The best do-it-yourself monkey tutorials on the web! knitted monkey

2016 a year will pass under the eastern symbol of the Fire Monkey. So, as an interior decor and gifts, you can choose things with her image. And what can be better products made by hand? We offer you several workshops on creating do-it-yourself monkey crafts from yarn, salt dough, fabric and paper.

What does the monkey symbolize?

Before embarking on crafts, it is useful to find out what symbolizes eastern horoscope monkey. Here is just a short list of traits that are characteristic of this individual:

  • activity;
  • creation or destruction;
  • high level of intuition;
  • logical thinking;
  • erudition;
  • curiosity;
  • desire for independence.

Postcard-monkey for the New Year do-it-yourself

Postcards are not only beautiful pieces of paper with congratulations. They can be attached to gifts that will lie under the tree.

A master class on how to make such paper monkey crafts

  1. Take colored cardboard. For one monkey you will need two colors.
  2. Cut out one large circle.
  3. From cardboard of a different color, cut out a heart, an oval and two circles. In size, they should be smaller than the main circle.
  4. Glue the parts as shown in the picture above.
  5. Draw eyes and a mouth.

Make several different colored monkeys for each gift.

Making a sock monkey

To make such a monkey, you will need:

  • couple of socks;
  • scissors;
  • marker or chalk;
  • needle and thread;
  • buttons;
  • filler.

The next steps are the following.

  1. Take one pair of socks. The longer they are, the larger the monkey will be. On New Year Handmade gifts are a pleasure to give, and this toy is no exception. It is desirable that the heel and toes of socks differ in color from the main part. From one sock you will get the body, legs and head, and from the other - paws, tail, muzzle and ears.
  2. Turn both socks inside out.
  3. Lay one of them heel down and level it (picture 1).
  4. Draw in the middle horizontal line from socks. It should end a centimeter from the heel (picture 2).
  5. Make a few stitches as shown in picture 3.
  6. Cut the sock between the stitches made before (picture 4).
  7. Turn the product over and fill it with filler (for example, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, shreds of fabric, and so on).
  8. Shape the body and sew up the sock. Do not forget to highlight the head of the monkey with stitches (picture 5).
  9. Take the second sock and draw other details of the monkey's body on it: arms, ears, muzzle and tail (picture 6).
  10. Cut out all the details, except for the muzzle, and sew them together. Do not sew up the places where the elements will be attached to the body.
  11. Stuff the parts with filler.
  12. Sew the details to the body (pictures 7 and 8).
  13. Sew on the muzzle and put some filler inside (picture 9).
  14. Attach eyes (such as buttons) and stitch the mouth.

This is how the monkey turned out (with your own hands!). New Year's gift is ready!

knitted toy

Do-it-yourself monkey knitting for the New Year is easy. For this you need to take:

  • yarn of medium thickness;
  • knitting needles No. 3;
  • filler (for example, synthetic winterizer);
  • eyes (ready-made or buttons).

Operating procedure:

  1. Tie your head. To do this, cast on 17 stitches and knit 50 rows in stockinette stitch. After that, close the loops. Fold the resulting part in half and sew on the sides, while the upper corners are slightly rounded. Do not sew the head down.
  2. Tie the muzzle. Cast on 15 stitches and work 24 rows in stockinette stitch. Sew in the same way as the head.
  3. Cast on 8 stitches and work 16 rows in stockinette stitch. Sew the part in the same way as the muzzle and head. As a result, you have an ear. Do another one in the same way.
  4. Tie the torso to the legs. To do this, cast on 17 stitches and knit 50 rows in stockinette stitch. If you want to get a striped monkey, then alternate through several rows of yarn colors. When one leg is ready, set aside the loops and knit the second piece in the same way. Then connect the loops of the two elements and continue knitting the body. To do this, dial another 40 rows. Close the loops.
  5. Cast on 15 stitches and work 50 rows in stockinette stitch. Close the loops and sew the part like a head. Make one more detail. You've got hands.
  6. Cast on 11 stitches for the tail and knit 50 rows. Sew the detail.
  7. Stuff all the details, except for the ears, with filler and sew them together.
  8. Sew on the eyes and embroider the mouth.

Knitted monkey is ready!

Crochet monkeys with their own hands for the New Year: we knit the head and ears


  • air loop - vpt;
  • single crochet - stbbn;
  • half-column with a crochet - pstbsn;
  • double crochet - stbsn;
  • increase - prb;
  • decrease - decrease

We knit the head.

1. Yarn No. 1:

  • 10 vpt, in the second loop we knit 2 single crochet, from the third to the ninth - 1 single crochet each; in the tenth loop - 4 single crochet; knitting goes in a circle, we do not turn the product over;
  • 1 stbn in each loop and 2 stbn in the last;
  • 2 inc, 6 single crochet, 4 inc, 6 single crochet, 2 inc;
  • two rows of 28 single crochets;
  • 2 stbn, 20 pstbn, 15 stbn;
  • 2 single crochet, 10 times 2 prb and 1 pstbsn, 15 single crochet;

2. Yarn No. 2:

  • 44 single crochet for back wall;
  • five rows of 44 single crochets;
  • twice 20 stbb and 2 dec;
  • five times - 6 stbb and 2 dec;
  • five times - 5 stbb and 2 dec;
  • five times - 4 stbb and 2 dec;
  • five times - 3 stbb and 2 dec.

