The theme is Christmas toys in the middle group. Synopsis Cognition of the world Middle group Topic: "The history of the Christmas tree decorations." New Year's crafts for children of the middle group of kindergarten

Galina Petrova
Project in the middle group "New Year's Toy"

Theme the project: Christmas toys.

Implementation base the project: MBDOU d / s No. 42

Type of the project:mid-term(2 weeks - 10 days, group, creative.

Participants the project: educators, children middle group , parents of pupils.


Christmas tree decoration, groups to the New year and Christmas - this is a mandatory rite to create an atmosphere of celebration, magic, in which you so want to believe under New Year.

The relevance of the development and implementation of pedagogical the project:

How and what to decorate group for the New Year?

On the eve of this holiday, the relevance of the question posed is obvious. The question helped define the topic the project« Christmas toy» ... There was a need to develop and implement a system of events on the topic. For development the project influenced by the need to guide parents to choose toys and interaction with the child in the process of work. In the child's activities, that Wednesday, which is supported by adults, the most influencing on the further activities and consciousness of the child.

Target the project: Introduction to culture new year holidays, traditions; development of artistic and aesthetic attitude to surrounding reality, enrichment of children's experiences.


1. Introduce diversity Christmas toys and the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree.

2. Development of artistic and aesthetic abilities, skills and abilities productive activities... To consolidate in children the previously acquired skills of working with paper, glue, scissors, waste material in the manufacture Christmas toys.

develop constructive thinking, fantasy, imagination.

3 To foster interest in teamwork and folk traditions.

4 Facilitate interaction between children and parents in the manufacture and collecting Christmas toys.

Predicted result:

1. Creating a collection Christmas toys, made together with parents at home with their own hands.

2.making Christmas toys using previously acquired knowledge and skills

3. Children decorate the Christmas tree with their own toys.

4. Improving work on interaction with parents, activating the position of parents as participants in the pedagogical process.

Expected Result:

In the process of interaction "Teacher-children-parents" in implementation the project children show interest in joint activities in the manufacture christmas toys and mastery of knowledge, properties, qualities and functional purpose toys... Show of kindness, care, respect To toys. Speech activity children in different activities.

Enriching parenting experience with methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family. Improving the competence of parents.

Hypothesis: To increase children's interest in decorating traditions christmas tree, it is necessary to acquaint children with different kinds Christmas toys and different traditions decorations, as well different ways making new year decorations.

Implementation mechanisms the project: viewing illustrations, reading fiction, watching cartoons, classes of cognitive and artistic and aesthetic development, conversations, listening to music.

Explanatory note:

Spiritual and moral education is such an educational environment which makes it possible to carry out full development personality and familiarize the child with universal human values. The most important part of educational Wednesday is a game and a toy. « Non-balushki toys» - says so folk wisdom about the meaning toys for children... Present toys was a common custom - a gift brought health and well-being to the child. A lot essential for children have new year, Christmas tree toys, in which particles of magic are hidden. And when before New a few days remain, and you and your child will make a Christmas tree a toy and decorate a Christmas tree or interior with it, then it will become a piece of magic, in which its secret will be hidden.

The co-authorship of children and an adult contributes to the creation of a trusting atmosphere. At such moments, the child, being liberated, opens up to the teacher, to the parents from an extraordinary perspective. Minutes of co-creation bring children and adults closer together, bring them pleasure from the results of joint creative activity... And it is already difficult at times to determine the share of participation in the work of each of them.

Perspective: implementation the project"New year in Russia", Exhibition toys.

GBDOU Kindergarten number 74

Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg


in the middle group No. 5

"New Year's toy"

Educators: Evdokimova O.Yu

Vasyak A.A.

Project type: cognitive, creative, productive.

Project participants:teachers, children, parents.

Children age: 4-5 years old.

Duration:short-term, 1 month.

The problem that is significant for children, which the project aims to solve:There are few toys for the Christmas tree, we decided to make toys with our own hands from various materials.

