A psychological test for kindness. Are you a kind person? Test "Are you kind?"

It would seem that, the simplest question: Are you a kind person? Everyone knows the answer to it. Each of us faces the answer to it every day in each specific situation: when good, when evil .... Well, if in general, what is more in you? And does the opinion of others about your kindness and responsiveness coincide with your own opinion? And are you really so benevolent or irreconcilable?

If you want to find out, take the Kindness Test online. A free and easy kindness test to help you discover new dimensions of your personality. Perhaps, by taking a kindness test online, you will learn something new about yourself, see yourself from a completely different side, amuse your self-esteem, or want to change.

Answer the questions on the Kindness Test by writing down the number of points corresponding to the answer in parentheses.

Kindness Test Questions:


Test result "Test for Kindness":

  • 8-10 POINTS. If you evaluate the results of the Kindness Test as a percentage, you can say that you are 100% good-natured or kind-hearted. You are kind, sensual, attentive, and undeniably, people like you. Nevertheless, you still should not try to please everyone, to do good to everyone and support with everyone. good relationship... First, you can't please everyone! And secondly, your kind-heartedness, and strives to take advantage of "whoever gets there." You should not "waste" kindness on unworthy people, it's so easy to get discouraged and callous. It is better to save your most disinterested deeds for those closest to you and your relatives, and to the rest - “give out” dosed and for a good reason.
  • 4-7 POINTS. You are a rather kind person, but your kindness is shown only from time to time. You are able to do whatever you want for friends and loved ones, and you politely ignore other people (however, at times, and not always politely). This is not at all so bad, however, you probably need to try to behave more benevolently with everyone, so as not to be offended. Helping everyone, of course, is not worth it, but showing sympathy and empathy is the very thing.
  • How to restore the metabolism in the body and speed up the metabolism in the body: improve metabolism, speed up those who are recovering, slow down those who are losing weight.

  • 0-3 POINTS. People around you often think you are a real evil person. Communication with you periodically creates difficulties even for the most dear and close people. You don't want to delve into other people's problems, waste yourself on other people's experiences. There is often no time to help you: "Who would help me?" - this position is closer to you. Although it is possible that you really just have few opportunities to help, but then you need to understand that a kind word, empathy and elementary sympathy, sometimes any better material support. However, you are characterized by manifestations of real altruism and sincere kindness with “ capital letter", But such impulses confuse you a little (maybe you are just embarrassed to hear" thank you "addressed to you or do not believe that such a thing is possible). One way or another, but it will not hurt you to be more benevolent, then you will have many more friends who can make your life more interesting and happier!

A little more about kindness:

We are used to justifying our actions, to consider ourselves noble and benevolent. Nobody wants to be bad. This entertaining test will help you learn a lot about your character. He will determine the percentage of good and evil in your soul. Before reading the test results, look at the picture. Decryption depends on what you see first.

If you saw the sea
You are an agreeable person with a pleasant character. Kindness has taken your soul 100%. Friends can count on you. You do not like scandals and squabbles. But complaisance is often used for selfish purposes. Be vigilant and attentive

The ship was spotted first
According to the test result, evil possesses you 100%. The people around you really think you are terribly angry. But the reason is the habit of telling the truth in any situation. Not everyone likes direct criticism. But you think you will help the person change. And in return you get hatred and misunderstanding. Your success and a strong character cause envy and irritation. Despite being too harsh, the path you have chosen is the right one.
Human head
You are the owner of 80% of goodness and are the soul of the company. You know how to have fun, communicate, use the location of friends. They respect you for your reliability and can count on support at any moment. Despite the easy character, you are firm in making decisions. Here, 20% of evil begins to work. Your answer is always final and not subject to condemnation.
Regardless of the test results, respect yourself, love. You are an individual, and this is the main thing!

1. Organizational moment:

U. - Let's get to know each other.

2. Introductory conversation:

U. - Guys, today we are gathered here to talk about kindness and good deeds (slide 1)

D. - Kindness ... What does this word mean?

(Explaining children how they understand this word)

D. - What kind of person can be called kind? (a kind person is one who loves people and is ready to difficult moment come to their aid. A kind person protects nature, loves birds and animals, helps them survive in the winter cold. A kind person tries to be neat, polite and respectful in dealing with friends and adults.)

U. - And now let's turn to the definition in the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ozhegov.

Kindness ~ is responsiveness, warm-heartedness to people, the desire to do good to others. (Slide 2) He noted the qualities that determine kindness: virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious. Probably, a truly kind person has all these qualities. (Slide 3)

It seems to me that there were times in your life when you were offended. (children's answers)

U. - Tell me, what feelings did you experience? (Pain, bitterness, resentment, annoyance, feeling of loneliness, injustice to you, insecurity.)

What do you think, was it fair to you? (Answers of children.)

U. - Now tell us, have there been situations in your life when you yourself have offended someone? (Answers of children.)

W. - Now put yourself mentally in the place of the one offended by you and think: would you want to be treated the same way?

