Cheerful script of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children. A script for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Competitions with Santa Claus

A knock on the door. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:

Hello dear owners! Were you waiting for the guests?

(Answer of the owners. Meeting the Snow Maiden with the owners)

Snow Maiden:

Through the forests, through the mountains

I was in a hurry to visit you,

Grandpa was going with me

And I got lost on the road!

Did he come to you by chance?

(Host response)

Snow Maiden: - Then it is gentle to go on the road, look for him. Maybe you can help me?

(Host response)

Snow Maiden:

But to get to the forest,

We need to train

Become behind me.

(The masters become)

Snow Maiden:

We're going to move forward now

And to get there faster,

We will change transport.

(The Snow Maiden pronounces words and performs actions, and children and adults repeat after her)

Simulation game "Transport"

Snow Maiden:

To get us to Frost,

You need to do sports,

Get on your skis and go

There, a surprise for the children awaits everyone.

(Imitate skiing)

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus cannot be caught up,

We need to change the skis.

Need to get on a steam locomotive

So that he drove us faster!

(Pretend they are riding a steam train)

Snow Maiden:

Oh, drifts ahead

Do not pass, do not pass,

To move forward

You need to get on the snowmobile.

(Pretend to be riding a snowmobile)

Ahead is a large ravine,

(Pretend to be on a plane)

Snow Maiden:

Now, close our eyes tightly,

You need to clap your hands 3 times,

Stomp 3 times with your right foot,

Circle around you 3 times

And open your eyes.

(Everybody does)

Snow Maiden:

I feel Santa Claus very close in my heart, let's call him.

(All together call. Santa Claus appears to the music)

Father Frost:

Hello my dear ones!

I am very glad to see you!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations to you friends!

Have grown up, have become older,

Didn't you recognize me?

(owners answer)

Father Frost:

Granddaughter, give me a chair, I'm tired from the road. Very old.

(Santa Claus sits down if there is no chair on the sofa)

Snow Maiden:

Why are you grandfather sat down? All gifts are expected from you. You are so late. And we looked for you, looked for and found you. Really, children? (Children answer)

Father Frost:

Before giving gifts, you need to experience them.

How they matured in a year,

Wise up, how talented you have become (thinks about it).

I'll arrange for them to transform. Cope - the gifts are yours.

(Gets up and conducts the game "Polymorphs")

Game "Transforms"

Father Frost:

I will call you the beast,

And you portray him.

Only at first magic spell let's say.

Clap your hands (clap)

Top feet (stomp)

Head here and there (they turn their head).

We all whirled together and turned into a rabbit.

(2) bears; 3) kittens; 4) giraffes; 5) elephants)

Snegurochka: Grandpa is very easy.

Santa Claus: Okay, I have one more test. Tasks are not difficult - exercise for the mind. You have to ... All in chorus! - solve riddles.

Santa Claus, together with the children, solves riddles, answering incorrectly.


In the thicket, with his head lifted,

Howls with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries,

Clubfoot, brown ... wolf (bear)

Daughters and sons

Teaches to grunt ... ant (pig)

In your warm puddle,

Croak loudly ... barmaley (frog)

From palm tree down to palm tree again

Dexterously jumping ... cow (monkey)

In a red hat, with a beard, he came to visit the children.

Kind and cheerful - Gena ... Crocodile. (Father Frost)

We sculpt it out of snow. This is our handiwork.

There is a carrot instead of a nose. The Spiderman came out. (snowman)

Father Frost:

Yes, well done, we did it. But I don’t know if your family is friendly, is it funny? Will you be able to compete with my granddaughter in agility?

(The game "Trap", everything is in a circle, the Snow Maiden is trying to get out of the circle, or a Boogie-Woogie dance))

Father Frost:

We did it. The last test. I will see that you also Friendly family- your gifts, honestly deserved.

Santa Claus: And now everyone stood in a circle.

"Gifts for the account" Three ""

I'll tell you a story, in a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the word "THREE" - take the prize immediately ...

Once we caught a pike, examined what was inside.

We saw small fish, and not one, but whole ... FIVE

A hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion

Look at the start, don't be cunning, but wait for the command ONE ... TWO ... MARCH

When you want to memorize poems, do not cram them until late at night

And repeat them to yourself once ..., another ... or better ... SEVEN

Once I had to meet the train at the station for three hours ...

Well friends, you took the prize, I give you a FIVE mark.

(Giving gifts + reading rhymes or songs; photo for memory)

Father Frost:

May the parting be warm

We'll just say, "Goodbye!"

Snow Maiden:

We will return to you in a year,

And let your happiness come to your house!

I wish you health, love, and fulfillment of all desires.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Christmas tree script for kids 1 and 2 junior group TRAINER: Wonderful day ...
  • Background new year music Fanfare New Year. Screams of children. Everyone, everyone, everyone! Hurry, hurry, hurry! V…
  • Characters: Masha Kuzya Dunno Hare Santa Claus Snow Maiden Wolf Robbers Atamansha Ilya ...

Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, it is not difficult to assemble, but if a show is started in the House of Culture or themed evening rest in a cafe or restaurant, the help of professionals will be very useful.

