalia Shumova
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 8"
Locality: Perm Territory P. Pashia
Material name: Card file
Theme:"Games and exercises for parents at parent-teacher meetings"
Date of publication: 28.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Card file

for use in parenting meetings Compiled by the educator Shumova N.V. 2016 year.

The concept of "play technologies" includes a wide range of play situations, individual play techniques and exercises that can be used when working with parents in the Parents' Club, as well as educators, educators and professionals working with families. The game technologies presented in the manual are focused on the development of a variety of skills and abilities: social, communicative, thinking, artistic, organizational. They allow you to teach parents to express their thoughts and feelings, to analyze the experience of behavior and interaction lived in the game, contribute to the recognition of someone else's and their own “I” as values ​​of the highest importance. Play as the most attractive and natural type of activity makes it possible to correct mental processes, ethical ideas, behavior and value orientations of the "risk group" not edifyingly, but through the actualization of his own reserves of self-improvement.
Interaction of professionals working with family and families

- purposeful process, as a result of which







of this


more successful

are resolved

problems of raising children.

Seven must-have rules:





Learn to


Give thanks

Unite the parent team through
: Develop a supportive relationship between parents. Expanding contact between educators and parents. Enhancement pedagogical culture parents.

"Why did you decide to come here?"

Aimed at identifying and actualizing a particular problem,
promotes the mood for productive work. Participants briefly state
their problems. The facilitator emphasizes the variety of problems and their commonality.
"Parents, what are they?"

Aimed at reflecting the personality traits of the parent
... Everyone takes a sheet of paper and within 2 minutes writes a definition to the phrase: "Parents, what are they ..." At the end of the work, the texts are read out, the participants make up a portrait of the parent (often idealized and multifaceted) Exchange of views.
Exercise "What is the child like?"

Aimed at reflection on the perception of personality traits
child. It is performed similarly to the previous one (usually for a parent, his child is unique and inimitable). Opinion exchange.

It is aimed at reflecting parental feelings towards the child.
Participants are invited to pronounce the name, affectionate words that call the child in the family, while rolling the ball to each other. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. Actualization of feelings.
"For what I love myself, for what I scold myself"

Aimed at reflecting on your own feelings,
reflection of the relationship itself. Divide the sheet into two halves. And within 2-3 minutes, enter in the columns approving and condemning statements. At the end of the exercise, analyze which column contains more statements and which one has fewer. Actualization of feelings. Discussion.
"What makes me sad about my child is ..."

Directed by





child behavior and actualization of feelings.
The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. Discussion.
"What I love about my child is ..."

It is aimed at reflecting a positive attitude towards the personality of the child and

reflection of parental feelings.

Within 2 minutes, the participants write down the positive qualities of the child. At the end of the exercise, what has been written is read out. Participants share their feelings and experiences.
"The Kite and the Lamb" (Positioning)
An opportunity to feel and understand the emotional state of the parent and child in each of the roles. Dividing in pairs, the participants are alternately in the "kite" and "lamb" positions. The "kite" is standing, and the "lamb" is sitting. Any arbitrary topic can be discussed At the end of the exercise the following questions are discussed: "What does the" lamb "feel and what is the" kite "?" "Which position is preferable?", "What position is the child in most often, which parent?"
"What makes you happy?"

Reflection of the parent's positive emotional state
, the child and the actualization of the state of general emotional uplift. Reflection of parental feelings and feelings of the child. Participants are invited to answer the questions: "What are you happy from?", "What are your children happy from?" To do this, divide a sheet of paper in half for each nomination. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes. Further, analyzing the coincidence of the moments of happiness of children and parents, each participant answers the question: "Is common happiness possible?" Exchange of views, impressions.

Reflection of the nature of the relationship to the child.
Participants are invited to sketch associative images for 10 words they have read: thunderstorm, joy, spring day, happiness, holiday, child, separation, grief, trouble, illness. Everyone pays attention to sharp lines in drawings 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and rounded, smooth in 2, 3, 4, 5 drawings. Special attention to the 6th drawing - the shape of the lines speaks of the attitude towards the child. Sometimes this non-verbal signal makes you think and, perhaps, discover something new for yourself and the nature of your relationship to the child. Psychologically approved, accepted is expressed in smooth lines, disapproved, not accepted - in sharp, angular.
"It is forbidden"

Reflection of the child's feelings to parental prohibitions on the child's need

in the knowledge of the surrounding world.
One of the participants - the "child" - sits on a chair in the center of the circle. The leader, speaking about the stages of the child's development and his cognitive needs, alternately connects
scarf hands (“you can't touch”), legs (“you can't go there”), then ears are tied (“don't listen, this is not for your ears”) and, finally, eyes (“don't look, children can't see it”) ... We often say: "Shut up!" (gagged). The presenter asks the "tied up" how he feels at the same time. The statements of the parent - "child" allow other participants to understand, realize and empathize with all the negativity of parental prohibitions. Opinion exchange.
"Sculpture of a family"

Reflection on family relationships,
own feelings and emotional state. Acquisition of emotional-sensory experience. Each participant is invited to create a sculpture of a family. Whom other members help. Any number of characters significant to the "sculptor" can participate in the "sculpture". The presenter sketches the "sculpture" scheme and designates each specific character, called the "sculptor". By asking: “Why did you put this or that character in this place?”, “How do you feel about this?” etc., it is possible to create conditions for the participant to feel and understand his attitude towards family members.
"The ideal parent"

Reflection of one's own feelings, feelings of a child.
Optionally, one parent is the "parent", the other is the "child." Since the “ideal parent” is a huge value, he is supposed to be on a pedestal. The "parent" stands on a chair. Any situation plays out. For example, a child comes home after receiving a “deuce”. A dialogue between "parent" and "child" begins. The group and the presenter not only follow their conversation, but also pay attention to non-verbal signs: posture, gestures, body movements, facial expressions. After the end of the exercise, the participants in the dialogue answer the question: "What did everyone feel while in their role?", "What experiences did you experience?", "What did you think?" Discussion.
"Feel like a child"


of the past




It is comfortable to sit down, close your eyes, remember your childhood: what it was like, what was most pleasing, what was most offensive. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes. Participants are then encouraged to reflect on their feelings.




Exercise in pairs. Participants are invited to conduct a dialogue for 4 minutes, changing positions on
signal. 1 min: standing with their backs to each other; 1 min: one participant sits, the other stands; 1 min: participants change places: 1 min: participants sit opposite each other. After completion, the participants analyze their condition depending on the position of communication.