3. Stuff the part with filler.

4. Dial 6 dec.

5. Pull off all loops.

We knit ears:

1. Yarn No. 1:

  • 6 single crochet;
  • 12 single crochet;
  • five times - 2 inc and 1 single crochet;
  • five times - 2 inc and 2 single crochet;
  • five times - 2 inc and 3 single crochet;

2. Dark yarn: 32 connecting sts are knitted in a circle.

paws and body

We knit pens.

1. Yarn No. 1:

  • 6 single crochets are pulled together;
  • two rows of 12 single crochets.

2. Yarn No. 2:

  • 3 dec, 6 single crochet;
  • 1 stbb, 1 prb, 7 stbb;
  • 12 rows of 10 single crochets;
  • 5 dec.

4. All loops are pulled together.

We knit legs.

1. Yarn No. 1:

  • 8 vpt, 3 stbn are knitted into the second loop, 1 stbn each from the third to the seventh, 4 loops of the chain into the eighth, the part turns in a circle;
  • in four loops of 1 stbn;
  • 3 prb, 4 stbb, 3 prb, 4 stbb;
  • 20 single crochet.

2. Yarn No. 2:

  • 20 single crochet;
  • 3 ubb, 14 stbb;
  • 3 stbn are knitted together, 6 stbn, 1 dec, 6 stbn;
  • 1 prb, 6 stbb, 1 prb, 6 stbb;
  • two rows of 16 stbbn;
  • 5 times 1 dec and 1 stbn, 1 stbn;
  • 5 dec, 1 single crochet.

3. The part is stuffed with filler.

4. All loops are pulled together.

We knit the body:

  • 6 single crochets are pulled together into an amigurumi ring;
  • 6 prb;
  • 6 times 1 prb and 1 stbb;
  • 18 single crochet;
  • five times - 1 prb and 2 stbb;
  • 24 single crochet;
  • 6 times 1 inc and 3 stbn.
  • 30 single crochet;
  • five times - 1 prb and 4 stbb;
  • six rows of 36 stbbn;
  • five times - 1 dec and 4 stbb;
  • 30 single crochet;
  • five times - 1 dec and 3 single crochet;
  • five times - 1 dec and 2 single crochet;
  • five times - 1 dec and 1 single crochet;
  • 6 dec;
  • all loops are tightened.

All details are sewn together.

Amigurumi-monkey for the New Year, made with your own hands, is ready!

Salt dough monkey

Such monkeys (photo above) can easily be made with puff pastry with children.

For this you will need:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of finely ground salt;
  • 120 ml of cold water;
  • wallpaper glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Dilute the glue in water. The resulting mixture should resemble liquid sour cream.
  2. Mix flour with salt.
  3. Pour the liquid into the flour and mix everything with a whisk or mixer. As a result, you should get a plastic dough.
  4. From ready dough sculpt the details of the monkey: paws, head, body, ears, muzzle elements.
  5. Connect all the details. Sculpt the muzzle. Add decorative elements(for example, a New Year's scarf).
  6. Let the figurine dry. To do this, put it on the battery for two days or an hour or two in the oven.
  7. Color the figurine acrylic paints or gouache.
  8. Let the paint dry and then varnish the monkey.

A monkey for the New Year, made from salt dough with your own hands, is ready!

This handmade knitted monkey will undoubtedly please your children. If you have never knitted toys, try knitting a monkey with knitting needles. Detailed description will allow you to get the job done.

Size knitted monkey 35x12.5 cm.

For knitting you will need: 1 skein of Berroco Peruvia yarn (100% wool, 160 m / 100 g) in two colors - brown and beige, knitting needles 4 mm, synthetic winterizer for stuffing, 2 buttons for eyes, black thread for embroidery, knitting needle .

Knitting density: 22 p. and 28 p. = 10x10 cm.

A detailed description of knitting a monkey.

Torso and head.

The item is knitted in one piece from the bottom.

Cast on 20 sts with brown thread (leave a long piece for sewing).

1st p. (RS): [from 1 p. to 2 persons. - for the front and behind the rear walls, 1 person.] 10 times = 30 p.

2nd p. (IP): purl sang.

3rd p.: 1 person., 9 times, add 1 p., 2 persons. = 40 p.

4th row: purl loops.

5th p.: 2 persons., 9 times, 1 persons., 2 persons. = 50 p.

Track. R. (RS): 6 persons., 3 times, 2 persons. together, 6 persons. = 46 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 1 person., 7 times, 2 persons. together, 1 persons. = 38 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 3 persons., 3 times, 2 persons. together, 3 persons. = 34 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 4 persons., 6 times = 28 p.

Work 9 rows straight, ending on a purl row.

Shoulder shaping.

Track. R. (RS): 6 persons., 2 persons. together, 12 persons., 2 persons. together, 6 persons. = 26 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 5 persons., 1 p. remove, 2 persons. together and stretch through the removed p., 10 persons., Remove 1 p., 2 persons. together and stretch through the removed p., 5 persons. = 22 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 4 persons., 1 p. remove, 2 persons. together and stretch through the removed p., 8 persons., Remove 1 p., 2 persons. together and stretch through the removed p., 4 persons. = 18 p.

