How to inject vitamin c in the face. Facial injections: what are the procedures. Facial mesotherapy: indications

Special attention Proper skin care should be given during the hot season. Dust and heat are the combination that poses a particular danger to the skin. Therefore, if you are going somewhere, it is worth preparing everything that you may need in advance.

Of course, a sunscreen is the first thing you need, but don't forget about other products that work wonders for tired and exhausted skin.

For those who care about moisturizing the skin under any circumstances, you can always find a spray or vitamin cocktail for face.

Here are some of the most common homemade refreshing facial smoothie recipes.

Mint Facial Cocktail

This is one of the most simple recipes preparation of an emollient and refreshing face cleanser. Without special skills and efforts, with the help of such simple ingredients, like mint leaves, you can make a remedy that cleanses the pores of toxins.


  • a few fresh mint leaves
  • 4-5 teaspoons of sugar
  • large bowl of boiling water

Throw mint leaves into a bowl of boiling water and brew like tea. Leave for a while for the decoction to infuse.

After that, pour the cocktail into a jar and add a few tablespoons of sugar. Let it cool for at least half an hour, then use as a spray.

Pour the cold infusion into a regular spray bottle. You can immediately prepare a lot of infusion so that it lasts for a long time, and store it in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator. Try it first, splattering not on flawless makeup, but on clean face. Be careful afterwards, when using it with makeup, check for streaks.

Herbal Facial Cocktail

Experiment with this easy-to-make hydrating and organic facial smoothie recipe, especially on hot days. Benefit from the miraculous effect of fresh herbs that will provide you perfect protection from harmful external factors. This time you will need more than one herb.


  • 10 drops of chamomile, rose, lavender, sweet orange essential oils
  • glass jar
  • simple spray bottle

Different essential oils perform their own function in skin care. But all of them have softening, refreshing and moisturizing properties on the skin that has undergone harmful effects ultraviolet rays sun.

Correct Proportions essential oils for a cocktail: 4 drops of rose, 3 drops of lavender, 2 drops of chamomile and 1 drop of orange.

Mix all the ingredients in a jar, close it and shake like you do for a regular cocktail. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use whenever you need a quick face refresh.

The use of ampoule pharmacy vitamins for the beauty of facial skin

Such a question as the usefulness of using pharmacy vitamins in ampoules for the face, neck, décolleté and hair is quite popular. It is expected that, at low cost and simplicity, it is possible to achieve good condition skin. That's what we'll talk about.

What are the best face vitamins to use?

Vitamin C, aka ascorbic acid. An excellent remedy, besides an antioxidant. Very often used in professional cosmetics, but in a different form. The ampoule pharmacy form is unstable when in contact with oxygen, so the ampoule must be used immediately after opening and as a whole. Suitable for any skin type. Especially good for pigmentation, poor complexion and rosacea. Tightens pores a little. Improves collagen production cellular respiration, increases skin regeneration, gives it a beautiful radiant color. Goes like light peeling, That's why daily cream should be with SPF. Start with 1 milliliter of a 5% solution, if there is no burning and tingling, then you can gradually increase. Apply under any cream. Course 10-20 days 1-2 times a day.

Vitamin PP - nicotinic acid. Very powerful. Can slightly dry out the skin and therefore for oily skin fits well, but with dry and sensitive requires great care. Causes burning and active redness of the face, neck, decollete. Can provoke an exacerbation of rosacea, so it requires careful attitude to the skin: you need to apply it a little bit, dilute before use boiled water. If there are dilated vessels, first apply to them fat cream. The vascular network turns pale and decreases in size after a course of taking nicotinic acid.

Perfect for anti-cellulite wraps and hair growth acceleration, as it dilates blood vessels. Blood saturates the cells with oxygen, delivers nutrition to them. Fat disappears. Hair grows and multiplies in quantity and volume. The course is 10-20 days, it is best to apply at night. During the day, be sure to use a cream with SPF.

The skin loves all the B vitamins! These are wonderful liquid vitamins for face! They are especially useful if there are visible problems.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is good for hair, improves skin elasticity, rejuvenates it by improving regeneration.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) eliminates dryness and irritation of the skin, treats hair loss.

The use of these vitamins is justified for acne and hair problems. It is recommended to alternate vitamin B1 with vitamin B6 every other day. A course of 10 ampoules of both.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalomin) enhances blood circulation in tissues, promotes hair growth and its qualitative changes.

For the treatment of rosacea and its prevention, you can drive into the skin vikasol (vitamin K) and aminocaproic acid. Their use is justified for eye hernias, edema, bruises and bags under the eyes.

It is useful to use instead of serum (10-15 days daily) pharmacy extract of aloe in ampoules. It rejuvenates skin tissues, it is a natural biostimulant. It is also effective for the treatment of acne and post-acne.

Vitamins A and E simply perfectly revitalize the skin, eliminate dryness, peeling. They can be added to creams, masks or applied directly to the skin.

All vitamins are applied to well-cleansed skin.

Do not mix several vitamins in one course.

Be careful before use. To see the body's reaction to the drug, apply the vitamin on the arm in the inner elbow or behind the ear for 20-30 minutes.

