Who forgets about power relations. Causes and treatment of forgetfulness. Thyroid disease

Forgetfulness, the causes of which can be very different, is now observed not only in the elderly, as it used to be, but also in very young women and men. Moreover, doctors are not even surprised that this problem often worries students and children school age, which, it would seem, should not worry about their memory at all. About the name of the disease, when a person forgets everything, and what common causes cause memory problems, this article will tell.

It should immediately be noted that the disease of forgetfulness is most susceptible to modern man because his brain is charged daily with a large number of a wide variety of information coming from radio, television and especially the Internet. In this state, the human brain can independently block most of the unnecessary information so as not to be completely overloaded.

Important! Scientists have found that the brain healthy people can sort out at least a tenth of all incoming information and completely ignore it. That is why, in a way, forgetfulness is physiological norm, which allows a person to correctly assimilate information and not “clog” memory with it.

There are the following main reasons that a person’s memory is impaired and he claims to forget words during a conversation, especially if he carefully tries to remember everything at the right time:

  1. Sleep deprivation.
  2. Various diseases of the central nervous system and mental failures.
  3. vascular atherosclerosis.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Diseases thyroid gland.
  7. Osteochondrosis.
  8. Depression.
  9. Flaw useful substances.

Let's take a look at each of these reasons. bad memory in details.

Sleep disturbance

The problem of lack of sleep (see) is very common today, especially among working people who may work at night. Also, with regular watching TV or spending time on the Internet until late in the evening, the human brain does not get enough time to rest and fails in the form of memory impairment.

In addition, you should be aware that disturbed sleep can be negatively displayed on the psycho-emotional background of a person, making him distracted, violating the speed of reaction.

In this state, there is no need to rush to take pills, because solving the problem is simple - you just need to normalize your sleep, sleep at least eight hours a day. This fully compensates for the time spent on rest, because then the brain will work much better.


Head injuries are common cause forgetfulness. At the same time, the more complex the injury, the more serious the consequences can be in the form of memory impairment, nausea, weakness, and even visual impairment. In order to prevent the development of unwanted complications, immediately after the injury, you should consult a doctor, diagnose and treat.

Mental failures

Forgetfulness, the causes and treatment of which is considered by a neurologist, often develops due to mental illness and disorders. This may be, for example, Korsakov's syndrome, which involves a violation of the memorization of current events. This condition is treated for a long time. Sometimes it requires lifelong maintenance therapy. In many ways, treatment depends on the specific cause of the disease.


Many patients forget words when speaking (reasons, symptoms depend on the neglect of the disease). This may be due to, in which blood circulation and blood flow to different parts of the brain tissues are disturbed. This, in turn, can easily impair a person's memory. Treatment given state long. It requires the most accurate compliance with all medical prescriptions.


When diabetes in humans, blood vessels are severely affected. This leads to disruption of blood flow to the brain. Signs of diabetes may include extreme thirst, fatigue, dry mucous membranes, and frequent urination. Also, sometimes there are jumps in blood pressure, a violation of appetite. With these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alzheimer's disease

This disease is just the pathology in which a person's memory and intelligence are irreversibly impaired. Most often it affects older people over the age of 60 years. At the first suspicion of this disease you need to see a doctor right away. With a timely identified pathology, it is easier to treat and slower progression of forgetfulness can be achieved.

Thyroid disease

In such diseases, a person has acute shortage the production of certain hormones that affect the overall deterioration of a person’s well-being, as well as memory loss. In this state of affairs, you need to contact an endocrinologist and take tests. Treatment involves taking medicines, adherence to a diet with iodine (eating fish, persimmons, nuts, seaweed, other products rich in this useful substance).


With this disease, the blood circulation of the brain is severely disturbed in a person, which leads to memory failures. Moreover, sometimes osteochondrosis even leads to a stroke, so it must be treated. Symptoms of this condition will be headaches, weakness and numbness of the fingers.


- this is not only a violation of the human psyche, but also a condition that can impair memory. To eliminate it, the patient should take antidepressants, which will help normalize his condition and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

Lack of nutrients

With a meager, monotonous diet, a person does not receive even half of the vitamins he needs. The same applies to frequent dieting, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients and memory impairment. To prevent this, it is important to eat right and balanced. The diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium and other necessary substances.

