Good birthday words for the chief accountant. Congratulations to the chief accountant. Bright bridal bouquet

Having received a diploma of a specialist, we all go to work. Work most often takes place in a team, where everyone has some holidays. And very often a person is faced with a situation where you need to congratulate a colleague on a holiday or an outstanding event. And here begins the puzzle over the text of congratulations. When you need to prepare a birthday greeting for an accountant, you need to remember to mark it professional quality, efficiency, emphasize the indispensability in the team. Congratulations to the accountant on his birthday will help colleagues convincingly emphasize how pedantry, accumulated experience, and punctuality are valued. Of course, no one wants to pronounce frequently repeated, banal, hackneyed expressions on a solemn day, as well as hear them. But you can choose congratulations for your accountant in advance.

You thought, you thought so
That we are all tired
No accountant
Immediately chaos, complete darkness!

Gathered without exception
To wish you a happy birthday
Let all accounts converge
Shortage? Never!

Debit with credit again
Start checking
To deliver everything on time
No problems and no worries!

And who would have guessed
That I will live for taxes,

Of course, I'm not a woodcutter,
And my tongue is not pure swearing,
But I - alas - not a poetess,
But, alas, I am not a diplomat!
And what a bitter fate -
You sit all day, and the hump grows!
Yes, I - alas - not a ballerina,
I'm just a banal accountant...
For everything, of course, God's will,
That's why I drink!
So let's drink, brothers, we are for a share,
For your accountant!

Let them notice you today
Your hard work will be appreciated!
Let all of you be marked in the order
And there will be prizes for all of you!
Seems like a nightmare
A planet without papers:
Order crumbles
And chaos reigns...
But slender columns
Accountants ranks -
Sit, modest heroes,
Rescuing from trouble.

Dear Chief Accountant!
You are the financial hope and support of our enterprise. Not only our income, but also the reputation of our company, and timely payment depend on your accuracy and attentiveness, knowledge. wages to our employees. Accept my sincere congratulations With wonderful holiday and wishes for success in professional activity, good health, well-being, Have a good mood and joy! Wish you all the best!

Accountant, your work is invaluable, you are always so strict and serious, you have a responsible job with reports, instructions, taxes, of course, experience, it will come with time. I want to wish you in your holiday, forget about numbers and reports and have fun with us from the heart. Happy birthday!

Oh, your path is not easy
But without an accountant - it is impossible.
You are simply incomparable in accounting matters,
"Tear" the tax office to smithereens!
Though your path is hard,
But without you, it's impossible.
You are the best! You are a universal!

Papers on the right and on the left
Advice, invoices, bills...
And you are the queen among them!
Other queens are no match.
Such a big arrival
You will definitely give a fret.
For this slave work
You won't get a royal salary.
And if it gets hard,
You don't hold grudges against people.
You give yourself without a trace
For grandchildren, family and friends.
We won't let you go on vacation
And you do not ask to rest!
A Russian woman has a hobby:
Plow, and again - plow!

Your work is not very visible,
Accounts, reports, estimates,
Like a misty tail
What is the nucleus of a comet.
But without this tail,
There is no comet
May God reward a hundredfold
To the accountants of the planet

When you balance the annual
when you get tired from work,
then only the stars in a motionless crowd
understand your troubles and worries.

How to get ready for sleep, your thoughts
again, furtively delved into the accounts
and measured in the brain you count zeros
and scribble something in a workbook...

And in the morning, as before, my head hurts,
and in the evening an attack of a habitual migraine,
and subordinate naive words
you will only seem like a child's creation ...

In the screen - tables like a spider's web
redness cause the eye vessels,
hand goes numb in a static position
and the numbers go nowhere out of nowhere...

And in this current one sees rock,
when every day you seem to be at the start,
standing at the edge, waiting for the trigger,
although by position - chief accountant ...

You are a silent fighter of a nameless war
with balances that are advancing in formation
and may your actions be true,
this verse calls you a hero!

I confess that I dream
Congratulations on this day!
Ah, let's count
Together annual balance!
Your numbers are just lovely
How are you, dear friend!
And the words are: Debit! Credit! -
Really pleasing to the ear!
Too bad people suspect
In dryness you sometimes.
But today there will be a reason
Repay you according to merit.
Among the counting and different numbers,
captivating minds,
Don't forget about your holiday.
With whom we congratulate!

We wish to have everything in the house,
We want to do everything in life.
Health, vivacity to keep
And to reduce the debit with the credit.

You are the most important among all accountants,
And you know the basics of all calculations!
And let your sleep be healthy
From debits and credits and bills!
Always let all your balances converge,
Such a serious job!
In the profession you are a real ace,
Let the weather be great in the house!

There is a reason at the firm today.
We will have to mark it.
We praise the Chief Accountant,
Praise, kiss him!
Let life give him only health,
Resentment bypasses!
We congratulate the accountant!
And we wish you a blooming look!

Among accountants habitual,

You are a white swan alone:
Beautiful, fun, slender.
The soul of any company,
And a groovy temperament.

Just one twist of the hip
Glittering eyes and a quiet sigh,
And with a fiery cry "Hurrah!!!"

