Material assistance to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Features of the accrual of pension payments for employees of state power bodies. The foundations and procedure for appointment

Let's deal with what benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs rely on Russia. Since the employees of this unit work in danger and permanent stress, they rely some preferences when reaching pension age. It may be material aid, recreation voucher, tax breaks. Such allowances complement the labor payment.

The retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the length of service is not the only option of obtaining a pension and benefits. Use such privileges can former employeeswho relate to the Ministry of the Interior reached certain agewere reduced or left service for health.

The Law of Russia at number 4468-1, which was adopted in 1993 12.12., Determines that Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - former employees of the unit, which:

  • served in office 20 years or more;
  • reached the age of 45, their common experience amounted to 25 years, of which 12.5 had to serve in the internal organs;

Employees who do not correspond to such parameters cannot claim military pension, they are accrued to civil retirement payment. Separate representatives for special merits in front of the homeland or injury, obtained in the fulfillment of their duties, the state guarantees honorary title "Veteran of labour".

Who can count on the honorable gratitude "Veteran of Labor"?

These are employees of the units of the internal affairs and other military who have 20 or more years of military experience. Persons already have orders and medals are also awarded, and more thanks to the president of the Russian Federation. Disability and injuries that are obtained during the service and injury that manifested themselves after retirement is also the basis for awarding.

But these are not the only privileges.

Let's see what benefits has a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  1. major benefits;
  2. tax preferences;
  3. transport, medical and other benefits.

Basic category

So, what preferences use pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the length of service? In Russia, not the first years of this category of citizens suggest such benefits:

  • providing living space as needed;
  • discounts on personal income tax and taxation in its region;
  • benefits for rehabilitation / treatment and purchase of medicines;
  • discounts on travel in urban, country, long distance transport;
  • preferences for close relatives.

On which grounds are given material and other assistance to the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the law of the Federal NO247 (19.07.11) is said in the law. In art. 4 (p. 6) This document says that needing retirees should be provided with housing. Applicants (the retirement itself or his closest relatives), which became registered until March 01.05, relies the municipal housing under the contract social Nama. In other cases, those who want to offer a one-time monetary payment on building / buying.

Tax preferences

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are offered some tax discounts. These include:

  • exemption from income tax, which is removed from such income as pension, housing and compensatory payments;
  • getting rid of property tax, the liberation is subject to one of the immovable objects of the owner;
  • return of the amounts made to the repayment of the property tax of FL;
  • compensation for payments paid to the repayment of land tax;
  • benefits on transport taxwhich is represented by the pensioners of the Leningrad and Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

And also disabled across the territory of the whole country are freed from paying tax on cars and other motor vehicles.

Liberation from property tax is possible if the object of real estate is:

  • room B. communal apartment;
  • residential one-quality house;
  • garage or place for parking;
  • economic building, whose size is not more than 50 sq.m.

You can learn about tax exemptions in more detail from 217 and 407 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The conditions for the provision of compensation are provided for by Article 64 of the ordinance of the Sun NO4202-1.

Important! Compensation repayments are provided only if the applicant left the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a worsening of the state of health or to reduce, in length of years or by age.

Travel Benefits, Medical and Other Preferences

As well as when serving, and when careing from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs remains the right to medical care in departmental medical institutions. They also have the right to purchase trips to health complexes on preferential basis, paying only 0.25% of the total cost.

In a situation where the pensioner is required to rehabilitate after treatment in the hospital, then the ticket to the sanatorium, the holiday home and the tourist base is provided to him for free. He can also count on reimbursement of travel costs in both directions.

Attention! The cost of vouchers and travel to health and medical complexes that do not belong to the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not compensated by a pensioner.

Persons who received disability as a result of injuries and injuries received during the years of service carrying are guaranteed free medicines and prosthetic services.

Transport preferences Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guaranteed by the laws of federal and regional importance. In particular . Challengers from St. Petersburg are offered direct tickets For travel in tram and trolleybus, metro and bus at a preferential cost.

In this material:

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the activity is serious and quite difficult. Therefore, the retirement age in this area comes somewhat earlier than outside internal organs. Who falls under the definition of a "military pensioner"?

  • people with work experience in the organs of 20 years and more;
  • citizens older than 45 years after 12.5 years of service in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a general experience of at least 25 years.

When determining dimensions benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, not only work experience, but also a professional level is taken into account.

List of regional and federal benefits

The benefit policy is regularly changing. The sector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this regard is no exception. Exists full list The benefits that an employee of the internal organs can count on retirement:

  • tax relief;
  • medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • transport benefits;
  • help in solving housing issues.

