Why young men like grown women. Why do women love young boys and men love older girls? Lack of hidden meanings

Hello everyone! Recently, in a cafe in Kazan, a good friend told me that her boyfriend loves older women than she does. She is now 22 years old, and young man- 24. I was surprised at this statement and thought that she was joking, but the girl continued to prove her own. This topic became interesting to me and I decided to reflect on it. I think this article will be useful for both guys and girls.

Some for some reason believe that female attractiveness with age, it disappears and it becomes no longer so beautiful. Many ladies who have reached the age of forty begin to feel like “grandmothers”. But what if, upon reaching this age, arrange personal life didn’t work?

This is where the salvation for them turns out to be the following: maybe someone does not know, but (as my friend told me) the majority of young guys really prefer older women, not the same age. Today it is not uncommon for women to have romances and even for guys many years younger. What's happening? How do mature ladies seduce young guys? And what attracts the boys themselves to "grandmothers"?


With vast life experience, mature women know perfectly well how to use their advantages and possible disadvantages. They will never ask the chosen one: “ Honey, am I plump? It's just awful! I have added three pounds!". Such ladies understand that many men simply will not notice such a slight increase in weight.

With women mature age it is more interesting for young people to communicate, as it is possible with them. In addition, they themselves are able to manage the conversation well, because they know perfectly well what is worth talking about and what to keep silent about.

Adult ladies do not listen to the opinions of others like young girls. They don't care what others think of them or what others say to them. Since they are already mature individuals, they have a lot of life experience and have their own opinion about reality. And this is very good at protecting men's nerves.

Mature women clearly know what they want. They build their lives according to them alone clear rules, communicate only with those people with whom they want. They prefer long, romantic and stormy romances.

Grown ladies have a huge life experience, and they have already experienced the meaning of the saying "We love those who do not love us, we drive those who love us." It is for this reason that they appreciate the time given to them by a fan.

Most adult men lack mother's affection in their lives. If mom caressed a little in childhood, then such men in older partners are looking for what is missing.
A young man may be disappointed in his peers. Women of the same age may seem disorderly and uninteresting to him.
The lady, in turn, can also be disappointed in her peers, since she no longer hopes to meet among them what she wants.


Older women solve their problems themselves. This independence today attracts many young men. In addition, a girl endowed with life experience is able to suggest something to her companion and help find a way out of a problem situation.

Such ladies are usually already established and they are always busy. An adult lady will not call her boyfriend every hour at work and send him text messages. A lot of guys really don't like this, but there are exceptions.

But what about in bed?

As for intimacy, here mature women are freer and more literate. They know well what a partner needs and how to please him. They, as a rule, are not notorious, and therefore are not at all shy.

I hope you understand why guys love older women. I think I was able to solve this issue. How are you doing? Write in the comments whatever you think about this issue. Do you like older women? =)

Many single and beautiful girls are wondering why men find mature women more attractive. Although people are very skeptical about unequal relationships, this should not be surprising. Mature women know theirs strengths and they are more experienced and feminine. Perhaps a couple of years ago, a relationship between a young man and a woman much older than him would have been doomed to failure due to prejudice. Now this question is no longer so relevant. No one is surprised by the fact that a mature woman is dating a young man. Certainly, the celebrity "opened" the door to such a relationship. Couples where the woman is much older than her partner have become the norm in many European countries... What attracts guys to mature women?

The benefits of this relationship for guys:


Mature women have already studied themselves well, they know their pros and cons, they understand how to present themselves correctly in order to be liked. They radiate self-confidence, which is what attracts the opposite sex. Such ladies have long understood what life is and are not going to adapt to anyone. Guys love that a woman has a plan that she follows. It is this confidence, steadfastness, unwillingness to break their habits that attracts the opposite sex so much. When a woman is confident in herself, the likelihood of scandals is significantly reduced.

a woman's self-confidence is one of the main reasons for such a choice on the part of a man

A responsibility

Mature woman is most often a workaholic who seeks to build for himself solid foundation... With a clear awareness of her needs, she focuses on achieving results. This experience can be useful for young people as well. As a rule, a woman tries to guide her "young" chosen one on the right path in life. If a young man is moderately serious and hardworking, such a woman can be a godsend for him.


Many mature women do not seek to tame their partner, they are quite happy with meetings, they do not need a marriage bond. Such ladies do not need a partner just to establish themselves at the expense of him. They will not beg for money or other help, since their lives are already pretty well arranged. A mature woman will not play games with her chosen one, she knows what she wants and gets it. No emotional or financial dependence.

life experience and honesty attract the opposite sex


Mature women know that the important things in a relationship are honesty and respect. She does not neglect these components of any relationship (whether serious or temporary). But the same return is expected in return.