She never has her head in the clouds.
Accounting is life, a test of fate.
And the computer is alive in (name) in the hands,
Submits to her, like a dear friend!
Yes, and all technology lends itself to hands;
Never find fault in the work of the accounts;
Off-balance sheet clearly kept records,
And for what will not be taken in everything you are lucky!
I congratulate you and wish you
You become the chief accountant in the future!

Accountant! Your work is invaluable!
You are so serious, thoughtful and strict.
And the invisible lords rule over you:
Instructions, reports and taxes.

They are your day, tense to the limit,
They are your souls, your inspiration.
And you won't master any
Deal Without experience and your patience.

So raise your heads in your day
From dusty surrounding papers.
Erase the shadow from the face of fatigue -
Let the fountain of worldly blessings beat for you!

May the day rise and be joyful and bright.
Buy yourself colorful new clothes,
Swallow life, its salty wind
Drink merry troubles with wine!

Let your smiles bloom
The soul in a youthful way will start.
Favorite! Thank you for your work!
May your life be easy and happy!

Everyone has their own checking account
An accountant is fate there and she is a financier.
She doesn't put money on him.
Love, illness, joy - all there.
By debit - love, success, honor,
On credit - illness and failure.
Fate dispassionately keeps records,
She is destiny - and she cannot do otherwise!
I want, accountant, to wish you
May every birthday be new
(Though many times count fate)
The rest will be debit only!

And you come to work
Turn on a dim monitor
Preparing statements and reports
And other office stuff...
Fate, please, say mercy -
Is there any justice in this?
Among accountants habitual,
Harsh, thick, pedantic,
You are a white swan alone:
Beautiful, fun, slender.
The soul of any company,
And a groovy temperament.
After all, you have no equal in balances,
In boring reports... but also in dancing!
Just one twist of the hip
Glittering eyes and a quiet sigh,
And with a fiery cry "Hurrah!!!"
The entire sex of the male at marvelous feet!

A wise janitor knocks down with a broom
Late leaves from the trees.
November, like a king, sat on the throne.
And you were born in November!
Being an accountant is not easy.
You pull a cart, of which there are not many.
You would be harmful milk,
But you're not harmful, by God.
You know many secrets
Which others cannot know.
After all, for you, cooking is
Favorite antidepressant.
Always be happy, successful,
After all, there are prerequisites for this:
charming appearance,
Well, the character is golden!
Live without knowing defeat
Pull fortune to the mountain!
Well, Ira, happy birthday to you!
And triple cheers!

Let's forget for the time of sadness
And take a break from worries!
We submitted the quarterly form,
We've submitted our quarterly report!

Today at our holiday
Let's have a sip of wine!
All year we plow like horses,
We need a boost too!

They do not appreciate and do not understand
Accounting hard labor
After all, everyone “runs over” us,
By checking us - “they get it!”

For our poor wages
We must endure this!
Not nerves - steel ropes
Must have accountant!

And together we make it all
The balance of the entire vast country!
Our work must be respected
After all, we, like air, are needed!

We want to say to our authorities:
We do not need to promise heaven!
And instead of afterlife happiness
Give us something in life!

Let them not praise us, do not scold us,
We don't need words from them!
Let us raise the salary
And at least twice!

We congratulate the accountant,
Come from the heart!
And we want to leave him
Love Wishes!

Drop all your calculations
Even though we need them!
After all, you have a holiday today,
The day will not pass in vain!

Always waiting for a solid honor,
May good luck come to you!
And now the salary is growing,
Even though she's small...

May they always, everywhere wait for you,
Let there be comfort in the house!
Happiness, joy and love,
Congratulations again and again!

No, you are not Byron, you are different.
Fate is a bizarre chosen one.
You, like Khayyam, are the same wanderer,
But only with a Russian soul!

Accountant, Analyst, Practitioner,
Like all of them, and you are a romantic.
We always knew in this regard
Your spirit will accomplish a lot.

In a big mind, like in the ocean,
Projections glorious cargo lies.
No one can, no matter how you think
Mind to know the secrets. But!
Hidden all your thoughts
They will find out in the Duma anyway!

In "1C" you make postings
So that Billy Gates bites his elbows!
And tricks with sales volumes
Even eclipsed Copperfield!
You are the main one! You are responsible for everything!
And he should know about everything in the world!
No time to read novels
Binder "Business" - best friend.
Accountant, know that you are not alone!
The State Tax Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Finance are with you:
That letter will be sent to you.
Then suddenly they will come for a visit!

I am very glad that such a wonderful accountant works in our team!
Thanks to you, complex economic calculations become clear, and the financial affairs of our company are in perfect order.
Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes success in professional activities, goodness and well-being. May all your dreams always come true, and your loved ones take care of you! May peace, tranquility and comfort always reign in your home!

….(Name)! Congratulations on your birthday! You are just a smart girl, because no matter how crisis the year is, you will always gather a huge company at a chic table on your birthday. Perhaps this is the highlight of the profession of an accountant. I wish you health, so that it is always in the black for you. I wish that your income never falls beyond the border of expenses, so that you always have enough for everything and still have a little left. In general, I wish that credit and debit are always friends, so that the wallet does not laugh at the salary. Good advances and more bonuses to you.