So, forgetfulness is not a "character trait." If suddenly you begin to forget words, events or people, you should be worried. You can not engage in self-diagnosis and even more self-treatment. It is better to immediately contact a neurologist, undergo an examination. Only a doctor prescribes medications after establishing the cause.

How long has she been ill? - the paramedic addressed the daughter of an elderly woman.

The temperature rose last night. Until 37.7.

The paramedic glanced at the screen of the pulse oximeter. The device showed 90% blood oxygen saturation. Too little for a daily cold. Even taking into account the age of the patient.

More precisely?

I say last night.

Before that everything was fine? Did the woman feel well?

Yes. Went. Did something. I talked. She, however, has not served herself for a long time. Everything is on me. I cook for her, do laundry, help her clean the apartment.

Do you live with her?

Well ... - the woman hesitated. - I'm not far from here. But every day I come. Mom has been inadequate for five years. After a stroke. But otherwise healthy. Even the cardiogram is like a young one.

It's clear, - the paramedic looked at the tape crawling out of the cardiograph. - Indeed, the cardiogram is quite tolerable for her age.

Well, you see? The woman breathed a sigh of relief. - You don't believe me.

I can't believe she got sick yesterday. There's pneumonia here. And it's bilateral. Let's be honest: how many days has she been sick?

Well maybe two days...

The paramedic looked at the woman point-blank.

Well… something like that. Days…

Ten days, - summed up the paramedic. - Yes?

The woman was silent.

Did you show the doctor?

No. Mom didn't want to disturb anyone. I also thought we could do it ourselves.

So, they didn't make it. Get ready. Now my mother will have to be treated in the hospital. Look for someone to carry the stretcher.

The daughter sighed again and went to the neighbors.

She sighs strangely, thought the paramedic. It's like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Oh, she's darkening something!

Do you remember your aunt? - the hospital doctor caught the paramedic in the emergency department.

I only remember young people. What about an aunt?

Well, you brought it a month ago. In intensive care. Well, with pneumonia!

Ah, - the paramedic wrinkled his forehead, remembering. - I seem to remember. Her daughter accompanied her.

Wo, woo! She is the most. Showed up today. Month neither hearing nor spirit. Didn't answer calls.

Did you like it?

Yes go you! - the doctor followed the paramedic out into the street and put a cigarette in his mouth - A month! Month! I had to write it out twenty days ago! I call my daughter - the phone does not answer! Went to her house and no one was there. It would be possible, of course, to be discharged and taken home, since the grandmother does not have the keys to the apartment, but she herself is generally registered in some kind of darkness! And you can’t open the door to the apartment because of this. The manager tears and fusses that I'm pulling with an extract. You can't prove it to him!

Well, where was your daughter? Didn't ask?

Asked. As soon as I saw her in the hall, I threw a detour, immediately to her. At the resort, she says, she was resting. Anyway, she says, her mother is in the hospital. And care for her, and treatment. And they feed. Is it possible, he says, to leave for another week?

What about you?

He swore to himself, and showed his daughter the price. It's possible, I say. But for a fee. She looked at the price. Then he says that he will think and come tomorrow. Well, I've decided enough is enough. Fuck knows, she will come tomorrow or go to the resorts again. I almost dragged the lady to my mother's ward by force. The sister's things were collected in a minute, the grandmother was dressed and "in chorus" was escorted to a taxi. I personally checked from the window that the taxi had left.

I agree, - the paramedic threw the cigarette butt into the trash. - With such a situation, "tomorrow" definitely could not be.

Simple absent-mindedness or an obvious disorder of health? Can we cope with our forgetfulness on our own or should we seek help from specialists?

Memory impairment can have many causes. Most difficult cases connected with neurological disorders. “And above all with Alzheimer's disease,” says neurologist Vladimir Zakharov. - Only in initial stage of this incurable disease, we can make life easier for patients. We store their memory with transmitters, drugs that make up for the lack of acetylcholine, the substance by which information is transmitted from cell to cell. Another common cause of forgetfulness is vascular dementia. It develops rapidly, and in this case, memory helps to preserve drugs that normalize cerebral circulation.

It is necessary to distinguish these serious disorders from simple forgetfulness, which can be caused by stress, depression, or long-term traumatic experiences. And in these cases, it is quite possible to improve memory. “If, having forgotten the name of the actor, you remember it when you hear his name, then the violation is not of a systemic nature. In this case, you can turn to a psychologist,” says Vladimir Zakharov.

