Mom's birthday surprise: pleasant surprises. How can you please mom: the material side of the issue

Pregnancy, especially desired, is a joyful event that brings a lot of joy to both the wife and husband. If you are waiting for replenishment in the family, and your parents still do not know about it, surprise them, do something nice.

cabbage hello

Want to unusual say about pregnancy? Give your parents a head of cabbage, after putting it in a slider and tying a bow or something else on it. Surely they will immediately figure out what the matter is, and congratulate you, and also rejoice at their new roles of grandparents.

A gift with a hint

Can you give your parents following gifts to prepare them for their soon-to-be grandparents. Give mom, for example, a knitting pattern for booties, and give your father a book of children's fairy tales. Let them prepare for the appearance of a grandson / granddaughter. Do you think that a man will not like reading children's fairy tales? Well, he will read them to his beloved grandson or granddaughter.

Unusual photo

You planned family celebration or you / parents decided to invite friends and acquaintances to a small party, ask a guest to take a photo and say something. Then you can laugh together at the expressions on the faces of the parents and other relatives who took their faces after the phrase of the person photographing “Smile, I’m taking pictures, and Sveta is pregnant!”. That's enough too unusual way report pregnancy.

Gifts for the best grandparents

Give mom and dad a towel, mug, t-shirt, or something else that says " best grandmother" and correspondingly " best grandfather» . Here you can dream up, coming up with some original phrase.

hello mail

Buy a box for sending at the post office, put booties, sliders, an undershirt, you can have a few other baby things or rattles, an ultrasound picture, in general, what do you think of. Also include in the package letter from your unborn child, as if he were writing to them from his mother's tummy and saying that he would soon be out of there. Give this parcel to your friend, have him dress appropriately and take it to your parents.

Special T-shirt

Look in stores in your city or on the Internet for special maternity shirts. Buy such a T-shirt and come to visit your parents for tea.

Call and say as if in between times

And if you live in different cities? Then you can just call. When the conversation comes to an end, say "Oh yes, I completely forgot to congratulate you!". To the perplexed question "With what?" answer "You and dad will soon become grandparents." Maybe your parent will shed a tear, but this is from happiness. News like this doesn't come out every day. See how easy it is to surprise parents by reporting an event like imminent addition

Olga Kartoshechkina | 08/25/2015 | 953

Olga Kartoshechkina 25.08.2015 953

To pleasantly surprise your mother, you do not have to wait for a holiday or just an opportunity. I propose to please loved one with no reason.

Mom is the dearest person for each of us. Even if she lives hundreds of kilometers away, she will certainly feel that her child is ill. At any life situation she will help out useful advice and just regret, pat on the head as before, in childhood.

I try to regularly please my mother with a gift, a pleasant act, or kind word. BUT best gift For me, it's her smile on her face.

Unexpected call in the middle of the day

It does not matter if your mother lives in a neighboring house, or in another city - this act will surely please her. Indeed, the feeling of loneliness often “rolls over” the elderly, and the best remedy from him is the voice of his beloved daughter.

Gift for no reason

I don't know people who don't like receiving gifts. My mom is no exception. As a child, I made her happy homemade postcards And . Now my gifts are extremely practical.

For example, these could be:

  • theater tickets;
  • potted plant;
  • scarf;
  • umbrella;
  • pool membership.

Choose a gift for your native person, based on his passions and your financial capabilities.

Printed photos

Many people love flipping through photo albums, but modern grandmothers do not always have such an opportunity. After all, most of the photos remain in gadgets and on computers, which not everyone has.

I suggest that you print both joint photos and your personal ones so that your mother’s album is replenished, and she can admire her beloved daughter or grandchildren at any time.

Tasty dish

When the whole family comes to visit our parents, my mother “settles” at the stove and starts to cook / fry / steam and stew. She sets the table and tenderly watches how we all gobble up her pies, branded cutlets and on both cheeks.

But from time to time I break this tradition and give my favorite chef a rest. Mom watches her favorite TV shows, and I cook unusual dish especially for her. The last time I sculpted golden ones. It turned out very tasty! Mom, by the way, found out the recipe from me and a few days later she cooked them for dad.

