The dacha amnesty for the house has been extended until. Country amnesty. Validity of dacha amnesty (video). Reasons for extending the program

Questions about dacha amnesty cause a lot of confusion among the population, since not all citizens clearly understand what exactly is hidden under this concept. After the adoption of the latest changes in the land and property legislation, the government clearly defined the terms for the simplified registration of property of citizens.

general information

Insofar as prerequisite for a dacha amnesty is a title document, then the legislation allows the use of any documents on the basis of which the user uses the land. Not only evidence of old samples, but also any extracts or resolutions.

Until the 1990s, plots were allocated to citizens according to resolutions of settlement (local) administrations. These statements are still valid. Moreover, data on the allocation of real estate are contained in the archives, so they can be requested on the basis of an application.

Cases are not excluded when land plots are used by more than one generation in the family, and the documents for them have not been preserved or are not available to users.

In this case, you must contact the local administration to obtain an extract from the household book.

An extract is a document of title to a land plot. Based on this document, the registration of land under the dacha amnesty becomes possible.

If no data is contained in the household book, then the right to design a site is lost. The user needs to buy land from the land fund of the municipality, and only then register the right of ownership.

The essence of the program

On the basis of a dacha amnesty, users of land plots are exempted from the land surveying procedure. The legislation provides for a clear procedure for registering property rights - first, data is entered into the State Property Committee, and then the right to property.

Entering information into the State Property Committee without land surveying is impossible, since a clear record of land plots is maintained.

The essence of the dacha amnesty is that the user of the land does not need to survey the site in order to obtain a certificate of ownership. That is why any old-style documents are required, on the basis of which the right to use land arises. They are spelled out approximate dimensions site, and these data are entered into the cadastre.

The amnesty applies to lands allocated before the entry into force of the Land Code. You can still apply for a plot at any time, since the duration of the program is not limited by law.

Privatization until 2020

According to latest changes in land legislation, it is possible to privatize a site according to a simplified scheme until 2020. This is not an amnesty, but duty-free registration. That is, the citizen will not have to pay a fee for registration.

This program has been extended so that land users can register their property rights, and the state thereby takes into account the available land.

Along with free privatization, a project was launched in parallel to develop land in the Far East, where plots are allocated for all interested Russians. Both programs are implemented with the aim of accounting and legal development, use and use of available lands.

Problems of application of the project

Under the dacha amnesty, many families have already registered real estate that they have been using for years, thereby expanding their rights. Such land plots can be sold, donated, exchanged and leased.

However, many citizens are faced with one problem - the lack of data on the size of the plot in the old-style certificates.

In fact, the dimensions are either not indicated, or approximate.

In the latter case, the prescribed boundaries are entered into the state cadastre. The first one needs clarification.

How to clarify

In order to fix the boundaries of the plot being drawn up, it is necessary to contact the local administration in the department dealing with real estate. Representatives of the department go to the site, take measurements after the fact, provide the relevant document to the applicant. If, according to the plan that the municipality has, and in fact there are significant differences within the boundaries of the site, then the user may be required to correct the shortcomings before issuing the document.

In practice, representatives of the department rarely go to the area, providing extracts from the plan they have. Based on the extract, data is entered into the state cadastre.

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Last changes

Dacha amnesty program extended until March 1, 2018.

That is, during 2017, all citizens who have not registered their houses as property can exercise the right to a dacha amnesty.

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Country amnesty

February 13, 2017, 13:58 February 11, 2019 22:57

In 2006, Russia adopted a simpler way of designing objects and plots of land.

The essence of simplified design or " d"Is that it is short term project, which was supposed to continue until the spring of 2015.

Reasons for extending the program

Why was the "dacha amnesty" extended until 2018, and some of its provisions even until 2020?

Now there is no need to go through a complicated registration procedure and go to various authorities, it is enough to collect a minimum set of documents for your own or home.

During the existence of the dacha amnesty, there were several million plots of land and buildings have been registered. A lot of real estate was included in the housing and land fund of Russia and began to be sold openly.