Reflection of feelings, mastering communication skills.
One participant is the "parent", the other is the "child". There is a dialogue about the fact that the child does not clean his room or often offends his brother (sister). Try to conduct a conversation, starting the phrase not with "you", but with "I". Participants change places. There may be other topics of conversation. Discussion.
"Golden mean"

Reflection of the dominant
, or the leader, the principle (background) in the relationship with the child. Each participant lists in writing his requirements and prohibitions in relation to the child: 1st: "I forbid the child ..." 2nd: "I allow, but I set conditions ..." 3rd: "I do not allow, but sometimes I give in ... "4th:" I authorize ... "Participants analyze what dominates: prohibitions, restrictions, concessions or permissions.





Reception of re-refraction. Carried out by the presenter with an assistant. The following situation is presented (this or any other): the daughter goes to a disco. Daughter: “I went. I don’t know when I’ll return. ” Mother: "Did you go to the disco?" Daughter: "Yes." Mother: "When will you come, do you know?" Daughter: “I don’t know, well, when it’s over, then I’ll come.” Mother: “Okay, I’ll worry,” etc. The bottom line: return in the affirmative form of what the child has told you through the "I-sensory" message. Group discussion: "What's happening 7", "What contributed to effective communication?" Offer to repeat this technique in pairs. Exchange of impressions.
"Automatic reactions"

Reflection of habitual answers.
The rhea group participates. The situation is proposed. The girl comes home and says: “Tanya no longer wants to be friends with me. She played and laughed today
with another girl, but they didn't even look at me. " Participants are encouraged to express their reaction to this situation in writing or orally. Each answer is analyzed and belongs to one or another automatic reaction (12 types).
"Listen no differently"





The group is offered several dialogues. Daughter: "I'll never go to the dentist again!" I. Mother: Don't make it up, we have a coupon for tomorrow, we need to finish treating your tooth. Daughter: “I can't take it anymore. You know how painful it was! " 2. Mother: “She didn’t die. In life, you often have to endure. And if you don't heal, you will be left without teeth. " Daughter: “It's good for you to speak. You weren't drilled like that! And in general, you do not love me! " Mother: "Don't be silly." Son: "Imagine, I missed the last two trainings, and the coach kept me in reserve today." 3. Mother: “Well, nothing, someone has to sit there too, and it’s his own fault.” Son: “Let the other sit, but I don’t want to. This is unfair: Petrov is weaker than me, but they put him to play! "
"Tete-a-tete". "Preferred outcome"
Acquisition of new emotional and sensory experience. Reflection of feelings with techniques and ways of getting out of conflict situations. One of the participants is a "child", five others are "adults" (parents). "Child" in the room. “Parents” (adults) leave the room, receive instructions from the presenter about the method of verbal communication in a conflict situation with the “child”. The problem can be anything. For example, a child has not cleaned his room, the parent talks to him about this topic. The "parent" can conduct a conversation in a different strategy (position). The "child" answers him accordingly. Each of the five “parents” is assigned a certain position: a) Position of aggression (authoritarian style) For example, “parent”: “Why didn't you remove it? Be silent when the elder speaks to you. While I sing you, feed you, dress you, be so kind as to clean up! " b). "0-position" - the position of indifference and alienation ("Your business, what you want, do it. You are on your own, I am on my own. These are your problems") c). “Bribery” involves manipulating the provision of certain goods. For example, "If you ... then ..." d). "Compromise" presupposes an agreement on mutual promises of the type "Let's agree, I will do ... and you ...". E) "I-approach" presupposes a personal interest in a person with the use of "I-statements". For example, “I feel that something is happening to you. How can I help"." I'm worry
for you". Participants play these methods of communication in a conflict situation. After completing the exercise, each participant talks about the feelings, experiences, sensations that he experienced in his role. The group chooses the most constructive communication style out of the five. The facilitator briefly characterizes the communication style, naming it, and also describes the child's possible reaction to the presentation of a particular position.
These games are necessary for the facilitator to keep the participants in working order. They are held at those moments when the participants get tired of sitting or the work in the group is carried out in a lecture form and requires a lot of concentration and attention. Typically, these exercises include many active movements: jumping, head movements, arms, legs, etc. In these exercises, the facilitator usually demonstrates certain movements or speaks words. The task of the participants is to repeat everything after the presenter.
activate, "warm up" the members of the group, create a certain emotional mood in them, relieve tension that may arise at the initial stages of the group's work. When interacting with the parents of the pupils, relaxation exercises are used in the course of:  individual consultations;  parenting meetings or other events;

removal of emotional stress.
Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a screen in front of you. On the screen, you see a rainbow - the colors you like. Each color has its own mood and feeling.

- blue. Blue can be soft and soothing, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat. It refreshes you like swimming in a lake. What do you see when you think of blue? The next color is red. Red gives us energy and warmth. It's good to look at him when it's cold. Sometimes there are too many red us
angry. Sometimes he reminds us of love. What do you think when you look at red? The color yellow brings us joy. It warms like the sun and we smile. If we are sad and lonely, he cheers up. What do you think when you look at yellow? Green is the color of nature. If we are sick or uncomfortable, green helps us feel better. What do you think when you look at it? Do you notice how different colors affect your mood and even your well-being? Try to see other colors as well. Questions for analyzing the state after the exercise:  What were your feelings during this exercise?  What color has most effectively influenced your well-being and mood? In addition to special exercises, reminders for parents are created, which suggest possible ways of self-regulation of the emotional state. The need for relaxing exercises with parents is due to the importance of harmonizing parent-child relations, in connection with which it is necessary to: teach parents to communicate with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each; to form in them the ability to manage their emotions and feelings at critical moments. And this is difficult to achieve with a high workload of adults, their chronic fatigue. The teacher's task is to teach parents how to relax so as not to transfer their irritation associated with problems at work or with other people on the relationship with the child.
Material for the design of a memo to parents

How can I help myself?

Step one.

The most effective method of acquiring relaxation skills is autogenous training, that is, relaxing the muscles of the body, regulating heart activity, influencing the rhythm of breathing, etc. Take the "coachman pose": sit on a chair, relax, tilt your head slightly forward, put your elbows on your knees, spread your legs. Say the following text: “I am completely calm. The heart beats evenly. Thoughts flow smoothly and slowly. I'm resting. I am completely calm. Relax, calm down, rest. Let thoughts leave your head. Rest your neck, chest, and arms. Listen to yourself: warmth and light are already in you. They carry away grief, bad mood. Listen to the silence. She is silent and tells you to rest ”.
Step two.
After general relaxation, you can do the following exercises. "Breathing" 1. Take a deep breath, slowly raise your arms through the sides up. 2. Exhale with an open strong sound "A-A-A". 3. Inhale, arms up to shoulder level. 4. Exhale with a strong sound "0-0-0" (hug yourself by the shoulders, lower your head to your chest). Take a slow, deep breath. 6. Slow, deep exhalation with the sound "U-U-U" (hands down). "Fingers into a fist" Clench your fingers into a fist, thumb inside. Exhale calmly, at this time make a fist. Then, releasing the squeeze, inhale. The exercise is performed simultaneously with both hands (5 times).
"The scent of roses"
Imagine a bouquet of roses and inhale the scent of imaginary flowers, enjoying their scent.
Imagine that your body is slowly "embraced" by a warm sunbeam. It warms the head, face, neck, arms, legs. The beam moves, and wrinkles are smoothed, tension in the occiput, neck and back disappears. You become calm and contented with life.
Step three.
We remove the headache, if any.
Imagine you forgot your umbrella at home. It started to rain. Warm, calm, pleasant. You feel good in the rain. Light drops fall on the head, shoulders. Feel the raindrops on yourself, while with the pads of your fingers gently touch your head, face, neck - sometimes slowing down, then accelerating the pace.