You can make face masks with vitamins. If you are making a mask with pharmacy ampoule vitamins, keep in mind: one mask is one vitamin. This practice is justified, affordable and economical. So let's get started quickly!

Remember that vitamins are best absorbed from natural products Therefore, nutrition should be correct, balanced and natural. Also, useful.

Let pharmacies now work for your beauty!

Want to buy from us professional cosmetics for home care? Click on the online store of professional cosmetics Author.

Happy shopping!

Aphorism of the day: “Listen, I can't marry you!
- Why?
- Uh… well, first of all, I'm not a blonde!
- It's not scary.
- I smoke a lot!
- It's not a problem.
- I can't have children!
- Nothing, we'll adopt.
- I lived with a saxophonist for eight years!
- I forgive you.
- Lord, I'm a MAN!
“Everyone has their own shortcomings.”

Vitamins for facial skin reviews

Reviews (123)

  1. Anna writes:

    I have been using vitamins in oil for a long time. Most often I take aevit, because at once 2 vitamins and oil. I add it to purchased masks and at home. I often make such masks after winter. And in creams for the face, hands and feet, I add these vitamins, and drink, and massage with them. V pure form I rub it into the cuticles and lubricate the heels. In short, all in the vitamin. I read the article and wanted to try others.

  2. Katerina writes:

    I take Ascorutin in tablets so that the skin does not turn red. But he really wants to eat if taken on an empty stomach.

  3. Irina writes:

    I did a course of ascorbic acid in ampoules on the face as a course, and I drank aevit in capsules for 10 days. Worked well on the skin.

  4. Natalia Struganova says:

    Good afternoon! I heard that you can do facial peeling using LIDAZA or TRIPSIN. If someone knows about this procedure and how to do it correctly, please tell me!

  5. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Good afternoon.
    I probably won't be able to answer.

  6. Maria writes:

    Good day! Tell me which ampoule vitamins are better to use at home for the device ultrasonic cleaning faces where there is also an iontophoresis function (preparation UD-041). According to the procedure, first an exfoliant goes there, then apply a cleanser and close the pores, then an ampoule or serum is applied to the skin and then a cream. After each application, a certain mode of the apparatus is switched on and a procedure is performed. V this moment I only understand that instead of an exfoliant, you can use an ampoule of aloe diluted with water. Also, before the cream, I choose an ampoule of a vitamin, for example A or a group of vitamins B or vit. C or vit. E). But I don’t really understand what can be used to clean and close pores. And am I using aloe correctly? Tell? Can you give your recommendations on the whole procedure and the use of ampoules on certain stages

  7. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Hello Alena.
    You need to first consult with your gynecologist about whether these pharmaceutical preparations can be used externally during pregnancy.

  8. Alena writes:

    Hello. 34 years old, 9 weeks pregnant. The skin has always been problematic, rashes, comedones. I always struggle with peels and home cosmetics with AHA acids. It helps a lot, I like it. Now, I bought ampoules with aloe, ascorbic acid 5% and vitamins B1, B6, B12. I want to take a course of these vitamins for face skin and hair. What is the best vitamin to start with? Thanks a lot!

  9. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Katya, hello. You can not wash off the ampoules.

  10. Ivanova Katya says:

    Hello, I bought vitamins B1 and B6 at the pharmacy and I want to use them for my hair, they are thin and fall out. Tell me, can I simply rub the content of the role into the scalp and hair and do not rinse it off, or is it necessary to rinse the hair and head after using the ampl

  11. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Nazrin, hello. Hyaluronic acid injections are beneficial for the skin, as haluronic acid is found in the human body and in particular in the skin.

  12. Nazrin writes:

    Hello Natasha. Can I make an injection with hyaluron to remove nasolabial folds? Is it not harmful? I'm 31. Thank you in advance!

  13. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    B1, B6, B12 you can try.

  14. Catherine writes:

    I realized that it is not advisable to combine. And which ones can be used alone for skin problems and against small wrinkles from the vitamin B group? thanks

  15. Milady writes:

    I often use vitamin masks as soon as I notice dryness on my face. I especially like the mask with cottage cheese and vitamin E - it is easy to prepare and the effect is excellent. Of course, you can do cucumber ones, but they whiten the face. So vitamins are out of competition. All the best!

  16. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    I don't think B vitamins should be combined.

  17. Catherine writes:

    Please tell me if it is possible to combine B1 and B6 together in rolling for a mesoscooter? And which vitamins B can generally be combined together. For skin problems as a problem of fine wrinkles.

  18. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Please, Lyudmila.
    Everything is very individual. Give it a try, but don't apply too close to the lash line.

  19. Fedosova Lyudmila writes:

    Many thanks! And is it possible to use vitamins for the skin around the eyes, in particular vitamin C?

  20. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Lyudmila, you can use any ampoule vitamins at a rate of 10 days a month. Alternate them and track which skin responds best to. Vitamin C can be used year-round, but after it you must definitely use a cream with sun filters.

  21. Fedosova Lyudmila writes:

    Sorry, I wrote incorrectly, I meant vitamins in ampoules

  22. Fedosova Lyudmila writes:

    Natasha, thank you so much for this wonderful article and attention to all questions, and now the question itself. I am 55 years old, I live in the North, based on this, please advise me on the use of ampoule cosmetics and what time of the year is better to use vitamin C, thanks in advance!

