Muscular activity of children on a walk in winter. The effect of game stretching on the physical development of the preschooler. The use of gaming stretching in the formation of recreational work of the preschool educational institution. What is gaming with

Preschool age is considered the most important for physical, mental and mental Development Child. During this period, its health is laid. Therefore, the main task of physical education wellness work It is to help improve health, improving the physical development of the preschooler.

In the statutes World Organization Health (WHO) say "Health is not only the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also full physical, mental and social well-being" .

Everyone knows that make a child engage exercise very hard. But it is necessary because our children constantly have a shortage of movement. The incidence is growing every year and "Majesta" . Many children of our institution suffer from chronic diseases, have a pathological posture.

Currently developed a lot of interesting and varied

forms of physical education and health work and health-saving

technologies. My attention attracted the Game Stretching technique.

Game Stretching - this is creative activityat which children

live in the world of images, often no less real for them than surrounding validity. Sales gaming opportunities For the purpose of improving and developing the child and is the essence of Stretching. And all exercises and classes are conducted in the form of a plot-role or thematic gameconsisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The Game Stretching technique is based on static stretchings of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligament apparatus of hands, feet, spine, which allow preventing disorders of the posture and correct it that have a deep wellness effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without affecting, because human body Self-coach itself. Manipulating with your body in slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effectively. Children disappear complexes associated with physical imperfection of the body, to manage them inappropriate. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, confident in themselves, create a feeling of inner freedom.

Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of human mental abilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and ordinary physical exercises is that the latter requires a large stress, and stretching exercises, on the contrary, refuse movements requiring voltages. Not intensity, but the systematic of exercises is the key to success in Stretching.

Game Stretching Method age limitations, you can start studying with children of 4 summer age. Exercises covering all muscle groups are close and clearer the names of animals or imitation actions and are carried out along scene-role game scenario based on fabulous material. At every lesson I give new game fairy talein which children "Turn" in various animals, insects and perform in interesting form Sophisticated exercises.

The basic principles of the organization of classes are:

  • Visuality - showing physical exercises, shaped story.
  • Availability - training exercises from simple to complex, from a well-known to an unknown, given the degree of children's preparedness.
  • Systemativity is the regularity of classes, an increase in the load, an increase in the number of exercises, complications of their implementation.
  • Fixing skills - multiple exercise. The ability to fulfill them yourself, out of occupation.
  • Individually differential approach is the accounting of the peculiarities of age, the health status of each child.
  • Consciousness is an understanding of the benefits of doing exercise, the need to perform them.

In the course of classes on Game Stretching, the following tasks are solved:

  • Teaching children with various types of simulation movements of game stretching.
  • To draw the attention of children to accuracy of movement, transmission characteristic features Images.
  • Development physical qualities: muscle strength, dexterity, endurance, flexibility; Development of mental qualities: attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.
  • Education moral qualitiesCommunicability.
  • To keep the interest of children to classes.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system, improving the functional activities of organs and organism systems.
  • Creating conditions for the positive psychoemotian state of children.

The elements of the game stretching can be included in any forms of physical culture and recreation work in DOU. Morning gymnastics with elements of gaming stretching creates an organized start, even, vigorous mood in engaged.

The combination of dynamic and static exercises is the most

corresponds to the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is the best method Training for workings for strength, endurance, coordination of movements.

Exercises of the Game Stretching technique arose mainly on the basis of exercises medical physical educationBut they are distinguished by greater statics of their implementation, and a more game character, the introduction of elementary, skills accessible to the children concentration and relaxation, breathing exercises. These exercises are available to anyone who doctors do not prohibit the physical training. For their execution are not required sport shells, big halls, material costs. They can be performed in children's institutions and at home, in groups and individually.

Stretching liberates children, making them open and cheerful. During these classes, children receive emotional discharge, physical pleasure, which in turn involves children in the process of physical education. Children with a great desire await the following classes.

