Child car seat up to what age is the law. Is it possible to transport a child without a car seat. Paragraphs of the Rules of the road

Transportation of children in cars should be carried out, first of all, in compliance with safety standards and rules: this is the main concern of parents who take small passengers with them on the road. In 2016, there were a number of changes in the rules for transporting children. What kind of innovations have come into force and what every parent needs to know about this issue, we will consider further.

Transporting kids the right way

Rule Changes traffic, which came into force in 2016, are aimed at ensuring the maximum level of safety when transporting children in cars.

To do this, the following simple requirements must be met:

  • transportation of children in the back of a car or in a trailer is prohibited;
  • transport of children is prohibited back seat motor transport;
  • it is allowed to transport children in the passenger compartment of a car, as well as in the cab of a truck (at the same time, the transportation of children who have not yet reached 6 months provides for the presence of an infant carrier, and children under 12- summer age- car seats).

Carrying children in the front seat of a car: what you need to know

Transportation of children is allowed both in the front and in the back seats of the car. The main rule to remember is that if the child is under 12 years old, a special restraint seat is required for transportation, whether in the front or in the back seats.

Installing the car seat front seat vehicle, it is necessary to deactivate the airbag mechanism - its deployment in the event of an accident will not protect the child, moreover, it can cause additional injuries to him. The front seat must be moved as far back as possible in order to increase the space between the child and the car body.

Note that from January 1, 2017, the next changes in the rules for transporting children should come into force. So, the transportation of children under seven years old in a car seat is planned to be allowed only in the back seat.

When deciding to transport a child in the front seat of a vehicle, even using a car seat, you must remember that the seat next to the driver is not always safe not only for children, but also for adults. In addition, children can react very emotionally to the movement and speed of other cars, which is also not always good. These factors speak in favor of children riding in a car in the back seat.

What should be a child car seat

The child car seat must be appropriate for the age and height of the child and ensure safety during movement. In the car seat, the child should be comfortable: it is fixed with seat belts (with soft pads), which should be across chest and pelvic bones (belts on the abdomen and neck can injure the child during hard braking or in the event of an accident). Other mandatory requirements include the presence of reinforced side protection and an adjustable headrest in the car seat.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a car seat as responsibly as possible - after all, the life and health of the child can directly depend on this.

Based on the age and weight of the child, car seats are divided into appropriate groups:

  • from 0 to 6 months (0-10 kg). For the transportation of children, whose age is less than six months, and whose weight is up to 10 kilograms, it is necessary to have an infant carrier, which is installed in the back seat of the car and is fixed with seat belts. It must be installed perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle. Inside the car seat, the child is also fixed with restraint straps;

  • from 0 to a year (0-13 kg). A child up to a year old, whose weight is not more than 13 kilograms, is suitable for a similar infant carrier equipped with five-point internal seat belts;
  • from 1 year to 4 years (9-18 kg). A child under four years old, whose weight is between 9 and 18 kilograms, will fit a car seat with an adjustable backrest and internal seat belts. Such a car seat is installed in the direction of the car;
  • from 4 to 7 years (15-25 kg). A child under seven years old, whose weight is from 15 to 25 kilograms, will fit a seat with regular, rather than internal belts. Some seats for this category of children have a certain angle of inclination;
  • From 7 to 12 years (22-36 kg). A child from 7 to 12 years old, whose weight is from 22 to 36 kilograms, and whose height is above 130-135 centimeters, will fit a seat without a back, but equipped with armrests and seat belt guides.

Please note that such a seat (also called a booster seat) does not replace a full-fledged car seat in terms of safety. In addition, from January 1, 2017, a ban on the use of any other structures, except for car seats, for the transport of children who are not yet 12 years old should come into force.

This general groups, but it is necessary to choose a car seat, taking into account the characteristics of each individual child. For example, some children 10-11 years old are over 150 centimeters tall and weigh at which it will no longer be comfortable in a car seat - in this case, the use of standard seat belts is allowed.

When choosing a car seat, give preference to one that has a backrest adjustable in height and width, the upholstery in which is well ventilated or removed (so that the child does not get hot). Also, before buying, make sure that the car seat is suitable for the car and the child is really comfortable in it.

Responsibility for non-compliance with the rules for transporting children

In addition to safety considerations that parents should be guided by when transporting children in a car, for non-compliance with approved rules legislative norms responsibility is provided. The absence of a child safety device when transporting children can result in a fine of 3,000 rubles. The same amount must be paid for misuse this device.

This means:

  • inconsistency of the car seat with the age or weight of the child;
  • improper installation of the car seat in the car, unreliable fastening;
  • use of damaged car seats;
  • Car seat does not comply with safety standards.