  23. Olga writes:

    Thanks a lot!

  24. Natasha writes:

    Olga, I think you should definitely use it!
    First you need to cleanse your face, then a scrub, then a hardware procedure using a special serum or gel, preferably followed by a mask and cream.
    It is important to consider that no devices can be used on the neck area, since the thyroid gland is located there.

  25. Olga writes:

    For example, massager for the face, neck and body "Ultrasound + Myostimulation" Gezatone m115. There is a company Constellation of beauty, there huge selection similar devices.

  26. Natasha writes:

    Olga, hello.
    Please write the name of the device you want to use?

  27. Olga writes:

    Natalia, good afternoon!
    Thank you very much for your article, competent and detailed answers to questions. I would also like to know your opinion about devices that affect the skin with a weak current. I am 39 years old, the oval of the face began to lose contours. Do you think it is possible to count on skin tightening, even if it is mild, when using it at home? Thanks in advance

  28. Ostapenko Sofia writes:

    Thanks a lot for your answer!!!

  29. Natasha writes:

    Sophia, hello.
    I can’t say anything definite about Korean cosmetics, since I haven’t used it myself. I've heard some very good and some not so good reviews.
    It is difficult to say about the percentage of hyaluronic acid, since each cosmetologist has his own recipes. I usually take 1% and mix it with some kind of anti-aging component, since one hyaluron only moisturizes the skin. Hyaluronic acid comes in both ampoules and vials, like all medicines. I don't think it matters. Before mesotherapy, it is good to do not only peeling, but also facial cleansing. The type of peeling is determined by the beautician. They can also be alternated: once peeling, another time meso. This significantly improves the results.

  30. Ostapenko Sofia writes:

    Hello Natasha! I'd love to get some advice. I am 32 years old, the skin is dry, around the eyes, I would even say dehydrated (pronounced crow's feet), I moisturize with creams, which I have not used. Now I have switched to organic. I ordered Wamisa Korean cream for the eye area, they praise it, I want to try it. And I also want to try the face cream from the organic series Jurassic Spa. Can you tell me anything about her? .. and another question))) I want to take a course of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. What percentage should I inject? How should it be written on the ampoules? In what container (the former cosmetologist did it from bottles, the other said - everything should be in ampoules, one-time because this is quality! ..) is this true? And before the meso you need to do a peeling, and what kind. The town is small, a beautician one, two (((I want to know more, after all, my face and finances ... In advance thanks a lot!!! I will look forward to an answer.

  31. Natasha writes:

    Hello. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, it is better not to add it to the tonic.

  32. Nastya writes:

    Hello! Please tell me, vitamin E is fat-soluble, but I wanted to add it to the face tonic, can it be dissolved in it somehow or can I just add it, will it be useful?

  33. Natasha writes:
  34. orudzheva victoria says:

    Good day girls! Please tell me, is it possible to mix vitamins of group B, vit.C, vit.PP-nicotinic acid, with oils (avocado, jojoba, etc. apply this mixture to the hair, face?

  35. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Apply as serum under cream.

  36. Alexandra writes:

    Good day! Tell me how to use vitamin K, vitamin C and aminocaproic acid against dark circles and bags under the eyes?

  37. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Oksana, hello.
    I think that you need to contact the manufacturer of these funds for clarification.

  38. Oksana writes:

    Hello, tell me - I bought a mesoscooter on the Internet in a mesocosmetics store (I will try it for the first time) and a serum with vitamin C and E 100% - 10ml. I can't find anywhere how to use it. simple application on the face, and for procedures with a mesoscooter at home. Does it need to be diluted and with what? Scary 100% concentration

  39. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Evgenia, hello.
    Thank you very much for your opinion.
    Sensitive skin and allergies are the responsibility, first of all, of the person himself. The fault of such a skin reaction to the drug is not fault cosmetic product or the wrong ratio of ingredients, as a feature of the skin. Very often something suits everyone, but only a small amount people can even be dangerous.
    As for ampoule cosmetics, it’s good that it suits you, but this does not characterize it as good or as bad product. You could also be allergic to it.
    This article is not an instruction manual, it only covers some of the more advanced applications. pharmaceutical preparations at home.

  40. Evgenia writes:

    Interesting article, Thank you.
    But unfortunately, enrichment of creams with vitamins does not always give useful result, the allergy can crawl out also. At least from mine sensitive skin and it was just like that
    Now no self-activity. I don’t know the proportions of the substances in the cream, and therefore it’s very scary to drip or mix something else, it’s another matter base oil, but here, too, you can make a mistake in dosages. In general, after curing the allergic reaction on the face in the form of redness and rash, I switched to ampoule cosmetics. There are also vitamin cocktails for the face, but they are already fully balanced, for example, Dr. Kozhevatkin. Vitamin cocktail, consisting of: a complex of vitamins E, C, F, D-panthenol and hyaluronic acid. And nothing more. The cocktail nourishes, tones and retains natural hydration.

  41. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    In dry natural wine and then applied to the skin.

  42. Painful Valeria writes:

    I'm sorry, I'll clarify - in dry wine? And then apply on the face? Why dry wine?

