Like knitting for beginners. How to learn to knit. Knitting lessons for beginners, how to knit knit stitches

Knitting is a creative, exciting activity, it is not so difficult to master it. In addition, it allows you to create original things, unique in color and style.

Knitting for beginners

Start knitting by knitting the first row of stitches using yarn and a couple of knitting needles. Then you enlarge the fabric by knitting row by row and using any combination of knit and purl stitches. Having tied to the desired length, you drop the finished rows so that the canvas does not bloom.

Basic knitting tools

For knitting, you can use almost any yarn, including wool, wool blends, cotton, linen and silk, or mix different yarns as desired. Knitting needles can be selected from metal, plastic, bamboo and wood - the most expensive, but the easiest to work with. To get the best result, you need to match the yarn and knitting needles to each other. Generally, the thicker the yarn, the larger the needles should be. Only with experience can you achieve the correct knitting density - the number of loops and rows in a sample of a certain size, which is indicated in the knitting pattern.

For information: the required needle thickness for each type of yarn is usually indicated on the yarn label. Recheck the indicated needle thickness by tying a test piece. If the pattern you knitted is too dense, use thicker knitting needles, if, on the contrary, the sample is too loose, use thinner knitting needles. As a rule, the knitting needle should be about one and a half to two times thicker than the thread from which the product is knitted.

The surface of the needles should be smooth and polished. Even the slightest roughness on the surface of the knitting needles will prevent the yarn from sliding easily, and the yarn hairs may break. Needlework will turn out to be sloppy and ugly. When choosing special attention pay to their end. It should be neither too sharp nor too blunt. In the first case, the thread will be damaged, in the second, the loops will stretch.

Long knitting needles suitable for knitting parts in straight and reverse rows. Stoppers at the ends of the needles prevent the loops from slipping.

Set of five knitting needles always consists of relatively short spokes. They are designed for knitting stockings or mittens in a circle.

Circular knitting needles are two knitting needles connected by a flexible line. Short circular knitting needles are used to knit, for example, neck trims or golf collars. Long needles you can knit whole models in a circle.

Flexible knitting needles are used when knitting wide pieces such as pullovers or jackets. On the one hand, the line serves as a continuation of the knitting needle. Even if the parts of the product are wider than the spokes, the stoppers prevent the loops from slipping.

Acquaintance with the types of knitting loops

The front and back loops are combined to create three main types of knitted fabric.

Rib knit

All rows are facial, horizontal grooves and ridges are obtained.


Rows of front and back loops alternate, a smooth knitting is obtained.

Facial and purl loops, and the pattern is reversed in every second row. You get dense, but elastic combs, such knitting is suitable for the edge of the product, for example, for cuffs.

Loop set

1. Make a slip knot on the spoke and hold it in your right hand. Wrap the yarn around thumb left hand, then grasp the yarn firmly between your palm and your fingertips.

2. Rotate your hand so the back of your thumb is facing you, resulting in a weak loop. Insert the needle from front to back through the loop.

3. Take your thumb out of the loop and at the same time pull the yarn down to close the loop on the knitting needle. Repeat to knit the first row.


Front loop

1. Insert the right knitting needle into the first cast on the back of the left knitting needle. Wrap the yarn from the skein counterclockwise around the right knitting needle.

2. Pull this buttonhole forward through the chain buttonhole with your right knitting needle. At the same time, slide the chain loop on the left needle towards the end.

3. While pulling out the loop with the right knitting needle, let the loop on the left knitting needle slide off. Pull it tight on the right needle to create a knit stitch.

Purl loop

1. Insert the right knitting needle in front of the left knitting needle (not behind it) and behind the yarn, not in front of it.

2. Wrap the yarn around the right knitting needle as before, pull it through the loop on the dialed chain and slide the loop on the left knitting needle towards the end.

3. Remove the loop from the left knitting needle and pull over the loop on the right knitting needle to create a purl loop.

Loop release

1. Knit the first two face loops in a row. Insert the end of the left knitting needle from the front into the first stitch.

2. Pull the first stitch over the second, let it slide off the right needle and remove the left needle.

3. Work the next stitch of the row and repeat. Continue to the end of the row, then cut the yarn and pull the end through the last loop.

Since ancient times, things handmade were valued dearly and were in high demand. Everyone sought to learn some kind of handicraft in order to provide themselves and their loved ones with exclusive clothing, fakes or original interior items.

Hand knitting is one of the most common types of needlework. With this skill, you can look stylish and fashionable without any special financial costs. Scientists argue that this is not its only advantage: while knitting, a person calms down, relaxes and is distracted from disturbing thoughts.

This article contains step-by-step tutorials detailing how to learn to knit. For novice needlewomen, it will become a real help.

