Beautiful birthday toasts. Beautiful birthday cakes. Birthday toasts in verse and prose

Toast about women

I want to tell you one interesting parable:
“Once a man came to God and said that he was very bored alone. Then God promised him to create a woman. Only then did he realize that there was no material left at all, and he acted as follows: he collected heat sun rays, the tenderness of a summer breeze, the fragrance of a blossoming rose, the beauty of a swan, the gracefulness of a cat. But it seemed to him that it turned out to be a very ideal creature, and he added the inconstancy of the wind, the pricklyness of the snowstorm, the cunning of the fox, the vindictiveness of the wasp, the coldness of the stone, the greed of the shark. The result was a real woman. When God showed her to the man, he said, "Take her the way she is and don't try to change her."
Let's drink to us remaining the way we are, not adapting to other people and appreciating our individuality.

Toast to a female colleague

One a famous person said: "Being a man is a lot, but being a woman is even more!" Let's drink to our dear, who is not only an excellent worker, but also wonderful woman. For her ability to always look charming, cheer up, support and professionally do her job!

A toast to women

If women are compared with flowers, then some are beautiful as
roses, others are tender like lilies, others are mysterious like violets...
Let's drink for today's blooming bouquet.

A toast about a woman

Maybe the horse won't stop
But into the fire, if necessary, it will go,
And if she wants anything
It will definitely take it.
What drives her, where do the forces come from?
In a weak body life is full of power.
No matter how the winds carry it,
She gets up and stands again.
I drink for the riddle of female affection
And for the power in the hands of girls.
Do you think these are just fairy tales?
This is the wisdom that has lived through the ages!

A toast to women

While a man is thinking, a woman already knows the answer. Let's drink to
female intuition, which works faster than male logic.

A toast to women

The wife is standing in front of the mirror. Husband to wife:
- Honey, of course you can be as young as you want,
but remember one thing, the age difference between you and your
daughter must be at least nine months old.
Let's drink to beautiful women, age is over
which he has no control over.

congratulatory toast happy birthday woman

Sweet, kind, gentle -
You are so beautiful now!
Let it be as fresh
With sparkling eyes,
You will please us for a long time,
On our birthday, we
The best award in the world
The prettiest of ladies!
Let's drink to adversity
Your eyes were not clouded
Let's drink to the fact that with age
Was in it, as before, enthusiasm!

A toast to a woman

In ancient times, a huge eagle, the king of all birds, lived in an impregnable gorge in the Caucasus. Every day he flew around the world in search of precious stones, which he then strung into a necklace of extraordinary beauty. But once there was a nuisance - the necklace accidentally broke, and that's it. gems scattered around the world, and several of them ended up at our table.
Let's drink for them, namely for the beautiful women who are now next to us!

A toast to women

The beauty of women does not depend on the brilliance of her diamonds, but on
sparkle in her eyes. Let's drink to women and wish that
from the radiance of your eyes, the hearts of men lit up.

Happy birthday woman toast

She attracts
Radiant with kindness and fun.
And everything that is on the table
She cooked with singing.
She knows how to live easily
Get up after bitter falls
Can give hope
Rescue from unnecessary doubts.
Drinking for a woman is not a sin
Let's raise our glasses
To live the best life
So that a woman does not know grief.

A toast to Russian women

The French woman has fifty-two handbags and the same number of pairs of shoes in her closet, and the American woman does not bother with clothes at all, but secretly still dreams of looking beautiful. Oriental women sometimes don’t even dare to look at their husband, let alone choose a wardrobe for themselves! And our Russian women can do everything, although they often do not have what the French, American and oriental woman! Because Russian women are the best! So let's drink to our Russian women, who are more beautiful than anyone in the world anyway!

Toast for women

Once a man did not know what to give his wife. And asked a friend. A friend advised him to give the same gift that she gave to a man
wife, just the opposite. The man gave her socks inside out.
So let's drink to the fact that we still have a fantasy!

