The teacher's wishes for the children for the new year. Happy New Year to children is playful. Happy New Years to the children

Educator, you are adorable,
Very wise and wonderful
Love kids very much,
Our glorious children!

You are a wonderful teacher
Best friend for kids
Kindness teacher
And other simple sciences.

Happy New Year, Happy New Date!
May your salary grow
May the kids please you
Both girls and boys.

Girls and boys
(and vice versa)
Send greetings and tsemchiki
Cheeks in the New Year!

We wish you a lot of light
Smiles, happiness and warmth,
So that on this wonderful holiday,
Your life was happy!

We wish you joy, fun,
To celebrate the New Year brightly,
So that Santa Claus is in the mood
Brought wonderful gifts!

May every moment give joy
Let the soul sing with happiness
Let all troubles leave you
And only success in life awaits you!

New Year is knocking on our doors again,
A joyful holiday will burst into the heart.
Lush fir trees are decorated again,
May you all be lucky!
Happiness, health, kindness and success
In the new year, I sincerely wish you.
For adults and children - gifts and laughter,
The year will be generous to us - I know that!

Thank you for your kids
For this super-useful stress!
Do not spare them sweets,
And let the diathesis be fierce:
With wonderful little people
Our Kindergarten invincible!
Happy New Year to moms and dads
We sincerely want to congratulate!

Parents, appreciate your children
Give them attention and love.
And don't scold them for their ratings,
Give them support over and over again.
The teacher will not teach you how to be successful
I will not be able to protect them from harm,
But you can raise your child to be honest.
Happy New Year to you, mothers, fathers!

Congratulations from the parents in the 11th grade. Happy New Year to the garden. C. Congratulations to the parents on the new year! Every year they are released into a new one. 6 Dec 201

Sadness, adversity, illness! With new snow, laughter !, Songs, With a new tree Accept our congratulations. New Years. Let them come to We can find congratulations to parents on. Congratulations to the kindergarten from the parents,. Today they are leaving the kindergarten. Kindergarten we are with.

For moms, parents Mama. Happy New Year. Skillfully s. Congratulations to the kindergarten on the anniversary from the parents. Congratulations on the day of protection. Congratulations on the Day. We want to heartily happy graduation. Happy New Year! Congratulations on your release. Congratulations to the kindergarten from. To parents.

Let them forget the road to you. ... ... With joy to all the kindergarten. Happy anniversary, kindergarten! Kindergarten with New. RU. More Happy New Year greetings: We wish our kindergarten,. ...

Sincere congratulations from. Congratulations to the child. Congratulations from the parents with the new year to the kindergarten. Happy New 2018. FROM PARENTS. Kindergarten. New for the New Year. When sending a child to kindergarten, parents. Congratulations on the day. New Year, 1

On New Year's Eve and the sounds of a waltz,
Under the chime of the clock, we wish again
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

Happy New Year!
May good luck
This year will give you
Will solve complex problems
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries
And at midnight so that the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You are drunk for us.

On New Year's Eve with love
We send our greetings to our friends!
We wish you happiness and health,
And new joyful victories!

WITH open heart, friendly love
We wish you happiness and health!
May the New Year, with new happiness,
The owner will enter your house
And along with the scent of spruce
Will bring success and joy!

Old year is already passing
And we go to you -
To the very best, the most faithful,
Most loyal friends.
Fill your container
And make a sandwich:
We will celebrate together
Coming New Year!

May the New Year be on the doorstep
Will enter your home like a good friend!
Let them forget the way to you
Sadness, adversity and illness!
Let them come in the coming year
Both good luck and success!
May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone!

Beloved friend, to the sound of glasses
I wish you to celebrate the New Year.
Let life bloom
Let the heart beat
Not knowing grief and worries.
I wish you an interesting life
And exactly to fulfill the covenant -
Living this whole year is wonderful
And meet a hundred new years.

Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success,
Happiness in life, harmony - in everyday life,
I sincerely wish you
In the coming year!

Leaving behind
Old, good, difficult year,
We hope for a new one,
Wonderful, giving hope
Full of plans and worries!

Friends, let a blizzard sweep outside the window,
And let the best in life come to you,
May happiness not be forgotten and will not pass by,
May all your wishes come true on New Year's Eve!

Mom, dad, congratulations
Happy New Year to you!
We wish you happiness, joy
Happy to meet the holiday!