W. - The Gospel of Matthew says: “... in everything you want people to do to you, so do you to them.” (Slide 4)

Let these golden words define all your actions in life. Every child wants to be loved and taken care of by those around him. But it is not enough just to wish it. You must do everything yourself so that your actions do not cause resentment, bitterness, annoyance and a feeling of injustice in others.

W. There are two people. Each of them has ten good friends.

1. One of them every day asks his friends to help him: to borrow money, food, provide other services. Addressing them, he says that if they are really his friends, they will not refuse him this and, in the end, they are simply obliged to help him. After a while, all his friends turn away from him. They stop calling and visiting him.

2. Another one gets up early every day to be in time. He is loyal to his friends with all his heart, so he often visits them, helping them as much as he can. Across a short time all friends consider him best friend trying to be closer to him. They tell others about him, and he becomes everyone's favorite.

Which of these two people would you like to be friends with? (children's answers)

The conclusion of the teacher - All people are very different…. Some are ready to give the last to their friend and just acquaintance; you can't even ask others for snow in winter.

4. Test execution


U. - Now we will conduct the test "Good, I am" (slide 5)

Each of you will be able to check What are you, are you always attentive and kind to others?

D. - let's look at the answer sheet (slide 6)

You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number

D. - and now the questions (slide 7)

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?
2. A friend shares his problems or troubles in a conversation with you. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand it?
3. Your partner is not good at chess or any other game. Will you give in to him so that he doesn't lose interest in the game?
4. Do you like saying nice things to people to lift their spirits?
5. Do you often use evil jokes?
6. Are you typical of vindictiveness, rancor?
7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic Doesn't interest you at all?
8. Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people?
9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?
10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the arguments of the other person?
11. Will you do the work at the request of your parents if it is not your responsibility (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?
12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

D. - Now let's see how to calculate the points correctly (slide 8)

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone abuse your kindness.

4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For some, you go for everything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.

Less than 4 points. You have difficult work on yourself.

5. Game: Fairy Tale Hero - Good or Bad? "

(slide 9)

You all love fairy tales. One of the main topics of Russians folk tales there was a theme of good and evil. In fairy tales, there are good and bad heroes. Let's play a game now. I will name the fairytale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you happily clap your hands; if you are angry, you cover your face with your palms.

Ivan - Tsarevich, Thumbelina, Karabas - Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba - Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina.

U. - What do you guys think is more on earth: good or evil?

6. Working with words

(slide 10)

Now let's try to replace the words of the first column with words opposite in meaning:

Bad good
Evil is good
War is peace
Greed is generosity
Rudeness is politeness
Cruelty is a caress
Lie is true
Betrayal is devotion

W. - To defeat evil, it is necessary that there be more good.

In life, droplets of goodness merge into a trickle, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It is good when a person leaves behind a good mark. One sage remarked: a man did not live his life in vain if he built a house, raised a garden and raised a child. "

U. - That means not only words should be kind, but also deeds.

U. - Think and tell me, what good deeds can you do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? (children's answers)

7. Conversation about polite words.

(slide 11)

D. - Think and answer, what in communication with each other helps to make our relationship warmer, kinder, sincere? (children's answers)

W. - Of course, these are kind, warm words. Which? (Children's answers: "good health", " have a good day”,“ Be kind ”, etc.)

W. - Tell me, how can you enhance the beauty and charm of these words? (With a smile, a benevolent look.)

Kind words are the flowers of the human soul. And do not be stingy to distribute these flowers to others.

These words are the most wonderful
Everyone is very happy to hear;
Adults and children are getting kinder
And they are in a hurry to smile at everyone.

Teacher. Let's play a little. I will read a poem, and your task is to finish the kind word that is appropriate in meaning.

Invented by someone simply and wisely -
When we meet, say hello ... ("Good morning!")
The old tree stump will turn green
When he hears: ... ("Good day!")
The boy is polite and developed,
Says, meeting: ... ("Hello!")
Melt block of ice
From a good word ... ("Thanks!")
When scolded for pranks, We say: ... ("Forgive me please!")
Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye: ... ("Bye!")
All of you with great love
Wish… (Good health.)

The conclusion of the teacher: there are a lot of warm kind words in our speech. Kind word can cheer us up. Instill confidence in us, warm our souls.

8. Work in pairs

Kindness is the most valuable moral quality of the Russian people. How many proverbs and sayings about kindness have been created by Russian folk wisdom! Remember some of them:

You are given cards, there are 2 columns in them, you must pick up a continuation from the second column to the beginning of the proverb, connect it with arrows. Who quickly.

Y - now let's check (slide 12)

9. Conclusion

(slide 13) Training game “Magic flower of goodness”.

Children, stand in a circle, stretch your arms slightly forward, palms up, and close your eyes. Imagine what I am going to tell you now. (You can include a nice, pleasant melody.)

Draw in your imagination a flower of goodness and good mood. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. It gives off an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Place all goodness in your mind and good mood this flower inside, into your heart.

Feel how goodness enters you, brings you joy. You have new forces: the forces of health, happiness and joy. You feel how your body is filled with pleasure and joy. How nice your face is, how good and joy your soul becomes ...

A warm, gentle breeze blows over you. You are in a kind, soul-warming mood.