Target: to acquaint with the history of the New Year's toy and learn how to make it.

Tasks: to give an idea about the history of the holiday in our country, about its traditions.

To acquaint with the history of the emergence of a New Year's toy, with different methods of its manufacture.

Development of coherent speech, expansion of the vocabulary of children, imagination, creativity.

To form communication skills of children, friendly relations between children.

Engage parents in active participation in the project.

Final event:Master class for parents and children"Making a Christmas tree toy from cotton wool (sheep)"

Expected results:broadening the horizons of children, increasing interest in history New Year's traditions... Development of children's interest in artistic creativity, interest in making toys with their own hands from various materials... Enhancement active participation parents in the activities of the Kindergarten.

Stages of the Project implementation:

Preparatory:statement of the problem (there are few toys for the Christmas tree, we decided to make it with our own hands). Search and collection of information, planning, distribution of information in different areas, forecasting results.

Active: Equipping a subject-developing environment (group design in accordance with the topic). Conducting conversations with children, conducting cognitive GCD. Making Christmas toys from different materials... Conducting a master class for parents and children "Making a New Year's toy from cotton wool" (revival of the family tradition).

Final stage:presentation of project products and reflection. (We hang hand-made toys with the children).

Systematization of the project:

Cognition: Organization of a subject-developing environment, decoration of the group, preparation for the New Year. Acquaintance of children with the history of the emergence of a Christmas tree toy, the materials from which it is made.

Development of speech and reading of fiction:The game for the development of speech "Snowflake".

Elena Rakitina "Adventures of New Year's Toys":

  1. Waiting for the holiday.
  2. Cardboard house.
  3. Glass icicle.
  4. Pink pig.
  5. Memory of the green ball.
  6. Grumpy garland.
  7. The rain who believed in himself.
  8. How Yip was a coward.
  9. The parrot who didn't like everything.
  10. Dr. Aibolit.
  11. Tales of a plasticine donkey.
  12. A large red ball with a white snowflake on its side.
  13. About glass cats, Nyusha and Lyusha.
  14. A clown who loved applause.
  15. Why is there no dust on the Fairy.
  16. When the trees say.
  17. Ball where wishes come true.

Vladimir Stepanov "New Year's Alphabet".

Memorizing poems.

Artistic and aesthetic development:Modeling a New Year's toy from salt dough with its subsequent painting; New Year's craft

"Father Frost"; Application "Snow Maiden"; modeling "Herringbone"; Painting

"Herringbone", "Winter Landscape".

Social and communicative development:conducting conversations "How can you decorate a Christmas tree?" How is the holiday celebrated in your family? " Compilation of the story "My favorite toy".

Physical education and health:physical education, finger gymnastics.

Work: participation of children in decorating the group.

Security: conversations "On safety rules for decorating a Christmas tree."

Interaction with parents:conducting a master class "Making a Christmas tree toy from cotton wool."

Topic: "New Year's toys for the Christmas tree."

Software content:

Purpose: to enrich children's ideas about winter nature, winter holidays by means of integration of visual and artistic - speech activity.



1. Develop dialogical speech: to teach to formulate questions, to use elements of explanatory speech when answering questions.

2. Enrich vocabulary children through acquaintance of children with the properties and qualities of objects.

3. To form figurative ideas about available objects and phenomena, to develop the ability to portray them in their own activities.

4. Encourage the desire of children to embody their own impressions and experiences in the process of creating an image.

Developing: develop logical thinking, imagination, attention.

Educational: to foster the ability to work together, to help each other. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the character and a desire to please him.

Methods: visual, visual-auditory, practical, verbal.

Form of conduct: introductory conversation, the use of an artistic word, performing a grammatical exercise, making riddles, looking at pictures.

Preliminary work:

Examination of paintings, illustrations of the winter landscape. Examination of paintings and illustrations, forest animals and wintering birds. Conversations about winter. Reading fairy tales about winter Learning poems, songs, proverbs, sayings, riddles. Preparation of templates for Christmas decorations.