Tie 1 purl row. And behind the back.


Track. R. (RS): 2 persons., [from 1 p. knit 2 persons. - for the front and behind the rear walls, 1 person.] 8 times = 26 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 2 persons., 8 times = 34 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 4 persons., 6 times = 40 p.

Work 17 rows straight, ending on a purl row.

Track. R. (LS): 2 persons., 7 times, 2 persons. together, 1 persons. = 32 p.

Knit 1 purl row straight.

Track. R.: 1 persons., [ persons. together, 2 persons.] 7 times, 2 persons. together, 1 persons. = 24 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. R.: 8 times = 16 p.

Knit 1 purl row.

Track. p.: 8 times = 8 p.

Track. R.: 4 times = 4 p.

Cut the thread, leave a long piece. Thread the knitting needle, pull through the remaining loops and pull off.

Hind legs (tie 2).

Each leg is knitted from the foot.

With a beige thread, dial 6 sts (leave a long segment).

Starting from the next purl row, work 9 rows straight, ending in the purl row.

13th p. (LS): 2 persons., 3 times, 2 persons. together, 2 persons. = 17 p.

Row 14: Purl.

Cut off the beige thread. Attach brown thread and knit 10 rows straight, finish in the wrong row.

Track. R. (LS): 3 persons., twice, 2 persons. together, 2 persons. = 12 p. **.

Knit 11 more rows straight and knit off all sts.

Front paws (tie 2).


With a beige thread, dial 6 sts, leave a long segment.

1st p. (RS): [from 1 p. knit 2 persons. - for the front and behind the rear walls] 5 times, 1 persons. = 11 p.

2nd p. (WS): purl.

3rd p.: 1 person., 10 times = 21 p.

4th row: purl loops.

5th p.: 1 person., 10 times = 31 p.

Starting from the next purl row, knit 5 rows straight. Close the loops with facial ones, leave a long segment for sewing the nose to the head.

Ears (tie 2).

With a beige thread, cast on 3 loops.

1st p. (IP): [from 1 p. knit 2 persons. - for the front and behind the rear walls] 2 times, 1 person. = 5 p.

2nd p. (RS): 4 times, 1 persons. = 9 p.

3rd row: front loops to the end of the row (crochet knit crossed).

4th p.: 4 times, 1 persons. = 13 p.

5th row: repeat the 3rd row.

6th row: facial loops.

Knit 2 more rows with knit stitches and loosely bind off all stitches with knit stitches. Leave a long piece for sewing the ear to the head.


With a beige thread, dial 3 loops (leave a long piece for sewing to the body). Work tail in garter stitch (knit in each row) slightly longer than legs. IN last row Remove 1 p., 2 persons. together and pull through the slipped loop, cut the thread and finish.


Assemble all the parts according to the instructions (see photo).

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The material was prepared and retold with in English Homebody.


A knitted monkey is great craft for the new year 2016. Photo master class and step by step description knitting monkeys will turn work into a real pleasure. And as a result you will get funny toy self made, with which you will be able to decorate the house in an original way with a knitted symbol of the coming year. After all, it is not for nothing that hand-made souvenirs are able to do this. the best way. You can also watch MK: and decide which craft will make it easier and more interesting for you.

How to knit a soft monkey with knitting needles


To knit the head of a monkey on the knitting needles, we collect 6 loops and then knit according to the description below.

At the end of knitting, leave a large tail of yarn, thread it into the needle and stretch it through the six remaining loops. Next, folding both sides to each other, we sew the head.

Leave a small hole and fill the head with filler.


We collect 15 loops on the knitting needles and knit following the description.

At the end of knitting, the loops are not closed. We leave a tail with a thread about 30 cm long, thread it into the needle and thread it through the remaining loops, tighten it tightly.

We sew the body along the entire length, leaving a small hole at the end for stuffing.

We fill the body with holofiber.


We collect 13 loops on the knitting needles and knit from 1 to 3 rows stockinette stitch, starting from the back row. In the 4th row, 1 person.p., increase, 8 person.p., increase, 1 person.p. (15p). Next, from 5 to 45 rows with front stitch. Now we change the color of the thread to beige and knit 58 rows with front stitch. In the 59th row we knit 2 stitches together with the front x 7 times. We cut the thread, thread it into the needle, thread it through the remaining loops, tightly tighten and sew up the arms along the entire length.

We stuff our hands with holofiber.


We collect 9 loops on the knitting needles with a thread of the main color. Following the description, we will knit two legs for our monkey.

At the end of knitting, close all loops.

We sew, closed in the middle of knitting 14 loops on the leg to form the foot.

We stuff the legs with holofiber.


We collect 9 loops on the knitting needles with a thread of the main color.

monkey muzzle

Neither knitting needles we collect 12 loops with a thread beige colour.

We close all the loops - we get a muzzle.


We collect 12 loops on the knitting needles with a beige thread and then continue knitting according to the pattern.


We collect 8 loops on the knitting needles with a thread of the main color and knit 80 rows with the front surface. In the 81st row we knit 2 stitches together with the front x 4 times. Next, we cut the thread, thread it into the needle, pass it through the remaining loops, tighten. We sew the tail along the entire length.