Step four

Down with unpleasant thoughts! "Painting"
Take colored pencils and, without hesitation, draw abstract lines with your left hand. Look at what you have done, try to find the outlines of one or more objects among the lines. Color them in and admire what you have created.
Step five

"Ears on the crown!"
Physiological scientists have proven that there are many points on the auricles associated with internal organs. By influencing them, a person is able to alleviate physical pain, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and kt and v and z and vat e r v o rg and n and zm for a to and in new life activity. Do the following: with the index fingers of both hands, simultaneously pull the ears, starting from the upper edge and gradually going down to the lobe; first massage the earlobes and then the entire auricle. Finally, rub your ears with your hands.
Each of the group members should imagine themselves as some kind of animal, and then walk in an imaginary aviary, trying to imitate the habits of this animal.
"Granny from Brazil"
All participants stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle). The presenter shows certain movements: jumps, movements of arms, legs, head, which are accompanied by the phrases “I have a grandmother in Brazil”, “She has such a leg”, “She has such an arm and head on her side”, “She jumps and shouts: "I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world" "and so on. Further, all participants repeat these movements and words.
"Empty chair"
Participants are divided into the first-second. Participants at number "one" sit in a circle, at number "two" - stand behind their chairs. One chair should remain free. The task of the participant behind the chair is to invite someone from those sitting to his chair with a glance. The participant who notices that he is being invited must run over to an empty chair. The task of the partner behind him is to delay.
Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes to the center of the circle and invites everyone who has a certain sign (white
shirt, teeth brushed in the morning, black eyes, etc.). Moreover, if a participant possesses the named attribute, he must necessarily change his place or become a presenter. The presenter names only the feature that he currently possesses. When the participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. If the participant cannot sit in the circle for a long time, he can say "Hurricane", and then everyone sitting in the circle should switch places
"Molecules" or "Brownian motion"
All participants gather in a tight bunch around the presenter, close their eyes and begin to randomly move in different directions and buzz: F-F-F. After a while, the presenter gives one signal, which means "silence and freeze", two signals - "line up in a circle with your eyes closed", and three signals - "open your eyes and look at the resulting figure."
There is another version of the game.
All participants move freely to the music. At any time, the presenter can give a signal: "Gather in groups of 5 people (3, 7 ...)!". Participants need to quickly organize such groups by standing in a circle and holding hands. And so several times, changing the number of people in groups (the number of atoms in a molecule). Participants form two circles (outer and inner), face each other. The host asks: “Have you ever seen the deer greet you? Do you want to know how they do it? " This is a whole ritual: with your right ear you rub against your partner's right ear, then with your left ear against your partner's left ear, and at the end of the greeting, you need to stomp your feet! After that, the outer circle is shifted by 1 person, and the ceremony is repeated. The movement continues until all participants "greet" each other, like deer, and take their starting position.

the exercise




familiar group, as new people may be unpleasant

physical contact.

"Kabuki Theater"
Participants are divided into 2 teams. The teams agree on who will be portrayed: a princess, a dragon or a samurai. The presenter shows the teams characteristic movements for a princess, a dragon, a samurai. Princess: curtsy coquettishly; dragon: with a frightening look, raising his hands up, steps forward; samurai: makes a saber swing motion. After the teams have chosen their role, the facilitator reports:
“The princess charms the samurai. The samurai kills the dragon. The dragon eats the princess. " Then the teams line up in 2 lines opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, show the role they have chosen with a characteristic movement. One point each goes to the team whose role is most beneficial. For example: A princess and a samurai (1 point gets a princess, because she fascinates him). Samurai and Dragon (1 point gets a samurai, because he kills him). Dragon and Princess (1 point gets the dragon because it eats the princess). Princess and Princess, Dragon and Dragon, Samurai and Samurai (nobody gets a point). The team with the most points wins.
"Awfully beautiful drawing"
The group is divided into 2 subgroups. Each group is given a piece of paper and one felt-tip pen. It is proposed to draw a "beautiful drawing". After that, the picture is transferred to the neighbor on the right, and he makes a "terrible picture" from the resulting picture for 30 seconds and passes it on to the next one. The next participant makes a "beautiful drawing". This is how the whole circle goes. The drawing is returned to the owner. Discussion.
The presenter raises and lowers his arms. The higher (lower) the hands, the louder (quieter) the participants clap their palms.
"Up the rainbow
»Participants are asked to stand up, close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that with this inhalation, they are climbing up the rainbow, exhaling, sliding off it like a slide. Repeats 3 times. After that, those who wish to share their impressions, then the exercise is repeated again with open eyes, and the number of repetitions increases to seven times. Participants are shown the purpose of this exercise to regulate their own "emotional state.
"Who is growing faster"
Images of an infant, child, teenager, youth, adult are shown. The participants, divided into 5 groups, describe
physical and mental changes occurring in a person. During the discussion, the attention of the participants is drawn to the fact that changes in the physical appearance of a person occur gradually, and only in adolescence is the process of a person's physical growth sharply accelerated.
Participants are invited to take a comfortable posture and relax, recall a real situation that caused a feeling of joy. Then reproduce it in your imagination in great detail, remember the feelings that arose during this. Connect your thumb and forefinger tightly. Repeat several times. The facilitator explains that in the future, by squeezing their fingers into a ring, the participants will be able to voluntarily evoke a feeling of joy and exaltation.