I want, an accountant, to wish you that every time on your birthday, when you recalculate funds, the balance was only debit. And may fate lead you through life from joy to success, and may your friends always greet and congratulate you. Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday, dear accountant!
You are forever kept by the muse of reports!
Let the numbers wait for you today
And friends will let you down debit and credit!

wish great happiness you!
Love and health, good luck everywhere!
At work, in the family, so that there is always harmony,
And fate saved from adversity!

This science obeys you!
For everyone, bookkeeping is a real bore!
But You appeared and the light changed!
Our balance with expenses has merged into a whole!
Our accountant is happy to congratulate you!
Good luck - in the tax, at the company - awards!

He is a gentleman and a bully,
He is a duelist and a minstrel,
Sometimes faithful as a dog
And windy like a carousel...
He is the captain of the Musketeers
Could become, he live in that century ...
But became an accountant, as soon as
Started my family and home.
How powerfully everything transforms
Her Majesty Destiny...
But let him always sing, play
His soul, his slave.

Who would have thought, for God's sake!
And who would have guessed
That I will live for taxes,
Not so easy to live...
Of course, I'm not a woodcutter,
And my tongue is not pure swearing,
But I - alas - not a poetess,
But, alas, I am not a diplomat!

Always be healthy and cheerful
And forget about sick leave!
You must always be in the ranks!
More than once you cursed your fate:
“All life is divided into quarters;
There is no rest, only rushes!
In July you will not go to the resort,
Calmly do not mark New Year
No strength all night long
Consolidate accounts into a financial statement.
Then stand in a crowd of queues, -
And each of them is like a Mausoleum…”
But the report is handed over, and you are extremely happy.
As if he received a set of awards.
Take a breath and move on...
Next report coming soon!

You are a very simple person
Have known you for a long time
And often the light burns sometimes
In your window at home.
A lot of work, but knocking
Your trusty calculator
To bring down the estimate to a penny,
The accountant does not sleep at night

How many years, how many winters have passed
Many birthdays have passed.
For you, the main thing was
Honest work in spite of all adversity.
And for everything you've already done
The team is grateful to you.
We wish you all the best
In your female difficult fate! So as not to grow old for evil years,
And every year to be more beautiful
Health to you and happiness to you
All your colleagues wish!

An accountant is a person who knows how to balance debits with credits and talk on an equal footing with a tax inspector! It means - almost a god! We wish you optimism and accuracy, fearlessness and self-confidence, good luck and clear tax legislation! And let the reporting forms and tax rates change much less often, and the gratitude of the management in the form of bonuses and free seminars abroad finds you as often as possible!

All sleepless and anxious nights are over, your annual balance has been successfully returned. Everything came together both credit and debit, because you have no equal in the balance sheet. Congratulations on your successful completion and I want to wish you to become a chief accountant! We are proud of you!

Every company has a checking account
The accountant there conjures famously.
She puts all her money into it.
Back and forth. “Please everyone, be quiet!!!”
By debit - arrival, success, honor,
On credit - expense and failure.
And, if fate does not fail,
She will complete the tasks with a vengeance!

Live in happiness for a whole century,
Lies in the suit let the card,
Beautiful, a kind person,
Our beloved accountant!
Let the moments and hours rush
All troubles will bypass you,
You are very important for the country,
And you are sung in song!

____ (Name)! Congratulations. Your profession is related to money. I want to wish that there will never be problems in your life in material terms. So that you always make an account of money with pleasure, so that there is never a shortage, and so that money is not afraid of you, and comes to visit you more often!

Cozy, warm, bright house,
And all the guests are pleased in it.
And the queen rules the house,
In all matters, a master!
lovely wife and mother-
You can't find them now!
And often with his wisdom
She shared 6 things.
And how to organize
What to read in philosophy
How best to arrange furniture,
What do you need to direct 6 people.
And in raising children
She has surpassed Rousseau.
And over the writer's path
It's time to think...

Your character is easy
But your fate is not easy! ...
Step aside a little:
Happy birthday, our accountant!
Yes, and you are a woman - a class:
No smarter, sweeter and more beautiful,
You are our love and happiness
So don't leave us!
So that in our pockets for a long time
Dollars flowed like the Volga!!!

We are proud of our chief accountant,
And we strive to be like you!
Our chief accountant is very smart,
And he knows a lot about numbers!
He will make his calculation
Calm down and without further ado!
He will sign everything slowly,
Paper carefully rustling!
We wish you all the best:
Let it be cozy and warm
And from people - always good,
Everything in life will be fine!

I love to come in the morning
In native accounting,
Talk, drink tea
Beauty there artillery!
Models like them
Haven't seen it anywhere else
Health, tenderness, love,
Let me congratulate you!

The world is shrouded in calculations,
Debit vs credit are coming!
Acts and invoices
Everyone lives on the table!

There are balance sheets and reports.
All in great honor
And does not allow embarrassment
Our favorite accountant
Calculations are expected from him!

