Registration of summer cottages in the property deadlines. Summer amnesty: how to arrange a house and a plot. General concepts and legislative regulation

Spouses are frequent defendants in criminal cases of beatings. domestic violence always remains one of the most common types of crimes for causing harm to human health.

Since 2017, the article on battery has been partially decriminalized. Single episodes of domestic violence were decriminalized.

Battery inflicted by relatives or spouses is no longer a criminal offence. They are regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However, for the correct qualification of what happened, all the circumstances of the crime are taken into account when the husband beat his wife.

What threatens him in this case? What should a wife do if her husband raises his hand against her?

Not every beating by a husband of his wife will be qualified under the article “Beatings”. For qualification, the circumstances of the deed and, above all, the degree of harm caused are taken into account.

After all, you can also beat your wife in different ways. Sometimes the beating ends in the death of the wife. In this case, there can be no question of beatings.

In the current legislation, there are three degrees of harm caused to health:

The severity of the harm caused is determined by the conclusion of a forensic medical examination.

It will depend on the severity of the article under which your husband will be judged. The main thing in this case is to record beatings in a medical institution in time and as quickly as possible.

Besides, the most important factor, except for the degree of damage, for the correct qualification is the frequency of committing such crimes by a husband-tyrant.

The first attempt to commit a beating qualifies as an administrative offense, relapse - a criminal offense.

Punishment under the new law for beatings under Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is possible only if several attempts are made to beat the wife.

The first episode of beatings was decriminalized. This is considered an administrative offense.

What will happen to the husband if the wife has removed the beating depends on what will be indicated in the medical report. This document is the main guideline for initiating a criminal case and sentencing.

In 2017, Art. 6.1.1, which deals with cases of family beatings.

Consideration of administrative cases under Art. 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is dealt with by the Magistrate's Court.

Cases are initiated by the police, after which the material is submitted to the court for consideration. Both parties are required to participate in court session.

As a punishment, a tyrant husband may face:

  • Compulsory work up to 120 hours;
  • Arrest up to 15 days;
  • Fine from 5 to 30 thousand rubles.

The fine is imposed in favor of the state, that is, in fact, the spouse will receive nothing. To compensate for the harm caused to her, she will have to file a lawsuit in a civil court.

The guilty person is obliged to submit to the court a receipt for payment of the fine, otherwise new administrative material will be initiated for non-payment of the sanction.

As a rule, the courts under this article are limited to imposing a fine of 5 thousand rubles..

Theoretically, the spouses have the right to reconcile in court, then the punishment will not be imposed. In practice, some of the judges do not conciliate the parties under this article.

In addition, counter-materials of administrative offenses often come to the courts, when each of the parties receives damage during the conflict.

If the perpetrator has previously been subjected to administrative arrest for beatings, he will face criminal liability for a new episode.

In order for his actions to be qualified as beatings, it is necessary that the harm caused by him does not correspond to mild degree harm to the health of the victim.

According to Art. 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the perpetrator expects the following punishment:

Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be applied only when hooligan motives or hatred on racial, political, national or religious grounds can be traced in the actions and motives of the husband.

That is, if a husband hits his wife because she does not agree with his political and religious views, Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will come into play.

What other article for beating a wife by a husband in Russia is provided as an alternative, except for those that have already been previously considered?

So, depending on the motives of the husband, the degree of damage caused and the frequency of episodes, other articles of the Code may also apply.

In particular, these include:

In addition, a husband can harm in a state of passion, in the same state he can kill his wife. In this case, the responsibility will be more serious.

If a wife beats her husband, you can not hesitate and forgive. One hit yesterday in a bad mood, today can turn into a fatal one.

First you need to decide where to turn in such a situation. There are many instances in the country, but one should start with the lowest and more accessible.

The procedure for the victim should be as follows:

  • Right after family conflict should go to the emergency room;
  • There, go through an inspection and get your hands on the original certificate certified by the seal;
  • With this certificate, you must go to the police station to write and submit an application.

You have the right to apply by law to any police station, but it is better to file an appeal at the place of the incident.

The application is required to be written in two copies in order to control the time frame for its consideration by law enforcement agencies.

On the second copy, the police officer must put a mark of acceptance. In addition, you are required to issue a notification coupon with information about the receipt of a response on the consideration of the application.

The application must be made according to the following rules:

When the wife wrote a statement, the police are obliged to check the circumstances of the case set out in it. The police can either initiate criminal proceedings or administrative material, or issue a refusal to initiate a case. In the latter case, the husband will be given a warning and put on record.