  43. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    This is a water-soluble vitamin, so it can be applied externally, for example, by dissolving in dry wine.

  44. Painful Valeria writes:

    Tell me how to use vitamin pp (b3) from cellulite and to improve facial skin - only inside or can it be applied to the skin? If so, how? Thank you!

  45. Natasha writes:

    Possibly red pepper (infusion), seaweed, peppermint oil, caffeine.

  46. Elena writes:

    Tell me, please, what else can be used for cellulite in addition to vitamin pp (nicotine).

  47. Natasha writes:

    To be honest, I have never measured the number of drops of vitamin E in a capsule. It is hardly possible to consider reddening of the skin after the use of vitamin E as normal. I doubt that this is an overdose. I would stop applying it to my skin. It hardly matters the time of day for applying masks with vitamins.
    Always happy to help

  48. Natasha writes:

    Hello. Yes, you can.

  49. Snezhana writes:

    Hello. Tell me if it is possible to use vitamin C, or any other, from ampoule vitamins, using the nappage method. Thank you

  50. Painful Valeria writes:

    Tell me, please, how many drops of vitamin E are there in a capsule? With redness of the skin, after the use of vitamin E, does this mean an overdose? Do I need to reduce the dose? Applying masks with any vitamin, it is better to apply at night? Thank you!

  51. Natasha writes:

    Hello. Specialized firms sell special antiseptics. In extreme cases, it is worth treating with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or medical alcohol.

  52. Natasha writes:

    Alia, hello. Christina is a very good quality and effective cosmetics. Doing cleaning on it is definitely worth it! But the most important thing in the facial cleansing procedure is the beautician's hands.

  53. Kira writes:

    Hello. How can I disinfect the mesoscooter at home before reuse?

  54. Alia writes:

    Natalya Hello! I wanted to consult with you, I want to do a face cleansing on Christina! Is it worth doing and is it possible to clean the face with this cosmetic? Thank you in advance!))))))

  55. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    It can be like this, even like this.

  56. Irina Nikiforova says:

    That is, 10 days of scarlet, 10 days of aevit, then a break for a month, or a break between them? Thank you, I started using the aloe solution, I’ve been applying it for 3 days already, the skin somehow refreshed ...

  57. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    You can try to apply Aevit on the skin of the face with a thin layer or add a few drops to the cream. The course usually lasts 10 days, a month break between courses.

  58. Irina Nikiforova says:

    Natalya, tell me, I have aevit in capsules, in them thick oil, I have oily skin, suitable for tacrf skin? I didn’t see it in ampoules in itamins in a solution in a pharmacy ... and is it a course for 2 weeks? Do you need a period between courses?

  59. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Hello. Apply on the face Aevit and Aloe extract in ampoules in courses in turn.

  60. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Hello Aliya. Yes, you can.

  61. Irina Nikiforova says:

    Hello, please tell me the most effective vitamin mask from facial skin aging, I am 37 years old, Last year felt clear changes How can I delay this process, thanks in advance

  62. Alia writes:

    Hello, Natalia! Tell me, please, I bought vitamins Thiamine hydrochloride for injections, can they be applied externally on the face?

  63. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Elena, hello. You can try to alternate these pharmaceutical preparations.
    I think that it is most effective to do a face cleansing at a beautician and take a course of peelings.

  64. Elena writes:

    Hello. Tell me please. I bought vitamins in ampoules at the pharmacy: v2, v6, k, d. I have problem skin (acne marks and scars, and increased hairline) and I want to get rid of acne and traces with the help of these vitamins. How often and in what form can these vitamins be used externally. And with what frequency. Or can you recommend some other means. Thank you

  65. Natasha writes:

    I think Aevit.

  66. Victoria writes:

    Flabby (sorry)

  67. Victoria writes:

    Tell me, if the skin is very hard and dry, what is better to apply?

  68. Natasha writes:

    Alia, hello.
    I usually advise using professional cosmetics at home. I really like the soap peeling from the Christina company.

  69. Alia writes:

    Natasha Hello! I often visit a beautician, cleaning and peeling in winter period I always lie. It doesn’t really piss me off much, but these comedones don’t irritate me. They don't come out much, but they do come out! Can you advise me vitamins to do facial care at home. S/A Aliya and thank you in advance!

  70. Natasha writes:

    Alia, hello.
    You need to go to a beautician and do a facial cleansing, and then a course of professional peelings.

  71. Natasha writes:

    Elmira, hello.
    I would advise you to contact a gynecologist for an examination regarding hormonal changes in organism. Also contact a beautician for a course of peeling and use at home a cream with a maximum sun protection factor(preferably professional). And keep sun exposure to a minimum.

  72. Alia writes:

    Hello! Please tell me, I have closed comedones, there are rashes and there are not large post-acne scars. Advise please to me a course for treatment of this problem. S/ Y Aliya

  73. Elmira Tursunova writes:

    Hello! Please tell me brown spots appeared on my face, I'm 50 years old, they say this is age-related and nothing will help. I even had a centimeter diameter spot on my nose and on my face, it scares me, how to stop it?

  74. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:
  75. Olga Polyakova says:

    Hello! This topic is very interesting! Is it possible to use vitamins with a dermaroller at home?

