Day of veterans of the Chechen war. Congratulations on the Day of Combat Veterans

July 1 - Combat Veterans Day is celebrated throughout Russia. Fighters from Chechnya and Afghanistan, who are on everyone's lips, but also from Transnistria, the Baltic States, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Baku, Ferghana, Tajikistan.
Little is known about these soldiers. But bullets, wounds, dreams - they have in common.

A holiday not celebrated in state calendar, the military appointed themselves and have been celebrating for more than a year.
Just calling this day a holiday is not divine, it is not human. This is the Day of Remembrance for those who fulfilled their military duty by order of the Motherland and by the dictates of conscience. This is Combat Veterans Memorial Day. Your memory is bright and our respect to real men! Alive health and peaceful sky above your head!

Brothers, friends! We sincerely congratulate the veterans of military operations on the holiday! Health and happiness to those who are retired and in reserve. And for those who serve, of course, the same health, good luck, and let the number of departures for service be equal to the number of returns home. On this day, we will definitely remember those who died in the line of duty. They will forever remain in our hearts!

All the memory of a candle burns in my soul,
I can't forget the friends who died for the Fatherland,
Such is fate! And until the last days
I will remember those to whom I owe my life.

On July 1, a memorable date is celebrated in Russia - the Day of Combat Veterans. And although it does not yet have an official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009 this holiday also bears the name "Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Veterans of Military Operations". This is a day of remembrance for all those who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and the memory of those who are no longer...

July 1, 2018 at Russian Federation Combat Veterans Day is celebrated. This date does not yet have an official status in the country, but every year it only gains its significance. In other words, on this day, people mourn the veterans who died in combat.

Veterans Day is not dedicated to a specific war. It concerns all veterans who fought for their homeland and fulfilled their duty to it. Also on this day, do not forget about the living veterans, because now they are the only ones who remember the hostilities and can tell the younger generations about it.

To coincide with a specific date for veterans who took part in hostilities has long been planned not only in the Russian Federation. Many countries also want to honor the memory of all fighters on a particular day and, in order not to forget about them, make a separate holiday. An important point was, this is the choice of the date and month, no one wanted it to be connected with the date of some kind of war. After all, there were a lot of them and not all veterans took part in specific military operations. The best option there was a neutral date, which has nothing to do with wars or military conflicts at all.

Thus, July 1 was chosen so that on this day everyone could remember the fallen veterans during the hostilities and congratulate those who are close to us. The first time the holiday began to be celebrated unofficially was back in the 21st century. History contains in its memory many military events and many lives that have remained on the battlefield. For them, the inhabitants of the country can bring flowers and leave them at the monument.

Many of the people who died then could not even be identified. Therefore, many soldiers are buried far from their homeland, but on this day everyone nice words can reach them. For many veterans, the dead guys are not just soldiers, but relatives and comrades. After so many years, it still hurts them to remember the losses, and especially on Veterans Day to hold back tears. Veterans hope that the holiday will still be made official, although now it does not have special significance. The main thing is that they will always remember that time and the day is not important for this.

Veterans Day initiators fight for July 1st date

The date, which is now celebrated in unofficial status, was adopted back in 2009. It is intended for those veterans who fought after the Second World War. To select the date, special surveys of veterans were conducted and for July 1, the largest number votes. This information was collected and recorded in official document. These documents were sent to the Government of the Russian Federation more than once with a request to assign the status of an official holiday to Veterans Day.

Indeed, this holiday should have its own date, because veterans took part in so many battles that were held not only on the territory of Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation has not yet adopted final decision, referring to the fact that there is a similar holiday in the state and it is held on February 15. On this day, the memory of all those who died outside the homeland while fulfilling their duty to the fatherland is honored.

Veterans Day organizers do not agree with the statements of the government of the Russian Federation. February 15 and July 1 will have different purposes, and the end of the war in Afghanistan cannot be attributed to honoring veterans who have taken part in other hostilities. All the same, each date should have its own specifics so that people can delve into what is happening and understand the essence of each holiday.

Veterans Day begins to be celebrated in many cities of Russia

Now the Veterans Day holiday is unofficial, but despite this, many residents of the country are beginning to develop a trend towards its promotion. Every year, all residents must honor the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but do not forget about veterans of other military operations. It is for this purpose that the organizers are trying to achieve official recognition of Veterans Day.