My toast to women

I once read this phrase: "Charm is a way to get a yes without asking a question." I propose to drink for us, the most charming women who know what they want and know how to get it!

cool toast women

A well-known oligarch wooed one well-known ballerina. Everything seemed to be going well with them, things were already going to the wedding, but the case prevented. On the birthday of the ballerina, the oligarch referred to being busy and could not congratulate her personally, so the gift - big box from under the vacuum cleaner - sent by courier. The ballerina was indignant, told the groom a lot of nasty things that he was mean and saved on a gift, and after such an outburst she is not going to continue her relationship with him. However, some time later, the ballerina still became interested in what was in the ill-fated box. So it turned out wedding ring and a marriage proposal card. Let's drink to external form we could always see the inside!

A toast about the age of a woman

The age of a woman is divided into periods: up to 30 years and from 30 years
up to 30 with a little. Let's drink for a little addition,
which is always less than the true age of the woman.

Dear ladies, I want to raise this glass for you! And not just to raise, but to say a toast! A toast about how we love you all, and, above all, we love you because you love us, although sometimes it’s not at all clear why. And I also want to say thank you to each of you, thank you for having us, and that you please us with the warmth of your smiles and the sparkle of your eyes!

A toast to a woman

When a beautiful woman enters the hall, the men fall silent. They fall silent because they admire her and are speechless. Many want to say compliments, but do not dare. So let's drink to beautiful woman that men were never afraid to compliment her and always gave her only good words!

But you yourself endure a lot of troubles,

It's like there's no other way out.

For the tireless work of the soul.

And you yourself live happily!

Beautiful toast wishes happy birthday to a woman

Like a breeze in the midday heat,
Like rain in the sunshine
You come into life a little nervous
But you carry with you a good seal.
You involuntarily give happiness to many,
But you yourself endure a lot of troubles,
You fall and get back on your feet
It's like there's no other way out.
I drink for the strength of the heart, spirit, blood,
For the tireless work of the soul.
Be a blessing to many
And you yourself live happily!

Birthday toast to a woman

It is not customary for women to ask about their age, firstly, it is not decent, and secondly, it is dangerous, it can hit. So I'll just say a toast to such a beautiful and charming woman, happy birthday to you dear and never count your years, wrinkles appear from this, and we don't want that!

Toast to women

The outstanding Polish satirist Stanisław Jerzy Lec said: eternal mystery- not the one that does not have a clue, but the one that has a new clue every day. Let's drink to our mysterious women who do not stop surprising us with new clues every day!

Toast to women

Let's drink to all the women sitting at our table, because the main wealth of Russia is not oil or gas, and not even the prime minister with the president! The main asset of our country is women and children, but since children cannot drink, we have to drink for women! May they be just as beautiful, smart and charming!

Birthday toast to female friend

My dear girlfriend
I'm surprised at you.
After all, years have no power over you!
And all the phenomena of the weather!
And I want to tell you a toast
And further not to lose heart!
Blossom and smell so always!
Through all the storms and the years!

Men toast to women

The gingerbread man rolled away from grandparents, the snow maiden melted in the spring, and mom lost her little inch.
Let's drink to the fact that everything tasty, beautiful and expensive is always there.

Let's fill it to the brim.

To no longer know the cold.

And we wish them happiness!

Toast just I'm a real woman

I don't need kilos of powder
And the catalog of masks is useless.
In order to be wise in my life,
I live according to my heart.
And raise a glass today
I'm not afraid to admit in front of everyone:
I am the most alive woman
There is no real one on earth.
It is necessary - I will enter the scorching fire,
No, I can be weak.
After all, for a woman for the real
There are no barriers, and I drink for it!

A crystal glass has been waiting for a long time for wine,
Let's fill it to the brim.
He will bring warmth to our souls,
To no longer know the cold.
For women who keep comfort and peace,
For those who decorate our lives,
Today we drink with special warmth,
And we wish them happiness!

A toast to women

Still, women are unpredictable. A woman found out about
that her ex-husband married a young neighbor and decided
to take revenge on him with purely feminine cunning: she married
for the father of this neighbor, and all in order to become a mother-in-law for
ex-husband. Let's drink to our women and to
so they don't have a reason to do something like that.
unpredictable actions.