We offer scenario new year party in naval style called "Frigate" New Year ", which was written by a real master of his craft Sergei Lukashin. Completely the script with all the author's recommendations for lighting, design, music and staging is presented in a separate document, for illustration there is an excerpt - the Block of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, as the most popular and important for those who would like to "refresh" the repertoire or simply organize at their holiday this game moment in a new and interesting way.

New Year's party in naval style "Frigate" NEW YEAR ". Block of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Participants: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the captain of the frigate "New Year"

1. Game episode "Ay, yes, Grandfather!"

Incendiary music sounds

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden energetically enter, performing a remake of the famous hit "Twist Agane"

Father Frost:(in rhythm, recitative) What kind of holiday is coming, who will answer everyone forward?

Snow Maiden: Open your mouth, breathe in oxygen

And together we will say together:

New Year!


Father Frost: Wizard New Year!

Took possession of the planet

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year!

Spun the country

Father Frost: Wizard New Year!

Adults and children

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year!

Everyone is glad to him


Snow Maiden: We don't hear! .. (Yes!)

Father Frost: Wizard New Year

Both: Everything is subject to him

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year

Both: Wave his wand

Father Frost: Wizard New Year

Both: Will give us happiness

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year

Both: Joy will bring

And we, and we, and we are so glad to him!

And you, and you, and you, are you glad of him?

Snow Maiden: We don't hear! .. (Yes!)

(recitative, playing with the audience)

Father Frost: What kind of holiday is coming

Who will answer faster? .. (New Year)

Snow Maiden: If all the people are having fun,

What holiday is it? .. (New Year)

Father Frost: A round dance of snowflakes is spinning -

Does this mean soon? .. (New Year)

Snow Maiden: Or maybe quite the opposite -

Mid summer? .. (New Year)


Father Frost: Wizard New Year

Both: Visited us again!

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year

Both: Happy guys!

Father Frost: Wizard New Year,

Both: We are always ready

Snow Maiden: Wizard New Year,

Both: Meet you!

Father Frost: Wizard New Year

Both: Meet you!

2. Game episode " Magic bags Santa Claus"

Fabulous music sounds

Father Frost: Hello kids! Boys and girls! And grown up - how! Matured! .. (to a respectable one) Oh boy! I remember you: you were in a bunny suit, 40 years ago, you jumped, jumped so hard that you almost knocked the Christmas tree down (to the lady) And I remember you, girl! .. You were still reading poetry on the stool. A goby is walking, swinging ... Do you remember? .. Well, how next? .. (the lady adds) Well done, girl! I just forgot what to call you? .. Masha? ... Applaud, Masha guys! She gets lollipop! (gives) And I remember this boy! And this girl ...

Snow Maiden:(done kindly) Granddad! (hissing, pointing to the clock) Regulations! Tundra! Tundra! (and again affectionately) You better tell me why you have 2 bags?

Father Frost: Oh, it is not simple pouches, granddaughter. They perform innermost desires... The blue one performs - for boys, and the pink one - for girls.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how interesting!

Father Frost: Yes. Let's say I go up to this boy (fits), and he has already made a wish, but so far he has not told anyone. Isn't it true, boy? .. And then I say to the bag:

All this boy wants

Guess my bag

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

Come on, come on, let's check (takes out a hundred-gram gift bottle of vodka from the bag) Here. Correct, you have a wish, boy. Because a real man should always have a stock. Happy Holidays! (to another) Or this boy. Come on, come on, a bag! .. Guess, guess, give it to my hands (takes another bottle out of the bag) Applause, boy, for his prudent desires!

Captain: Something you, grandfather, suspiciously the same desires. Not all men are like that!

Father Frost: Right. Not all. Come on come here (presenter approaches)

All this uncle wants

Guess my bag

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

Let's check your desire. Yeah, there you go. (gets out beautiful packaging condoms) Have you guessed?

Captain: Guess nothing!

Father Frost: Guessed, guessed! .. Take it!

Captain: I don't need anything! Disgrace, you know! (leaves)

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, that's not fair! And the girls?

Father Frost: And the girls will guess. For example, this lovely young lady (approaches the younger one)

Come on, pink bag

Anything a girl wants

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

(pulls out a pretty babe)

Oh what good wish! That's right, girl! We must carry out the presidential program to increase the birth rate! ..

3. Game episode "Bulgarian kisses"

Snow Maiden: And your bag will never guess my wish

Father Frost: And what is there to guess? .. You, as soon as you entered, with your eyes on the boys - zyrk-zyrk! You just have to kiss. In general, the desire is good. I was here in Bulgaria, so they, while the chimes strike, turn off the light and kiss. Who wants with whom. Oh, weak, ado!

Music shrill love theme

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play like this!

Father Frost: Well, it's a good thing. Unless, of course, the boys and girls don't mind? .. Do you mind? .. Then (to DJ) maestro, do you have chimes? .. Can you put out the light? .. Well, put it out!

The light goes out

It is difficult to write down what is happening here, but when the light comes on, Santa Claus stands naked to the waist and, closing his eyes, continues to hum the theme of love.