May pleasant worries
Surround the whole year
And beloved kids
They appreciate and cherish you!

We love you, we adore you,
We wish you all good,
To only get younger
And hearts sang with happiness.

Your answers are all correct,
We celebrate the Year of the Horse!
Let's start our holiday,
We call on New Year's party all of you!

We tried for a whole year
To bring the New Year closer!
We obeyed the educators,
We did everything diligently!

It is joyful to look at this tree,
Her toys and needles make her happy!
We are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus,
With gifts according to our request!

Happy New Year, with new toys,
With round dances and loud crackers!

New Year is lucky the Horse!
There is a whole cart behind the Horse:
Tangerines, chocolates,
And a beautiful steam locomotive!

Bring us, Horse
A mountain of happiness and love
Wise thoughts, for order,
And honestly stripped everyone!

New Year is coming soon
Round dance around the tree,
Santa Claus will come to us,
Will bring gifts to the cart!

He will make all dreams come true
If you believe in him,
To everyone who behaved well -
He will give gifts personally!

Happy New Year dad
Happy New Year mom
Happy New Year
Congratulations, you friends!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

I really want to, I confess, on this holiday
It's time for me to turn crazy
To recite poetry to you from a stool again,
Look for your gift under the tree,

That supposedly on a speed sled
Brought a magic bearded grandfather
Mommy! Daddy! Happy New Year!
May your grandchildren return the spring of those years to you!

And youth enthusiasm, sweet dreams,
And shine in the eyes, and warmth in souls,
Health in bodies, joy in your house -
Let them be present for many years!

Mommy and Daddy! Favorite!
The shortest looking out the route,
Let joy run unstoppable
To your house, where peace and comfort reign,

To a house that has become akin to a safe haven,
Where I will always hide from storms.
And my main desires today are
So that each of you is healthy,

Life so that winter does not wrap up in snow
And she did not dare to sweep the whiskey,
For a long, long time so that under the sky a dome
You could love, create, dream!

Happy New Year Mom and Dad!
So let it always, in the night and day,
Happiness fireproof light bulb
Illuminates both hearts and home!

I wish you parents
May the whole year that has come
From happy days it will be
And in joy it will pass.

Let Santa Claus under the Christmas tree
Will put you in success.
Luck falls like snow
Cheerful laughter sounds.

Beloved parents, I congratulate you,
Let every hour be cheerful, light, joyful,
The year will be rich for good events,
Let him bring success, smiles, holidays to your house.

I wish you two health, strength and vigor,
May the year come with gifts, good luck come with him,
Let them live with the hopes and feelings of the heart,
And happiness and desires so that there is no end.

"For the teacher"
You, as a test pilot,
At the limit every hour.
Happy New Year, educator!
We respect, we love you.
You keep our souls,
Themselves are good at heart.
Be you always at the zenith,
Century keeping the mission great !!!

"For the teacher"
You are the sweetest, the kindest,
Kindergarten teachers.
May your wishes come true
In the coming New Year.
Please accept our congratulations
Parental low bow.
Have a good mood,
May your home be happy!

"For the teacher"
Our dear educators,
Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year on a new path
We wish you all the obstacles
To pass without a single grief.
Let life flow
And happiness pours
And not knowing sorrow and trouble
We wish you a New Year!

"For the teacher"
Happy New Year, educator,
Our preschool "teacher"!
May the work be joy
And fiddling with children is not a burden.
Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you health and wellness!
We will obey all year
So that there is no hassle!

"For the teacher"
Educator, Happy New Year!
Look who's beyond the threshold:
New Year is just a child
Only out of diapers.
We wish you
I was obedient and smart
And in the heat so, and in the frost
Only brought joy to the house!

"For the teacher"
We want to congratulate you on the new year
Our invaluable educators!
We love and thank you
For an avalanche of exorbitant labors!
Children happily go to the kindergarten!
This is your great merit!
May happiness and joy await you under the tree,
Day after day replacing each other!

For the teacher "
Dear educators,
Happy New Year to you
Patience, sensitivity and understanding
We wish you with all our heart.
Kindness, success and luck,
May happiness never leave.
Minor problems and troubles,
Do not let your life be overshadowed.
Health to you, pure sincere smiles,
More joyful happy days.
Be the best mentors for your students,
An example, a model for all people.

