An increase in pensions for military personnel per year. New calculation of the reduction factor. The current situation in pension military policy

Problems in the operation of the country's economic system caused the development of a deficit in the state budget and led to a reduction in financing of the public sector. Many Russians suffered from this, because to raise wages or to increase the list of available benefits in such conditions, of course, is practically impossible, but the sphere of pension provision of citizens in this case suffers the most, so it needs to be discussed separately. Should we expect an increase in pensions for military personnel in 2016 in Russia, how will it happen and what awaits Russians in the pension sector in the near future?

Military pension and its features

A military pension can be received by a serviceman of any category, as well as some members of his family, if he dies during the service. An interesting fact is that in order to receive a military pension, achievement is not required. certain age, but you only need a certain amount of years seniority(20 years). There are, of course, some conditions that allow you to receive this type of pension benefit in the event of an officially established disability, however, in this situation, a person will have to prove that the disability was obtained precisely at the time of service, and not because of inaccurate climbing the stairs in the entrance of his own house .

In most cases, it is impossible to prove that everything happened precisely in the military service, because today people are in no hurry to go to the hospital, and when they receive any injuries, they seek to cure them on their own.

The government has always worried about the fate of former military personnel, so they pension benefits steadily increased, but the crisis made it impossible to carry out some financial manipulations, so the issues of raising pensions for military pensioners in 2016 last news which are considered by almost all Russian media, are of concern to many today.

"Open" indexing issue

The last indexation of pension benefits for former military personnel was carried out in October 2015, and during its implementation, the amount of these payments was increased by 7.5%. This decision was repeatedly discussed by members of the government, because the vast majority of officials wanted to cancel this event due to lack of budget funds. However, the President of the Russian Federation stopped all disputes and literally “forced” officials to find additional finance to increase pension benefits for the military, which was done.

Reading the latest news about the indexation of military pensions in 2016, you can see that today this issue causes no less excitement than last year. The crisis, which has found the way the economic system works, forces the members of the government to optimize the expenses allocated to the sphere of pension provision of citizens as much as possible, which leads to minor changes.

By law, officials must index pension benefits to the level of inflation that will be in the country at the time of this event (according to experts' forecasts - 10-12%), but if we take into account the fact that this can cause a large-scale increase in the budget deficit, it will not be possible to carry out this event in its entirety. The authorities have been looking for suitable solution and finally decided that in February 16th year they will increase the amount of pension benefits former pensioners by 4%, but at the end of the year (however, in this case, the crisis will no longer interfere with the development of the economy), indexing will be repeated.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development asks the Russians not to be too reassured by such a possibility, because it will depend entirely on the pace of economic recovery, but it cannot be completely ignored, because everything is possible.

Previously, the President issued a decree that contained information that payments to pensioners should increase annually (in addition to all other measures) by an additional 2%, but today some members of the government are talking about a temporary suspension of this bill. Thus, an additional increase in military pensions in 2016 in modern times remains open to question and details will be discussed a little later.

What can retired military expect in 2016?

Until the crisis began in the country, the authorities planned to increase the pension benefits of former military personnel by 20%. However, in modern conditions, as Medvedev said, you have to save on everything, so for now about such growth social benefits can be temporarily forgotten. In fact, the news in the field of pensions is by no means comforting, because the budget deficit forces officials to save on literally everything.

Today, the issue of reducing the size of the insurance pension or its complete abolition is being discussed, although all this strongly contradicts the pension reform that came into force two years ago. As you know, thanks to latest changes in operation pension system, in the event that a person liable for military service after reaching retirement age continues labor activity(on official terms) as a civil servant, he is awarded additional payments called an insurance pension. Will be saved insurance pensions military pensioners 2016 is not yet known exactly, however, regardless of whether this happens or not, it should be remembered that this change will affect only the working military, everyone else may not worry.

Changes will

Taking into account all these data, we can say that military pensions will not change much in Russia from January 1, 2016, but there is no news in this area. Lately a lot has accumulated. Anton Siluanov, for example, proposes to increase the length of service for the military, because today almost 50% of military personnel leave service in favor of civilian work at the age of 40, and this does not bring any benefit to the state.

Moreover, he proposes to introduce special allowances for those who work after reaching the length of service, which will be added to their pension payments, then the military will stop retiring immediately. Whether or not to be pleased with this statement, everyone should decide for himself, but most experts say that this is a good proposal.

Recently, the Effective Army program was launched, which also deals with issues social security former military personnel, and according to the ministers, the latter have nothing to worry about, because literally everyone who can is involved in their social protection.