There are several huge marks on his torso and shoulders, as if from female kisses (red tape)

Kaftan, with a shirt front lying next to

Slow, measured chimes, superimposed on the theme of love served at full power

Snow Maiden: However, grandfather!

Father Frost: What am I? .. They themselves

Snow Maiden: They are at least dressed!

Father Frost:(coming to my senses) Priests - lights! Sorry, sorry (getting dressed) That's the company! Y-yes.

4. Game episode "Dance Roulette"

Father Frost: There is a slight concern. And, however, everything is correct. Animals and birds form pairs in the spring. And people, at any time, after three or four glasses. That's why, the main task of the current moment, pairing and election of the best pair of the outgoing year. But, as he said, the chief of all times and peoples is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, before uniting one must separate.

Snow Maiden: In general, we are divided into boys and girls. Girls, all to me. Correct your hair, makeup.

Father Frost: Boys, come to me. Pull up your ties, fasten your buttons. And now we form a round dance, facing the Christmas tree . (builds up)

Snow Maiden: And we, girls, also form a round dance, around the boys and with our backs to the Christmas tree (builds up)

Father Frost: Now we are going to dance in circles. Boys one way and girls the other. And as soon as I say: Stop, music! - the round dances stop, turn to face each other, and whoever is against whom is dancing with him. This is how the roulette turns out.

Snow Maiden: So three times. And at the end of this impromptu ball, we will choose best couple of the outgoing year. Maestro, music!

The rhythmic introduction of "Little Christmas tree" sounds

Snow Maiden:

Father Frost(sings)

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest

The beads were hung up, they were in a round dance

Have fun - have fun celebrating the New Year

And all together!

Everything: Fun, fun ...

Father Frost: Stop - music! Dismantled pairs! Burning New Year's tango!

The given happens

Snow Maiden: New Year's tango!

We dance with you

And the fire of kisses

On your lips

Father Frost: More passion! More desire!

Snow Maiden: You hugged me passionately

The heart senses danger

And it's time to confess

To you in love!

Father Frost: Yes Yes! It is high time!

Snow Maiden: Admit it, honey! And immediately

You will hear me say: "Yes!"

Yes forever!

New Year's tango!

Give me recognition!

Awaken three wishes

And you will hear "Yes!"

Dad a yes - dadad a!

Father Frost: Quickly, quickly we get up in round dances! Faces in different directions

Snow Maiden: One-two-three-four-five-six-seven ... Come on!

Father Frost:(sings)

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

She would have a takeaway glass from the pub

Here's a Christmas tree for you, a sandwich for a glass

And all together!

Everything: Fun, fun ...

Father Frost: Stop - music! Stop - roulette! Dismantled pairs! New Year Tour waltz!

The given happens

Snow Maiden: In the constellation New Years

Let's go today we

Fluffy snowflakes

Circling over the city

And the city sends greetings to us

Multi-colored lights

And circling over the planet

Beautiful winter waltz

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

This is our holiday with you

Full of light and love

He will warm us with warmth

Whatever it was in the beginning

He will satisfy all sorrows

Maybe it will become an engagement

This glorious winter waltz!

Maybe it will become an engagement

This glorious winter waltz!

And immediately the rhythmic introduction of the round dance sounds again

Father Frost: Well done boys! Well done, girls! And round dances again! Faces in different directions

Snow Maiden: One-two-three-four-five-six-seven ... The roulette goes!

Father Frost(sings)

The little Christmas tree is cold again

Christmas tree - there is no one to hug the girl

We'll hang a scarf on her, a bot on the top of her head

Let's celebrate the New Year merrily and merrily!

And all together!

Everything: Fun, fun ...

Father Frost: Stop - music! Stop - roulette! Dismantled pairs! Lezginka!

Snow Maiden: Joy, music and songs are everywhere!

Both: It is beautiful in any weather

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Father Frost: And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden: And with new joy!

Father Frost: And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Father Frost: New Year is like a blank page

Snow Maiden: Draw a dream - it will happen

Both: She doesn't care about storms and hardships

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Father Frost: And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden: And with new joy!

Father Frost: And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Head to the center where they sing to the end

Father Frost: New Year walks the planet

Snow Maiden: Moms, dads, grandmothers and children

Both: Round dances are held near the tree

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Father Frost: And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden: And with new joy!

Father Frost: And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Snow Maiden: We were happy with you!

Father Frost: Until next time!

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the script of any New Year's holiday, which is why it is important to do it in an original and fun way, so that it would be interesting for the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring, well-known action. And if this is even more so, you cannot spoil the New Year's fairy tale for children.

The proposed scenario of a game moment with Santa Claus suitable for family holiday, where many children gathered, for children's matinee(medium or senior group) or can become anyone. Here children will be able to make noise, and play, and dance an unusual round dance, and take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, animal footprints drawn

- Large DM gauntlet for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment(attached)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's party"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and, as it were, sings (recorded as plus)

Father Frost:

Hello parents, caregivers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I was racing like the wind,

And I flew in despite the weather

On a Happy New Year!

Yes, how could I not have come here!