1. Game Stretching can be individually or in the group.

For group classes Be sure to take into account age characteristics

2. The time of classes also depends on the age of children: 3-4 years - 25-30

minutes; 5-6 years - 40 minutes; 6-7 years old.

3. It is best to engage in a well-worn room. Rug for

classes should be comfortable and have a pleasant color for the child.

4. Try to ensure that children follow the principle of graduality. Not worth it

hurry up during classes.

5. Remember that all exercises are based on strain alternation and

muscle relaxation.

6. Make sure that some exercises are not carried out in a row

similar muscle groups.

7. In each lesson, a combination of dynamic and static

muscle Molds.

Observe the principle of regularity in the classes.

8. It is impossible to make a child to do. If a child is forcing. That benefits

from this classes will not be any. This is evidenced by the study of American physiologists. Physical exercises are good for health

only in the event that you are voluntarily.

9. Teacher must respect his children.

Stretching gaming exercises contribute to the training of all the functions of the body. This is a voltage - relaxation - stretching, no injury; - static stretching, significantly improves our flexibility; The mobility of the joints improves; stretching muscles, we increase our flexibility and agility; Remove muscular tension; during graduation static stretching occurs harmonious and natural development and strengthening systems and functions of the body; contributes to better coordination of movements, increases the ability to move; improves plasticity; Artistism appears - improves well-being and raises the mood; The muscles of the back are strengthened, thereby appearing a beautiful posture.

Senior Educator MBDOU « Kindergarten № 26 "

GALLALEEVA Julia Olegovna,

Kemerovo Region, Angero-Sudzhensk

Maria Mironyak
Experience: "Game Stretching"

Game Stretching- as the technology of preserving and stimulating the health of children preschool age

Physical instructor

culture of MKDOU number 14 g. Segezh RK

Mironyak Maria Panteleimonovna

The protection and strengthening of children's health is the priority task of the educational process. Social I. environmental factors Have an increasing impact on the health of children.

As soon as children begin to attend kindergarten - life changes for them. Social and cultural standards with which they will get acquainted can have a powerful impact on their decisions, affect their physical and mental health.

The problem of the health of the younger generation of preschoolers is one of the most important in life modern society. How to achieve the child to be healthy, what to do for this, what measures to take?

In solving this issue, teachers must come to a single oRDER: Attracting children to an active lifestyle, their participation in rolling games and sports Competitions helps to develop positive attitude To a healthy life.

The child in preschool age should feel muscle joy and love movement, it will help him carry through the whole life the need for movements, join the sport and healthy lifestyle.

We all know how difficult it is to force themselves and the child purposefully engaged in physical exercises. And also well, we know that it is necessary because our children constantly have a shortage of movements. Physical education can be turned into an exciting game fairy tale where children become characters.

After all, the game is the leading type of activity of the preschooler.

Currently there are many new techniques for physical education.

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My attention attracted the technique game Stretching.

Why stretching and what it is?

Stretching came to the change of traditional jumps and fringe on the Ling system - exercises that were in considerable degree ineffective, and in some cases harmful to the muscles, since they led to injury. Stretch etymological root means to maintain the muscle in the state of stretching, within 10 to 30 seconds.

Stretching is called the methodWith which you can easily and effectively develop the mobility of the muscles of the body, joints, without fear of fractures. In other words, this is a way that makes it natural to stretch the muscles, it also allows you to highlight one or another muscle groups and train only it.

Stretching possesses both psychological effect: Improves the mood, raises self-esteem, creates a feeling of comfort and calm in general. It increases common motor activitywhich favorably affects the joints and prevention of bone fragility. Good flexibility allows you to exercise with greater amplitude of movements, and also provides beautiful posture and reduces the likelihood of back pain.

Classes game Stretching Help the child to develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen the muscles, align posture, remove the complexity.

