Most families lean towards the idea of ​​a shared budget. Family budget: joint or separate? Which budget to choose: arguments for a split budget

When people decide to take such a crucial step as creating a strong family, few of the future spouses think about the family budget. However, over time, in everyday life, you have to solve many important financial issues. Therefore, sooner or later, the family faces a very reasonable question about which option for managing the family budget will be most acceptable - a joint budget or a separate one.

Moreover, the question of a separate or joint budget depends not only on how much each of the spouses receives, but also on the model itself living together.

So, the family budget (be it joint or separate) is a kind of plan that allows spouses to regulate and control all their expenses and income. Moreover, the family budget, most often, acts as a kind of indicator matrimonial relations... Of course, any normal spouse always worries about material well-being his family, regardless of who has what income. This approach is typical, as a rule, for spouses with practically the same income. Nevertheless, there are couples who prefer a separate budget, which is especially typical for people who are successful and wealthy. Also, such people most likely have different views on the role of money in a person's life.

Well, for a complete understanding of the joint and separate budgets and which one will be most acceptable for each individual family, you need to consider them in a little more detail.

For which families is a joint budget best suited?

So, such a model as a joint budget is the most common in our society. It involves keeping all the money earned by both spouses in one place, and then, by mutual agreement, this money is spent on necessary things, payments and purchases. The main virtue of running a joint budget is unity and cohesion experienced by spouses in the family. In addition, this method necessarily assumes mutual trust, responsibility and willingness to make concessions. That is, for example, a wife on maternity leave will not have to constantly "beg" money from her working husband for things necessary for herself or her child. Both spouses should always have free access to finance, because people have trust and respect for each other.

But you need to understand that the joint budget is really good only in those situations when the incomes are almost identical. Otherwise, the spouse who earns significantly more may begin (over time) to occupy a dominant position in the pair, demonstrating his superiority to his half. In turn, the second one, bringing less income, or even being dependent, will begin to complex about this. And this, sooner or later, will certainly lead to conflicts and quarrels.

So if a couple has sincere, and most importantly - trusting relationship, as well as incomes practically equal in amount - the joint budget will be simple ideal option... Otherwise, you should think about a different model for managing your finances - a separate budget.

For which families is a split budget more suitable?

The most common split budget is foreign countries, therefore, in our society, this approach is only gaining momentum. A separate budget is typical for those families where both spouses have a fairly substantial financial position, good, high-paying job and social status... Thus, a separate budget assumes that each spouse has separate accounts, although it does not exclude a certain percentage of joint spending. Especially acceptable for those women who constantly strive to be independent, and do not want to constantly depend on men. In this case, each of the spouses spends at their own discretion and on their own needs exactly as much as they deem necessary.

The main advantage of a separate approach to the family budget is that there is no need to constantly "report" to your half about where the next thousand was spent. And also in the fact that there is no need to constantly conflict over certain financial issues.

Of course, despite this, if the need arises, it is necessary to discuss rather large acquisitions, payments for utilities, insurance premiums, and so on, for the purchase or payment of which you still have to "discount". However, all these issues, as a rule, are negotiated in advance, without any delays and excesses.

The separate budget also has drawbacks, the main one of which is that the family loses its unity, and in most cases, mutual trust. Each of the spouses begins to live their own separate life, as if ignoring the interests of the other, without going into the details of the life of the other. Isolation and unwillingness to be directly involved in the achievement of some common goals is a clear disadvantage of families who prefer to keep a separate budget, rather than a joint one.

Next: How to quickly find money?

But on the other hand, endless skirmishes on the subject: why did you buy this, but why do you buy that - also, as it were, do not dispose to a happy family life. Separate budget has advantages, trust me. I already know what it is.

  • #5

    I believe that loving friend friend of people (spouses), everything should be common, including family money (their so-called budget). Why is this carve-up? It doesn't bring people together !!!

  • #4

    As for me, the separate budget has its advantages, but not 100% need to divide everything. For example, food needs to be done at a common expense, otherwise it will be a little business in the refrigerator.