Here is a Christmas tree, laughter, streamer, confetti,

And the time is on the new calendar,

And if you want, I will give you

Luck and joy for a thousand days

And new tales. And new friends

Then happiness will surely come

Celebrate the New Year together again!

Father Frost: I see, there are already smart guys who are already celebrating not the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me, when do we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Or maybe more summer? Now I will find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that this happens only in summer - stomp your feet, if in winter - clap your palms. But first, I want to hear how you stomp? (kids stomp) How to clap? (clap) And now we stomp if it's a summer phenomenon, and we clap - only if it's winter, right? Let's start!

(A similar noisemaker or chanting chant is best done at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

Santa Claus Christmas noisemaker for children "Winter or Summer"

The rain is dripping in the morning (stomp)

Children are riding on a sled (clap)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clap)

We collect berries from grandmother in the garden (clap)

Circling in festive round dance (clap)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And collect mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Grandfather Frost comes to us (clap)

Stinging cheeks and nose from cold (clap)

Santa Claus runs and gently pinches and tickles the kids.

Father Frost: Oh, and out of breath while running and pinching. And I wanted to start a round dance, only our tree is not burning, here is such a turn. Can you count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: "Burn!"

So, we count together: "One, two, three, our Christmas tree -" Burn! "

Something the tree is not burning,

It means that someone is not screaming,

All the kids need to shout

And most importantly, loudly and amicably.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - "Burn!"

Children's New Year's animation "Santa Claus Dance"

Father Frost: Now you can lead a round dance. Do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dadmorozov dance. We knead the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click the file)

Text(if done with a different musical accompaniment)

Raised the right handle up (raise and bend at the elbow)

Left handle raised up (too)

They patted their hands, clapped (clapped)

Feet trampled, trampled (stomp)

Spun one way, spun the other way

And now to music together with adults.

Handles raised up (raise) how the trees shook (swing)

Neighbor's right ear was tugged (tugging)

Neighbor's left ear was tugged (tugging)

Above the handle, who is higher?

Well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "I and I"

Father Frost: I will now read the quatrains to myself, and I would like to know if you girls and boys agree with me. If you, kids, also do as I do or love the same thing, then shout: "Iya, and I," and if you do not agree, then shout together: "No, not me",

I like to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ... (children answer: "I and I")

In the summer I hide in my cold, turning my fur coat out ... (children answer: "No, not me")

I love to play hide and seek with friends and, of course, chocolates ... (children answer: "I and I")

I also love all kinds of sweets and new year relay races. ... (children answer: "I and I")

Relay "Footprints"

Music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Father Frost: Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer) I didn’t see it either, but I managed to see its tracks, and I multiplied these tracks so that you can follow these tracks. And the footprints of animals, I think you have seen and even know who they belong to (poll in the footsteps).

(to download - click the file)

And now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will go faster in the footsteps of Bigfoot. The condition is that the first team members follow only the tracks, they return back already running not in the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. Clear? Then they started.

(game is being played)

New Year's children's animation "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click the file)

(everyone is dancing)

Father Frost: Guys, where are my mittens? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let's all look for them together, help Santa Claus (one children will be able to find, and the second (large) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides it in the hall in advance and finds it himself)

Now I am in mittens. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put my mitten on. Well, thick inside.

But it’s not simple: There are gifts, look!

(Gives out to children small gifts, the rest of the gifts he takes out of the bag)

Father Frost: Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let NG meet amicably

Both adults and kids!

So that hopes are fulfilled

All cherished desires

So that again, as before,

Parting has become a meeting

For a year to pass like an hour

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I'll come here again

To see your faces

The holiday will be repeated again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

The game moment ends with a merry round dance.

(to download - click the file)

Acting heroes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, children.
Party props:

  • rope and 2 cartons (the size of a foot);
  • Santa Claus bag with snowballs ( cotton balls in gauze - 10 pieces);
  • a white sheet of paper on which it is written in advance with milk: "Call me! DM";
  • lighter or candle (you can just use a lamp);
  • large paper snowflake;
  • decorative glasses 6 + 6 pcs.
  • large capacity - bucket, bowl, saucepan.

Duration- 30 minutes.

Location- an ordinary apartment.

Meeting of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Doorbell. The Snow Maiden appears. One. (Santa Claus at this time is outside the door, in the corridor.)

Snow Maiden's words: Hello kids! You recognized me? That's right, I'm a Snow Maiden. Do you know what kind of holiday we all celebrate? That's right, New Year. This day is supposed to have fun, dance, play and give gifts. Do you know who is in charge of gifts on this day?

He is kind, not at all strict, all overgrown with a beard,
She is in a hurry to visit us now for a holiday. Who is this? (Father Frost)
Who arranged the skating rinks for us, covered the streets with snow,
Did you build bridges of ice? Who is this? (Father Frost)

That's right, it's Santa Claus! But why isn't he? Santa Claus comes only to obedient children. Guys, are there pranksters among you? (No!) And the ugly ones? (No!) And the mischievous ones? (No!) And the naughty little ones? (No!) And the good kids? (Yes!) Are you obedient children? And do you help your parents? (Doing your homework, studying well?). (Yes!) Then Santa Claus must come to you! But where is he, children? Santa Claus probably left us a message, which says how we can find him. Let's look for it. O! And here is the letter! (The Snow Maiden "finds" a clean white leaf.) But here you can see nothing at all (demonstrates to children)! So, you can't do without a miracle! I have a magic candle. With her help, we will be able to read this letter. (Pulls out a lighter.)
Candle burn cheerfully
Show Grandfather's letters!

