“a plan - a summary of the nodes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in a group preparatory to school: “a journey to the country of mathematics. Synopsis of nodes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (femp) “walk with a dunno


  • develop the ability to count within ten;
  • to form the skills of ordinal and quantitative counting;
  • forward and backward counting skills;
  • consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgeometric shapes;
  • form the ability to group them according to various features;
  • learn to solve mathematical problems;
  • develop logical thinking;
  • develop memory;
  • educate the desire to complete the task;
  • get positive feedback on your work.

Methodical methods:

visual, verbal, game, surprise, practical.

Materials and equipment:

number cards, geometric figures, replicas of vegetables and fruits; cards for individual work.

Course progress.

Educator: Children, today I invite you on a journey through the country "Mathematics".

Do you want to visit there?

But guess first riddle:

My favorite warm air

You work miracles with me!

And, as in a beautiful, wondrous fairy tale,

I lift to the sky.

My wonderful gondola

Very comfortable and light

And young travelers

There's plenty of room, as always.

Friendship will help us along the way,

We also need courage...

You guessed it. Who am I?


Educator: To take a seat in the gondola, you need to find a chair with the same number as the one on your ticket. And to take off, you need to say magic spell (crible, crable, boom)…

Here we are in the air. How beautiful it is around! What extraordinary clouds! What color are they? Size? Forms? (Children describe imaginary clouds).

Below us, an extraordinary realized flowers. Let's get down! There is a swamp on the way to the clearing. It can only be overcome by bumps. Moreover, it is necessary to attack in the order indicated by the numbers (1,2,3,4,5, etc.)

Educator: So we got to the meadow. Look how beautiful she is, how many flowers she has. But this glade is not simple, but " math problems”, and the flowers on it are extraordinary, let's see.

Children solve problems.

Friendship helped us along the way. In memory of our flight, I give you balloons.

kindergarten of a general developmental type

No. 9 "Cornflower" Gryazi

Gryazinsky municipal district

Lipetsk region

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP in the preparatory group for school "In the country of mathematics"

Synopsis of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations for children 6-7 years old

Andreeva Ludmila Anatolyevna MKDOU d / garden "Pinocchio" with. Chunoyar, Boguchansky District, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The lesson uses modern educational technologies: H. Kuizener sticks and Gyenes blocks.
The material may be useful to educators of the group preparatory to school.
Target: formation of elementary mathematical representations.
Program tasks
Continue to teach to solve and come up with problems to find the whole
/ with signs +; - /
Continue to learn to highlight the condition and question of the problem, exercise in solving problems by adding single-digit numbers.
Teach children to give full, common answers to the teacher's questions.
To consolidate knowledge of the composition of the number 9.
To consolidate the ability to solve arithmetic operations for addition within 10.
Continue to learn to navigate on the plane relative to yourself.
Continue to consolidate concepts - horizontally, vertically.
Learn to divide geometric shapes into sets according to several criteria using Euler circles.
Develop logical thinking, visual attention
Modern educational technologies: H. Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks; ICT.
Health-saving technologies: Finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, physical minutes.
Equipment and materials: Screen, multimedia projector, laptop, colored tracks made of cardboard, paper flowers.
Preliminary work: Games with H. Kuizener's sticks and Gyenes' blocks.
Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.
In a wide circle, I see
All my friends got up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go to the left
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all be back.
Smile, wink,
And we'll start playing again. (Children do the exercises in accordance with the text.)
Exercise. "Don't yawn, answer questions quickly!"
If the table is taller than the chair, then the chair...?
Children: Below the table.
caregiver: If ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil ...?
Children: shorter than a line.
Educator: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?
Children: Thinner ropes.
Educator: If sister older brother then brother...?
Children: Younger sister.
Educator: Well done!
Oh, guys, you hear someone crying (zero enters). Hello nok.
Why are you crying, what happened?
Nolik. A great misfortune happened in our country of Mathematics, our country was attacked by evil robots and kidnapped the “Queen of Mathematics”, children who can count well, solve problems, compare, smart, resourceful and attentive can save her.
I heard how you correctly answered the questions and thought that you could help us. I ask you to help us expel evil robots from our country.
You agree to travel with me and help us. Are you afraid of robots? Then we'll hit the road.
But you can get into our country only by becoming invisible to robots, for this
you need to complete the task.
First task:"Composition of Number 9"
Kuizener's sticks are on the table.
The teacher shows the number 9 and tells the children that they must make the number 9 out of two numbers, if they cope with the task, they will become invisible and will be able to go with a zero. (Children do the task) Slide 2.