Lesson number 1. Where to start?

For those who are just starting to master the knitting technique, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the tools with which the process is directly carried out.

The first thing to start knitting any jersey is a set of loops with knitting needles. In order to know how to choose the right ones for of a certain type knitting, you need to understand the main types.

Standard (regular) knitting needles

This type is used for all types of knitting, except for circular. They are made from lightweight materials such as plastic, metal, aluminum, wood. They differ in thickness, from 1 mm to 25.5 mm, and in length. They have one working edge, on the other there is a tip that acts as a limiter.

Stocking needles

Used for circular knitting, in particular socks, since knitting with 2 knitting needles is not recommended. They are sold in a set of 5 pieces. They have two working edges. The knitting process is carried out as follows: the product is located in an equal number of loops on 4 knitting needles, and the next rows are knitted on the 5th.

Knitting needles for patterns "braid" and "plait"

Due to the bend in the middle of the knitting needle, their use greatly simplifies the process of crossing the loops. Their diameter can be 2-4 mm, chosen in accordance with the thickness of the yarn.

Marking paper clip

With its help, the number of loops is controlled or a specific place on the product is marked.

Circular knitting needles

They are 2 working tips connected with a metal or silicone line. They are used for certain patterns, circular knitting, or when the fabric is wide enough.


It is used to remove loops that are on a certain stage no need to knit. The dimensions of such a device can be different (10-15 cm).

Lesson number 2. Acquaintance with the types of yarn

Opening fashion magazines, you can see that the clothes, depending on the seasonal purpose, are knitted from different types of yarn. Seeing such beautiful things, every second person asks the question: "How to learn to knit?" For beginner knitters, a lot of information has been published with detailed step by step description... However, in order to create a truly beautiful and original thing, you will need to choose the right yarn for her.

Woolen thread

Refers to natural species... Sheep wool is used for its manufacture. Is different wide choice colors... Winter things are mainly knitted from it, suitable for any type of pattern.

Cotton yarn

Ideal for any type of knitting. It is pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergies. A product made from such a thread has a gorgeous look.

Melange yarn

It contains synthetic and natural threads as a percentage. Due to their texture, the products are lush and airy. Looks great on three-dimensional drawings.


Designed for knitting warm clothes. This thread is very fluffy, so it is not recommended to use it for those things that are directly adjacent to the body. Large drawings are most relevant to her.

Fancy yarns

It is made by observing a certain technology, which consists in combining threads of different texture, color and quality.

Lesson number 3. Set of the first row

Getting started knitting any fabric, you will need to make a set of loops with knitting needles. For this, a loop of yarn is made, which is thrown over the thumb. One end of the thread goes through the index, and the other just goes down. After that, both threads are fixed with the remaining three fingers. Having thus fastened the yarn, loops are made with the help of a knitting needle, from which the canvas will be directly knitted.

1st step

2nd step

3rd step

4th step

5th step

Lesson number 4. Face loop

Having learned how to set the first row, you can proceed to the main type of knitting - front loops. They are fundamental to any drawing. In order to get the front loop, knit a thread with knitting needles in a certain way. To do this, you need to hook the loop on back wall with a free knitting needle and stretch through it working thread... If the pattern indicates the knitting method for the front wall, then a similar manipulation is performed, only the knitting needle is captured top part loops.

Lesson number 5. Purl loop

The next stage of development knitting technique - purl loops with knitting needles. They can be knitted in two ways - behind the front and back walls. The more common type is considered classic. To do this, the working thread is thrown over the fabric, the front part of the loop is captured with a knitting needle, through which the thread is pulled, which forms a new purl loop.

Lesson number 6. Nakid

Crochet - air loop. It is formed by throwing a working thread, adheres with a finger, the subsequent front loop is knitted with knitting needles, as usual. On the side where the purl loops are, knit the yarn over with knitting needles without twisting, so that a hole is formed. This knitting technique is used to create a product with an openwork pattern.

Lesson number 7. Edge and edge loops

When knitting any fabric, you need to pay attention to the first and last loops. They occupy the main place in the manufacture quality product... Due to the implementation of a certain technique, the canvas has smooth and unstretched edges. Edge and edge loops are knitted in the following order. At the beginning of the row, the first is removed without knitting, and at the end the last is tied with a front loop.

Lesson number 8. How to knit an elastic band? Types and description

There are many different ways to knit elastic. As a rule, almost any product begins with it, so it is very important to learn how to knit it correctly and beautifully. The main condition for her is not to stretch the loops in order to maintain a good density.

So, how to knit an elastic band with knitting needles, we will analyze simple options.

