How to confess your love to a girl. What to say to a guy in love with another. How best to open your heart to your beloved

There is no one universal way how to confess your love to a boy. The form of recognition depends on age:

  • If you are 9 years old, the ideal option would be a card with hearts and congratulations in a romantic form with an offer to call at the weekend or during the holidays. To get up the courage, wait for a holiday. Valentine's Day or New Year will be a great occasion.
  • At 10 boys do not dare to admit their feelings first, fearing ridicule from friends. And if you are sure of your sympathy, write a secret message or pass a note through a friend. When you want to first check how he feels about you, ask the boy to teach you something, for example, how to ride a bike, and, noticing signs of attention, make a confession.
  • When you are 11 years old, your unexpected confession may not find understanding because the boy is more interested in games and friendly communication. Make him aware that he can go out with you or go to the movies. If he often calls you with him, make a confession by choosing right moment.
  • At 12 years old the boys begin to show their sympathy. Noticed clear signs attention from someone you like, open up your feelings. Do not know how a girl can confess her love to a boy when you are 12 years old? You don't need to do anything special. Just write and pass the note.
  • At the age of 13 both girls and boys love to gossip. Spread out a rumor about your feelings. And if the object of sympathy begins to ask about the veracity of the gossip, tell him something like "what if so" and just wait for the reaction. When a boy is also interested in you, he will make a reciprocal step by inviting him to take a walk or to the cinema.
  • At 14 years old boys may experience serious feelings but afraid of talking about love. Assertiveness at this age is unnecessary. Better to test the soil in advance. Try to find out through a friend who is friends with one of his friends what he thinks of you. Having learned about the feelings of your sympathy, do not wait for him to gain courage, but take the first step yourself.

At all young age admitting is much easier than in high school. The older you become, the more attentive you need to be about the signs of attention from the boy.

Are you completely confident in your feelings and want to make a confession, but are at a loss as to how best to do it? It's OK. There are many proven ways to take the first step. Choose what is right for you:

  1. A note. She helped out young ladies at all times. The opportunity presented itself to present the boy with a gift, attach a small note. It is better to give what your sympathy likes - a soccer ball or computer game... You can do even easier - toss a message to the boy in a backpack or locker.
  2. Phone conversation. You should not just call the boy, you must first establish friendly contact and call up periodically, and then act:
    • To a boy who calls you regularly, you can "accidentally" utter three cherished words. In response to negative reaction you can always say that she was addressing my mother, not him.
    • WITH good friend is still easier. Praising some achievement of the boy, say that you love him. To a violent negative reaction or requests to repeat, but obviously not because he wants to tell you that he has feelings for you, just laugh and add "as a friend."
    • Ask him for advice on how a girl can confess her love to a boy, arguing that you are afraid of being rejected. If he says that anyone will be happy with your recognition, you can safely say that it was about him.
  1. SMS. There can be only one format for recognizing a message, but the reaction is not always not at all what you expect. If the boy rejects your feelings, you can simply say that the number was wrong. When an answer like “are you kidding?” Comes, take an interest, but would he like to receive such an SMS from you, because he just might want to be sure of what was written.
  1. Skype, ICQ and other messengers. You can act on your own behalf or incognito. If you do not want to hide under a fictitious nickname, you will have to admit it directly, but retreat if he does not reciprocate, as in the case of SMS, referring to the fact that you made a mistake in the chat. With a pseudonym, everything is much longer, but also more interesting. Make friends with the boy, find out if he likes someone, offer to act, and so on.
  2. Vkontakte, Facebook. Recognition in real conversation can spoil shyness, fear, reservations, insecurity. On social networks, they simply disappear, and words can always be turned into a joke or a mistake.

Have modern ways communication much more opportunities to learn about true feelings boy. With notes, everything is a little more complicated, and if they contain a specific name and your signature, it is difficult to refuse what was written.

The strategy of how a girl confesses her love to a boy depends on many factors. If you are 9 or 10 years old, notes and other cute things are perceived as such without any doubt. Older boys begin to develop their own interests and ideas about relationships and feelings, and shyness and indecision can manifest themselves more strongly. There is a likelihood of perception of recognition for something frivolous or a joke.

In order for the boy to reciprocate, deciding on the first step, adhere to the following line of behavior:

  • Be sociable and friendly with your sympathy.
  • Learn to understand things interesting to him.
  • Become the one with whom the boy wants to spend time.
  • Help when, for example, it is difficult for him to solve a problem.
  • Look great if you are walking together.