We check whether everything was done correctly, if someone did not do it or made a mistake, he corrects it. When checking the assignment, we say everything out loud. The number nine consists of 1 and 8; 2 and 7 etc.
Educator. Well done, everyone coped with this task, so we became invisible and you can go to the country of mathematics .. (we find ourselves in a flower meadow)
Second task:"Flower meadow" slide 3
Look guys flower meadow, and how many robots are on it and some stems without flowers.

The robots managed to visit here too, they cut off all the petals on the flowers and destroyed almost all insects. There are only a few whole flowers and one butterfly left, in order for the flowers to bloom again, we need to correctly solve the examples. Let's split into teams, I'll give you the petals, different color. On the tables are the middle of the flowers, with a letter indicating the color of the petal, come up and find your middle. (Children gather in teams at the table, a team captain is appointed).
Educator: Guys, if you solve the examples correctly, then the flowers will bloom again and some of the robots will disappear.
Each team is given their own example, they decide on their own and lay out the solution of the example on the table, then one child from the team reads the arithmetic operation aloud.
There is a picture with flowers on the screen, under the leaf of each flower, examples are hidden, we open the leaflets for each team in turn and decide. After the examples are solved, one of the children of each team reads the arithmetic operation.
Nolik checks.
Educator: We have completed this task as well. And the butterflies are very happy that they can again flutter over the flowers and admire them, and look, there are fewer robots.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
Educator: Guys, what five sense organs do you know?
Children. Tongue, ears, eyes, hands, nose.
We read the poem "Sense Organs"
One two three four five
Feelings need to be counted.
Sight, hearing and smell
Sweet taste and touch.
Educator: Which of the senses do you think gets tired the most when we stare for a long time? (eyes)
And in order for our eyes to relax, the butterflies offer to play with them, go to the middle, stand facing the screen and follow the butterflies with your eyes without turning your head. slide 4

Let's go further.
Third task"Smart puzzles"
Guys now you have to concentrate and be very attentive, we are waiting for a very difficult task, after which many robots will die. But it is hidden under one of these blocks, you have to guess which one. Children guess with the help of symbol cards.

Educator. Say what parts the task consists of.
We give each team one task. ( Tasks to draw in the picture and distribute to the children, there are cards with numbers on the table, the children make up the task on the table and one of them reads out)
The teacher asks the children to give an answer to the problem, / in full answer / Well done, a lot of robots died.
Fourth task: We select 4 people with the help of a zero.
Nolik. Guys look. This is the road along which the numbers move in our city, but look, the robots have destroyed it, we must help the residents build the road.
The road was laid out from the longest strip to the shortest. Help me post it cardboard strips like Kuisener sticks).

Educator. Guys, how many lanes does the road consist of? Let's name them by color, and now name the number they stand for. What is the order of the number 4? What is the next number? What number is between 5 and 7? What number is to the left of 9? What number is to the right of 8? Name the neighbors of the yellow strip, numbers? (Questions are asked clearly, to each team).
Educator. Nolik, did the guys lay out the road correctly?
Nolik checks.
And now we need to rest, in order to go further, to save the inhabitants of the country of Mathematics.
Physical education minute
I took a bath on Monday
On Tuesday I painted.
Washed for a long time on Wednesday
And played football on Thursday.
On Friday I jumped, ran,
danced for a very long time
And on Saturday, Sunday
I rested all day
Fifth task:"Divide the figures into sets"
Guys, not only numbers live in the city, but also many figures. On the tables, each team has 1 red circle and 1 green and Gyenes blocks (all red figures and yellow, blue squares, small and large) arrange the figures in circles according to two signs (all red in a red circle, and all squares in green). Then we check the performance of the task on the slide. Why did you put a lot of red squares at the intersection of the circles?
Children: Because they have common signs they are square and red.