Elastic band 1 x 1

The simplest view. First row: 1 front loop and 1 purl loop. The next rows are knitted according to the pattern.

Elastic band 2 x 2

Knits like the first option, only the row consists of 2 purl loops and 2 front loops.

Double elastic band hollow

In order to tie it, it is necessary to successively alternate 1 front loop, remove 1 loop without knitting. So knit on both sides of the product.

English gum 1 x 1

This option is more difficult for a beginner, but you can try.

The needle is typed even number loops. Then it is knitted as follows.

1st row: K 1, yarn over to the next loop and remove to the working needle, so alternate.

2nd row: a crochet loop is knitted with the front one, and on the next one the crochet is made and removed, repeat to the end.

3 th row: from the beginning of the pattern.

Lesson number 9. How to learn to knit? For beginners: knitting scarf

Having learned the basics of knitting, it's time to try your hand at making a small accessory. You can already decide to knit a scarf with knitting needles for yourself or your family. Such a gift will become the most desirable for them. Any patterns with knitting needles are suitable for him. Width is an individual value: if for a child, then 10-20 cm, for adults - from 15 cm. Length can vary from 1 m or more.

For a scarf, you can use threads of various thicknesses and colors, the main thing is that it is in harmony with the rest of the clothes.

As a picture, those that do not have a seamy side are better suited.

An example of a simple checkerboard scarf is shown below.


The number of loops must be a multiple of 5, plus 2 edge loops.

1st row: 5 persons. p., 5 out., alternate to the end of the row, knit the last one with the front.

2nd row and all even: according to the picture.

3rd row: alternate 5 persons., 5 out., edging front.

5th row: knitted like 3rd.

7th row: 5 out., 5 persons., Copied to the end of the row, the last edging.

9th, 11th rows: knit like 7th.

13th row: play from the 1st row.

Scheme of the pattern "Checkerboard
13 . .
11 . .
9 . .
7 . .
5 . .
3 . .
1 . .

Lesson number 10. Schemes and conventions

Any knitting patterns can have a description or diagram that tells you exactly how to knit this pattern. From the previous lesson, you can see examples of descriptions and schematics. However, in order to understand what has been written, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conventions and learn how to read the diagrams correctly. At first glance, they seem incomprehensible, with some kind of squares, rhombuses, arrows, triangles.

However, this complexity is deceiving; it is not difficult to deal with standard abbreviations. In any edition of a magazine or book there is always an item "Conventions", as a rule, all abbreviations in the text and the symbols used are deciphered in it.

For example, the main ones are:

  • persons. - front loop;
  • out. - purl loop.

Looking at the diagram under the pattern you like, you need to look for the legend. They can be printed at the end of the book or just below the diagram.

For example, it looks like this:

. - edging;
□ - purl loop;
- front loop;
- 3 loops together;
Ώ - yarn.

Lesson number 11. Patterns, schemes and descriptions

We will describe simple patterns that need to be knitted, we will arrange the schemes side by side for better perception. Trying to connect the proposed drawings, you need to try to understand as much as possible conventions, since the quality of the entire product will depend on this.

Pattern "Rhombuses"

Scheme No. 1


1st, 3rd, 5th rows: 6 out., 2 persons.

2-20th rows: according to the picture.

7th row: 2 persons., 4 out., 2 persons., 2 out.

9th row: 2 out., 1 person., 2 out., 2 people., 3 out.

11th, 13th, 15th rows: 2 out., 2 persons., 4 out.

17th row: 1 out., 1 person., 2 out., 1 person., 3 out.

19th row: 1 person., 4 out., 1 person., 2 out.

21st row: repeat from the beginning.

See lesson 10 for legend for the diagrams.

Star pattern


1st row: from 3 loops, knit 3 front loops *, 1 person.

2nd, 4th rows: out.

3rd row: 2 persons., From 3 loops 3 facial, 1 persons.

5th row: as 1st row.

* 3 of 3 stitches - 1 person., Yarn over, 1 person.

Pattern "Putanka"



1st row: 1 out., 1 person., Duplicate to the end.

2nd row: 1 person., 1 out., Alternate opposite to the previous row.

3rd row: repeat from row 1.

Now the frequently asked question is "How to learn to knit?" for beginners will no longer be so frightening and incomprehensible. If you follow the lessons provided exactly, it will be possible for enough short time learn to create original knitted masterpieces.

Knitting is one of the most common types of needlework, which a good half of humanity is fond of. Would you like to join these lucky ones and master the knitting technique? Then take advantage of this tutorial on the basics of knitting for beginners. Thanks to detailed instructions with illustrations and video tutorials, you will master the basics of a set of loops, learn to knit front and back, learn how to close rows, master the skills of knitting complex patterns.