  76. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    To avoid intensifying the color of freckles, it is necessary to use a cream with sunscreens of about 30 during the day and undergo a course of peelings 1-2 times a year with maintenance sessions once a month. Melanin cannot be blocked once and for all. To prevent acne, do facial cleansing once a month and again a course of peelings.

  77. Seytpanova Asel writes:

    Hello! I'm 28 years old. Swarthy. There is a child 2 years old. There are a lot of freckles regardless of the time of year, acne appears singly, does not spill out, but spots definitely remain after them. how can all this disgrace be removed and blocked melanin once and for all and what to do to prevent acne and in case of their appearance there were no spots left.

  78. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    I am against the use of a mesoscooter at home. All procedures that damage the skin should be carried out in special conditions medical professionals.

  79. Leonova Natalia says:

    I would very much like to know how to use ampoule vitamins with a mesoscooter. Thanks!

  80. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Yes, you can apply. It is possible to apply under a day cream, but then it should be with SPF.
    Happy transformation

  81. Svetlana writes:

    Please tell me, after applying the ampoule vitamin C at night, you need to apply night cream?

  82. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    In mesotherapy, I usually use special preparations for cosmetologists.
    They have a balanced composition due to not only vitamins, but also amino acids, trace elements, peptides, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid. So I can't answer your question correctly.

  83. Tatyana writes:

    Hello, here you are writing about the outdoor the use of vitamins and can they be used in mesotherapy, i.e. injected, if possible, then most likely they need to be diluted with saline? if so, in what proportions. thanks))

  84. Natasha writes:

    To be honest, I have never mixed all these vitamins. In medicine, they are still used separately and I think that there are reasons for this.

  85. Elena writes:

    I was advised a mask to strengthen and grow hair.
    vitamin b1 b6 and b12
    Castor oil
    lemon juice
    red pepper tincture
    egg yolk
    Please tell me, is it possible to combine these vitamins in a complex, will they cause harm?

  86. Natasha writes:

    I would advise you to refrain from using any means without consulting a gynecologist. And in general, I would just abstain and that's it.
    Have a good mood

  87. M Venus writes:

    Hello ... and what vitamins would you recommend for pigmentation and spots after acne during pregnancy?

  88. Natasha writes:

    Vitamin C, B 1, B6, you can Aloe. But I think that they can hardly be used as a tonic, since they do not have a cleansing effect. Rather, they can be used as serums or active concentrates after applying the toner itself.

  89. Christina writes:
  90. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    I would advise you to treat the rashes with chlorhexidine 2 times a day for 10 days and metrogil gel (for the skin) 2 times a day for up to three months.
    It is hardly worth rolling with a mesoscooter while there are blackheads on your face, you can spread them even more. Aloe is an excellent drug for the treatment of acne, you can simply poke it into the skin, and then take a course of B vitamins. By the way, it should be remembered that it is best not to use the mesoscooter repeatedly, or to process it carefully.

  91. Anna writes:

    and as I read above about vitamins of group B. can I roll them with a mesoscooter with small pimples on my face?

  92. Anna writes:

    Hello! I purchased a mesoscooter for home use, but I have small pimples on my forehead, can I do mesotherapy using pharmacy aloe so that these rashes are gone? Or is it better to use other drugs for mesotherapy?

    And writes:

    And what pharmacy ampoules do they drink (vitamins)?

  93. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Purely theoretically, yes. I think it needs a course to be effective.
    Personally, I would not recommend using a mesoscooter at home, and cosmetologists have more strong drugs than pharmacy vitamins. If you still decide, then remember that it is better not to reuse the mesoscooter, or at least process it before reuse.

  94. Elena writes:

    I bought a mesoscooter on the Internet. Is it possible to use pharmacy vitamins in ampoules with it?

  95. Natasha writes:

    Thanks for the recipe! Somehow I'll try...

  96. Christina writes:
  97. Natasha writes:

    I would not advise adding nicotine to creams at home, since for some reason it is never used to create creams and it is generally not known what will happen from such mixing. Ampoule pharmacy ascorbic acid is best applied at night, and during the day use a cream with SPF, a course of 10 days. Ampoule of vitamin C, apply completely, as vitamin C cannot be stored. Now many people write about the inefficiency of this method of application, but the skin becomes noticeably better after a course of its vitaminization.

  98. K writes:

    Can you tell me if you can add nicotinic acid in cream? How to apply vitamin C for the skin for the day or at night?

  99. Natasha writes:

    Yes, pharmacy Aloe is just perfect both as a rejuvenating agent and for oily problematic skin. Aloe in ampoules improves tissue regeneration, heals, relieves inflammation, redness and much more

    Thank you very much for) Sorry for asking so many questions)) please tell me, I took a moisturizing mask from Cora from the pharmacy with hyaluronic acid and marine extracts, can I use it for sensitive skin and rosacea?

  100. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    With a well-chosen cocktail, both skin sensitivity and rosacea are reduced. I can also recommend an anti-couperose program, you can also do light peelings and facial massage. The results are very good.

  101. Elmira writes:

    And please tell me, with sensitive skin and with rosacea, mesotherapy gives nice results? Or what can you advise me as a beautician?