However, each of the listed species has its own nuances.

Tax relief

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at retirement are entitled to submit documents to exemption from property tax payments. This relaxation applies to apartments, rooms in hostels, garages, private homes and other buildings up to 50 square meters. However, if there is a few apartments, garages or rooms, the pensioner can count on a relaxation only relative to one apartment, a garage or room, respectively.

On a note! Tax benefits on transport and land obligations for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Defined only by regional level.

If necessary, medical care pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to be treated in the hospitals of power structures completely free. This also includes preferential receipt medicinal preparations In the same LPU. Treatment and purchase of medicines in civil clinics, hospitals or commercial medical institutions under the definition of benefits does not fall!

Treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not fully paid. IN this case It is only about reimbursement of 75% of the cost of vouchers and compensation for the cost of the road back. It should also be paid to the fact that a sanatorium or the resort should be from the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Important! Preferential treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions is provided more than 1 time per year. The cost of a ticket should not exceed 12,000 rubles for 21 days or 9,000 rubles for 8 days.

Benefits for medical care for members of the family of a pensioner MVD

Members of the family of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are considered a spouse / spouse consisting in legitimate marriageAnd his children. They also have the right to medical care in military hospitals and treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions. Only compensation for the ticket will be only 50% of its sum. The passage is fully paid by the department only one member of the pensioner family.

After the length of years, the benefits of transportation costs for the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the federal level are not provided. However, in some regions, local self-government bodies took care of it.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, pensioners have the right to free pass In any public transport in urban and suburban routes. An exception is a taxi service. And the War Pensioners of St. Petersburg has only a discount on the purchase of travel tickets.

Help in solving housing issues

There are no talk about compensation for the cost of utilities. This benefit applies only to relatives of the deceased officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Federal law 247-FZ provides for a one-time social payment for the acquisition of a living area as an operating officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (subject to service life for more than 10 years) and retired.

At the same time, the following categories of citizens are preferential to receive the ERV:

  • pensioners having 3 or more children living together;
  • pensioners who have the title of the hero of the Russian Federation;
  • veterans of Afghanistan.

The EU is issued to improve housing conditions, if the premises where the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not meet the sanitary standards. You can also pay the payment if the pensioner lives in a communal apartment or a hostel room.

Should not try to intentionally worsen their living conditions, eg:

  • exchange your apartment with a sufficient area for living in a slightly smaller;
  • unail to your living space other persons (with the exception of spouse / spouse, minor children and children with disabilities over 18 years old);
  • select the share of premises to third parties.

Attention! When identifying such manipulations, the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be denied in a queue for housing. The next time he will be able to submit documents not earlier than 5 years after the commission of any of the listed transactions.

The service pension for years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is appointed in cases where the service life is achieved, seniority 25 years, not less than 12.5 of which he spent in the bodies. In the calculation of such payments, not only the actual term of work can be taken into account, but also training in the university. The only condition in this case is to get the title during study.

When determining pension deductions The following formula is used:

RP \u003d 1/2 * (EO + NZ + NVL) * 72.23%

In this case, the RP is the size of the pension, the EO - monthly salary, NZ is an allowance for the title, NVL - allowance for long service. Such a formula is applicable when calculating a pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with experience in 20 years of continuous operation. Over 20 years, the percentage increases by 3% per year before the value is 85%.

Where to contact

To make a retirement retirement years, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should contact the personnel department of his unit. Collect everyone required documentsHe should contact the Pension Fund and write a statement. It will be discussed within 10 days.

For registration benefits on taxation should be included in the tax service. If we are talking about medical service, then in the personnel department at the place of work.

What documents are needed

When contacting the tax authorities, it is necessary to have a passport pensioner's ID, a document confirming the ownership of real estate on the rights of the owner and a written statement, the Inn.

In Kadrovy oWD service An employee must write a statement to providing him with preferential treatment in a hospital or compensation for the purchase of trips to a sanatorium, attach to it medical certificatedescribing the basis of the need for these measures. The rest of the package of documents will prepare a personnel service worker.

Changes in 2018-2019

In 2018-2019, pensioners received one-time housing compensation. They are released from the need to pay income tax from pension payments. As the law comes benefits of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018-2019 Regarding tax liabilities with respect to one of the real estate objects, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be paid compensation for past paid taxes.

