How to play a modest and beautiful wedding. Weaknesses of a humble wedding Video: an example of a wedding with a small number of guests

Each person has bright moments that deserve special attention- it can be the birth of a child and other wonderful moments. But, as you know, one would like to meet such events in a festive atmosphere.

If you imagine for a moment that two loving hearts decided to join the knot, then a delicate question immediately arises: "Will it be a modest wedding?" After all, the organization of any holiday, no matter how long-awaited and bright it may be, will cost a lot of money. The first will be associated with the acquisition of wedding rings, the modest brilliance of which should not darken the holiday.

But if the young people have decided on the scale of the upcoming wedding and decided to organize a wedding only for themselves and the closest people, then now there is no need to think about whether the celebration will pay off.

Now the future spouses need to clearly plan the holding of a solemn event, which will help avoid unnecessary material costs.

First you have to decide on the list of guests, and if it was initially decided that a modest the wedding will take place with the involvement of only the most dear and dear people, you do not need to succumb to emotions and expand it to incredible sizes. You can draw up invitations on your own or with the help of friends.

Now we will talk, perhaps, about the most important and expensive component of the celebration - the banquet. Lovers must decide on suitable place, It may not be an expensive restaurant, but cozy walls home or country cottage area located in nature. This is followed by a menu and purchase necessary products and drinks. A trip to a wholesale grocery store can be useful and economical. Dinner sets and other table accessories can be borrowed from friends and relatives.

You can decorate the venue of the banquet with your own hands using the material at hand - balloons, handwritten posters. And the creation wedding cake let the relatives who have the unsurpassed gift of a pastry chef take it upon themselves.

The next costly moment will be transport, toastmaster, music. A beautiful car can be provided by loved ones; a modest wedding can go well without a limousine. The role of toastmaster is quite capable of taking on the most active and cheerful person among friends. That's why musical accompaniment is unlikely to be a problem.

But the newlyweds should be different from the invited guests in their appearance... Beautiful White dress for the bride and formal suit for the groom, you can rent or buy used outfits, which will also save the budget of a young family. The bridal bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can be made from inexpensive delicate flowers.

If the future spouses are serious about organizing the holiday, then it is likely that a modest wedding, filled with sunny, cheerful moments, will remain in their memories for the whole further life not only at the newlyweds, but also at the invited guests.

The wedding ceremony is significant event in the life of a young family. I always want her to remain in memory for long years... But what to do if finances do not allow you to roam especially, but you want a holiday anyway? It remains to find a way to celebrate the wedding not with style, but modestly. Here are some examples of how to save money, but don't miss a goal: celebrating is fun and unforgettable.

Event plan

Make a plan, without it there is a risk extra costs and loss of precious time. Choose a place to celebrate your wedding. It can be a restaurant or your own apartment - the choice depends on your desire or capabilities.

Consider whether there will be a car ride during the wedding. To save costs, you can use your own transport or ask your friends if you refuse to rent. Your acquaintance or friend can be the driver.

We roughly define the menu for a modest wedding. It is easiest to celebrate your wedding sparingly in August or September. At this time of the year, there are a lot of fruits and vegetables on the shelves, and the price of most is affordable for everyone. Decide immediately which drinks will be on the table. An economical option would be home-made natural juices, compotes, green tea.

For fun event we need contests. They can be arranged not only by the toastmaster, but also by the guests of the wedding. You need to think over all the details of the wedding yourself so that there are no surprises.

Determine the budget

To properly organize a humble solemn event dedicated to your marriage, determine how much you are willing to invest in it. Already, based on this, you can understand whether it is worth saving at all and where you need to invest a little more. Without an event plan and careful bookkeeping, it will not be possible to modestly celebrate the celebration, much more money will be spent.

Guest list - closest

An important step in preparing for a wedding is drawing up a guest list. To do this, the bride and groom must write for themselves the names of those without whom this event will not take place, that is, the closest friends or relatives. To have a modest wedding, you can shorten the list only to relatives, that is, mark it with your family circle.