New Year's greetings to children in verse

May the New Year bring you good luck,
May all desires come true on time.
Good luck at school, fun to boot,
We wish you a whole New Year!

Happy New Year in verses to children

New Year brings children
Jokes, joy, kind laughter!
Santa Claus carries gifts
This holiday is the best!
We wish you good fairy tales,
Go for a sled ride!
Have a good rest
Play and sleep!
Discoveries interesting to you,
Amazing events!

Happy New Year for children in prose

Dear children, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you that Santa Claus will fulfill all your requests that you wrote on New Year's papers. And of course I wish you to be healthy in the new year - so that the blush does not leave your cheeks. I wish you success at school - study well, for one 5-ki and 4-ki, so that your parents will be proud of you. And I will also ask you to obey your parents, respect and not offend them, because you are very loved and dear to your parent. Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year greetings for children in verse

Happy New Year kids
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Kind Santa Claus
Will fulfill requests seriously,
Prepare gifts for everyone
The holiday will be kind and bright!
We are fun and kind
We wish you children!
New games and entertainment,
New Year's Adventures!

Happy New Year greetings to children playful

Santa Claus tells you!
Have fun and laugh
And play on the street!
Ice skating, sledding, skiing,
We urgently need to ride!
Babu snow blind
And rake up the snowdrifts!
Much strength to you, health,
Let the New Year come home!

Happy New Year in verses for children

The tree all shines, sparkles,
And invites you to the holiday!
Celebrate the New Year for everyone
Let the laughter be fun!
Give different toys
And let the firecrackers shoot!
Glad, glad kids,
New Year has come!

Happy birthday children poems

Strong friendship and gifts,
The brightest birthdays!
May it come day after day
To your house is a wonderful gnome!
Fulfills all desires.
Assigns tests:
How to teach lessons here,
Do not forget the alphabet!
How to play a little naughty
And the problem will solve everything !?
I want to live in the world
Get a star from the sky
And just be funny!

New Year's greetings to children from Santa Claus

Hello! Hello!
We haven't met for a whole year
I've missed you all year!
I would hug you all today
May my hands not be enough.
To the glorious New Year tree
I am calling my friends!
Happy New Year
I wish to obey adults
To next year
All of you can live without hassle!

Congratulations for children from Santa Claus

I am frost, Red nose,
With a white beard.
I will pinch - so to tears!
Don't joke with me.
Why why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends,
To have fun!
New Year! New Year!
I meet with you,
Happy new year to all of you
I congratulate!

Happy new year greetings in verses for children

Confetti and fireworks
Tangerines and sweets,
Gives a holiday New Year,
Everyone has been waiting for him for a long time!
Finally it has arrived
Santa Claus took out the bag!
Tell us a rhyme
And take a present!

Congratulations to children on the New Year

All the neighbors are having fun
There is snow on the street
Hedgehogs and bears are sleeping
The Christmas tree is on fire in the house.
Happy New Year to you guys!
Smiles and friends to you!
Stars in the sky
Become brighter than all the lights!
Santa Claus is in a hurry to visit us.
Let's get into a friendly round dance!
Come on, children, let's shout louder:
Hello, hello, New Year!

Happy birthday to children beautiful

Open your palms more
Hold your gifts more firmly!
Hug Mom and Dad!

Completion of the study of the school alphabet. Congratulations and wishes for children

Have you recently learned
Put letters into words.
You have worked hard -
The rumor is not scary now
Big books are not scary
Both with pictures and without!
With a cute "ABC" armpit
You found wonderland
We decided to be friends with the letters,
This friendship is forever!
A multifaceted world was discovered by:
The world of the native language.
We wish you patience
And success on the way!
Further study you
Good luck lies ahead!

Happy New Year greetings to children original

Dogs, tigers, cats and even a hippopotamus
Both adults and children celebrate the New Year!
How great it smells
How joyful it sounds!
And even a lion today
Growls without rage!
We congratulate each other
And let's get up in a round dance.
May it be peaceful and happy
The New Year will come to us!

Happy New Year to children from Santa Claus

I AM cheerful grandfather Freezing,
Opening my bag!
What do I see there now !?
Well, I won't hurt the children!
I carry games, sweets,
To the New Year's table!
Interesting fun
And outfits for the Christmas tree!
Have fun soon
Come on, Christmas tree, light up!