A toast to women

The woman is made of extremes. It can be a reason for a feat, or just a trophy for this feat. She can fall in love with a man who is capable of anything, or who is not capable of anything at all. She can adore a hero who sacrifices the common good for her, or abandons her for the common good. She may be a witch or a saint dying from great love or killing with her love...
But most importantly, all women are beautiful! So let's drink to them!

I wish you what every woman wants for herself and what she strives for. And let it be added to your hidden desires happy days, sincere friends, courteous and generous fans and an inexhaustible increasing income for a beautiful life!

I want everything in your life to depend on your decision and desire. Let your smile illuminate the road of life brighter than the headlights of a Mercedes, and let the ride along it be exciting and safe!

I wish this toast brings only pleasure! Let a car, a cottage and a business appear in a carefree life. And there will be so much happiness in the heart, so as not to get away from it!

You don't have to drink for your beauty. She needs to be appreciated. And you yourself will be pampered more often, because you are a rare woman who combines kindness and strong will, tenderness and practicality, lightness and femininity.

Today at bright holiday your,
I raise a toast
Let joy cover your head
Do not know, dear, tears!

So champagne foams in glasses,
Clockwork bubbles sparkle
Have fun now famously, it didn’t happen,
So that there are only bright days ahead!

I raise my glass
The soul demands to congratulate you,
I want to always be myself
After all, you are beautiful and insanely good!

I raise my glass
My humble toast sounds for you
Congratulations with pleasure
Be wonderful like a bouquet of roses!

I'm happy to say, "Thank you so much!"
And drink a glass to the bottom in your honor,
I want to live with dignity and beauty,
So that the soul is only full of joy!

Celebrate your birthday great
Let the fire burn in the eyes of friends,
You stay cute, bright, fashionable,
Attract luck like a magnet!

I dedicate this toast
A beautiful lady, no doubt
I wish career growth
Always waiting for you, by all means!

So let's drink to the bottom now,
For life to be flawless
Taste the joys in full
And happiness will be endless!

Short birthday toast for woman

I wish you briefly but clearly: always a confident walk, success in your personal and career, and not be bored in bed at night!

As a woman, live carelessly, happily, endlessly bright! Illuminate us with your radiance and be - charm itself!

Let everything in life be like in a fairy tale. There is enough tenderness and affection, smiles, money and girlfriends, and the world only pleases around!

I want to wish you with a toast, so that success is given, everything is simple! Adventures so that they do not end, and passers-by smile after!

Beautiful birthday toast for a woman

I want to say a lot to such a beautiful woman on her birthday. But it’s better to drink to ensure that priorities are set correctly in life. There was plenty of money, sincere friends, achievements were marvelous to everyone, longevity was given without a struggle for each year, and fools were immediately sent far away!

I wish you, dear birthday girl, that the most difficult choice in your life you had to decide whether to go to Paris or New York for the weekend!

Women can be compared to chocolates: it is difficult to determine by eye what kind of filling is inside. Yours is the most unique and has such an appetizing aroma. Give pleasure to the chosen ones, glue the mouths of envious people with your sweetness, and always remain a surprise for the only one.

Happy birthday toast to a woman original

In women, a birthday leaves twofold emotions, bringing along with joy a little sadness that a year has been added to age. But it is worth thinking about the fact that elite alcohol and antiques only increase in price with age and become more desirable and refined!

Women do not live by the rules, but act according to their mood. May it always be radiant and positive for you!

Women can be compared to books. There are those dedicated to cooking or household, those that describe the maintenance successful business or parenting, while others contain stories of a sexual nature. You are a collection of them all, you have every volume that is self-sufficient and interesting! My toast is for you to read excitedly and the pages do not end!

A bit of math: a dacha is zero, a car and a garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday boy is a unit with a lot of zeros.

Birthday is a great occasion to say all the best to a person. And I always said, with or without reason, that our birthday boy is a kind and sympathetic person who deserves our attention. I wish dear birthday man (name) to always remain as pleasant in all respects. I raise this wonderful glass to him!