Classes on the methodology stretching are held in the form of a plot or thematic game, which includes 8 - 9 exercises on different groups muscles. Children depict different animals and perform exercises accompanied by certain passages of musical works from classical and folk music.

Figure imitative movements develop motor activities, creative thinking, motor memory, speed of reaction, orientation in motion and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements is also in the fact that through images can be carried out frequent shift motor activity Of the various source positions with a large variety of types of movements, which gives good physical exertion on all muscle groups.

Starting to tell the game fairy tale, you can simultaneously play it. The game consists of several fragments in which the exercises on a static stretching of the muscles are woven, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with olders, and with kids as much as they themselves want. After classes game Stretching Children improves mood, mutual understanding. Having finishing the exercises, the children independently play a fairy tale and invent their fairy tales with movements, thereby developing creative abilities.

In addition to the common health effect The ability to manage your body, the stock of targeted motor skills allows children to feel strong, confident in themselves, beautiful, eliminates them from various complexes, creates a feeling of inner freedom.

Exercises are performed without affecting, since Human

the body in itself the coach.

Self-nominalized body in slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effectively.

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purpose: Preservation and strengthening the health of pupils through the technology of preserving and stimulating health, in particular « game Stretching» .

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Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (Formation of proper posture, prevention of flatfoot).

Improve physical abilities: Develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility, endurance, speed, power and coordination abilities.

Develop psychic functions: Attention, memory, imagination, mental abilities.

Develop and functionally improve the respiratory organs, blood circulation, cardiovascular and nervous Systems organism.

Create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state Children.

Rail the ability to emotional expression, liberty and creativity in movements.

Create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic scope of the child.

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Basic principles of organization

The principle of scientific relationship implies the construction of classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.

The principle of systematic is the regularity of classes, an increase in the load, an increase in the amount of exercises, the complications of the techniques of their implementation.

The principle of graduality is to teach exercises from a simple to complex, from the known to unknown, given the degree of preparedness of children. The principle of individuality is the accounting of the peculiarities of age, the health status of each child.

The principle of clarity is the show of physical exercises, a figurative story.

The principle of consciousness and activity involves the formation of sustainable interest in the development of new movements, an understanding of the benefits of exercise, the need to perform them.

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Construction structure classes:

Classes consist of 3 parts.

In the first (introductory) Parts of classes, children perform exercises in different types walk, run, jumps. Music and rhythmic compositions can be used as an engine. Dance exercises make it possible to increase interest in the lesson and emotional mood Child.

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In the second (main) Parts go to K. game Stretching. Each plot material is distributed to 2 classes. At the first lesson, familiarize children with new movements (without music, fix it already known. At the second lesson, I improve and clarify the performance of the exercises. All exercises are performed under the appropriate music.

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In the third (concluding) parts solves the problem of restoring the body after physical Loads and the transition to other activities. Breathing exercises contribute to more rapid restoration The body and carry a health character. It is important to teach the child to breathe a nose, relate inhale and exhale with movements. Relaxation exercises must be included in each occupation so that the child learned to remove the tension of the muscles after exercise, relax. This corresponds to the exercise on the relaxation performed in gaming form . It is advisable to use a musical product reflecting the nature of the actions performed.

In class is used artistic word, Music and Personal Show. Follow remember: Not intensity, but systematics of exercises - here is the key to success in class Stretching!

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But classes stretching Do not be taken to the detriment of the educational program of pre-school education.

Therefore, I found ways to integrate elements stretching in regime moments.

Elements stretching They integrate into physical attacks, in complexes of invigorating gymnastics, are used to develop physical qualities during a walk, and, of course, are included in physical education. Complex plot activities game Stretching Can be carried out as sports entertainment.

Using game Stretching in working with children.

Fizkultminutka - short-term exercise - is held in the break between classes, as well as in the process of occupying requiring intellectual voltage (Speech development, drawing, mathematics, etc.).