An experience

A mature woman has gone through many tests, so she knows how to react correctly in any situation in order to prevent a scandal. She is clearly aware of how she would like to be treated by her partner. This factor is very important at the very beginning of a relationship. Both partners know what they can hope for and who plays what role in the relationship. It is known that men hate scandals and tantrums. A mature woman is more emotionally stable than a young girl. Guys are more comfortable spending time in her company than regularly listening to complaints and swearing.

sexual experience and emancipation play quite a few important role in relationship


In any relationship, the ability to speak, advise and support a partner is very important. Mature woman having gone through a certain life path, knows what is more appropriate to say in what situation. Men really appreciate the fact that a woman is not only good-looking, but also smart (do not confuse the cases when a man chooses beautiful girl only for sexual relations; here we are talking about sincere relationship and interest).


Well, here we go, up to this point. Any relationship is built on sex appeal partners. A mature woman knows how to behave in bed in order to please both her partner and herself. When both people enjoy intimacy, their attraction becomes even greater. A mature woman is no longer as withdrawn as she was in her youth, she is not afraid to tell the chosen one what exactly she expects from him.

Content of the article:

As long as humanity lives, so much there is a problem unequal marriages... Society is so structured that it is ready to accept only those created by this society. True, people have forgotten that the norms were created a long time ago and then really corresponded to the requirements of the time. For example, a wife must be younger in order to have healthy offspring and obey her husband. The woman did not work, supported her life and was financially completely dependent on her husband.

Everything love relationship that go beyond the generally accepted norms are condemned and condemned in every possible way. Thirty years ago, "unequal" partners would carefully hide their relationship. Now is the time to break stereotypes, so everything appears more pairs where is the man younger than woman... Let's try to figure out why men choose women older than themselves.

Fortune hunter

It is no secret that there is a category of young men who think that their beauty and physically developed body is capital. They sell their assets in exchange for a comfortable existence. After all, it is much more difficult to develop in a career, to study and grow professionally than to be able to look good and to say nice compliments. And it will take a long time to wait until the efforts invested in development bear fruit. But why, if you can find a woman who will lead a man to prosperity much faster. This is one of the reasons why men choose older women. If a partner is helpful, handsome, and in general - but difficulties suddenly began in his life, and temporarily there is no money - you are dealing with a gigolo.

A man is looking for an experienced woman

Another reason why men like older women may be looking for an experienced sexual partner... A woman who has crossed the threshold of thirty years can teach her man a lot. As a rule, by this age, ladies are quite sensual, their libido is well developed, so the woman herself can already speak frankly with her partner about her preferences. V in this case, a relationship with such a woman allows the partner to get an objective assessment of their abilities and gain invaluable experience. Experience and emancipation are the answer to the question of why men prefer older women.


People are used to looking in unequal relationship trick. However, love can give us an answer to the question of why men marry older women. A man can really fall in love with an elderly woman. As you know, all ages are submissive to love. Female balzac age can become desired, loved and the best for young man... Although the spouses have to prove to the public until the end of their days that they are bound by love, and not cold calculation, the couple, contrary to the opinions of others, remains. Why do men fall in love with older women? Love does not choose a partner for us, it comes and that's it.

Oedipus complex

It happens that a boy is brought up by a domineering mother who controls his every step, makes decisions for him and takes responsibility for her son's actions. Growing up, such a man does not know how to build relationships with partners equal to him. It is difficult for such a man to take on the burden of responsibility for a young partner and to be the main one in a relationship. This is why young men prefer older women. They are subconsciously looking for a woman who would take him under her wing and continue to play the role of a mother. These couples can also be together for a long time.

A man is comfortable with an older woman

  • A mature woman is independent, she does not care about the opinions of others;
  • Such a woman trusts, does not scandal because of female friends in social networks and being late from work for a couple of hours;
  • The chosen one does not try to drag her partner to the registry office;
  • Such a woman knows how to appreciate and respect a partner, she is grateful for the time spent together.
  • A mature lady will not dump the whole heap of her own problems on her chosen one, but will try to solve them herself;
  • This woman is experienced, it is interesting to talk to her;
  • In life, there have already been and, and, possibly, divorce, and other crises. Therefore, a woman over thirty knows how to maintain self-control, not to lose face;
  • A mature woman will not arrange a scandal out of the blue, because above all is the comfort in the relationship.

So it's no surprise why men date older women.

As one sage used to say, don't look for faults in others. Take care of your own, then you simply will not have time to get to strangers. Do not look for a dirty trick in other people's relationships. There are many reasons why men choose older women. Whatever the reason that makes them be together, since they are close, then they are comfortable. And it's not up to us to decide what is normal and what is not. As life shows, a man and a woman in an unequal relationship can be really happy.