  • #3

    I don’t know - for our family, a separate budget is something beyond understanding a normal family life. A family is a family, that is a cell in which everything is in common ... But probably someone else, the times are still ...

  • #2

    Only a separate budget should be! Or, as an option, each of the spouses contributes 50% of the income to the common fund. The rest is just personal. I am pissed off by her cosmetics, her new compressor for my car. All separately - zero questions!

  • #1

    It used to be wild for me that someone has a separate budget in families. But, as scary as it sounds, my family has recently also had a separate budget. And you know, this has significant advantages. At the very least, there are fewer reasons for quarrels. Life is a strange thing ...

  • With marriage, young people face the question of what their family budget will be: will all the money earned be kept in a common bedside table, or will each of the spouses keep and spend their hard-earned money regardless of their half?

    Of course, most families spend money together, but there are also families for whom a separate budget is the norm.

    Since the financial viability (and!) Of a woman is one of the main criteria for her success, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" decided to find out how the model of separate family budget management is implemented in practice, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and for which families it is more suitable.

    When money is apart ...

    A separate family budget in the classical sense is allocation by both spouses of equal cash shares for common expenses(utility bills, groceries, general savings, etc.), while the rest of the earned, each of the spouses spends as he pleases. Money is usually kept in different bank accounts.

    If one of the spouses needs money, he borrows from the other, subject to the obligatory repayment of the debt (unless otherwise agreed).

    Family budget: joint or separate?

    There is no definite answer to this question, each married couple solves it independently. The decisive importance here is not so much the size of the income of both spouses and their ratio, but the characteristics of the character of the husband and wife and the relationship between them.

    Separate budgeting is more often practiced in families where both spouses earn a lot.

    At first glance, it may seem that such an approach to managing the family budget separates two close people, in fact, they are just manage personal finances competently, and this does not affect intra-family relations.

    On the contrary, oh financial well-being both spouses take care of the family at the same time, and not only the one who earns the most. True, so that a separate family budget is not a reason for quarrels, spouses need to discuss all the details of such a family budget model in advance.

    Not only financially successful people prefer to share finances, but also those couples in which one of the spouses must fulfill obligations in relation to relatives or children from previous marriages.

    But in a situation where the main earner in the family is one of the spouses (usually a man), and the other is dependent on him (a wife with a child), the best option there will be a joint budget. Here, the man takes responsibility for financial well-being, and the woman takes care of the children and the home.

    The question of whether to choose a joint budget or a separate one does not arise for those spouses who earn equally little. In this case, all incomes by default are added to one box and disappear immediately after everything you need is bought / paid for. Well, since there is nothing to divide in the end, there is no need to divide the budget in this case.

    Which budget to choose: arguments for a split budget

    Despite the fact that separate budget management is alien to the mentality of Russian people, today there are many married couples for whom it is a reality. Once they have dropped all conventions, they no longer imagine their financial life any differently. Moreover, over time, they find more and more arguments in favor of the separation of finances in the family.

    • Personal responsibility

    Left alone with your earnings, you learn to plan your budget: you figure out how much you will contribute to pay utility bills, how much you will leave for groceries, how much you will spend on a child. You can't do without it! After all, on yourself you can spend only the amount remaining after all the deductions. This kind of planning disciplines and forces you to be more accountable.

    • Independence

    A separate budget with your husband gives you independence, allows you to no longer hide your purchases from household members, eliminates the need to make excuses. Think you need a seventh pair autumn boots for the new season - please! You have every right to spend the money you earned on yourself! You are no longer wasting family money, but you are making the necessary purchases, in your opinion.

    • Honesty and openness

    There is no longer any need for nesting and making excuses whenever a spouse suddenly finds one. Now every spouse can legally spend money on whatever he sees fit, or simply keep it on his bank card.