Sew the head to the body.

….and legs.

We sew a muzzle to the head, leaving a small hole for stuffing.

We fill the muzzle with holofiber and sew up the hole.

We sew the ears.

Sew the ears on the sides of the head.

Sew the belly in the center of the body.

On the belly we embroider the navel, glue the eyes over the muzzle, sew on the tail.

The monkey is ready!

The red monkey is a cheerful, changeable and playful symbol of 2016. This article describes how to knit. You will need a little yarn, you can use the remnants of threads to knit a toy.

Monkey Chita

For work you will need:

  • semi-synthetic yarn of small thickness (280g / 100m) in brown, white and yellow;
  • decorative eyes;
  • knitting needles No. 3;
  • synthetic winterizer type filler;
  • hook number 3;
  • a needle with a large eye.
  • to decorate the monkey - 2 buttons, beads, fabric for a hat and collar.

Knitting density: 26p. and 36 p. correspond to 10 cm of knitted fabric.

monkey pattern

We will knit all parts with front stitch: the first p. - persons., the second - out., the third - like the first, etc.


Dial 12p., Knit 2p.

3r.: through each loop - tie two. It turned out 24p.

4th, 6th, 7th, 8th - according to the drawing;

5 p.: ∗ 1 l., after 1 p. knit two ∗ - continue from ∗ to ∗ to the end of the p. It turned out 36 p.;

9r. : ∗1 l., after 1 p. - two, 1 l.∗ - continue from ∗ to ∗ to the end of the row. It turned out 48 p.;

From the 10th to the 31st. - we knit an even canvas, without increments;

32 p.: Decrease on the waist - ∗ 1 l., 2 p. together, 1 l. ∗ - repeat from ∗ to ∗ to the end of the river. We have 36 p.;

From the 33rd to the 60th p. - according to the drawing;

61 p.: chest design - ∗ 4l., 2 p. in 1p., 7 l., 2 p. in 1p., 2l. ∗ - do from ∗ to ∗ 2 times, 2 l. Total -32 p.

63 p.: ∗4 sheets, 2 sts in 1 st. with an inclination to the left, 5 l., 2 p.v 1 p. with a slope to the right, 2l.∗ - do from ∗ to ∗ 2 times, 2l. Total 28p.

65 p. ∗4 l., 2 p. in 1 p. with an inclination to the left, 3 l., 2 p.v 1 p. with a slope to the right, 2l.∗ - do from ∗ to ∗ 2 times, 2l. Total 24p.

67 p. ∗4 l., 2 p. in 1 p. with a slope to the left, 1 l., 2 p. in 1 p. with a slope to the right, 2l.∗ - do from ∗ to ∗ 2 times, 2l. We have 20 sts.

69 p. ∗4 l., 2 p. in 1 p. with a slope to the left, 2 p. in 1 p. with a slope to the right, 2l.∗ - do from ∗ to ∗ 2 times, 2l. We have 16 sts.

70 rubles close all loops. Break and fasten the thread. Sew the body and fill with synthetic winterizer..


Dial 12p.

1r. 1l., ∗ through 1p. - two *, repeat four times, 2 l., ∗ 1p. in two *, repeat four times, 1 l. - 20 p.

2nd p. - according to the drawing;

3 p. 1 l., ∗ after 1 p. - two, 1 l. ∗ - repeat four times, 2 l., ∗ 1 p. in two, 1 l. ∗ - do four times, 1 l. - 28 p.

from the 4th to the 11th p. - according to the drawing;

12 p.: 6 l., after 1p. - two, 1p. in two, 12 l., two, 1p. in two, 6 liters. - we have 32p.

13r. and all odd up to 21r. inclusive - according to the drawing;

14 p.: 6 l. ∗ after 1 p. - two, 1 l. ∗ - repeat twice, 12 l., ∗ 1 p. in two, 1 l. ∗ - do twice, 6 l. We have 36 sts.

16 p.: 7 l. ∗ after 1 p. - two, 2 l. ∗ - do twice, 12 l., ∗ 1 p. in two, 2 l. ∗ - do twice, 5 l. We have 40 sts.

18 p.: 7 l. ∗ after 1 p. - two, 3 l. ∗ - do twice, 12 l., ∗ 1 p. in two, 3 l. ∗ - do twice, 5 l. We have 44 sts.

20 rubles: 8 liters. ∗ 1 p. in two, 4 l.∗ - do twice, 12 l., ∗ 1 p. in two, 4 l.∗ - twice, 4 l. We have 48 sts.

22 p.: ∗ 1 sheet, 2p together, 1 sheet ∗ - for the entire row. We get 36p.

From the 23rd to the 25th p. - according to the drawing;

26 p.: ∗ 1 l., 2p together ∗ - for the whole row. We get 24p.

27 p. - according to the pattern;

28 p .: all loops two together. As a result -12p.

Close the loops, cut and fasten the thread. Sew and fill with filler.


We will knit with white threads. We collect 10p. and knit 4 p. facial smoothness. In the fifth r. we make a symmetrical increase, knitting at the beginning and at the end 1 loop in two. Next 3r. - according to the pattern. At 9 p. we repeat the increase on both sides - we get 14 p. Another 3p. - exactly.