Birthday is fake. It is better to celebrate it daily, so that for for a long time have time to list all the advantages of the birthday man. Postcards, all the more, are not enough to enumerate your merits and my wishes. So, congratulations!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees the signs on the roads: the way to the right - happiness, the way to the left - to health, forward - to wealth, back - to goodness! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

In ancient times, an old frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of the plank. The first one started crying. The second asked:
- Why are you crying?
The first one said:
-Wah! Such a guest, but there is nothing to treat!
So let's drink to dear hosts who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests!

Let there be less bitter minutes, salty jokes and sour smiles in our life! Let's drink for sweet moments - beautiful and melting in your mouth, like these wonderful cakes prepared by our wonderful hostess!

There lived a rich man and a poor man. The poor man had nothing to lose, and he had fun, walked, ate barbecue, drank vodka - in general, he came off. But the rich man did not eat, did not sleep, did not rest, but sat and shook over his gold. And then one day the rich man got tired of this situation. "What is this," he thought, "I'm a rich man, I have a lot of money, and I can't live normally." And then he decided to give all his gold to the poor. And so, since then, the rich man began to live and have fun, but the poor man has changed. Now he stopped eating, drinking, resting - he began to shake over his gold.
So let's drink to ensure that neither money, nor fame, nor love prevent you from remaining a happy and cheerful person.

One Chinese philosopher said: "A dream is not something that already exists, but not something that cannot be. It's like on earth - there is no road, but people will pass, they will pave the way." So let's drink to the fact that the birthday boy paved his own unique road on earth - the road of his dreams!

Birthday is perhaps the most favorite holiday of every person. Since childhood, memories of sweets, gifts, hugs and numerous wishes remain in our souls. Time runs and nothing changes, we are still looking forward to this day. But wishes are becoming more serious, they are filled with a special meaning. Toasts have always been in special demand at such holidays. These are pre-prepared congratulations, sometimes extremely wise, sometimes quite witty, but always uttered to the point. These congratulations, as a rule, contain some interesting meaning and even a plot. The main thing is to choose something fresh and surprise the guests and the birthday boy.

You probably know that a marriage is happy if one half snores and the other cannot hear. On this occasion adult daughter says to mom:
- You know, mom, I can't stand snorers! And I will never marry a man who snores at night!
- Perhaps, daughter, you are right, but I ask you to be careful ... when testing!
It so happened that we once sat next to the birthday boy in the theater. During the performance, he fell asleep and slept soundly! But to snore?! There was no such thing! Therefore, taking into account its other advantages, I can safely recommend it to all unmarried!

"The whole world is related to the magnanimous," says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday.
I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And in this holiday I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is "chronically healthy" ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, he has happiness .. And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

When friends come to me with spring, flowers, sun, champagne and joy, this day becomes unforgettable for me and feeds me with good feelings for a long time. Therefore, let's drink to you, friends, for the fact that you came today and decorated this day, turning it into a holiday!

Man is like a tree with many leaves, branches and roots. The roots are our past, the trunk and branches are the present, and the foliage is what we will grow in the future. I wish you to always remember the past, boldly move in the present in order to achieve a chic future. And let your life bloom so that there are no sorrows and reasons for doubt.

The journalist came to the most remote and highest mountainous Georgian village and asked the oldest 120-year-old aksakal if he feels his old age?
Yes, of course I do! - answered the elder.
- In what? the journalist asked.
- When I was 100 years old, I drank 20 glasses of wine with guests. When I was 110 years old, I drank 10 glasses of wine with guests, now I drink only 9 glasses ... So let's drink to live as long as this aksakal, and complain about old age just like this aksakal!

Beautiful toasts in your own words for your birthday

One old legend tells of a hare who laughed at the slowness of a tortoise. The tortoise responded by challenging the hare to a competition to measure running speed. The hare was so sure of victory that he lay down and fell asleep. And the turtle crawled and crawled and won. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy always slowly but surely moves towards his work.

One old parable says that one day a snake crawled to God and asked him to make her a beautiful woman, since she was already tired of crawling. God listened to the snake and turned it into a woman, saying: "Go and feel sorry for the people." The next day, an affectionate dove flew to God and also asked: "Turn me into a beautiful woman." And God also listened to her and turned her into a woman, saying: "Go and bring good to people." Since then, and live in the world two lovely women: one with a black soul, the second with a white one. I don't have the slightest doubt that our dear N. is that kind and gentle dove. So let's wish her many years of life, happiness and optimism!