    • Lack of reason for quarrels

    Many are familiar with the situation when a husband, having given his wife his salary, wonders where she is putting the money. Shared budget with spouse - great chancelet him know what his salary is really enough for. Perhaps, having lived for a month or two on his salary, the husband will finally appreciate his wife's ability to "stretch" the salary and will no longer reproach her for excessive wastefulness.

    • The ability to save

    Each of us has a dream, and, as a rule, the other half rarely shares our desire to buy a house by a forest lake, get to Scotland or buy a home theater in remote control... A separate approach to managing the family's budget allows not to put all the money in the cauldron called "common needs", but to save, save, save. And so on until the dream comes true.

    • The gift will be a gift

    Spouses' gifts to each other are a special topic. Since the money for it is allocated from the general budget, the gift is more like a regular purchase, the need for which was agreed upon by both spouses. A separate budget allows you to feel all the joy of gifts.

    As you can see, the arguments for separation family finance weighty enough. And even the main counterargument that spouses move away from each other with this approach to the family budget does not seem so convincing.

    Remember: universal recipe family financial happiness does not exist.

    The main thing here is be able to openly and honestly talk with each other about money, and then you will definitely find the option of the family budget that suits you. Who knows, perhaps you will also opt for a split budget.

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    Have you noticed that almost every topic starts with a budget statement? I earn so much, my husband - so much, and so and so ... Or: I am on maternity leave, I don’t have any money of my own, my husband gives out for the child and the household. And then complaints and questions follow: is it possible to fix the relationship, or everything goes to divorce ... Psychotherapist Artem Tolokonin in his book "Secrets of Successful Families" states: nothing undermines relationships like the distrust of spouses in financial matters.

    Money is trust

    From my point of view, money has two functions. Historical - to be the universal equivalent, payment system... This meaning is clear to everyone. This is the equivalent of effort, energy, time, spending which, you get something in return.

    But money has another function, a psychological one. Money is the measure of a relationship. If we value something, love something, then we will always pay for it, no matter how much it costs. Not everything is measured by money, but the attitude towards money is very important indicator family relationships.

    If the budget is built unipolarly, if a man is in charge of finances alone, allocating only a small part to his wife for household needs, manages spending, controls expenses - checks receipts from stores, then this relationship cannot be called harmonious. The more love, harmony, mutual understanding in the family, the more developed the concept of common money.

    And it doesn't matter who earns more. If people love each other, money will still be shared, and the financial position will be as open and consistent as possible. All the prejudices associated with money actually characterize the partner's problems.

    If only a man has material opportunities in a family, and a woman is not allowed to spend money on her own and without restrictions, then a victim and a tyrant found each other here. One tightly limits the budget and manages the situation. And the other obediently obeys, and often believing that this is the norm, "it should be so."

    I have met very wealthy families in which a woman is forced to humiliate herself in order to ask for an extra $ 100 to buy something for herself. What will be the furniture in the house, the husband decides. The husband decides which car to drive.

    Money shows who trusts whom. This is a characteristic of the quality of love. Love is a feeling of unity with a person, and if it is calculated as a percentage, expressed in money, then there is no love here.

    In a well-to-do family, material inequality is especially noticeable. A husband can squander money in a casino, spend it on expensive purchases for himself, and his wife is content with the limited amount that he transfers to her card every month. Of this money, she usually has to pay service personnel to buy food. And only what remains can be spent on yourself. This creates tremendous moral discomfort for a woman. As a rule, such marriages break up sooner or later, because a woman cannot endure endlessly financially dependent position.

    Money is a litmus test family relations ... And the problem, which, it would seem, is expressed only in relation to finance, is present in other areas as well.

    Husband and wife: who is more?

    There is a myth that successful man, earning more than his wife, has the right to manage these finances alone. Classical Russian version rich families. About 20 years ago, they met just students who, apart from a scholarship, had nothing. Let's go to work. She believed in him, loved him, gave birth to children, even helped to do business at first. Then he abruptly went uphill, and within 5-10 years the relationship was transformed. Not two loving students, but “I'm the boss here, you're nobody here. I give you money, what else do you want? " And this tradition of material relations in the family ends tragically: loud divorces, leaving the family, betrayal.