(The Snow Maiden lights a lighter candle and drives it under a piece of paper, on which it is written in advance with milk "Call me! DM". The letters appear.)

Who is this mysterious DM? And children, don’t you guess? Right! This is Santa Claus. He writes that we need to call him. Let's shout out loud: "Santa Claus!"

(Children call several times. Knock on the door. Santa Claus appears. Children meet him.)

Father Frost's words: Hello guys, well, finally, I got to you! Forgive me, kids, that I was late - I got lost in the forest. Children, do you go to the forest? When do you go to the forest? - That's right, in the summer (autumn). Truth? (If you have never walked, then "then you need to teach you how not to perish in the forest.") Then show me and Snegurochka how you overcome obstacles in the forest.

Competitions with Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: And here is the first obstacle, a trickle. (Spreads the rope on the floor in the form of a stream of the desired width.) How to get over the trickle? That's right, jump over. (Children jump.) You are walking through the forest, and the forest is getting thicker, and here is a fallen tree on your way (pulls the rope slightly lower than the child's height with the help of Grandfather)... What will you do? That's right, you have to bend over and crawl under it! Well done! Are you nimble? (Yes!) Are you strong? (Yes!) Are you brave? (Yes!) Well then let's move on. Oh, difficult now you have an obstacle! Fabulous swamp! (Lays the rope around on the floor. Santa Claus distributes 2 cardboard traces to the children.)

Father Frost: These are my magical footprints that will help you overcome it!

Snow Maiden: See how you need to cross this swamp. (Shows, putting the cardboard boxes in turn and taking turns getting on them; children "cross the swamp".) Well done, kids, you are excellent at overcoming obstacles! If you were with Santa Claus, he would definitely not get lost!

Father Frost: What dexterous children you are, skillful! Surely love to play! Snegurochka, teach the children to play my favorite game "Snowballs"! (To play, you need cotton balls, "snowballs", with which children will throw, and a large container, where children will throw snowballs.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, how are we going to play snowballs without snow?

Father Frost: I’m a magician, I’ll outline such a mountain of snow for you!

Snow Maiden: Don't, Grandpa! The kids will freeze! Can you make the snowballs warm?

Father Frost: Well, warm, so warm. Look! (He takes out a bag of cotton snowballs and throws them up.) One-two-three, it turned out that, look! ( They start to play. Snowballs are thrown into the bucket. If there are several children, then they compete with each other. If the child is alone, he competes with the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden: (riddles, at the end about snowflakes)
Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Light fluffs,
White ... (Snowflakes.)

Or: Tell me kids, what do we make snowballs from when we play outside? (Out of the snow!) And what does snow consist of? (From snowflakes!) Do you know, kids, that all Santa Claus's snowflakes are different? When you go for a walk - be sure to check!

Father Frost: What you kids are funny, what good! You please me very much! I want to tell you one of my secrets. About snowflakes. (Gets out big snowflake and shows the children.) Here is one of my snowflakes. Children, count how many rays she has. (Children count.) That's right, six. This is my secret. All my snowflakes have exactly six rays! (When a child is old enough, he doesn't like outdoor games etc.)

Father Frost: Snegurochka, let's check if Vasya knows what I can do! Vasya, here are some non-melting pieces of ice. (He takes out decorative glass.) Come on, collect an icicle / snow / snowflake from them! (For older children: a snowdrift, a snowman, a Christmas tree, fruits: an apple, a pear, a banana, the letters of the name of Santa Claus, the constellations - Ursa Major, Cassiopeia. The child and Santa Claus collect figures. Then they guess each other’s figures. Whoever guesses is sweet. )

Father Frost: Oh, how fun! Phew ... (Wipes sweat from his forehead.)

New Year's round dance

Snow Maiden: You are tired, grandfather, sit down and rest, and the children will read poems to you, dance or sing a song. (Children perform with prepared numbers.)

Father Frost: And now I invite you to the New Year's round dance. Do you know my favorite song? Let's sing. (If not - "Let us teach you"; "A Christmas tree was born in the forest.")

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, she was slender and green.
A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, herringbone, bye-bye!"
Frost covered with snow: "Look, do not freeze!"
Little coward bunny gray
I rode under the tree.
Sometimes the wolf, the angry wolf, ran at a trot.
And here she is, smart,
She came to us for a holiday,
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids.

Father Frost: Well, Snegurochka, we listened to the kids, sang my favorite song, did we forget to do something else? Of course, my head is gray! - give gifts!

(They give out gifts, take pictures, read a congratulatory poem.)