  102. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    With rosacea, ascorbic acid is shown, but with sensitive skin, it should be used with caution. Course 10 days, 1 ampoule per night. Use the ampoule completely, as ascorbic acid is rapidly destroyed. It is hardly to be expected that spider veins completely disappear, but the condition of blood vessels and skin will improve significantly. The use of Troxevasin (Troxerutin) gel gives very good results.

  103. Elmira writes:

    Please tell me, can ascorbic acid be used for sensitive skin and rosacea? vascular walls completely disappear? what will be the result? please write how to apply them and the course of treatment? thanks in advance))

  104. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    I would not combine vitamin E and C, and I would definitely remove castor oil, as facial hair can grow from it.

  105. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    Open the ampoule and work it in with your fingertips like a serum, or as a tonic, apply on a disk and wipe the skin. Be sure to use the entire ampoule, as vitamin C loses its benefits when exposed to air.

  106. Lisa Schitz writes:

    Are there any contraindications for the use of vitamins for the face?

  107. Cosmetologist Natalia writes:

    I have not encountered backlash skin for such mixing. If in doubt, it is better not to do it, because thoughts are material. Have a good mood

  108. Veronica Zapoleva says:

    Isn't it harmful to add vitamins to the cream? After all, all the components are already balanced there. I used to do this, and then I doubted whether it was good.

How vitamin injections for the face work: consequences and methods

based on 2 reviews

For a long time scientists worked on the creation of a “magic” remedy that can return a fresh, young and toned appearance to tired and aging skin. This is how unique vitamin injections of youth were invented, which radically change the quality and appearance of the epidermis in just an hour. It is about this popular procedure that we will describe in our article.

What information will you learn:

What can vitamin injections do?

Vitamin injections for the face are called mesotherapy procedure

The second name of this technique, which returned lost youth to millions of women, is the term mesotherapy. It is able to show real miracles in renewing and healing the age-related epidermis of the face, without affecting the body as a whole.

The range of action of injections of "youth and beauty" is wide and varied. They help solve problems:

  • exhausted, tired and aging skin, experiencing constant stress, lack of care, hydration, nutrition, peeling, inflammatory processes and age wrinkles;
  • weakness of the epidermis, which consists in a decrease in the strength of the cellular structure, which instantly manifests itself on the external state of the face, making it blurry, devoid of clear contours and a regular oval;
  • reduced protective properties(skin immunity), when under the influence of many external and internal factors the ability of cells to resist viruses, bacteria, infections, fungal infections, and so on is significantly reduced. As a result, the skin surface can be covered with pimples, ulcers, acne;
  • bags and puffiness in the eye area, restoring radiance to the look, eliminating dark circles and consequences of chronic fatigue;
  • with wrinkles and more age-related changes skin, contributing to its smoothing and smoothing from the wrinkles that have appeared;
  • dryness and dehydration of the epidermis, filling the cells with valuable moisture and enhancing their nutrition;
  • insufficient synthesis of own collagen and elastin, which significantly increases elasticity and firmness skin tissue;
  • the second chin, eliminating this defect and significantly tightening the oval, as well as the contours of the face.

What do vitamin shakes contain

The procedure is aimed at fast rejuvenation and saturation of the skin tissue with valuable substances represented by:

  • amino acids are the most important building materials cells of the skin structure;
  • hyaluronic acid, which attracts and retains water molecules for intense and long-lasting hydration of the epidermis;
  • vitamins necessary for the full functioning of cells and the correct passage of basic processes;
  • minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc) that have an antioxidant and protective effect;
  • fatty acids that support the necessary energy balance epidermal cells;
  • enzymes that help speed up all metabolic processes;
  • fruit acids, which have a whitening and regenerating effect;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (for example, witch hazel, ginkgo biloba), which have an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

The ingredients of such solutions are active, capable of causing allergic reactions, so the procedure involves the individual selection of all components of the cocktail, taking into account the patient's history and the reaction of his body to certain components.

Vitamin injections can be done independently at home using a mesoscooter

When the technique is prohibited

Injection manipulations should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who has completed special training courses and received official permission to carry out such procedures. He must take into account and warn each patient about the existing contraindications in the form of:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic and other individual reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  • hypertensive pathology (high pressure);
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases;
  • endocrine, renal, vascular and oncological diseases;
  • insufficient degree of blood clotting;
  • acute heart failure;
  • recently performed plastic or surgical operations on the face;
  • diabetes mellitus, which is in the stage of decompensation.

How is the procedure performed

After clarifying the reaction of the epidermis to the composition of youth injections (preliminary testing for an allergic reaction), the cosmetologist performs a thorough cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the patient's face skin.

With a low pain threshold, a layer of a special gel is applied to the epidermis with an analgesic effect that reduces the degree of sensitivity of the receptors and blocks discomfort.

With the help of a sterile disposable syringe equipped with a thin needle, the cosmetologist introduces the selected and formulated vitamin cocktail under skin surface patient, paying special attention to areas of the face with age-related changes and other defects.

The course of injections of vitamins is performed 1 time in 7 days for 1 - 2 months. Then a break is made for six months and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

Skin care after manipulation

The first few hours after the injections, there will be traces of injections in the form of red dots on the face, hyperemia is possible, small bruises that disappear on their own the next day.