Decoration: magnetic board, illustrations on the topic, plane figures of animals, pre-prepared templates for Christmas decorations. Paints, brushes, water, oilcloth, a basket with real Christmas tree decorations, paraphernalia for a fairytale hero.

Health-saving technologies: physical education, finger gymnastics, relaxation.

Hardware: CD player.

Form the moral position of children in relation to the world around them: kindness, mutual assistance, responsiveness, respect and honesty.


The main general educational program MBDOU kindergarten of general developmental type No. 65 "Kolosok" on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N, E Veraksa, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva.

Educational resources: "From birth to school" program

N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva;

Internet resources:

[email protected]

The course of educational activities:

The lesson begins with the educator's riddle:

Puddles froze in the yard

All day the snow is spinning

Have become white houses.

It came to us.

Educator: Who?

Children: winter.

After that, the children and the teacher go to a corner of nature (work with a watch of the seasons)

Educator: children, let's look at our watch, where should the hand on our Seasons watch stand?

Children: the hand should be on the blue part of the clock, because it is winter.

Educator: children, let's talk about winter, look out the window, what you see, and I'll help you.

Didactic game “what winter is like”.

educator: What winter?

Children: white, frosty, funny, beautiful, snowy, cold

Educator: What kind of snow?

Children: white, fluffy, cold, sticky, squeaky, soft

Educator: What kind of frost?

Children: strong, angry, strong, weak

Educator: What does the snow do?

Children: walking, falling, flying, spinning, creaking

Educator: What is Frost doing?

Children: pinches, cracks, bites, draws

Educator: Winter - fun time year or sad?

Children: fun - you can go sledging, play snowballs, skate down the hill.

A Blizzard appears to the music.

Blizzard: Hello guys, I'm Blizzard!

Children: Hello Blizzard.

Blizzard: I came to you from the forest.

Educator: do you live there alone?

Blizzard: no, forest animals live with me, and which ones you can guess yourself:

Cowardly Jumper:

Shorty tail

Eyes with a braid,

Ears along the back,

Clothes in two colors -

For the winter, for the summer.

Children: This is a hare.


Who is from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a bump at the kids?

And into the bushes through the stump

Flashed like a light?

Children: It's a squirrel.


Who in the cold autumn

Going gloomy and hungry?

Children: This is a wolf.

Blizzard: Yes, the gray wolf.

Suddenly the blizzard became sad.

Educator: blizzard, dear, what's wrong with you?

Blizzard: It's very hot here, I'm probably melting.

Educator: Guys, how can we save our guest? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, guys, let's turn into sparkling pieces of ice and cool our beautiful blizzard.

Physical education "Ldinki"

Cold ice floes, (they stand around the blizzard and wave sultans at it)

Transparent pieces of ice

They sparkle, ring (rustle with sultans overhead)

Dzin, dzin.

That is a blizzard of chalk (smooth movements of the hands to the right and to the left)

The ice floes in the sky are spinning (spinning in place)

And lowered it to the ground. (squat and lay the sultans).

Blizzard: Thank you very much, you helped me a lot. Now help me and my forest friends. We have a holiday soon.

Educator: Snowman, what is your holiday?

Blizzard: My favorite.

Educator: Guys, what holiday do all the animals and children like? What holiday are we looking forward to in winter?

Children: New Year.

Educator: Why does everyone like the New Year? Let's tell everyone:


1 child :

What do we like in winter?

White glades

And on the snow hill

Skis or sleds.

2 children :

What do we like in winter?

Dress warmly

In a warm fur coat,

To bask in the cold.

3 children :

What do we like in winter?

All in different toys,

The tree in the room is large.

On the New Year's holiday.

Educator: Let's help, guys, the blizzard and her friends. What do you think you can decorate the tree with?