"Collect the phrase"
Each micro group receives a set of cards with parts of the phrase. It is necessary to restore the author's statement by reconstructing it in meaning. The group then discusses the validity of the phrase and selects a participant to speak at the meeting with the outcome of the discussion. Here are some statements as an example. 1) "The art of being wise consists in knowing what not to pay attention to." (W. James.) 2) "Self-sufficiency is not received and a gift, in this capacity they are affirmed, and above all by their actions, deeds, they are celebrated in duplicity." (A. Markusha.) 3) “The one who knows how to live, can endure any HOW”. (Nietzsche.) 4) “There is no such problem in which there would not be an invaluable gift for you. You create problems for yourself, because these gifts are extremely necessary for you "(R. Bach.) 5)" If your happiness depends on that. what someone else is doing or not doing, then I suppose you still have a problem. " (R. Bach.) 6) “There are no less miracles: smile, fun, forgiveness - and the right word spoken at the right time. To own it is to own everything. " (A. Green.) 7) "If you do not know where to sail, then no wind will be favorable." (Seneca.)
"Finish the phrase."

Each micro group receives a leaflet with the beginning of the phrase. After consulting, you need to come up with your own version of its end. Then the options are discussed and compared with the original. Examples of statements: "To be rude means ..." [forget your own dignity |. N.G. Chernyshevsky. "Two forces most successfully contribute to the education of a cultured person ..." (art and science). Are both forces united in ... (book). M. Gorky.
"Swap places."
All participants sit on chairs set in a semicircle. The host is standing. He says: “Switch places who ...” (options: loves his parents, loves his children, praises his child several times a day, thanks his child or parent several times a day; sometimes grumbles, etc.) ... While the players are changing places, the presenter tries to take an empty seat.
"I know 5 names"
(a version of the children's "ball game" I know 5 names of boys, 5 names of girls ... "). Parents should name (or write down): a) .5 names of friends of the son (daughter); b) .5 favorite activities of the son ( daughter); c) .5 unloved activities of the son (daughter); d) .5 trips that aroused the greatest interest in their child. A similar task can be thought up for teenagers.
"Cheerful ball".
The players, sitting in a circle, pass the ball, pronouncing the counting-rhyme: “Here is a funny ball running, fast and fast from hand to hand. Whoever has a funny ball will tell us something. " Each player who has received the ball in his hands tells everyone: - an instructive story from his life; - about a happy day; - about who helped him; - about what could not have been; - about your favorite pastime.

Participants stand in a circle. That. who has the ball in his hands, says to someone. from the participants in the game a compliment and throws him a ball. The second rock thanks then says a compliment to someone else a compliment. Moreover, a compliment is not only about appearance, but also about deeds. After the game, you need to find out which compliment you liked more than others.
"A cap

questions ".
Each participant throws a note into the header with two different types of questions (according to the text read, the movie watched or personal impressions): a question, the answer to which I myself do not know, but would like to know; a question to find out the opinion of another about the read text, an event in order to compare it with his own. All those present answer the questions, going one by one to the "cap" and taking out a note with a question. You can answer right away or after some thought. During the assignment, the concept of an "interesting" and "uninteresting" question and answer is well revealed.
"Cap of Answers".
The presenter asks a question (for example: "What is the most difficult thing in communicating between children and parents?"), And everyone writes down the answer on pieces of paper (you don't have to sign it) and put it in the "cap". After that, the facilitator takes out the notes with the answers, reads them out, and the discussion begins.
"Recipe for Happiness."
Participants come together at tables in groups of four and come up with a "recipe for happiness." After 5-10 minutes. players exchange "recipes", discuss "recipes" proposed by others (during the discussion, it is possible to adjust their own). After that, there is a discussion of the results of the game. For example, the presenter can read the original “recipe for happiness” from Irina Belyaeva: “Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, splash a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Spread it on a piece of your life and offer it to everyone who comes your way. "

develop solidarity and understanding, create an atmosphere of trust among the participants and bring the group together.
paper and markers.
X o d

: Ask the participants to think for a few minutes about how they each see their future. Then exchange thoughts about your dreams, or even put them on paper. Next, let each participant determine which three specific things, actions, people can help, and which three will prevent him from fulfilling his dream, and what a person needs to do / do to make the dream come true. Note: This exercise works very well if you get creative with the exchange of dreams. If it is difficult for the participants to tell or draw their dream, then you can offer to portray the dream in the form of a sketch. Let the participants imagine how they can portray their dream. Any means of expression for creativity is preferred over spoken or written text.
"Circle of acquaintances"

to unite and liberate the training participants.
not required.
participants stand in a circle. One of the players takes a step to the center of the circle, calls his name, shows some kind of movement or gesture peculiar to him or invented, then returns to the circle again. All players repeat as accurately as possible his movement, intonation, facial expressions. Thus, each of the participants will demonstrate their movement or gesture.
"Build by height!"

overcoming barriers in communication between participants and their liberation.
: not required.
the participants become a tight circle, close their eyes. Their task is to line up with their eyes closed for growth. After all the participants find their place, give the command to open their eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether the task was difficult (how the participants felt) or not. Note: This game has several variations. You can give the task to build according to the color of the eyes (from the lightest to the darkest - naturally, without closing the eyes), according to the color of the hair, according to the warmth of the hands, etc.

increase the tone of the group and unite the participants.
participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the signal from the leader, each player finds himself a “handshake partner”. The number of players must be even. Then all participants extend their left hand and also find themselves a “handshake partner” (it is very important that this is not the same person). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, that is, to line up again in a circle without separating their hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all kinds of verbal communication
"My couple"

: to determine the indicator of group cohesion.
X o d

: all members of the group must silently, with their eyes, find a match for themselves. The presenter gives about half a minute for this, and then says: "Hand!" All participants must instantly show their hand at the person who is paired with him. If it turns out that several members of the group are pointing at the same person, and the other members do not have a pair, or someone cannot find a partner, the experience is repeated. The important thing is not so much the result itself, when all the participants unite in coordinated pairs, but the process: the reaction of the group to the “loss” of one or several participants whom no one has chosen or who have not chosen anyone; the reaction of the participants, who thought that they had agreed with a partner about a mutual choice, and he chose someone else, etc. training participants feeling alienated from the group.
The first in a circle (and this is the teacher) calls his name so and with such intonation as he would like the other participants to address him. The second repeats the name of the first and calls himself, the third repeats all the previous ones and adds his own name, and so on. The teacher ends the game by repeating the names of all participants. At the same time, we can add that by calling each other by name, we do something pleasant to each other. Dale Carnegie argues that "there is nothing more pleasant for a person than the sound of his own name"
"Name in Gestures"
Participants stand in a circle. Everyone should pronounce their name, accompanying each syllable with some kind of gesture (dance, greeting, physical education, etc.). All together repeat after everyone his name and gestures.