Waiting for salary accruals
And more holidays!
Waiting for financial decisions
And they are called by their patronymic!

Take a break, accountant,
From your wonderful deeds!
Look around, the world is beautiful
Lots of great themes!

Go to a cafe with friends
And eat barbecue!
Take a break from the prices
Let life go without problems!

There will be no numbers in my head,
Oh, romance, love!
In life, never sour
So that what you want, then come true!

Among accountants habitual,
Harsh, thick, pedantic,
You are a white swan alone:
Beautiful, fun, slender.

The soul of any company,
And a groovy temperament.
After all, you have no equal in balances,
In boring reports... but in dancing!

Just one twist of the hip
Glittering eyes and a quiet sigh,
And with a fiery cry "Hurrah!!!"
The entire sex of the male at marvelous feet!

Money is a tricky thing
No mess here!
Accounting is a science.
How to live together with money!
Both balances and reports -
It's not empty at all.
Our accountant knows clearly
How much, where, where and how!
Will answer all questions.
Reconciles credit with debit.
Even in the battle with leadership
Will definitely win!
On the day of the accountant autumn
It's time to congratulate
Happiness to you, kindness, luck!
Accounting - wow!

The accountant does not look at the numbers in the morning
And debit and credit complex ciphers.
Today we celebrate the holiday
And happy birthday to all!

We wish you success in difficult work,
Luck, good luck in finance care.
Health and happiness, for long years life.
So that there is no extra money in the balance sheet!

An accountant is not a position - a vocation of the soul!
And we hasten to congratulate the Master on his birthday!
Who is so able to sensitively understand all the numbers are the essence,
Debit and credit will show the right way!

We wish you happiness, joy, accounting victories!
Health and good luck long life years!
All the best, comfort in the house, pleasant bright days
And always be the best in your profession!

I confess that I dream
Congratulations on this day!
Ah, let's count
Together annual balance!
Your numbers are just lovely
How are you, dear friend!
And the words are: Debit! Credit! -
Really pleasing to the ear!
Too bad people suspect
In dryness you sometimes.
But today there will be a reason
Repay you according to merit.
Among the counting and different numbers,
captivating minds,
Don't forget about your holiday.
With whom we congratulate!

When and by what right
Is destiny allowed to play?
You would sing songs with a guitar,
Or dance to the lute
Or under the shade of a cypress
Inhale the scent of violets
Or in the arms of Paris
To forget it pleases ...

Dear you, our accountant,
We all know your character!
You are always accurate in everything,
Documents are important to us!

Never let you down
And walk towards us
Count as you need
May there be luck in life!

Accept congratulations,
Well, don't forget us!
business relationship,
From accountants,
Always strengthened
If suddenly there is an error somewhere,
That happens - trouble ...

dissatisfaction, suspicion
Dust is up to the ceiling!
That's why, without a doubt,
Accounting is important!

We wish you good health
Much joy always
There is a lot of happiness in your house,
Let the dream come true!

Today our chief accountant
Celebrating a bright anniversary
The whole team wishes you happiness
May your life become more fun.

For the coolest chief accountant on my birthday, I wish you always keep love and luck on the balance sheet, lure financial flows into your wallet, have a summer house and a car in your assets, and keep quite a large capital on your liabilities.

We'll put all the papers aside
Let's turn off the computer.
And in all we are in the office
Let's play the music.

Chief accountant, congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you not to know sorrow and grief,
Let numbers and numbers in columns and columns
You can always calculate with accuracy
Good luck in everything and great happiness,
Family of understanding, success in work,
In a comfortable and soft accounting chair
Let it be comfortable for you, like nowhere else!

He has everything in his account
at work tireless,
Who is this? I don't understand
Understood - our chief accountant!

He is the best among us
And today is your anniversary
Let me congratulate you
Until the “pour” burst!

I want to wish order
Don't forget anything
What would you have accumulated money,
Debit and credit converged!

Chief accountant, happy birthday to you, dear!
You masterfully juggle numbers with a bunch,
You leave in the paper binge reports,
Completely covered with industrial lava.

Health to you, kindness and happiness,
Love, good luck, inspiration,
May every day bring you joy
Unique moments.

Debit, credit and balance -
You know perfectly well.
Today is the chance
Forget about them arrogantly.

Let the assets and liabilities
They will step aside.
You are so beautiful today
Reminds me of Kalinka.

And we wish you an anniversary
Only assets
So that the balance is in the teeth,
No passives.

In the pocket profit grew,
Successfully cleared
The inspection did not reach
And the husband produced children!

Today is the anniversary and not just, but the anniversary of the chief accountant! And this significant date, because who else can easily calculate all the details of an unusual date in terms of numbers? Of course, a person who always works with numbers. Happy holiday and may work always be a joy, not a burden.

Estimate, balance, debit with credit in a quarrel,
Folders, reports, more - VAT,
Number after number goes on the monitor,
Fortunately, it helps in everything - progress.

We wish you success in your life,
Our chief accountant, happy birthday, dear!
Always let your house be a full bowl,
May there always be peace in the heart!
After all, you are a professional, of which there are not many,
Always in openwork all your affairs,
So let the road always be easy,
And happiness will be with you forever!