Tools and materials

Knitting needles are the main knitting tools. They differ in composition, they can be aluminum, steel, wood, plastic, bone, etc. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you need thin knitting needles, give preference to steel - they are more durable, and if you need thick knitting needles for needlework, choose wooden, bone, plastic. Aluminum knitting needles are best used for knitting dark clothes as they tend to leave marks and get dirty.

The spokes have their own sizes, which are expressed in numbers. The number is expressed in millimeters and indicates the diameter of the spoke.

The rule for selecting knitting needles: the thinner the knitting needles, the tighter the knitting.

There are three main types of knitting needles:

  • ordinary (limited by a tip at one end, Fig. 1a);
  • hosiery (a set of 5 knitting needles, each of which does not have a limiter, suitable for circular knitting, for example, socks, mittens, gloves, Fig. 1b);
  • circular (they are two knitting needles connected by an elastic cord, suitable for circular knitting of large parts, raglan fig.1c).

For needlework, you will need each of them.

We offer to study the video review existing species knitting needles.

Yarn is the main material of the needlewoman. The choice of yarn depends on how the future product will look. There are many types of yarn: natural, synthetic, semi-synthetic. Let's demonstrate the main ones:

  1. Woolen;
  2. Merino wool;
  3. Cashmere;
  4. Mohair;
  5. Angora;
  6. Alpaca;
  7. Silk;
  8. Cotton;
  9. Bamboo;
  10. Acrylic;
  11. Microfiber;
  12. Nylon;
  13. Blended fibers;
  14. Chenille;
  15. Pile yarn;
  16. Bulky yarn;
  17. Tape;
  18. Bouclé yarn;
  19. Rubber thread.

Types of loops

If you decide to learn how to knit, then first of all you need to master the technique of a set of loops. There are at least four options for a set of loops. Let's take a look at each of them.

  1. The classic way. The most common version of a set of loops. Presented schematically.

Buttonhole technique in the classic way presented in the video tutorial.

  1. Continental single-spoke dialing method.

  1. English way. Presented in the diagram.

  1. Slipknot.

Examples of a set of loops different ways presented in the video. Choose a method that is convenient for you.

The basis of knitting is knitting and purl loops. Wide horizons will open up for you to create a variety of complex patterns with simple loops, if you master the technique of knitting them.

Knitting all the rows face loops, you get a garter stitch.

If you knit one row with the front loops, the other with the purl loops, you get a hosiery knitting.

Knit stitches can also be knitted different ways... The most common is classic. The knitting pattern for knitting stitches in the pictures is presented below. The main rule: the first loop (edging) is never knitted, it is always removed.

Learn to knit purl loops based on the pattern.

Before you start knitting yourself, you should study a video master class that teaches you how to knit front and back stitches in the classical way.

Closing the loops

It is also an important part in learning to knit - it is the closing of the row. Watch the thread tension when closing the row, it should be the same so as not to deform the fabric. The way of closing the row depends on the type of knitting pattern.

The process of closing a row in the classical way is shown in the diagram.

You will learn how to close the loops in different ways by studying the video tutorials.

Simple patterns and patterns

After we have acquired the skills of typing and knitting simple loops, we can begin to master the patterns.

You should start with the simple ones. How to tie garter stitch, we will show in the diagram. This is the simplest of the existing patterns, since each row is knitted only with front loops. Thus, a simple, but at the same time very interesting relief is obtained.

How to learn to knit a garter stitch is described and shown in the video tutorial.

Pay attention to how stylish and beautiful things are obtained with such a pattern.

A magnificent laconic garter stitch jacket with a diagram and description in front of you.

Pattern "stocking knitting" or, as it is also called, " front surface"Is not much more difficult. The only caveat is that each front row knit with front loops, and purl with purl loops. The pattern is shown below.

Learn to knit hosiery using a video tutorial.

Excellent scarves and sweaters, snoods and cardigans, hats and socks, dresses and vests are made using the front satin stitch technique.

Related videos

Warm and cozy socks, knitted with your own hands - best gift close. We will use the proposed videos to learn how to make such useful hand-made gifts.

How to learn to knit

Knitting nowadays is gaining momentum in popularity. And this is not strange, because thanks to such knitting, you can make a lot of different and beautiful things. It can be different kind , crafts or clothing for any season. To master the knitting technique is not at all a difficult task, the main thing is that you have the desire and desire to learn something new.

Before you start creating products with your own hands, you need to get answers to the most important questions for beginners:

  • what tools you need to buy for canvases and how to use them.
  • how to start knitting correctly?
  • how to learn to disassemble?
  • what types are there for knitting?
  • how to finish the canvas correctly?