If the refusal of the police officers to initiate a case seems unreasonable to you, you can contact the prosecutor's office. They'll check it out and file a case. In addition, the prosecutor's office can punish a negligent police officer.

For 2019, according to Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the injured party may independently apply to the court with an application to initiate a criminal case in the manner of private prosecution.

What to do from a legal point of view when a husband hit his wife? You need to prove your legal position in court.

An important piece of evidence is a certificate of the beatings removed.. But when the wife calls the police at the time of the conflict, she does not have the opportunity to go to the hospital on her own and receive a certificate.

At the time of the conflict, when the police arrive, you should ask the employees to call ambulance to record beatings.

Of course, if a husband beat his wife half to death, doctors will not have questions about the nature of the injuries. But when the wife suffered minor abrasions and bruises, delay in contacting medical institution for 3-4 days may be grounds for refusing to initiate proceedings.

In addition to a court order more value eyewitness testimony will serve as evidence. If someone saw your conflict or heard it, these witnesses must be declared in court.

If possible, immediately after the incident, take a picture of yourself on the phone so that the damage can be seen. If the blows were inflicted by any object, it is better to remove it immediately so that the husband does not have the opportunity to destroy it.

If you really believe that you are in danger, you can act in self-defense. The main thing in this case is not to exceed its limits, otherwise you yourself, and not your husband, will be the defendant in the criminal case.

Family tyranny should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The decriminalization of an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not mean that husbands now have the right to beat their wives and not be held responsible for it.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will forgive them only a single episode of beatings. For the second similar misconduct, the attacker will face a more severe punishment.

There is no need to endure torture and beatings, it is necessary to protect your rights and not put your children at risk.

If a husband beats his wife, then ... She deserved it? Is he a scoundrel? This is their family business, will they figure it out themselves? Oddly enough, in our society, which seems to have come out of the times of Domostroy a long time ago, there is no single view on this problem. Especially if you look at it from the outside, with the cold gaze of an outside observer. Here you can speculate enough about the role of men and women in the family, the nuances of relationships, the responsibility that each of the spouses bears for their development. And what will it be like to be at the very epicenter of events? Especially in the position of the victim?

Too often in disguise friendly family hides the union of the victim and the tyrant

Who beats his wife, God gives him?

There are very few men who would be clearly aware that by raising their hand against a woman they are doing wrong, to put it mildly. Every domestic aggressor has a “worthy” justification for his act. One does not doubt that the missus herself brought him: she did not greet him as it should, after a difficult labor day; at the wrong time she slipped herself under the arm with reproaches; chirped sweetly with a neighbor in the stairwell - probably for a reason, rubbish ...

Another regards beatings as the most powerful argument in any dispute. The third one sincerely professes the principle “Love your wife like a soul, shake her like a pear”, confident that this is how one should assert one’s position as the head of the family.

By the way, not only our ancestors shone with such pearls. Proverbs explaining how to build with the help of fists good relations with his wife, full of in the languages ​​of other peoples. “Beat your wife, even if you don’t know why, she knows,” they said in Africa. “Without a club there will be no virtuous spouse,” they taught in China. In India, a woman's head was compared with a nail head in a cart: they say, until you hit it properly, there will be no sense. In good old England, it was advised to beat a spouse as often as they beat a gong. And an Arabic proverb says that a man who is not able to slaughter a sheep and beat his wife when he is guilty is not worth living.

Is the need to prove one's masculine worth and authority through beatings an integral feature of the stronger sex, existing beyond time and boundaries?

Violence against women in the old days was the norm. How about now?

The psychology of the aggressor and the reasons for his behavior

Of course, traditions leave their mark on human behavior. But these sayings have been a thing of the past for many decades, why do some continue to diligently follow their, alas, not at all wise instructions? Yes, there are some! According to statistics, in our country, 36,000 women are subjected to violence by a spouse or partner every day - and this is only according to official data. And the chance of dying by accident by a bastard in the alley of most of the fair sex is much lower than being killed in your own kitchen in household quarrel. What makes the “strong and courageous” regularly raise their hand to their soul mate?