Our chief accountant
Very very nice!
We congratulate him
And we sincerely wish
On the birth day of success,
Works without error
Submit your report as soon as possible
And celebrate soon!

Chief Accountant we wish you success,
Problems are solved without interference!
Happy birthday to you,
In our company you are the main in everything!
So let all your days be clear
Let them bring fun and joy,
Let the debit always converge with the credit,
And trouble will never overtake!

A lot of different things
Here is the accountant's destiny.
When is the chief accountant?
That is a lot and even more so!
We wish you good luck
And solutions to all problems
Lots of happiness and patience
Happy birthday!

For your hard work
Chief accountant, we respect you!

The working ardor in you has not gone out.
We celebrate birthday
We wish you very well!
We sincerely congratulate you

Let everything go well at work
Let the checks bypass
Happiness to you in the family of prosperity,
Let comfort reign in the house.

Our chief accountant today
Celebrates an anniversary.
We wish him well
Suitcase large rubles.

Dear Chief Accountant,
The numbers add up nicely.
He generously pays us a salary.
We have come to congratulate you!
We want to live happily
Long live, still beautiful.
So that an apartment and a car,
To have pictures on the wall
To have more joy
For life to be like sweetness.
In general, dear, do not be shy -
Happy Anniversary!

On your anniversary, we sincerely wish:
Happiness, love and easier work,
More smiles, less sadness
Be on top of everything and always!

May you always be lucky in fate
Dear chief accountant to you!
Work cleverly argues
And live without care!
Today we are without a doubt
Happy birthday!
And we want dreams
So that you can do everything!

Suit, glasses and a strict look,
Always in papers, and in reports,
And the outfit is waiting for you at home,
And on the birthday of care -
To set the table, receive guests.
Chief accountant, congratulations!
And raise the bar of life
We sincerely wish you!

Congratulations on your birthday
Chief accountant, without embellishment!
We wish you to work
You wouldn't know worries
To balance all balances
The soul sang so that romances
From happiness and great love,
Happy birthday, our dear!

There is a reason at the firm today.
We will have to mark it.

Praise, kiss him!

Resentment bypasses!
We congratulate the accountant!
And we wish you a blooming look!

Accounting is an important profession
Necessary and beautiful!
We are nowhere without an accountant,
And our accountant is just a star!
She knows everything about business.
With numbers - just playing
She has everything in place.
Mistakes - does not allow!
Glory to our accountant,
She is the most beautiful in the world!
We are for her on her birthday
Let's drink without delay!

Helmsman financier
Anniversary is coming!
For him, default is not terrible,
He has a supply of zeros!
birthday, so what
we wish the chief accountant?
Enough for crises
The strength and power of his spirit!

You are the most important among all accountants,
And you know the basics of all calculations!
And let your sleep be healthy
From debits and credits and bills!
Always let all your balances converge,
Such a serious job!
In the profession you are a real ace,
Let the weather be great in the house!

Come today with a big holiday!
And in
Birthday send all the poems,
To make wishes from the heart!
We wish you to shine as the stars shine!
We wish you sooner or later
But to become the best in this world!
So that in personal life everything was ok!

We are very happy to congratulate the chief accountant
Today since
Happy birthday from the heart!
After all, you are more valuable than an expensive reward!
You have reached all the peaks in your career!
And this holiday is very inspirational
Let's hurry to congratulate you!

We wish you happiness instantly,
So that you are also friends with the team,
So that they always know a lot about documents!
To deserve all the awards in the world
And everything was always done on time!

In honor of
Birthday of the chief accountant
To highlight the character
And wish you a life without sorrow!
To sing the virtues all in the lyre,
May you become the best in the world - We believe that it cannot be otherwise!
Let everything shine in your honor today!

Let the rainbow in the sky laugh
The Lord always blesses!
And you succeed in everything in life at once!
As the chief accountant we know you
And with
Congratulations on your birthday,
You, as the chief accountant, are irreplaceable for us!

Only you know everything, of course!
After all, you work sincerely, sincerely!
So let luck always smile
When you work for good, let the blessing touch you
And the angels will protect you with courage!

A lot of different things
That is a lot and even more so!
We wish you good luck
You are always in business and in worries,
The working ardor in you has not gone out. We
birthday to celebrate
We sincerely congratulate you
And now we drink one hundred grams for you!

You are at work
Dear man!
We can't live without you
And we wish you health
May you always be lucky in fate
Dear chief accountant to you!

You're already fifty-five
Today I'm going to congratulate you.
You always count money
I congratulate you on your anniversary
I wish you love, health, happiness.
To make today the best day.

Hardworking, smart, strict, kind person -
You know a lot in numbers that can never be counted!
Profit, debit, credit, cash, accuracy and calculation -
You solve a lot of urgent cases by keeping records!

On the birthday of the chief accountant, we give a bouquet!
Be desirable, bright in spirit, rejoice for many years!
May your eyes glow with happiness,
Let bad weather blow you away, stepping back!