Next time I plan to surprise my mom. This is a simple, hearty and incredibly tasty dish.

family meeting

Departure to nature, excursion, going to a restaurant - any family meetings make parents happy. After all, it is so important for both mom and dad that children and grandchildren remember them, be there and give them their smiles, love and attention.

Take care of mom, dad and loved ones, hug them more often and say kind words.

Your mom deserves surprises! If she raised you right, most likely, you want to somehow express your gratitude to her. No one invests in us as much effort, time and love as mothers, although we often take this for granted. Whether you're looking to give mom a treat for the holidays or just because, a little planning doesn't hurt. We will give you some ideas for great surprises, both cheap or even free, and more expensive.


Cheap or free surprises

  1. Spend time together. If you want to surprise your birthday, March 8th, or any other holiday, you will most likely think about buying a gift right away, however intangible gift may be much more valuable. Even if the invitation to go somewhere together is not the greatest surprise in the world, it may turn out to be the most pleasant. Put away your phone and other gadgets to give your mom your time and attention. Talk to her. Listen to her. Stay together.

    • Spend a quiet day together, drink tea and talk. You can go for a walk in the park or spend the evening watching family comedies or your mom's favorite movies. Look through old albums. Check out old videos from the holidays. You can even collect photo or video materials on your computer, make a presentation or edit a movie and invite your mom to the premiere!
    • Find in your city Beautiful places where mother is rarely. Show them to mom: take your own tour! If you have sports mom, you can take her for a long walk, ride a bike or run.
    • If your mother is a believer, go to church with her. If she rarely gets to see any of her relatives, visit them together. Just arrange a joint day of rest.
  2. Do the cleaning without being reminded. A great way to surprise your mom is to do some cleaning, especially if you don't volunteer to do it often. Even a little help around the house will show mom that you care about her.

    • Start with your room, especially if you're not sure you'll have time to clean the entire apartment. Put all things in their places, hang clean clothes in a closet, take dirty clothes in a laundry basket. Then clean up the living room and other rooms. Try to finish before mom gets back. If you don’t have time for real serious cleaning, you can simply arrange books, remove things that were lying around, straighten pillows and dust at least where it is most noticeable (usually a table and a TV or monitor).
    • Additionally, you can wash the dishes and take out the trash. Tidy up the kitchen, wipe the work surfaces and the table. If you have time, go over the floor with a vacuum cleaner. You will become an example for your brothers and sisters!
  3. If you live in a private house, tidy up the yard. First of all, remove unnecessary items and put them in their places. Sometimes it’s worth starting with cleaning the house.

    • Mow the lawn if you are an adult and know how to do it. Perhaps this is more like a surprise for dad, although it all depends on whose duties this activity usually includes. Depending on the season and weather, remove leaves, snow, or just debris from your yard. Water the garden and vegetable garden. If necessary (and if your parents trust you to do this), prune the bushes.
  4. Organize a family dinner by inviting guests secretly from mom. The preparation may take some time. Invite mom's closest friends and relatives she likes to hang out with. This great way it's nice to surprise her, especially if you cook dinner yourself and free her from the hassle. If on the street good weather organize a picnic. Think about what products you need to buy, ask the guests to gather at the agreed place and bring your mother. It will be an unforgettable surprise!

    • Keep dinner simple: the main thing is that you have enough time to prepare everything in advance. Set the table and be ready for the arrival of guests so that mom does not have to worry about anything. When the guests arrive (unexpectedly for her!), let her rest and communicate with them, and you will take care of all the chores.
    • Before dinner, come up with a toast that you will say in honor of your mother. Just do not look for ready-made template toasts on the Internet: let the toast be not quite perfect, but your!
    • If a party with friends and relatives - extra stress for a mom who already feels tired, order a pizza, buy a beer and turn on good movie. Arrange yourself a cozy home evening for two.
  5. Write her a letter. This is one of the cheapest and most sincere ways to tell your mom how much she means to you. If you want to do something meaningful for her, you don't have to be a writer, just write from your heart. In a letter, share warm memories with her, remind her of various funny cases and tell her why you are grateful to her. Let mom know how you feel.