Protect the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation - protect the epidermis sunscreens with an SPF factor of at least 35 or wear a hat with wide brim(v summer time), and also do not visit the sauna, bath, solarium in the same time period.

Mesotherapy is very popular cosmetic procedure. It helps to improve the condition and appearance of the skin by eliminating its shortcomings: pigmentation, dryness, rashes, wrinkles, dull color etc. This is because facial mesotherapy cocktails are distinguished by a wide variety of components. And if their composition is chosen correctly, you can get rid of many skin problems.

Read in this article

Why appoint

Beautiful radiant skin is not given by nature to everyone. Even in their youth with her, many have different kind Problems. Moreover, they occur with age. Its role in the deterioration of the skin belongs to poor ecology, malnutrition, stress, fatigue. She is deficient in many substances necessary for beauty, which makes her look worse, makes her owner feel uncomfortable.

It is enough to quickly restore the skin radiant and healthy look by introducing the missing components directly into problem area through injections. The penetration of nutrients into layers deeper than the epidermis gives an excellent effect, much more pronounced than the surface application of creams, masks, serums. Mesotherapy solves the following skin problems:

  • pigmentation of the cover caused by uneven distribution of melanin;
  • loss of elasticity, leading to the formation of wrinkles, omission of tissues;
  • stretch marks formed after childbirth or weight loss;
  • dryness or excess sebum, enlarged pores;
  • the formation of a double chin;
  • violation of the outlines of the face;

The procedure will be useful in the absence of these shortcomings, as a preventive measure. The skin after it looks fresher, healthier. Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of stress, insomnia, headaches, which also has a positive effect on the epidermis and deeper layers. There are compounds that solve problems with hair and scalp: excessive shedding, dandruff, itching, dull appearance, split ends, seborrhea.

Types of cocktails

The high efficiency of the procedure is ensured not only by the method of introducing skin formulations, but also by their contents.

Types of cocktails for facial mesotherapy Characteristic
Allopathic The products contain well-known components, the effectiveness of which has long been tested. These are substances of plant and animal origin. They are combined in different ways to address specific skin concerns. The dosage of the components is quite large, so positive effect becomes apparent after 1-2 procedures. The components of allopathic cocktails have a strong effect on the skin
homeopathic Their goal is not so much to provide tissue useful substances how much the awakening of the body's own resources. The components of homeopathic cocktails are combined on water based they are completely natural. The influence of substances is aimed at combating not only the consequences, that is, external skin problems, but also the causes that caused them. The effect of homeopathy does not appear as quickly as from the use of allopathic cocktails. These funds simultaneously eliminate the pathology, the damage caused by it, and restore the functioning of cells. Each component enhances the action of other components

What is included

For such a common procedure as facial mesotherapy, the composition of the cocktail is of paramount importance. It is chosen by a specialist based on a study of skin problems, age, and other features.

Allopathic formulations may contain:

  • hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes tissues well, giving youth;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, biotin, normalizing cellular metabolism;
  • pyruvic, glycolic acid, stimulating the production of substances responsible for its elasticity;
  • collagen and elastin, also working for rejuvenation;
  • placenta derivatives, DNA acting on cell regeneration;
  • minerals (zinc, silicon, cobalt, nickel) that stimulate nutrition or regulate fat metabolism;
  • thioctic acid, L-carnitine, dihydroergotamine, coping with pathological conditions;

homeopathic remedies have only natural vitamins, nutrients, plant extracts in minimal doses. When mesotherapy is supposed to be, which cocktail is better for the face, it is impossible to say for sure. It depends on the skin problems you have. In each case, a specialist who needs high qualifications and experience should decide. After all, the compositions are not only ready-made, they can be made by a cosmetologist.

Facial Options

Facial skin care is by no means only the concern of older women. For young people, mesotherapy is no less important for maintaining a decent appearance. And the variety of skin problems dictates the need for careful selection of the composition used during the procedure. In accordance with the state, as well as age, there are the following types face mesotherapy cocktails:

  • Therapeutic or curative. These products are designed to eliminate skin diseases, such as, for example, dark spots. To solve these problems, not only vitamins and trace elements are needed as indispensable components of a cocktail. Antibiotics can cope with pathologies, which must be included in the composition, with stains - bleaching agents. If rosacea is a problem, ingredients that stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels are needed. But therapeutic effect- not the only thing that can be obtained from such compounds. In addition to eliminating main problem, they help improve skin color, slow down its aging. This kind of mesotherapy vitamin cocktail for the face uses the following brands: Vitaflash, Vitaline, Hydroline.
  • anti-aging. Such compositions are needed for women who want to smooth out age-related changes in the skin of the face. Their main components are hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin, and vitamins. If you need to get rid of excess fluid, choose a cocktail with diuretic components. All these substances neutralize the destructive effect free radicals stimulate natural rejuvenation. Thanks to them, swelling, age-related flabbiness disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out. The best cocktails of mesotherapy for a face with age-related changes, according to experts, are Antiflacidez Cocktail FCE, DNA-RNA Complax. It makes sense to apply them not earlier than 25 - 30 years.