What is more eloquent than all words? Actions.
They are the ones who talk about true feelings and thoughts
they stronger than words and serve as a criterion of truth.
What do our actions say?
That we, the guests, postponed urgent matters,
put on a marafet, polished boots,
put on formal suits,
got on the bus then on the subway and came here,
to wish the "newborn" a happy birthday.
This means that he is dear to us.
Let's move the glasses for him, for him good health.

Once Suren was asked:
What zodiac sign were you born under?
- Under the sign of the Old Goat, - answered Suren.
- Listen, there is no such sign in the astronomical tables.
Suren replied:
- When I was a child, my mother determined
according to the stars my fate and she was told - Capricorn.
- Yes, but this word means not a goat, but a kid.
- Oh, you fools, - objected Suren.
- I know this myself, but since then,
how my fate was determined by the stars,
exactly one hundred years have passed.
And didn’t the goat turn into a goat during this time?
So let's drink to the old-timers.

Let us ask ourselves: what is a real woman?
The real woman is the one
who knows how to keep her husband's love for life,
and that means a lot loving wife,
beautiful person, a good hostess, caring mother.
I raise a glass to the hero of today's celebration!

An ancient Persian treatise says:
“The four traits of a person lead
to four consequences: stubbornness - to shame;
irascibility - to repentance;
slander - to enmity; laziness - to humiliation.
Dear hero of the day!
Until now, these traits were unusual for your nature.
So let's drink to the fact that they never appear!

Two friends are talking.
- Is it true that your loved one's parents hate you?
- Unfortunately, yes. And not only parents, but also his wife!
In our case, everything is different: everyone loves and idolizes the birthday girl! And the husband's parents, and his brothers, and their wives! Let's drink for our favorite, for our birthday girl!

The building of our life consists of a hall of expectations and a hall of accomplishments. Let's wish the hero of today's celebration not to linger in the waiting room longer than it should be. Let's drink to his patience, courage, luck and health!

I propose to drink not easy for a birthday, but for the fact that there are many in your life pleasant moments, happy days and surprises. Do not stop rejoicing in the little things, because the little things, in fact, make up our mood. So that everything always works out for you, only the way you want it!

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?
From life everyone wants their own ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was a little, but everything!

Let this birthday be a holiday not only of memories and experience, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, while a person dreams and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! Let's raise a glass to youth!

Dear birthday man, I wish you health and mind on your birthday. No wonder they say: “If there was a mind, there would be a ruble. There will be no mind, there will be no ruble. And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of dreams!

The best birthday toasts in prose

There is a big date behind this day, and raising my glass higher, I wish life sweeter than chocolate, so that every day becomes even happier!

On your birthday, all the glasses, let them fill with a mountain, and let everyone be happy to drink, dear for this holiday!

The glass is filled for you! I'll drain it to the core! Rumba on the table will perform, happy birthday! Hooray!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. I don't think so. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, today the main thing is good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life with a smile, and then all the hardships of life will be on your shoulder!

They say that even the smallest good deed weighs more than huge promises. Therefore, I want to raise a toast to our birthday man and wish him that he would be surrounded by people who can appreciate all those kind and good deeds that he does for them!

We wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like this glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

May you have as much money as your wife wishes for you, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you don't come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife thinks, not your mother.

We wish you all the best. And if not good, then very good. And if not very good, then great! May everything you dream about come true!

Pour wine and drink to the bottom
For the birthday boy health!
To love life and be happy,
Don't forget your friends!

We sit at a table side by side, we drink, we wish you happiness. Please accept our congratulations on your wonderful birthday!

Today we will soar in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

So let's drink to the fact that the hero of our occasion is not afraid to enter his own gates and never misses his chance!

In the East they say: the name of a girl should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2 ... I recognized the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma delicate flower. This name...

In one parable, described by Kafka, it is said about a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because severe guards stood in silence near them. The man thought that the warriors would not let him through. Time passed and the gate closed. Then one of the guards said to the man:
- Eccentric, these gates were opened especially for you, and we were only supposed to let you through them.