And for some, scandals and beatings are just a love prelude

Under no circumstances does any of listed reasons cannot be an excuse for a domestic tyrant. Believe me, he is quite capable of controlling his rage. If the aggressor husband does not throw his fists at the captious boss, is afraid to repulse the two-meter tall man who pushed him out of the queue, dutifully listens to the inspector's scolding on the road, but cannot restrain his anger alone with a defenseless woman, then he simply does not consider it necessary to do this . What for? Everything suits him. He is good, comfortable, pleasant. And he sees no reason to change his course of action. Sometimes such men get so into the taste that even the presence of children does not stop them - the habit of giving free rein to their hands turns out to be stronger than the voice of reason.

Children in the line of fire

By the way, about children. Women who are trying hard to maintain an alliance with a brawler, “so that the child has a father”, should remember: under hot hand aggressor dads often fall into the youngest, weakest family members.

There is no guarantee that sooner or later the anger of a divorced parent will not fall on the child, especially if the baby is nearby in the midst of a quarrel, rushes to protect the mother, or otherwise shows disobedience. And do not hope that after a crack in the heat of the moment, the unfortunate father will be horrified, repent and become more restrained. Don't forget, he's already used to letting himself go within his own four walls and has learned to get respect - or what he considers respect - from his wife with the help of physical violence. What will prevent the aggressor from applying the proven method of education on children? Probably not high moral principles. Not to mention that raising a mentally balanced, happy child in a house where abuse and sounds of blows are constantly heard, in principle it is impossible.

There can be no normal growing up where cruelty and tears reign

Dry statistics. About 50,000 children in our country run away from home each year to escape being beaten by a parent. About 2,000 decide to commit suicide each year for the same reason. A frightening number of juvenile killers end up in a colony precisely for the murder of their fathers - out of self-defense or in an attempt to save their mother from daily beatings. So the legendary patience of beaten wives, who by hook or by crook keep the family together, is no longer a mistake, but rather a crime. Or rather, two: the first is against himself, and the second is against his child.

How to deal with domestic violence

A woman who once experienced the brunt of the anger of her beloved, whether it be an official husband or a cohabitant, has two options: to stay and try to restore the relationship that has cracked or leave.

Life on the volcano

The first slap in the face rarely comes as a bolt from the blue. It does not happen that even yesterday a loving and smiling spouse today, as if by magic, turned into a monster with a furious grin and menacingly raised fists. If you analyze the situation, it always turns out that this was preceded by long period nit-picking, caustic remarks, and then outright insults to his wife. Usually a lot of time passes before the future tyrant moves from words to deeds, but most women prefer to turn a blind eye to the growing aggression of their beloved, trying with all their might to find an excuse for him. "He's tired." "He's in trouble." “It’s your own fault, why did you climb with this account from the dry cleaners during football?”

Many wives drive themselves into a corner

Yes, I'm tired. Yes, we all break down from time to time. Yes, he needs your care, patience and understanding. But this does not excuse rudeness and rudeness. It’s one thing to angrily quit: “Honey, will you let me watch TV in peace today ?!” and quite another: - "Go away, cow!" The wife, dutifully taking down moral "kicks", will very soon wait for real ones. Therefore, violence must be resisted from the very beginning. Demand respect for yourself. Even the fact that you are “just” a housewife, and your loved one turns over super-profitable projects at work and is immensely tired, does not put him a step above you. The family is a union of equals, and nothing else. He brought his wife into his house, not a stress-relief robot, right?

First hit

So, it did happen. It’s too early to grab a pen and scribble an application for divorce, but you need to take the first steps to clarify the situation immediately.

First of all, calm down. Emotions have not advised anyone anything worthwhile. Take a walk, take a breath fresh air, drink valerian or something stronger, and only then analyze the situation. Restore what happened in all the details and try to understand what happened? Was the spouse drunk or sober? Was he himself afraid of what he had done, or was he contentedly looking at the work of his own hands? Did you provoke him, in the heat of a skirmish, speaking vilely about the parents of the faithful or painfully hurting him manhood? Of course, this will not be an excuse: any man always has the opportunity to loudly slam the door, after sending his wife on a long and not quite decent journey, and give himself time to cool down. But it can serve as a mitigating circumstance.

Think about it, do you not too often bring down on the faithful hail of reproaches?

After you think it over and calm down, decide what to do next. Do you want to forgive your stumbled spouse? Farewell. But don't be idle.

    Talk to your husband and give him a clear ultimatum: one more hit, a slap, a slap on the back of the head - and you immediately leave him. But keep in mind that the threat will need to be carried out. By forgiving the aggressor for the second and third time, you will show him that all your conditions are not worth a damn.

