Congratulations on the birthday of the first youthful love. Happy birthday to a young man

For most boys, birthday is a special, important holiday. On this day, the guys listen to congratulations from loved ones. They think about goals in life, reflect on what they want to achieve and who they want to become. Sometimes it can be difficult for friends and family to choose a birthday person suitable gifts, congratulate him so that the young man sincerely rejoices at your wishes. AT adolescence many guys are really big skeptics and doubt every word. However, we have no doubt that our congratulations on his birthday to the young man will certainly reach his heart and soul.

Your years are the brightest
Most better days yours.
And the whole company we will celebrate
Birthday with family!
To be healthy and strong
To never be sad about anything
So that victories annoy you,
And the enemies so as not to annoy!
Finish college, get a job
You will spend every day like a Saturday!
You can deal with your luck
You will mess with your girlfriend!
So that only good things await in life
And, of course, more pennies!
rainbow citadel
And no blizzard!

Birds always fly south
And we are waiting for you native land.
We are always waiting and proud of you,
Let trouble pass you by.
Hurry to your relatives for advice,
To good acquaintances, clockwork friends.
You will not go through life alone,
You can find your girl.
To always have enough
So that good things never end.
The film is great to start,
And so that a good ending met!
You will be both family and loved,
You will be protected by God.
I congratulate you on your birthday
And I call for kindness.
The moral of this life is
What you need to know about your rights.

You must plant a tree
Build a house, raise a son,
In the meantime, you are so fresh and young -
Meet your best best june!
Enjoy life, but don't sin
Not to whose tune you do not dance,
To set a goal for yourself
And brought pleasure to loved ones!
Achieve everything, just go forward,
Another turn around the corner:
The road will be steep and fun
Every day will be fabulous!
Boldly go to your dream
Let those people surround you -
Only faithful and beloved,
Wonderful, protected by God.

Happy Birthday!
Let the stars shine on you
Let there be answers
For the hardest questions.

Be happy and smile.
Whatever happens in life
Return to those who love
If the heart yearns for them.

So that health and career
Together they lived together, firmly.
I wish you faith
That everything is possible in life!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to wish you victories.
There's so much more to come
Unusual, bright years.

All that life will offer you
Don't give up, be strong.
I wish you always
I was happy and I was in love.

Appreciate great time,
'Cause this time won't come back
Like in summer the previous spring.
I want to find my way
As if with clean slate,
Set a goal, reach your dream.
Everyone remembers youth for a reason,
Find strength in yourself!
May there be faith in the future
Luck and aspiration
So that there are no barriers in life,
Only pleasure!

You bright man and very cute
May the Lord give more strength
And wisdom, and beauty, humility,
Create and live in hope and patience!

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you inspiration and joy
To be both kind and beautiful,
Cheerful and desperately happy!

Let success accompany you everywhere
And people freeze in admiration,
Love on the wings of joy carries away,
And every day brings its fruits!

Glad to know you
But, in order not to fill the mouth,
I will be brief, concise -
A few words about the personal first.

I wish you a birthday
I give you happiness without end.
Be loved, love yourself
What you get - evaluate.

Prepared as a gift
Life is beautiful moments
Dear young man, you
Happy Birthday.

I wish dawn
I met my young ones
Life every minute
To not miss it in vain.

Youth with first love
Let him introduce you
To keep this feeling
In your heart forever.

Childhood flew by, here comes youth
I congratulate you on this
I wish you happiness
You always go to the goal.

And also success to you
To make dreams come true
Be successful, be very strong
And find your love.

Be an example, be worthy
I want to conquer the world
Happy birthday, congratulations
Save your optimism!

Let the whole earth see:
Let's meet in secret
Boy best in the world
Happy birthday to congratulate:

For girls to love
Here's a guy
Respected at work
And they didn't pay much.

We will simply tell you
Knows the city and the village:
Youth - wonderful age,
So much ahead of everything!