If there are not so many relatives, then a modest wedding allows for the presence of a number of friends. But there are people whom you need to choose especially carefully. These are the witnesses. They should be from your closest social circle and know your tastes.

And one more tip: choose people who are cheerful, groovy, with whom any event turns into a holiday. Don't forget to add extra seats for unexpected guests.

Choosing a venue

A considerable amount of money is spent on renting a restaurant. If you are planning to celebrate a modest wedding, choose a small banqueting hall or such a budget option like a dining room.

If there are very few guests, you can organize a modest dinner at home environment or an evening in nature, which has become especially popular. The room should correspond to the number of people, because celebrating holidays and having fun in a half-empty hall is not so interesting.

In the registry office, you can save a lot by choosing not a ceremonial hall, but a small room as an economy option. This service is available in all registry offices of the city. If you do not want to give up the ceremonial hall, then invite your photographer - this will help save the budget of a modest wedding.

Hand-made in design

To celebrate the holiday modestly and without a grand scale, you need to make very little effort, making some of the details with your own hands. Make invitation cards on your own, because there are many advantages here. Newlyweds can come up with their own designs, print or paint pigeons, flowers or hearts, and using computer programs insert a photo. Inexpensive, but unforgettable invitations will turn out.

Another thing that can help keep your modest wedding budget to a minimum is the bridal bouquet. Make it yourself using this season's colors. In order to prepare for self-production bouquet you can visit shops, see beautiful compositions for the bride. It is not difficult to buy all the necessary accessories such as ribbons, foil, paper in specialized stores.

A video lesson will help you learn how to make bouquets:

Suit and dress for hire

How much money does it take to buy a dress? This is often half of all expenses. Making a wedding unforgettable by celebrating it modestly will help you not buying, but renting outfits. Here you can already afford luxury dress rather than a cheap option. The cost of renting outfits in the salons is different, it will take time to make the right choice. Great option- take a dress from a friend. Then you can do without the cost at all.

Decorations should be considered separately. Choosing earrings or a necklace from a jewelry store will require a lot of money. But since you have decided to celebrate the wedding modestly, then you can safely rent jewelry. But wedding rings you need to buy, but with such a purchase you can save money. Majority jewelry stores offer wide choose rings, among them and models designed for buyers on a budget. You can entrust the purchase of rings to the groom. Here he can cut costs by buying a modest ring without stones.


Professional musical arrangement costs a lot. A great idea for a modest wedding is to invite a DJ. He will be able to create an interesting setting based on your tastes from the musical compositions he has.

If you have a desire to celebrate the celebration and listen to live music, invite a toastmaster with a pleasant voice. Such professionals will perform any song themselves, sometimes better than the original.

Careful planning of the scenario of a modest wedding will help to keep the celebration exactly according to plan, avoiding unforeseen circumstances.


You can also invite a photographer or cameraman from friends or family, although this has its drawbacks. It is better to choose the masters offering video and photography. Using professional equipment, they will be able to capture everything that happens and save moments from the solemn event.

The price of such services ranges from 5000-7000 to 20,000-30,000 rubles, the final amount depends on the duration of the shooting, on how famous the photo studio / photographer is. Newlyweds with modest budget weddings, you can choose hourly shooting from 2000-3000 rubles or a full day for 15000-20000 rubles.

Pros and cons of a low-budget wedding

The pluses of a modest wedding include:

  • Low costs.
  • No need to introduce guests, because everyone already knows each other.
  • The whole holiday takes place in a relaxed atmosphere.

The downside may be that without the toastmaster there will be no thorough organization of the holiday and as a result everything will turn into chaos. When planning to celebrate a modest wedding, reconsider the question of inviting the host or host. Review your guest list carefully. Even when you want to invite only the closest ones, order some more spare seats in the banquet hall / restaurant, in case someone comes with the children.