You should always adhere to the manner of communication that is inherent in your sympathy. You need to be sincere with a serious boy, but you can jokingly ask a cheerful boy “what would you answer if, suddenly, I declared that I love you?” hero ".

Nothing terrible happened. Don't try to hide. Only you yourself know the truth about the sincerity of the confession made. Turn everything into a joke, which he believed in because of his "childish naivety". When a boy is behaving really awful, you can spread the rumor that it was he who made the confession, and you refused him, so he gets angry. Don't change your behavior. Go to school, walk, have fun. Resentment and annoyance will soon pass.


There are many ways a girl can confess her love to a boy, and they are not limited to the given examples. Decided to reveal your feelings and come up with something original? Take action. Most importantly, remember that boys grow up in different ways, so it is important to show your intentions.

Declaration of love

The transitional age for many children is becoming very difficult period... At this time, you want to feel independent, independent and adult. Teens begin to show sympathy for each other and show feelings of love. But very often girls and boys at the age of 10-13 make mistakes and cannot fully draw conclusions from complex situations. They make mistakes because of their ignorance, which leads to serious problems... Confession of feelings is the first deliberate step on the way to adult life... You need to know how not to alienate the girl with your innocent confession.

The eternal struggle between children and fathers begins during the period of maturation of the child, when he wants to feel independent from his parents. At this moment, the most innocent and vulnerable feeling comes to him - love. There are situations that even for most adults, feelings for a stranger cannot bring joy and love, so a boy at the age of 10-13 needs to be able to properly cope with his emotions and confess his feelings to a girl. This is the most touching and exciting moment for all children.

Declaration of love

Most boys in transitional age ask a very important question for them: how to confess love to a girl? This humble question can torment children all of them. teenage years, especially when you like a classmate. So I want to go up to her, hug her, pull her pigtails and kiss. First love usually flows lightly, naturally and vibrantly. I constantly want to look at a person and confess my love to him. Alternatively, you can write poetry to your beloved girl, devote your work to her. She will definitely appreciate your desire to be together and expressed sympathy.

It is very difficult for teenagers to confess their love. They begin to feel insecure in their abilities, constantly think that he is not good enough, that the girl likes another boy from parallel class etc. This is normal, everyone is tormented by such thoughts

Time and place for a declaration of love

In order to express sympathy, one can say pleasant words beloved girl in intimate setting... This means that after class, you can invite her to walk home or invite her to watch interesting film at home. You can innocently take a girl by the hand and tell her about your feelings. You need to choose the most suitable time for a declaration of love. The best time will be after a short time of close communication. If you've only known each other for a few days or weeks, then feel free to show your feelings. After all, in the end, this will make you much easier. You can also send SMS to your beloved girl on your phone and express your sympathy in a beautiful wish!

The first sincere feelings to a girl - a friend, classmate or acquaintance, they give a lot of emotions, while causing feelings and shyness. Boys who fall in love for the first time are faced with an insecurity that multiplies when a loved one is around. And there are natural doubts about how a girl can react to such feelings, not whether she will repel. But it is not possible to keep silent about them either. Therefore, today on the pages of "Popularly about health" we will try to clarify the answer to the question of how to confess your love to a girl at the age of 14, if you are shy.

Is it worth the hurry?

Boys who really like a girl should not immediately talk about their love and swear to keep it forever. Indeed, it also happens that many people take sympathy for sincere and all-consuming love. And when love really does arise, and you already have time to confess to another girl, you can get into an extremely uncomfortable position.

Therefore, before frank confession, it is worth observing yourself. Take a closer look at how you react to the presence of the girl you like, how do you perceive her laughter, how do you feel when you hear her voice? Do you like everything, or maybe something causes rejection or discomfort. If love is sincere and pure, then it does not erase the flaws, but it makes the chosen one love with them.

In the event that you are completely confident in love, you still should not rush. After all, first you need to produce on your beloved girl positive impression so that she draws attention to you. It is important that she can appreciate your mind, the presence of a sense of humor, care and attention, excellent taste, and also a good character.

Begin courtship from afar. You can invite the girl to play in the yard with your company, go to the cinema or dance. Sit closer to her and try to talk about a topic that will definitely interest her. And do not be afraid of your shyness, it is completely normal, especially if you do not have any experience of relationships yet. With a soft and unobtrusive approach, the search common interests you can arouse sympathy in a girl.

How to confess?

Of course, the very thought of pronouncing three cherished words makes you anxious and unpleasant tremors in your knees. But you need to understand that in love it is better to postpone the constraint in the farthest corner and try to pull yourself together. In fact, every girl will be glad to hear the words of love, even if she may not show it. However, in order for the recognition to be truly memorable, evoke a pleasant response, and not boredom and thoughts of banality, it is worth a little preparation and thinking over the details.