To end the story with only the information that today retired military personnel should not complain about the lack of “care” (material) from the government, because their payments, in any case, are an order of magnitude higher than the amount of those benefits received by ordinary pensioners. According to the Ministry of Defense, retired military men teach about 22,000 rubles, but civilian people only 13,000 are content with retirement age.

One can be glad that the RF Commander-in-Chief does not forget about those people who gave their entire lives to serve in the army structures, and regularly monitors the work of the relevant ministries in terms of fulfilling their financial obligations to retirees. According to him, the standard of living of every military pensioner must constantly rise, even despite the crisis or any other state problems.

The growth of pensions, paid entirely from the budget, is limited in the face of austerity. In 2016, the news about the increase in pensions for the military is limited to the statements of the heads of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense, which indicated the reindexation of allowances for retirees in two stages - the first in February 2016, the second - in October of the same year.

You can immediately see that the February increase was not the same as it was "presented" by statesmen - instead of 7.5%, which was mentioned earlier, indexation was 4%, this was explained by the redrawing of the budget, which was needed immediately after the January collapse in oil prices. The fact that our country provides most of the budget revenues from duties on the export of energy resources does not make military pensioners less hungry, this is obvious.

Increase in pensions for the military in October 2016 - by how much will they increase?

Planned increase: + 7.5% to the available pensions. A similar situation was last year on October 15, when it was planned to re-index pensions for military pensioners by 7.5%, but in fact it turned out to be 6%, moreover, this was one increase for the entire year, and the inflation rate announced by Rosstat in the same year in Russia amounted to 13% in annual terms. The explanation for the fact that the increase in pensions by almost 2 times does not keep up with inflation was all the same - the possibilities of the budget are highly dependent on the cost of a barrel of oil. On the other hand, many high-profile statements appeared in the media that the pension in the country for the military was increased by an average of 2,400 rubles, in fact, the average "fork" of increases ranged from 1,300 to 5,000 rubles.

No matter how sad it is to talk about it, the October increase may not take place. This is evidenced at least by the fact that official statements on the topic exact date the second indexation of pensions in 2016 has not been announced until today.

In 2016, military pensioners were equated with civilian ones, and it was precisely civilian pensioners who were exempted from raising pensions last year, so history may repeat itself this year. At the end of June, a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers is to be held, at which, first of all, they will discuss social issues. The results of the budget execution will be visible closer to the end of the third quarter of 2016, that is, statements that are worth listening to, we will hear in late September - early October. This happens every year, so October 15 is usually chosen as the date on which the second increase of the year falls.

The pension of former military personnel from February 1 is 69,45% , that is, it will be increased by about 4%. Also, the PRF has repeatedly stated that there will be no increase in military pensions due to an increase in the salaries of military personnel until 2017.

What awaits the current security forces and military pensioners in 2016? Proposals of the Government of the Russian Federation to the budget for next year.

The Russian government submits a draft budget for next year. What should military pensioners and current security forces expect for the next 14 months?

The Russian budget is experiencing significant difficulties in fulfilling previously assumed obligations in the social sphere. Following civilian pensioners, for whom the government was unable to ensure the growth of pensions by the real percentage of inflation, military pensioners also found themselves in a disadvantaged position.

Firstly, one should not expect an increase in the salaries of the active military until January 1, 2018. It is no secret that the size of military pensions depends on the size of the salaries of the current security forces. However, the government has submitted to the Russian parliament a draft law that amends the previously adopted the federal law, suspending the operation of legislative acts regulating the procedure for indexing military personnel and persons equated to them. The changes relate to the duration of the suspension of indexation data, they now apply to 2016 and 2017. Thus, freezing the increase in military salaries, and, accordingly, military pensions through indexation in Once again is cancelled. It is worth noting that the indexation of salaries for the military has been postponed for five years after a sharp increase almost four years ago, although the state does not refuse targeted incentives for the military, but only through the introduction of additional payments.

Secondly, there was hope for an increase in the real size of military pensions by changing the reduction factor. Let me remind you that the Russian government, after a sharp increase allowance Since January 1, 2012, the military did not even get a real increase for retirees and introduced a reduction factor for military pensioners in the amount of 54%, which they undertook to reduce by at least 2% from January 1 annually. While not indexing, changing the reduction factor actually increased the size pension payments, however, here the government put an end to the hopes of pensioners, the site reports.

The government has submitted State Duma draft law suspending Art. 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation, which regulates pension provision persons passing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Border Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service, etc. It is proposed to cancel the annual change in the reduction factor from January 1, 2016. Thus, if there are no surprises in parliament, then the current security forces will have to tighten their belts for at least two more years, and the retirees for 2016.

It remains only to rejoice at the fact that military pensions were increased quite recently, from October 1, 2015. The reduction factor has been increased to 66.78%, which really increases the size cash payments retirees by 7-8%.