Knitting tools

A long time ago, craftswomen used different knitting tools. Since then, nothing has changed, except that the spokes themselves have been slightly modernized. For all the girls who want, there are so many comfortable main and auxiliary knitting needles. And you need to learn more about all of them. Let's take a look at everything separately:

Spoke types

  1. Regular knitting needles... Such a tool is made from lightweight materials. They come in different thicknesses and lengths. These knitting needles can be used in almost any knitting, except for circular knitting. If you do large canvas, then knitting needles with a tip at one end can come in handy. Thanks to these knitting needles, you can not worry that the loops may fall or come down. Knitting needles and harnesses... This tool specifically exists for knitting a pigtail element, or rather, in order to facilitate crossing the loops when knitting. Often used for cardigans, and other bulky things. These needles unusual shape, they look like regular knitting needles that are slightly curved in the middle. Usually the size of this tool is from 2.5 to 4 mm.
  2. Circular knitting needles... They also have different diameters, but they are different appearance from the usual. Usually the length of such knitting needles is not very large, a special fishing line is attached to the ends, the fishing line is usually either metal or plastic. Usually when you knit in a circle or you have a canvas with a large set loops, then you take circular needles... Also, this knitting needle can be used when you make some patterns, due to the fact that you can knit in direct and reverse spraying, for example, if you need to make 2 front and two purl rows in a pattern.
  3. Stocking needles... In your kit, you should have five of these knitting needles. These knitting needles are needed in order to knit in a circle such things as sweater necks, socks, dresses, raglans, mittens, gloves and so on. Usually the product is on 4 knitting needles, and the fifth is needed in order to knit loops that are on one of the four knitting needles. With help stocking needles you can also make products without seams.
  4. Needle... The needle is needed in order to sew the parts yourself. Usually, craftswomen take a large gypsy with a large ear, so that a thread can be easily inserted through it.
  5. Marking paper clip... Thanks to this tool, you can control the number of loops and rows, or when you need to mark a place on the product.
  6. Pin... If you need to leave a certain amount of loops unattached, then a pin helps you here. To do this, you just need to throw the loops over it, but then the pin should be long, about 10 cm or more.

How to support the size of the knitting needles and what kind of yarn is

In order for the products to turn out well, you need to know how to choose the right threads and the size of the knitting needles, because it is this factor that affects the future of the canvas.

How to choose the size of the knitting needles

Each knitting needle, regardless of the purpose, has its own number. Sometimes it is indicated not only on the packaging, but also on the spoke itself, because without it you can inadvertently get confused. The needle number is equal to the size of its diameter. There are more than ten numbers among the spokes.

Spoke sizes

As the rules tell us. The knitting needle should be twice as thick as the strand you have chosen. But since each person has their own knitting technique, then all this must be chosen only individually. For those girls who knit loops with their own hands more freely, knitting needles with a diameter of 1.5 times thicker than yarn are perfect, and those who knit tightly can buy knitting needles 2.5 times more than threads.

In order for your elastic to be elastic and resilient, then you need to take a tool with the same diameter as the yarn, or 1.5 times thicker.

So if you decide to knit openwork, summer and light things, then choose thin knitting needles with numbers 1 and 2. If the things and the thread itself are denser and are created in several folds, then great option for knitting needles it is a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. the third number of the tool and above, suitable for bulky and dense things, in which there is a thick thread. These knitting needles are suitable for knitting hats, jackets, bags, pullovers, coats and jackets.

Yarn types

Cotton... Any pattern can be knitted with cotton, and it even turns out to be very beautiful.

Mohair made from wool and looks like fluffy yarn. Winter warm clothes are made of mohair.

Fancy yarn... It is also called in another way melange yarn... It consists of artificial and natural fibers. Melange may have different shapesuch as bumps or boucle.

Shiny... It includes a mixture of any yarn and viscose or acrylic.

Fancy yarns... In this thread, fibers are mixed, which are not only different in color, but also in quality, they are made using a special technology.

Woolen... This yarn consists of sheep wool... It can be used for multicolor, smooth or embossed patterns.