What you shouldn't save on

If you are not abandoned by the idea of ​​celebrating a wedding at no extra cost, modestly, you need to take into account some of the nuances. You can spend little by saving on dresses, premises, invitations and so on. But don't skimp on the photographer. Trying to celebrate a modest wedding, and without ordering a photographer, you risk being left without holiday photos.

When reducing waste, do not skimp on alcohol, alcoholic drinks there may be unknown brands, but of high quality, since the well-being of your guests and yours the next day depends on it.

We have provided you with basic ways to organize a modest wedding. If you have any ideas, share them in the comments.

For most couples in love who dream of living the rest of their lives together, wedding is one of the the most important days in life. And this is not surprising, because it is from this day that a completely different life begins for the newly-made family. Therefore, many future newlyweds with such trepidation and excitement approach the organization of their wedding, because they want everything to be at a high level.

Since the wedding is one of the most significant days in life future family, it is quite understandable that many want to remember it for a long time. For this, couples are trying to organize a truly large-scale and beautiful festive event, with a huge number of invited guests, a grand banquet and a breathtaking entertainment program... Well, since this event is really worth big money then some couples go to extremes and take out loans for their wedding. But this cannot be done, because such a move is unjustified.

Today, many couples organize grand weddings just to surprise their guests. However, some of them would happily limit themselves to a modest but beautiful wedding. They mistakenly believe that it is their duty to host a grand wedding. But this is completely untrue. You can always limit yourself to a modest wedding with a small number of guests.

Do I need to save on a wedding

Many couples who are planning to legitimize their relationship are seriously wondering if it is worth saving on their wedding. You can argue about this for a long time, because there are a large number of convincing arguments, both in favor and against saving at the wedding.

Previously, most future newlyweds believed that it was imperative to organize a magnificent wedding. Nowadays, more and more couples prefer modest weddings. This trend is quite understandable, because people are beginning to understand that such grandiose weddings are held not for newlyweds, but for guests. However, that doesn't make any sense. After the guests take a walk at the wedding, they almost immediately forget about it. Therefore, there is no point in arranging a grand wedding for a huge number of guests. It is better to limit yourself to a modest but beautiful event that will delight the newlyweds.

Arguments for a modest wedding

The fact that many couples today prefer small weddings is not surprising. Exists great amount arguments for a modest wedding. That is why a considerable number of newlyweds-to-be refuse from lavish wedding events.

1. Saving money
The main argument in favor of budget wedding is saving a considerable amount of money. For a newly-made family, this moment is the most significant, because every penny is important for newlyweds to arrange their lives. Couples who take out a bank loan for an organization magnificent wedding, commit huge mistake... They immediately start their lives with debt. Moreover, there are cases when couples took out a loan for a wedding, but got divorced before the debt was repaid. Do not rely on the fact that the wedding will pay off with gifts from guests, because this may not happen.
Future newlyweds who want to save money on their wedding can organize a modest event without a bit of a doubt. There is no shame in this. Moreover, a wedding is a celebration for two people. Therefore, it does not matter at all what the guests think.

2. A holiday surrounded by the closest people
A wedding is one of those events that are quite often invited. distant relatives and old acquaintances. This is done in order not to offend anyone. But, in fact, this does not make any sense. It is much easier to invite only the closest people to the wedding, and not to invite everyone to this holiday.

3. Ease of organizing a wedding
Many organizational issues depend on the number of people invited to the wedding. The more guests are invited to the event, the more difficult it is to organize it. Therefore, if you decide to hold a modest wedding with a small number of guests, then you will save yourself a lot of worries. This is another argument in favor of holding such an event.

4. Cozy atmosphere at the wedding
When a large number of guests are present at the wedding, then at some point everyone can forget about the newlyweds. Guests begin to communicate with each other, and heroes of the occasion fade into the background. Well, when at the wedding is present a small amount of guests, then at such an event really reigns cozy atmosphere... At the same time, the guests do not forget about the newlyweds.