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Orthodox calendar

Wednesday 20 February 2019(February 7, Old Style)
Week of the Publican and the Pharisee
Venerable Parthenia, Bishop Lampsaki (IV)
Venerable Luke of Greece (about 946)
Memorial Day of Saints:
Mchch. 1003 Nicomedians (303).
Memorial Day for Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Schmch. Alexander Talyzin as presbyter (1938); sshmch. Alexy Trinity Presbyter (1942).
The week about the publican and the Pharisee is continuous.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
On lit .: -Ap .: 2 Pet. 3: 1-18 Ev .: Mark 13: 24-31
In the morning: - Ps. 70-76; Ps. 77-84 Ps. 85-90 For the evening.: - Ps. 119-133

Increasingly in fashion magazines and secular TV shows meet star couples where women are older than their partners. An obvious and striking example is the unions of such pairs as:

  • Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva (difference of 27 years),
  • Hugh Jackman and Deborah Lee-Lewis (14 years old),
  • Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey (11 years old)
  • Sergey and Irina Bezrukov (8 years old),
  • Gerard Pique and Shakira (10 years old),
  • Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeny Plushenko (8 years old).

Except for the stars similar situations are also found in the everyday world. But why is this happening? Why do men choose women older than themselves? There are several reasons for this development of events.

Ten Reasons Men Like Older Women

  1. The fairer sex is already self-sufficient and self-confident. They will not ask stupid questions that are aimed at boosting their self-esteem. In addition, girls will not choose a partner relying on his financial capabilities. In most cases, girls have already managed to realize themselves in their careers and money does not play a significant role for them.
  2. Knowing your disadvantages and advantages allows you to interesting game with representatives of the stronger sex. They are great at seducing a partner, luring him in and stirring up the relationship.
  3. They are not jealous over trifles, they do not call every fifteen minutes for the purpose of conducting children's conversations.
  4. Finding something to do when your spouse is away is another reason why guys like older girls. Instead of demanding to spend the weekend together, women occupy themselves (meeting with girlfriends, going to the fitness room, etc.). Quite often, men are busy at work or want to meet friends, in this case, the other half will calmly let go of their partner and find something to do.
  5. The presence of children is not a problem, since in most cases they are already adults. The partners pay almost all their attention to their beloved ones, create coziness in the house. They do not build illusions and castles in the air about marriage and a magnificent wedding.
  6. More often than not, girls have experience behind their shoulders. They can share experiences and have conversations on completely different topics.
  7. Wisdom is another distinctive features... The fairer sex knows how to restrain their emotions, they know when to remain silent and when to fight back.
  8. I would like to note that older girls are formed personalities. They do not listen to the opinions of others and do not fall for "advice." Basically, partners only listen to their own to the inner voice and make decisions on their own.
  9. Also hallmark why men like women, the older is patience. Girls do not allow a fight to completely ruin the relationship. In case of conflicts, girls try to talk about it, instead of being offended for several days.
  10. Sex is one of the main reasons for a good and strong relationship. Women already know what men love, they know how to give pleasure and do not hesitate to talk about their desires. They are not afraid to experiment and try new things.

Except experience and all positive qualities older women always look after themselves and try to look attractive. They know how to dress appropriately and choose images depending on the event. It is all these traits that help warm up relationships, arouse interest and passion on the part of men. V true love and strong relationship age does not play as important a role as the sincerity of feelings.

There are a lot of families with an age difference in favor of the wife, and not only in the sphere of show business, famous for its freedom of morals. Psychology explains why young guys love older women, the peculiarities of the era and upbringing.

Why do guys love older women?

Psychologists note that the growing age of a person is more and more pushed back. In ancient times, families were created by today's standards entirely by children, whereas today an adult can feel like a child.

It is more difficult for a man to grow up - a heavy burden of responsibility falls on him, but young guys are usually not ready for this. Choosing an older woman, such a young man, in fact, chooses a substitute for a mother who is able to help and support, but at the same time will not be hysterical and frayed.

Sex with a grown woman for a guy is also attractive - she is more experienced and relaxed than her age. In case of failure, a sophisticated partner will be able to find words of consolation, while a young girl can make a guy laugh.

Why do men love older women?

But love for an older woman does not always speak of a man's infantilism. Perhaps peers and, especially, young people, are not at all interesting to him because of their superficiality and frivolity. In this case, the man will look for a more serious lady, who is likely to be older.

Relationships with an older woman are usually calmer than with younger ladies. Adult ladies are well-formed personalities, interesting companions, skillful lovers. Such women usually value their man highly, because by virtue of their experience, they know how few people you can rely on, whom you can trust.

A mature woman knows when to keep quiet and when to give advice. When she will not be endlessly offended, and wait for the first step from a man. Adult women pay less attention to other people's opinions and make decisions themselves. A wife who is older than her husband is a "safe haven" and " reliable rear"That many men dream about so much.