Happy new year in verses to children

Santa Claus carries a bag
New Year is coming!
He brings joy to children,
And a merry round dance!
Dress up the Christmas tree soon
Admire the needles!
Get up in the morning and take a look
And take the presents!
Hello, glorious New Year,
He only brings joy!

Happy New Year to children verse

May the New Year give
Much joy, attention!
And desires will come true!
Everybody throws confetti
And they shoot with firecrackers!
Santa Claus was cheerful
Let him give a gift!

Happy birthday to children

Dear and beloved child, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you the fulfillment of all your reasonable desires, which mom and dad will help you to fulfill. Be kind and the world will love you, smile and people will smile back at you. May your life be cloudless. And all your problems will be so frivolous that mom and dad will solve them within five minutes.

Happy New Year to children beautiful

Let the tiger bear
A lot of fabulous hassle!
Fireworks and gifts
And let the lights be bright
What are burning on the Christmas tree,
Involving all the guys!
Sweets, games and candy
Songs new verses!
a lot of jokes and friends,
You meet them more fun!

Happy New Year to children from the Snow Maiden

Stars are burning in the sky
I congratulate the guys
I wear a beautiful fur coat,
Everyone knows me and everywhere
I am called the Snow Maiden,
In the New Year I will be useful to you!

Happy New Year greetings to children

Happy New Year kids
Ded Moroz is in a hurry to congratulate
And together with the Snow Maiden
Carrying a whole cart of gifts.
Both the bear and the hare
And a bag of sweets
Will give you today
For this New Year.

Happy New Year's greetings to children poem

Everything is wonderful so around
New Year is hurrying to us all of a sudden!
And brings us all gifts
Jokes, joy, ringing laughter!
Be the best you live!

Happy New Year sms for children from parents

Happy New Year! Let the fun
Will celebrate housewarming in souls,
And snowflakes at this hour
They will kiss you for us!

Happy New Year greetings to children in verse

Let's paint the windows
Snow from gouache!
Looking into the snow dome
We will wave a dream!
Let it come true
On this wonderful holiday!
And will bestow from above
The strongest happiness!
Let everyone laugh
Clap their hands!
New Year is coming!
There is a good reason!

Happy New Year greetings to children

Happy New Year, kids!
It's time for us to have fun!
Come out under the tree
Sing you songs loudly!
May the year be happy
May he bring us joy
In a ladle, in a basket
And in a blue plate!

New Year's greetings in verse for children

Happy New Year! It means again
There will be a tree, there will be Santa Claus,
And there will be many new gifts
It doesn't matter who brought them to you!
Just don't forget for this holiday
Happy to congratulate Mom and Dad!

New Year's greetings in verses for children

Happy New Year to you, kids,
For you, this is probably the best time:
It's time for vacations and sweet gifts,
Hockey games, sledding.
Oh, if I could have a month every
Celebrate the same holiday again!

Advice: how to wish children a Happy New Year and give gifts

It's no secret that children expect magic from the New Year and Santa Claus. And you can handle it! Why not?
The first step would be to decorate your home with your child - to glue the garlands and Christmas decorations from colored paper, hang tinsel, decorate a Christmas tree.
And on New Year's Eve itself, arrange for a child or a company of children new year quest with the search for gifts. A dacha outside the city is ideal for this, where the New Year will be celebrated. Although an ordinary apartment will work too, the scope will simply not be the same.
Prepare tasks according to the child's age (puzzles, puzzles, charades, etc.) and arrange them according to different places in the House. Before starting the quest, hand over the first task, having solved which, the child will find next riddle... After completing all the tasks, the children will find gifts.
For example, for a child 5-6 years old who already knows a little how to read, the tasks may be as follows:
"SUR-PRIZE THERE WHERE IS HO-LOD-NO", respectively, put a note with the following task in the refrigerator:
"SUR PRIZE IS WHERE IS MYAG-KO" note under the pillow:
"SUR PRIZE IS THERE WHERE IS THAT" a note with an assignment in washing machine etc.
or if there are older children, the tasks can be complicated:
"I have no legs, but I walk,
There is no mouth, but I will say
When everyone is sleeping
And when to get up. "And a note with the next task is hiding near the clock.
Surely they will remember such a Happy New Year for a long time!