This result of the amnesty is primarily beneficial for the state, because now registered real estate can be taxed, and this is a direct income to the budget of any level.

The program has been the subject of much discussion and controversy. And up last moment the government could not come to consensus whether it is worth extending the end of the “dacha amnesty” at all, and if so, until what year the reform should be extended.

Since improvements were noticed in the implementation of the program, but the goals set for the program were not achieved on time, In February 2015, the President of the Russian Federation decided to extend"cottage amnesty". At the same time, the deadline was not postponed, as originally planned, by twelve months, but immediately for three years.

Taking into account the analysis of the results of the program for 2015, the law on "dacha amnesty" was also adjusted. Thanks to him, it became much easier.

Who is eligible to use the program?

One of the important adjustments made to the relevant law is the ability to register ownership of land in use and any buildings on their sites.

So, this can be done by persons who own documents confirming the right to a land plot, owners of this territory and owners who are members of a partnership and cooperative.

At the same time, they may not have documents proving ownership, but they must have a membership book.

Owners summer cottages and cooperatives under the rules of the reform have right to their free clearance until the moment when the action of the "dacha amnesty" ends. At the same time, they must collect all Required documents and apply. The start date of ownership of the land is not so important.

At the same time, it is now possible to legalize a summer cottage only according to a single document.

Provisions that have been extended until 2020

First of all, one can name simplified registration for owners of private houses.

The opportunity to get land for free has been extended, making it easier to privatize.

The deadline for registration of rights is now set to March 1, 2020. This applies to persons who have their own plots and run a household on them, as well as to the owners of garages, houses or cooperatives.

Owners of summer cottages now no need for permission to operate building that belongs to him. It can also be used for construction purposes.

When a land plot is used for subsidiary farming or if it is within the boundaries of a cooperative, it is not necessary to obtain an appropriate document.

Any paper confirming the right to own a piece of land or premises is the only document necessary for the state body when registering the right to housing for the applied citizen - its actual owner.

Thus, Rosreestr employees claim that half of those who need it have used the simplified system.

Here are the words of Andrey Tumanov, Head of the Chairman of Gardeners of the Russian Federation, about the latest reforms. In his opinion, many are waiting for further improvements in the system. People think that in order to receive a dacha amnesty, it is necessary to stand in line for a long time. Finally, many believe that since registration is optional, then it does not make sense to take it seriously.

According to the latest amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, businessmen and simple people now they can quickly and easily. To this end easy enough to organize. To start selling land or any other property, it is enough to identify it.

Today, some plots of land can be take possession for free. According to the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the property has the right to do so. But it cannot be wastelands or swamps, because it is difficult to start a business or build a house on them.

Experts call the new changes in the Land Code of the Russian Federation the most significant reform in this decade.

The process of registering the right to own a plot is much easier for owners who are owned by cooperatives.

This provision also applies to those who have a certificate of right to the site. At the same time, it is possible not to have information on the ownership right in such documents.

The extension of the “dacha amnesty” until 2020 will also apply to those who have the right to own a land plot for free.

Among these individuals are:

  • those who belong to preferential categories(for example, teachers or doctors);
  • those who plan to engage in peasant or farming activities.

From these persons only live and work in remote areas, where not many people live, and these professions are in demand.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that exact list privileged professions depends on the region of residence. As a result, the implementation of this paragraph is delayed for a long time.

Also, according to the provisions extended until 2020, in order to submit the following documents to the state body:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • cadastral plan of the land plot;
  • a document certifying the legal possession of the registered property.

Sometimes it can be difficult to prove ownership of a piece of land, or supporting documents may not be available at all.

In this case, you can bring government bodies extract from the house book. To get it, you need to contact your local government.

The provision on dacha amnesty applies to a piece of land or any other property when its area has changed in size.

In the latter case, it is necessary that the land has previously been acquired. If this is not the case, then you will have to pay for additional space.

Such a scheme for increasing the area is very convenient for both the owner and the state.

What will happen after the end of the reform?

What happens after the " " expires? Consider this situation - you need to register a dwelling, and the dacha amnesty is no longer valid.

