Child car seat weight height. What are the devices for transporting children in a car. What to do if the move is long

I've written a lot about car seats for small children, the importance of driving backwards for as long as possible, the capacity of such seats, and so on. And today we will talk about car seats for older children.
One of the most frequently asked questions is, will a 2-3 (15-36 kg) or 1-2-3 (9-36 kg) group seat be enough for up to 12 years? Can he fit in this chair?

Or vice versa, we often hear a review - my child has already outgrown this chair at the age of 7-8!

So, let's decide. The most unfortunate criterion for determining the period of actual use of a child car seat(any) is age. Think about it, because all children grow differently. And, in very different ways. Well, how can you equally say until how many years a particular chair will accommodate a fragile miniature beauty or a hefty hero who will be bigger than his mother at 9 years old?

The age for using a child restraint is given as a very rough guide only. As a rule, the situation is considered with a developing ideally average image (according to the WHO table) of a thin child in summer clothes).

For each car seat, there are the following real criteria that you should pay attention to:

- weight limit. European car seats are designed up to a weight of 36 kg. This does not mean that at more weight passenger, it will fall apart. But there are approved age groups according to which the car seat group is determined. And the weight limit for group 3, on which the chair is tested, is 36 kg. The Americans have seats with a declared passenger weight of ~ 50 kg. True, basically, these are car seats specifically for the American market. In Russia, the European classification is used.

- marginal growth. Depends, of course, on the proportions of the child. Some have long legs, some have a body. But nevertheless, in terms of height, most group 2-3 car seats are quite capable of accommodating a child with a height of 150 cm. Don't believe me? Look at the story, where, as part of the filming for Channel 1, we seated a girl, a little over 150 cm tall, in 2 car seats and there was even a reserve in one.

Unfortunately, the current ECE R44-04 rulebook completely ignores this question, although from the point of view of choosing a car seat for older children, and in general, it is the most important. And the new set of rules ECE R129 regarding children taller than 105 cm, which should focus on this indicator, has not yet been adopted in principle.
But as a rule, in the legislation of individual countries, the maximum height of the mandatory ride in a child car seat is limited from 135 cm to 150 cm. additional accessories at least not worse than an adult. Naturally, a regular belt, even if carried out correctly, will not provide, for example, lateral protection for a child. Therefore, I believe that the figure of 150 cm is more correct. But to demand more is definitely fanaticism.

- What is the law?

In Russia, the period of use of child restraints is determined by clause 22.9 of the SDA. Unfortunately, it completely ignores the issue of height and weight limits for using car seats. Only the age up to which they should be used is indicated - 12 years.

– What to expect?

A draft law is under consideration, which should finally clearly define the parameters of a child who needs baby car seat. Previously, those same 150 cm and 36 kg. When they accept, if they accept, it will become easier.

UPDATE 09.2016. It seems that they will generally be accepted from the age of 7 - at the discretion of the parents. While everything is not clear. In any case, we're here to try to do what's right, not what's nominally allowed, right?

– What to do now?

So, the child has outgrown the indicated parameters, and 12 years is still far away! And it doesn't fit in a chair. We put in a booster. There will be no special sense in terms of safety, but also harm. It is not worth using any kind of alternative restraints in this case, because. there is a risk of harm, if something happens.

At what age can you carry a child "as an adult" without resorting to assistive devices? Which of the lightweight car seats allowed by law is suitable for a child of 8-12 years old who has already begun to refuse to sit in a car seat "for small"? How to fulfill the requirements of the traffic police and ensure the child's comfort?

child and car

For a car that transports small passengers, presented special requirements. He is in without fail must be equipped with a RC (Child Restraint). This obligation of the car owner is regulated by law, however, this is far from a simple formality - in this case it is not so much about respectful observance of the rules, but about the real safety of the baby, which can only be ensured in a vehicle equipped with a car seat.

What does the law say?

By law, children under the age of 12 can only be transported to a child care facility. It is noted that the device must correspond to the height and weight of the child. Last moment very important as a car seat suitable for 3 summer child absolutely not intended for a newborn baby.