AT wonderful holiday, birthday,
I wish you good luck.
You are so young and smart
You will be successful, otherwise.

I wish you love
And find your way in life.
Live always in goodness, prosperity,
And don't be discouraged!

Every year brings a lot into our lives. important holidays, apart from which, perhaps, is the birthday. Birthday is a favorite holiday of youth, and any young man looks forward to it no less than, say, New Year. After all, this holiday has an individual character. On this day, he is the object of everyone's attention. It is to him that we speak pleasant words and give beautiful gifts. But the birthday boy is probably waiting for something special from you. Something you don't expect from yourself. But we are waiting, because it is we who will give you the opportunity to speak with original congratulations, which will be remembered by you, the guests and the hero of the occasion for the rest of his life.

It is best if your birthday greetings to the young man are lyrical and somewhere even slightly ironic. You may also prefer serious words emanating as if from a mentor. If you have something to advise, then why not do it? And pick up Right words we will already help you. There are a lot on Vlio, different not only in volume, but also in style, semantic load, emotional richness, etc.

Select best option, and forward. With us you do not have to spend a lot of time creating your own, unique congratulations. Everything is ready and just waiting for you to take your chance.

You are celebrating your holiday now
And I want to wish on my birthday
Good luck - every day and every hour,
Health and great luck!

You are young! everything, of course, ahead,
And any trump cards in your hands!
So you better boldly go ahead
And great accomplishments await you!

May the mood always be excellent!
We wish good and smiles to friends,
Great happiness, good luck, luck,
And so that dreams come true soon!

You are young! So have fun
Take a little bit from life.
But stay human
Don't forget respect.

You choose your path
From hundreds, thousands of roads.
Meet people little by little
After all, everyone is a teacher in life.

Decide what you want.
What would you like to come to?
After all, what do you prophesy first,
You will meet all this on the way.

Let everything be easy for you
Let many hands help.
Whatever you think of, succeeds.
Good friends and girlfriends!

We wish an apartment, a car and a summer house,
A beautiful girl as well.
Finances are in abundance both in the safe and in the bank.
And a lot of yummy stuff on the samobranka.

Successful hunting, rich trophies.
And wishes - all combined.
Salutes unthinkable - all in your honor.
And the holiday will turn out - the most tin!

Dashing youth rules as always,
Hurrying to leave the best years.
Don't try to grow up, don't run forward
Celebrate birthday, festive eat cake.

I wish you many bright days
Let the moments melt in the rustle of shadows
May you always be great
At home, in personal life, at university and in business!

Good, success, happiness! Happy birthday!
May there be great joy ahead
There are ups, bright accomplishments
On an interesting journey!

Let, if necessary, quickly respond
Good and true friends
Everything that you dream of will come true
Always lucky - you can't do without it!

Birthday is a glorious holiday
In a person's life - the main thing.
Congratulations and wish
To be unsinkable
Your ship is in the depths of the sea.
Do not surrender to the wickedness.
Even if the wind is in the face.
Be smart and radiant.
Let love warm you with warmth
And sadness-longing will dispel.
May the road be clear
Do not get lost! Life is Beautiful!

Always be energetic
And just as cute
Kind, gentle, simple,
Healthy, sweet, young!

Oh, I wish such people were born more often!

So that best friend was devoted to you
And your woman was waiting for you.
May this evening from the height of heaven
An angel will give a feather from a wing!

Handsome, polite, hardworking.
You rarely see people like you.
And on this day, our reliable man
A wonderful holiday - you celebrate your birthday.

Let everything be in time: the house, and the garden, and the son,
Let your career take off.
Let there be everything: extreme, adrenaline.
Confident, be yourself, dare, strive!

I wish you the best of men
May you always be real.
There was no reason to doubt
Not in a faithful friend, not in alluring love.

We wish you much happiness
Health, money, joyful laughter.
Live without knowing grief, troubles, misfortunes,
All the best to you, good luck and success!