Happy New Years to the children

Santa Claus quietly whispers in his ear:
"Wake up honey. New Year is waiting for us!
Surprises are waiting for you, friends are waiting for you
And Ya would also like to visit.
Bring gifts, a lot, a whole load
Wait. I'm leaving. Your Santa Claus! "

Congratulations to the teacher from children in verse

Today we came to congratulate the teacher,
Notice how we have grown!
We go to our garden with pleasure,
The teacher is very glad to see us!
Although he swears at us at times,
That we are fond of loud playing!
But we understand that this is not in vain,
We try, there was silence!
We draw, sculpt and play in the house,
Then we sleep, we go outside!
And the teacher looks dear,
That it’s time for us to go home already!
But sometimes we get bored at home,
And in the morning we all run cheerfully here!
We wish the teacher happiness now,
We know the teacher loves us very much!

Happy New Year greetings to children

We gathered near the tree
Let's sing and dance.
Voices are ringing so loud
That winter cannot resist -
Will dance with us
And give gifts!

Happy New Year poetic greetings for children

Santa Claus is known to everyone
He arrives at seven sharp.
Santa Claus is a good old man,
Wears a hat and ears.
Soon Santa Claus will come
And he will bring gifts!

Congratulations to parents from children

Do not grow old, our dear parents, because for us there is no one dearer. Thank you for the warmth and affection that we still receive from you, for your care and patience, which at times was overwhelming. We wish you our relatives good health and love.

Happy New Years for children

A snowstorm covered the kindergarten
A parade is preparing for magical children's matinees.
The program was approved by Grandfather Frost himself!
And he decorated the Christmas tree in a silver frost.
Standing, flashing lamps, sparkling with toys.
And Happy New Year, the Christmas tree congratulates you, kids !!!

Happy New Year greetings to children in verse

Dear you are our friend!
White snow fell!
Are you sad when you hang your nose?
And Santa Claus is coming to us!
He's not driving alone:
With him the Snow Maiden, Harlequin!
And Pierrot and Columbine,
And cheerful Pinocchio!
They want to play with you!
Call the guys soon!
The holiday is about to enter the house!
This holiday is New Year!

New Year's greetings for children in verse

Happy New Year and happy laughter,
This holiday is full of celebration
Christmas is rightfully a children's holiday,
Children are waiting for him with excitement!
Waiting for him with gifts under the tree,
Sweetness, mandarin balls,
It is very important for children that someone
He gave them warmth of the heart.

Congratulations for children

Carefree childhood

Laughter and happiness.

In childhood - there is no place for grief,

Childhood is the years of bad weather.

Congratulations to the kids,

Let them be obedient.

For girls, boys

The days will be ingenuous.

Congratulations on the International Children's Day

Our dear children, today you have a holiday - Children's Day. For you, everything in the world is just the beginning; of course, you have a lot of opportunities. May love and faith keep you, our angels on Earth. You please your parents and teachers with wonderful results, successfully perform at All-Russian and International sports competitions and creative competitions... Appreciate goodness and those who give you knowledge in order to become a real Human. Grow smart, educated and kind people! You are our future, our dream and hope!

Sms Happy New Year to parents from children

Happy New Year and wish you everything! I wish my heart not to grow old, I wish you drink and not get sick!

Happy Birthday to children on Anniversary

May this day, the day of your birth, enter your life forever as a happy date. May the doors of happiness that have opened today be always open. Grow up healthy and smart, beautiful and kind, please your parents and the people closest to you.

Merry Christmas greetings for children

Let's have fun sharing the tangerine wedges,
Let's light candles with incense and myrrh,
Snow will gently fly there, outside the window,
Let's praise Christmas by clapping our hands!
Let him give us a lot of friends and toys,
Let, like heroes in cartoons, we get into a fairy tale.
May the Angel of Christmas lend us wings suddenly,
So that our flight among the stars turns out to be a reality!

The most modern greetings parents for a wedding for children

Our dear children! Whatever theorists say about the disintegration of the family, no matter what types of marriage they offer, there is nothing whiter than beautiful, like the behest of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - a strong, friendly family, bound by mutual indestructible love. We wish you, our beloved children, to hold fast to each other, to your family and grow old on the same pillow. For you, dear newlyweds!

Happy birthday to children in prose

Happy birthday, my dear and only one, happy first anniversary to you. We grow to the joy of beautiful and healthy, affectionate and obedient. May happiness on your way never pass you by. Lucky straight roads to you in life.