The militiamen raided the bootlegger with a search.
They knock on her door.
- Who's there? - asks the hostess.
- Open! This is the police! We know that you have moonshine!... We even know where you hide it!
“Wait,” the hostess asks, “I’ll ... hide it now!”
I rang the doorbell today and they didn't open it for a long time. “Probably, the products are hidden! - I thought. But when I entered here and saw this table, I realized how wrong I was.
I want to apologize for bad thoughts and thank the birthday girl for this abundance!

The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “The camel gave birth to a camel - the neighbor did not hear. The chicken laid an egg - cackles all over the world. Let's raise our glasses to our humble birthday man, who knows his business very well, but does not ring about it all over the world!

If you look at the sky and look closely at the stars, you will notice that they are all as different as people. A man is born and appears in heaven new star. If a person is healthy, then his star shines brightly, if he is sick - dimly, dies - his star falls from the sky.
Let's drink to your star shining very bright and never falling.

Each of us has different moments in life. We all want something and always go to something. I want to raise this glass to such a thing as motivation. After all, we often lack it to finish what we started or start something new. So let's drink to the fact that the incentive never disappears from the horizon of our lives.

For your wonderful years, for always and everywhere good luck and luck never ends. For you, for your home, for wealth and health, I will drink to the bottom with great pleasure. Happiness to you, patience, people you can always rely on and amazing events. Happy birthday! May a ray of hope always burn in your soul.

May the weather in your heart always be sunny, and your life be bright like a rainbow, in case of rain - so that you always have an umbrella with you, and let thunder and lightning be only gusts of happiness! Happy birthday!

With the birth of a person, a new star appears in the sky. Depending on how his life goes, it shines either brighter or dimmer. I want to wish you that your life is rich in impressions, positive emotions and joyful events, respectively, so that your star shines brightly, eclipsing all the others around!

Once upon a time, no matter how many years ago, a little man was born in one of the maternity hospitals in our country. And with his appearance, life has become more beautiful for parents, grandparents, educators, teachers and, of course, friends. Let's raise our glasses to the person whose birth has adorned our lives!

One guy had a birthday and all his friends gathered. They were drinking and suddenly the guy's father came. The father told his son that he was in a hurry to see him for his birthday and knocked down a man. This man lies dead in the trunk and the father asked his son to tell all the friends present about this so that they would help get rid of the corpse. The guy told his friends and everyone immediately had some urgent business. They all parted, leaving only the guy's girlfriend (who loved him more life) and his best friend. They went down to the car father opened the trunk of the car. There were two cases of vodka in the trunk.
So let's drink for real friends who do not throw in difficult situations!

All of you know the legend of Icarus. Long ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth. He decided to rise above the trees - and rose. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and took off. Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the Sun, rose high, high, almost to the Sun itself, but the wax that held the feathers together melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke. I want to wish our birthday man that: everything he dreams of comes true, that he conquers any heights and that no matter how high he rises, he would never fall to the ground!

Tradition says that God once decided to give gifts to women different states special gifts. He gave the Indian woman diligence, the French woman gave sophistication and piquancy, the African woman - burning passion, the German woman - scrupulousness and thrift, and the American - business acumen. But a surprise happened: his bag was torn, and all the remaining gifts fell on the residents of our city. Now you know where our (name) has so many talents. So let's drink to them!

Comrades, attention
I want to raise a glass
For a beautiful woman
And for her fate!

So that she is lucky and, most importantly,
Happy to be.
Happy birthday, beautiful!
I drink my glass to the bottom.

They say that a woman is as old as she looks. Looking at our today's hero of the occasion, I want to remove some of the candles from the cake. And I also want to remember the saying - a woman is like wine, over the years it only gets prettier. Such a wine is worthy only of the lips of a gourmet, so your husband is very happy man. After all, he got a woman unearthly beauty, fantastic mind, big heart and pure soul. Faithful wife, caring mother, close girlfriend and reliable employee- and it's all one person. (Name), happy birthday to you!