5. Simplicity in choosing a place for a wedding
When a couple invites a small number of guests to a wedding, the process of choosing a venue for this holiday is greatly facilitated for them. This is another good argument in favor of a modest wedding.

How you can save money by organizing a modest wedding

If future newlyweds decide to play a modest wedding, then they are faced with the question of how to save money on this event. However, this is not difficult, because there are a large number of points and details on which you can really save. It is not at all necessary to save on each of these points, but the future newlyweds can take on something.

1. Wedding dress: buy or not?
Absolutely every girl dreams of a truly stylish and beautiful wedding dress... And this is understandable, because the wedding is one of the most important days in the life of any lady. Well, the wedding dress is a kind of symbol of this holiday. That is why each future bride dreams of buying a beautiful wedding dress in which she will feel a real princess... But is it worth it?

A good wedding dress from a fresh collection of a brand costs a lot of money. Do I need to pay such a large amount for a dress that will be worn 1 time? Isn't it easier to rent it?
Some might say that a wedding dress is a wonderful and memorable symbol. However, this argument is highly dubious. Most often, the wedding dress lies in a box far away in the closet. Women almost never get them in order to indulge in memories. Therefore, there is no point in buying a wedding dress when it can be rented.

2. Number of guests
The wedding budget directly depends on the number of people who will be present at this festive event. That is why those wishing to hold a modest wedding need to keep the list of potential guests as small as possible. Cross out from it all distant relatives, colleagues and people with whom you studied at school or institute. On this list, you need to leave only the closest people whom you really love, value and respect.
Reducing the number of guests will allow you to save not only on the restaurant, but also on transport and other issues. So if you want to have a modest wedding, then without a bit of a doubt cross out the unnecessary people from the list of invited guests.

3. Restaurant
The lion's share of the wedding budget is paid for the restaurant. Therefore, couples who want to have a modest wedding should really get serious about choosing a venue for their celebration. No need to chase the most fashionable place in my city. It is enough to choose a cozy and a nice place, in which both guests and newlyweds will feel truly comfortable.
If the wedding will be attended by a very small number of guests, then you do not need to rent a restaurant at all. You can hold such a wedding at home. This option will be the most cost-effective.

4. Banquet or buffet
If earlier holiday tables at any wedding they were bursting with all kinds of dishes, but now an increasing number of newlyweds are limited to a buffet table. This option is not only economically more profitable, but also much more modern than the usual banquet with hot dishes. Therefore, all couples who want to play a small wedding can limit themselves to the wedding buffet table.

5. Pointless pathos
Many future newlyweds, organizing a wedding, are chasing meaningless and tasteless pathos. They book a limousine, rent the trendiest establishment in town, and organize a massive fireworks display at the end of the party. They do this only to surprise their guests. However, if you give up this senseless pathos, then you can save a lot of money on your wedding. So if you want to organize a modest event, then don't try to impress your guests. Organize a wedding for yourself, because this is your day.

6. Wedding cortege
In order to come to the registry office or a restaurant, it is not at all necessary to rent any exclusive executive class cars. In fact, it doesn't make any sense. And although they will really pay attention to such a car on the roads, today you will not surprise anyone with this. Moreover, how much does it matter to you what they think completely strangers about the car you drove to the registry office or restaurant. Therefore, you can safely save on the wedding procession. You just need to choose a comfortable car in which it will be convenient for you.

7. Your alcohol
If you are going to celebrate your modest wedding in a restaurant, then you have the opportunity to hold this event with your alcohol, which will save you a lot of money. To do this, you need to talk to the restaurant administrator and agree that you will bring your own alcohol to the wedding. Surely a person will make concessions to you and allow you to take your alcoholic drinks. So don't be afraid to talk to your admin if you really want to save some money.