    Because if both partners in marriage do not find harmony, then they still somehow have to compensate for it: either by relationships with others, or with the help of alcohol or drugs, or some other substitutes. Therefore, the second - psychological - function of money is very important.

    We looked at a situation where a man earns more. But now the situation is just as common when a woman earns bigger than men... In some families, this is a hotbed of tension for many years. Roles in the family change, and a man not only does not earn money, but also stops developing, often just leaves work and sits at home, annoying his wife. That is, material inequality in the "female" side also affects all other sides. family life.

    But there are other stories as well. For example, a married couple. My husband is a programmer, mathematician, techie, a very talented person, but a little "in himself", impractical, does not get along in any job. Therefore, for the most part sits at home in search of interesting projects.

    And the wife is making a career, she is a HR director, a top manager, a public figure. It would seem that she should have sent him kicks to work a long time ago. But no, it's very harmonious family... They travel, travel, the husband takes care of the child. They do a lot for each other and not only do not get divorced - they really have joy and love in their family. These people managed to go through what many women who have become more successful than their husbands stumble on: they do not consider who should earn more.

    The very idea that a man must be the breadwinner of the family is a myth. A man should earn as much as he can. And if he loves a woman, then in the family, as a rule, this inequality is smoothed out by relationships. Moreover, as my experience of observing successful families shows, only one person is often interested in big money in a family.

    For example, a woman fully believes in her husband, believes that he will cope, and does not interfere. She just knows this about herself, and the man realizes his projects, feeding on the energy that she gives him. The same is true if the woman is more successful. In her successes, there is often the merit of her man, who supports her, relieves her of some of her everyday worries.

    Imagine that successful woman, which I described above, would live according to the traditional scenario: at any cost, I would force my husband to earn relatively little money by programming, and she herself would cook porridge at home. That is, neither she would self-actualize, nor he. And it's good that she had the strength and breadth of views to go beyond traditional script... Therefore, it does not matter who in the family earns more, it is important that people love each other, understand and support each other.

    And if there is trust, then the money will inevitably be shared. They can be on the same account or on different ones, it doesn't matter, it's technical moment... But there is an idea of ​​who earns how much, there is an understanding that this is common money, and there is their joint distribution. Being able to negotiate costs is part of the partnership. That is, money can ruin a family, but it can strengthen it.

    On the marriage contract I look from the same position. I do not discourage people from concluding it. If this suits you - please! But if you really love each other, trust completely, and enjoy your relationship, then your money isn't going anywhere. In the words "jointly" acquired property, the main word is "jointly", and not at all "acquired".

    One more point. We talked about wealthy families who have been on the road to success since both spouses were students. But other situations are also common. Initially, one partner is very rich, it does not matter if it is a man or a woman, and the other is nobody.

    In such situations, the need to balance both partner cultures comes to the fore. If a woman treats herself like a commoner who has had the happiness of getting into rich family, then it is very difficult to convince her otherwise. And usually, alas, these relationships end sooner or later, because there is no equality in them, which means there is no partnership either.

    The main criterion for partnership is not material property, not intellectual baggage, not education, but love. This is the basis, and everything else is a consequence. Only that which is based on this basis can exist harmoniously. Only on this basis can potential problem areas, develop a different attitude towards them.

    A special case of attitude to money - family business, when both a man and a woman work in the same company, they earn money together. It is believed that a man and a woman should not do the same thing. I believe that everyone decides this question for himself. This is the choice of every family and every person. In my opinion, it is great when people are ready to do something together, to take risks, to look at the same process in different ways.

    Budget as medicine

    And for a psychologist, money is the easiest thing to change in a disharmonious family. This is where you can start. Budgeting help is a medicine for spouses to help them get out of conflict. After all, money is just pieces of paper. You can't buy health with them, you can't buy love with them. And the one who counts his significance in money is mistaken, invests health and relationships in this process.