We went on the last holidays - NG at home and on January 2, early in the morning, we left for Brest. It was the longest leg of the trip to get on the farthest New Year's bus tour to Belarus and a train tour to St. Petersburg with a visit to Finnish Santa Claus Joulupukki.


We went on the last holidays - NG at home and on January 2, early in the morning, we left for Brest. It was the longest leg of the trip to get to the farthest point of the route. Then there were short, not tiring journeys and movement towards home :).
We were in Brest in the evening, spent the night in a hotel booked in advance, in the morning we went to Pushcha to see Father Frost. We spent the day in a fairy forest, after which we left in the direction of Minsk. We spent the night at the Baranovichi hotel. Minsk is more expensive and we have been to the city many times and this time we decided to do without visiting the capital. In the morning we went to the Dudutki Museum. A must for visiting with children. There are entertainments for the whole day. From there to Vitebsk for 2 nights, rented an apartment on the spot, walked, rested. In the castles (Mirsky and Nesvizhsky did not call on the way because it was gray and snowless, they left them for another time.
PS We didn’t stay in Brest. were there in the spring.

We went to NG, in our car. We rented a house not far from Minsk.
They did not look for anything especially for the child. Together with us he went skiing, ice skating, went to museums.

The portal for travelers has compiled the top cities in Russia for inexpensive trips with children for the New Year and school break which will run from December 29 to January 12. The rating includes 15 Russian cities with the most interesting program New Year's events for tourists with children. In the calculation of the daily budget for the rest of one adult and one child school age in days new year holidays included the cost: - accommodation in an inexpensive hotel in the city center (according to the service ...


In sixth place is Samara with a budget of 3,795 rubles. in a day.
In the pre-New Year period in Samara, a lot of different festive events that will take place in the city parks, municipal institutions education, culture, sports, family services and social protection... More than 400 New Year's parties, theatrical performances, concerts, performances, sporting events expects Samara residents in the second half of December. Also, on the largest square of the city, a New Year's holiday fair, which will start on December 22 and continue until January 7. More than 60 masters will present their works there: they will offer residents to purchase items of decorative and applied arts and folk crafts. For those wishing to have a bite, there are fast food points with pies and hot drinks. Create good New Year spirit the townspeople started on December 1, when on the square. Kuibyshev was assigned to the installation of the main Christmas tree in Samara. An ice town of 8 sculptures, 4 slides and an ice panel will be built around. In addition, for the first time this year on the pl. Kirov will install ice sculptures - 2 slides and 4 figures.

The seventh place in the rating was taken by Yaroslavl - the budget was 3,935 rubles. in a day.
In the Yaroslavl region, we recommend visiting the possessions of Baba Yaga located in the village of Kukoboi (the distance from Yaroslavl to Kukoboi along the highway is 157 km). Kukoboy is the only place in Russia where the New Year is celebrated not with Santa Claus, but with Baba Yaga! Here for a fabulous old woman they built a hut on chicken legs. Pies are considered the unofficial brand of the village. Therefore, tourists are greeted with a cup of tea and tasting the creations of local hostesses. The program lasts 3 hours. Awaits you interactive game at the hut of Baba Yaga, visiting the holy spring, the lair of a fairy bear, a museum, a souvenir shop. And, of course, a tea party with pies! There is no hotel in Kukoboy yet.

The birthplace of the Snow Maiden is Kostroma in eighth place with a budget of 4,200 rubles. in a day.
Terem Snegurochka opens its doors for guests every day from 10 to 18 hours. Please note: in holidays December-January (almost all of December and early January). Terem Snegurochka is overloaded, so guests are accepted only by appointment by phone and by e-mail... Don't miss the opportunity to look into the ice room. This is a unique hall where all year round temperature -14 degrees. It was made by hands of Ural craftsmen from real lake ice. You can admire the fabulous beauty and be amazed at the craftsmanship of the craftsmen, as well as treat yourself to ice drinks for children and adults. Children will feel real holiday, having tried a magic cocktail of snow and melt water with magic bubbles, and adult primordial Russian drinks from ice glasses. Before getting into the Ice Room, you will be offered to put on warm zipuns, and, of course, to take with you a cheerful mischievous mood. Together with the snowy beauty in the Terem, the Snow Maidens live fairy-tale heroes- Brownie, Domovikha and scientist cat Bayun.

In ninth place is Moscow with a budget of 4,300 rubles. in a day.
From December 12, 2014 to January 11, 2015, the Travel to Christmas Festival is taking place in Moscow. The theme of the Festival this time was the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. December 12, 2014 Santa Claus and Snow Maiden gave a start festivities in the center of the capital. In addition to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, at the Festival venues, you can see Emelya with his famous self-propelled stove, the beautiful Alice from Wonderland, Buratino. The festival will be held at 36 venues: 24 of them will be located inside Garden Ring, and 12 more - in the districts. The venues will be decorated in the style of Russian fairy tales. Which will delight children, and the adults themselves will plunge into childhood. There will be various gifts and treats on the counters of the fairs. You can buy goods at fairs self made... Presented by New Year's dishes different restaurants. Each site has its own entertainment programs, among which are old festive amusements, master classes, skating rinks. Light art objects are installed in the places of festivities, and musicians, artists of the Ice Show and street theaters will present their programs to the attention of adults and children who came to the holiday. Worth a visit to the city of dwarfs and fairy land Christmas angels, peep on East market, ride camels and triplets with bells, as well as take part in folk winter fun Oh.