Children: toys, garlands ...

Educator: We made paper toys, let's decorate them and give them to the snowstorm and forest dwellers.

Children have previously made templates of toys made of paper, oilcloth, paint and water on the tables. Children paint toys on their own in the color they like.

It is necessary to remind you how to hold the brush correctly and how much paint you need to take, help children in decorating toys.

Children are doing work. And then they donate their work to a blizzard.

Exhibition of children's works

Blizzard: how great it turned out! You are all so great! Now I'll take mine magic wand and turn paper Christmas tree decorations into real ones: KRIBLE KRABLE BOOMS! LOOK WHAT FABULOUS TOYS I HAVE GOT FROM ME, I WILL OBTAIN THEM TO MY FRIENDS AND WE WILL DECORATE THE FIRMWARE!

And now I have to go, we will be with you: when you wake up for a walk, when ice sparks in the snow, when there is a light frost pinching your nose and cheeks, goodbye guys!

Educator: Do you guys think the forest dwellers will be happy with your toys? (Our forest friends will now definitely celebrate the New Year at a beautiful Christmas tree.)

Abstract of GCD

Educational area: " Artistic creation»

This summary can be used in the work of creative associations of children.
Topic: "Christmas toys" , senior group.
Kind of activity: sculpting
Software content:
Integration educational areas: "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Culture", "Music", "Socialization".

1. Educational:
Create conditions for interest in the upcoming new year holidays... Expand the horizons of children, offer to consider samples of decoratively decorated toys, consolidate knowledge of some of the laws of composition, and enrich the vocabulary of children.
To form the ability of children to use templates, cut out the shape of a toy from plastic material ( salt dough), and decorate it with decorative elements using the laws of composition.

2. Developing:
Create conditions for development visual perception, sense of form, rhythm, composition. Development of the eye and fine motor skills... Synchronize the work of both hands.

3. Educational:
To create conditions for the education of aesthetic taste, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the desire to help other children.

Equipment and tools:
Salty dough different color, stacks, napkins, jars of water, sculpting boards, glue, brushes for pasting decorations, foil for drying products, samples of Christmas tree decorations made of salt dough, patterns of various shapes, decorative elements (pieces of foil, beads, etc.); silhouettes of Christmas trees made of cardboard, felt-tip pens for relaxation. A disc with a recording of a piece of music.

Preliminary work: Preparation of salt dough of different colors, familiarity with its properties. Consideration technological maps depicting options for constructing a pattern on different forms.

Activity progress:

Educator:- Hello guys! A letter came to our group - a request from children junior group... Children ask us to help them decorate christmas tree, they need Christmas decorations for the holiday.

Educator:- Guys, can we help the kids?
- Answers of children.
- What will we make toys from?
- Children's answers

Educator:- Right! We have salty dough different colors, glue, decorative elements. Now I will show you some sample toys. Do you guys like these toys? Tell me, what are they decorated with?

Children:- Yes, the toys are very beautiful, decorated with beads, stars, elements made of colored dough.

Educator:- Guys, let's call these decorations decorative elements, repeat.
- Repeat children in chorus.

Educator:- I want to remind you guys that the location of the pattern depends on the shape of the product, so the pattern turns out to be beautiful, the toys are smart. I suggest you take a closer look. Here is the butterfly shape. Are the laws of composition observed here? Is the symmetry seen here in the arrangement of the decorative elements?

Children:- Yes, we see the same pattern on the wings on the right and left.

Educator: Yes, the butterfly's wings are symmetrical, the same, as if one wing is reflected in the other and this gives it elegance and beauty. And here guys are an icicle in the shape of a diamond! Are the laws of composition observed here? Are the elements arranged rhythmically around the edge of the form?

Children:- Yes, here the decorative elements are located at the same distance.

Educator:- Let's remember the name of the pattern in which geometric elements are combined and repeated?

Children:- This is an ornament.