Remember to confess your feelings only in private. This is where shyness is good for you. Indeed, many overly active boys take risks and talk about love publicly - in front of the company of classmates or friends, and some are not at all shy of strangers. Of course, this path is not correct. A little embarrassment and a one-on-one conversation will help you speak as sincerely as possible, not overly embarrass the girl and give her the opportunity to just as sincerely answer you about her feelings.

It is advisable to prepare a girl for her before a frank conversation. In the event that the confession is sudden (like snow on your head), your chosen one may be embarrassed, scared, or even take it for a joke. Therefore, start the conversation with the appropriate phrases: "I have long wanted to talk to you seriously" or "I need to tell you something serious."

It is advisable to think about the words that you are going to say to your beloved girl in advance. You can tell her that you really like her and that you find her pretty. But remember that this recognition is non-binding. Better to be direct about your feelings. It should also be borne in mind that even at such a young age, girls are very fond of compliments.

Therefore, emphasize what attracts you to her. Tell her about her beauty, that she seems to you the sweetest and most fun. And if you manage to notice the qualities that she herself is proud of, you will immediately grow in her eyes.

Of course, remember that the girl is far from always able to collect her thoughts and immediately respond to your confession. Quite naturally, she may need time (more than one day). Don't rush her. And during her hesitation and reflection, continue to pay attention and care to her.

Additional Tips

If you are going to make a confession to your chosen one, get ready. Take a closer look at the beautiful soft toys, souvenirs or flowers. Get something that suits you best. Despite all your shyness, try inviting the girl for a walk or sit in a cafe. But again, don't admit your feelings in public.

If we talk about a declaration of love on the Internet - in social networks, then this is enough complex issue... After all, almost all adolescents spend the lion's share of time communicating there. On the one hand, online recognition could be a good option for shy guys, but on the other hand, in such a situation, you will not be able to see the girl's true reaction to her words. Social media recognition can be perceived as a joke. Therefore, it is better to give preference to explanations in reality - they will definitely be more honest, and they are more likely to receive the same sincere answer.

Love is a powerful feeling that moves a person. Psychologists say that only the fear of death can compare with her in strength. But if the latter is inevitable and does not depend on the person himself, then the feeling of love can be controlled. Many adolescents develop strong sympathies, and almost every boy who cannot confess his love to a girl believes that his case is special and unique.

Practice shows that there are many standard approaches to pouring out your soul and expressing your inner feelings to the object of adoration. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

How to take the first steps and say about your love?

Many boys at the age of 12 find it difficult to confess their love to a girl, and the reasons for this may be great amount, starting with simple fear or excitement and ending with a lack of knowledge about how to do it.
You should not set yourself up for failure in advance, but you need to be ready for it. In any case, a declaration of love is the only right step. With a positive answer, the guy will get the opportunity for relationships and a joint future, with a negative answer, he will remove a heavy mental burden.
Before you tell the girl you like about your feelings, you need to completely calm down and cope with your inner experiences, since excessive nervousness will significantly reduce the chances of reciprocity, even if they were initially great.

What to do in case of refusal?

Unfortunately, in life everything is not as smooth as in fairy tales or films with happy ending... There is always the likelihood that the opposite words will be received in response to a declaration of love. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the worst scenario. If the girl refused you and rejected her feelings, then you should not be angry with her, since everyone has the right to choose.

Declaration of love may not bring desired effect but life doesn't end there. One can argue with very likely that the girl's refusal will cause a lot of pain, but it is worth respecting someone else's decision, whatever it may be.

No matter how trite it may sound, there is always the opportunity to remain friends. It is likely that after some period of friendship, the girl will see the boy's attitude towards herself and change her mind. Friendship is a good starting point for relationships.

Don't bother a girl with frequent questions about whether she has feelings of love for you. If a negative answer was given today, then the probability that in a day, two decisions will change, tends to zero. A much greater effect will be from friendship, communication, joint walks. Silently, show your sympathy in practice. The girl will appreciate the actions and, quite possibly, after a while she will want a relationship. The main thing is not to rush things, everything has its time.

Popular mistakes when confessing love to a girl

Boys by the age of 12 have little or no experience of relationships with girls, so there is a high risk that an unfortunate mistake will be made. In order to avoid gross punctures, consider the most popular mistakes that are made when confessing love.