After completing the task, the children are thanked and offered to move on to the next task.
Sixth task:"Key to the Castle"
Look guys, here we come to the palace in which they locked the Queen of Mathematics. But we don't have a key. But the zero has a hint on how to make this key yourself.
We take a raspberry stick and put it vertically, pink from the right down to the raspberry, horizontally. We put a white stick on top of the pink one, and another pink one on top. Place the pink horizontally on top of the raspberry stick. To the right and left of the pink sticks, we place the blue sticks vertically. Between them at the top is a pink stick horizontally. Let's check if the key we see on the screen is similar. If we did everything right, then the door should open.

Nolik. Wow, thanks guys. Here is our queen and free, look how happy the people of the country are. And we became visible again and again returned to the d / s.
Educator: Well done guys, they did all the tasks correctly, helped the little inhabitants of the country. Mathematics, I am very glad that you have such smart and capable children, ready to help at any moment. Let's dream up, and everyone will come up with a house for the inhabitants of the country of mathematics and build it with the help of sticks and blocks.
E.A. Kazintsev "Formation of mathematical representations"
Presentation on the topic: Journey to the Land of Mathematics

Abstract educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in middle group using didactic games.

"Walking with a Bunny"


- form spatial representations: lower, higher, narrower, wider;

To consolidate ideas about geometric shapes;

To consolidate the ability to group them on the basis of shape;

Fix the ordinal score within five;

Develop thinking, attention.

materials : toys Bunny and five rabbits, 3 boxes of different colors; circles, squares, triangles, 2 figures for each child.

Activity progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Children! Someone came to visit us. Want to know who? Then guess the riddle:

fluff ball,

long ear,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.

Educator: Let's say hello to the bunny and ask what is in his basket? (carrot).

Educator: Children, Bunny told me that he was carrying carrots for his little children, but he did not know if there would be enough carrots for everyone. What are baby rabbits called? (Hares)

Educator: Right. So, Bunny can’t count, can we help him, guys? (Yes).

Educator: How can we find the way to the bunny's house? Where do you think our bunny lives? (In the woods)

Educator: What animals does the bunny belong to if it lives in the forest: wild or domestic? (to wild)

Educator: Then we go to the forest to the hares. The kids are on the mat...

Bunny says that we can find his house if we follow the widest path.

2. Didactic game "Choosing the road"

In front of the children, two roads are the same in length, but different in width.

Children choose the widest path in the way of imposing or applying objects.

Having chosen the right path, the children with the teacher set off.

3.D / and "From what tree leaf"

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest, what beautiful leaves lie on the ground. What tree are these leaves from? (maple, birch, rowan, oak)

Educator: If a leaf fell from an oak, then it is called (oak) from maple (maple) from birch (birch), from mountain ash (rowan).

Educator: And now each of you will complete the task. Seva will collect all oak leaves, Vanya - maple, Sonya - birch, Lisa - mountain ash.

Educator: Let each of you count how many leaves he has collected.

Educator: Well done! Let's take our papers with us and move on.

4. Physical education "Forest Lawn".

We went to the forest lawn,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall. (walking with high knees).

Educator: Look, guys, what is it? Yes, this is a rabbit house. What is the name of the rabbit's house? (mink)

Educator: Let's look at the rabbits. What small, fluffy bunnies, let's stroke them and give them our leaves.

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest? (count the rabbits and find out if they have enough carrots).

5. Didactic game "Cheerful account".

Educator: That's right, let's sit on the chairs and count. Look how I count the bunnies: One bunny, two, three, four, five, five bunnies in total. (children count).

Educator: And now let's count how many carrots the Bunny has. Sasha, come to the basket and count. (counts four carrots).

Educator: Katya, check if Sasha counted the carrots correctly? (four).

Teacher: Well done guys. So, we have five rabbits and four carrots, will all the rabbits get a carrot? (children's answers).