Happy birthday greetings to children in verse

My dear, sweet and good,

On my birthday I dedicate a verse.

I'll even throw myself into the sea for you,

Just don't go deep.

I congratulate you, dear,

And I wish: grow up quickly.

My dear, sweet and beloved,

You are not dearer and dearer!

Congratulations in verse to children on the wedding

Daughter, son! This date
You always cherish in your heart.
Be rich with gratitude,
Do not let the cold into your soul.
In life, as in a long, long field,
You need to give in and understand.
In the whirlwind of fussy everyday life
Don't forget your father and mother!
Then God Himself will illuminate you on the way,
Honor my gray hair.
Let the children see in your example
The happiest family!

Congratulations to teachers for the release of kindergarten children

Kindergarten Graduates Today
Back in new life preschool children.
We want to congratulate teachers
From the parents of these guys.
May all wishes come true -
And health, and happiness, success.
We all say goodbye to you! our catalog:

Our dear parents! We wish you a happy and joyful New Year! May there always be love, kindness and peace in your families. May you and your children always be healthy. And even if you always have time to communicate with your kids, because only they can give real joy and the most sincere emotions. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, dear parents of wonderful children - our wonderful pupils. We wish you a joyful and fun meeting New Year with their mischievous people, with smiles and good hopes to meet each new day. We wish your families health, prosperity and peace, as well as mutual understanding, prosperity and love!

Happy New Year,
Mommies and Daddies!
You are happy parents
And your children are paws.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Health and patience.
And let dear kids
Will give you fun!

Let them give the light of smiles
Embrace the caress, the tenderness of the look.
After all, children are a fragile gem
And the decoration of the kindergarten!

Dear Parents our!
Happy New Year, all of you with a holiday!
On this beautiful winter day
We wish you all now
Be healthy, wise, needed,
You do not know either trouble or grief.
So that the children grow up all obedient,
We will help you with this.
May there be peace and prosperity in the family
There is warmth in the soul and in the hearts.
We wish the kids to please
And your house was surrounded by kindness.

New Year is knocking on the door
Launched wants to.
The holiday is fabulous, wonderful,
It will be interesting for everyone!
Thank you for the kids,
They are obedient with you,
Capricious only from lack of sleep,
There is a quiet hour for this!
Happy New Year to you,
And we wish your families:
Smiles, happiness and love,
May God protect from all adversity.
So that your children do not start to get sick,
And the kindergarten was not missed!

For parents today
A lot of kind words
On this New Year's holiday
May love reign in houses
May your comfort be strong
Trouble will pass by
And the children will be healthy
To always make you happy!

Mothers, fathers of our children,
Happy New Year!
Let every day be important
We wish you joy in life.

May successes please
Your daughters and sons.
Children will be your echo
May God give them faithful little steps.

We wish you patience
To the children of great love,
In the life of an important skill
Be a worthy example for them.

Dear mothers, dads,
We wish you in the New Year -
There are many armfuls of happiness
Let him bring home.

And so that joy settles
In every house for centuries
Everything that is in the plans worked out,
And the family was strong!

Congratulations to the kindergarten
All our lovely guys
And the parents of the kids
Lovely, kind playfuls!

Let your children grow
Behaving well
Never get sick
Only always please.

Let them go to our kindergarten
Only with a smile always
Let them laugh brightly, loudly,
And their eyes shine!

We are on New Year's Eve to you from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you to live always in abundance,
Bright and great success,
Kind that everything was in order!

Let your kids give you
Great happiness day after day!
There are no sweeter guys and more beautiful
We give them our whole soul!

Alla Avsetsina

On the eve of the New Year, my colleague and I decided congratulate not only our children,

but also respected parents... After all, adults are also waiting for a miracle and gifts.

For this we need printed retro postcards, Soviet period. (all postcards are completely different, not repeating).

Then, we printed congratulations for every family.

And attached them to postcards.

And on back side attached the printed Happy New Year greetings!

Let New Year

Knocking at you.

And happiness to the house

Will fill up.

And all about what

You dreamed

May this year

It will come true!

And all this beauty was placed in the reception of our group.

We put an additional wish tree, which was decorated with dried orange slices and painted in White color cones. Subsequently, they hung out the wishes of the children that they made.

And on New Year's Eve we gave our to parents, fabulous, retro postcards.

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