Balances and reports are always burning in your hands,
In the tax office you are like in your environment,
Perform all calculations flawlessly
You, chief accountant, are respected everywhere!

We hurry to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to live a hundred years in health,
Let others say that there are no irreplaceable,
But we know - there is no better than you!

Our chief accountant is always full of worries,
Pay the salary on time, make the calculation,
And monitor every innovation,
The responsibility is great - no one will argue.

Today surrounded by flowers
Everyone has already gathered, and the table is set.
Happy birthday we will congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and always succeed!

A lot of different things
Here is the accountant's destiny.
When is the chief accountant?
That is a lot and even more so!
We wish you good luck
And solutions to all problems
Lots of happiness and patience
Happy birthday!

For your hard work
Chief accountant, we respect you!
You are always in business and in worries,
The working ardor in you has not gone out.
We celebrate birthday
We wish you very well!
We sincerely congratulate you
And now we drink one hundred grams for you!

happy birthday accountant
Congratulations dear!
You are at work
Dear man!
We can't live without you
And we wish you health
We respect you
Congratulations on love!

May you always be lucky in fate
Dear chief accountant to you!
Work cleverly argues
And live without care!
Today we are without a doubt
Happy birthday!
And we want dreams
So that you can do everything!

Your character is easy
But your fate is not easy.
Step aside a little:
Happy birthday, our accountant!
Yes, and you are a woman - a class:
No smarter, sweeter and more beautiful,
You are our love and happiness
So don't leave us!
So that in our pockets for a long time
Dollars flowed like the Volga.

How many years, how many winters have passed
Many birthdays have passed.
For you, the main thing was
Honest work in spite of all adversity.

And for everything you've already done
The team is grateful to you.
We wish you all the best
In your female difficult fate!

The chief accountant - our respect!
You are a smart, knowledgeable person!
You have taken your job seriously.
Respect the profession forced!

We sincerely wish you a happy birthday
I offer my congratulations,
So that you are friends only with luck,
were happy -
And not otherwise!

On your holiday, we wish you
Happiness, health, luck, love!
We love you, we appreciate you, we respect you,
May all your dreams come true!

Your character is easy
But your fate is not easy.
Step aside a little:
Happy birthday, our chief accountant!
Yes, and a woman you are just a class:
No smarter, sweeter and more beautiful,
You are our love and happiness
So stay among us!
So that in our pockets for a long time
Dollars flowed like the Volga.

There is a reason at the firm today.
We will have to mark it.
We praise the Chief Accountant,
Praise, kiss him!
Let life give him only health,
Resentment bypasses!
We congratulate the accountant!
And we wish you a blooming look!

Let there be no grief in life
We wish you with all our hearts
And today, congratulating on your birthday,
We hasten to say the main words!
Dear accountant, you are our chief,
Be happy on the path of life
May your glorious work bring joy,
Joy is just ahead!

When choosing a congratulation for an employee, try to take into account his character, age and temperament. It is very important the ability to invest in a birthday greeting to a colleague special, hidden meaning, but in this case you need to be sure that a colleague will appreciate it. If the birthday boy has a sense of humor, he will react very well to the congratulation, which contains funny and sometimes anecdotal notes. Serious and discreet employee extraordinary congratulations may even seem incorrect. This employee is best suited traditional congratulations happy birthday accountant When the responsible time comes to congratulate a colleague, very often several people can speak, while others are silent. But in fact, everyone wants to say something nice, but may be shy or afraid to stumble. Therefore, congratulations to the accountant on his birthday in verse can be prepared in advance and distributed among themselves. And your congratulations will sound more solemn. Your birthday colleague will not remain indifferent to such a wish. And congratulations on the holiday will strengthen relations in the team, help to unite it. Congratulate and make each other happy.
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In accounting, you are smarter every day,
And now a guru behind the wheel!
We are happy to work with you
And to communicate - and even more so!

On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We want to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Sorrow and grief do not know.

After all, your experience brings age
And he does not age you at all:
After all, 55 is not autumn for you yet,
But only the velvet season.

You're already fifty-five
Today I'm going to congratulate you.
You always count money
Pay your colleagues on time.

You became an accountant
You complete reports on time.
I congratulate you on your anniversary
I wish you love, health, happiness.

I send you a nice greeting
To make today the best day.

We have many financiers
But sensible - not everywhere!
Congratulate you - happiness for us,
There are no such places anywhere!

Who will make a report any,
Will it balance, debit - will credit reduce?
You, only you!
After all, in your hands the miracle lives and the work sings!

In places where money grows
Despite the crisis and smog,
The financier goes to the top,
His town is flourishing.

This is not a field of miracles for you,
Give loans and not burn out,
Distribute interest to depositors,
And have time to grow the currency.

Congratulations, professional
Happy holiday, financier's day,
And we want you to grow
To unearthly heights very quickly.

Don't forget about your health
About smile, love and happiness,
And to you for permanent work,
Let it be a hundredfold, but it will be rewarded!