Happiness will meet you with a smile.

Happy Birthday!
Let the stars shine on you
Let there be answers
For the hardest questions.

Be happy and smile.
Whatever happens in life
Return to those who love
If the heart yearns for them.

So that health and career
Together they lived together, firmly.
I wish you faith
That everything is possible in life!

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you joy bag.
Let love inspire you
Find a chosen one so that he can.

So that the bird of happiness from your pocket
You never let go
So that there are no flaws in you,
So that you succeed in everything!

And give you for all the years
true and true friends,
Feelings of the ardent ladies of the beloved,
And good, healthy children.

You are young, energetic and hot,
As a young man, no doubt befits
We wish you good luck on your birthday
Let fate love and caress you!

Let love and friendship be with you,
Over the years, let experience and knowledge come,
For happiness, open your heart wide open,
Good luck with your undertakings!

Happy Birthday to You!
Always be rich in spirit.
Don't leave your friends
Warm loved ones with warmth.

Guy you have what we need!
We know your mom is happy
What a growing son.
There is a lot of happiness between the lines.

You read it, catch it
Hold tight to the wing.
Never be sad
Respect Mom and Dad!

Your character and mind are excellent -
The example is good for others.
And the birthday is symbolic
In the circle of people to be dear.

I want only true friends
To always be side by side
And the sea of ​​bright, bright days,
So that the trouble goes away!

You are a bright person and very sweet,
May the Lord give more strength
And wisdom, and beauty, humility,
Create and live in hope and patience!

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you inspiration and joy
To be both kind and beautiful,
Cheerful and desperately happy!

Let success accompany you everywhere
And people freeze in admiration,
Love on the wings of joy carries away,
And every day brings its fruits!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to wish you victories.
There's so much more to come
Unusual, bright years.

With all my heart, not without a reason
We want to congratulate you.
With a capital letter you are a man!
So be happy and dashing!

Childhood flew by, here comes youth
I congratulate you on this
I wish you happiness
You always go to the goal.

And also success to you
To make dreams come true
Be successful, be very strong
And find your love.

Be an example, be worthy
I want to conquer the world
Happy birthday, congratulations
Save your optimism!

You always strive for the best
Strive to reach heights.
So let you excel in good
And very lucky!

You - notable achievements.
And on a personal level, don't be left behind!
Happy birthday to you,
I want to hit the jackpot in life!

Always let there be a strong hand
Shoulder secure, hawkish look.
Let the fate of men is not easy,
But the peak of success will be taken by you!

Today you are in the spotlight
You shine like a new fifty dollars!
We are our noisy company,
We wish you birthday

If the silushka is a heroic one,
If happiness - so that the ocean!
Let health be Siberian
Let love boil like a volcano!

Happy birthday to a successful and wonderful man! You have a lot ahead happy years- let them be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of close people and the recognition of others.

I wish you strength and I wish you will,
Go through life proudly, ahead,
So that you are happy with your fate,
So that you love the world and be happy in it.

I wish you could live
And everything that life gives to appreciate,
And if the Lord did not give,
So that you do not lower your hands,

And in order to achieve everything,
He didn't stop learning.
Well, a bit more luck
I wish you happiness! Happy Birthday!

We are glad to congratulate you on the next date on the calendar of your life and wish you three pillars on which male happiness rests: loving family, true friend and favorite work.

I wish you to live life - do not stumble,
I wish everything that you created to be proud,
I want everyone to love you
And so that only friends were around.

Every year you become only wiser,
And of course, stronger, kinder, healthier,
Oh, what a man - one feast for the eyes,
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you high victories in life,
Let the moments of good luck, like sweet candies,
There will always be a lot to make dreams come true
So that you are loved, and happy in your fate!

Life has already made you best gift, in the form of a beloved wife, and children who, providing reliable rear waiting for you at home. We wish you that mutual understanding lives in the family, keeping happiness in the house.