    But if such a person is given knowledge and understanding in this area, he will correctly perceive the money and dispose of it correctly. When the relationship turns into partnership, he will learn to have fun negotiating. You don't have to suffer for decades, but work it out in six months, looking at money as a measure of relationships, which really shows both the balance of power in the family and the degree of spiritual comfort of the spouses.

    I help people form a common budget, learn to agree on who spends their common money where, I make sure that this is a joint business and a partnership position, and relations become easier.

    Recently, at the training, one participant told her story: she earns a lot, and her husband - much less, but all the time she threatens that he will leave her. They have two children. Now she wants to buy an apartment, and a dilemma has arisen: whether to make it the owner? At the same time, the husband wants them to have a large apartment, if there is such a financial opportunity.

    And I tell her: try to trust! You have created a separate platform for yourself, because you think it is unreliable, but by doing so, you do not give it and yourself a chance. And you accept it as it is, and act on this basis.

    A month later, she told me: “We bought an apartment, I consulted with him and made it clear that his opinion is important to me. And in the process, our relationship has improved. The scandals are gone, I feel much more comfortable. "

    So the overall budget can be the cure. And it doesn't matter what the budget is: five million rubles, fifty thousand rubles or five million dollars. There is no difference, everything is the same: either this is a partnership, or material racketeering and moral pressure as a result.

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    It seemed to me alone that the text was quite adequate ?! :)

    It seemed to me alone that " creative person"dreams of finding an ambitious" workhorse "and sitting on his neck ?!

    Pink snot of a young green, let's see how he will sing like this in 10-15 years, when he gains experience.

    Comment on article " Family happiness and a separate budget are incompatible? "

    It is not so advisable to divide the budget separately. The husband's money is the general money that he manages, but for the maintenance of the whole family. A joint budget is beneficial w - with a traditional, non-partner marriage When does not earn or very little Am - at times ...


    I also don’t understand a separate budget in the family .. it is possible only if both have enough money to provide for the whole family, without prejudice to anyone, and if they barely have enough for themselves, then a separate budget will not work, or there will be no family ..

    When they talk about separate budgets, they still talk about a decision to remove the conflict component in finances, when one "everything to the house, everything to the family", and the other can let everything go in one day, for example. And the incomes are comparable, albeit not the same, but with the same number of digits in the sum +/-.
    And you write about a financially insolvent husband, where the wife essentially supports the family. So it follows from your description.

    Family budget for cohabitation young family with parents. And so from the very beginning of family life, except for the purchase of an apartment, my parents Separate budget - separate living, this is no longer a family. Don't confuse budget with pocket money.


    According to your description, a man looks more like a cunning gigolo, if he strictly keeps records of 300m rubles, then an iPhone for 70 thousand is an expedient waste for him to lull your vigilance. take a closer look. Your kids should come first in any relationship.

    Tell him so. You are even better off that you earn so well. If he wants to be near you, then the question of money should disappear.

    03/07/2017 15:38:19, Alexandra300

    About money in the family. Good day to all. A friend recently said that she and her husband have a separate budget. She is on maternity leave with a child, works from home, her husband has a business and office work... Everyone pays for his Wishlist himself, all common expenses exactly in half.


    You better not think about them at all. That family is so comfortable with it and you can't convince them. You may be happy with it differently. But, believe me, she works much better than she does on maternity leave, and her husband does not help with the child or at work. And such options suit some, too. Live the way you like. A split budget is not the worst thing.

    Open a joint bank account, each has a card. Everything is transparent. Big spending discuss beforehand.

    If the budget is general, then from it is taken for children as much as is needed in this moment... As it happens in families with common children, it is not incomprehensible to me how the "general budget" and "expenses for children in proportion to income" can be combined. Budget or general or expenses ...


    children chew with their parents?

    Ya do not understand how you can divide the budget within the family. Cooked cutlets ... and share how much to whom? Let's go skiing together ... one child can ride the ski lift for 2 days, and the other one? So chtoli?