Dear Chief Accountant!
You are the financial hope and support of our enterprise. Not only our income, but also the reputation of our company and the timely payment of wages to our employees depend on your accuracy and attentiveness, knowledge. Please accept my sincere congratulations on a wonderful holiday and wishes of success in your professional activities, good health, well-being, good mood and joy! Wish you all the best!

Let's forget for the time of sadness
And take a break from worries!
We submitted the quarterly form,
We've submitted our quarterly report!

Today at our holiday
Let's have a sip of wine!
All year we plow like horses,
We need a boost too!

They do not appreciate and do not understand
Accounting hard labor
After all, everyone “runs over” us,
By checking us - “they get it!”

For our poor wages
We must endure this!
Not nerves - steel ropes
Must have accountant!

And together we make it all
The balance of the entire vast country!
Our work must be respected
After all, we, like air, are needed!

We want to say to our authorities:
We do not need to promise heaven!
And instead of afterlife happiness
Give us something in life!

Let them not praise us, do not scold us,
We don't need words from them!
Let us raise the salary
And at least twice!

Among accountants habitual,
Harsh, thick, pedantic,
You are a white swan alone:
Beautiful, fun, slender.

The soul of any company,
And a groovy temperament.
After all, you have no equal in balances,
In boring reports... but in dancing!

Just one twist of the hip
Glittering eyes and a quiet sigh,
And with a fiery cry "Hurrah!!!"
The entire sex of the male at marvelous feet!

Money is a tricky thing
No mess here!
Accounting is a science.
How to live together with money!
Both balances and reports -
It's not empty at all.
Our accountant knows clearly
How much, where, where and how!
Will answer all questions.
Reconciles credit with debit.
Even in the battle with leadership
Will definitely win!
On the day of the accountant autumn
It's time to congratulate
Happiness to you, kindness, luck!
Accounting - wow!

Accountant, my dear accountant!
You have an iron character.
Believe me, not everyone could
To shoulder so many things.

Though your path is hard,
But without you, it's impossible.
You are the best! You are a universal!

Director - trusted friend.
Like Shiva, you are ten-handed:
Both mathematician and technologist,
Customs officer and marketer,

You are a psychologist. And a lawyer
And ... a dramatic artist!
In "1C" you make postings
So that Billy Gates bites his elbows!

And tricks with sales volumes
Even eclipsed Copperfield!
You are the main one! You are responsible for everything!
And he should know about everything in the world!

That letter will be sent to you.
Then suddenly they will come for a visit!
Feed them and keep them warm
As dearest guests

Don't threaten them with court
Respect their authority!
Always be healthy and cheerful
And forget about sick leave!

You must always be in the ranks!
More than once you cursed your fate:
“All life is divided into quarters;
There is no rest, only rushes!

In July you will not go to the resort,
Don't worry about New Year's Eve...
No strength all night long
Consolidate accounts into a financial statement.

Then stand in a crowd of queues, -
And each of them is like a Mausoleum…”
But the report is handed over, and you are extremely happy.
As if he received a set of awards.

Take a breath and move on...
Next report coming soon!

Your character is easy
But your fate is not easy! ...
Step aside a little:
Happy birthday, our accountant!
Yes, and you are a woman - a class:
No smarter, sweeter and more beautiful,
You are our love and happiness
So don't leave us!
So that in our pockets for a long time
Dollars flowed like the Volga!!!

Being an accountant is not an easy job,
Where is the minus, where is the plus, where is the income, where is the advance ...
Financial flows, solid worries!
Where is our enterprise without you?

We want to say “Thank you” on this holiday,
Because money is always in order.
We wish you big and more frequent arrivals
And so that the reports always converge!

Accounting is your home.
You are always immersed in numbers.
But look back on your birthday
And they had fun!

We wish you happiness and good
For life to bring good luck
Health and work success,
Balance to reduce and without flaws!

Our accountant anywhere
And what are the years
Happy 55th anniversary,
We congratulate you today

Keep track of your life
We wish only with profit
What would debit with credit,
You've always come down

What would the monthly report,
You never dreamed
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Whatever joy, good luck
Have always been with you.

Cozy, warm, bright house,
And all the guests are pleased in it.
And the queen rules the house,
In all matters, a master!
Wonderful wife and mother -
You can't find them now!
And often with his wisdom
She shared 6 things.
And how to organize
What to read in philosophy
How best to arrange furniture,
What do you need to direct 6 people.
And in raising children
She has surpassed Rousseau.
And over the writer's path
It's time to think...

You are not an accountant, but a miracle,
Our queen.
Nothing in your account
Won't go left.

Happy birthday congratulations
Great debits to you,
Delightful balances,
Excellent loans.

Let happiness grow in life
Like inflation in a country
And despondency is subject
Only confiscations.

Such complex matter
All this accounting of yours,
You have to be so careful here.
Slow, solid!

I wish you always be successful
Balance, reports, numbers win.
It takes a ton of two skills.
I wish him! Happy birthday!

You cleverly make tables,
And you can easily fill them
You will reduce debit with credit,
And wipe anyone's nose!

Queen in her kingdom
Life bright and beautiful
Happiness, joy, kindness,
Let the dream come true!