From 13 p. we start the reduction. We perform it similarly to the increase, in symmetrical rows. As a result, we get 10p., Which we close, break the thread, fasten. You can knit a face in the shape of a heart, as in the photo. To do this, in the penultimate rows in the center, we close 1 loop, from it we make a symmetrical decrease in both directions.


Cast on 32p. threads white color and knit 6 p. main pattern.

7 p.: 1l., ∗ 1 l., 2p. in 1p. ∗ - repeat to the last loop in the river, 1 l. - in the end 22 p.

8 p. - purl;

9 p.: 1 sheet, ∗., 2p. in 1p. ∗ - repeat to the last loop in the river, 1 l. - in the end 12 p.

We cut off the thread, thread it through the loops, tighten it, after stuffing the filler.


On knitting needles No. 3 with a white thread, dial 7p., Knit with front stitch 2p.

3r.: 1l., in the next five loops through each loop, knit two, 1l. We have 12 sts.

from the 4th to the 8th p. - according to the drawing;

9 p .: we make a decrease: 1 l., then we knit two loops together, 1 l.

10 p. go to the brown thread and continue, repeating the pattern from the 3rd p.;

17 p .: close the loops, fold the halves of the ear with the front sides, carefully sew, leaving a small hole. We twist the ear through it. Sew up the unsewn area.

upper limbs

Two such details need to be connected.

We collect 6 p. with brown threads and knit two p.

*3r.:. at the beginning and end of the river. we make an increase of 1 p .;

from the 4th to the 6th p. - front surface * - repeat from * to * three times. Got 12 sts.

15 p.: According to the drawing, evenly (along the edges and in the center) adding 3 p.;

16 p.: as 15 p. We have 18p.

from the 17th to the 28th - the main pattern;

29 p.: 6 faces., 2p. in one, 5 sheets, 2p. in 1p., 5 l. Row 16 sts.

from the 30th to the 38th - according to the pattern;

39 p.: 5l., * 2p. together, 3 persons. * - repeat 2 times, 1l. - only 14 p.

Another 7 p. - the main pattern.

We turn to white threads and make two more rivers. We start knitting the brush. We will knit it in expanded form, and then sew it. At the beginning of the 1st and 2nd river. dial 6p. - this will be the thumb. It turns out 26 p. Tie another 2p. stocking knit. Close 4 p. at the beginning of each of the next. rows - 18p will remain.

We begin to knit fingers

1 p.: * 3 l, 1 increase through a broach * - repeat 3 p., 6 l., * 3 l, 1 increase through a broach * - do 3 p.

2p .: all out .;

from the 3rd r. we knit all parts of the fingers from a separate thread, turning the work. Each finger consists of two parts of 3p. each (except the little finger, which will be one part for 6p.). Between fingers 1p. for the interval. The height of the fingers - the little finger - 6 rubles, the ring finger - 7 rubles, the middle and index fingers - 8 rubles each. Having knitted the required number of rows, we break the thread, thread it through the loops and pull it together. We carefully sew the brush and hand from the inside, fill it with padding polyester.

lower limbs

The monkey will have two legs, of course. Cast on 16 sts with brown yarn and knit 10p. facial smoothness.

11 p.: 6l, * 1 - through a broach, 5l. * -2 p. - we have 18 p.

from the 12th to the 20th - facial smoothness;

21 p.: 6l, * 1 - through a broach, 6l. * -2 p. - we have 20 p.

from the 22nd to the 30th p. - facial smoothness;

31 p.: 7l., * 1 - through a broach, 7l. * -2 p. - we have 22 p.

Once again 9 p. satin stitch with a flat canvas.

41r.: 5 l., 1-from the broach, 8l., 1-from the broach, 7l.- 24p.

We start the decrease: at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd p. close by 3p. - 18 sts left.

Track. 8 p. - according to the pattern.


We turn to white threads and knit 5 p. After that, we knit the toes in the same way as on the hands. We sew the leg and foot neatly from the inside, fill it with padding polyester.


Dial 10 p. Brown yarn and knit 10 p. Close the loops, break the thread, fasten off. Sew the tail, stuff it tightly with padding polyester. You can even insert a flexible wire - then the tail will be fun to spring.


Sew on the head, face, muzzle, ears, limbs and tail. Now embroider the mouth and nose. You can knit the nose with a triangle and sew it on.

Sew on the eyes. You can dress up the monkey according to your taste. One of the options: knit a shirt-front type, sew it on, sew on buttons and crocheted flowers. Make a collar out of openwork fabric. From a piece of felt - a hat - a cap. It can be embroidered with beads. Well, what is a monkey without a banana? From yellow yarn we knit a peel with a cone, we sew a banana knitted from white yarn into it.

Monkey - pendant

We make a decrease on the neck - in the next two rivers, on the sides: counting from the middle of the body: 3l., 2p. - one, the second knitting needle: 1 l., 2 p. - one, 3l., and further according to this scheme. It turns out 12p.

We distribute them into 2 joint ventures. by 6p. on the muzzle and back of the head. We knit the face with white threads.