Wrong timing

The boy must not only choose the right words that he will speak, but also choose the most appropriate moment for his confessions. It is not recommended to tell the girl about your feelings at school. There will be many strangers around, and at the moment of recognition you must be alone. Finding classmates nearby can embarrass the girl, and she will refuse only for the reason that she will feel uncomfortable in front of others.

Also, you do not need to confess your love at the moment when she is nearby. best friend. Perfect option for recognition - a joint walk to the girl's house after school, a trip to the park or a movie.

Expectation of mutual declaration of love

Many boys believe that if a girl has mutual sympathy, then she also confesses her love. In fact, it turns out quite differently, because not every girl will be able to say about her reciprocal feelings, even if they are.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the boy who acts first has some advantage, since he can think over the conversation and his phrases in advance, while the girl does not have such an opportunity. Besides, the phrase “I love you” is not a question, but a statement. It is for this reason that you may not receive an answer and should not expect it or, even worse, demand.

Wrong behavior

Many boys of twelve years old who want to please a girl seek to make a lasting impression on their object of adoration. Practice shows that it is much more profitable to behave naturally, as in Everyday life... Even if you pretend to be perfect guy, and the girl will fall for it, then over time she will see your true face and the relationship may end. If the girl loves you for who you really are, this will be a good foundation for a future relationship.

Fear of a declaration of love is quite normal phenomenon, which is inherent in many adults, not to mention young men aged 12 years. It is necessary to pronounce words with a calm intonation, while you do not need to think too much about their meaning with your head (unless you make sure that everything is within reason), because at this moment the heart will speak. Girl draws Special attention not so much on the words themselves as on how they will be said.

The main thing is confidence in your words. If you yourself believe in the sincerity and power of your speech, then the girl will trust everything that is said. At the moment of declaration of love, it is recommended to look the girl in the eyes, while standing upright and smiling. These actions will make the words even more sincere.

Helpful tips for those who confess their love

The above discussed the main mistakes that should be avoided when expressing your feelings. Now let's move on to useful tips that will help melt the heart of a girl you like.

In no case should you demand a quick response. First, most girls don't like it when conditions are presented to them.Secondly, the object of your love can respond with rudeness or publicly humiliate.
You should not talk about love for a girl in advance before you told her personally. It will be silly when you tell someone else about your feelings, through whom she learns about them.

There is no limit to perfection, so constantly change yourself for the better. Girls usually look at their appearance and character. If everything suits her, then you are unlikely to hear a refusal, in other cases you need to improve yourself. Reading books helps to increase the level of intelligence, thanks to going to the stadium or the gym, you can find good physical fitness... It is necessary to improve yourself in any case, because even if the object of your love does not appreciate the efforts, then there are cute girls who will consider you worthy of attention.

Keep track of your appearance... In the moment of declaration of love, you should look like this is the best day in your life. A boy dressed in an elegant suit has a much better chance of mutual recognition than a guy in shorts and flip-flops.
Most girls are accustomed to neatness from childhood, so they value this quality very much in young people. You should be wearing ironed clothes, and you can apply perfume or eau de toilette to your body.

Declaration of love should sound only after you already know the girl well. If you've only been together for a few minutes in your life, then talking about your feelings is extremely silly. It takes some time for the girl to get used to you. It is recommended that you spend more time together before declaring your love.

You can invite the girl for a walk in the park or to a movie show. First, she will get used to you and for her. love feelings will be a lesser revelation. Secondly, after visiting a cafe, riding attractions or watching a comedy, the girl will good mood, thanks to which the chances of reciprocity are significantly increased.

We live in the age of developed information technologies, therefore, it is quite logical that almost every person has a mobile phone or computer with Internet access. Many guys at the age of 12 are embarrassed to confess their love to real life so they do it with social networks or SMS.

It is by no means advisable to communicate your feelings through mobile phone or a computer, since such a confession is devoid of sincerity and emotion. It is much better to speak to the girl you like in real life, face to face. The text on the screen, consisting of a set of standard letters, can not replace any sincere words.

Several ways to declare your love

There are many ways to declare your love. Many of them will seem trivial and too simple, but they remain relevant today. In addition, due to fearfulness, the guys resort to them quite rarely, so the described methods can be attributed to the number of original ones.

Writing poetry

Of course, in the vastness of the Global Network, you can find many ready-made declarations of love, folded into verses, but it is recommended to spend some time and compose your own unique verse. It is very important that each line corresponds to reality and reflects the emotions and feelings that you have inside.