If the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the veteran of labor, which the benefits are laid

Benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having a title of labor veteranDefined at the regional level. These include:

  • reimbursement of paid utility payments in the amount of 50%;
  • public transport;
  • medical service;
  • supplement to pension payments.

The size of the pension collateral in 2018-2019 for employees of the internal organs was recorded at about 22,000 rubles. This is more than 2 times the usual civilian retirement.

IN lately The Russian government pays a lot of attention to pension reforms relate to them and law enforcement officers. The current state of affairs is that pensioners who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its structures receive the highest pensions in the country, the government pays special attention This category of citizens, because it is precisely the safety of both internal and external. Will something change in the state of affairs?

Most often, employees of the Ministry of the Interior are retired upon the length of the years, but this is not a rule for everyone. Before retirement age on public security There are some categories of persons. In fact, the list is quite extensive, here are some categories from this list:

  • Military pensioners.
  • People who worry in budget areas (teachers, doctors, etc.).
  • Citizens who worked in special conditions of labor - unsafe for health and life.
  • People whose work proceeded in areas Far North etc.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, men retire at the age of 60, women - 55. But for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, these figures can have a lower threshold. They have the opportunity to retire at the age of 45, provided that the work experience in these structures is at least 20 years or the overall work experience is 25 years old, half of which the citizen worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If an employee of the Interior structures by the age of 45 does not have the above-mentioned experience, then it has the right to social benefit.

What depends on the service pension

To speak in general, the size of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the three indicators:

  1. Salary appointed by the position occupied.
  2. Salad assigned to the title.
  3. The surcharges accrued for the service period.

Also, the main part of the pension can be accrued to allow:

  • If a citizen has served in this structure of 20 years or more, then the allowance will be 50% of the main part of the pension. However, the draft law is now being considered, offering to raise this bar to 25 years.
  • If the experience is mixed, then 1% is added.
  • If the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the time of retirement has disability or serious diseasewhose acquisition refers to the service is 75%.
  • If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received an injury during service, which led to disability - 85%, but as a result, the size of pension payments does not exceed 130% of the usual pension.
  • The family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the case of his death pay 30% due to the loss of the breadwinner. However, death should not be associated with military actions.

Even without taking into account all the allowances, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia have sufficiently high pensions compared to those who receive ordinary citizens, since the bulk of this social payment depends on the size wages. And salaries officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive quite high, which is associated with the good provision of the state of the data of the structures.

Registration of the main pension

Through three months before writing a report on the dismissal, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can contact the personnel department to confirm the length of service. If the service has been serving the years, but age has not yet reached 45, then it can pass the military commission. In case of confirmation of performance, a citizen continues to work if a citizen is admitted to continue on the military commission, he may also obtain a disability certificate.

When contacting the personnel department, such documents are presented:

  • Statement employee.
  • Cash certificate.
  • Extract from medical school.
  • Help about the composition of the family.
  • Documents confirming the right to benefits.

Documents are sent for verification, after which the authorized Ministry of Internal Affairs is certified, then a notice is sent to the bank that the pension was appointed.

Second pension

There is such a concept as the "second pension", claiming employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the event that a citizen has the opportunity to retire for long service, but continues labor activity both in private and public institution, and his employer regularly produces deductions to Pension Fund, after driving, the citizen has the right to receive a second pension together with the main social payment.

In order for this system to really worked and, as a result, a person received his funds when retirement, the employer is obliged to make an individual account on this citizen in the Pension Office. This account will contain the following data:

  • Accrued and paid insurance premiums.
  • Salary size in civil organizations.
  • Period and work experience in the same place.

An individual account in the PF, which is maintained, and will be the basis for the payment of the second pension.

Conditions for the accrual of the second pension

And yet the second pension is not allowed by all former staff of power structures, such conditions must be observed:

  1. Achieving a certain age - women reach a standard retirement age 55 years old, men are 60 years old, however, if a man worked in the regions of the Far North, he can start receiving a second retirement for 55 years.
  2. Citizen also need to dial minimal amount Pension points for working in civil organizations, this value is now equal to 13.8 points, but the state plans to increase this value.
  3. Also "on a citizen" a citizen needs to gain certain employment experience, which this moment equal to 9 years, but its value should be increased.
  4. Finally, a citizen must receive a pension appointed by the Ministry of Defense.

Only under the observance of all these items at the same time a citizen, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will be able to receive a second retirement.