Experts say that this is not a problem, because then the registration of housing will take place according to the same scheme as it was before. To implement it, as before the reform, the building must first be put into operation and register in the general order.

But it will be much more difficult to acquire a plot of land for gardening after the expiration of the “dacha amnesty”, because this procedure will be carried out in a general manner.

In the future, to obtain ownership of the land that you use for occupation agriculture, can be, .

The effect of the reform after the extension?

The story tells the main provisions of the dacha amnesty program, which are in effect after the extension of the reform in 2015.

It explains why this program was launched and what gives the owner of land plots and buildings on them the registration of rights to these real estate objects.

Russian citizens can be congratulated on the next extension of the dacha amnesty after March 15, 2015. Now houses in the village and summer cottages can be registered in preferential treatment for 3 and 5 years, respectively.
According to experts, in 2018 (2020) the terms of the dacha amnesty will be extended, as has happened more than once. It is worth dwelling on the reasons for such a practice and the very mechanism of the dacha amnesty and consider these issues in detail.

What is a dacha amnesty and how to apply for it?

Almost all Russians have heard about the dacha amnesty, which began in 2006. Its essence is quite simple. Citizens are invited to legalize (register) their buildings and summer cottages on a preferential basis, without collecting and processing a lot of certificates and documents. In principle, preferential treatment could become a daily norm, but not in our country, where the interests of the system and individual officials are always taken into account in the first place. Therefore, all dacha benefits have a clear framework and deadlines.

Interestingly, the registration of houses and plots is necessary not only for citizens. After all, if citizens for a quarter of a century did not consider it necessary to legalize their rights to real estate, then they are unlikely to run to register them right now, and even within a clearly defined framework.

Therefore, it is the state that needs such amnesties most of all, since the significantly leaky state treasury needs to be replenished, including through the land tax, as well as the tax on real estate. It is to increase the collection of these payments that the dacha amnesty is aimed at.

Therefore, if you are not going to sell or inherit the land you have (there are many such cases in practice), then you should think very carefully whether you should use the proposed mechanism at all. If you plan to somehow decide the fate of your site or house in the future, or simply want to put things in order in the title documents for the property you own, then extending the dacha amnesty will come in handy.

What objects are covered by the dacha amnesty?

The dacha amnesty currently applies to two types of real estate:

  • Residential buildings that are built on plots allocated for individual housing construction or farming without a building permit and, accordingly, without an act on putting the building into operation;
  • Land plots that were allocated before 2001 (that is, before the entry into force of the current Land Code of the Russian Federation) for dacha or subsidiary farming, gardening, horticulture, as well as individual housing construction.

Accordingly, the amnesty period for houses is limited to 2018, and for land and outbuildings located on them - 2020. So in this part everything is more or less clear. As for the detailed mechanism of the dacha amnesty, it should be discussed in more detail, since the procedure for registering land and buildings is different.

Amnesty for residential buildings

Registration of a residential building located on your site has whole line limitations that need to be taken into account. A residential building (a building intended for the residence of citizens) must be located within the boundaries of a settlement on a land plot that is allocated for construction or farming. Often, plots for private household plots are allocated outside settlements on agricultural land. In such areas, the construction of capital residential buildings is prohibited by law. Therefore, the amnesty does not apply to such property.

In the event that your house (regardless of the date of construction) satisfies the listed conditions, you need to contact the local division of Rosreestr (documents can also be sent by mail - in this case, the applicant's signature on the application is notarized). However the best way- this is a personal appeal, since possible roughness in the documents can be eliminated promptly even at the time of delivery of the documents themselves.

To register a residential building on a preferential basis, you must pay a state fee (as of 2015, it is 200 rubles), write an application on a standard form (forms and a sample of their completion are available in each department of Rosreestr), and also have the following documents:

  • Passport of the citizen-applicant;
  • A cadastral passport for a house (its registration can be combined with the registration of a house, since all procedures are performed by the same body - in this case, you will need to write another application and draw up a technical plan of the building, which is performed by cadastral engineers);
  • A document of title to the site on which the house is located, while this document is required only if your rights to the land have not been previously registered with Rosreestr.