Psychological reasons

“Forgetfulness often occurs at the moment when a person’s connection with himself is broken, he stops hearing his inner voice, and perceives life as a difficult test, - psychoanalyst Ksenia Korbut clarifies. - Oblivion turns out to be a saving way out, however, only for a short time". Psychodramatic trainings, work with a psychotherapist help to clarify the relationship with oneself and with one's family history.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis

Everything that we once experienced, everything that causes us a feeling of discomfort, anxiety, fear, we displace into our unconscious. "That's one of the ways psychological protection, - explains Ksenia Korbut. - “Forgetting”, we get rid of the ambivalence of our feelings, protect ourselves from negative experiences - in a word, for a while we forget about what causes heartache. But at the same time we move away from ourselves, because the cause of our suffering remains unchanged.

"I couldn't remember how old I was"

Nikolai, 51, employee of the Ministry of Culture

“For the past few years, I keep forgetting things. For example, I need to find something in the office. But while I'm going there, I forget what I was going for. On duty, I have to conduct many negotiations with the most different people. And often I completely forget our preliminary agreements. Some kind of sudden failure, a veil ... This happens to me more and more often, and it becomes simply unbearable. And the other day something quite out of the ordinary happened: I could not remember how old I am! All of this makes my life miserable."

Everything that is stored in our unconscious periodically erupts in a symbolic form, in the form of plot dreams, erroneous actions (slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue), memory lapses. Alexander, 32, constantly forgets or loses the keys to his apartment. He grew up in an authoritarian family, and his parents made it clear very early that he had no place in their home. From the age of 18, Alexander lives independently. It would seem that he forgot about what he experienced in childhood, and perhaps only such a strange forgetfulness worries him.

“Rejection is a strong destructive feeling, it is difficult to cope with it,” comments Ksenia Korbut. - Unconsciously forgetting the keys, Alexander is still trying to free himself from this experience. But each time, faced with a locked door, again and again he feels abandoned. Forgetting indicates the presence of a problem, and what exactly we have forgotten can tell us where to look for the cause of suffering. Psychoanalysis helps to plunge into the unconscious, to relive painful experiences and thus free oneself from them.

What to do?

Do mindfulness exercises

Buy beautiful frame, insert a sheet with some kind of poem into it and hang it in a conspicuous place. Your goal is to memorize one or two poems a week.

Work with the body

Sign up for a dance studio: classes will help you maximize your memory and attention.

Don't try to do everything

Forgetful people often think about a hundred things at once. Let's relax and learn to shift some business to others - then it will be easier for you to stick to the main thing.

Play associations

Connect one view to another lovely way memorize them. Look for your memorization techniques.

Develop sensuality

The more your feelings are included during some activity, the more likely it is that it will be well remembered. Come in perfume shop to enrich your olfactory palette, quit smoking for a better taste, and pay attention to tactile sensations.

The main victims of forgetfulness are those who forget themselves! So don't be too harsh on them. If, having forgotten about the agreement, the person again let you down and is trying to find the reason for his forgetfulness, show tolerance. Suggest, ask suggestive questions related to a particular situation. This is exactly what the therapist does during the session. Help your forgetful loved one train their memory: instead of repeating the same thing three times, ask him if he remembers what you just said. Such "checks" will contribute to his greater concentration.

My friend is constantly forgets: keys, documents, money ... She can leave a bag with things at a bus stop, documents in the lobby at work, house or car keys anywhere. She does not remember what and where she has, so she buys the same things several times. And the same question can be asked endlessly.

Sometimes, answering her, once for the third time, you start losing your temper to the same question. But she can't help it, because even the third time she didn't remember the answer. No matter how uncomfortable she is, she is forced to ask for the fourth time, and it is possible to run into an angry one: “Well, how much can you ask the same thing?”. And we are still good friends, but how hard it is for her at work or with strangers ...

Reasons for forgetfulness

Psychologists would suggest that these forgetfulness attacks come from early childhood and form a defensive reaction to external circumstances. That is, it is easier for the brain to forget something than to do the work of remembering what lies where.

In fact, the victims of other people's forgetfulness are the most forgetful themselves. After all, if they forgot to do something, then their feelings and guilt make them constantly underestimate themselves, scold and confirm their unreliability.

Also, they have to do many things several times, then redo what it takes Extra time. From this forgetful people they are always in a hurry somewhere, then they forget where exactly, they are in a hurry for a new assignment, they remember the previous one, and by that moment you need to complete the present one ... And so constantly.