Registration of the second pension

For the purpose of this species social payments It is necessary to make an appeal to the Pension Fund with such documents:

  • Sample statement, which establishes PF.
  • Passport.
  • A document confirming the receipt of a pension through the Ministry of Defense.
  • SNILS.
  • Labor book and contracts with employers, if any.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In addition, pensioners of power structures have the opportunity to receive large social payments than ordinary pensioners, they have the opportunity to other benefits:

  • Medical care of a special type (in the area of \u200b\u200bdental service), including pay for recreation in resorts or in sanatoriums.
  • Tax benefits - Transport taxes may not pay only the inhabitants of certain regions, as for property taxes, the pensioners on which only one object of real estate is registered, do not pay any taxes for it.
  • Resolving a housing issue.

Changes in 2019

In 2019 special changes for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pension reforms It is not worth expecting, but you need to note a couple of pleasant moments:

  • One-time payment of 5000 rubles, which is put on all pensioners in Russia. Initially, this category of citizens was not included in the list of persons, which will receive this payment, but as a result, it was decided to pay and pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Indexing pensions by 4-5%, which is higher than the level of indexation of ordinary social benefits - it was 3.7%.
  • The lowering coefficient reached a value of 71%.

Thus, despite the proposed reforms (increasing the employment experience in the power structures, an increase in the work experience "on a civilian" to obtain a second pension, an increase in the necessary pension points for the appointment of the second pension), you can still say that the pensions of the staff of power structures remain The highest in the country. Therefore, such pensioners at the moment are the most secured in the Russian Federation.

Today we will explore the benefits of the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What can claim this category Citizens? What support measures are invented for the elderly who devoted their lives to work in Russia under certain circumstances said category of people can qualify for a very extensive list of government bonuses. And almost all of the proposed features are successfully implemented in practice.

Who has the right?

Benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not always offered. The point is that the said category of persons must comply with some criteria. Only when complying with specific rules, you can count on additional state support.


  • have a service life of 20 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (excluding the age of a citizen);
  • work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 12.5 years, provided that the citizen has reached a retirement age in 45 years and has a 25 years experience in total.

In these situations, you can hope for all benefits under the law. And financial support including.


The rights and benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not much different from state bonuses for most elderly beneficiaries of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, some features have to take into account.

For example, retirement. It's no secret that after achieving certain period Citizens receive pension payments. They are every month. Their size depends on the experience of the work of a citizen.

With those listed earlier conditions old man Has the right to advanced pension. It will directly depend on the length of the years. Than longer man He stayed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the higher the pension turns out.

If the conditions listed above, the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive conventional pensions. This is a fairly common option to develop events.

Housing questions

What benefits of the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are laid in Russia? Not the most common, but having a bonus in practice - providing housing.

All the needy people (not only employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), when recognizing such, will be provided with free apartments with the possibility of privatization. Either the government will assist when buying housing.

As a rule, pensioners who have made a queue to the apartment until 2005 may hope for accommodation in property. Otherwise, the roof over the head is provided under social contracts.

Communal questions

Benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are offered a variety. And in the area communal services Bonuses also take place.

What can apply former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? In sphere municipal service You can hope for:

  • discounts on accounts (from 50%);
  • compensation for using a home phone;
  • installation stationary phone out of turn;
  • assistance in carrying out water supply and other communications to the house;
  • discounts on the purchase of fuel for furnace heating housing (reduction of cost no less than half).

As a rule, all these benefits are also put on the families of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but only provided joint residence with a beneficiary. To prove these circumstances, it will take an extract about the family composition.

Theme of medicine

Rights and benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are different. Pretty important sphere Benefits is medicine. Here, the mentioned category of citizens can count on a lot of bonuses.

For example, an Interior Ministry officer may be served free in medical clinics to which it was attached to the service. In addition, a similar opportunity applies to all medical government agencies.

The maintenance of the mentioned layer of the population is carried out outside the general queue. Especially if a person has a disabled status or veteran.

Among other opportunities guaranteed former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs, allocate:

  • free prosthetics (with the exception of teeth treatment);
  • providing drugs;
  • compensation for the purchase of some medicines and prostheses.

All this is often put on all pensioners. Therefore, the main difference will still be pension provision employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Transport business

The benefits of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as well as Russia, are proposed approximately the same. And among them there are transport questions.

What exactly are we talking about? The mentioned layer of the population can:

  • to ride all types of suburban and urban transport;
  • buy tickets for airplanes, trains, vessel and trains for pre-orders;
  • receive discounts on transport tickets.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, listed benefits are only available for special categories of pensioners. And employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are necessarily included in the list of those who can use vehicles for free. Ordinary elderly people most often pay for the passage of the total cost.