    If the children live with their parents, then all the expenses are the expenses of the family, not the children. An exception is a fancy iPhone, for example. But I wouldn't do business
    to have children within the family, it doesn't matter. They quarrel, parents will have a problem how to reconcile them.

    Ya is lazy. I want the family to live together. All - equally.

    10/05/2012 19:58:25, masha__usa

    You know, it seems to me that there is no need for any mathematics. I thought for a long time and did not want to write anything in this post. It's just this. If you love your NM, then you will not ask all these questions. You will have a common budget and everything will be equal to both his children and yours. And if he loves you, there will be no repairs to the BZ. And all his income will go only to your family.
    And if such mutual feelings you do not, if both of you are sitting calculating and calculating, then there is no need to live together. He will not be able to become a full-fledged husband to you, a father to a child. Why do you need all this? You worsen material conditions your own, your child. For what? And he is trying to live in this way at your expense and make repairs to the BZ? This makes no sense! Under such conditions, I would not live together. So are lover friends, but no more. And you will calmly spend your money on yourself and your child.

    The husband offered to live separately for finances, like family concerns and purchases in half We have been living on a separate budget for a hundred years. We do not add anything to any common heap. all this would be true if there were no set strong families with separate ...


    We have a joint budget. But I want to initiate its division. Because my husband has been controlling me in sweets for over a year now. He believes that this is an unnecessary item of expenditure. While he smokes and allows himself beer on weekends. I don’t think he has it all cheaper than my sweets per month. That's actually all love. We swear over this little thing whole year... I feel like I’m afraid every time of another conversation, I’m looking for some when it starts with half a turn, but I can’t deny myself this. But I also need a family. Itself has grown incomplete. I don’t want the same for my children. And I don’t know what to do. I have no strength to discuss this nonsense every time

    12.09.2018 08:33:43, Valentina Valentinovna Volodina

    I was motivated to split the budget for completely different reasons, but for example ...
    I really want a car. Not for the sake of convenience, but just getting a huge buzz from the driving process. Those. it can be considered that this is my hobby, on which I agree to spend money. The husband categorically does not want a car, because it’s a constant waste of money, but we don’t need a car (I agree with this, we don’t NEED a car, we just WANT it as a hobby). The cost of the car is very tangible for us, it needs to be saved for 1-2 years. I am ready for this to shrink in spending, and significantly. I cannot force my husband to squeeze on something that he does not want. In the case of a separate budget, this issue is easily resolved.

    At the same time, no one forbids you to buy some toys-things for your grandson just as a gift. But this is different. like someone who will sink something and burst.

    but there is a general account once a month
    we both translate the same amount and say 5,000. and 2000 husband 3000
    Myzh translates more as it earns more.
    The money goes to babysitting, house payments, utilities, food, cultural events and
    all large purchases for oneself such as a car, expensive clothes, as well as helping relatives, etc. everyone pays from their own account.
    if someone loses his job, the one who works pays everything.

    02/06/2003 21:45:45, koley

    In our family with my husband, I have a separate budget, I have my own money, my husband has his own. We go to the store together, the one who has the money pays. Therefore, personally, I think that the family budget should be general, regardless of who earns how much money.


    If everything is well in the family, as in emotionally, and in monetary terms, it is all the same what the budget is. And if there are problems, here and Kasyanov with the right budget will not help anyone.

    04/19/2001 15:52:50, AleXXX

    Naturally, in this matter, everyone chooses what suits him best. However, it seems to me personally that the principle of "common economy" should be the determining factor here, which, IMHO, is decisive in determining whether there is a family or not. And the common economy means that no matter who does what, everyone, in the end, works for a common result. For example, when a family buys an apartment, the living space is legally registered for one person. But this does not mean that the apartment belongs to only one spouse, and the other one just "went out for a walk." This is just how the legal system works. In fact, this apartment is shared, because the money for it was earned together. Is that someone has invested more money, and someone more work.