Educator: That's right guys - this is an ornament. You can use this pattern to decorate your toy. Here is another Christmas tree toy decorated with beads. Here you can also see the rhythmic arrangement of decorative elements, so the Christmas tree looks very elegant.
(All toys are considered below, attention is drawn to the color scheme).
Now guys, we will do a little warm-up and start making toys.

Physical education
Gymnastic exercises to the music.
Hands raised and shook -
(We swing our hands raised up.)
These are trees in the forest.
(We smoothly lower our hands down.)
Hands bent, brushes shook -
(Shaking hands.)
The wind knocks down the dew.
(We wave our hands in front of us.)
To the sides of the hand, gently wave -
(Hands spread out to the sides.)
These are birds flying to us.
(We turn the body to the sides.)
We will also show how they sit down -
(We squat.)
The wings folded back.
(We get up, hide our hands behind our back.)

Practical part:

Educator:- Now I suggest you choose the shape of the template - the silhouette of the toy that you would like to make, the dough of any color and start using the stack to cut the shape of the toy. We put the extra pieces of dough aside. Align the edges of the finished shape using water and think about how you would like to decorate your toy, observing the laws of composition. Decorative elements we will glue it neatly.
In the course of the assignment, I provide the necessary individual assistance.
A selection of pieces of music sounds (quietly).

I remind the children to make a hole in the product (with the blunt end of the brush) in order to be able to thread the thread.
We put the finished toys on the table.

Д / и: "Toy store"

Educator: - Look guys! We ended up with a small showcase with toys, as if in a store. I suggest you rest and play a little. Let's imagine that we work as advertising agents in a store. We will advertise our products. Please describe your toy as beautiful artistic word, give her original name, explain why it is interesting and what is its use.
Children take turns promoting their toy.

Outcome of activity:

Educator:- All our toys turned out to be beautiful and neat. I see that you guys tried hard! Please answer, what method did we use to make toys?
-Answers of children.
Educator:- What composition laws did you use when decorating?
- Answers of children.

Educator:- Now we need time for our toys to dry, we will cover them acrylic varnish and give it to children of the younger group.

- Guys, with what mood did you start making toys?
- Answers of children.
- And what is your mood now?
- Answers of children.
- Please mark your mood on these silhouettes of Christmas trees - happy or sad.
Children draw.
- Well done boys! You did a good deed, helped the kids get ready for the holiday. You all have good mood, Thanks guys!

educator additional education,


the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia

Slide 1

(lesson for children of the middle group kindergarten) Author Usinova Irina Agverdievna
"The story of a New Year's toy."

Slide 2

goal: To acquaint children with the history of the appearance of a Christmas tree toy. Tasks: to give knowledge to children about what the Christmas tree was decorated with before the advent of toys, who makes glass toys... develop dialogic speech, teach to answer questions with versatile sentences. Activate the dictionary (glass blower, glass, fragile, garland, tinsel, beads). foster curiosity, interest in toys from different times. to form the concept that toys are beating, it is necessary to handle them carefully. Materials: Christmas tree decorations, stencils “snowflake”, “bell”, “Christmas tree”, scissors, glue, glue brush, ribbon, presentation “The story of a New Year's toy”, CD with recording of New Year's melody music. snowman costume. Preliminary work: Reading poems about a Christmas tree and toys. Conversation about the New Year, a Christmas tree and a Christmas tree decoration. Drawing toys on a stencil, coloring. Creation of a mini museum "Christmas toys"

Slide 3

Course of the lesson 1. Organizational part.
The teacher conducts word game(verses by E. Blaginina): There is one game for you: I'll start the verses now. I'll start and you finish! Answer in chorus. It's snowing in the yard, Soon a holiday ... (New Year). The needles glow softly, The coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas tree). The branches rustle faintly. The beads are bright ... (are on). And toys are swinging - Flags, stars ... (crackers). Educator: guys, soon it will be fun party what is it called? Children: "New Year!" Educator: Of course, well, what is the New Year without a tree? Educator: So the tree did not appear here by chance, but it seems to me that something is missing from it.
(A New Year's melody sounds; children enter the group).