Benefits of Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for taxes are also laid. Similar governmental support Attracts many citizens. But what is it expressed?

First, the beneficiaries are exempt from property taxes. This state budget is laid almost all older people. One tax object in each available category Completely exempted from the need to pay setting fees for property.

Secondly, the benefits of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation include in obligatory Providing deductions for land tax. In some cities of the Russian Federation, this layer of the population is fully exempt from payment. Standard deduction for land taxes is 10 thousand rubles.

Thirdly, attention is attracted by transport tax. Features of this collection are established at the regional level. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Internal Affairs most often exempt from the need to pay it.

Fourth, some types of pensioner income are exempt from NDFL. And if there is an official employment, a citizen may require standard deduction In the amount of 500 rubles for income tax.

Help families

But this is not all benefits. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia are helping even after death. More precisely, assistance turns out to be the families of the people mentioned.

What is it expressing? For example, according to the law, you can count 100% on:

  • pension on the loss of the breadwinner (if an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs worked and was the only able-bodied citizen);
  • compensation of funeral services;
  • assistance in installing a monument;
  • free transportation of the pensioner's body to the burial place.

All this is at least slightly, but facilitates the life of the family of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For help usually appeal to social defense population.

Other help

We found out what benefits to Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are laid under certain circumstances. It is worth noting that the listed features are drawn up in different state bodies. But sometimes enough employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, when using transport or medical benefits.

Special position in society have children and spouses of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They can count on:

  • service in departmental institutions (free of charge);
  • purchase of vouchers in a sanatorium for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • free travel of one family member to the place of treatment;
  • one-time payment for the death of the breadwinner.

At the same time, family members may not be pensioners. This is a completely normal phenomenon.

Where to draw up?

Some are interested in where the benefits and rights of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be issued. As we have said, the task is embodied in life in different organizations.


  • pensions - in the FIU;
  • taxes - FTS;
  • housing issues - housing administrations of the region;
  • utilities - serving companies, Criminal Code;
  • transport, medicine - do not require registration;
  • other benefits - Social Protection Services.

In addition, the bulk of bonuses can be requested via MFC or through the services of one window. Some requests are permissible by using the Site Services site.

Special courage and courage are usually distinguished by people who choose life Pathhaving decided to make his professional activities military career or service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). These are complex I. dangerous professionsrequiring the special force of will, self-sacrifice and colossal return on the benefit of the Motherland and the people. Each person to achieve retirement age can get social Security, a number of benefits and advantages, among which are also tax. But how are things for the above categories of citizens? It is about what tax benefits for the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provides for domestic legislation, how to get them and in what sizes they are appointed, it will be discussed in our article.

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Sale

Unlike ordinary citizens, all benefits, benefits, subsidies and relaxation for their own employees pays the Ministry of the Interior, and not the Pension Fund. Therefore, they also need to refer to the pension. The correct calculation of future payments will be carried out, as well as benefits and tax discounts, after which a person is issued a pensioner certificate, which already gives the right to design these very discounts and tax benefits, and not only.

It is worth knowing

Each pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can independently choose the Voluntary Pension Insurance Program on its own understanding and get higher incomes in old age.

Who can be attributed to the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The police officer is associated with risk not only to health, but also for a person's life, this installed fact. Therefore, this category of population is entitled to count on a certain number of benefits, but solely under the observance of all conditions prescribed by the legislation of our country, according to which, to receive privileges and increased level Pensions can count the following categories:

  • Citizens who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least twenty full calendar years.
  • Persons that have a total work experience of at least twenty-five years old, twelve and a half of which worked in the "bodies".

The final amount of pension payments, that is, in fact, the standard of living will be directly dependent on the level of professionalism, as well as rapid years. Therefore, think about what benefits as a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and what kind of pension you will receive in the future best in advance, providing regular advanced training and career growth. As they say in the army, the bad soldier that does not dream of becoming a general and here this rule turns out to be more than a place.

Benefits for police pensioners

Pension reform in our country undergoes constant changes. This applies to the appointment, as well as the removal of a wide variety of benefits from pensioners of all categories and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is no exception. There is now serious work on ensuring all citizens, especially military and police officers, a worthy standard of living, pensions, as well as a variety of benefits, discounts, relief and advantages:

  • Discounts and travel benefits in different types public transport, including suburban, urban and even intercity.
  • Ensuring housing out of turn.
  • Significant benefits for medical products and treatment.
  • Advantages of the improvement of police and members of their families on preferential tariffs.
  • Tax reliefs, relative to property tax, transport, as well as land.