    Therefore, personally, I think that the family budget should be general, regardless of who earns how much money. General, in the sense that money really adds up to a common cauldron. Then it is determined that from the general budget some amount is allocated for food, some for personal expenses, some for utilities and other payments, some for long-term savings and large purchases, etc. The difference comes down to who and to what extent reports to the family for specific expenses. Personal money is spent without any report at all. For they are personal. Money for food is spent only on food. Whoever goes to the store spends. Is that more or less adhering to the selection of products accepted in a particular family. Large purchases are made either jointly, or someone buys one, "authorized", but only after receiving these very powers at the family council.

    Ksenia Titova

    When partners decide to live together, one of the first questions that arise before them is the question of the family budget. Of the three possible forms its conduct - separate, split-share and joint - the latter is the most popular. Is it as good as it is commonly believed, and who does it really suit?

    The joint budget is the "common pot" where couples gather their cash... All expenses are also derived from it. This also applies utilities, and food, and payments on loans, and personal expenses of each of the partners.

    As with any family household financing system, the overall budget has its pros and cons. Before making a decision, it is important to consider both sides of the coin so that money question as a result, it did not become a source of conflict for couples.

    Arguments for

    Nothing helps to feel like a family as effectively as common affairs and interests. Family budget- far from the last thing in family list so doing home bookkeeping can bring spouses closer together. From planning expenses and incomes flow smoothly general plans and dreams that are born in the process of discussion.

    The total budget is also extra reason talk and chat with each other. Work, the Internet, everyday worries sometimes take too much time and energy from us. And put aside everything that does not burn. Budgeting cannot be canceled or rescheduled as easily as, for example, watching a movie together or going to a cafe. A discussion joint purchases can give a good start to the discussion of many important topics or just some nice chatter.

    Learn all about your other half. How a person treats money, what principles he adheres to when planning his income and expenses, can tell a lot about him. With separate and shared budgets, some nuances may go unnoticed, and then emerge in the most unexpected situation, turning into an unpleasant surprise. But the joint budget leaves no loopholes - both spouses are at a glance.

    Support and confidence. When spouses feel confident in each other and feel supported, the family climate improves.

    Less spontaneous purchases. Deliberate spending. Convenience when accumulating. The need to negotiate and be responsible to another person is very disciplining a spender. When an additional link arises between you and the purchase, even just in the form of the need to call and consult with your husband, the likelihood of a spontaneous purchase is sharply reduced. And the opportunity to save up for a really necessary large purchase is increasing. For people who are tight-fisted in spending, the need to negotiate is also beneficial: a partner can motivate him to make plans and purchases, which in another situation a curmudgeon would never have dared to do. For example, take an unforgettable journey.

    Effective division of labor. When two people take up a joint business, it is best to divide the responsibility according to ability. One of the oldest such schemes: a man earns, and a woman spends. IN modern world there are more complex options division of areas of responsibility. For example, a spouse in a more stable job is responsible for the main budget expenses, and a freelance spouse is responsible for vacation, travel and large purchases.

    Arguments against

    There is no personal space associated with spending and investments. This implies the need to negotiate or choose the person responsible for the budget. This form of dependence on another person, as the need to constantly negotiate, is not suitable for everyone. People who are too independent and freedom-loving, on the contrary, it may not unite, but provide an additional environment for conflicts.

    A man and a woman may not understand each other in terms of needs. Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to a man why he needs five pairs of tights or a procedure by a beautician, after which nothing seems to change outwardly. And three types of red lipstick, the shades of which he simply cannot distinguish? Is it easy for a man to explain to a woman what kind of Bulgarian he is going to buy a diamond disc? Or why invest so much money in a car if it already drives great?

    The issue of unequal income for spouses. It is important to remember that at a time when one of the spouses has less or no income (for example, the wife's decree), the budget continues to be joint. This means that the temporarily unemployed spouse still has the right to vote. This is suitable for couples who know how to compromise. If among the spouses someone is sure that the deciding vote is with the one who earns more, then it is worth considering other forms of budgeting.