Before each ride, check that the car seat is in good working order and securely fastened. Remember that transporting children in compliance with all rules and requirements is a guarantee of their safety. According to statistics, the use of car seats reduces the likelihood of children getting injured in an accident by several times.

Among the entire range of car seats, three main categories can be distinguished: seats for children from birth to one year old, transforming devices for children from 1 to 12 years old and special booster seats. Each variety has its own characteristics and features.

Transportation of the car is allowed only when using a car seat. However, the safest place in a vehicle is the back seat behind the driver.

The first category of car seats involves two positions of the child - sitting and lying down. Transported lying down infants who have not yet learned to sit. This type of chair is used until the weight of the child reaches 12-13 kg.

Car seats-transformers are equipped with convenient mechanisms that allow you to customize the device individually for each child. IN this case This includes adjusting the seat belts, seat height and width. Typically, these chairs are used until the age of 12.

Booster seats are devices that are attached to the seat belt located in the rear. The special protection ensures the safety of the child during transport and is the so-called economical alternative to the traditional child seat. You can use the booster only if the child is 6 years old.

The carrier bag must not be used as a vehicle carrier for children. This design does not ensure the safety of the baby.

If the child refuses to sit in the car seat

Some children absolutely refuse to sit in car seats. The main argument in this case is the child's opinion that he is "no longer small." Such a statement is difficult to dispute, and it is even more difficult to convince the baby that the chair is a means of protecting him.

To begin with, try to teach your child about the rules of elementary safety. Give an example of an accident and possible bruises. This must be done very tactfully and carefully. Never tell horror stories and especially do not show examples of terrible accidents. Imagine that you are a child and try to explain the need for a car seat in "children's language".

Offer an ultimatum to your child. Agree to ride him in a car only on condition that he will use. This argument does not always work, because not all children like to ride in a car. For parents, their transportation is more often a necessity than entertainment.

If the child considers himself an adult, tell him about the system of fines that are provided for by law. Children with early age must understand that there are certain rules, the implementation of which is mandatory. children school age can and should explain the traffic rules.

When transporting children to road transport, use child car seats for safety. They are similar to adults, with fixing seat belts, designed for age, weight and all physiological data consistent with the age group.

Child safety seat, why is it?

Car seat designed and built the best specialists to protect the child in the event of an accident.

Enveloping soft yet durable construction tailored to your baby's size. Built-in belts, special protection against side impacts in a collision - all this guarantees safety and comfort of movement.

The use of ergonomic pillows for the smallest allows you to adjust the slope to a comfortable angle, width and even headrests that provide maximum protection at all stages of growth.

The baby is completely protected, absolutely all parts of the body and at the same time the position during movement remains natural.

The soft padding in the contact segments is made from breathable materials. The reclining mechanism transforms the safety seat into a soft, enveloping hug.

At what age should a safety seat be used?

If you have your own vehicle, you must take care of the safety of movement from the first days of the baby's birth, for this, buy a chair (car seat). It is sold in any specialty store.

The price depends on the design of the product. When moving, the baby is in a prone position. Many models can be installed on the base wheels from the stroller, in addition, they are equipped with a canopy canopy and a winter envelope.

All models of chairs are designed for the weight of children, and are divided into six types from 1 kilogram to 36.

From 6 to 12 years of age children use child restraints installed in vehicles to ensure safety.

They must meet strictly the parameters of the baby (height, weight). If you are transporting it on the back of the seat, do not forget to apply a special pad on the seat belt.


All types are divided into subgroups

  • Group "0"- a cradle for newborn babies is used up to six months or a child weighing ten kilograms. By using internal system safety, it is possible to transport the baby in diapers.
  • Group "0+"- chairs for children from 13 kilograms or aged from one year. The mount is mounted with the back along the line of motion. Three or five point belts, which allows high-quality fixation. When using such models, the airbags are turned off.
  • Group "1"- children weighing from nine to eighteen kilograms can use the designs of this group. It can be easily transferred to the "lying" position.
  • Group "3"- chairs for children after six years of age with a body weight of twenty to thirty-six kilograms without a back with guide types of belts. Fixation takes place in the area of ​​the lower part of the thigh and the upper part of the chest.

Until what age can you use the seat?

Why does the age baby frame end at 12 years old? In road transport, seat belts are designed for people with a height of at least one and a half meters. Passengers with a smaller stature, they cannot, will provide adequate protection.

If the child is fastened with such a belt, at the moment of a sharp braking process, he can get quite serious injuries because if the height does not match, the belt will pass in the neck or even the head.