    Take a closer look at your behavior. Become even more affectionate and caring, do not spare compliments for your spouse, pamper him delicious meals. Perhaps this breakdown is really caused difficult period in the life of a man, which he can overcome only with your support. However, remember that such problems cannot be solved alone. You should see reciprocal steps from the husband.

    If a loved one has a really hot temper and he himself realizes it, he will come to the rescue family psychologist. But, again, the decision to go to him should be mutual.

Naturally, you can only forgive someone who has repented himself and is trying his best to make amends to you. If what happened does not seem to your spouse something out of the ordinary, you and this person are not on the way.

Our ancestors knew conspiracies for any occasion

Our forefathers, who no less often suffered from quick-to-kill husbands, had their own ways to restore peace to the family. For example, it was believed that a woman who managed to call her husband “dear” 40 times on the day of the Annunciation, whole year live well with him. If more abrupt measures were required, the beaten wife would buy a new hammer and say over it: “Like a heavy hammer it does not rise, so that such a servant of God would have a heavy tongue, would not rise and would not swear. Be my words strong and sculpting from now on and forever. Amen." You can also use the ancient conspiracy, but only how auxiliary means. Hope for help higher powers without taking any action to improve the situation, it is still not worth it.

Run Lola Run

Were you gentle and patient, surrounded your husband with warmth, sincerely tried to forget the case when you were so humiliated, and in return you receive only new portions of insults and slaps? Alas, it does not make sense to continue in the same spirit, hoping that one day your loved one will appreciate your sacrifice. How it makes no sense for the eleventh time, smearing blood and tears on your cheeks, to listen to assurances that "this will not happen again." Will repeat. You have connected your life with a person for whom assault is not an isolated egregious case, but great way discharge, and he already got a taste. Think about it, your marriage is really worth it to cover up before every exit. foundation bruises? Hardly. Does the vague “but the children have a father” compensate for the stresses that they will receive by living in the same house with the aggressor? Hardly. Also, do not forget that such people only become tougher over time, and sometimes they completely lose all control over themselves, so in the end you may have to pay for your patience with your life.

Fight for your happiness, do not surrender to the mercy of fate and the aggressor!

If it was not possible to change the situation, without any pity, pack your things and leave. Once and forever. Shuttle between parental home and home for years ex-spouse- is an unpromising business. It is better to spend time and effort looking for a new half. The one that will be able to keep his fists in his pockets.

Often a tyrant who has come to his senses is unwilling to let go of his prey so easily. In the course there is blackmail by children, suicide, threats of physical violence ... How to be?

First of all, realize that you are only responsible for your own life and the lives of your children. An adult capable person is not your concern. Many husbands tell their wives that they will kill themselves in the event of a divorce, but very few actually intend to do so. Think for yourself, if you are so dear to him, why doesn’t the faithful make an effort to stop beating you at every opportunity? Why does he demand that you sacrifice your peace and health, while he himself will not make an elementary effort on himself for you? Is it not because, in fact, he loves only himself, and he needs you only as a cook, a servant and a whipping slave all rolled into one?

If you fear that your spouse will force you to stay, give up the idea of ​​demonstrative leaving. Quietly and carefully prepare your escape routes.

Just do not, following the advice and feedback of determined women from social networks, take a frying pan at the ready and try to restore justice on your own. Firstly, are you sure that in a moment this pan will not be pulled out of your hands and will not fall on your own head? Secondly, can you accurately calculate the force of impact? The article “exceeding the necessary self-defense” is a very unpleasant thing, especially if the former beloved, after meeting with a cast-iron object, ends up not in intensive care, but in the morgue.

Video: How to live with a man who raises his hand to you?

Beating the weak - a woman, a child, an animal - is the lot of scoundrels and cowards. There are only two situations in which a loved one can light soul forgive a bruise under your eye: it happened by accident (showed a friend the size of the pike caught and did not calculate the arm span) or you are passionate about martial arts and regularly ask your spouse to keep you company in training. Everything else is unacceptable and requires immediate response, up to the most severe. Don't wait for the situation to finally get out of control, take on its correction or leave. There is no third.

Them family idyll transformed into circus show- sometimes scary, sometimes happy and fun.

Lena went to work every morning, and Yura just went to bed. He played all night computer games. She was returning from work, and by this time Yura was joyfully opening his eyes, stretching on the bed, telling how much he missed her.

He didn't have a job, because he was a real man, and people like that don't work for an uncle. Lena was irritated, she felt like a driven horse. Money was never enough, and he demanded love. Emotional love, physical love. But where do you get the strength?