Using the inclusion in the physical attack of movements by method game Stretching is removed fatigue, the emotional and positive state of the child is restored.

Team work: Unlike classes, it does not have a clear structure, specific software content and not limited to time. Organized in Morning and evening hours and is carried out in free form. In evening time game Stretching How collaborative activities can be organized as a circular work.

Independent motor activity: Knowledge and skills, motor skills formed in the child in organized forms of motor activity are successfully transferred to everyday life, in independent motor activities during the day. Due to the fact that the exercises game Stretching are held in the game The form and thus becomes very interesting and attractive for children, it is quite clear that preschoolers carry them into their daily life. These exercises should only be purposefully organized by a teacher, which thinks out forms and activities and carries out its adjustment.

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Work with parents.

The main educators of the child are parents. From how the child's day mode is organized correctly, what attention pays parents' health care, its mood depends, the state of physical comfort. Healthy image The life of a child to whom he is involved in an educational institution can or find everyday support at home, and then secure, or not to find, and then the information received will be superfluous and painful for the child, therefore the involvement of parents is very important. (legal representatives) in joint activities During the year (created a card file of exercises, fashion folders, performance on the genus. meetings, seminars, open classes, joint entertainment)

17-18 Slide: Stretching is one of the most important directions in my work.

Classes on the method proposed by me help the child to develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen the muscles, align posture, to remove the complexity. After classes game Stretching Children improves mood, mutual understanding. Having finishing the exercises, children independently play a fairy tale and invent their fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.

This technique gives positive results Physical and speed-powerful qualities.

After classes game Stretching Children improves the mood.

Game Stretching - This is a creative activity in which children live in the world of images, often no less real for them than the surrounding reality.

Sales game opportunities for the rehabilitation and development of the child and is the essence stretching.

"Game Stretching, as a way to increase interest in children to physical education." Consultation for support teachers.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention an article dedicated to game stretching, gaming creative activity that promotes the improvement and development of the child.
Coupling Svetlana Ivanovna, Educator of 1 category, MBDOU G. Shakhty Rostov region. "Kindergarten №70".
Description: this material Will be useful to Dow teachers.
purpose: Activation of the interest of teachers and fizruks Dow Problem Attracting preschoolers to an active lifestyle.

Each child, regardless of its origin or living conditions, it is necessary:
- to be healthy;
- be in a safe atmosphere;
- To enjoy life and seek the goals.
The problem of the health of the younger generation of preschoolers is one of the most important in the lives of modern society. How to achieve the child to be healthy, what to do for this, what measures to take?
In solving this issue, teachers must come to unified view: Attracting children to an active lifestyle, their participation in rolling games and sports competitions helps to develop a positive attitude towards a healthy life.
Modern educational programs and the requirements for the content and methods of work carried out in the Dow, target teachers for the formation of broad motor Culture preschoolers, use on physical classes and B. everyday life A variety of exercise, education in preschoolers interest in motor activity.
The main conditions for this formation are as follows:
- Education in children conscious relationship to perform motor actions;
- development of imagination in the process of mastering motor actions;
- creating conditions for creativity and predominance of positive emotions on physical education;
- the execution of children's movements with installation on ease - and beauty in classes;
- Creation optimal conditions For each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

We all know how difficult it is to force themselves and the child purposefully engaged in physical exercises. And also well, we know that it is necessary because our children constantly have a shortage of movements. Physical education can be turned into an exciting game fairy tale where children become characters. After all, the game is the leading type of activity of the preschooler.
Game Stretching Classes will help the child to develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen the muscles, align posture, remove the complexity.

Game Stretching is a creative activity in which children live in the world of images, often no less real for them than surrounding reality. The implementation of game opportunities for the purpose of improving and developing the child and is the essence of Stretching.
All classes are held in the form of a plot or thematic game consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises.

Game Stretching technique.