    • Take a leaf thick paper or cardboard and make a postcard. Decorate it with your own drawings, stick funny or cute pictures. Mom will definitely love it!
    • Another option is to hang notes around the house where she will definitely notice them. In each, write a separate “thank you” for some of those seemingly inconspicuous things that she does day after day.
  6. Serve your mom breakfast in bed. This is undoubtedly classic way It's nice to surprise your mom. Just don't burn the toast and don't rattle the frying pan all over the house! Set an alarm to get up at least an hour before mom and get everything ready.

    • Simplicity is the key to success. You should not make dishes for breakfast that are long or difficult to prepare and not so easy to eat neatly. Run in the evening to the store for buns or croissants and hide them, and serve them with coffee in the morning. Cinnamon toast or fruit salad too a good idea.

    Serious surprises

    1. Try to figure out what your mom will never ask you for. Mothers are always stubborn and disinterested. Find out what kind of gift mom would like to receive, although it will not be so easy. Maybe she always dreamed of seeing Greece, but she never said a word about it.

      • Try talking to her old school or college friends. Find out what she was like before, what she dreamed about, where she would like to visit. Try to fulfill her dream!
      • Ask dad. Most likely, he knows his mother for sure cherished desires, or at least guess about them. Ask her what she dreams about and tell him it's a secret!
    2. Give your mom a day at the spa. Professional spa treatments, relaxation and bliss - this is a gift that will definitely be a success! Check with dad or other family members to make sure mom is free on the day you choose. Find out which salons are nearby, what services they offer and what reviews they have.

      • If you don’t have a lot of money at your disposal, sign your mom up for one procedure. For example, if she is very tired, a relaxing massage session would be a great choice. If she gives great attention nails or hair, write it down for a manicure or a hairdresser.
    3. Give her flowers. Order a bouquet in a flower shop with delivery to your home or work. Just in case, find out if any of the stores have discounts or special offers (this rarely happens, but what if you get lucky?). Keep in mind that before Valentine's Day, March 8 and September 1, flowers usually go up in price. If you know what kind of flowers your mom likes, your task is much easier.

      • Mom doesn't like flowers at all? Give her what she loves! For example, buy hand cream, body lotion, other care products in small packages and collect a gift basket.
    4. Try to arrange a surprise evening with a trip to a restaurant and theater. If your mom loves plays, musicals, or concerts, buy tickets for her and for yourself. Find a restaurant near the theater for cocktails and light early dinner, and reserve a table just long enough to eat before the show starts. Book a taxi in advance so you don't have to worry about transportation.

      • If an elegant meal and stage performance makes mom sad, lower the degree of pathos! Dine at an inexpensive pizzeria or even a fast food restaurant if your mom has a crush on him, and then go to the movies to see a horror or comedy movie. Let mom feel young again!
    5. Make a scrapbook. If your mother likes to be nostalgic, you can make a beautiful scrapbook for her with photos, pictures, memorabilia. Collect the old family photos; perhaps my mother's childhood photos or drawings can be found with grandparents. Pictures taken yesterday on a smartphone will not surprise anyone, but a photo from a school graduation, summer holidays at sea or matinee in kindergarten- quite another matter! Tip: It's best to scan and print single copy photos for a project, and return the originals to a family album.

      • If your mom likes to make things herself, organize a scrapbook project for her. Give her an empty album beautiful paper, materials for decoration, pick up photos, postcards, pages from magazines, and let mom create herself or with you!
    6. If you have a garden, bring in a landscape designer or gardener. Surely gardening chores tire mom. Even if she is a passionate gardener, she is unlikely to be enthusiastic about routine tasks like mowing the lawn and cleaning the leaves. If your mom has always wanted a garden but just doesn't have the energy or time, talk to a landscape architect and arrange it yourself. However, even if you just invite an assistant to cut the bushes and clean the yard, mom will be very pleased.

      • Make sure the project meets mom's wishes and fits in with appearance Houses. Perhaps you should do all preparatory work- invite a specialist for a consultation, evaluate the scale and cost, discuss design options, - and final decision let mom take it. What if you spend money on an expensive project and she doesn't like it!
      • You can team up with dad and siblings and organize a trip just for mom. Let her go where she always wanted to, and rest at her pleasure.

go to wedding salon Finding your dream dress with your mom is always a great idea, but wearing your mom's wedding dress on your day is a truly touching and incredibly sentimental gesture.

