Pension payments to working pensioners per year. Is it possible to return the pension supplements to the employed. When is it profitable for a pensioner to quit?

From January 1, 2019 starts pension reform to increase retirement age... Negative moods in society about this do not subside. However, the likelihood of an even worse scenario is not excluded - the complete cancellation of pensions for working pensioners.

Convention The International Organization labor states that a pension is compensation for lost earnings in case of incapacity... This Convention applies to Russia as well.

Thus, in theory, in order to receive a pension, 2 basic conditions must be met:

  • the person must be disabled;
  • shouldn't work.

However, working pensioners in Russia receive pensions. But, at the same time, since 2016, the authorities began to take restrictive measures.

Stage number 1: freezing the indexation of pensions from 2016

Today there are about 9,000,000 working pensioners in Russia. While they are working, they are not entitled to indexation of pensions. This rule has been in effect since 2016.

However, in case of dismissal, the pensioner receives the amount of the insurance pension and fixed payment to it, taking into account indexation and adjustments that took place during the period of his work, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month of termination of work. In other words, the principle of "deferred indexing" is now applied.

The cancellation of indexation made a lot of noise at one time, but, in the end, everyone resigned themselves to this state of affairs. Therefore, the authorities are not going to change decisions taken in this part. Cm. "".

Stage number 2: cancellation of pensions for working pensioners

Many people know that before the implementation of unpopular decisions, it is customary to "test the waters." On the Internet, they are discussing that some media are now specifically raising the issue of the complete abolition of pensions for those who continue to work. After all, you need to look at the reaction of society.

Deputy Minister's statement

Back on July 11, 2018, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection A. Pudov stated that such a decision will not be made within the framework of the changes in the pension system planned by the Government - working pensioners will continue to receive pensions.

Information on the radio

In October 2018, at one federal radio station, it was discussed that if the monthly income of a pensioner is more than 2.5 living wages, then it makes sense to cancel the fixed payment to the insurance pension for such citizens.

OPFR for the Republic of Tatarstan

"The cherry on the cake" was the following message " Working pensioners must quit before the end of 2018, otherwise their pension will not be indexed. ". Then the Unit of the UPFR in the Republic of Tatarstan had to refute this news on the official website of the PFR.

OPFR in the Ulyanovsk region

On October 19, 2018, the UPFR for the Ulyanovsk region on the PFR website reports:

“Don't believe the rumors! All "missed" indexation of pensions for the period of work of a pensioner will be compensated to him after dismissal "

Branch The Pension Fund RF in the Ulyanovsk region is concerned about the large number of calls from working pensioners.

Citizens are worried about information that if they do not quit before the end of this year, their pension will not be increased taking into account the indexations that took place during the period of their implementation. labor activity. This information does not correspond to reality.

According to the current legislation, the pension of a working pensioner is not indexed, but after dismissal, he begins to receive a pension in full size taking into account all indexations that took place during the period of its work. The date of dismissal does not matter: the rule will apply even if the pensioner leaves the next year or in a few years.


The fact remains that there are more and more rumors about possible limitation or the abolition of pensions for working pensioners. And "smoke without fire", as you know, does not exist.

However, it should be recalled that Art. 39 of the Constitution guarantees the right to a citizen of Russia to receive a pension benefit in provided by law cases: upon reaching retirement age, upon receipt of a disability or in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Therefore, it is impossible to completely cancel the payment of pensions - you can only change the conditions for receiving it.

Many believe that there is a restriction on pensions for working pensioners in Russia. And such thoughts appeared for a reason. The fact is that during the crisis, the Russian Federation is constantly reviewing the pension system. Are being nominated various ideas and considerations of how to support the population, but at the same time not lose significant sums Money... And the news about the limitation of pensions to those who are employed even after reaching retirement age sounds very often. But is it really there? Should pensioners in Russia be afraid of something? What reforms were proposed in this regard, and what are the conditions for calculating pension payments in effect to this day in the Russian Federation? All this should be fully understood.

Truth or myth

Pension limitation - or a myth? After all, this issue is very often discussed among the population, since it is not clear whether it was really proposed in Russia to limit pension payments or not.

In fact, such proposals have taken place. But so far, in 2016, you can call them a myth. Such a step will force a review of the entire pension system of the country. Citizens, even of retirement age, make contributions to the Pension Fund in order to then get their money back. And limiting payments in this situation is a dangerous and reckless step. Therefore, the matter did not go beyond ordinary conversations.

Complete cancellation

But the limitation of pensions to working pensioners in Russia is far from the worst news. This proposal, as already mentioned, has no legal force yet. But there is a different law. It generally abolishes pension payments to those citizens who, even during a well-deserved rest, continue to work for any reason.

Fortunately, the prepared bill was not supposed to affect everyone. And only those who receive more than 1 million rubles a year. That's 83 thousand a month. These categories of persons are not paid money during the period of employment. And only after the dismissal is the recalculation and assignment of pension payments.

Fortunately, neither the limitation of pensions to working pensioners in Russia, nor the complete cancellation of such support from the state takes place. This is all just speculation. Pension system The Russian Federation is not yet ready for such decisions. Therefore, in 2016 there is nothing to be afraid of. Pensions are paid to everyone - both employed and unemployed in Russia.


But you should pay attention to another point. Pensions for working pensioners are limited to some extent, but not in a similar interpretation. The point is that according to the established rules in Russia, it is necessary to carry out the so-called indexation of payments every year. That is, a slight increase in the paid pensions. Until when exactly? There are no restrictions here. The government simply has to raise pension payments once a year.

And in 2016, the restrictions on the pensions of working pensioners can be interpreted as the abolition of indexation. People who continue to work after reaching retirement age were offered to cancel the indexation of payments in 2016. On this moment the mentioned provision of legislation is fully valid. Pensions are paid but not indexed.

Nevertheless, the state still supports the population. As soon as a person who has reached retirement age terminates all labor relations, payments will be recalculated. From that moment on, the indexation of payments will take place.

Will they reduce

Many are worried about the decline in pensions for working pensioners. An idea has already been put forward not only for the abolition of financial support for workers, but also for a reduction in the money paid.

A similar proposal was also not implemented in the second half of 2016. Nobody deliberately began to reduce payments to working pensioners. But indexation, as already mentioned, has been canceled. Therefore, we can say that payments have decreased to some extent. Albeit insignificantly. In fact, in 2016, working retirees are paid the same amount as in 2015.

Actual cancellation

But this is not all the news that relates to the pensions of employed citizens. The fact is that in Russia there is an actual limitation of pensions for working pensioners. What does it mean?

Nobody limits support in the amount of payments. It is just that at the moment the country does not provide for those who are employed. Citizens receive the same amount as they should have received before. But now the risk is high, in principle, of losing your pension. How exactly?

All because of the constant discussions about raising the retirement age. Thanks to this, there will be a limitation of pensions. There will be fewer working pensioners in the country. Some run the risk of losing the status of a person who has retired. And someone in general may never see the pension, for which money has been transferred all his life.

About retirement age

What do they say at the moment about when to go on a well-deserved rest? The limitation of pensions to working pensioners in Russia may take place if the retirement age is actually raised. As already mentioned, some may lose such support from the state, some will not see it at all. If we also attribute the lack of indexation here, then we get the most real limitation of financial support, and a serious one.

At the moment, women in Russia retire at 55, men at 60. It is planned to raise this bar by 5 years. Accordingly, men will be entitled to a pension only at 65, and women at 60.

On average, most male pensioners do not live to be 65 years old. Or they die very quickly. Therefore, it is highly likely that citizens will never see the money that they transferred in Russia throughout their lives. At the moment it is known that the retirement age will be raised. But when exactly, no one knows. Russia is not yet ready for such a step. It will cause a lot of discontent among the population.

Compensation instead of indexing

Cutting pensions for working pensioners is a serious step. So far, it has been implemented only through the abolition of mandatory indexing. Therefore, one should not be afraid of a complete loss of support from the state.

The latest news indicates that in 2017 there will be no enough funds to carry out indexing. Instead, the government decided to take a different route. And all citizens who have reached retirement age will receive a one-time compensation in January 2017 instead of indexing. At the moment it is 5,000 rubles.

In fact, this is the limitation of the pension. In 2017, working pensioners and unemployed people will be paid 5 thousand rubles each as compensation. And the amount of pensions will remain the same. That is, no indexing will occur even for those who are not working. The government justifies its decision that the government does not have enough money to carry out the procedure for increasing pension payments.

Pension sizes

The next point that interests many is the size of the pension for working pensioners in Russia. And for everyone else too. How much will citizens who have reached retirement age receive? This question extremely important. After all, retirees should know what to count on.

Nobody can give exact numbers. In any case, when it comes to retirement pension. It all depends on the salary, the duration of work, as well as on the period of refusal from employment. But on average, a pensioner will receive about 15,000 after dismissal. This is labor pension old age.

All employed persons receive an old-age insurance pension. It is currently about 13,132 rubles. More precisely, many indicate that a working pensioner receives on average 13,500. It is about 8,562 rubles.

Now it is clear what you can count on in this or that case. In practice, there is no pension limitation for working pensioners. Unless this term means a suspension of indexation, as well as an increase in the retirement age.

Terms of appointment

The next nuance that should be taken into account is the conditions under which you can generally receive a pension. Not all citizens who have reached retirement age can obtain such support for themselves. Only social benefit they will be assigned under any circumstances. But the insurance is required to "earn".

In 2016, the limitation of pensions to working pensioners in Russia is expressed in the established rules for the appointment of such state support... Recently in Russian Federation the so-called point system operates. This means that the amount of payments, as well as the moment of retirement, depends on the number of "points" available on the citizen's account.

Under what conditions does a pensioner have the opportunity to receive a (non-social) pension? If by 2016 he has 7 years work experience... This figure is expected to grow until 2024. By that time, you will have to have 15 years of experience. This is the limitation of pensions for working pensioners and all other citizens in effect in Russia. Important: a citizen must reach retirement age to receive the benefits due to him.

Employment after retirement

There is one more very interesting condition... It is already clear that the recalculation of pension payments will be due to citizens after dismissal. But what if a person was not employed, and in 2016 he decided to go to work? Will there be a reduction in pensions for working pensioners in this case?

No, the payment will remain exactly the same as it was before employment. It's just that from the moment the employment relationship begins, it will not be indexed. This means that the citizen will receive a pension, which was established not in 2015, but already in 2016. It will not go down, only fixation.

Can they downgrade

Some citizens are interested in whether there may be a reduction in pensions for working pensioners. Indeed, in a crisis, the country has a way to go to any measures in order to save the budget.

Most likely, you shouldn't be afraid. There can be no direct decline. But the establishment of fixed payments to all working pensioners, regardless of salary, position and funds transferred to the PFR, is easy. It is also possible that there is no indexing and any compensation.

You should not be afraid of a reduction in payments. This measure was not even discussed in the government. After all, then there will be a deliberate deterioration in the standard of living in Russia. Nobody is interested in this.


The size of pensions for working pensioners in 2016 is no longer a mystery. Moreover, it is now clear whether employed citizens were really limited in financial support from the state. It is not yet known how the pension system will develop in Russia. But a decrease in pension payments and a complete cessation of these are not expected.

Therefore, citizens can continue to work in peace. Most likely, if a serious limitation of pensions for working pensioners is imposed, people will simply start leaving their jobs. In order to decide on such changes, the entire pension system of the country must first be thoroughly worked out.

There is no real limitation on financial support for employed citizens of retirement age. The government just canceled the indexation for this segment of the population. And in 2017, instead of raising money, they are entitled to compensation. There is no further real news regarding pension payments at the moment. The only thing that the government recommends is to independently set aside part of the income for old age. Limiting the pensions of working pensioners is not the most truthful news. The pension system is undergoing changes, but not so dramatic.

The economic situation in the country is developing rapidly. Inflation, the level of which for 2015 was predicted by the Ministry of Economic Development at the level of 7-8 percent, was one and a half times higher than the forecast and promises to break all records further. The Government's anti-crisis plan was revised in urgent order back at the end of January 2016, adjusted for an increase in social spending and support for small businesses. For these purposes, the Government has promised to spend 750 billion rubles more than previously planned. As we remember, according to the statement of the heads of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, the increase in pensions in 2016 should be percentage terms equal to the inflation rates recorded in 12015. But now the question arises in a slightly different way. Main question, which is of interest to almost half of the population of our country - what pension supplements will be in effect in 2016 and who exactly are they entitled to? We tried to figure it out.

Old-age pension supplements

The main number of pensioners in Russia are persons who have retired by old age (old age), they are also called labor pensioners... Starting from February 1, 2016, the first stage of reindexing took place in Russia (the second is scheduled for mid-September):

The size of social payments,
- insurance pensions,
- pensions under the state pension provision.

The first two points were indexed in numerical terms by 7% each, and the size of pensions was increased by 4% instead of the 7% planned in 2015. Federal beneficiaries have also received a 7 percent pension supplement since February 1. These include:

2.disabled people,
3. liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster and other persons exposed to radiation,
4. Heroes of the USSR and Heroes of Socialist Labor

They always considered the possibility of receiving allowances, and if we recall that working pensioners did not receive reindexing of the insurance part of their pension at all, it becomes clear what to save on federal beneficiaries The government is not going to. Recall that, starting from 2015, an increase in the amount of insurance pension payments in Russia is carried out by increasing the value of the pension point. If we make a recalculation from February 1, 2016, its cost has increased by 4% and now one point is worth 74.3 rubles. According to statistics, in Russia in 2016 the average size old-age insurance pension in 2016, taking into account all allowances, will be 13 130 rubles.

Pension supplements in 2016 for working pensioners

Working pensioners in 2016 will receive one indexation, which will total 4%. This has been discussed since the end of 2014, when the Government approved a plan to reduce spending on pensioners whose income exceeds living wage... That is, the recalculation of the pension of a working pensioner in Russia in 2016 will be 4%. It is important to remember that a working pensioner under the new rules is a citizen of retirement age who has received an old-age pension, but is also officially employed in a commercial or budgetary organization receiving a "white" salary, the amount of which exceeds the subsistence minimum established in the region of his residence.

Pensioners in Russia are divided into two categories: working and not having an official place of work. Most of the payments are provided for pensioners who do not work anywhere and are on a well-deserved rest. But working pensioners do not always have high wages, so the question of additional allowances for them is relevant.

How profitable is it to work in retirement

The benefits are clear. Man gets additional source income. Moreover, if his wage is at the middle level of the region where he lives. Certain categories of working pensioners receive compensation from the state. In particular:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • citizens who have lost their breadwinner.

The retirement age for men is 65 years old. For the weaker sex - 55 years old. There is a seniority pension, which is received by certain categories of workers, for example, astronauts, pilots, testers, military personnel, etc. In 2018, pension indexation is not provided for working pensioners. But all pensioners, working and not working, received 5,000 rubles each in the winter of 2018.

The question of whether it is worth working in retirement is relevant. Each of the retirees must add up the total income from wages and salaries and pensions, note all the pluses and minuses. Working in retirement is beneficial in that a person receives a salary, which is a significant addition to the family budget.

The advantage of working in retirement is that by working, the pensioner prolongs the insurance experience in time. But on condition that the employer sends contributions (insurance) to funds. Insurance experience allows you to recalculate the pension, as well as increase it.

The disadvantage of working in retirement is that in 2016 they stopped indexing pensions for employees mature age who are working on a well-deserved rest. The payments of the indexed share of the pension are terminated while the pensioner is working. After he terminates the employment contract with the employer, the indexed pension will be transferred to him.

Another question arises with those pensioners who work without formalization labor relations. They can count on the indexation of their pension, but informal work is beneficial for them only if the employer is honest. In case of violation of their labor rights, it is rather difficult to prove the existence of a working relationship between a pensioner and an employer.

Working Pensioners Act

Currently, this normative legal act has not been adopted. Provisions concerning working pensioners, the size of their pensions, allowances, etc., remain at the stage of the draft law. Its main provisions:

  1. Starting from 2018, it is not expected to index the considered payments to working pensioners according to the inflation rate. Pensions are indexed every year. But this only applies unemployed pensioners... Only they were the actual recipients of the indexed pension.

  2. IMPORTANT: The plans of the highest body of the executive branch of government did not change in 2018. Their insurance pensions will not be indexed. The moratorium will last until 2020.
  3. From 2018, the final recalculation of pensions will take into account the accumulated length of service in retirement, as well as the amount of insurance contributions to funds carried out by the pensioner's employer. Will be increased individual coefficient, also influencing the final size of the pension.
  4. In August 2018, it is planned to automatically recalculate the size of the insurance pension. This will not affect all retired working citizens, but only certain categories. In particular, those who are paid money on the basis of old age and disability. The amount of the bonus depends on the salary of the pensioner, which he received in 2016, as well as on the points awarded to the citizen.
  5. Presumably retirement benefits will not be paid to those pensioners who receive more than 1,000,000 rubles per year. The decision, of course, has not yet been taken. Finally, it will be accepted in the future.

How much are working pensioners paid

Pensioners receive a pension. The payoff is in two parts. it fixed size cash payments, the basic pension. And insurance pension... It consists of the duration of the work, the number of points, which are calculated on the basis of the deductions made to the FIU.

Retirement pensioners can apply for a recalculation of the fixed payment in the presence of certain life circumstances. For example, in the case of a change in the family related to the number of dependents. If the pensioner maintains no more than three family members who do not work, the basic part of the pension (for old age or disability) is accrued to him increased rate... If a person lives in conditions Far north, the basic part of the pension is increased by the amount of the regional coefficient set by the regional authorities.

A working pensioner has an increase in the insurance experience. The employer must make payments to the funds for each employee. And this happens regardless of age. The recalculation of the insurance part is carried out automatically by the FIU. But citizens can apply and draw up an application. In it, indicate the recalculation of the insurance amount of the pension.

This procedure proves that the person has refused, thereby, from automatic accrual. This procedure is possible after a year from the date of appointment. pension payments but doesn't always make sense. If pension payments were assigned to a person in January 2015, at the request of a working pensioner, the amount of payments can be recalculated only after a year. It's winter 2016. And the automatic recalculation would have been done only in August 2016. That is, if a person is interceding for himself, it will speed up the recalculation process.

To receive a decent amount of pension, you need at least 30 years of experience. If a person retired without completing this period, but continues to officially work, he prolongs the length of service, thereby increasing the amount of charges. If a pensioner has formed accumulative part pension, the maximum score a person can count on is 3 points. If the funded part is in the process of accumulation, the score is even lower - 1.875. It is this indicator that will be taken into account when recalculating.

There are certain cases where pension accruals subject to recalculation:

  • 80 years - a supplement to the pension, established in each specific area;
  • disability: group change.

IMPORTANT: For recalculation, a declarative procedure is established. The exception is when a person reaches 80 years of age. The calculation in this situation occurs in automatic mode.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

Every year, on August 1, recalculation begins. The entire pension is subject to it, both parts of it. Recalculation is carried out automatically if the pensioner is at the workplace. The recalculation is influenced by employers' reports sent to the FIU for each specific employee. Funds that are redirected to the personal account of the pensioner during the previous 12 months, if they were not taken into account in previous recalculations, are subject to accounting:

  • contributions to funds ( insurance payments are listed by employing companies, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries;
  • the results of investment processes concerning pension savings;
  • other contributions transferred to the formation of the funded part, the results of these investments.

Pension points accumulated by a person increase the insurance part of payments. They are formed from insurance contributions that were made in the previous 12 months. But on condition that they were not taken into account in the accruals and in the previous recalculations.

We use the financial equation:


Let's decipher the values:

  • SP - recalculated pension;
  • SPST - indicators of the pension serving for recalculation on July 31 of the accounting year;
  • IPC - the number of points that a person has formed on January 1 of the current year;
  • SIPK - the cost of points on the day on which the recalculation takes place (2018, the actual cost is 81.49 rubles);

The number of individual points taken into account in the annual recalculation of pension contributions is limited by legislatively... Depending on the formation of the accumulative part of pension contributions to the account of insurance contributions, the number of points in the maximum indicator is equal to:

  • 3.0 - for citizens who have not dealt with issues in the current year funded pension, that is, they simply did not form it;
  • 1,875 points for citizens who sent their insurance premiums on the formation of savings.

IMPORTANT: The amount of the benefit can be increased if the citizen has postponed the deadline for registering a pension.

Depending on the term for applying for pension payments, their size increases. The pension is subject to adjustment every year. This is due to the amount of insurance contributions of the employer, additional contributions, the results of investment of savings (pension).

IMPORTANT: For 2018, the supreme executive authority imposed a moratorium on the formation of savings from contributions. A citizen can continue to save, but only at the expense of his own transfers.

Adjustment of the funded part is carried out using funds that were not taken into account in the previous recalculation. The formula is used:

NP = PNK / T

Let's decipher the formula:

  • NP - adjustment cumulative payments and its size;
  • PNK - the amount of accumulated funds placed on the citizen's account as of July 1. If a fixed-term pension is adjusted to a citizen, then the savings accounted for in the adjustment cannot be taken into account in the savings, due to which the amount of the funded part of the pension benefit was adjusted;
  • T is the number of months of payment of pension savings, taken into account the size of the funded part;

Post-employment indexation of pensions

Pension indexation occurs only a month after termination by a pensioner employment contract... But in practice, this process is delayed. This is due to the fact that, under Article 26.1 of the Law on Insurance Pensions, policyholders do not immediately submit to the PFR a statement that the pensioner has finished their labor activity. Employers submit reports only for the previous month in the reporting period. This means one thing: if a person quit in June, in July he will be considered still working. The next month, after receiving information from the insured that the person quit his job, the fund makes a decision that the insurance pension should be paid to the person in an indexed form.

IMPORTANT: The increased amount of pensions will be paid only from the month that follows the one in which the FIU made a decision on indexation.

How the term of work for working pensioners is taken into account

On the personal account of any person, including a working pensioner, there is data about the entire period of his work. Since 2002, the PFR authorities have introduced a program for electronic recording of information about persons who are insured.

The employer submits information about the employee's experience, and then the data on insurance premiums. The data is reflected in the documents. Now all information about a working person, a pensioner is formed on the ILS.

If a pensioner works on a well-deserved rest, is officially registered, insurance part pension increases due to seniority.

Thus, the undoubted plus of working in retirement is that by working, a person increases the insurance experience. But on condition that the employer transfers contributions (insurance) to the fund for him. The insurance experience is relevant from the point of view of the annual pension recalculation, as well as an increase in the amount of the pension.

Today pensioners haunt the Ministry of Finance. Indeed, against the background of the crisis and the timing of its progress and further development everything that was possible was cut - both wages and benefits. Only pensioners remained. Representatives of the authorities cannot completely leave the elderly without promotions. And they decided to look for other options. Now the question is,.

The concept of "working pensioners" is understood as those who have achieved a certain age(in Russia it is 55 years old for women and 60 years old for representatives strong half), however, at the same time did not go on vacation, but continues to work further and receive wages. Moreover, it does not matter at all where exactly he continues his career - in the same position or in a new one.

Under such conditions, those who worked in the civil service may temporarily take a premium for civil service... But then, when they stop working, they will return it again.

At the same time, working pensioners are essentially the most ordinary people who receive their social benefits according to the law. And the charges are all in their respect exactly the same as those of others. Working pensioners holding the title of "Labor Veteran" are in a more advantageous position. Indeed, in this case, in addition to pensions and wages, they also receive various benefits. Which ones should be found out in the departments social protection that you belong to by registration.

How the pension for a working pensioner is calculated

The accrual of a pension to a working pensioner in 2016 in Russia is made, like everyone else, on the basis of a number of parameters. Among them:

All together add up to the total amount to be paid. Today, the average social payment is about 13,000 rubles, in the regions it can easily be less - about 8,000 rubles. That is why many people have to work additionally, instead of sitting at home and working with their children - grandchildren. They also don't do their favorite things:
  1. - garden-garden;
  2. - travel;
  3. - knitting and needlework and many others.
However, it should be borne in mind that the retirement age in Russia is rather controversial, since ladies in 55, for example, are still mostly quite able-bodied. Yes, there are those who happily go on a well-deserved rest. But there are also those who are sure that they are quite efficient, despite their age. And there are also those who work to help young people. After all, many children cannot fully support themselves. Since it is rather difficult to buy housing today, many young families take out mortgages. But they don't have enough money for everything else. Then the parents begin to help. After all, young, until the age has passed, need to give birth and raise children.

What did the government come up with

Attempts to save money lead the authorities to take various unpopular measures. For example, they have already decided that it is necessary to temporarily suspend the indexation of salaries to public sector employees. True, it is believed that this will not be for long, and in 2016 the situation will begin to improve, the loan can all be renewed and restored.

As for working pensioners, they are very much interested and have been under the gun of specialists of the financial department for a long time. Indeed, in this situation, a decrease in pensions for working pensioners in 2016, up to a complete refusal of them for the duration of work, great way save budget funds.

In this regard, it is often argued that a norm of the following nature should be established by law. If a person does not go on vacation after reaching the required age threshold, he will have to understand that he will be left without a pension for the duration of his work.
It is clear that this kind of talk is not to the liking of Russians, who are unanimously convinced that they have to work precisely because a beggarly pension does not allow them to live with dignity.

What is happening with social benefits for working pensioners so far

The recalculation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016 in Russia will take place in the same way as for those who do not work. However, there is a number of unpleasant conversations here too.

Today, the Ministry of Finance is increasingly trying to adjust this kind of payments, believing that in this way it is possible to significantly save. The Finance Ministry's proposal is as follows. It is proposed to index pensions next year not according to the level of official inflation, which is set at 5.5%, but only by 4%. If we recall such a detail that the real inflation today is several times higher than the declared one, it becomes clear that pensioners with 4% indexation will receive practically nothing.

Indeed, with a pension of 13,000 rubles, the increase will be 500 rubles. With that kind of money, today you don't even really go to the store - there will be nothing to buy. At the same time, the cost of housing and communal services alone will increase by at least 10%. As a result, the position of pensioners will be seriously shaken. Many of them will find themselves below the poverty line.

What experts say about the matter

Many are interested in how much the pension increase for working pensioners will be in 2016. Experts argue that indexing should be in any case. Otherwise, retirees will find themselves on the verge of poverty. And this already speaks of the state as a country that does not fulfill its obligations. And this cannot be allowed in any way, because then Russia will finally lose its partners. Nobody wants to support a country where they don't care about the weakest - the elderly.

What documents protect working pensioners

Worrying about the fate of this kind of social benefits and thinking about how the pensions of working pensioners will change in 2016, many forget about the most important thing. The issuance of such social benefits is indicated and recorded in the most important document of Russia - its Constitution. And changing it is extremely problematic, so with very likely no one will begin to study such a question.

This means that the Ministry of Finance has little chance of doing as they plan. And at the very top they are well aware that such a decision will be extremely bad option development of events. After all similar attitude just won't be forgiven. And the elections are ahead.

Why is this decision unpopular with the people

Naturally, if a decision is suddenly made to remove not only the pension supplements for working pensioners in Russia in 2016, but also the entire pension, it will be very unpopular. After all, those who today officially belong to the category of pensioners have already worked out and gave the country maximum of their strength and energy for the development of their homeland.

Therefore, they honestly earned their pension. And now to solve such a dilemma in order to deprive them of their honestly earned money is as dishonest and wrong as possible. SexKL

Therefore, it is worth talking about whether there will be indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2016. Experts and analysts are confident that yes. The only thing now is to wait for the decision of the authorities. And in such a situation, anything can happen and be completely unpredictable. Indexation will definitely take place. But how big will this increase be? This parameter is not regulated by the main document of the country. And here everything is at the mercy of the authorities.

What are the consequences of such a measure

The abolition of pensions, if any, will lead to a complete reshaping of the labor market in the country. And so today, quite a few people work for normal wages. More often than not, some time before the retirement threshold, employers stop hiring potential older people. Therefore, they often get a job for mere pennies. But taking into account the pension, it turns out to be quite tolerant. If you take away the social benefits, they will again collect and count pennies.

Also at unfavorable development events, pensioners will move to the shadow market, i.e. will not be officially registered for work. This will allow them to officially keep their pension and work in peace. Moreover, at times, wages in envelopes can be better and more meaningful than the official one.

What to prepare for retirees who still work

Working pensioners should be mentally prepared for the fact that such a measure can still be taken. Then you will need to look for options on how to survive. So, for example, you can start putting off the egg capsule in advance. Also, as an option, you can start looking for a job that will be as loyal as possible.

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