When choosing yarns and knitting needles, you should also pay attention to:

  • Of the knitting needles, it is best to choose those that are lighter, then the hands will not get tired of their weight.
  • There should be no roughness on the needles.
  • You need to be very careful when choosing a thread. The thread must have a strong color, or the connected things will shed. Also, the thread must have one more property, be elastic, high quality and durable. Then this will help keep the canvas on long termand it won't deform. Sometimes in a ball, the thread can be uneven, that is, have a different diameter in different areas. Because of this knitted product can turn out to be sloppy and ugly. You can only work with such yarn when you do relief drawingsso that there are no irregularities and could be turned into advantages.
  • The tips of the knitting needles should not be too sharp so that you do not prick on them, but the ends should also not be blunt. Then knitting itself will turn into real flour. In the first case, you will simply injure all your hands, and in the second it will be difficult for you to pick up the loop with a knitting needle.
  • When choosing knitting needles, you should also look at their material of manufacture. For example, bamboo knitting needles are very uncomfortable, they have short term services and they are very fragile. If you knit light-colored things, then aluminum knitting needles will not work here, because they can leave on the canvas dark spots... Steel knitting needles are heavy, but they are considered practical.
  • If the yarn is very twisted, then you do not need to take it for knitting, because the pattern will be deformed as well as the product itself.
  • If you want to correctly calculate the number of threads needed, then it is worth knowing not only the model and size, but also the pattern. After all, what tighter knit, so you need more stuff for the canvas.
  • The number of threads should not be counted by the number of balls, but one should look at the mass, because different companies do not always have the same footage.
  • on the label you can see the length of the yarn, it is usually indicated by numbers, which writes the number of meters of thread per gram of its weight. The thicker the thread, the smaller the number. If you see a fractional number on the label, then the thread number indicates the diameter and number of threads from which the yarn is made.
  • in order not to run once againI need to take a little more yarnthan you thought.

Start knitting

If you decide to learn how to knit and for the first time took this tool in hand, then you need to know the technique correct location threads and knitting needles, as well as know how to correctly type the initial loops. For a set of eyelets, you can use one of the following methods. The first method is suitable for the main set, the second method is needed when it is necessary to remove the canvas or dial additional loops:

1 main way... On two knitting needles, you need to dial loops, this is necessary so that the loops are not tightly pulled together when dialing, and you can safely knit further loops. IN left hand you need to take the knitting needles, and at the same time you need to hold them just above the beginning with three fingers: index, thumb and middle. On the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, you need to put the thread so that the end of the thread is on the index finger and goes into the palm, and the other end, which extends from the ball, wraps the thumb and goes into the palm. With the other fingers of the hand you need to hold the ends of the thread. When you position the threads correctly, then you need to eat the knitting needle under the thread that lies on the index finger, and then the end that is on the thumb. Next, move the knitting needles to the index finger and hook the thread that lies on it, using the movement first directed upwards, then downwards, then thread through the loop that formed on the thumb - knitting needles and thread. When you have made the first loop, the thread must be removed from the finger, and the loop formed on the knitting needle is pulled up. Next, place the threads on the thumb and forefinger and knit the second and other loops in the same way. When you have knitted a certain number of loops, then you need to remove the knitting needle from the loop.

2 way... Put the needles in right hand, the same as written in the first method. Next, put the working thread on the index finger of your left hand and pry it with knitting needles and remove the loop formed on the finger. Next, pull up the thread that is on the ball until you get a not too tight and even loop.

The main types of loops and knitting techniques

After you have learned how to knit the first loops of a row, then you need to master the technique of knitting with knitting needles of the main loops that make up any pattern. These loops are called front and back loops. Here is the process by which these loops are knitted:

  • in order to make a front loop, you need to put a free knitting needle in the middle of the loop, then pull out a working thread from it, so you will make a front loop.
  • 20 purl loops are made as follows: put a free knitting needle behind the loop wall in the direction from left to right, then, in front of this loop, put a working thread and pull it through the loop, making a movement from left to right.

Using the above loops, you can make the following knits:

  • shawl
  • hosiery
  • various types of rubber bands
  • openwork and others

Also, if you alternate the purl and front loops, then you can perform various patterns, the simplest of which can be diamonds and squares. Of the more complex mating patterns, you can name different patterns. And if you learn to read them, you can make any little thing.

Knitting patterns and how to read them

In our time there is a large number of invented different schemesthat show different tricks knitting. Thanks to these diagrams, you can see and understand how the product is created. Also, schemes help to reduce sometimes long descriptions words. Any knitting magazine has these patterns. Some are immediately scared as soon as they look at them, but in fact there is nothing scary and difficult here. You just need to look at the decoding of all the designations that are in the diagram. You can memorize the basic schemes or read a few rules for reading them:

  • if the scheme is made for a canvas that knits in a circle, then they must be read from right to left.
  • if you knit a rectangular product where the knitting goes from two sides, the beginning of the diagram is at the bottom, and the analysis of the diagram must be read alternately in one direction, then in the other. For purl rows - from left to right, and vice versa for front rows.
  • it is necessary to study the schemes before knitting itself and find out all the unclear points.