If you are not creative nature, and the creation of poetry is given to you with a very hard work, then you can copy someone else's work. The main condition: the author of the poem must be unknown to the general public. Even the most young girl will not appreciate the poetry written by the world famous poet.

Writing your own song

This option is almost the same as creating poetry, except with some additions in the form of music and voice. Composing and performing her own song will make an indelible impression on the girl, so it is very likely that all efforts will be appreciated.

Balloon lettering

To implement this idea, unlike the previous two, you will need Money... However, the financial costs of acquiring balloons are minimal, so this method of declaration of love is affordable even for 12-year-old boys. The essence of the idea is as follows: on each hot-air balloon one letter is written (a marker can be used to draw text), and all together they form one phrase.

Bouquet of flowers

Absolutely all girls, regardless of their age, love flowers. If possible, it is recommended to know in advance the lady's preferences in this regard, since there is a possibility that some types of flowers will be disgusting to her (for example, lilies, the smell of which many do not like). If you do not know what flowers to give to the object of adoration, then buy scarlet or pink roses... it universal option that 99% of all girls will love.

Many girls under the age of 14 are very curious, which can be taken advantage of. To do this, you should not give a bouquet of flowers yourself, but pass it on through someone. You can put a note with declarations of love in the bouquet, but do not leave your signature. Do not torment the girl for a long time, let her think one night about who could give her such a gift. The next day, it is best to approach the girl you like and confess your feelings to her.

In the course of the article, the following were considered:

The main mistakes made at the moment of declaration of love;
- useful tips, using which you can significantly increase the chances of ultimate success;
- ways of declaration of love.

We hope that the knowledge gained will be enough for the girl to understand the seriousness of her intentions. The above information will be useful for young 12-year-old guys who want to confess their love to a girl, but are afraid of a negative response. The main conclusion that young men should make: any words should be confirmed by actions, since without real evidence they have no power.
We wish you mutual feelings and a long relationship!

How to confess your love to a girl

Do you know how to confess your love to a girl?

Want to win her heart, but don't know where to start?

First, understand yourself.

The harder you suck in your stomach from the idea that you now you have to admit it to her, the brighter your feelings, and that's okay. How? Haven't you imagined it yet? In vain. Human brain is designed so that he cannot distinguish fictional situations from real ones, so think about it as often as possible, and when it comes to recognition, you will be ready. Experience - the number of repetitions (s).

Believe me, even if you have the most ideal body in the world, the girl does not hang around your neck. Women are creatures to be pursued. If you wander in the evenings somewhere alone or walk with a company, or you just look at her and never shake hands with her, you have nothing to hope for. To confess your love and get reciprocity, you need to constantly show the girl signs of attention. She herself will understand that you love her. Compliment her. Start courting her. Do It little present, give your hand, invite her somewhere. Behave with her gently, in the company, distinguish her from others, treat her differently from others.

If the girl began to reciprocate, you can confess your love to her. You can be alone, or you can be in the spotlight (the second option is more difficult, but the girl will "melt" much faster). Collect noisy company, let everything be as usual, then look at her for a long time and carefully, turn to the company and say loudly: "You know, I love her!" Give flowers, take them by the hand and lead them somewhere to a quiet corner, where you will calmly and seriously repeat to her: "I love you." One thing is, you have to be cool so that everything works out well, you shouldn't be complex, act naturally and without a bit of humor. Otherwise, you can only offend the girl, but make people laugh.

If you do it in private, then it is enough to achieve her location, hug kiss and whisper it in her ear. Then to consolidate the success with some cute gift, so that he would remind her of this evening. How ... have you kissed her yet? Has she ever been in your arms? Then you shouldn't even talk about recognition. Remember that it would not be excruciatingly painful to receive a refusal, make sure that your love is obvious and the girl accepts it.

Options with tugging braids or vice versa, with the seduction of this times will not fit. Since there is love, there are feelings... Therefore, you need to make every effort to ensure that the person becomes your family. Help her, offer your help, support, but behave like a man who helps a lady, and that is the likelihood of becoming a girlfriend =). Open yourself to her, and open her for yourself. Feelings are made up of little things and a caring attitude to each other ... make her dear to yourself, and yourself dear to her, and you will always be together.

How to confess your love to a girl, and even beautifully to confess your love? The task is not as simple as it seems. Young girls are very sentimental and romantic. A simple declaration of love may not have a single drop of success with them, because since childhood they dreamed of a prince on a white horse, and therefore, if a guy cannot surprise a girl with compliments, flowers, or kneeling, she may be disappointed. Only with time will she understand that beautiful gestures are a game, but real male deeds- this is life!

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