A man has no age
Be always young and successful.
Live your life to a hundred years
Washing only with sinless happiness.

We are the best of all men
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And all the heights, and all the peaks
We wish you conquest in life!

We also want to wish
Easy to achieve goals
And in any situation
You managed to win with honor!

Happy birthday to a real man! We wish you to take only what you need from life, not to save up too much, not to waste your time on trifles and to be able to appreciate what is easiest to give!

To be strong means to always be yourself,
Sometimes to engage in an unequal battle with fate.
But that's who you are. And thank God.
Let kicking you, fate will break your leg!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
And I wish you from my heart
So that happiness always smiles
To give good luck to fate!

To reduce the difficulties
To have enough patience and strength,
So that you are certainly rich
In this life, and in the next!

We wish that life will definitely give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams, and that you do not miss it. And obstacles on the way will be dispelled by the wind of good luck, which will surely accompany you.

Usually I wish people a lot:
Health, happiness, money, beauty.
After all, few people received from God,
Which, fortunately, you got from him.

I'll tell you one thing: stay the same,
Stay who you are now.
Not perfect, not even sinless,
But needed and loved every hour.

Today we want to tell you
what better than a man not in the world
There are not enough words for all of us to describe
your dignity and virtue.

fairy tale man, you are our general!
You are the link that holds us together!
And from all the blessings you chose a family,
She wishes you all the best.

we wish you a long life,
success in business, and harmony with his wife,
and let melancholy leave with anxiety,
We want peace in our hearts!

And now it's time -
He should be congratulated.
Today, on this birthday
We want to wish everything:

Be strong, healthy
Fresh, young at heart.
Let youth come again
And also a great success!

Happy birthday man!
Be happy and loved
Lots of money in the wallet
And good luck on the hook.

On the robot only progress,
More dice on the press,
Strength, like the heroes,
Brave, devoted friends.

May health only grow stronger
Let life not upset
The women sigh
Bright days and long years.

People like you have always appreciated
Family, colleagues and friends.
And on the bright day of your birth
I really want to congratulate you.

I wish you great health,
Smiles, joy, victories,
Love, good luck, inspiration,
And so that your portrait hangs in the Louvre!

May success be with you forever
Friends are always around you.
May you be joyful forever
And your life will be long!

Years pass silently
Like birds of heaven caravan.
And time rushes imperceptibly -
You do not be sad for nothing.

Don't be sad when you see the change
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days
And each age is good in its own way.

You can wish a man a lot:
Attention of women, love to the grave,
Works, brand watches,
Bank account, life without worries.

And I wish on my birthday
Simple happiness, a little patience,
Cozy house, blooming garden
Always to be happy about it.

Smiles of a woman dear,
Children growing up from diapers.
So happy birthday hero
Rock out like a child today.

There are many guys and men in the world,
But no one compares to you.
You were loved by many ladies,
Fortunately, my beloved stayed with me!

Happy holiday, my dear birthday boy!
Thank you for giving love.
Always be a real man!
Know that you are the only one for me.

May the year that opened before you
Only happiness and success promises you
let the heart only keep peace,
We want you to be proud of yourself!

We congratulate you on your birthday
With such a big, happy day,
We sincerely wish you
Prosperity in everything!

We wish you health and vigor,
Beauty and youth
Love and tenderness
Kindness and loyalty!

And on this day, and at this hour
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May happiness await you everywhere
Well, let the misfortune pass!

Let friends remain faithful
And children are just as playful and mischievous,
And let your heart be filled with warmth
And the house will be lit up with bright light.

I wish you joy and blessings
Carry your flag proudly, I wish
And long life, sunny and bright,
And, of course, worthwhile gifts!

May your life be full
Smiles, joyful laughter.
And let the wave carry you
Luck, vivacity, success.

Work will be for the soul
And replenishment of the budget.
Beautiful, colorful life
Meeting your days dawns.

Let the houses dwell
Love, and happiness, and prosperity.
The wife will love and wait
And sleep in bed will be sweet!