This beautiful woman on her birthday would like to wish a lot. But I'll drink to correct behavior the letter "D" in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, in business - achievements. And also longevity, kindness and wildly a lot of love!

The older you are, the more beautiful you are
I wish you to be happy
I wish you not to grow old
And every day only get younger!

I want you to be desired
I wish you a glorious life
Today I drink for you
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

For ordinary female happiness,
I'll drink to the bottom today
And I wish you good luck
So that your dream comes to life!

So that you have in your wardrobe
20 pairs of the most fashionable shoes,
So that you always remain fashionable,
To make life more fun!

To wear expensive furs,
So that there were flowers for no reason,
Jewelry is all gold
So that your wishes come true!

Let all those people who will be next to you bring you only happiness, love and peace. Be happy next to your family! So let's drink for the fact that you are, and for the fact that we are next to you! Be with us always and illuminate us with your beauty! For you, our dear!

Your beauty blooms
And your soul sings
And to face you years
You are always beautiful!

And today, on this day,
I'm not too lazy to drink for you,
I wish kindness
And flowers for no reason!

I wish not to be sad
And in abundance you live,
I wish kindness
You accept my congratulations!

You shine like the sun
Don't be sad, don't be sad
And always be beautiful
I drink for you today!

I wish female happiness
Happy birthday, congratulations
Let your soul bloom
Be successful always!

Wine is poured - glasses are raised
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Love, Hope and, of course, Faith
True friends wish you!

To run home to work,
Home from work to be drawn as always,
And in joy there would be small worries,
And do not get sick, do not cry ever!

Not just drinking at the table, but really congratulating the birthday boy, beautiful birthday toasts will help:

On this wonderful day, when N celebrates his birthday, so much good has already been said about the birthday boy that I, perhaps, only have to wish a bunch of small obstacles that he will easily and elegantly overcome. After each obstacle overcome, I wish you to rejoice and drink a glass of wine with friends. But we wish the enemies and ill-wishers of the hero of the occasion many, many big obstacles that they would not be able to overcome, they would not go further, but only drank glasses of validol!

I propose to drink to everyone for five "H": a beloved, incomparable, irresistible, unique, necessary birthday girl.

On this bright and joyful day, there were so many sweet speeches in honor of the incomparable birthday man that I would like to dilute them a little. And for this I wish nothing less, but the whole sea. I wish you a sea of ​​smiles, flowers and friends, the sea joyful meetings and happy minutes, a sea of ​​pleasant moments and a sea of ​​success. And in order not to be bored among such an endless sea, I wish to find the Canary Islands in this sea, on the day of vacation, of course.

As you know, youth is a state of mind. That is, this is a state of delightful expectation and a feeling that everything is possible, everything is subject to control and everything is ahead. Let's drink to the fact that the hero of today's feast, so that the birthday boy will continue to have youth in his soul, no matter how many more birthdays he will have to meet. And let this wonderful feeling be accompanied by good health, success and luck.

There is an expression: every person, like a bird, sings the song of his life. But after all, birds are different: there are eagles, hawks, kites, there are ravens, magpies, jackdaws, and there are cute birds that bring joy to everyone - larks, nightingales, canaries. Our dear N, who is celebrating her birthday today, is such a bird. It is so warm and easy with her, she, like a ray of sunshine, will illuminate any cloudy day, transform any person. Sing, nightingale! We wish you to remain as beautiful, sweet, charming, friendly and smart. For your health and well-being, I propose to drink a glass to the bottom!

I wish the birthday boy a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness and an ocean of love.

But in these stormy waters, be careful not to drown!

On this joyful and bright day, on the day of your anniversary, there is so much to say, how many things there are in the world that you just want to wish! We wish you health - so often it is not enough, we wish fun and joy - it never interferes, we wish you good luck - it does not come to us often; In addition, we wish you great personal happiness!

On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time! We want to wish a lot - these are two. Being always ahead of you in everything is three. To live with everyone in friendship, in the world - it seems to be four. Never lose heart is a five. Multiplying everything there is is six. To visit us more often to all of us - this is seven. Always be in normal weight is eight, nine, ten. Well, to this, in addition to happiness, joy, good luck!