What are baby car seats made of?

They are made from various materials which affect seating comfort and service life. They are divided into five levels.

When creating car seats for transporting children, the focus is on comfort for the baby himself and at the same time do not forget the convenience for parents when installing or dismantling the entire structure.

The upholstery should be easy to clean, which guarantees maximum hygiene.

How to choose the right chair?

The first thing you should consider when choosing a seat is the age of your baby. The design must ensure safety, i.e. sitting strictly correspond to the physical data of the child, taking into account the age group.

Locks and fixing belts should securely fix the child's body while not excluding convenience.
Groups of child car seats

Model Romer armchairs Kidfix with the most advanced fastening design, which allows you to securely fasten the car seat in the car. The ISOFIX standard lock makes installation much easier and completely eliminates incorrect installation.

In order to prevent the child from slipping out of the seat during emergency braking, a three-point type of belt is used. The body of this model is made of anti-shock plastic. Some manufacturers may use tubular frames.

A booster car seat will help you save money on family budget without compromising driving safety. But you need to purchase it for a child if he is over 3 years old and weighs at least 15 kilograms.

Perfect replacement classic version. Due to its compactness and low weight, it is very convenient and not difficult to install. But in safety it loses to other models, because it is not equipped with its own belts, there are no head restraints and side protection. In such a situation, hope is only for regular belts.

If you decide to buy, choose a product made of metal covered with plastic. Fastening is desirable system "Isofit", the sizes should correspond strictly to the sizes of the kid. This system is easy to install, but has great reliability, eliminates the possibility of injury during stops.

You can choose chairs from Chicco are Europe's leading manufacturers of goods for children. All goods are certified, deservedly enjoy a great reputation. Car seats for babies comply with safety standards and regulations.

Frequent violations used when attaching the chair

  • Loose and twisted straps security;
  • Belt contact area neck;
  • Incorrect position of the diagonal belt(he must, is armpit, not on the shoulder);
  • Car seat size mismatch to weight and the growth of the baby;
  • Incorrect fixation of the structure generally.

The use of child safety seats is required condition safety, which is fully stipulated in the SDA.

Remember! Most safe place for transporting children - this is the back seat of the car. Infants under the age of twelve can only be transported in the front seats if a child restraint system is used. Don't forget to turn off the front airbag. The pillow system can be left on if the child is over 140 cm tall.

Children receive the most severe injuries while being in the hands of adults during the period of movement. Until what age to use the chair? Up to at least six years, after which the restraint can be used.

The question that worries all parents now is what changes in the rules for transporting children will be in 2018?

The latest changes to the rules for transporting children came into force on July 12, 2017. No changes are expected in 2018.

Next, consider general rules transportation of children in private cars. Follow the news in the group In contact with.

Transportation of children under 7 years old

In the back, in the front seat, in the cab of a truck– The use of a child restraint is mandatory.

Transportation of children from 7 to 12 years old

Children who are 7 years old are allowed to be transported in the back seat of a car and in the cab of a truck without the use of car seats and any other means. It is enough to fasten them with a standard seat belt.

It is mandatory to use a car seat in the front seat of a car until the child reaches the age of 12.

Transportation of children over 12 years old

According to the Rules of the Road, children who are 12 years old are subject to the general obligations of passengers, as well as for adults.

Leaving a child in the car

It is forbidden to leave a child under 7 years old in a car in the absence of an adult when parking the car.

Please note that the ban applies only to the parking time. The rules allow you to leave the child when making a stop for a time not exceeding 5 minutes.

Paragraphs of the Rules of the road

Rules for the transportation of people are described in Chapter 22 of the Rules. Children are mentioned in paragraph 22.2 - transport in the body, paragraph 22.6 - organized transport of children and paragraph 22.9 - special requirements for the transport of children. It is in paragraph 22.9 from July 12, 2017 that the year is set out in full in new edition. New paragraph from July 12, 2017 in paragraph 12.8 - leaving the child in the car.

22.2. The carriage of people in the body of a flatbed truck is permitted if it is equipped in accordance with the Basic Regulations, while the carriage of children is not allowed.

22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government Russian Federation, on a bus marked with “Child Transportation” identification marks.

Organized transportation of a group of children, in addition to the Rules of the Road, is regulated by a separate document “Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses”.

22.9. Carriage of children under the age of 7 in passenger car and the cab of a truck, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX* child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and a truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual for these systems (devices).

It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

* The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations Customs Union TP PC 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”

It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.