1p .: faces .;

2p .: purl .;

from the 3rd r. on the 5th p.: through one loop we make an increase. We have 21p.;

From the 6th to the 8th p. - hosiery;

9 p.: We will knit according to the heel-to-toe principle.

We knit 6 p. main pattern. We remove the loops on the pin.

Let's start knitting the back of the head

1r. and 3 p. - out;

2p .: faces., through one loop we make an increase. We have 11p.;

4 p.: evenly add 4p., Getting a total of -15 p.

Let's go to circular knitting for 4 sp. We transplant the loops of the muzzle from the pin, distribute into four knitting needles of 7, 8, 7, 8p.

In subsequent r. we make a descent, as for the neck. When 6 stitches remain, knit them three times together - 2 stitches remain. Break the thread, thread through them, fasten.

Ears (2 pcs.) Crochet. Ring, 1VP, 3СБН

2p.: 1VP, 6SBN;

3r.: 1VP, 12SBN;

We owe the symbolism of the upcoming new year 2016 to the Chinese, because thanks to their calendar, once every twelve years we meet the spirit of a new animal in our homes. And this year was no exception! What kind of monkey is she? Each animal has its own character and characteristics, which clearly affects people's lives this year.

The color corresponding to the monkey is red as the year is approaching fire monkey. Therefore, her character is appropriate: she is characterized by variability, irascibility, playfulness, fun and much more. I bring to your attention a very beautiful monkey, a cheerful monkey, which also corresponds to all the qualities listed earlier. Only the color is close to red, a brown monkey, with playful eyes in overalls and a cap.

Knitting density: in a standard pattern of a square with a side of ten centimeters, twenty-six loops for thirty-six rows.

What do we need:

  • yarn "Pekhorka. Cool" half cotton, half viscose. There are two hundred and eighty meters in one hundred grams. One tangle chocolate color, one ball of milky color, the remains of green yarn
  • decorative eyes
  • spokes number three
  • scissors
  • synthetic winterizer or any convenient and familiar filler for work
  • hook number three
  • tape measure
  • decorations or decorations of a knitted monkey, I have a jumpsuit and a hat
  • pattern

Main pattern: the front surface, in which all front loops are knitted in the front row, and in the back row we perform purl loops.


One piece is required. To begin with, on knitting needles number three, we collect twelve loops with a chocolate-colored thread and knit two rows with the main pattern.

Third row : we start the additions as follows: we knit a loop behind the front wall, and then behind the back wall to the end of the row, thus getting twenty-four loops.

Fourth row: we knit without changes with the main pattern.

Fifth row: again you need to add twelve loops in a row. We do it this way: we knit the front loop, then the loop behind the front wall, and then behind the back, continue alternating this combination to the end of the row and get thirty-six loops.

Sixth row: and also we knit the next two rows with the front stitch without any changes.

Ninth row: which is the third series of additions, in this row, as in the subsequent additional rows, we will again add twelve loops evenly along the knitting. So, having knitted the front loop, we make an increase in the previously known way, then again front loop, continue to the end of the row and get forty-eight loops.

Tenth row - thirty-first row: knit with the main pattern.

Thirty-second row: form the waistline. To do this, we decrease the loops in the row as follows: we knit one loop of the front, then two loops together, again the front loop, alternate to the end of the row and thirty-six loops remain on the knitting needles.

Thirty-third row - sixtieth row: we do all knitting according to the main pattern, do not forget that in the purl row and loops are appropriate.

Sixty-first row: to form the chest line, we make reductions. Having knitted four facial loops in a row, we knit two loops together, then seven facial loops in a row, again two loops together with the front loop, two front loops. We repeat this combination twice and complete the row with two facial loops. Thirty-two stitches should remain on the needles at the end of the row.

Sixty-second row: knit with front stitch.

Sixty third row: start knitting a row with four front rows, then we knit two loops together with a tilt to the left, then five front loops are replaced by knitting two loops together, followed by two front loops. This combination of loops is repeated twice again and at the end of the row follow, one after the other, two facial loops. At the end of the decrease, there were twenty-eight loops in a row.

Sixty-fourth row: knit again with the main pattern.

Sixty-fifth row: after knitting four front loops, we make the first decrease in the row, knitting two loops together, then we knit three front loops in a row, again a decrease in the form of two loops knitted together, then two front loops. Repeat this combination twice and finish the row with two facial loops. So it turns out that twenty-four loops remain in the row.

Sixty-sixth row: again a row without changes in the form of a row of purl loops.

Sixty-seventh row: and this is the fourth decreasing row. We start knitting a row with four front loops, then two loops together, one front loop, then two loops together and two front loops. We repeat all this twice and we knit two facial loops at the end of the row. We get twenty loops.

Sixty-ninth row: final decreasing row. Still starting with four facial loops, then remove one loop, knit two loops together, and then stretch the resulting loop through the removed one. Then follow two loops together and two facial loops. We also repeat this combination twice and complete the row with two facial loops. Thus getting sixteen loops.

Seventy row: knit all stitches in a row purl loops. Then we close all the loops, cut the thread.


You need one detail. The beginning is similar to knitting the torso. To begin with, we also collect twelve loops on knitting needles number three with chocolate thread.