8. Hall decor
It is not at all necessary to hire specialists to decorate the hall in which the wedding banquet... Instead, you can ask your girlfriends to help you decorate the room. Together you get to create a splendid festive atmosphere... In doing so, you will save a considerable amount of money that can be spent on something more useful.

9. Wedding organizer
Absolutely every couple who wants to legalize their relationship can entrust the organization of their wedding to a real professional. The wedding planner will be able to take care of all the arrangements for the event. However, his services can cost a lot of money. Therefore, if you want to save money on a wedding, then abandon the wedding planner. You have the option to organize your wedding yourself.

10. Live music
Not a single wedding can do without a good musical program. This is why some couples hire professional musicians to perform at their weddings. However, the fees for these artists can be quite high. Therefore, if you want to save money, then you have the opportunity to refuse live music. Instead, you can order a DJ for your wedding. He will be able to provide no less fun musical program than this or that group of artists. But at the same time, his services are much cheaper.

Who to invite to a modest wedding

If you decide to play a modest wedding, then you will probably be interested in the answer to the question of who to invite to this event. However, one cannot give one answer to this question, because in this case everything is individual. Sample list guests at a modest wedding might look like this:
- parents of the bride and groom;
- grandparents of the bride and groom;
- siblings;
- God-parents;
- really close friends (2-3 people).
For a modest wedding, you do not need to name classmates, colleagues, fellow students and distant relatives. A holiday can do just fine without all these people. In addition, if you invite one person from work, then the other colleagues will be offended. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to only the closest and dearest people.

Organization of a wedding

Previously, it was customary to celebrate a wedding as brightly, magnificently and luxuriously as possible. Now couples in love are celebrating an important celebration quietly and modestly. This has its advantages: you will spend the day mentally, without unnecessary noise, in narrow circle the closest people - parents. But in order for such a holiday to really be remembered and not to turn into an ordinary picnic, you need to know some of the secrets of its organization. So, a wedding with only parents, how to have it well?


Small wedding - great idea for those who do not want a magnificent celebration. It opens up many possibilities: it can be unforgettable visiting ceremony in the woods or by the river, a quiet evening in a good restaurant, a banquet on the roof.

It has many other advantages:

  • Saving

Key plus small wedding- this is her insignificant budget. You will save a lot of money by deciding to have your wedding ceremony with your parents.

If usually on good holiday is spent about three thousand dollars, then you will keep within only two hundred. And you can spend the saved money on honeymoon trip or postpone.

  • Calm, no need to worry

When organizing a small wedding, you can be calm: there is no need to choose a roomy restaurant, come up with good seating arrangements for guests, worry about food, and so on. The organizational part of the celebration with parents is easier, and you can arrange everything yourself.

  • Only close people and a small number of guests

Few guests are the dream of all newlyweds. Is it nice to see a lot of unfamiliar or unknown people at your holiday? At a small wedding, this problem is not, because you will spend it only with your parents.

  • Easy choice of venue

Choosing a place for a small wedding with your parents is easier than for a large number of guests. It can be a cafe or restaurant where you can taste delicious and expensive dishes without saving money.

You can also celebrate at home or outdoors. There are no boundaries.

  • Originality

Do not limit yourself to the ideas of the organization! Parents are not the happiest and most active guests, but you can go on an adventure with them too. Fun, like flying on hot-air balloon or a helicopter will cost extra money, but you and your loved ones will get a lot of impressions and emotions!

  • Calmly, mentally, under control

The wedding will take place calmly, mentally, without unnecessary noise. Everything will be under control, and the problem that has arisen will be easier to resolve. You will not have to constantly think about something and worry, but just enjoy the holiday.

It will be fun and joyful, without stress and fatigue. You will feel comfortable around your parents, you will feel more confident than among distant relatives and unfamiliar people.

  • Any choice

You can wear any dress, choose any menu, sit anywhere, etc. On the big wedding you will need to do everything according to the prepared script.