Slide 4

Children: toys, jewelry. Educator: of course, we need to decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday. Educator: Guys, who is behind the Christmas tree? (The snowman comes out) Snowman: Hello, guys and adults. Educator: Hello, snowman. Snowman: I came to you and fairy forest, for help. In our forest stands beautiful herringbone, but we do not know how to decorate it, but I and the forest dwellers really want to decorate a Christmas tree for the holiday. Educator: Don't waste your snowman, the guys and I will help you.
Snowman: what do these toys look like?
Educator: Let's go with the guys to our museum, and you will see everything yourself. (They look at toys, children recognize their own and talk about them.)
Educator: oh, do you know how Christmas tree toys appeared? Let us see our film about it. (Children sit on high chairs.) Slide show about the history of the Christmas tree decoration.

Slide 5

Slide 1: Educator: guys, do you know, you didn’t have such beautiful jewelry on the tree. They decorated it with what they could do themselves. And for this they baked gingerbread cookies, cookies, hung them on the Christmas tree and fruits (apples). And they also collected cones in the forest, gilded them and decorated the branches of the Christmas tree with them. And instead of garlands, real candles were put on the Christmas tree, and they were lit only on a holiday.

Slide 6

Slide 2: This is how many years ago the whole family gathered in the living room on New Year's Eve to decorate the Christmas tree. I think that even now your whole family is preparing for this wonderful holiday.

Slide 7

Slide 3: a little more time passed and the toys were blown out of glass. And in our time, master glassblowers create real miracles. This is how glass toys appear: balls, animals, various subjects, and images of people. And clever artists turn them into real works of art with their brushes.

Slide 8

Slide 4: Time changes, toys also change During the Second World War, Christmas tree decorations were produced: soldiers, tanks, pistols, dogs - orderlies. After the war, peaceful toys began to be produced: characters from fairy tales, Christmas tree hockey players, various animals. In the 50s, a fashion for glass beads appeared, after the film “ Carnival Night"Toys watches appeared. In the exploration of space by mankind, there appeared: toys - satellites, astronauts, rockets, balls with paintings on a space theme. Nowadays, the design of toys has become more diverse: cones, pyramids, icicles, bells. Then they began to produce toys on clothespins.

Slide 9

Slide 5: With each era, unique toys were created. Homemade Christmas tree decorations were all the rage.

Slide 10

Slide 6: since ancient times, there has been a tradition to decorate the top of a Christmas tree with a star. In the 90s, many toys appeared with the symbol of the coming year. Today in the production of Christmas tree decorations: balls with hand-painted, landscapes, paintings of the Russian winter, symbols.
Here's a story about a Christmas tree toy.

Slide 11

Now let's warm up. (Physical minute). "Herringbone" They are waiting for a prickly beauty - they draw a Christmas tree with their hands In every house in December - they make a house with their palms Lanterns will be lit on the branches - they show lanterns Sparks will splash in silver - hands above the head. Santa Claus is in a hurry with gifts - walking in a circle with a bag of imagination on his shoulder New Year is coming! - waving their hands above.
Snowman: oh, how interesting you are here, I learned so much about toys that I wanted to decorate our Christmas tree even more. Educator: guys, let's help the snowman and make toys with our own hands .. (to the New Year's melody, children do the work on their own) Children come to the tables. A choice of stencils are taken from the "snowflake", "herringbone", "bell". They circle the stencil and cut out figures of New Year's toys. Then they make a small hole and stretch the ribbon so that you can hang the toys on the tree. Decorate the Christmas tree. Snowman: Thank you so much guys. Well, it's time for me to go back, get ready for the holiday. Educator: come to us at next year, the guys and I will teach you how to make other herringbone decorations. Say goodbye to the snowman. Thank you for the attention!