Child Restraints, which we tend to summarize and refer to as "car seats", are roughly divided into three categories:

Car seats are designed for babies up to 1 year of age and are a comfortable sleeping area in which the baby can be in a supine position. The safety of the child is ensured by Y-shaped belts and a special design. Car seats resemble a basket and have a handle, making them easy to carry. They are easily attached to the back or front seat of the car. A popular infant carrier that meets all safety criteria is the Inglesina Huggy MFX.

Car seats are a class of child restraints designed for children aged 1-3. In such a chair, a grown child can sit comfortably, being securely fixed by the internal straps of the device. One of the top car seats is Cybex Solution M-Fix.

Boosters are small seats that allow you to raise a child aged 3-12 years old enough to safely use the car's belts (calculated by default for a person with a height of 150 cm). illustrative example booster - Chicco Quasar plus.

Expert opinion

"Buying a car seat, suitable for the baby certain age is not just the fulfillment of the law and a way to avoid fines. First of all, it is a tangible contribution to the safety of the child. Modern models DUU consider everything anatomical features children, protecting the places most vulnerable in case of sudden braking or collision.

Specialist of the online store "Daughters and Sons"
Goloveshkina Ekaterina


Violation of the rules for transporting children aged 0-12 years is punishable by a warning or an administrative fine in the amount of one minimum wage. Children over 12 years old can already use standard safety equipment - car seat belts. In this case, there will be no claims from the traffic police, and the child will be protected.

However, few people know what is the age requirement for children when they are transported in a car with a child car seat. In other words, to what age Baby chair in a car for transporting children.

All motorists know that children's car seats to transport children. However, few people know what is the age requirement for children when they are transported in a car with a child car seat. In other words, until what age do you need a child seat in a car to transport children. In this article, we will answer all the questions that may arise when installing a car seat in a car.

Reasons for using car seats around the world

According to world statistics main reason deaths of children under the age of 14 are road traffic accidents. In such crashes, 50 per cent of the deaths are among children under the age of 5 who were not properly secured in the car. That is why child car seats were invented, which allow you to securely fix the child in the car and cause the least harm to him in the event of an accident. However, in eighty percent of cases, parents incorrectly fix the child in such a restraint. As a result, children get injuries to the neck, spine and head. A feature of installing a child car seat in the car.

Many car owners with children are interested in the question of where it would be safest to install a child car seat in the car. According to the most safe place a place on the back sofa behind the driver is considered. However, the rules traffic it is possible to install a child car seat even in the front seat next to the driver. binding rule When installing a child car seat in the front seat, the front airbag is deactivated. And motorists believe that a cradle from a baby stroller can serve as a child restraint in the car, but this is not so. The baby in the carrycot is not properly secured. In addition, the cradle of the stroller can only be installed in the passenger compartment sideways in the direction of travel, which gives too little safety for the child in the event of an accident.

In addition, children under the age of 5 years are recommended to be transported in a car facing against the direction of travel. Accordingly, the child car seat will need to be installed in the passenger compartment backwards. It's connected with physiological feature children in early age. In a child under 5 years of age, the proportion of the head is much larger in relation to the body. At the same time, the child's neck remains fragile. It is known that in the event of a frontal impact of a car, a person experiences too much stress. After the impact, the unsecured head will continue to move forward, while the shoulders and chest will be held in place by the seat belt. A child under the age of 5, if he sits facing traffic, can get a fracture of the cervical vertebrae during a frontal impact of a car. But if you install the child car seat backwards, then in the event of a blow to the head small child will be held by the seat itself.

Many car owners with children are interested in the question of where it would be safest to install a child car seat in the car. According to statistics, the safest place is considered to be the seat on the back sofa behind the driver.

Until what age should children sit in child car seats

Traffic Laws Russian Federation there is clause 22.9, according to which it turns out that children in the passenger compartment of the car must be transported in child car seats under the age of 12 years. Only when the height of the child has become more than 140 centimeters, it can be transported in a car without a child car seat. It is this growth that allows, in the case of fastening with a standard seat belt, to avoid a large one later during an accident. If your child is over 12 years old and still under 140 centimeters tall, traffic regulations recommend that you continue to use the child car seat.

Classification of child car seats

Child car seats are divided into various groups depending on the weight of the child. highest weight that a child car seat can support is 36 kilograms. This does not mean that it will fall apart if a child weighing, say, 40 kilograms sits on it. If a child weighs more than 36 kilograms, but his height is less than 140 centimeters, this means that it will not be safe for him to ride in a car wearing a standard seat belt without a child car seat. Such a child should still be seated in a car in a child car seat.