Happy birthday dear
May your world be illuminated by the sun today!
I wish you a happy life
So that no fluff, no feather, as they say!

So that you are lucky now and forever,
So that your dreams come true faster
You are a wonderful and sincere person,
Oh, I wish such people were born more often!

There are few men like you -
Great friend, worker, family man.
Let family, work, home please,
Let them be lucky in any field!

Happy Birthday to You,
May there be happiness for years
All dreams come true
And every day in great love!
Enough to be huge
Nobody to forget you
And my heart was warm
The rest is all the same!

Birthday is extremely beautiful
And the sun shines on us.
May today, on your holiday, be cheerful,
Happiness will meet you with a smile.

And give you for all the years
true and true friends,
Feelings of the ardent ladies of the beloved,
And good, healthy children.

Let it be
Health is good
Any day is fine
Your house is cozy
And the wind is fair,
Luck is familiar
Dream - unusual,
Smile - carefree
Love is endless!

Five important rules observe in life
And on earth you will see paradise)
- Do not disturb peace in worldly affairs,
Don't risk your head
- Take care of your health, like a rare treasure,
Live well, but don't be rich.
And let him come to share his leisure,
Your best friend is here for you!

I want to be always loved
Handsome, stately, young.
I want to be needed
Everyone, everyone - both relatives and relatives!

I wish you wisdom over the years
Good health, kindness,
To with fair winds
A cherished dream floated.

We wish to become
Hero of modern times
Multiply and save
Luggage of spiritual values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

But it got even cuter.
All the same, sinning with vocabulary,
So elegant, slowly
slip in your conversation
And a vigorous mother can -
In the native country will always help
He shakes off the stress of life!

You are the only one in the world:
Cheerful, kind, groovy.
With you it's not boring on the couch,
With you, it's not scary in the ocean.

You conquer everyone with beauty
Mischievous smile.
Eyes sparkle with charm
The power of speech can be lost

And happy birthday congratulations
We want to keep it up!

The day has come - congratulations, speeches!
Relatives, friends, the table is full of dishes!
Here is a birthday cake, gifts and candles,
And the hour of congratulations has already come!
True love, colorful, fragrant!
Dreams come true, good luck in your home!
Always be beautiful, and proud, and stately!
To be a man, so that always and in everything!

I wish you a long, interesting life,
Happy 300s extra days in a year
Good health for grandiose plans,
Friends that will never betray.
I wish this birthday
Remained in memory for many years
To make our wishes come true
To never go astray!

You are the only one in the world:
Cheerful, kind, groovy.
With you it's not boring on the couch,
With you, it's not scary in the ocean.
You conquer everyone
Mischievous smile.
Eyes sparkle with charm -
The gift of speech can be lost!
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to keep it up!

Let next life year
It will be without worries
Joy only gives
Will not leave you without luck.
And I wish you
Always be on top
To be what you want
Get whatever you want!

Your character and mind are excellent -
The example is good for others.
And the birthday is symbolic
In the circle of people to be dear.

With all my heart, not without a reason
We want to congratulate you. 0 0

Congratulations on this holiday are different for everyone, happy birthday greetings to a guy are not like other congratulations. The gifts that you give on your birthday are usually very symbolic, emphasizing the achievements of a person, his status, position in society. But besides the gifts themselves, the words that you say to the birthday man on his birthday are important. When you come up with birthday greetings for a guy, you need to remember that young people love to have fun, make fun of each other, and speak their own special language. Therefore, if you decide to come up with a birthday greeting for a guy on your own, you need to take all this into account. You can, of course, write poetry or come up with a long and very beautiful congratulations. But it is necessary to do this if you are sure that the hero of the occasion will appreciate it.

I will not write hackneyed phrases,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let it be happy for you
The day you were born.

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!