If you entrust your right to register a house to another person (quite a common practice), then you need to worry about a power of attorney in advance. However, if the attorney is a literate person, then there should be no problems with such questions.

After successful submission of documents within two weeks, the house owned by you must be registered, and the applicant issued a certificate of ownership of it. Usually, a certificate with the submitted documents is handed in person or sent by mail to the applicant, if the documents were also sent to Rosreestr by mail.

Amnesty for land

To register a land plot under a dacha amnesty allocated before 2001 and intended for individual housing construction, private household plots, gardening or horticulture, it is necessary to follow a similar procedure as for a residential building. It is worth remembering that the site can be provided on the right of perpetual use or inherited possession or property. And even in the case when the type of right is not indicated at all in the existing documents, the registration of the ownership right to the owned plot automatically occurs. At the same time, the right of ownership cannot be registered in cases where the land plot is limited in circulation, or such registration is not allowed by law.

If the above conditions are met, in addition to writing an application and paying state duty you will have to prepare the following package of documents:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • A document that confirms the fact of the provision of the site (act of the authority, extract from the household book, etc.);
  • Cadastral passport for the site (if necessary, it can be issued simultaneously with the registration of land rights). In this case, it will be necessary to make a boundary plan, which is currently being prepared by cadastral engineers;

It is not uncommon for a plot, the ownership of which is supposed to be registered, is located on the territory of a garden partnership. In this situation, the applicant will need the following set of documents:

  • The decision of the board (head) of the partnership on the allocation of a site;
  • Description of the boundaries of the site (this document is prepared by the applicant himself and the correctness of its compilation is also certified by the seal of the partnership and the signature of the head).

If you are the first member of the partnership this procedure, then the partnership will be asked for constituent and title documents for the land belonging to it.

Registration of outbuildings in summer cottages

In the event that on suburban area outbuildings (garage, country house etc., which are not intended for permanent residence), then the issue of their registration is even simpler. According to the urban planning code, the construction of such facilities does not require a building permit and an act of commissioning. Therefore, a cadastral passport for such a building is not needed at all. And the registration of such a building takes place simultaneously with the registration of a land plot by providing one single document - a declaration.

This declaration is the usual description of your building. Its sample can be found on the Internet or in the department of Rosreestr. Such a declaration is filled in by the applicant himself.

At the same time, the information that will be indicated there is not checked by any commissions, however, to be filled out similar document should be treated responsibly, as in the sale, donation or other transactions with land, possible inaccuracies may become a matter of disagreement with the buyer.

The time for registration of suburban buildings and small plots of land under the scheme, which was dubbed the dacha amnesty, was extended today. The amnesty was supposed to end on March 1, 2018, but it was extended for another two years. The dacha amnesty has been extended until 2020, how to arrange a house and how much time is left for land registration according to the existing scheme? We will try to find answers to all these questions.

What was the purpose of the dacha amnesty?

The amnesty was introduced to simplify the process of registering plots and buildings located outside the city limits for citizens who were never going to do this. Previously, the authorities turned a blind eye to such violations, and no one touched anyone. Now times have changed, and it was decided to restore order in this area.

Citizens of the Russian Federation were given the opportunity to slowly prepare all the documents and enter their land and buildings located on its territory into the state register. On the one hand, this was a coercive measure, since ownerless property could simply be confiscated or demolished by a court decision. On the other hand, the owners of suburban summer cottages were given the opportunity, through a simplified procedure, to turn their summer cottage into a full-fledged object of private property, with all legal rights to it.

As conceived by the authors of this project, both sides should have been the winners - the state would be able to collect the necessary taxes from the owners of the property, and the owners themselves would become full owners of land and real estate, which they could dispose of at their discretion. From the moment of registration, they could be sold, exchanged, borrowed from a bank, etc.

The last deadline set by the authorities for the registration of residential premises and other buildings that are built on your site has been postponed to March 2020. The procedure for registration of land plots remains the same until 2020.