First row: We start making additions right away. Having knitted the front loop, we make an increase by knitting the thread first for the front wall, and then for the back wall. We repeat the increase four times in a row, then we knit two front loops and again we increase four times in a row. At the end of the row, we knit one front loop and get twenty loops.

Second row: and subsequent odd rows knit on the main pattern with purl loops.

Third row: one front loop is replaced by a combination of the increase described earlier and the front loop, this combination is repeated four times in a row. Then we knit two front loops and again we repeat the previous combination of increase and front loop four times. At the end of the row, knitting the front loop, we get twenty-eight loops.

Fourth row: and seven more subsequent rows knit with the main pattern.

Twelfth row: we knit six facial loops, then we increase the loop and repeat all this twice. Then we repeat the combination of twelve facial loops and increase twice. Having knitted six facial loops, at the end of the row we get thirty-two loops.

Fourteenth row: we start by knitting six front loops, then we knit a combination of an increase and a front loop, which we repeat twice. Then, having knitted twelve loops, we again repeat the previous combination twice. The end of the row will be six facial loops. Thus, we got thirty-six loops.

Sixteenth row: we already knit seven front loops, then we make an increase and knit two front loops, repeat twice, starting with an increase. We knit twelve loops and alternate twice the increase and two facial loops. At the end of the row, knitting five facial loops, we get forty loops.

Eighteenth row: we start knitting with seven front loops, then we repeat the combination of the increase and three front loops twice. We knit twelve facial loops, repeat the combination with an increase and three facial loops twice. Again at the end of the row there are five front loops, after knitting which we got forty-four loops.

Twentieth row: final incremental row. We knit eight facial loops, repeat twice a series of increases and four facial loops. We knit twelve facial loops and again repeat the alternation of the increase and four facial loops twice. At the end of the row, knitting four facial loops, we get forty-eight loops.

Twenty-second row: the initial row of decreasing loops. Repeat until the end of the row the following combination of loops: one front loop, two loops together, again the front loop. We get thirty-six loops at the end of the row.

Twenty-third row: and we knit the next two rows with the front surface.

Twenty-sixth row: we knit the front loop and two loops together, and then repeat to the end of the row, thus getting twenty-four loops on the needles.

Twenty-eighth row: repeat until the end of the row of knitting two loops together. We get twelve loops at the end of the row. Bind off all stitches, cut yarn and fasten off.


We knit one piece. On knitting needles number three, we collect ten loops of milky yarn and knit four rows with the main pattern.

Fifth row: we add one loop at the beginning and at the end of the row, knitting the front loop in the first and last loop, first behind the front wall, and then behind the back wall.

Sixth row: and we knit the next two rows with front stitch.

Repeat the last four rows again, that is, from the fifth row to the eighth row inclusive, we get fourteen loops.


You will also need one item. We collect thirty-two loops on the knitting needles with a milky thread and knit five rows with the main pattern.

Seventh row: after knitting one front loop, we repeat the combination of one front loop and two loops knitted together, until the last front loop, which we simply knit.

Eighth row: like all odd rows, they consist of purl loops.

Ninth row: we repeat the knitting of one front loop and two loops, which we knit together until the last loop, which we knit with the front loop. Thus, at the end of the row we get twelve loops.

Cut yarn, pull through loops and pull tight.


Now we need to connect two auricles. On knitting needles number three we collect a thread light color seven loops and we knit two rows with the front stitch.

Third row: we make an increase in each loop until the end of the row, in which you should get twelve loops.

Fourth row - sixth row: knit with the main pattern.

Seventh row - eighth row: knit all stitches.

Ninth row: We knit two loops together with the front loop, to the end of the row. In this row we get seven loops, cut the thread, pass through the loops and tighten, then fasten the thread.

upper limbs

We knit two parts. On knitting needles number three with a chocolate-colored thread, we collect six loops and knit two rows with the main pattern.

Third row: we add at the end and at the beginning of the row one loop at a time, already familiar and described earlier in the way.

Fourth row - sixth row: knit with front stitch. Repeat the last four rows, that is, from the third row to the sixth row, inclusive two more times. We get twelve loops.

Fifteenth row and sixteenth row: Knit all stitches, inc at the beginning of the row, in the middle of the row, and at the end of the row. At the end we get eighteen loops.

Seventeenth row: and also the next eleven rows are performed according to the scheme of the main pattern.

Twenty-ninth row: after knitting six front loops, we repeat twice a series of two loops knitted together and four front loops. And we get sixteen loops. Next, we knit nine rows with the front surface without changes.

Thirty-ninth row: we knit five front loops, and then we repeat the combination of two loops knitted together and three front loops twice, we knit the last loop and we get fourteen loops at the end of the row. This is followed by seven rows of the main pattern.

Next, change the thread and knit two rows with the front stitch. Cast on six stitches at the beginning of the next two rows to form thumb. There should be twenty-six loops. Next, we knit two rows with the front surface. Bind off four sts at the beginning of the next two rows for 18 sts. Then two rows of the main pattern.

We begin to knit the fingers of the hand. We knit two front loops, make one increase, then one front loop and repeat the increase twice. We knit three facial loops and make an increase, then unfold the knitting and knit on these fifteen loops.