For all residents of the country, this is a good day to delve into the history of the country, and for veterans to remember all their comrades in arms. In many cities of the Russian Federation, Veterans Day is becoming a permanent character with respect to the memory of the fallen soldiers near the memorial. In some cities, in the evening they organize concert programs in which Russian performers take part.

A memorable date is celebrated in Russia - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have an official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow for War Veterans.

This is a day of remembrance for all those who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and the memory of those who are no longer alive.

The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among war veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been around for a long time. And informally, they began to celebrate it at the beginning of the 21st century. This was due to their desire to gather on one day, not tied to one or another event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (at present, in our country there are separate memorable dates- Days of military glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military operations).

But the initiators new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike (), it should be devoted to local conflicts. This will preserve the specifics of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War which are getting smaller and smaller every year. But in our country there are many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after Great Victory above Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in the hostilities who are not military personnel, on the Day of Veterans of Combat Operations, and all of them to once again come together and remember their dead comrades.

It must be said that, despite the lack of an official status, July 1, the Day of Combat Veterans, is already organized in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the internationalist warrior, and then The cultural program featuring well-known artists.

In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at Eternal fire, to the monuments to soldiers-internationalists and other memorials. Besides, in Lately This date is paid more and more attention by the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Combat Veterans and local conflicts.

You passed the battle points
in Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
For the world fighting in the war.

They honestly deserve their awards.
For hard, hard work.
For the fact that they did not spare their lives,
In the Fatherland you are called heroes.

Thank you dear veterans
For devoting their lives to fighting
And we won't forget your names
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

This holiday, which is celebrated on July 1, is akin to Victory Day, because he, too, "with tears in his eyes." Oh, far from all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in the elimination of local conflicts are alive today. And therefore bright minute the memory of heroes is an obligatory tribute paid by veterans to their colleagues on July 1.

And let at first the holiday was celebrated somehow spontaneously, inconsistently, the main thing is that initiative group got a result. And now, on the Day of Combat Veterans, wreaths are laid in an organized manner at the Eternal Flame, at the monuments to internationalist soldiers in various Russian cities. And concerts are held in the capital, artists who sang for the wounded in military hospitals perform for veterans, performers perform for whom the word “veteran” is not an empty phrase. Let our veterans live peacefully, in care and due respect.

Happy combat veterans day,
I wish you much happiness in life.
Let everything, as in your plans and dreams,
IN real life will come true.

Let the family love, but all friends
Give support, loyalty, respect.
Once again with this holiday you.
Know that you deserve only admiration!

You passed the battle points
in Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
For the world fighting in the war.

They honestly deserve their awards.
For hard, hard work.
For the fact that they did not spare their lives,
In the Fatherland you are called heroes.

Thank you dear veterans
For devoting their lives to fighting
And we won't forget your names
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

Please accept our congratulations and low bow for your merits. We wish you only peace blue sky, green grass with transparent dew and warm gentle sun. Do not know troubles and grief, let difficulties pass you by. Let only good news come to your home. Health and strength to you to work peacefully and no longer hear the sounds of war.

You are a veteran of military operations,
You served on firing points,
With weapons in hand, went through fire and water,
For the people, for happiness, for freedom!
You are a hero, a real man
Respect you, there is more than one reason
Chest in orders and scars from wounds,
Still young, but already a veteran!
Happy holiday, happy veterans of all wars,
We congratulate you, our hero!

Those who went through hot spots
The holiday is celebrated today
We congratulate them all from the bottom of our hearts,
We bow our heads before them
They saved the world, but they took risks,
How much strength, patience, courage they have!
We wish them peace, goodness,
In life they will not meet troubles.

Being a veteran doesn't mean being old
Wars on the planet do not count, do not appease,
On this day, only that remains for us,
What to pour, raise, remember ...

We will raise the first toast to you,
Behind him and the rest
For what's in my heart,
For nerves, for steel,
For what has been and gone
But not completely forgotten
For the time that knocks on the glass
For aching bones.
For combat veterans
We push our speech
Today we honor them
And we wish you good health!

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky,
The wind in the crowns plays with foliage,
I'm veterans day today
Congrats on your silence.