All over the world, child car seats are divided into groups according to the weight and age of the child. This classification is also supported by the Russian GOST. The division into groups allows you to choose a model in accordance with the weight of the child.

* Group 1 rear facing car seats are available.

Group 0 car seat is a car seat designed for newborns and small children. She looks like a basket stroller equipped with internal seat belts. The infant car seat is installed on the rear sofa perpendicular to the direction of travel and is fixed with a regular car seat belt.

All over the world, child car seats are divided into groups according to the weight and age of the child. This classification is also supported by the Russian GOST. The division into groups allows you to choose a model in accordance with the weight of the child.

Car seat group 0+ (carrying) - designed for babies from birth to about 1 year. The seat has a bowl-shaped body, internal five-point harnesses and comfortable handle to carry a baby. The car seat is installed facing against the movement of the car. This situation is explained by the need to unload the fragile neck and spine of the baby. Hard braking provokes a deadly “nod” of the head, which is eliminated when the car seat is correctly installed “facing against the direction of travel”.

The group 1 car seat is intended for children who are already sitting confidently, that is, from about 1 year old. It is installed facing in the direction of travel. The seat necessarily has an internal five-point harness or a holding table, as well as a comfortable tilt for sleeping. A child can stay in a Group 1 car seat until they reach a weight of 15-18 kg.

The group 2 car seat is designed for children from 3 to 7 years old. The seats in this group pure form are very rare. Usually, manufacturers of child car seats combine models into a group of 2-3.

The group 2-3 car seat is designed for children from 3 to 12 years old. It does not have an internal five-point harness, so the child is fastened using a regular seat belt, which is passed through special guides. Some car seats in this group have a slight angle of inclination for relaxation.

A group 3 car seat (booster) is a seat without a back. The booster has a solid construction, armrests and special belt guides. From a safety point of view, boosters are undesirable, since they lack side protection. Their use is possible if the child is already tall (height over 130-135 cm). But in this case, a full-fledged chair of group 2-3 is more suitable option. It is often written on boosters that they can be used from the age of 4, which, in our opinion, is unacceptable.

The transport legislation provides important rule associated with the mandatory transportation of children in special devices with mounts. First of all, these are child car seats. To ensure safety, chairs must be of high quality and equipped with all the necessary fasteners.

In order for the child to be comfortable and protected, the choice of a chair must be accompanied by a compliance with the parameters of weight and age. So until what age should children move in chairs?

Until what age do you need a child car seat

The rules of the road determine the strict observance of the conditions for transporting children in vehicles:

  • obligatory transportation of children under 12 years old in restraints;
  • infants can be transported in other similar devices, equipped with seat belts;
  • during transportation children under 12 years old are fastened in front only with belts of a special device.

In addition to ensuring the safety of your child, which is the most important thing, if you follow the rules on the age limit for transporting children in a seat, you can protect yourself from serious expenses. Indeed, for the transportation of a child without the use of a restraint, a fine of 500 rubles is set, it can be appointed a myriad of times. In other words, how many times the traffic police inspector stops, so many decisions will be issued.

What are the devices for transporting children in a car

It is recommended to carry newborns in special regulating chairs. With age, the feature of the elements of the device changes, the belts should be stronger, and the fasteners should be tighter. Therefore, manufacturers, releasing various series and unique models of chairs, adhere to standard weight groups:

Seat belts are used to secure children in restraints. Depending on the device group, the following fastening features are considered:

  1. Child car seats of groups o and 1 can be mounted on a special Isofix mount. Some devices have an additional platform along the bottom of the device. The use of restraint seats with Isofix mounting is only possible in vehicles where there are bases built into the seats for attaching the bracket. Thanks to the special bracket fastening, the child is protected from tipping over.
  2. Devices 0, 0+ and 1 are equipped with seat belts, which, when attached, pass through the openings provided for them on the device itself. At the same time, to prevent slipping of the belt, especially at the time of the accident, it is fixed with a special clip.
  3. Devices 2 and 3 are not equipped with their own belts. The safe position of the child in them is fixed by standard car belts.