    Hello, Dear friends and readers of my blog. Artem Bilenko with you. We continue to develop the topic "Family and Personal Budget" and today we will talk about the types of family budget. You can not only study the advantages and disadvantages of each option, but also choose for yourself optimal way personal finance management.

    P.S. Pay attention to "". Here they teach financial literacy... How to manage personal finances in order to save up for a house, apartment, car. How to invest the accumulated money and increase income. Afford annual vacation and travel around the world.

    This is the simplest and most common way to manage your home money. His idea is to first collect all the income of the spouses, and then use it for general needs.

    See how it looks in tabular form.

    Depending on who earns and distributes funds, the joint budget is divided into four types.

    Let's see who is not suitable for this option of organizing finance.

    Here is a diagram of a typical life situation when it may be difficult to maintain a joint budget.

    1. The couple earned money together, managed finances and did not know any problems.
    2. A child was born.
    3. The wife stopped working and her husband began to comment on her expenses, which used to be the norm.
    4. For a while, the established scheme did not change.
    5. As a result of numerous conflicts, the husband began to hide money and the harmony in the relationship was shaken.

    Let's summarize and consider the pros and cons of a shared family budget.

    Each of the spouses takes part in the planning and is fully informed about the state of affairsIf one earns, and another manages the money, then there is high probability conflict situations
    When couples' efforts are united, it is convenient for the family to save up for large savings.If the difference in income of the spouses is significant, then scandals are almost inevitable.
    If in a family both family members earn and have approximately equal income, then it helps to strengthen relations.Each family member has to be held accountable for all the expenses they make. This is extremely inconvenient during the holidays, when you need to secretly buy gifts.

    Separate budget

    This way of organizing finances is typical for developed Western countries, where each family member is ready to defend his independence. The idea behind this scheme is for each spouse to cover the costs of a common and shared nature.

    Consider the types of families that a split budget is not suitable for.

    Consider a fictitious situation that is perfectly acceptable in real life... It reveals the whole drawback of separate planning of finances.

    1. Wealthy man and woman in enough late age decide to get married.
    2. From the first days of their life together, they chose a separate scheme.
    3. Husband invests money in new project and at this time one of his relatives fell ill. An urgent and expensive operation is needed.
    4. Since he does not have enough money of his own, he is forced to seek help from his wife.
    5. At this point, the wife can make an expensive purchase and also be left without the required amount.

    Result: a wealthy family in the right moment there is no amount for urgent needs.

    Let's summarize and analyze this approach.

    Spouses do not depend on each other's salary, so financial conflicts are practically excludedIf spouses are prone to waste and do not plan for the future, then it is difficult to save large sum for general needs
    Each family member can spend as much on their own needs as they like.The couple may have quarrels over who will pay for the common compulsory needs.
    Spouses can arbitrarily spend money on self-developmentIf the income of each spouse is not high enough, there will be not enough money for both general and personal needs.

    Share budget

    This is the most perfect option, covering the disadvantages of the above two approaches. The essence of the equity method is that each member of the couple gives a part of the pre-agreed funds to the general needs, and the remaining amount is spent on themselves.

    Consider the cases in which mixed type planning is not advisable to use.

    Let's analyze a fictional case that will show weaknesses equity planning.

    1. The spouses do not initially worry about their finances and by default use the equity method.
    2. Incomes are approximately the same, so the distribution is as follows: 70% of the salary goes to joint needs, and 30% goes to personal use.
    3. After a while, the husband is transferred to new position where his salary is increased by 200%.
    4. In the general budget, the husband does not change his share and begins more money spend on yourself.
    5. The spouse becomes upset and an unhealthy atmosphere arises in the relationship.

    Let's analyze the pros and cons of a shared family budget.


    Friends, no matter what method of managing the family budget you choose, try to always adhere to simple rule: Add a contingency column. Take the time to watch this video to solidify the topic.

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