I wish you
On this birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

I chose you from all the guys
After all, you are the smartest, strongest, bravest.
And I never once for so many long days
She did not regret her choice.
I hope that you, my golden one,
Meet me without regret.
With me, I know it's not easy sometimes
But I love you, my dear, happy birthday!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!
I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
Let my congratulations be here
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.

May you not have bad weather, -
Only stars, only sunshine.
May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.

And let your dear life be
Light as spring water.
May your thoughts always be pure,
And let life be more beautiful than beauty,

Let friends be faithfully faithful,
The breath of spring lives in the soul.
Entering life, remember the words:
Kindness is omnipotent, love is always right!

You are the best, I know you
I can't live without you!
Everything with you I forget -
You filled my whole life.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I sincerely love you!
With you I am light and calm,
I only want to be with you.
I can't live without you
For which I thank you!
Where it's dark, you shine everywhere
Thank you honey, I'm warm
From your eyes at every meeting,
Kissing is good!
You are near, here, you are all with me,
Let you be somewhere far away
Only distance - a strip,
But I don't care!
Over time, everything has changed:
Became a dream for me forever
Like I fell in love with you
You are my beloved man!!!

I wish you good luck in your endeavors
So that everything that is not done is for the better
In addition, I wish you love
Sweet and kind. And also beautiful.
So that health is always at the level
And in happy Days didn't let you down
The time of failures froze for a moment ...
And only with the flow of life, so that you would swim.

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive.
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!

I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

Exists great amount various holidays. For the older generation, this is the traditional New Year, February 23, May 1st, religious Easter, Christmas and so on. younger generation, of course, also notes traditional holidays. But young people have their own holidays, modern ones. This is not only February 14 - Valentine's Day and similar newfangled holidays. For young people, various parties, presentations, corporate events in universities. This is the reality: different generations - different holidays. But there is one holiday that does not grow old and does not get younger. It is eternal, but every time new, ordinary, but the most memorable. It's a birthday.

I chose you from all the guys
After all, you are the smartest, strongest, bravest.
And I never once for so many long days
She did not regret her choice.
I hope that you, my golden one,
Meet me without regret.
With me, I know it's not easy sometimes
But I love you, my dear, happy birthday!

It's your birthday today
This is the happiest of days.
Let my congratulations be here
It will also be your joy.

On this day I wish you happiness
And wonderful long, long years.

May you not have bad weather, -
Only stars, only sunshine.
May love come to you big:
Not for a year - for eternity, forever.

And let your dear life be
Light as spring water.
May your thoughts always be pure,
And let life be more beautiful than beauty,

Let friends be faithfully faithful,
The breath of spring lives in the soul.
Entering life, remember the words:
Kindness is omnipotent, love is always right!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive
And I'm looking forward to
I count the minutes
See you when we
Separated from you
My favourite
And the dearest!
I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

You are the best, I know you
I can't live without you!
Everything with you I forget -
You filled my whole life.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I sincerely love you!
With you I am light and calm,
I only want to be with you.
I can't live without you
For which I thank you!
Where it's dark, you shine everywhere
Thank you honey, I'm warm
From your eyes at every meeting,
Kissing is good!
You are near, here, you are all with me,
Let you be somewhere far away
Only distance - a strip,
But I don't care!
Over time, everything has changed:
Became a dream for me forever
Like I fell in love with you
You are my beloved man!!!

We wish you to be strong and kind!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Good luck, success, conquering heights!
Ability to fit into any turn!
Favorite business, reliable family!
So that your wishes come true!
So that all undertakings continue easily
And they ended with a bright victory!

You are cute, good
Very friendly!
I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
I adore you,
I'm waiting for calls
I wish you success, good luck!
Dreams come true - I wish!
After all, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Reliable as a rock
Adviser and Helper!
You, boy - anywhere
You fly in the heat and in the rain!

And on your birthday
Solid praises -
You are sincere, dear,
No falsehood, no drama.

We wish you many years
Luck in fate
keep the light of the soul
And be true to yourself!