For comfortable transportation of the child, most of the seats are endowed with an orthopedic shape. The frame of the devices is made of lightweight metal or impact-resistant plastic. The chairs are upholstered in a soft yet durable fabric. Most of the devices provide for the presence of reinforced side walls.

Today in the market of child restraints you can buy:

  • built-in car seats provided by a complete set of separate brands;
  • car seats, complete with which it is provided chassis for walking;
  • belt adapters, the latest devices for transporting children from 4 years old, the principle of which is to adjust and control the operation of standard seat belts.

Why should I transport my child in a child restraint?

Most of the passengers involved in an accident are maimed or fatally injured as a result of not wearing their seat belts.

During sudden braking, unsecured passengers tumble around the car, get hit and fly out through the glass. It is important that the passengers of vehicles are very often children.

Built-in seat belts are not designed to tightly fix the child's body because they can slide and fly. In addition, the car seat is made to fit the body shape of an adult. As a result, the child will not be protected.

In addition, if adults are able to maintain balance under certain circumstances, then children cannot physically do this. In the event of an accident, a lightweight person will begin to tumble and fly around the car much faster, respectively, the child is at greater risk during transportation than his parents.

Ordinary pillows or homemade seats cannot guarantee the safety of the child, since its high-quality fixation is important. Special restraints are equipped not only with seat belt anchors, but also with additional side protections.

Carry cots instead of car seats

It is undesirable to use cradles from a stroller for transporting infants for several reasons:

  • Firstly, the cradles themselves are not attached to car seats, which means that in emergency situations they can easily move with the child;
  • Secondly, The attachment straps of the carrycot are not designed to ensure the safety of the child during road transport. The buckles on their belts are not strong enough.
  • Third, infant carriers, unlike stroller cradles, are made of special light metals or impact-resistant plastic. During an impact, the frame of the cradle from the stroller can break or bend, resulting in serious harm to the baby.
  • Fourth, the position of the cradle from the stroller, even having an orthopedic shape, provides for a vibrational effect on baby from a low speed, but not a car speed, reaching an average of 100 km / h.

Why do small children need to be carried rear-facing?

A prerequisite for the transportation of small children in special restraints is their fastening facing against the direction of the car, because:

  • this position provides support for the head, back and neck of the baby in the event of a frontal collision, while reducing the risk of injury cervical spine;
  • in a collision, the car seat moves with the restrained baby, reducing pressure on the spine;
  • in the event of a collision, the main force will be assumed not baby body, and the car seat frame.
  • It is necessary to transport a child in a rear-facing car seat until one year of age or until they reach a weight of 9 kg. ;
  • although it is desirable to transport a small child in this position for as long as possible, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the weight and height of the baby;
  • children with poor head control, will have to be transported in a position against the direction of the car until the head is fixed on its own.

Transportation of children under 12 in a special seat is a strict rule and prerequisite which must be followed by drivers. In no case should you carry a child in your arms, because in the event of sudden braking or a collision, there is a huge risk of crushing him with you.

To reduce the risk of injury and injury to children, in addition to using a car seat or infant carrier, it is important to fulfill a number of related requirements:

  • do not carry loose items in the car;
  • in no case do not fasten a child and an adult with a single belt;
  • always, if there are small passengers, observe a reduced speed limit.

For younger generation it is very important to organize a special equipped chair for trips in the car.

Baby car seat required item for the following age categories:

  • Up to a year;
  • From one to six years;
  • From six years to twelve.

In addition to the distribution system, there is also a distribution of car seat categories for children by weight category. To carry your baby comfortably and safely, choose a car seat according to the data of the child.

At what age do you need a car seat?

According to the rules of the road, the baby from the first day of life is transported in the car in a car seat.

The child is attached to the car seat according to the principle of fastening in a stroller.

A car seat for a child is important for the following:

  • child safety;
  • Comfort for parents;
  • Healthy baby sleep;

Until what age can a car seat be used?

By traffic rules, the recommended age for ending a child in a car seat is twelve years old. But here everything is individual. A child may be very small in weight, and he may already be just twelve. Experts advise carrying a child in a car seat until the weight reaches thirty-six kilograms.

Baby seat - why is it?

Benefits of a car seat:

  • The child is securely fixed in one place.
  • The child will not move around the car and will not fall if the car stops.
  • An arc with toys can be attached to the car seat so that the baby does not get bored on the trip.
  • The child is securely fastened to the seat, and will not slide on the seat while riding.
  • Safe location of the child during the trip.