On this wonderful day, I would like to congratulate the birthday man on the most wonderful day for us. Why for us, and not for the hero of the occasion? Because it was all of us who had the greatest happiness to communicate with such wonderful person. After all, I will tell you all a secret, in fact, the birthday man is a real magician. After all, it turns our life from “so-so” and “uncomfortable” to “wow” and even “wow.” May the fire of hope continue to burn in your life and let it warm us all! We wish you all the best, happiness, health, warmth, friendly participation and many, many joyful moments and meetings.

Housewarming toasts

So, all the guests at the table. What is a friendly feast? This is a celebration of life, a joyful and kind union of people. Without a sharp word, without a drinking speech, it is like a song without music, a picture without colors, cabbage soup without meat and bread without salt. Otherwise, only the stomachs work. And therefore it is necessary to “spice up” the process of gluttony with cheerful, smart, playful, ironic and playful toasts.

Dear (names)! Congratulations on your new home! Your new apartment is a real palace in which we wish you to spend not only a wonderful Honeymoon but also start your family life so that you never have problems and mutual insults.

Don't you notice, gentlemen, a paradox? Despite the cozy twilight of the living room, it is very light here, as if the sun is shining! I'll tell you a secret: this sun is the mistress of the house. She is one of those who knows how to light up the lives of others. Let's drink to her!

One a wise man said: “Any building without a foundation will quickly collapse. Any house without a good owner will quickly go bankrupt. Our toast is to the owner of this house, kind and hospitable.

Let's drink for five "O"! For charming, charming, charming, witty, adored! For our dear and beloved hostess!

It’s bad when what you really want does not come true; It's even worse when something you really don't want comes true. Let everything be the other way around in your house - all good things will come true, and all sorrows will pass by!

So let's drink to dear hosts who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests!

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked:

–Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.

Sorry, but we only have one. free place. I'm going to talk to my family about which one of you to let in.

The sick mother said: “Let's let Health in. The daughter offered to let in “Love”, and the wife suggested “Wealth”. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.

So let's drink to the fact that in your house there is always a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

Housewarming Toast 2

In the old days, a frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of the plank. The first one started crying. The second asked:

– Why are you crying?

The first one said:

– Wah! Such a guest, but there is nothing to treat!

What is life? Insignificant particulars. Their rare and brilliant combination is impossible not to celebrate with a glass of wine. Let's say thank you dear hosts for this wonderful evening!

Some fools have a defect of sight: they see only the shortcomings of people and do not see their virtues. And our dear hostess, so that there is joy - it is easier to live with her; and that there was prosperity - it gives confidence!

Gold and silver by themselves mean nothing. It is necessary that the master had golden hands. So let's drink to the golden hands of the owners of this house!

Every day is an opportunity that may or may not come true. Let's drink to the opportunity to say thank you for this wonderful holiday our dear hosts!

Let's drink to these walls and wish them that what happens in them is only good. And so that we spend many more fun and pleasant evenings. Let the walls absorb our emotions, fun and joy, let them always be attractive to us! To the health of the owners!

Let's drink to the fact that there is always health in this house - it is always lacking; to have fun - it never interferes; there was luck - it comes infrequently;

One king was given a horse. He turned to his advisers:

-Where will this miraculous horse be useful to me?

“At war with the enemies of our state,” someone said.

“No,” the monarch shook his head.

“For the horse races,” another adviser tried to guess.

“No,” said the king shortly.

“But why then?” the courtiers asked in bewilderment.

-This horse will be useful to someone who has bad neighbor to get away from him as fast as possible. People say: don't buy a house, find a neighbor. Let's drink to your new neighbors so that they turn out to be sensitive and kind people!

Dear friend! With your housewarming, may your affairs continue to go just as well, so that over time you can buy yourself an even more luxurious cottage or mansion. Let your life be new apartment will be interesting, fun and eventful. Let the most beautiful women give you their love, and the most worthy of them will eventually become the mistress of your house!

Flying from the shadows into the light, As from winter into the arms of May, Let's mark this moment with the clink of glasses! For this evening, for its warmth and for the multiplication of such evenings!