Why do you need Stretching and do it need today today?
Stretching is a set of exercises for stretching certain muscles, ligaments and tendons. Thanks to it, the mobility of the joints increases, the muscles become more elastic and flexible, less susceptible to injuries and retain efficiency longer. Stretching reduces muscle tension, increases their elasticity, which, in turn, reduces injury and painfulness.
Stretching has a psychological effect: improves the mood, raises self-esteem, creates a feeling of comfort and calm in general. It increases the overall motor activity, which favorably affects the joints and the prevention of bone fragility. Stretching is useful during the development of relaxation techniques, they reduce pain. Good flexibility allows you to perform exercises with a greater amplitude of movements, and also provides a beautiful posture and reduces the likelihood of back pain.
Stretching techniques are carried out in the form of a plot-role or thematic game, which includes 8 - 9 exercises to various muscle groups. Children depict different animals and perform exercises accompanied by certain passages of musical works from classical and folk music. .
Stretching exercises are imitating and are performed along the plot-role-playing game consisting of interrelated gaming situations, tasks, exercises selected in such a way as to promote the solution of health and educational tasks. With imitation of the form begins knowledge of sports and dance exercises, games, theatrical activities, etc.
Figure-impaired movements are developing creative, motor activities, creative thinking, motor memory, speed of reaction, orientation in motion and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements is also in the fact that, through images, it is possible to carry out a frequent change of motor activity from various source positions with a large variety of types of movements, which gives good physical exertion on all muscle groups.
Starting to tell the game fairy tale, you can simultaneously play it. The game consists of several fragments in which the exercises on a static stretching of the muscles are woven, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with olders, and with kids as much as they themselves want. After classes, the mood is improved by the game stretching, mutual understanding. Having finishing the exercises, the children independently play a fairy tale and invent their fairy tales with movements, thereby developing creative abilities.

Basic principles of organizing classes.

Nine basic principles of gaming stretch are allocated.
1. The principle of scientific relationships involves building classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.
2. The principle of systematic causes the need for consistency, continuity and regularity in the formation of knowledge in children, motor skills, skills, adequate features of their development during preschool age. It consists in continuity, the systematic use of funds, in all possible forms Their manifestations during the entire course of classes.
3. The principle of graduality determines the need to build exercise classes in accordance with the rules: "From the known to unknown", "from simple to complex", "from less attractive to more attractive."
4. The principle of individuality implies such a construction of the process of gaming stretching and the use of its funds, methods and organizational forms under which an individual approach to children is carried out of different ages, gender, motor preparation and physical development, where conditions are created for the greatest development Motor abilities and health promotion. For individual approach The physiological and mental sides of the child's development are necessarily taken into account.
5. The principle of accessibility means that the material studied should be easy to ensure freedom in teaching and at the same time difficult to stimulate the mobilization of the forces involved. The skillful observance of the principle of availability is the key to the recreational effect of physical education.
6. The principle of accounting age Development The movements involves the degree of development of the main movements in the child, its motor skills.
7. The principle of alternation of the load is important for preventing the fatigue of children and for the health effect on the performance of exercise. This combination is envisaged that the work of some muscles carrying out the movement or contributing to the adoption of a certain posture was replaced by the work of others, leaving the possibility for regenerative processes, i.e. It would ensure the alternation of the load and rest.
8. The principle of clarity is one of the main general-purpose principles when working with preschool children. Visuality plays important role In teaching movements and is an integral condition for improving motor activity. Current processes are built with the extensive use of all types of visibility: visual, sound and motor. Visual clarity is a demonstration of movements. Here is a very important show of the exercise by the teacher. It must be clear, competent, in the mirror image. Sound visuality is carried out in the form of various sound signals. Special meaning In the classroom, children have the relationship of a sensual image to the word image. Muscular clarity is specific, its value is important when the complex movements are mastered.
9. The principle of consciousness and activity involves the formation of sustainable interest in the development of new movements in children, the impulse of self-control and self-correction skills in the process of occupation, the development of consciousness, initiative and creativity.