If her outfit style (or size) doesn't suit you, ask permission to have the dress tailored to your figure by a designer or accessorize it to complement your bridal style.

If you have already bought your dream dress, consider borrowing one from your mom. Wedding Shoes or some significant decoration.

2. Support team

The honor of accompanying the bride to the altar traditionally belongs to her father. But why shouldn't mom join your company? It will be beautiful way show her how important her support is to you, and will be the highlight of the whole ceremony.

Author of the photo: , wedding

3. Bridesmaid

If you're the lucky one who can call your mom your best friend, invite her to be your bridesmaid! She was always there for everything important points your life, so why not stand with you now as you say your most important “Yes”?

4. Morning of the bride

Most brides spend their wedding morning with a make-up artist and photographer in the company of best friends. Invite your mother to join you in the morning preparation hours: firstly, she also needs holiday makeup and hairstyle, and secondly, photos where the mother helps the bride put on the dress and jewelry are some of the most touching in wedding albums.

5. Talents of parents

If your mom is a born florist, and future mother-in-law bakes the most delicious cakes in town, highlight their talents. Having covered together sweet table and by collecting bouquets for the central compositions, you will not only please your parents, but also create a holiday that is not like all the others.

6. Exit to the dance floor

Do not limit yourself to traditional dances of father + daughter and mother + son, because everyone wants to dance at a wedding! Agree with the groom to perform two dances, so as not to leave the most dear and close people without attention.

7. Ceremony

May the honor of holding the ceremony and being the first to call you husband and wife go to your father. Invite him to prepare a speech in advance, tell about the timing, choose the right musical accompaniment, and, believe me, the most sincere and most touching ceremony will await you, which guests will not soon forget.

8. First meeting

The first meeting of the bride and groom is, of course, important element wedding day, but the first meeting with parents, if your training camp was not at home, is also worthy of being photographed. Pride and admiration in the eyes of the father and mother's tears of happiness at the sight of you in wedding dress This is something you will want to keep forever in your memory.

9. Details of the image

Properly selected accessories will help you distinguish your parents from other guests at the wedding. For example, for fathers, you can prepare special boutonnieres that will differ from those worn by the groom's friends, and for mothers and mothers-in-law - small copies of the bride's bouquet.

10. Wise words

Toasts are an integral part of the wedding, and, as a rule, the honor of pronouncing them first goes to the parents of the bride and groom. But here, too, you can deviate from tradition and invite your parents to tell you parting words at the altar right after you became husband and wife. Such a graceful and elegant end to the ceremony will set the tone for the entire celebration.

In this super tasty post, we offer 10 great ideas for interesting dishes and treats that are very easy to prepare. Sometimes you want something tasty, unusual, new. Sometimes you really want to surprise and please your relatives not only with nutritious and delicious breakfast, but also beautiful, unusual. Look at these ideas! Each of them is clear, accessible and easy to do!

1. Banana ice cream. Melt the chocolate. You can take not only white, but also black and milk. Cut the bananas into 4 pieces lengthwise and crosswise as shown in the picture. Insert an ice cream stick and dip into chocolate. You can decorate with coconut flakes or bright sugar sprinkles. Wait until it cools down.

2. Here's how interesting you can make a regular biscuit cake or cheesecake. A traditional delicacy will look completely new!

3. Regular scrambled eggs will have absolutely new taste if cooked in a bun and oven. Cut a sandwich bun in half, make a well, fill it with bacon, beat out an egg, sprinkle with grated cheese. Close the bun and wrap in foil. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes.

4. This is a good idea for a holiday. Make rainbow jelly oranges to wow your guests.

5. Here is another bright rainbow jelly cake idea.

6. Delicious baked apples. Excellent and nice idea cooking. The filling can be any (cottage cheese, nuts, dried fruits, etc.)

7. Quick breakfast for someone you love!

8. Great idea goodies for tea in a hurry.

9. Freeze coffee in ice cube trays to add to milk and treat friends and family to cocktails.

10. And the kids will love it! Each kid will want to enjoy not only the filling, but also the plate itself!