You should not blame them for forgetfulness, as they blame themselves. They need support. Help streamline the action plan, daily routine, distribute tasks and their sequence - these are the tasks loved one. But themselves Forgetful' should help themselves. There are a number of exercises that can be easily performed during the day, and if there are children, then do tasks with them in a playful way.

It is useful to train your memory by remembering the whole day in the evening: what you did, what you ate, what bus you took, how many times you drank coffee, etc. As a game, you can memorize the surrounding details at a bus stop or in transport: how many people were there, how they were dressed, how many men and women, children and the elderly, etc. Moreover, there are targeted techniques for the development of memory, for example, Schulte method, consisting of a table with numbers that you need to remember and reproduce the entire sequence on a blank sheet.

A wonderful game in which 2 people can participate is to repeat words. The first word is given, for example, “fish”, the other person repeats the first word, and calls his association to it, for example, “river”, then the participant repeats both words in the exact order and calls his association to the last one. Thus, a series is formed associative words to be repeated in exact order.

Posthumous photographs of righteous Christians. Those who follow the path of Christ conquer death together with Him. Smile after death (from left to right: Schemamonk Joseph of Vatopedi (+2009), Nun Evpraksia (+2011), Hieromonk Seraphim Rose (+1982), Schieerodeacon Alexander (+2009))

In nothing can a person on earth be so sure as in death. Whether you will still live, you do not know; whether you will become richer, you do not know; whether you will become healthier than now, you also do not know, but you know that you will die. And no one can dispute this truth.

Hear what God said at the beginning of the world: "you will die the death"(Gen. 2:17)? And the Divine Scripture of Jesus, the son of Sirach, says: "we all die"(Sir. 8:8).

Know one thing death is life for those who do not forget about it. While our ancestors, the forefathers Adam and Eve, did not forget about death, they lived in paradise. And when they forgot about death, they died in soul, and after nine hundred extra years died in body.

So, death, as St. John of Damascus says, is life for those who do not forget about it. Death, if we do not forget about it, gives us eternal life.

Saint Basil was asked by the great philosopher Eubulus, his friend from Alexandria:

What is the greatest philosophy in the world, especially in the Christian world?

He answered him:

Always think about death.

This is the highest philosophy! Why? Whoever thinks about death does not die in soul. Whoever thinks about death keeps himself from sin. For you hear what the apostle Paul says: "the wages of sin is death"(Rom. 6:23). Who brings death to his memory does not sin. Hear what Jesus, the son of Sirach, says in the book of his wisdom: "remember your last, and never sin"(Sir. 7:39).

So remember! Great Apostle Paul, this greatest vessel chosen, sent by Christ for the salvation of the Gentiles, listen to what he says: “All the days we always have in mind the memory of death” (cm. Rome. 8:38). And again: “I die every day” (1 Cor. 15:31)! Every day he died to sin, and every day he had the memory of death in his heart. Not to die in spirit.

Whoever forgets about death easily falls into its net, dies in soul and goes to hell!

The Divine Fathers teach us this: “Man, if you want to take yourself an adviser and teacher in life, so that he will surely lead you to the path of salvation, do not take anyone other than death! The best adviser that can lead us to the Kingdom of Heaven is death . If only we did not forget about this adviser, this mentor, this teacher, but always had him before the eyes of our mind.

Death advises so wisely, if you do not forget about it, that even Solomon, with all his wisdom, cannot teach you as death teaches. For the divine fathers say: “And Solomon would not have fallen into lust and slavery of fornication with women if he had death before his eyes.”

If death had been a teacher for him, then she, being much wiser than he, would have kept him from sin. But he forgot about death and drowned in a quagmire of anger, because he did not want to have such an adviser, who is dearer than all, that is, death.

This is how death keeps from sin.

The flesh thinks against the spirit, as the holy Apostle Paul says ( cm. Gal. 5:17). When the body rises up in battle against the soul to defile it, then ask death:

What do you say, death? Should I commit this sin that my body pushes me to commit?

And she will answer you:

“Do not commit a sin, for you will come into my hands, and I will throw you into hell!”

Does the devil incite you to steal? Ask death. And she will tell you:

- Do not steal, because this is a commandment, and you will come into my hands!

Does the devil lead you to fornication? Does the devil incite you to foul language, drunkenness, smoking, all kinds of evil? Ask death:

“What will you command me to do, death?”