The tasks of the game stretching are as follows.
1. Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (the formation of proper posture, the prevention of flat-refining).
2. Improve physical abilities: Develop the usual force, mobility in various joints (flexibility), endurance, speed, power and coordination costs.
3. Develop mental qualities: attention, memory, benefit, mental abilities.
4. Develop and functionally improve the organs of breathing, blood circulation, cardiovascular and nervous cisters of the body.
5. Create conditions for the positive psycho-emotional state of children.
6. Rail the ability to emotional expression, exploitation and creativity in movements.
7. Create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic scope of the child.

Structure of classes in Game Stretching.

In the structure of any occupation physical culture There are three parts: the introductory, the main and final, the duration of the lesson can last from 20 to 35 minutes depending on age and physical preparedness Children.
In the introductory part, the initial organization is carried out, focusing their attention, installation on emotional and psychological setting. This is achieved with special exercises In various types of walking, running, jumps for the adoption of the right posture and strengthening the foot of the foot, coordination of movements, orientation in space, the development of attention. Music and rhythmic compositions are used as overall exercises. Dance exercises make it possible to increase interest in the lesson, the emotional mood of the child.

In the main part go to the game Stretching. Each plot material is distributed into two classes. On the first - acquaintance of children with new movements, fixing already known. On the second - the improvement and accuracy of exercise, the transfer of characteristic features of images. All exercises are performed under the appropriate music. Music accompaniment When performing exercises of game stretching, it is more appropriate to perform in the second lesson.
At the first training lesson, you have to give a lot of instructions, wishes, take into account the individuality of the exercise by each child. As exercises, the achievements of certain skills, the quality and speed of their fulfillment, the child is able to correlate its actions with a certain musical rhythm and then musical accompaniment It becomes necessary. Child learning to the main movements should not be ignored. Therefore, they must be included in the content of classes. Most effective form Organizations of this part of the classes are a circular training, but forms can be different. Important to implement right choice Exercises for all muscle groups, variatively change activities.
A moving game is also the component of the main part of the lesson. The selection of them is carried out depending on the complexity and interest of previous actions. The game can be more or less active. In the older I. preparatory Age It is advisable to organize outdoor games for development mental abilities Children.
In the final part, the task of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other activities is solved. Respiratory exercises contribute to a faster recovery of the body and carry a health character. It is important to teach the child to breathe a nose and relate inhale and exhale with movements. Relaxation exercises in the game form should be included in each lesson; It is necessary that the child learned to remove the muscle tension after exercise, relax. It is advisable to use a musical work, reflecting the nature of the actions performed.
The elements of game stretching can also be used in other types of physical culture, both to remove the voltage in the muscles and to increase physical performance. To maintain interest, the variety of exercises can use poems, riddles, river.
The selection of equipment and materials to the lesson is carried out in accordance with the content of each of them.

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Influence of game stretching on physical development preschooler
(Consultation for educators)

Instoker in physical culture:

Game Stretching - This is a creative activity in which children live in the world of images, often no less real for them than the surrounding reality.. The implementation of game opportunities for the purpose of improving and developing the child and is the essence of Stretching. All classes are held in the form of a plot or thematic game consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises.
The Game Stretching technique is based on static stretchings of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligament apparatus of hands, feet, spine, which allow preventing disorders of the posture and correct it that have a deep wellness effect on the entire body.
Exercises are performed without affecting. Self-nominalized body in slow, and therefore safe rhythm is most effectively. Children disappear complexes associated with physical imperfection of the body, to manage them inappropriate. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, confident in themselves, create a feeling of inner freedom.