"Name and quality"
Participants take turns not only giving their name, but adding some quality that characterizes their personality as a whole or their mood at the moment. Quality should start with the first letter of the name. For example: "I am Tatiana, I am creative (or hardworking, or quiet, or patient)." Participants can show themselves from a creative side, treat the task with humor and give a more complex definition of quality, for example: "I am Tatiana, I have a hard time waking up in the morning (or anxiously suspicious)."
"Names in the Air"
Participants take turns writing their name in the air with their hand. Everyone repeats the spelling of the name, but with the other hand. You can ask to write a name with both hands at the same time.
"Business card"
Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper and spells it out, for example: Serious Active Playful Artistic
"My portrait".
Each participant depicts his own “individual portrait” on paper, which may include the following components: - Name and its “decoding” by letter; - "My appearance"; - "I love…"; - "My abilities"; - "My desires". You can draw your own features, describe them in words, put them together in the form of a collage. The headings for "portrait" are offered the same. When the participants complete the task, it is advisable to place all the "portraits" on the board, and then it will be very clearly seen how diverse and unique the representations in the portraits turned out to be. It is advisable not to decipher the content of the headings for the participants. Practice shows that if the presenter gives examples of the content of the rubrics, then the participants repeat the proposed semantic series. For example, the teacher explained: "In the heading" I love ... "you can write people dear to you, favorite activities." After that, everyone limited themselves to only listing loved ones and favorite activities. Without preliminary
explanations of the leader, the content of the rubrics becomes more spontaneous, versatile, and the more interesting it reflects the individuality of each.
"Free microphone"
In turn, the participants talk about themselves (name, surname, where I work, interests, hobbies, life plans, something else I would like to say about myself). You can use any object as a "microphone" and pass it to each other. You can pass the word on to another by throwing the ball.
"Mutual Representation" ("Tell me about something else")
Participants are combined in pairs. For 1 minute in each pair, the guys take turns telling each other about themselves. Then each participant introduces their partner to everyone.
Each participant traces the outline of their palm on a piece of paper. In the center, he writes a name and on each drawn finger - his own distinctive quality, character trait. Then he passes the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right, and he writes on the piece of paper around the drawn palm some wish or compliment. So each leaf is passed in a circle and returned to the owner with numerous inscriptions and wishes addressed to him.
"Complete the sentence"
Participants in a circle talk about themselves, continuing the sentence: "What distinguishes me is ...". In order for the guys to be attentive to each other, each must first repeat the statement of his neighbor on the right and only after that add his sentence. For example: "Irina believes that her distinctive quality is a cheerful, cheerful character, and I think that what sets me apart ..."
"I never …"
Participants sit in a circle with their hands on their knees. Everyone should say one phrase about themselves, starting with the words “I have never ...”, for example, “I have never jumped with a parachute,” or “I have never hunted a bear,” “I have never tortured animals,” etc. ... If one of the participants also did not do this, then he must bend one finger. When someone has 5 fingers bent, he removes one hand behind his back. If 10 fingers are bent, the participant leaves their game. The winner is the one who has at least one unbent finger left. The main condition is to tell the truth.
It is possible to stipulate some additional conditions, for example, not to name actions related to gender or age differences, for example, "I never wore bows", "I never nursed my grandchildren." In the course of the game, there is an expansion of ideas about each other, acquaintance with each other's life experiences. At the same time, the game requires resourcefulness, flexibility of thinking, imagination, ingenuity - after all, it is necessary to come up with all new types of activity without repeating the named ones.
Participants stand in a circle. Everyone should look for a mate. On a signal from the leader, the pairs change places. Thus, almost everything will change. All actions take place in complete silence. After a while, one more condition can be added: when moving from place to place, the participants in pairs in the center of the circle must greet each other. The game promotes group cohesion, closer acquaintance by optimizing such a means of communication as eye contact.
"Personal associations" option 1
Participants represent themselves with the help of associations: "If I were ... a flower, then it would be ...", "If I were a weather condition, it would be ...", "If I were a cartoon character, then it would be ... ". You can use one associative array (flowers, trees, vegetables, pieces of furniture, dishes, etc.), or you can invite the participant to choose any association himself.
"Personal associations" option 2
One participant becomes the presenter. He walks out the door. Participants make a guess about someone from the group. The facilitator must guess the name of the person who was guessed by the participants. To do this, he asks questions on associations: - "If it was a book, what kind?" - "If it was music, what kind?" etc. Members respond by matching associations. This game situation can be quite difficult for the presenter, so you can "drive" in pairs.

Participants must silently split into groups according to the seasons according to the date of birth. Then each pantomimic group depicts its own season, the task of the rest is to guess which one. The game not only deepens the familiarity and cohesion of the group, but also trains non-verbal communication skills.
"Well of wishes"
Participants sit in a circle. The host asks to imagine that they are at the well of desires. Each participant in turn expresses his desire, ending the sentence: - "If I were ..., then I would ... because ..."
All participants are “detectives”. Each draws out the name of a member of the group by lot. This is the "suspect." Assignment to the "detectives": to compose a verbal portrait of the "suspect" according to the plan: 1. Appearance. 2. Expressive features of behavior (gestures, gait, facial expressions). 3. Character traits with confirmation of the manifestation of at least some of the traits in typical situations. For several days, the participants observe their "suspects", but they do it unnoticed. In the next lesson, the teacher first finds out who noticed the observations of “his detective”. Since this "detective" has not coped with his task - to be inconspicuous, unobtrusive, his "verbal portrait" is not heard. And the rest take turns reading out their "portraits". The group guesses who they are talking about. This game develops attentiveness to each other, as well as observation, the ability to clearly and expressively describe the details of appearance and behavior.
"Good Stream"
Participants stand in two lines facing each other, as if to play "trickle", only they do not need to hold hands. One participant walks between these rows from one end to the other. Each of the line of the "stream" must say something good to this participant or demonstrate to him not verbally his good disposition, sympathy, approval.
This game can be made a kind of ritual for the end of the event, since at a time no more than two or three people will be able to pass through the "good trickle", and it is important that everyone experiences the sympathy of the "stream".
"Rose and Thistle"
The presenter picks up a flower ("It will be a rose") and any prickly object - a broom, a thorn or a cactus ("It will be a thistle.) Participants pass these objects in a circle, accompanying it with the words:" I give you a rose, because you (a compliment follows), and I give you a thistle, so that you never (follow a warning against anything bad, bad). "
"Give a gift"
Each of his neighbors on the left gives an imaginary gift. He depicts this object with facial expressions, pantomime, gestures. The recipient of the gift must guess what he received and thank. Then he comes up with and "passes" his gift to the next participant.