- I'm a man! I need! — shouted Yura.
— What kind of a man are you? You can't even make money!
- Shut up! You are a woman, my property! — and in the next second, a blow from a huge fist knocked Lena down.

Husband beats his wife: she is to blame

Then they violently sorted out the relationship, he explained that he loves her and, in general, she herself is to blame, because she "pissed me off."

This happened every day, sometimes more often. Black bruises from his fingers always adorned her body for a very long time. I just cured a torn ligament on my arm, how should I check if there is a concussion? Yesterday she unsuccessfully flew off onto the sofa.

What does Lena think?

After each jerk of the hand or kick on the leg, she persuaded herself: “No, of course, Yura doesn’t beat me, he loves me. I just bring it myself. This will not happen again". And after each reconciliation, she remained confident that this would not happen again.

Only there is one more nuance, which even a girlfriend is uncomfortable to tell. In moments of intimacy, he became rougher and rougher. His penetrations hurt. I didn't want to get close. And he increasingly called her frigid.

Why does a husband beat his wife

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, men endowed with an anal vector become domestic sadists. Such a man is by nature a master in the family and in the house. Everything is in its place, everything is in order. And a wife should respect her husband.

So it should be, in his understanding. But it doesn't always work out that way.

If a man for some reason cannot realize himself in society, he has shortages, frustrations. In order to even out his condition, he begins to teach his wife.

But if his wife does not obey, does not obey, or, which is good, has her own opinion, then you can give him a fist. To know your place. Every day his aggression grows - blows, pulling out arms and legs. Sex gets rougher and more painful.

Why does the wife tolerate

The fact is that in pairs people are connected according to certain rules. If a husband has an anal vector, then he takes a wife with a skin vector as his wife. But they choose a pair necessarily for the equality of the development of properties.

Same with our couple. Lena is the owner of the skin vector. She is successful and fulfilled in her profession. However, fussy. She constantly pulls him, her questions always sound like a claim.

They agree in their desires: he is a sadist - she gets masochistic pleasure from scandals and beatings. That's how they live.

If a husband beats his wife - what to do

Do you think he will ever stop hitting you? Why should he stop?

He is fine. He enjoys life. And relieving his tension with punches, he also enjoys it.

And it will always be so, because the wife endures! And then it will only get worse. His blows will be more frequent and stronger, and sex will be more painful.

If a husband beats his wife, then it cannot be tolerated. It is necessary to understand the reasons for the behavior of both. After all, we do not know ourselves, we do not know our partner - but none of our actions take place without the influence of the unconscious. Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology shows how to build successful relationships in a couple.

Domestic violence should not be present in your life. Thousands of people have received their results in the training on systems-vector psychology.

“... I came to the training in a terrible morale. She ran away from her drinking and beating husband to another city, specially chose one where no one knows me, in the arms of a 4-year-old daughter ... Pain, resentment, fear, horror - all this boiled and boiled inside, began to sleep a lot. I slept for 15 hours a day and still this wild weakness in the body. I got up only for the sake of the child: I need to take a walk, play, feed ... Fortunately, there was a reserve of funds, and I decided, if not now, then never - I paid for the course.

Already at the first lessons I was simply amazed, horrified, experienced a storm of emotions. After the anal session, all the husband's actions were revealed from a completely different side, his actions became clear in such a way that even he would never understand them like that. Passed resentment against him, confirmed the correctness of his departure. Many, many conclusions from the information flowing like a river. It's like a cool shower in a sweltering heat. I don’t even know how to describe these insights that come during classes ... "

“... And suddenly I was let go ... I realized that I had nothing to do in this relationship. That I deserve something better. That all I wanted strong family, love, the ability to take care of someone and receive care, the ability to establish a deep, sincere soul connection- I can get with another person .... That there is no point holding on to these sick relationships that pure form- masochism...

For some reason, self-esteem rose ... for some reason, a desire appeared to give internal forces not the fight against his bullying - but some other cause, other people who need it. The fear disappeared that no one would need me anymore and I need to marry him, because suddenly I won’t meet anyone else))) It became very easy ... because - even if I don’t meet and he was mine last man“That’s no reason to stay with him in this hell…”

“... I left my sadistic husband, from whom I ran for 4 years and returned in fear. And now I'm not afraid! And when he recently came to visit his son and wanted to take me by force, I did not experience the slightest sexual arousal(before it was my ALL) and calmly rebuffed him ... "

Register for a free online training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link.

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