Game Stretching with preschool children show steadily high results: children are much less ill, becoming more open to communicate not only with adults, but also among themselves. And the images of the fabulous world understandable and understandable children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises. Exercises are aimed at preventing various spinal deformations, strengthening its binder, the formation of proper posture. In addition, muscle elasticity is developing, coordination of movements, endurance and diligence are brought up.
Stretching is a stretch, a special pose, designed to increase and preserve the length of the muscles.
Stretching affects all muscles and joints, increase the elasticity of the ligaments, the risk of deposits in the joints of slag decreases, their mobility increases. Stretching exercises are designed to engage in the work of the whole organism, including psyche, are aimed at relaxing, setting up and restoring muscle functions. This allows without harm using the body's protective forces, warn many diseases, because The impact on the spine, organs, muscles, glands internal secretion, respiratory and nervous systems, the natural resistance of the body is produced.
The combination of dynamic and static exercises is most consistent with the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is the best method of training for the production of strength, endurance, coordination of movements.
Static stretching exercises appear not only to the impact on the deep muscles of the body, but also normalize and amplify protective functions The body, including blood coagulation, the number of leukocytes, gastric acidity, intestinal work, etc. All this is due to the change in the cortical processes due to the occurrence of the cerebral region of the engineering analyzer of the excitation, supported, on the one hand, the formation of volitional pulses, on the other, the excitation coming from working muscles.
The transition from muscle exercises to relaxation allows you to normalize all the functions of the body in a short time, to acquire an active working mood. The shape and sequence of exercises are such that if this group The muscles are not well developed exercise. Simply impossible, to perform, i.e. The body itself adjusts the load level.
The daily exercises of stretching and the inclusion of them in all physical culture and wellness forms of work in a preschool institution leads to general strengthening, Development of the body. Morning gymnastics with elements of "gaming" stretching creates an organized start, even, vigorous mood in engaged.
As a rule, the morning gymnastics begins with walking, which affects all muscle groups, gradually engaging in the work all the systems of the body, but at the same time the load on it is insignificant. In order to warm up the foot, increase its flexibility, walking on different ways.

Since the morning gymnastics is a daily form of work, it is advisable during walking to diversify the placement of children in space: use the movement of a snake, zigzag, two columns in different sides, diagonally. This will make it possible to remove the monotony, the monotony of classes, the physiological burden will be determined by the distance traveled, there will be an increase in the psychological burden, which will cause concentration in children. It is important that ways to move in space for children were familiar.
The number of exercises, their content and consistency comply with the requirements of the general exercises included in the complex, which are included in physical education, therefore the main study of the "gaming" stretching poses on physical education. You can use slow music, for more accurate exercise technique.
There are many modern sports systems aimed at the physical development of preschoolers. Usually teachers are achieved desired result By performing mechanical movements and exercises. Stretching exercises not only develop the body, but also expand the limits of human mental abilities. The main difference between stretching exercises and ordinary physical exercises is that the latter requires a large stress, and stretching exercises, on the contrary, refuse movements requiring voltages.
As a result of exercise of gymnastics with elements of the "gaming" stretching, the health of the child in general is rehabilitation. Regular stretching sessions are brought up in children will and self-confidence.

Pay due attention physical Education Your children. It is important to know that in the period preschool childhoodthanks to the competent organization pedagogical processThe child's strong health is laid, the correct coordination of movements is established. This aspect has [...]

Pay proper attention to the physical education of your children. It is important to know that during the preschool childhood, thanks to the competent organization of the pedagogical process, the strong health of the child is laid, the correct coordination of movements is established.

This aspect has tremendous importance for the harmonious formation of the human personality and its comprehensive development. In this article, you are considered the influence of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, and a number of valuable recommendations are given for the successful organization of classes.

Game Stretching for preschoolers

The role of stretching in the educational process

Heads of the educational and educational system of children, parents or employees of children's institutions should be aware that the dominant task of their activities is defended and strengthening the health of the growing members of society. Today it is especially true, since, according to statistics, the number chronic diseases In the children's environment steadily grows.