Praise your acquaintances "(" From the best side ")
Participants write on separate pieces of paper in black their complaints about the behavior, feelings of people who are significant to them. For example, "I'm not happy with the fact that ...", "I don't like that ..." and the like. When the list of grievances is exhausted, you need to take any piece of paper and try to "turn" the complaint into praise, or at least find an excuse for your friend. Write the new wording in red on the other side of the piece of paper. For example, if it was: “I am unhappy that the teacher gives me bad marks” (“I don’t like that Olya rarely comes to visit”), then on the back appeared: “It's good that the teacher is demanding, I have to study more” (“ It’s so good that Olya lives such a full and interesting life that she doesn’t even find time to come to me. ”) When each card has become double, it is necessary to stick all the small red leaves on top of a sheet of paper. Now you can reread them and enjoy the merits of your loved ones. Benevolence allows you to see any situation in the best possible light!
Games "Binding Thread" or "Joyful Song".
Participants in a circle. A ball of thread is passed in a circle. The leader wraps the end of the thread around his finger and passes the ball to the next participant, welcoming
his joyful song: "I am very glad that Katya is in our group ...". The next participant winds the thread on his finger and sings a song to the neighbor on the right.
"Applause" or Exercise "Fireworks".
Participants in a circle. Each participant in turn goes into the circle, calls his name, if there is a participant with that name, then he also goes into the circle. All the others greet them with a "salute" of applause. "Compliments". Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to say a few words to him, praise him for something, wish something good. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

The host announces: “I want to show you the magic glasses. The one who puts them on sees only the good in others, even what a person hides from everyone. Now I will try on these glasses ... Oh, how beautiful, funny, smart you are! " Approaching each participant, the presenter names some of his advantages. “And now I would like each of you to try on these glasses and take a good look at your neighbor. Maybe you will notice something that you have not noticed before. "
The exercise

Participants take turns choosing an icon depicting their mood. They talk about him. Game "Gift in a circle". A basket with small souvenirs is passed in a circle, each participant must greet his neighbor on the right, express his joy at meeting him and give a gift with his wishes.
"Magic Chair".
One participant sits on a chair, the rest compliments him.
"Creation of a drawing in a circle".
Participants draw a drawing on a piece of paper. On command, drawing stops, and the drawing is transferred to the neighbor on the right, who continues to draw further. This continues until the drawings go around the circle.
"I am the same as you"
The host is holding the ball. The one who gets it, throws it to anyone and, referring by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because ... ". The one to whom the ball was thrown expresses consent or disagreement, and turns to the other participant.

Exercise "Pleasure"
Participants in the training are given sheets of paper and asked to write 10 types of daily activities that are enjoyable. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to the participants that this is a resource that can be used as an “ambulance” to recuperate. (Psycho-gymnastics) Purpose: relieving stress of fatigue, creating an atmosphere of psychological and communicative comfort. For example: Participants in a circle. - If you are happy to meet us, smile at your neighbor. - If you liked it with us, then clap your hands. - If you are often angry, close your eyes. - If you express anger by banging your fist on the table, shake your head; - If you believe that your mood depends on the mood of others, wink; - If you think that you are in a good mood right now, take a spin.
Pantomimic warm-up. "Find a Pair"
“I’ll give you cards with the name of the animal on it. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says "elephant", know that someone has a card that also says "elephant". - Please read what is written on your card. Do this so that only you can see the inscription. The card can now be removed. The task of everyone is to find a pair. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you can not just say anything and "make the characteristic sounds of your animal." In other words, whatever we do, we do it silently. When you find your mate, stay close, but keep silent, do not talk. Only when all pairs are formed, we will check what you have done.
"Touch ...".
“I’ll tell you what you need to touch, and you’ll do it.” - Touch whoever has blonde hair, who has blue eyes, who has earrings. Touch whoever has a red color on the dress, who has a beautiful hairstyle ...
"Traffic lights".
All participants stand in a column one by one, holding the body in front of the one in front, hands are clasped in the lock. At the command of the leader, everyone simultaneously takes a step or a small jump in accordance with the color:
Yellow - Right Green - Forward Red - Backward.
"Is there or not?"
The players stand in a circle and join hands, leading in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout "Yes", if they do not agree, they lower their hands and shout "No!" Are there fireflies in the field?  Are there any fish in the sea? Does the calf have wings? Does the pig have a beak? • Does the mountain have a ridge?  Is there a door at the burrow? Does the rooster have a tail? Does the violin have a key? Does the verse have a rhyme?  Are there mistakes in it?
Warm-up "Vegetables"
( zucchini) 6. Is the garden empty if it grows (cabbage) 7. The black (eggplant) surprises the townspeople 8.3 and the tops, like a rope, you can pull (carrots) 9. Who, guys, is not familiar with white-toothed (garlic) 10 Holds the ground firmly, does not want to crawl out (turnip.)
"Binding thread"
The participants stand, passing a ball of thread in a circle, so that everyone takes up the thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what their impression of the meeting is, what they may wish for. When the ball returns to the leader, the participants pull on the thread. The host draws attention to the fact that the sincerity of the answers and the benevolent attitude of everyone made this meeting interesting and informative.
Leadership determination games.
During the organizational period of the group, it is necessary to identify leaders in order to facilitate the election of parental self-government bodies in the future.


For participants





of people. Foreign objects cannot be used. In











to whom

others listen, who chooses what "roles" in the carriage.