Teacher: Let's check. Masha, take a carrot out of the basket and give each hare one carrot. What did we get? Did everyone have enough carrots? (no) How many rabbits did not have enough carrots? (1)

Educator: how many carrots need to be added so that all the hares have enough? (children's answers).

The teacher takes out a carrot and puts it in the basket. And now, how many carrots have become? (children count).

Educator: Well, everyone is happy and you are great! Guys, as a token of gratitude for your work, the bunnies offer to play a game. Do you want to know which one?

Educator: While we shared and counted carrots, the hares turned our leaves into something with their sharp teeth. (the teacher shows geometric shapes) What is it?

6. Didactic game "Collect geometric shapes."

Educator: Only the figures are all messed up, let's help put them in baskets.

There are 3 baskets on the table. You need to arrange the geometric shapes so that there are squares in the small basket, circles in the middle one, and triangles in the big one. Did everyone understand the task?

Educator: Vadik, repeat the task.

Educator: Sasha, arrange the baskets: small, medium, large.

Teacher: Are you guys ready? Begin! (children complete the task, at the end of the game, the teacher together with the children check the correctness of the completed task).

7. Didactic game "Lower-higher."

Educator: Guys, Bunny wants to introduce you to his friends. (The teacher shows the poster "Forest floors")

Teacher: Who is this? (squirrel)

Educator: The squirrel lives high in a hollow in a tree.

Teacher: Who is this? (ant)

Educator: Where does the ant live? (in an anthill)

Teacher: Who is this? (hare)

Where does the hare live? (in mink)

Educator: Look and tell me whose house is the highest? (proteins)

Educator: Compare the house of a hare and an ant. Which one is the tallest? (ant house)

Educator: Which of the animals lives below all? (hare in a hole)

Educator: Well done! Bunnies give you such an assessment. (five)

Educator: Who knows what this number is? (five)

Educator: Right. And tell me, where did we meet the number 5 today when counting? (five rabbits, 5 leaves, 5 carrots)

Educator: Okay, you have a great memory. Our rabbits ate enough, played enough and they need to go to sleep in a mink, and we should return to kindergarten.

8. Summing up.

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today? (children's answers).

Who did we visit?

What new have we learned?

Whom did we help?

What game did we play?

Lydia Semicheva

Summary of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the middle group

"Help the squirrel"


Promote the formation mathematical ability children.

Educational tasks:

1. Continue to consolidate the skill of direct and quantitative counting within 5.

2. Improve the ability of children to compare objects by size.

3. Fix the name of geometric shapes; highlight their properties.

4. Activate antonyms in speech.

5. To form the ability to navigate according to an elementary plan, to correctly determine the relative position of objects in space.

Development tasks:

1. Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify one's judgments.

2. Develop auditory attention.

3. Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, the ability to empathize.

4. Develop the ability to clearly answer the question with a complete answer.

Educational tasks

1. Raise interest and desire to engage.

2. Cultivate initiative, endurance.

3. To cultivate the ability not to interrupt comrades, to answer one at a time.


Surprise moment, reminder, collective score, encouragement, physical minute, individual approach, game character, explanation of the task, the use of riddles, teacher questions, instructions, explanations, reflection.

Demo material:

Plan-map; envelope; ball; oak layout; squirrel toy; images of a mother goose and five goslings, with numbers from 1-5 written on each; three tracks different widths; three stripes of different widths; set of numbers from 1 to 5.


A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval) for each pair of children; mushrooms of various sizes.

Individual work:

Lisa, Seva - exercise in quantitative counting.


V. P. Novikov "Mathematics in kindergarten."

Z. A. Mikhailova "Gaming entertaining tasks for preschoolers.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today the postman came to our kindergarten, he brought a letter. Let's read it.

"Hello guys! A squirrel is writing to you. I beg you, come to my forest, I need your help. I hurt my paw and now I can't pick mushrooms. But winter is coming, I don’t have stocks for the winter yet. My house is in the forest, and to find it, you have to cross the river. When you go into the forest, you will see several paths. I need to go along the widest path. You will see a large oak tree. I live on this oak tree. I am sending you a plan to help you find your way to me faster. Looking forward to seeing you. Goodbye. Squirrel"

2. Move.

Guys, help the squirrel?