It is often that the last item is often especially interested, since people in the bulk simply do not know their own rights, even serving the police. Since we are mainly applicants for tax discounts, that is, such that they are not automatically executed, the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Veteran of Labor can not receive these benefits and not even imagine that he overpays for taxes quite serious funds that could go On improving, food, travel, and the like, more pleasant and necessary things.

Pensioner MVD: Tax Benefits

Beginning to understand what benefits are the Pensioners of the Police of Taxes, you need to know that they can be obtained exclusively to persons who have developed the necessary work experience (long service), they retired on the reduction, state of their health or age. In all other cases, for example, when dismissing from the "authorities" own willingNo matter what benefits and relaxation, regarding taxes, we can not go.

Property tax

According to the letter of the Department of Tax, as well as the Transport Policy, which is dated August 2011, all Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are fully and unconditionally exempt from property tax, in what sizes it would not be registered on them as physical (non-legal) persons . However, there are nuances here:

  • Release concerns only one object of real estate from the same type. That is, if the pensioner is owned by several houses or apartments, then for everything will have to pay taxes in full sizeAnd the benefits will be valid only per unit in each category.
  • Exactly the same rule concerns cottages, garages, land plots and other luxury items.
  • If the property of the pensioner is diverse and in its property there is one object of property different species, For example, house, cottage, garage, land, etc., then you can make a reflection on taxes on each category or name.

The same resolution was prescribed that pensioners themselves addressed the provision of a discount. In the event that a person did not appeal to his relaxation on time, and the right to him had a long time ago, it was possible to write a statement and then taxes would be recalculated, and the difference was observed, but not more than three past years.

Transport tax

Many are quite large enough, many consider discounts on the payment of property transport tax, which is paid only by those who have their own vehicle of any type. It can be a car or motorcycle, tractor or helicopter, truck or motorboat, yacht or aircraft. All these objects are taxed at the federal level, but discounts on it are mainly regional. Only people with special merits in front of the homeland, people with disabilities and the second group, some organizations and heroes of labor, fame, can pay And Russia of all degrees, regardless of when these awards were received.

In all other cases, transport tax numbers and is paid to regional budgets. At the same time, the size and availability of discounts, for example, for the Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they decide and establish precisely the regional authorities. More detailed information There is already an article on our website. It will not hurt to read for general Education and understanding taxation mechanisms.

Land tax

Another entertaining section that is directly related to tax benefits Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is the Law on Earth, which is worth talking separately. The controversy about this section in the government has been conducted for a long time, however final solution The introduction of benefits to the land tax for police officers was not accepted.

Thus, studying the article for the number 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it can be concluded that there are no causes and grounds for sending employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and can not be. The tax agency also believes that there is no reason for the appointment of benefits for ex-police officers to pay utilities, using the telephone, state living space and so on.

Registration of benefits and sending

Since all such discounts for exemption from taxes on different kinds Taxation are purely applicants, it will have to execute all papers on their own. This means that no one will bring you anything on a saucer, as soon as you retire, this will not be. Need to collect full package Documentation and go to the tax, only in this way you can get what it relies on the law.

List of documents

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as copies of all significant pages. Instead of a passport, another document certifying personality can be accepted.
  • Certificate of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as its copy.
  • Inn taxpayer.
  • Documentation for ownership, regarding what you wish to get a discount on taxes.

Feed procedure

When all the documentation is collected, you need to somehow provide it for consideration at the nearest NA branch at the place of your registration (registration) or the actual place of residence, which is quite acceptable. Today, to get any benefits, make a pension or social allowance, not even be sure to be a citizen of Russia. You can do it with a variety of methods as which someone likes and it seems easier:

  • To go to the tax independently, what will give an opportunity to find out if you have all the references and even correct errors, if available.
  • Contact MFC nearby if it is in your city, where it will also be easy and convenient to pass all the papers.
  • Send copies of documents and certificates by mail, but the letter must be recommended and to have an inventory inventory.
  • Register on the official website of the Russian Federation, create personal AreaWhat will still have to go there and write a statement, and download the scans of documents directly to the service server.

After all the papers are finally accepted, you will have to wait a bit. For about ten days, you can already ask for an official response, gave you a discount or relaxation, or not. If you were denied, but in your own rightness you are completely sure, it makes sense to apply to higher authorities, the main thing, all such letters, complaints and appeals to document and store at least three years.