Don't let the numbers drive you crazy
And lucky in all matters
And let there be no mistakes
Do not torment the soul of fear!

Happy Birthday! Good luck,
Nerves strong as a rope
And a huge salary
Enough for a diamond!

Numbers and reports everywhere
To have a rest already hunting,
At this very moment
Your birthday is coming!

Relax, have fun
Don't be lazy to smile
We sincerely congratulate
We wish you complete happiness!

Close the reports, forget all the postings,
Leave all the balances, bills, turnovers.
Mine best outfit put it on quickly
Happy birthday celebrate!

I want to wish great happiness
Covered you with your head overnight
And so that the magic fish of fate
Made all your dreams come true!

I wish to live life in openwork,
How to remove cream bonuses.
Desired to be, always loved,
Adversity and sorrows do not know.

Let happiness be debit
And with it health and success.
Still the balance is always lucky,
For you to be the best.

Congratulations to the first-class accountant, responsible employee and simply charming, good woman. We wish you successful reports so that debit and credit do not disturb your peace with their "disagreements". We wish respect among colleagues and superiors. We wish prosperity and understanding among relatives and friends. Let life be easy and joyful, and let every new day play with new ones. bright colors.

You consider everyone's salary
And planning a budget
Excellent accountant
Everyone already knows this
Happy birthday to congratulate
We want you now
Be cheerful and beautiful
And happy many times!

Let all balances come together
In your golden hands
And your finances sing
Because there are so many of them.

Everything will be fine in life
Both in work and in destiny,
Only in this way, and not otherwise.
Congratulations to all of you!

You are beautiful, bright and smart
Excellent, good
You stay the same
And fight against obstacles!

Don't be sad for nothing
Rise to wonders
Let everything be nothing
Congratulations on your day!

On this day, of course, I want to collect best words and create good congratulations. If a person is really in love with his profession, then feel free to beat this fact, the person will be pleasantly surprised. Consider the personality traits of the person being congratulated. You can safely wish for successful reporting and that all numbers always play like clockwork. The chief accountant is an extraordinary person who has reached certain heights in his business. We offer a variety of options with the most sincere wishes. Pick the most good wishes, and it will become pleasant surprise for the hero of the occasion. Be sure that your signs of attention will not go unnoticed.

Lots of worries
At the chief accountant all year round.
That quarterly reports,
Now the calculations, then the accounts,
But today is my birthday!
We want the mood
Let it be festive for you
Congratulations a hundred times!

We wish you success in your life,
Our chief accountant, happy birthday, dear!
Always let your house be a full bowl,
May there always be peace in the heart!
After all, you are a professional, of which there are not many,
Always in openwork all your affairs,
So let the road always be easy,
And happiness will be with you forever!

Our chief accountant
Very very nice!
We congratulate him
And we sincerely wish
On the birth day of success,
Works without error
Submit your report as soon as possible
And celebrate soon!

Chief accountant, we wish you success,
Problems are solved without interference!
Happy birthday to you,
In our company you are the main in everything!
So let all your days be clear
Let them bring fun and joy,
Let the debit always converge with the credit,
And trouble will never overtake!

A lot of different things
Here is the accountant's destiny.
When is the chief accountant?
That is a lot and even more so!
We wish you good luck
And solutions to all problems
Lots of happiness and patience
Happy birthday!

For your hard work
Chief accountant, we respect you!
You are always in business and in worries,
The working ardor in you has not gone out.
We celebrate birthday
We wish you very well!
We sincerely congratulate you
And now we drink one hundred grams for you!

May there be happiness in your life
All troubles will go away overnight
You are our chief accountant, health to you!
Paying us a salary
Let there be a glorious mood!
And congratulations on your birthday,
We wish you patience,
Well, good luck, no doubt!

May you always be lucky in fate
Dear chief accountant to you!
Work cleverly argues
And live without care!
Today we are without a doubt
Happy birthday!
And we want dreams
So that you can do everything!

Suit, glasses and a strict look,
Always in papers, and in reports,
And the outfit is waiting for you at home,
And on the birthday of care -
To set the table, receive guests.
Chief accountant, congratulations!
And raise the bar of life
We sincerely wish you!

Congratulations on your birthday
Chief accountant, without embellishment!
We wish you to work
You wouldn't know worries
To balance all balances
The soul sang so that romances
From happiness and great love,
Happy birthday, our dear!

When you balance the annual
When you get tired from work,
Then only the stars in a motionless crowd
You can realize your troubles and worries.
How to get ready for bed, your thoughts
Again, stealthily drowned in the bills
And measured in your mind you count zeros
And draw something in your notebook...
In the morning, as before, my head hurts,
And in the evening an attack of the usual migraine,
And colleagues naive words
You will only seem like a child's creation ...
On the screen - graphs like a spider grid
Redness cause the eye vessels,
The hand becomes numb in the same type of position
And the numbers go nowhere out of nowhere...
And rock is seen in this stream,
When every day you, as if at the beginning,
Standing at the edge, waiting for the trigger,
Although by position - the chief accountant ...
You are a silent fighter of a nameless war
With balances coming in formation
And may your actions be true,
This verse calls you a hero!