And see what death tells you:

“Don’t do this, for you will fall into my hands!” You're going to die soon! After all, no one will remain here, and I will plunge you into hell!

So, death benefits us, and we should always have it before our eyes! And when the devil incites you to commit a sin, ask death:

What do you say, death? You are my teacher! What should I do?

- Do not do this, because the wages of sin is death, and you will die in soul and fall into my claws, and I will cast you into hell, and you will be tormented there forever and ever!

Therefore, this is how good death is if we appoint it as our advisers! Thinking about death always keeps us from sin and teaches us to do only good. Therefore, woe to the one who forgets about death, for he will die in body in due time, but dies in soul already at the moment when he commits a sin.

If we always had death before our eyes, then we would not commit sin not only in deed, but also in word and thought, because God judges sin by thought in the same way as a sin committed.

What does the divine father Ephraim the Syrian say? “Do not fall into negligence, my brethren, over sins, thinking that they are light. If the sins of the mind were light, then Christ Himself, the wisdom of God, would not impute the lust of a woman to adultery and the hatred of a brother to murder. You only passionately thought about a woman - and became an adulterer! Just thought with malice about your brother - and already you hate him, you are a murderer! You heard? Adultery because of one thought and murder because of hatred of a brother.

See? However, death does not leave you here either. Death keeps you from going over to sin, not only in deed, but also in thought. Because God judges thoughts as deeds, in the Law of Grace.

For He did not come to break the law, but to perfect it. In the Old Law it was written: "Don't steal"(Deut. 5:19). But here, in the Law of Grace, don't even desire the thing of another. So Christ keeps you from even thinking passionately about the thing of another.

My brethren, blessed and treblebless is the man who has taken death as his counselor. Always, when laziness will fight him, so that he does not pray, does not fulfill the penance given by the confessor; when the devil fights him, so that he does not keep fasts, allows himself fast food when this is impossible; or when the devil fights him, so that he steals, or accumulates property, or takes revenge on another, or fornication, or foul language, or drunkenness, or smoking, let him ask death:

- What do you say, death, should I do it?

And death will tell him:

- No. Do not do that! For the wages of sin is death. I will immediately come after sin, take you away and throw you into hell!

This is how the death we fear is our very own. great friend and the best counselor for life, for eternal life.

Our Christian philosophy is not to avoid death. And what? Prepare for death! Wait for her to come to us. But as? To confess our sins purely, to fulfill our penance, to be reconciled with everyone, to stop committing sins, to do good deeds - and then we will wait for death, as they wait for a big parade, as they wait for great holiday.

Listen to what Saint Ephraim says: “A husband, convicted of sins by his conscience, is very afraid of death, but a righteous husband awaits death, like a great holiday!” For it to come, transfer it from death to life, for the current age is the death of the soul for those who are enslaved by it [this age].

We fear: "Woe to me, death will come!" We are afraid! But let's not be afraid of death. Let us fear sin, for sin plunges us into death. For the wages of sin is death, and the real death of the soul is in sin!

Elder Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie),
confessor of Romanian monasticism


Schemamonk Joseph of Vatopedi (1921-2009), confessor of the brethren of the Vatopedi Athos Monastery. Immediately after the death of Elder Joseph, the first miracle happened: the deceased smiled. He smiled 1.5 hours after his death. He did not rest smiling, but smiled after his death!

Nun Evpraksia (+2011) died of cancer in Arizona (USA). The deceased was brought to the temple. We took a picture for memory. Traditionally, the Psalter was read over the body. When they photographed after 40 minutes, they were amazed. A smile appeared on her lips.

On September 2, 1982, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), an American who became one of the most famous apologists of Orthodoxy in the 20th century, reposed in the Lord. Here is his face, reflecting the joy of Eternal Life.

In 2009, a young monk, Schieerodeacon Alexander (Mamedov) from the Kirillo-Mariinsky Skete of the Syktyvkar diocese, died in the Komi Republic. His love for the brethren, his patience with sorrows, his joy... all this is a work of grace, which transformed the heart, which loved God more than all earthly blessings. He died of blood cancer at the age of 30, was an amazingly bright personality, complacently enduring all the suffering associated with the disease, not only not losing heart, but even comforting those who came to him. Before his death, he reassured his parents, saying: “You do not grieve when a person dies - you need to rejoice. He's coming to Christ. What will happen there is all His will, but let's hope for the best.