(children's answers)

Let's look at the plan sent by the squirrel.

(children analyze the plan together with the teacher)

Build a bridge game

Guys, here is the river that the squirrel wrote to us about. But how do we cross it to the other side?

(children's answers)

Of course, you need to build a bridge! What are we going to build it from?

(children's answers)

Today we will not have an easy construction material! These will be geometric shapes. Take each one as your friend's helper. Let's get in pairs. Choose one set with geometric shapes as desired. Now, each couple will lay out their bridge over the river.

(Children in pairs build a bridge from the geometric shapes they like.)

Sasha, Seryozha, what geometric shapes do you use to build a bridge? What color are your triangles? What geometric shapes did Rita and Lera choose? What color are they?

(children's answers)

Well, the bridges are ready and now we will cross the river! So we crossed over to the other side of the river.

The game "Count the goslings"

Guys, while traveling, you can definitely meet someone. And who will we meet? Listen to the riddle. Listen carefully:

Mother drives into the water soon

Naughty kids:

What? Are you afraid? You are not cowards!

Ha-ha-ha! After all, you…

Proudly floating on the river - mother, like a steamer.

And the guys are swimming after her, this is my mother's ...

On the board, the teacher lays out pictures depicting a goose and goslings. Each caterpillar has a number from 1 to 5.

Shall we play with the goslings? Let's count how many goslings the mother goose has. One two three four five. Only 5 goslings.

(Children count and check answers together with the teacher.)

Look, each caterpillar has its own number, you need to help the goslings line up in order behind the mother goose. Which caterpillar will we put in first? Right. And the second? Right. Then a goose with a number?. Is that right, behind him is the fourth goose with a number ?. Okay, and the last goose with a number? Well done! Let's repeat together again, call from left to right: first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Great to play with the goslings!

(- With number 1

With number 2

With number 3

With number 4

With number 5

Children count together with the teacher)

Let's look at the map where we need to go next. That's right - on the track.

(children's answers)

Physical education minute

Our feet walk on a flat path:


By pebbles, by pebbles:


We walked and walked and reached the tracks!

Tracks game

Here are the paths that lead to the forest. Guys, look, there's more than one track here.

Lisa, count how many roads are here?

Guys, remember which path we need to go to the forest? That's right, wide.

(children's answers)

But how do we know which track is the widest?

(children's answers)

Here are 3 strips. Let's try with their help to find the widest road.

By overlaying, children find the right path.

We found the widest path, so we'll go along it.

The opposite game

Guys, I see something under the tree. Let's get a look. Ball! It must have been the squirrel who lost it when she was playing. Do you want to play with him?

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child, saying: "Wide." The child catches the ball and returns it with the words: "Narrow." Parameters of magnitude, weight, time concepts, etc. are used.

Long short,

Big small,

Low - high, etc.

(children's answers)

Guys, where is the squirrel's house? To find out where she lives, listen carefully to the hint: “I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.

Children find the squirrel's house, knock on the window.

Toy - Squirrel: Hello guys, it's good that you responded to my request. I sprained my paw, now it hurts me a lot (crying).

Guys, let's take pity on the squirrel, calm her down.

The children pet the squirrel. Soothe.

The game "Spread the mushrooms in baskets"

Squirrel: Thank you, kids, you reassured me. I want to ask you to help me collect mushrooms for the winter in these baskets: put large mushrooms in big basket, medium - in the middle, and small mushrooms - in a small basket.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Squirrel: Thank you very much you guys for helping me prepare mushrooms for the winter. Now in winter I will eat mushrooms and remember you! I also want to treat you with nuts.

3. Reflection

What good fellows you are! Help a sick squirrel! Did you enjoy playing today? Guys, let's remember what games we played today? And which game did you like the most? What did you like the most, Vika? Was it difficult for you to count the goslings, Tolya? Arseniy, what difficulties did you have in the game "On the contrary"? Will you play new games next time?

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