A huge number of children suffer from violations musculoskeletal system Or have the wrong posture, which will definitely give yourself to know and cause other malfunctions in the body. Thus, regular and competently organized classes Stretching the entire body in the game form implement an important role in educational process modern children.

What is Game Stretching?

Under the game Stretching, experts understand special complex Children's exercises designed for safe and useful stretching of certain muscle groups, stretching tendons and ligaments.

If with children in conditions children's institution Or at home is constantly stretching, it will certainly give positive results that are superior to all expectations. Namely, the joints become super-movable, muscle tissue acquires extraordinary elasticity and amazing flexibility.

Body fabrics are minimally predisposed to the lap and the maximum remain in working condition.

The benefits of gaming stretching for preschoolers

Positive effects of stretching on children

Firstly, preschoolers in classes are developing and strengthening joints, protecting them from hazardous salt deposits.

Secondly, stretching helps qualitatively develop the flexibility of the spine.

Thirdly, it should be noted that Stretching fans have higher quality of life, they do not leave them vital toneThey are always cheerful, cheerful and stay in a great mood.

Fourth, the flexibility of the whole body increases, which ensures not only physical strength and endurance, but also the aesthetic attractiveness of the body of a person that in the adult will definitely useful.

Fifth, the state of the immune system is improved.

Sixth, children acquire artistry, acquire adequate self-esteem And moving more unfinished and naturally.

Game Stretching and Music Activity of Children

Undoubtedly, there is a significant effect of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, consider what it lies. Useful impact Body Stretching B. childhood due to a decrease in voltage and an increase in the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Stretching has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, since they have coordination of movements, acquired the highest degree endurance, achieved by the speed of reactions. Physical exertion to couple with proper stretching muscles help activate enhanced blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes and contribute to the production of health deep breathing. Often Stretching is combined with breathing training. Simple breathing exercises Provide the work of a large area of \u200b\u200bchildren's lungs, which entails admission to the blood of sufficient oxygen portions.

It is proved that in constantly stretching on gaming activities Children are much higher than the concentration of attention, they are less and more slowly, are more destructive, and also rapidly restored after physical exertion. For children, relaxation gymnastics, contributing to the maintenance of normal muscular tone, neutralization of mental overvoltage, alignment emotional background and improved well-being, and therefore creating a good mood.

Game Stretching: Gymnastics Stretching for Children

What you need to know about children's stretching?

Rules Stretching Children

Leadership of classes with children must be encouraged proper execution All movements. According to generally accepted recommendations, the exercise complex must be carried out only with relaxed muscles, without dangerous overvoltage. It should also be borne in mind that all children are different and every child should work due to their capabilities. In the execution of manipulations, it is necessary to adhere to even breathing, it should in no way linger. Call children to breathe deeply. Optimally arrange classes with a certain regularity, for example, it is useful to organize their minimum twice a week. We recommend starting classes of stretching body with children after three to four years.

Unsuburny Pluses of Game Stretching

Without thinking, beginning a gaming stretching, as this will not require special sports shells that are not suiced today. Stretching does not need spacious gyms. Any material investments are excluded, only a talented and artistic leader, who will be able to carry children, telling the fairy tale and performing interesting devices along with the kids. It is permissible to perform stretching in the children's preschool institution, at home, you can deal with groups or individually.

Gaming approach to Children's Stretching

Adult able to compose on the go fascinating storieswhere imaginary are involved fairy-tale heroes and occur interesting events. Children perceive such gymnastics perfectly and willingly perform stretching exercises without thinking that they are already working hard on their own body.

It is not necessary to apply certain fairy tales, you can develop an independent exercise complex, then add them suitable history. Believe me, the children will like it. The manager must constantly prompt children, how to keep the body in certain difficult poses, making focus on free breathing and translating all exercises in a fun game.

So, we reviewed the influence of game stretching on the motor activity of preschoolers, now it remains a little hard for the sake successful life and good health Children.