What is the convenience of such an amnesty

The simplified registration procedure is good because for registration of a residential building, there is no need to provide permission from the relevant services for its commissioning, and for non-residential premises on a summer cottage, a permit for its construction is also not required. This whole process is deliberately organized so that the registration of property and its transfer to private property passed quickly and painlessly - all bureaucratic red tape was minimized.

Until January of last year, you wouldn't even need to submit a blueprint for the house. Now, unfortunately, your property will not be registered without it, but it should be borne in mind that after the expiration of the simplified registration period, you will also have to provide a document confirming the issuance of a permit for the commissioning of your house.

Dacha amnesty extended until 2020 - how to decorate a house

Before registering your suburban real estate for existing procedure, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • certificate confirming the right to the registered area;
  • technical plan of your facility;
  • passport;
  • application - is made at the place of registration.

All these papers can be submitted for registration at any MFC (multifunctional center). It is important that they are submitted later than the first Martha. Even if it takes some time to design them, which will go beyond due date the end of the amnesty, this will not affect you in any way, and you will receive a title document without any complications.

The technical plan of a dwelling can be prepared by specialists of the cadastral department in two ways:

  • by carrying out the whole complex of necessary measurements and special works;
  • based on your declaration.

What is the procedure for issuing a permit to put the house into operation after February 2020

To obtain this document, you will have to go through a rather troublesome and time-consuming procedure. First, you will need to make an appropriate application to the local administration. On the basis of this appeal, a commission should be formed, which will visit your possessions within the agreed time.

The commission usually includes specialized specialists who will confirm or deny the fact that you comply with all established norms and requirements for the construction of an object of this category.

Communications brought to the house will be carefully studied for the correct installation and connection (electricity, water, sewerage, etc.). In the absence of violations, the commission signs an inspection report, which serves as the basis for issuing the required permit.

Having such permission will give you the opportunity to start the registration procedure. So try not to take this process to the point where you need this document. Let me remind you that such permission will be needed when registering from March 2020.

Is a building permit required?

If we are talking about a residential building erected on a site corresponding to this purpose, then even if you use the current existing scheme registration, you still have to present this document.

If you draw up a cottage-type house or other buildings located on a summer cottage, then no one will check the presence of such a document. You don't need it to register.

But it is worth remembering that if this is a residential building, then you still have to register it with the BTI, and in the absence of such permission, this issue can only be resolved in judicial order and paying a fine. Such a building will be classified as illegally constructed buildings (squatter construction).

These documents are issued by the authorities of the region in which your home is located.

How to register a site under the current scheme

Registration of a site in personal property, in contrast to the registration of individual housing construction, is much simpler. For this event, you do not need the conclusion of the cadastral department. You just need to contact the MFC and present a document for the land you own - permission from the executive committee or a land certificate.

The process of registering land with buildings located on it simplifies dacha amnesty law. Many users of such real estate are interested in the question of when the dacha amnesty ends. Anyone who has not yet taken advantage of this opportunity, we advise you to read this article.

What objects are subject to simplified registration

  1. conducting non-entrepreneurial activities (LPH),
  2. building garages.
  • Summer cottages belonging to cooperatives, gardening associations, issued for horticultural and gardening activities, with outbuildings, baths, houses, summer cottages located here.

Terms of the dacha amnesty

The time until which the amnesty lasts varies and depends on the type of property:

  • For individual residential buildings dacha amnesty period extended until 01.03.2018, although it was originally scheduled to be completed by March 2015. In addition, in 2015 everyone was officially warned that they no longer intended to extend the law. Therefore, all over Russia at that time there were huge queues at the BTI. It is difficult to say what will happen in the current year after this date. This means that you should not delay the registration until the last, because until the beginning of this spring there is an opportunity to calmly register the property, regardless of whether there is consent to the land for commissioning or not. If you do not have time to register the property before due date this document is required.
  • A residential building is not the only object of free registration under the dacha amnesty. Can be free to privatize garden, garden and dacha land. After the adoption of the law, the terms of its validity were not set, but from June 2014 a time limit was introduced for the free registration of land plots in the property. Dachnaya land amnesty will last until until the end of 2020.