Summing up- You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people - brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great.

Now open your eyes. Look around. Join hands. Looking at each other's faces, wish something good. (Children do.) I want you to remember what you are feeling now and take with you when you leave this room. Warm feelings and the good mood will continue with you ...

All the best!

Answer form.

Question number

Question number


  1. “Problematic class hours - 10-11 grades” by Ya.V. Golubeva
  2. “Class hours on ethical and aesthetic education” 1-4 grades. author O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina
  3. Extracurricular activities v primary school"Y.Yu. Martynova

State budget educational institution

Luhansk People's Republic

"Blagovsky educational complex"

Developing lesson from the cycle

"Moral development of adolescents"

Practical psychologist

Bereznichenko Oksana Petrovna

LESSON "Kindness"


    Help to better understand the moral concept of "kindness";

    Encourage the desire to cultivate this quality in oneself;

    Promote the formation of skills to correctly respond to universal human values.

Behavioral level:

Students should:

    Answer the questions of the Kindness Test;

    Talk about your own good deeds;

Cognitive level:

Students should:

    Determine how their need to do good deeds is developed;

    To correlate your thoughts and actions with universal human values.


    A copy of the Kindness Test for each student;

    Crayons, pens;


Course of the lesson

Psychologist. Before starting a conversation on the topic of our lesson, I invite you to answer 12 statements of the test. If you agree with the statement, then answer "yes", if you do not agree - "no".

    Do you have money. Could (could) you spend everything you have on gifts for friends?

    A friend talks about his problems. But this is of little concern. Will you let him know that this does not interest you at all?

    Your partner in chess or some other game is not playing well. Will you give in to it to please?

    Do you often say good words to people?

    Do you like evil jokes, practical jokes?

    How long do you remember the wrongs inflicted on you?

    Will you be able to listen patiently to something that does not interest you at all?

    Do you know how to put your abilities into practice?

    Do you quit the game when you start losing?

    If you are sure that you are right, will you listen to the objections of the interlocutors?

    Do you willingly fulfill requests?

    Are you taunting anyone to cheer up the campaign?

We will talk about the test results a little later.

Psychologist. Now let's define the topic of the lesson. Romain Roland said: “… this is the beautiful music of the soul. How wonderful it would be if it sounded in each of us. "

What did Romain Roland mean? Insert the missing word in this statement. (Kindness). Kindness is the theme of our lesson. Find words to define kindness. (We write words on the board and reveal their meaning and meaning.)

Virtue, good nature, benevolence, honesty, kind-heartedness, conscientiousness.

Probably, a truly kind person has all these qualities. But are there many of them? (We do not comment.)

What good deeds have you done over the past day, week? (Children talk.)

Psychologist. Let's define the test results (children process the test results themselves).


"Yes" - 1,3,4,7,11 - 1 point;

"No" - 2,5,6,8-10 - 1 point.

8 and more: you are kind, benevolent. You know how to communicate with people. Only one wish - be sincere.

4 – 8: your kindness is selective; you can be kind to some people and callous to others.

0 – 4: communication with you can be difficult, you do not have enough goodwill towards people, openness.

Psychologist. Experts say that good deeds have a good effect on our psychophysical health. It turned out that the body perceives the state of a person, seized by impulses of kindness, as a positive stress and produces a huge amount of protective substances. This way, for real kind people get sick much less often. In addition, a state of kindheartedness produces hormones that stimulate mental activity and stimulate creativity.

What happens to the person who does bad deeds?.. (Discussion. )

Psychologist. This story happened a long time ago in a wonderful city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far beyond his hometown... But there was a man in the city who was jealous of its fame. And so the envious person decided to come up with a question to which the sage could not answer. He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, put it between his closed palms and decided to ask the sage: “Tell me, wisest, which butterfly I have in my hands - alive or dead? If he says alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly. Then everyone will understand which of us is the smartest. " And so it happened, the envious caught the butterfly, put it between his palms and went to the sage. And the envious man asked: "What kind of butterfly do I have in my hands, the wisest one - alive or dead?" And then the sage said: "Everything is in your hands" (No comments).

You will be loved ones

And you will know the joy of kindness,

Not wishing others that

what you do not wish for yourself.

( No comments).


    Prepare a story about good deeds.

This test is a means of self-knowledge, self-analysis by students of their personal properties, encouraging them to self-development and self-improvement. They give the student information that helps him to think about himself, to comprehend together with others moral issues... The most important condition is to ensure absolute sincerity, which is achieved by anonymity, the absence of mutual influence of students on each other. The answer to the question should be "yes" or "no".



Test "Am I kind"

You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles in a conversation with you. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand it?

3. Your partner is not good at chess or any other game. Will you give in to him so that he doesn't lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like saying nice things to people to lift their spirits?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you typical of vindictiveness, rancor?

7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic does not interest you at all?

8. Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the arguments of the other person?

11. Will you do the work at the request of your parents if it is not your responsibility (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Processing the result:

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone abuse your kindness.

4 to 8 points ... Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For some, you go for everything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there is no offense at you.

Less than 4 points. You have difficult work on yourself.

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