The fact is that each "role" speaks of certain qualities

 Roof - these are people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;  Doors - they are usually people who have good communication skills (who know how to talk with me, interact with others):  Seats are people who are not very active, calm;  Sedoks - those who know how to travel at someone else's expense, are not very hardworking and responsible;  Horses are hard workers, ready to "carry" any work;  A coachman is usually a leader who knows how to lead; If a participant chooses the role of a servant who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities, but do not want (do not know how) to show them, they are more ready to provide the rear (or these are the so-called "gray cardinals"). After the carriage is ready, the participants sit in a circle, discuss how the games went, whether everyone found a place for themselves while building the carriage, whether everyone felt comfortable, and then the facilitator explains to them the meaning of the "roles" they have chosen. Note: if the group is led and assigned to roles by one person, then the values ​​named above will not reflect the qualities of these people.
The players become wider in a circle, and they are invited to take a step forward, but not all, but only 5 of all the standing ones. Then only 5, 3, 1. Believe that leaders - organizers and emotional leaders are immediately well identified.
It is suggested that the players imagine that they are all a big family and that everyone needs to be photographed together for a family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange for the whole family to take pictures. "Grandfather" is the first to be chosen from the family, he can also
participate in the arrangement of members of the "family". No more settings are given, the players must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. Wait a minute and watch this entertaining picture. The roles of "photographer" and "grandfathers" are usually taken on by aspirants to leadership. But, however, elements of leadership and other "family members" are not excluded. It will be very interesting for you to observe the distribution of roles, activity-passivity in choosing a location. After assigning roles and placing "family members", the "photographer" counts to three. At the expense of "three!" all together and very loudly shout "cheese" and clap their hands at the same time.
The participants sit in a circle, the teacher sits down with them, who offers the conditions for the game: "You all know the tale of Buratino and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word" KA-RA-BAS "and I will show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands. And you will have to get up from the chairs without agreeing, and as many people as I show your fingers. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the players. outgoing, leadership-seeking people. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less determined. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They make up the group of “happy." repeat the game 4-5 times.
Rallying games.
Promote team building, build trust.
Children and adults stand behind each other and hold onto the waist of the one in front. In this position, they should:  Get up and get off the chair  Pass by a snake  Avoid a wide lake  Make his way through a dense forest
 Hide from wild animals. Throughout the game, participants should not unhook from a partner.
To cheerful music, children and parents walk in a circle, at the signal "Onlookers!" everyone should clap their hands, turn around, join hands and continue moving in a circle.
Children and parents sit on the floor and hold hands. You need to get up smoothly. At the same time, without letting go. After that, the “flower” begins to bloom (lean back, firmly holding each other's hands) and sway in the wind.
Children and adults stand in a circle, while inhaling, raise both hands up, connecting them in the shape of a bell while inhaling. Then. Exhale. Throw down synchronously, pronouncing "Bom".
Participants are given 30–40 cm long threads. Parents tie their own threads if they have anything in common. This can be a professional aspect, family, external sign, favorite color, number of children, etc. As a result, one common thread is formed. Further, each one talks about what united them into a common system.
Together with the children, the presenter chooses a children's song that is familiar to everyone. Then, in a circle, each sings his own line. The last verse is sung in chorus.
The required number of players is 5-6 people. All stand in a circle, tightly pressed against each other with their legs, shoulders and hugged by the belt - this is a "mousetrap" (or net). The driver is in a circle. His task is to get out of the "mousetrap" in all possible ways: to find a "hole", to persuade someone to push the players apart, to find other ways of action, but to get out of this situation.
Warning: 1. An adult makes sure that the legs of the "mousetrap" do not kick, do not hurt the "mouse". 2. If an adult notices that the “mouse” is sad and cannot get out, he regulates the situation, for example: “Let's all help the“ mouse ”together, relax the legs, arms, and feel sorry for him.”
Participants stand up, perform actions on the words of the leader: Together we are one family: me, you, he, she. Together we cannot be sad. (to these words, the participants go in a circle) Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left. Together we are one family, Together we cannot be bored. Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left. Together we are one family, Together we cannot be bored. Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left ... Gradually, the pace accelerates and new actions are invented.
Participants stand one after another in a column, holding their neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the host explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now it cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar should, for example, show how it sleeps; how he eats; how he washes; how does exercise; whatever comes to mind.
All players stand in a circle, firmly holding each other's hands with a "lock". A string with tied ends hangs between the first and second participants. The second participant, without separating his hands from the first, must pass a string through himself, like a hoop. The rope is now between the second and third participants, then the third repeats the actions of the second, etc. round. The main thing is that when passing the rope through themselves, the participants should not separate their hands. Rope length - 1 m.
A strong rope is needed, the ends of which are tied (a ring is obtained). Participants grab the rope with their hands, spreading evenly over the entire circle. Then they begin to gently lean back, stretching to the sides.
until they can keep their balance. Then you can invite the participants:  everyone to sit down and then stand up; • release one hand;  launch a wave along the rope (swing the rope). At the end of the game, a discussion takes place: did the participants feel support from each other; did they try to help their neighbors; how neat they were; whether there was a sense of security (or, on the contrary, fear that you might fall), etc.

"Inscription on a T-shirt"
Everyone knows that now everyone can choose a T-shirt to their taste and color. Some people, for example, with the help of information placed on a T-shirt, try to tell others about their life credo, their principles or hobbies. If a person takes off his T-shirt, will the inscription disappear with it? Of course not. No matter what he is dressed in, a person "broadcasts" this inscription with all his appearance, style of communication, attitude towards others. 1) Assignment for 3-4 small groups: Take a close look at the members of the group nearest clockwise. "Read" and discuss the inscription on the chest of each of them, remembering, first of all, about his
best quality, make a “copy” on a separate strip of paper. In this case, you do not need to sign who owns this plate. 2) Plates with “T-shirt inscriptions” are transferred to the group of “owners” of the inscriptions. The groups must now decide which of their members each lettering is intended for. In turn, the students “introduce themselves”, reading their inscriptions and explaining why they chose this plate for themselves. 3) Participants are tasked with breaking up groups and breaking up into new ones, in which the “inscriptions on T-shirts” of their members would be close in meaning. The number and size of new groups is not limited. 4) Further, each newly formed group in a creative form creates its own business card using its own inscriptions. 5) Collective analysis of the game. The content of the conversation is the feelings and emotions of the participants, the new that they learned about themselves and about each other in the course of the game.
"Building a house"
The lesson begins with an individual assignment: each draws a house on a sheet of paper in which he would like to live. In the “foundation of the house” “bricks” are necessarily laid on which the basic life principles of the residents of the house are written. When everyone draws their own house, the students are grouped into small groups. Members of one group are invited to "build" one house for all by cutting out the necessary parts from different drawings and sticking them on one sheet. Finally, groups are encouraged to “build” one house for all on the same principles. When the task is completed, the final project is presented, then all participants discuss whether they are satisfied with this project, whether their ideas were taken into account, if not, why. Required materials: Sheets of paper

Preparation of a schematic image of the house, colored markers, scissors (for each group), glue (for each group).
"The tree of Life"
We invite each participant to draw a tree of his life according to the following scheme:  Root - the purpose and meaning of your life;  The trunk is your idea of ​​yourself today;  Branches - directions of self-improvement, self-development, what you want to change in yourself;  Fruits - qualities that you would like to have; desires that you want to realize. It is better if the trees are painted on large sheets of paper (this could be the back of the wallpaper). Then, according to the results of the work, the "trees" are hung on the walls, and each participant "acquaints" with his tree. It turns out a "magic grove". You can discuss with the guys the question: "What
turned out our grove? " (funny, sad, kind, varied or monotonous). Each participant chooses his own definition and justifies it. At the request of the teacher, you can continue to work with the "magic grove". In order for a grove to develop in favorable conditions, certain rules can be established on the territory of this grove. After all, there are road signs: permitting, prohibiting, warning. What similar signs can we suggest to ensure that humane rules of good neighborliness and mutual respect are observed that contribute to the prosperity of every tree in our grove? Tasks for the participants: draw or explain in words the possible options for such signs: allowing, prohibiting, warning. You can write posters or rules of conduct "in the grove." Thus, at the classroom hour, you can move from the individual stage of work to the collective one.