There are such designations for the most used and frequent loops:

  • edging or abbreviated chrome p., sign +
  • purl purl. a sign in the form of a white square crossed out in the middle.
  • front lp sign - black square
  • nakid n. ^ sign

Finishing knitting

When you finish crocheting, at the end of the work one loop is fixed, with knitting needles it is necessary to complete the product by closing all the loops of the row. This should be done like this:

Starting with the hem, the first two loops are knitted, if it is front side, and if purl, then purl loops.

Then again knit 2 loops together and throw a new loop onto the left knitting needle. It is necessary to knit loops until one loop remains on the left knitting needle, then it is fastened with a crochet. It is necessary to thread a hook into the loop, grab the working thread and pull it through the last loop of the row. Next, you need to cut the thread and tighten the resulting loop into the knot.

After you have learned the necessary information and learned the basic knitting techniques, as well as bought everything necessary materials, then you can safely begin to create amazing things not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones and friends. After all, it is always pleasant to make a variety of products with your own hands.

Knitted things are not only beautifully woven fabric. This is the fantasy of the craftswoman, her soul, amazing inspiration. How to start knitting? Very easy! The only thing is to be patient. After all, the occupation is quite laborious. However, in addition to invaluable benefits, the hobby brings a lot of pleasure to needlewomen.

Basic tools

Each craftswoman, starting to study a new type of needlework, is sure to face the question: "Where to start?" Knitting is an art that does not need complicated tools. It is worth noting that the technique of execution will not cause great difficulties. But first things first.

So, what will a novice craftswoman need?


This toolkit varies in thickness, material of manufacture and type (with or without a line). The number of spokes characterizes their diameter (mm). It varies from 1 to 10. Each type of yarn has certain numbers.

  1. Spokes number 1-2 are used for thin threads... As a rule, they knit blouses, tops, openwork napkins.
  2. No. 2-3.5 are the optimal (running) knitting needles. Suitable for yarns of medium thickness.
  3. No. 4-6 are used for thick threads: mohair, ribbon yarn, "grass".
  4. No. 7-10. Rugs, panels, some types of hats or scarves are knitted with such knitting needles. As a rule, a thick thread is used in several folds.


The choice of thread is no less important. As a rule, for each product is suitable specific size... For craftswomen who are taking their first steps in this needlework, who still do not understand well where to start knitting, yarn of medium thickness is suitable. Better to choose woolen or mixed. Another important nuance: Choose threads in light colors. On dark ones, the picture will not be visible. It will be difficult to track how the loops are knitted.

Collecting all necessary materials, you can proceed to the next step.

Loop set

Before you start knitting, you should study the first stage in detail. After all, work on any product begins with a set of loops. Since we are talking about training, the number of them is not important. Let's stop at 20.

  • Unwind the thread from the ball and fold in half.
  • Put the resulting loop over the index and thumb of your left hand. Clamp the ends of the thread in the palm of your hand with the remaining three fingers.
  • Fold both knitting needles together and take in your right hand.
  • Lead them by the thread between the index and thumb... Pull it towards you and down a little.
  • While holding the loop, pull the knitting needles under the thread wrapped around your thumb.
  • Grab the string from index finger and pull through the loop formed.
  • Remove the thread from your thumb.

Two loops are formed on the needles. The rest are recruited by analogy. There are no big difficulties in this. And if we are the tips for novice craftswomen given in the article, they will help to master the basics of this needlework much faster.

Remember next nuance... Having typed all the loops, be sure to tie the remaining ends of the threads. You will appreciate this little tip while knitting. After all, all the loops will be the same size, and the beginning of your canvas will delight you with evenness.

Face loops

Having dealt with the first stage, you can move on to the next. Let's continue with knitting for beginners. How to knit knit stitches correctly? There are two ways. For inexperienced girls of great importance does not have how to tie them. Therefore, in order not to confuse, we will focus on one - the most common.

In the literature on needlework, this method is called "behind the front wall." The right knitting needle should be inserted into the loop from left to right. Grab a working thread. Pull it through the loop. A new spoke has formed on the right spoke. And the knitted loop should be dropped from the left. In this way, the entire front row is carried out.

Purl loops

Having finished with the front row, we turn the product over. Now it's the turn of the purl. To fully understand how to start knitting, you need to learn this type as well.

The working thread will be placed on the needle. It should be in front of the first loop. The right needle is inserted under the thread. Pull it through the loop. In a clockwise motion, you need to grab the working thread. Knit the formed loop on the right knitting needle and, by analogy, complete the entire purl row.

Edge hinges

Of course, this handicraft has many nuances that allow craftswomen to create beautiful, exquisite things. In the process of your creativity, you will definitely comprehend them. But there are nuances that should be sorted out before learning how to knit. The tips and tricks for beginners discussed now apply to edge loops. They allow you to get neat smooth edge canvases. So remember:

  • knit the extreme loop only in the first row;
  • in the rest, it is only filmed from left to right.