About what drugs are used for mesotherapy, see this video:

Procedure procedure

Mesotherapy is a complex event, divided into several stages:

  • the skin is cleaned of cosmetics, fat, sweat with the help of special products;
  • then the surface is wiped with an antiseptic to prevent the presence of bacteria and their entry into micropunctures;
  • an anesthetic cream is applied to the face to minimize the discomfort associated with injections and penetration of the agent;
  • the specialist applies markings on the skin, in accordance with which he will make injections;
  • according to the planned scheme, the cosmetologist injects the drug in accordance with the planned amount.

For information on how facial mesotherapy is performed, see this video:

The main stage, that is, the introduction of an agent that improves the condition into tissues, can be carried out using a special apparatus - a mesoinjector. This will reduce the risk of mistakes, and is also preferable for sensitive skin. If facial mesotherapy is performed, moisturizing cocktails can be administered without injections at all. First, the desired composition is applied to the cleansed skin, and then it is subjected to sonication.


The procedure gives pronounced effect, that is, it has strong influence on the body. It can be unfavorable in the presence of the following problems and conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe kidney pathology;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • acute infections;
  • active period of chronic diseases;
  • skin rashes, other kinds of inflammation;
  • severe degree of hypertension;
  • serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • taking blood-thinning medications;
  • intolerance to individual components of the cocktail.

Possible consequences

Facial mesotherapy products can give, and not only rejuvenation and elimination of problems with skin. Complications that can occur after the procedure:

  • Pain syndrome. It occurs with a reduced threshold of sensitivity, insufficient action of the anesthetic, with wrong technique procedures.
  • Bruising and swelling. May appear as a result of damage to blood vessels, their increased fragility, too deep penetration of the needle.
  • Erythema. Redness of the skin at the injection sites is normal if it goes away after half an hour. The long-term presence of erythema is considered a complication and may develop into a more serious condition.
  • Necrosis. It looks like an inflamed tubercle with pus inside. A problem arises as a result of neglect of sterility, the rules for administering the drug, incorrect calculation of its volume and lack of proper care.
  • Allergy. It has two manifestations: immediately occurring swelling, blisters, itching or shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock.

A few years ago I was advised this procedure to nourish the skin after frequent flights. Let's see who needs mesotherapy?

  • To those who have.
  • Those who often fly in airplanes.
  • For those who smoke.
  • Those who want to get rid of age spots.
  • Those who have problems with acne or post-acne.
  • Those who are dissatisfied with the condition of the skin depending on the season (spring and autumn are considered the time of beriberi).

Vitamins are included, so first the cosmetologist collects an anamnesis and finds out if you have allergic reactions for some substances. Then, after analyzing age features skin and the main tasks, selects an individual complex.

How it all comes personal experience): The mesotherapy procedure took several minutes and, despite the fears, turned out to be painless. Before the injection, an anesthetic gel was applied to my skin, then a vitamin solution was injected under the skin with a syringe with the thinnest needle. Feelings are not the most pleasant, but tolerable. In my case, the emphasis was on a whitening complex with fruit acids in the composition.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova, cosmetologist:

Skin aging begins after 24 years, so mesotherapy is used already from 25. Depending on the components, mesotherapy nourishes, moisturizes, fills the skin with amino acids and minerals, and stimulates rejuvenation. If a person does not have allergies, then we usually use a complex that includes more than 20 vitamins. Almost all complexes include hyaluronic acid. It varies in density depending on the age of the client: than more age skin, the denser the preparation should be.

What happens after the procedure (personal experience): Yes, gilauronka was also part of my complex. The thought of skin aging is not very happy, but at that moment my main concern was whether marks would remain, as I was going to work the next day.

Red dots remained at the injection sites, which disappeared two hours after the procedure. Fortunately, there were no bruises. The beautician did not recommend immediately applying a corrector or doing makeup, so it’s better not to plan anything on the “mesotherapy day”. If you are injecting in the spring or summer, during active sun, then immediately after the procedure, apply a cream with a UV protection factor of at least 30.

Expert opinion. Lyubov Eskova:

Redness usually disappears after an hour or two, and bruises with timely treatment with ointment disappear after a week. Mesotherapy is carried out in a course of 7 to 10 procedures, once every 7-10 days. Further according to the indications: once every 3 months or once every six months. As a result, it improves, a blush appears, the skin becomes more elastic. Thanks to mesotherapy, it begins to produce its own hyaluronic acid.

Effective or not?

After the first session, I was very happy: it seemed to me that the result was already there. The skin began to look fresher, paleness disappeared.

Before and after the procedure

But it was short term effect. It was fixed only after the third session. In total, I did five sessions and repeated mesotherapy a year later.

Advantages of the procedure (according to personal feelings):

  1. nasolabial folds become less pronounced,
  2. the skin under the eyes is more toned and elastic,
  3. complexion is more even.

In general, there was a feeling of denser, hydrated and younger skin, although there was no radical change in appearance, but the complexion became healthier and more radiant.

By the way, mesotherapy is also used in the neck, décolleté and hands. But I do not plan to spend it in these zones yet.

Cons of the procedure (for me personally): not too long-term effect. That is, I violated the recommendation of specialists and repeated the procedure after a year, and not after 6 months. In general, as always, we come to the conclusion that beauty requires sacrifice and means.

Possible contraindications. Need expert advice