The battles died down, they died down,
And only memory fights in a dream,
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Fighting let him not know the action
Neither your son, nor grandson, nor brother,
You honestly gave the debt to the Motherland,
Combat veteran, soldier.

Happy Combat Veterans Day!
You protected from enemy misfortune
Expanse of fields, forests and native rivers.
May life give you peace and happiness!

In fate, everything will be very good,
Family, friends may love you very much.
And the rumble of war to leave forever,
And may all the days be beautiful, peaceful!

You often do not sleep at night.
You drown in cigarette smoke.
Tears the body to shreds the pain of mental wounds.
And unbearable memory greetings ...

Here is mother, home, beloved ... And there -
I heard the breath of death all the time.
Wars in a foreign country you are a veteran.
We are constantly proud of you.

Not the sound of coins, just the word "debt"
For the heart of the brave opened the way.
And you passed. You survived. You could.
Our lowest bow to you and glory!

Dear veterans of hostilities, soldiers-internationalists. I heartily congratulate you on Combat Veterans Day or, as this day is also called, Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duty outside the Fatherland !
This day is a sign of the deepest respect for the Russians who performed their official duty outside their country, a symbol of admiration for those who, risking their own lives, helped friendly nations defend the freedom and independence of their states.
The tradition of carefully preserving the memory of the heroes defending the Fatherland has been established since the days of the old Russian army. Over the years, this tradition was transferred to those who, voluntarily or on duty, helped prevent and eliminate internecine and interethnic conflicts, participated in peacekeeping operations, armed clashes and local wars, fought against imperialism and colonialism in the territories of foreign states.
Expressing solidarity with the fraternal peoples fighting for the national liberation and independence of their countries, our peacekeepers, soldiers-liberators fought in dozens of countries around the world. An example of the highest valor was the participation of our guys in the liberation operations in Spain (1936-1939), China (1945-1950), Korea (1950-1953), Algeria (1962-1964), Egypt (1962). -1975), Yemen Arab Republic (1962-1963, 1967-1969), Vietnam (1961-1974), Syria (1967, 1970, 1972, 1973) , Angola (1975-1992), Mozambique (1967-1969, 1975-1979, 1984-1988), Ethiopia (1977-1990), Afghanistan (1979-1989), Cambodia (1970), Bangladesh (1972-1973), Laos (1960-1963, 1964-1968, 1969-1970), Syria and Lebanon (June 1982), Karabakh (1988-1994) years), Georgian-Ossetian armed conflict (1991-1992), Georgian-Abkhazian armed conflict (1992-1993), Ossetian-Ingush conflict (1991-1992), Transnistria (1992), Tajikistan ( 1992-1997). As part of the UN forces, Russian military personnel received Active participation in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-2003), Kosovo (1999-2003), Sierra Leone (2000-2005), the Republic of Chad and the Central African Republic (2008-2010), Liberia (2003), Burundi (2004), Sudan (2005-2012). Courage, courage and loyalty to military duty were shown by Russian soldiers during the war in Chechnya (1994-1996), during a special operation to defeat gangs in Dagestan (1999), in a counter-terrorist operation in Chechen Republic(1999-2009), the armed conflict in South Ossetia (August 2008), in the peacekeeping mission in Donbass (2014).
Heroism has no boundaries. And since the Great Patriotic War, about a million Soviet and Russian soldiers and the officers proved it. Fearless people who are an example of courage, incorruptibility, honor, spiritual strength and boundless love to their native state, true heroes, true to duty and oath, they entered the fight against the enemy, prevented any encroachment of the enemy towards their country,
Combat Veterans Day is an event accompanied by pain for those who did not return home, who gave the most valuable thing - their lives, fulfilling their duty to their homeland.
Dear Combat Veterans, I congratulate you on the Day of Remembrance for Russians who performed their official duty outside the Fatherland ! We remember every name and share the pain and bitterness of loss, kneel before the feat of arms of our compatriots, who honorably performed combat missions in hot spots and zones of armed conflicts. We are proud and pay tribute deep respect soldiers, sergeants, officers, all those who have shown courage, bravery, courage and true patriotism. Thank you, and low bow! With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, success and prosperity! Everlasting memory and glory to all those who died on the battlefields!