Having dealt with the first loop, let's look at the last one. After all, it is also edging. To obtain the edge with a "pigtail", it is recommended to knit it with a purl loop.

Closing the loops

Having dealt with the front and back rows, you should consider another important stage... Before learning how to knit a scarf with knitting needles, it will be important for beginners to learn how to close the loops. should be knitted from the next front loop. Necessarily behind the back wall. The resulting loop is returned to the knitting needle. She again acquires the status of an edge. Two knit stitches are knitted again. In this way, all the rest are closed.

Knitting density

This parameter is very important when making a product by size. A certain number of loops is collected for the sample. Several rows should be knit. As a rule, the calculation is given for a 10x10 square sample. In this way, the knitting density is determined. If necessary, you can change the needles, choosing thicker or, on the contrary, thinner. To measure a bound sample, place it on hard surface... Lay a meter on it parallel to the row. Count the number of loops included in 10 cm. This value characterizes the density of knitting in a line. This figure should be compared with that indicated in the description of the model.

Sometimes the sample may not fit the required dimensions. If it is somewhat loose (you have fewer loops), you need to take thinner knitting needles. Sometimes the opposite picture can be observed: the sample is very dense, and when counting the loops, there is much more than was required. In this case, you should replace the knitting needles with thicker ones.

Of course, for novice needlewomen, the density of knitting does not play a big role. But if you decide to make a larger-scale item, for example, a sweater, then this guideline should be followed.

First project. Knitting a scarf

The knowledge gained is enough to proceed to the manufacture of the product. First, let's take a look at how to learn how to knit a scarf with knitting needles. For novice craftswomen, this product will be an excellent practice. In addition, your wardrobe will be replenished with a stylish and sophisticated accessory.

Choose a super thick yarn. The needles must be selected in accordance with the size of the thread - also thick. Ready product will measure 10x100 cm. Knitting - shawl (all rows are carried out exclusively with front loops).

Tie a square first. Its dimensions should be 10x10 cm.Carefully count the dialed loops and rows. This method determines an important parameter - knitting density. For this product, the optimal ratio is 10 loops for 18 rows. If you get a better result, you can pick up more dense yarn or knitting needles.

Cast on 12 stitches to knit a scarf. Knit in garter stitch. All rows are made exclusively with front loops. Measure the length periodically with a meter. When you reach the size indicated above, close the hinges. The first project is ready!

Knitting a sweater or blouse

After a successfully made scarf, any novice craftswoman thinks about the next project. Why not start knitting After all, if there is universal clothingsuitable for any season, then this is undoubtedly a jumper, pullover. Spectacular and elegant, practical and warm are always relevant.

Find the model you want to make in the magazine. As a rule, all large things do not fit entirely. They consist of several parts. Usually we are talking about the front half, back and two sleeves.

In magazines, there is always a pattern next to the detailed description of the model. How to start knitting a blouse on knitting needles? Of course, with a pattern. For the convenience of work this scheme should be drawn in life size on paper. This will greatly facilitate the process of working on the product.

According to the pattern, you can follow the decrease or addition of loops, control, if necessary, pockets, armholes. To correctly calculate the amount of reduction required, use the previously described parameter - knitting density. In many magazines, not only patterns of patterns are given, but also a complete description of them in rows. This greatly facilitates the work on the product for novice needlewomen.

Knitting socks

To work on the product, you will need five knitting needles. There is an opinion that socks are difficult (when it comes to knitting for beginners). How to start making this product?

Measurements are taken initially and carefully calculated required amount loops. Knitting itself takes place in several stages. Work begins with the cuff. Most often it is knitted with a 1x1 or 2x2 elastic band. The height of the cuff may vary. Basically, it is 6-7 centimeters.

Cast on two knitting needles. During the first row, they should be evenly distributed at 4. One needle always remains free. This is a working one. She alternately changes each of the spokes. Knitting takes place round.

By tying required size toe shafts, proceed to heel height. To do this, knit only on two adjacent knitting needles, and the first two remain intact. Next, the lateral parts of the heel are tied. After that, they continue to work on the foot. Knitting is done round again. Having tied up to the area of \u200b\u200bthe thumb, they begin to decrease the loops. The last loops should be collected on a thread. They are carefully fixed on the seamy side.


Are you interested in how to start knitting? It is perfectly! The centuries-old craft, previously practiced out of necessity, has become an amazing hobby today. No wonder it is referred to as one of the forms of art. Looking at the abundance of yarn and the variety of patterns, a novice needlewoman can get confused. Don't give in to this feeling. Remember that any skilled craftswoman in the recent past was also a beginner.