Warming up exercise "Associations"

to actualize the emotional layer of the parents' experience associated with conflicts, and thus prepare them for the role-playing game "Through the Looking Glass".
“Please select verbal (verbal) and figurative associations for the word conflict. Write and draw them on a flipchart. "
Parents' associations:
Thunder and lightning; anger, rage, resentment; noise in the bee hive, cats scratching; explosion (2), fall; divergence of principles, heavy sediment, heaviness in the soul, a broken heart.

Role-playing game "Through the Looking Glass"

Purpose of the game:
expand the parents' awareness of their own contribution to the development of the conflict situation and develop a deeper, empathic understanding of the experiences of the other party involved in the conflict.


Please select a typical conflict situation with the pupils of your school, for which you would like to find a more constructive solution (teachers choose). We will try to role-play it and look for other solutions. Tell us who participates in it, when and where, around what the conflict unfolds, what is the sequence of events (one of the teachers offers his story). " The teacher describes the situation and lists the characters in this story. The trainer asks the group with the question: "Who would like to be participants in this role-playing game?" Several people are responding. The teacher, who plays out his story, distributes roles between them, taking into account the wishes of the participants. Then the role-playing game itself begins.
"Say good words to Mishka"
Let's try to name the good qualities of people. (Kindness, generosity, politeness, honesty, cheerfulness, intelligence, mutual assistance, sociability). Let's come up with good words for our Bear. You are kind…. Then each in turn "turns into a bear", and the rest of the participants say kind words to him in the role of a bear. Now think about what good qualities you have. We're going to have a braggart contest. Each in turn should say as much good as possible about himself. -Who was it easy to name their good qualities? -Who was it difficult?

stand up


let's take


let's say:


good ones!" - first in a whisper, then in an ordinary voice and shout.

"Pump and Ball"
One of the participants becomes a pump, others - balls. The "balls" stand, limp all over, on bent legs. The body is tilted forward, the head is lowered. When the "pump" begins to inflate the balls, accompanying their actions with sound, children begin to slowly straighten up, puff out their cheeks, raising their hands. The balls are inflated. The presenter pulls out the pump hose and children,
making the sound "sh-sh-sh", they return to their original position. Can be repeated several times.
"Where do my feelings live?"
All our senses live within us. Feelings live in us: joy, sadness, interest, fear, anger, love. Every feeling lives in its own home. Before you is the silhouette of a human figure. We will now try to determine exactly where your feelings live. Imagine that you are now very angry with someone or something. Try to feel your anger with your whole body. Feel where your anger is in your body? How do you feel about it? Maybe it looks like a fire in your belly? Or are your fists itching? Shade in red pencil where you felt angry. Imagine that you are afraid of something. What can scare you? Have you presented? Where is your fear? Shade this area with black pencil. Now remember what makes you sad? Where is your sadness? Take a blue pencil and paint over this area. Imagine that you are now very happy about something, it is easy for you, it is fun. Where does your joy live? Shade this area with a yellow pencil. Remember those you love? How do you feel about it? Where did you feel love, where does it live with you? Take a green pencil and shade this place. Let's see what we got. All figures are different. Why? Conclusion: we are all very different and we feel differently too.


for each participant a set of leaflets in an amount, one less than the total number of participants; pencil. All members of the group anonymously give each other imaginary gifts, as if the giver's possibilities were not limited by anything. Everyone writes the names, names, designations, characteristics and the number of those things, objects, objects, phenomena that you want to give to this particular participant. Gifts are not signed by the giver. Then the presenter collects gifts and puts them in separate sets, not handing them over to the addressees until gifts for everyone have been collected. The gift baskets are then handed out. For some time, the participants study the contents of the notes.
Discussion of the results can result in a free exchange of impressions. Conclusions, guesses, considerations related to the nature of the gift to each other, the participants make themselves.
"Envelopes for good wishes"

: sheets of paper and markers for each participant. Ask participants to write their initials in the upper right corner of the sheet (you also sign your sheet). Each participant writes a short line with which the poem will begin, passes his sheet to the neighbor on the left, and he finishes his line, continuing the poem. After everyone has written one line on all the sheets, the completed poem is returned to the author of the first line. After all the poems are written, read yours. Then ask who else wants to read their poem.


"Feel the baby"
Parents are invited to feel the moments of his various experiences in everyday communication with the child and name them when addressing the child. For example: "You are upset ...", "You are happy ..."
"What do children owe us?"
Notice how many times the word “should” was spoken during a conversation with the child. Feel how the child reacts to the word "must" - try to replace this word with another, note the reaction.
"How much do you accept your child"
Within 2-3 days, count how many times you turned to the child with emotionally positive statements (joy,
Responsibility, approval, support) and how many - with negative (reproaches, remarks, criticism, accusations, etc.) If the number of positives is equal to or greater than negative, then everything is fine with communication.
"Joyful meeting"
Imagine meeting your best friend. How do you show that he is dear and close to you? Now imagine that this is your child coming home from school and you are showing that you are happy to see him. Now this must actually be done before all other words and questions. It would be good to continue this meeting in the same spirit for a few minutes.
Try speaking in the first person. Communicate about yourself, about your experience, rather than characterizing the child and his behavior.
"You are dear to me"
Hug your child at least 4 times a day (the usual morning greeting and kissing good night do not count). It's a good idea to do the same with older family members. Pay attention to the child's reactions, and your own.
List of used literature
1. Borzova L.P. Games in history lessons. M. Izd. VLADOS-PRESS. 2001. 2. Vakulenko V.A., Ukolova I.E. Interactive learning at the lessons of law. // Methodological guide on interactive methods of teaching law at school. M. Ed. house "New textbook". 2002, p. 4- 122. 3. Raising a difficult child. Children with deviant behavior. Study guide. / Ed. M.I. Rozhkova. M. VLADOS. 2001. 4. Erokhina M.S. Didactic material for the course "Man and Society" (grade 8). Pskov. Ed. POIPKRO, 1994. 5. Education of individuality: Study guide / Ed. E.N. Stepanov. M. TC Sphere. 2005. 6. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. 50 lessons about the meaning of life (for classes with middle-aged and older children) M. Amrita-Rus. 2003.
7. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. 600 creative games for big and small.) M. Amrita-Rus. 2004. 8. Human Rights Education. A practical guide for primary and secondary schools. M. 1990; UN, New York, 1998. 9. Furmanov I.A. Psychology of children with behavioral disorders. M. VLADOS. 2004.10 Shchurkova N.E. Classroom Guide: Playing Techniques. M. 2004.11 Shchurkova N.E. Applied pedagogy of education. SPb. Peter. 2005.