In tenth place is Kazan, the New Year's capital of Russia in 2013, in tenth place, with a budget of 4 350 rubles. in a day.
Since mid-December, children and their parents are expected at the republican residence of Father Frost. It is located 60 kilometers from Kazan. Those who want to take their children to a meeting with a fairy tale should book in advance. The residence of "Kysh Babaya and Kar Kyzy", Tatar analogues of Father Frost and Snegurochka, is located in the village of Yana Kyrlay, in the Arsk region. At the entrance to the residence at the "forest customs" the tourists will be met by Shaitan. Children will have to find out a password that will help them pass the competition stages and get to know the crowd fairytale characters... Among them are Shurale, Ubyrly Karchyk (Baba Yaga), Azhdaha (Serpent Gorynych), Batyr, Altynchech, as well as original analogues of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet - Takhir and Zukhra. After the games and contests, children will finally be introduced to Kysh Babai and Kar Kyzy. They will wait for the children in their bedchamber. At the same time, you can make a wish right on the spot. This is where the acquaintance with the fairy tale ends and the children will have to meet the harsh realities of Russian winter fun. For a fee, the whole family can go ice skating, sledding, skiing and horse riding.

I walked to you through bumps and frosts, I want to give the girls roses. And give the boys cars, And treat them with sweets. Everyone in the people knows me, Children, people adore. Guess? Who am i? That's right, Santa Claus. © New Year's greetings to children from Santa Claus Today I came to your holiday, I went for a whole year, I did not get lost. Tonight, children, we will spend together, Let's go to the round dance. My good and beloved children, Here's to you chocolate candies... I wish you all happiness, Happy New Year ...

The most artistic Santa Claus and Snegurochka live in our PAMPA GREEN clubs. Do you want them to come and visit you? No problem! New Year's Eve with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are held both in the club and away. Professional actors and exclusive costumes, a rich game program with props and New Year's paraphernalia - all this creates an atmosphere of a real holiday, and this is perhaps the main thing that you should pay attention to when meeting our Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ...

NEW YEAR HOLIDAY for 1-4 CLASSES (in Moscow). PROGRAM "ECONOMY Game Program"New Year's Eve battle - Santa Claus against Santa" or other topics as agreed: - a small sketch-introduction to the game, acquaintance with the heroes of the holiday (animators) and an explanation of the rules of the game - new year game- quest - contests with children (team and individual) and parents (optional) - ceremonial presentation of certificates based on ...

Wizards are not proud and kind people. They can invite Santa Claus and all his company to where your child will be waiting for them. This could be a home Kindergarten uk, a school and even an office. Today I will talk about where and how to organize a children's New Year. 1. New Year's celebration at home Organizing fun at home is the most popular and probably the best solution... Here you are not limited by any external rules as it can be in a kindergarten or in a restaurant. You make the rules. Quantity...

At any age, a child dreams that the New Year will be special, and gifts are the most desirable. Usually, parents limit themselves to inviting Grandfather Frost to the house, sometimes together with the Snow Maiden. Why limit your imagination and turn the Holiday into a routine? We have come up with several scenarios for the New Year's holiday for children. The peculiarity of scenarios is that they take into account the age of the child. From 2 to 4 years old Calling Santa Claus at home - this service is especially popular for children from 2 to 4 years old. If...

Prices for New Year's greetings are moderate and do not bite. Artists of the Ded Morozov Service congratulate children, teenagers, adults on home holidays and major corporate events.

On November 18, Santa Claus celebrates his birthday. And while the winter wizard receives guests at his home in Veliky Ustyug, he walks in his Moscow residence. Having looked at him, the visitor will see himself in the New Year's landscape, surrounded by stars and snowflakes.


Well, what New Year without Santa Claus?
Do you want to arrange an unforgettable New Year's party for your children and other family members,
to make a surprise to colleagues, friends, relatives and acquaintances?
Santa Claus will come to your home, to your children, school or kindergarten, club or sports group,
to you and your friends, to the office, cafe or restaurant, in a word, to where you celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus will give you good mood, funny jokes, practical jokes,
songs, joy, laughter and, of course, GIFTS!

You can be absolutely sure that you will not be bored with Santa Claus.
He knows how to create an atmosphere of a real holiday, he loves children very much,
he always has a huge number of jokes, riddles, fun, games and entertainment in stock.
The presentation program will be selected individually for you, in accordance with
with age, temperament and the number of guests at your New Year's Eve.

Contact phones: 463-63-27, 8-916-246-8935, 920-9454

12/23/2003 14:13:08, Ded moroz

Last year, Father Frost was called from the "Father Frost to Guests" company. Everything was just great. Very fun, prepared - SUPER! Unfortunately, I don't remember the phone number, but the address, in my opinion, is: or

11/29/2001 16:17:17, Nadyushka

Doorbell. Enter Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Santa Claus: Open quickly, Santa Claus is at the door!