What to look for when choosing a car seat for a child?

Criteria for choosing a car seat for children:

Classification of car seats for children by age and weight

Safely transporting a child in a car is the direct responsibility of the parent. This applies to all spheres of life, including movement in the car. A comfortable car seat will allow you to comfortably be in the car. And in emergency save health and even life.

Group 0

Group 0- designed for babies weighing up to 10 kg, from birth to a year. These are infant carriers suitable for babies from birth. The baby in it is lying down and is fastened with a special soft belt. The cradle is fixed in the car perpendicular to the movement.

The advantage of the device is a flat surface, which is suitable for a newborn. Such a car seat has a short period of operation. The kid grows up quickly, and there is a need to replace. The cradle is heavy (from 6 kg) and takes up two places in the car at once.

Groups 0+

Groups 0+ - weight up to 13 kg, age up to one and a half years. Category 0+ includes carrying chairs, in which the baby is located at an angle of 110 degrees, they have a comfortable handle and are light. The carrier is installed against the direction of travel.

Often infant carriers 0+ come as part of 3 in 1 strollers and can be installed on the wheelbase.

Group 1

Group 1
- weight from 9 to 18 kg, age from one to four years. This chair has several tilt positions, equipped with five-point seat belts. It is installed along the way.

With the airbags deactivated, it can even be positioned on front seat.

The device itself needs to be attached to the seat using straps and does not require special system fasteners. It has a comfortable headrest and an additional soft insert for comfortable use.

Groups 2

Groups 2- from 15 to 25 kg, from three to seven years. These are chairs for preschool and younger children. preschool age. The height of the back of the chairs is adjustable depending on the height. The child is wearing a seat belt in the car. Armchairs from 15 to 25 kg are equipped with a headrest with lateral support.

Group 3

Group 3from 22 to 36 kg, from six to ten years.

Until January 1, 2017, children over six years of age could be transported using a booster or triangle. Booster is a seat without a back, in some models - with armrests. But from January 1, 2017, boosters are prohibited!

Alternative - transforming chairs designed for several age groups - 1-2-3 or 2-3. They are suitable for children weighing 9-36 and 15-36 kg respectively. The price of such chairs is high, but the period of use is more than one year.

How to attach a child car seat: video

Penalty for not having a car seat

  • As required by law, no restraints may be used as a substitute for a car seat. And adapters for seat belts, boosters are recognized as unsafe for children. Crash tests showed that the child would have been seriously injured in an accident.
  • Children with seven years of age have the right to be in the back seats of the car without a car seat.
  • In the front seat, children from seven to eleven years of age should be secured in an appropriate car seat. age group.
  • Children under seven years of age must be seated in a car in a car seat that is suitable in size.
  • Children from the age of eleven are now equated to adult passengers and can ride both in the front and on back seat without a chair. Previously, this was allowed from the age of twelve.

For non-compliance with these rules, article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3 provides for drivers a fine of 3000 rubles.

It is worth noting that although car seats for children 7-12 years old are optional under the new law, it is still recommended to use them.

Price of car seats for children

Prices depend on the age group, manufacturer, model. Chairs made by Chinese firms (for example, CYBEX) can be purchased at affordable prices. French types of car seats (NANIA) are inexpensive.

German (RECARO, ROMER, HAUCK), Italian (CHICCO, INGLESINA) are more expensive. Expensive models have a high degree protection, they are more convenient, often included There is additional accessories - headrests, tables, footrests.

Prices for child car seats:

The main thing, when choosing, is to see if the purchase matches European standard ECE R44/04.

When can you do without a chair?

Without a special car seat, children from 11 years old are allowed to stay in the car. They are allowed to sit both in front and behind. Children seven years of age and older may ride without a seat, wearing seat belts, but only in the back row of seats.

In all other cases, a car seat is a necessary attribute. It is not allowed to hold an infant in your arms or an already grown child on your lap in a moving car.

A car seat is a mandatory purchase when a child appears in the family. With the variety available, it is not difficult to decide on the choice of a chair.

The right car seat for height, weight and age will allow the child to travel with their parents, play, sleep and even eat in the car. And in an emergency situation - to minimize harm to health.