Traffic police fine for violating the rules for transporting children

Penalty for violation of the rules for transporting children established by part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and constitutes from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children, established by the Rules of the road, –
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand roubles; on officials- twenty-five thousand rubles; on legal entities- one hundred thousand rubles.

Therefore, do not be surprised if the taxi driver refuses to transport a child without a child seat. For such a violation he is threatened.

If a taxi driver agrees to carry a child without a child seat, you should be wary, firstly, this is a threat to the safety of your child, and secondly, such a taxi driver most likely works illegally and does not have a license to transport people. For individuals no such license is issued.

Leaving a child under 7 years old alone in a car is a violation of the rules of stopping and parking. Liability is provided for by part 1 of article 12.19 in the form a warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

12.19.1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for by Part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and Parts 2-6 of this Article, -
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred roubles.

In Moscow or St. Petersburg, this violation is qualified under part 5 of article 12.19 - in the form of a fine of 2,500 rubles.

12.19.5. Violation provided for by part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, –
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred roubles.

Perhaps in the near future a separate article will be allocated for this violation.

A child car seat ensures the safety of the child during the trip, and is mandatory according to the rules established by the traffic police. In order to ensure the greatest safety, it should be selected according to the weight and age of the child.

By law, children should be transported in a car seat from birth until the age of 11-12 years, more precisely, until they reach a weight of 36 kg.

Features of choosing child car seats

The child car seat is selected according to age, but The first thing to consider is the weight of the child.. His age and height too important indicators, but are of secondary importance, because all children are different. If possible, take the baby with you to the store. Child car seats are divided into several categories, depending on the age, weight and height of the child.

Age categories of child car seats

Child car seats are divided into three categories depending on the age and weight of the child:

  • category 0 and 0+;
  • category 1;
  • category 2-3.

The child car seat of category 0 and 0+ is designed to transport a baby from birth to a year. The car seat of this category looks like a stroller equipped with seat belts. Install a chair of category 0 not in the direction of the car, but perpendicularly. And in a chair of category 0+, the child is placed with his back to the direction of travel. This reduces the load on the still unformed cervical region baby's spine. Chairs of category 0 and 0+ are designed for weights up to 9 and 13 kg, respectively.

The category 1 car seat is designed to carry children from one year old who sit confidently, hold their neck and back. Chair of the first category and all subsequent set so that the baby sits facing in the direction of travel I. Armchair of this age category designed for weight up to 18 kg.

WITH three years of age children already require a car seat in age category 2-3. In such devices, instead of five-point belts, a conventional car seat belt is used. In such a car seat, a child can ride from 3 to 12 years.

A child car seat of the next age category should be purchased in a timely manner as the children grow. This is defined as follows: if the exit points of the belts fall below the shoulders of the child or if his head rises one third above top edge car seat backs - it's time to change it.

booster seat

Some parents with certain age children use a booster instead of a car seat. But keep in mind that the booster can only be used if the height of the child is over 130 cm. The booster is a seat with belt guides with or without armrests. This seat is designed for children over 130 cm tall. The booster does not properly protect the little passenger a, as it only lifts him up a bit so that the seatbelt goes over his shoulder, but won't be able to protect him in a side impact.

What to look for when choosing a car seat:

  • You can't buy a used car seat. The seller may keep silent about the fact that the chair has been in an accident, in which case there is no certainty that it has not been deformed and will be able to provide proper safety;
  • When choosing a car seat, keep in mind that it should be comfortable. It is desirable that it be possible to adjust the inclination of the back, as the baby may want to sleep on the road. Convenience is also very important criterion, because if your baby is uncomfortable to sit, he can be naughty and distract the driver. Before buying, if possible, let the child sit in several car seats that you like and choose the most comfortable;
  • the quality of the fabric padding that connects the seat belts should be checked, as in the event of a frontal impact, a significant load will be placed on this place and this may injure the child. It should be wide enough and elastic;
  • ask the sales assistant what material the children's upholstery is made of car seat And can it be removed and washed?
  • if possible, try to install the selected car seat in the car before buying (check the product data sheet before doing this, as some seats have a design that is not suitable for all cars). To you check that the seat belt is long enough to secure the seat. The sales assistant should show you how to properly secure the car seat itself and fasten the child in it;
  • It is impossible to guarantee the complete safety of a small passenger while driving. However, the use of a child car seat will help to avoid or at least reduce injuries and bruises in the event of an emergency.

You are buying baby car seat for the safety of your child. Therefore, it must be of high quality and correctly selected for age. But most importantly, don't forget to use the chair for its intended purpose. Even if your driving experience is impeccable, you cannot be responsible for other road users.