Snow Maiden: Hello children! Hello adults!

We will now bombard you with questions,

Have you been waiting for us?

Didn't you feel bored, sad?

Did you treat everyone with tangerines?

We've been waiting for this meeting all year,

We didn't go to you, we just ran.

Santa Claus: Do you recognize us? Who are we? (parents and child answer).

Snegurochka: That's right, we are Santa Claus and Snegurochka. We came to you from the forest to wish you a Happy New Year!

Santa Claus: How smart they are! How beautiful and festive they are! And, probably, they dressed up the Christmas tree? Well. Come on, lead to the Christmas tree, show what a forest beauty you have!

The child leads Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to the Christmas tree.
The Snow Maiden examines the Christmas tree.

Snegurochka: What a beautiful, fluffy, elegant Christmas tree you have. What beautiful balls and toys she is wearing. Who dressed her up? You are with your mom (dad, grandmother, grandfather). What good fellows you are!

Do you like to play? (Child's answer). Let's check if you're careful. I will play one game with you. And it is called "Who lives under the Christmas tree?" If I name someone who lives under the tree, then you clap your hands and say “Yes!”, And if you hear someone who does not live under the tree, boldly say “No!” and stamp your feet.

The game "Who lives under the Christmas tree?"

Snow Maiden: Is there a Christmas tree? ("Yes!")

Is it burning with bright lights? ("Yes!")

Are the needles sparkling with silver? ("Yes!")

Tell me, who lives under the tree?

I will call you animals,

And you will answer me in unison.

Does a crocodile live under the tree? ("No!")

Does a bear live under a Christmas tree? ("No!")

Or maybe a mouse sit there? ("Yes!")

Does the wolf live under the tree? ("No!")

Could it be a hippopotamus? ("No!")

Is there a red fox sitting there? ("Yes!")

Does a goat live under the tree? ("No!")

Does the elephant live under the tree? ("No!")

Does the squirrel gnaw nuts there? ("Yes!")

Is the lion sitting under the tree? ("No!")

Maybe there is a snake lying there? ("No!")

Bunny jumping under the tree? ("Yes!")

So the game is over.

Santa Claus: What good fellows! Everyone is very attentive - both mom and dad, and of course you, _________ (child's name)!

Snow Maiden: Now let's dance with me!

This dance is fun and very simple!

Now don't yawn and repeat after us!

Dance game ""

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus: I have been friends with children for a long time

I walk around the world.

To every home I am kind children.

I bring a lot of gifts.

I heard about you too

That hour decided to hurry.

Telegrams from everywhere

The animals were handed to me for you

What is in them - we now find out

When we read together.

Come on, granddaughter - help.

Read the telegrams.

The Snow Maiden takes out the telegrams and reads them out, after it has been guessed from whom the telegram is being handed over to the child.

Snow Maiden: “We wish without hindrance

Gnaw at you whole year nuts,

Jump and play burners.

Happy New Year! Your ... (squirrels) ".

And here is a telegram from the South:

"Let the needles not prick

By a big fluffy tree.

Congratulations to you from the Nile River

Happy New Year! Your …… (crocodile) "

And this telegram from the North:

“I took a plane ticket.

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snowing. Wonderful day!

I'm flying out. Your ... (deer) ".

“The tail is shorter than the ear,

Fast habits.

I rush that is the spirit

For a holiday without looking back. "

Who is he, guess!

Of course ... (bunny).

Santa Claus: Join hands, friends, take a round dance. And we will sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Snow Maiden: New Year is coming,

Let's start a round dance!

We will stand together in a circle,

Sing us a song, my friend!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka dance with the child and perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Snow Maiden: (addresses the child)

We know everyone is surprised

You learned a poem.

Loudly, clearly, from the heart,

Please, tell us!

Child's speech.

Santa Claus: Oh, what a fine fellow you are, how well you are doing! I see you are very good child and you deserve a gift!

I was carrying gifts, I remember ...

Where did the bag go, I don't know!

Or put it under the tree? (looks under the tree)

No, I don't remember, I forgot ...

Where is mine magic bag? Snegurochka, lost in any way?

Snegurochka: Grandpa, but you forgot him near the door, now I will bring .... (brings a bag)

Santa Claus: The bag is my magic, and gifts appear there for a reason ... Only for obedient, cheerful, dexterous and good boys and girls!

Snegurochka: Well, we have already made sure that everyone in this family is good and dexterous, and funny ... Therefore, you can _________________ (child's name) allow yourself to conjure a gift for yourself ... To do this, you need to close your eyes and say magic words: "One, two, three, four - my gift is the best in the world!" (the child closes his eyes and pronounces the words with the Snow Maiden).

Presentation of a gift.

Santa Claus: Open your eyes. Consider your gift and show it to everyone.

Snow Maiden: And now general photo for memory.


Santa Claus: Happy New Year

And we give you a mandate:

So that you are all healthy

They are getting better every day!

Snegurochka: Happy New Year to you, friends!

Well, it's time for us to go!

Santa Claus: See you next year!

You are waiting for me, I will come!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave.