Congratulations on Tatyana's day are beautiful. Congratulations on Tatyana's day. Beautiful poems with Tatyana's Day


On Tatyana's day in verse

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day

You and Tatyanin I in the afternoon
Congratulations today
Find a lot of happiness in it
I sincerely wish!

Let dreams come true
Let happiness walk by
I wish you beauty
And more - do not!

Wishes on Tatyana's day

On the twenty fifth day of January
Repeat: learning is light!
On this day, by order of the king
The university was opened.

Since then, students have zealously
Plow the seas of sciences
And docents-captains
They get away with absenteeism.

The rector is a brave admiral,
Sleep and laziness beats from a cannon.
And today I called everyone
Celebrate Tatyana's Day!

Universal congratulations Happy Tatyana's day

Walk from morning to morning
Then you crawl into the doctor,
Then you deserve a monument!
Walk, student, seize the moment!

The professor was also a student
Pour a present into his glass.
He will not carry past the mouth!
Everything else is vanity.

Everything else is crap.
Let go, gentlemen!
Fate, like a hat, on one side.
Long live Tatyana's day.

Congratulations on Tatiana's day!
I want to wish love
May wishes come true
All your treasures!

Let Tatiana help
Rescues in difficult times
Let her protect
In the life of each of you!

I still wish you happiness
And spiritual warmth
To make life beautiful
Interesting, fun!

Congratulations in verse Tatyana's day

On the day of Tatyana, on the day of the student
You must be funny!
But - do not overdrink absinthe,
Don't forget about couples.

All student fraternity
Congratulations on this day!
Your main wealth -
Youth. too lazy to learn

It also happens sometimes.
Only this is nothing.
Who was a student, he knows
How to get your way.

Let there be fewer "tails"
Easy session always!
And let the student not forget
This time is never!

Congratulations to Tatiana on Tatiana's day

Tanya! Congratulations!
I want to wish you
To keep you beautiful
Able to live and dream!

So that everything works out for you
So that everything you want comes true
And to you, dear
Never had to be sad!

So that on the day of your namesake - Tatyana
Friends gave gifts
Let the neighbors not forget!
Let the family congratulate!

Tatyana's day - congratulations for Tatyana

To my Tanyusha at this hour
I want to wish the best
The fire of love does not go out
And never lose heart!

Let dreams come true
Live easily, not knowing the troubles,
Do not know too much fuss
And tell everyone to sorrows - no!

On Tatyana's day there are a lot of wishes:
Goodness, comfort, a lot of happiness, light
And the fulfillment of all your wishes,
And inspiration, good luck and success.
May all days be beautiful.
Welfare to you, joy, love.

Today is the holiday of all Tatyana,
We want to wish Tatiana
So that happiness looks to you,
And the world is filled with dreams
So that life brings only joy,
Eyes would shine with laughter
So that luck goes into the hands
Health to you, love, success!

Dear, Happy Holidays! On this winter Tatyana's day, let your heart be warm, calm and comfortable. Let wishes and dreams come true, love, good luck, Have a good mood. Let the guardian angel always be with you and protect you from the bad.

My dear Tatyana,
The birthday day has arrived.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You deserve only praise.

May you always be by your side
An angel is on his way
Let him help and advise
May it lead to good luck.

Let the name always help
You can overcome everything.
Tanya, be always happy.
I wish for long years.

The end of January scares everyone with frost,
But it's all for you!
IN beautiful eyes your happiness shines
And I congratulate you on Tatyana's day!

Let your optimism help to be cheerful,
So that any business is always argued.
I wish you good and great luck,
To live, not to grieve, never be sad!

Congratulations on Tatiana's day!
Let dreams come true
And the whole world is always throwing
Let flowers be at your feet.

Meet every day with a smile
Rejoice in life, shine.
Let your cheerful laughter ring,
Never be discouraged!

Happy Tatyana's day! I wish you success
Health and joy, happiness and laughter.
Let life be filled with smiles of friends
So that it is as bright as possible in the heart!

Always smile with a clear smile,
So that there is no sadness, sadness in vain.
Bloom like a gorgeous rose in May
And hide your soul from snow, frost!

On Tatyana's day, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and good
Holy to you Tatyana
Led me to a beautiful dream.

Let her always help
Gives you strength, inspiration,
May every gray weekday
Gives you bright moments.

Congratulations on Tatyana's day
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Always be drunk from life
Try your best to live!

Let it burn everywhere
Green light for you
Everyone you meet will be surprised -
There are no obstacles for you!

I want it to come true
Day by day your dreams
For wishes to come true
And you shone with happiness!

Be the most beautiful of all, be happy
Let friends be around.
Be necessary for everyone
Let the dream come true!

Be rich and successful
Be always on top.
Always be honest with your family.
Joy, good to you.

Also, be loved
And always love back.
Congratulations on Tatyana's Day,
Always be special!

On Tatyana's day, I hasten to congratulate you,
And wish you all the best!
I sincerely tell you today:
May the best that is - be multiplied.

So that the Angel always protects you,
AND Right way pointed out to you in life
Protected you from grief and troubles,
I told you how to be happy yourself!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day on January 25 are accepted not only by girls, women named Tatyana, but also by students
For almost two centuries, January 25 - Russian Student's Day stands apart in an endless series of holidays, which is no accident. Congratulations on Tatyana's Day bring together all Tatyana and all students.
From time immemorial, there was one special among the holidays - the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana, celebrated on January 12 according to the old style, January 25 - in a new way. The memory of him is alive to this day, but over time, his origin and meaning have been somewhat forgotten. Continuing from year to year to gather on Tatiana's day and celebrate at noisy feasts, many students "martyrs of science" probably do not stop asking the question: "What does St. Tatiana have to do with students?"

Tatyana's day is celebrated mainly by students, apparently for this reason student's day is one of the most beautiful and romantic holidays, perhaps only St. Valentine's Day can compare with it. In addition, after all, this is a holiday for all the beautiful owners of the name Tatyana, with a Russian soul and unique beauty, sophistication and charm.
What a beautiful contrast in this holiday - snow blizzards, blizzards, biting frost, and such warm, gentle, sweet and dear Tanechki take this winter day The 25th of January congratulations on Tatyana's day. Imagine how nice it will be for Tatyana to receive a couple from you on student day warm words with wishes of happiness, smiles, and maybe even a declaration of love.
Undoubtedly, all Tatyanas were lucky, because few name days are celebrated so widely.

If you know students, be sure to congratulate them on professional holiday- . Tatyana's day is perhaps the favorite holiday of students. After all, it, as a rule, symbolizes the end of the session, which means that you can celebrate the student's day with a clear conscience and on a large scale!

Toasts on Tatyana's Day
Congratulatory toasts on Tatyana's day, on Tatyana's name day - you men! stock up beautiful toast to your beloved woman, girlfriend, colleague... Congratulate your beloved ladies with pleasure!

Which can be presented to your acquaintances Tanya and Tanyusha on their name day - Tatyana's day!

Congratulate all Tatyana and Students!

Tatyana happy birthday! - songDear Tanechka, happy birthday! - poetrySong: Tanechka-Tanyusha, my joy
Setting for excellent gradesDmitry Medvedev congratulates on Student's DayStudent friend, do not lose heart, pass the session nicely! - song

I'll get up unusually early today
I sit down at the table, full of inspiration.
And I will write in a letter to you, Tatyana,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
On Tatyana's day, I wish you well!
Luck, passion, happiness and health!
And let the fire burn in your soul!
The fire that is called love! ©

Congratulations on Tatyana's day

Today is Tanya's name day!
Tatyana's day - people say.
All gathered now your girlfriends,
To congratulate you alone!
Dear, we sincerely wish you
Be loved and sincerely love!
So that the ship of dreams is unsinkable!
And so that it was easy to sail through life on it! ©

Congratulations to Tatyana on student's day

Tanya has a birthday today!
Tatyana's Day! I carry a bouquet of flowers.
I want this day to be the longest!
I will tell you a lot of warm words!
You are the brightest man in this world!
I sincerely wish that all dreams come true!
Winter, spring, autumn and summer -
And day and night I need you! ©

Congratulations on Tatyana's day

Today is Tatyana's winter snow day!
And I booked a cozy table for us.
We met at the restaurant at eight.
At the entrance, I kissed you tenderly.
I love kissing you, dear!
I love your laugh when I talk nonsense!
All evening I wish you everything!
And between the lines: Tanya, I love you! ©

Congratulations on Tatyana's day

Like the first ray of sunshine in the early morning
Casts a quivering shadow
So my Tatyana smiles,
in fine weather festive Tatyanin day.
I am captivated forever by this smile!
And I am glad to congratulate you today!
My most close person in the world!
Let nothing cloud your eyes! ©

Congratulations on Tatyana's day in verse

Tatyana's day is not in vain celebrated in winter!
It's so beautiful when in frosty silence
Snowflakes on your eyelashes melt gently
Shining in the sun, like tears of happiness!
I congratulate you, Tanechka, with my soul!
I wish you warm meetings and brilliant holidays!
Success, luck will always be with you!
I wish you love, stormy, real! ©

On Tatyana's day, I run with congratulations
To the most beautiful girl in the world!
Words of love and tenderness
To give you! caresses the wind
Your face and your hair.
That wind is in secret collusion with me!
I look with eyes full of love!
Tanya, I'm so happy to be with you! ©

Poems with Tatyana's day
Marriage proposal to Tatyana

Wine in glasses, dinner by candlelight.
After all, no one canceled romanticism.
Your hand is in my hands.
Tatyana's Day. I have been waiting for it for a long time!
I congratulated you, confusing words -
I'm terribly worried, as if I'm not myself.
I got on my knee. Around the head.
I decided: Tanya, be my wife! ©

On Tatyana's day to you, beauty,
Let's get really lucky:
Let it be easy gait,
Manage to hit the jackpot in love
Live and enjoy life
Know how to be friends, know how to forgive,
And never be wrong
To not know failures at all.

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Be healthy, be beautiful
Always so cute
In love and beloved
Smiling, happy.
You - best girlfriend!
Happy Angel Day, Tanya!

Tanechka, sister, congratulations
Happy Tatiana's Day - happy holiday!
I wish you, dear,
May your spirit be invincible!
So that you are always happy
So that your affairs always argue,
To love and be loved
To be an optimist!

Tanya, today is your holiday,
Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you!
And this is a mini-congratulation in verse
I'm sending you an SMS today.
I want to live and not grieve,
So that everything is OK and cool,
good friends cherish
And enjoy every minute!

My native mother Tanya
Your day has come today
You are the only one for me
I want the Lord to give
You have wonderful moments
Love, health, beauty,
Warmth, kindness and inspiration,
Incredible beauty!

Your holiday today, Tatyana,
Angel's Day - Tatyana's Day!
And a spectacular lady like you
I'm not too lazy to congratulate!
I wish in your life
It was everything you could dream of.
Health and love to you pure,
And you don't need to wish for more!

My good, Tanya,
happy angel day i want you
Congrats dear friend
And I wish from myself:
Let it be lucky in everything in the world,
May the angels keep you
In all matters - a fair wind,
And bright vivacity charge!

When you were born with us
They named you Tatyana.
After all, in the name - love and passion,
May everyone always love you.
I wish, daughter, I
As a woman, always be happy
Also - luck in fate,
Stay beautiful forever!

Ah, true bliss
To know our Tatyana personally.
Not in vain, perhaps, perfection,
That's what I want to call her.
I want to tell you, Tatyana,
That you alone are the most beautiful of all.
A lot of luck lies ahead
And in life - true success!

My beloved Tanyusha,
On Tatyana's day I wish
beautiful words listen more,
To be faithful friends,
I wish you on Angel Day
Health, happiness, beauty,
Congratulations to my wife
You are the ideal of my dreams!

January 25 is approaching, and many are wondering - how to congratulate Tatyana in an original way on her day? After all, January 25 is not only Student's Day, but also Tatyana's Day, the day of our beautiful wives, colleagues, girlfriends, classmates, classmates. I think everyone has at least one Tatyana, be it a friend, colleague, relative, or maybe even a spouse or mother ... And we all want to congratulate our Tatyanas on this holiday. What are some ideas about this? There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is originality.

Remember, the most important thing in a congratulation, no matter who it is addressed to, is sincerity. Congratulate your Tatyana with all your heart and believe me, they will appreciate it. Do not be shy to express your feelings, do not be afraid to confess your love, say in congratulations everything that you were afraid to say before. Tatyana's day is A good reason for confessions.

If your Tatyana is far away, it will be just right to congratulate her with an SMS message, we offer you original short SMS so that you can congratulate your Tanya on the holiday.

SMS congratulations on Tatyana's Day:

For everyone you will be the standard of happiness

A beautiful but impossible dream...

I dream of kissing your wrists...

I hope we will be together with you ...

I will not give Tanya to anyone else.

I will take her dear to my heart.

I'll give you flowers, my sweet.

Let Tanyusha know how much I love her.

On Tatyana's day I want to congratulate you,

And wish you health and love.

May your angel always be with you

Blessing all your deeds!

The name is wonderful - Tatyana!

Like a blooming lilac

Celebrate the victory of knowledge

It is on Tatyana's day!

Well, if your Tatyana is at your side, or you have special feelings for her, you want to confess your love to Tatyana, spend your whole life with her, then you need something more serious than SMS. We invite you to congratulate your Tatyana on her Day with ORIGINAL POEMS!

Congratulations in verse on Tatyana's Day:

And outside the window a blizzard is sweeping,

Drops ring in my soul.

On Tatyana's day, hearts are open,

We are covered with a radiant smile.

Tatyana's look intoxicates me,

Gently pulls to itself with a magnet,

Love gives me without deception ...

On Tatiana's Day, Tatiana is generous.

The student is in love.

And he could only think of her...

And I'm heading home

To be with you on Tatyana's Day!

Today is a holiday without deceit,

My beloved Tatyana!

You are good, you are just amazing!

Sweet, natural, beautiful.

Leave sadness, down with doubt -

From sad thoughts only torment.

Make a decision at last

I want to marry you!

I am now frisky, like a deer, -

There is an excellent reason

After all, today is not an easy day -

"Tatyana's day" today!

The valiant student rejoices,

They would piss off everything...

I have a different accent

Congratulate Tanya! ..

Tatyana, my dear,

I want to congratulate you

Happy calendar day

In which it is inscribed not in vain

Everything about you….

And only together we, together

Let's note in the secret hour ...

Tatyana's Day

Under the starry waltz.

Many more copyright and original congratulations for Tatiana

Video card with Tatyana's Day