Little finger , knitting of which we start from the wrong side, therefore, to begin with, we knit six wrong loops. We unfold the knitting and continue knitting only on six loops. We knit five rows with the main pattern. We cut the thread, pass the end of the thread through the loops on the knitting needle, tighten the loops, fasten the thread.

ring finger for the formation, which we return to the loops on the right needle, which should be nine. We tie a milky-colored thread for work and start knitting from the front loop, then we make one increase in a loop of seven loops on the left knitting needle. Then turn the knitting over and work with this number of loops. In the next row of formation ring finger we knit six purl loops, then turn the knitting and work with this number of loops. Knit seven rows with stockinette stitch, then cut the thread, pass its end through all six loops, tighten and fasten off.

Middle finger little different in execution from the rest of the fingers. But to knit it, you need to attach a thread to six loops from the right knitting needle. Next, having knitted one front loop, we make an increase of five loops and we knit the five loops remaining on the left knitting needle. Turn the knitting over and knit only on these loops, which should be nine. In the next row, we knit six purl loops, turn the knitting over and continue to work with only six loops. We knit eight more rows with the main pattern and close the loops, pulling the thread through them, fasten the thread.

For index finger to the existing three loops on the right knitting needle, attach the thread and knit the loops from the left knitting needle, thus obtaining six loops. In the next row, we knit all six loops with purl loops. Next, we work with a given number of loops for eight rows, then we close them, stretching the thread, securing it.

lower limbs

You will need to complete two details. On knitting needles number three with a chocolate-colored thread, we collect sixteen loops. We knit ten rows with the main pattern.

Eleventh row: we begin to add loops to form a beautiful femoral line. To do this, after knitting four front loops, we repeat the combination of the increase and five front loops twice. We get eighteen loops in a row. Knit another nine rows in stockinette stitch.

Twenty-first row: we knit four loops, then alternate twice alternately one increase and six facial loops. There should be twenty stitches in the row. Again we knit nine rows with the main pattern. Thus, adding two loops in every tenth row.

Thirty-first row: after knitting five front loops, we make an increase, then we knit seven front loops, again we increase, we complete the row by knitting the six loops remaining on the knitting needle. It turns out twenty-two loops. Knit again with stockinette stitch for nine rows.

Forty-first row: we start knitting a row with five front loops, then we increase the loop, we knit eight front loops, repeat the addition of the loop and at the end of the row we knit seven front loops. It turns out twenty-four loops in a row. Then we knit thirteen rows of front and back loops, according to the planned pattern.

Then bind off three loops at the beginning of the next two rows, eighteen loops remain. Next, we do by decreasing one loop at the beginning and at the end of the third row, knitting two loops together. On next row, purl all sts. Then repeat the last two rows three times and get ten loops on the knitting needles. Then we knit two rows, making loops at the beginning and at the end of each row. It turns out six loops, we close all the loops, pulling a thread through them, which we then fasten.


Steam room detail. On knitting needles number three with a milky-colored thread, we collect fourteen loops, knit two rows with front stitch.

Third row: adding loops. We add a loop, we knit four front loops in a row, we increase again, one front loop and repeat all this twice, getting eighteen loops on the knitting needles. Next, we knit five rows with the main pattern. We collect four loops at the beginning and at the end of the next two rows for knitting the thumb, there should be twenty-six loops. All toes, knit in exactly the same way as the fingers of the hand.


On knitting needles number three with a chocolate-colored thread, dial ten loops and knit thirty rows. Next, cut the thread, pass through all the loops and tighten tightly, fasten the thread.

Assembling the monkey

All details must be sewn with a mattress seam, performing it with a needle with a thick eye. Or crochet the seams. When making toys, I recommend using a needle, then the seams look more aesthetic and neater.

So, a little about the mattress seam, for those who are not familiar with it.

Lay the two parts you are going to join next to each other so that the places of the future connection are parallel to each other. Details need to be added front side up. Grab the cross thread between the first and second loop of one of the rows. And on the second part, grab the first and second transverse threads of the product, flash it. Repeat this manipulation, turning the product over with front side on wrong side and back. All parts must be filled with filler tighter.

Pull the body along the lower loops and sew a seam to the waist, then stuff, continue to sew the edge, gradually stuffing the toy. We begin to sew the head, from top to bottom, gradually stuffing. Next, sew the head to the body, after completing the side seams on the limbs, they should be sewn to the body. Also sew the tail in place. After completing the connection of the main part of the toy, we proceed to its decoration. We sew on the eyes - beads or glue ready-made purchased eyes, do not forget that you need to sew the front part onto the head, on which the eyes and muzzle are attached, which we also fill with filler. We carry out decorative seam in place of the mouth. Sew the ears to the head. We perform the nose at your discretion, you can designate the nose with a button, bead or other objects.

And you can tie a triangle and fix it on the muzzle as shown in one of the pictures.

Clothes and accessories for your monkey can also be very different, you don’t have to rely on my version, you can knit a monkey - a girl and dress her in an elegant, hand-sewn dress or dress up in an old doll outfit. You can make a black cardboard cylinder and you will succeed gallant. In general, there’s someone who’s into it, as they say, so I don’t post a knitting pattern for an outfit for a monkey. All the best and warm to you in the new year! Let your monkey be the most cheerful and cheerful. Good luck in everything!

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