After reviewing the news of 2018, it is easy to understand that the extension of the terms of the law occurred due to the fact that he did not fully fulfill the task assigned to him. According to statistics, there were not so many registered objects - about a third of all objects subject to registration. The state seeks to give ownership of real estate on mutually beneficial terms. On the one hand, the registration procedure is greatly simplified for future owners, on the other hand, for the state, obtaining an additional tax base that allows you to constantly replenish the budget.

Land dacha amnesty

The land amnesty does not apply to every plot, but to those that were issued before the start of the functioning of the Land Code, i.e. until 30.10.2001

In order to understand whether a site is subject to an amnesty, it is necessary to carefully study the title document and clarify what rights are available to it.

If this information is not in the document, then by default the land is considered issued on the basis of ownership. As an exception, we can note cases where the law provides otherwise.

If the site was issued on the right of perpetual use or inherited allotment, it is allowed to register ownership on it. However, lands withdrawn from circulation or in limited circulation are not subject to amnesty. They cannot be freely alienated or transferred to the property of third parties.

There are situations when there is no documentation for the land plot. This complicates the amnesty procedure. You will have to make a certificate from the household book, which stores information about the presence of real estate objects in people. This document is considered title to the site. If the land is not indicated in the book, and there is a desire to register it for yourself, you will have to buy an allotment at a market price.

There are frequent cases when the gardening association is the owner of the land. To register personal rights to a plot, a citizen writes an application. Collects the following documents:

  1. description of the boundaries of the allotment, drawn up by the applicant,
  2. the decision of the governing council of the garden partnership on the ownership of the plot by the applicant and confirmation of the boundaries of the plot,
  3. in individual cases, when none of the members of this partnership needed a similar procedure, they may be required to provide constituent documentation (for example, a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a paper confirming the rights to land).

The entire package of documents is transferred to the appropriate local government structure. The deadline for consideration of the application is strictly defined and is 2 weeks.

Country amnesty for a residential building

The urban planning code states that a house, not exceeding 3 floors, in which one family lives, must be built within a certain time on the site received for individual housing construction.

If such a building is erected on the lands of individual housing construction or private household plots, you can register ownership of them. To do this, the future owner writes an application to Rosreestr at the address of the house. In addition to this paper, the following documents are required:

  • check (receipt) confirming the payment of the state duty,
  • passport of the applicant or a power of attorney certified by a notary for the person representing him,
  • cadastral passport for the house,
  • a document proving the right to land (required when it has not yet been privatized). If such information is already present in the USRR, this information will not be needed.

Until the spring of 2018, a commissioning permit is not required. All documents must be brought to Rosreestr.

Amnesty for a country house

If you are the owner of a simple garden or country house, standing on a plot for gardening or country farming, no building permit is required.

So To register the rights to a summer residence, you need to collect a minimum list of documents:

  • Certificate proving the right to a piece of land (or property, inherited for life possession, the right to use, not limited by time). If the land is registered in the USRR, a certificate is not required.
  • Construction declaration completed by the applicant.

Note! Rosreestr authorities do not verify the information about the dacha indicated by the citizen in the declaration with the actual state of affairs. Those. no field commission is appointed and there will be no on-site verification.

Where to get documents

AT general case, the applicant will need documents that will not be difficult to obtain in 2018:

  1. The cadastral plan is an extract from the USRR. You can get an extract on the Rosreestr website, in person or at the MFC, after paying the state duty.
  2. A technical passport for a home is obtained at the BTI or MFC, the document is valid for 5 years.
  3. The declaration of the property is filled in by the owner in the prescribed form.

Why do people try to get under the dacha amnesty

If the real boundaries of the registered plot of land do not coincide with those indicated in the documents, you can become the owner of these extra meters.
Moreover, it is allowed at the legislative level. The fact is that the plots in the 90s. issued without the necessary measurements, only approximately determining their value. So now the main thing is to comply with the following conditions:

  1. so that during the land surveying the rights of other users of neighboring plots are not violated,
  2. so that the size of the site does not exceed the size approved by the city administration.

Remember! The discrepancy between the size of the land is not a reason for refusing to register the property.