  • Convergence

As you communicate, your parents and families will become closer and stronger.

How to conduct?


  • Outdoors

An outdoor wedding is a basic idea. But there is a problem: it doesn't have to be a regular picnic. Arrange the chairs and set the table, prepare a small program, order a photographer who will take you beautiful pictures against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes.

The advantages of this place in fresh air, unlimited and spacious territory.

This is how you can organize:

And the photos will look like this:

  • In a restaurant or cafe

When celebrating with six, you can afford to have dinner at an expensive establishment. Order what you like - when a large number guests you would not allow yourself this. Decorate the room in an original way, place candles, create an atmosphere.

The bride may not come in a wedding dress, but in evening dress: it will be more appropriate at such a celebration.

A wedding at home will cut costs and enjoy a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. But you will need to decorate and equip the rooms: for food, gatherings, relaxation. Create the necessary conditions for this.

Tables can be decorated with candles and flower arrangements... Please select color combination and serve the table accordingly.


A modest wedding does not involve entertainment such as ransom and contests. Toastmaster is not needed. So example scenario is like this:

  1. The bride gathers at the hotel, where she is dyed, dressed and done with her hair. You can also take the first photos there.
  2. The groom arrives.
  3. Together they go to the registry office for the official part - registration.
  4. After the registry office, the newlyweds walk around the city, take photographs.
  5. Parents at this time prepare an apartment for their arrival / come to the institution / walk with them. At your discretion.
  6. Parents with a loaf and according to all traditions meet the newlyweds and go to the table.


Even if the wedding is modest, the photos should stay. You can take pictures on horseback (you can also take a walk), picnic style or at an amusement park. Such photo sessions are easy and inexpensive to arrange, and the photos will turn out to be bright, beautiful and romantic.

Related Videos

The wedding day is not only very important, but can be very expensive. For many couples, the question arises of what to do to make a modest wedding celebration left pleasant experience? And the money saved could be used for a honeymoon, for example.

This question has always been relevant, and it is not only not a shame to resort to it, but also useful for family budget, especially if any purchases or investments are planned. On the net you can find many reviews of similar wedding experiences.

Newlyweds share secrets and give good advice... The advantage of this choice is not only the amount saved in the wallet, but also a huge amount of time spent on preparing a big celebration. And also the absence of quarrels and fights among newly-made relatives, which are common during such events.

What you can save on:

  1. outfits;
  2. rental of premises;
  3. wedding agency;
  4. toastmaster;
  5. photographer;
  6. feast.

Just you and me - a modest wedding

A wedding for two is the most economical option. All you need to do:

  1. submit an application to the registry office;
  2. pay a state fee;
  3. register on the appointed day;
  4. buy a cake.

Actual costs are only for tax and sweets. Still, it is worth noting such a significant event at least with a tea party. But remains open question- Do I need to buy rings? Yet they symbolize the new social status newlyweds. And it's simple, it's romantic.

If you prefer silver to gold, then such an acquisition will not hit your wallet hard. And silverware is not only beautiful, but also considered beneficial for the body. As seen, given view joining life together cuts costs on literally everything.

The closest

The next least expensive ceremony is with a very close circle of friends or family. Often these are just witnesses of a wedding, which, in principle, is no longer necessary in our time, but the tradition has remained.

Here you can dress up a little, and after visiting the wedding palace, go to:

Fast food cafe.

It will not only save the newly made couple from kitchen problems, but also save time.

An educational and entertainment center or a museum of the wonders of science.

This excursion will appeal to opponents of the classic wedding. There you can not only relax, but also have fun.

Extreme view.

A parachute jump will definitely make this day unforgettable.

With family and friends

If you need a family audience or close people still convinced the newlyweds of their obligatory presence, then you should think about the venue. A small feast at home is quite appropriate with the family. Parents and close friends will not only help with the preparation of meals, but also the subsequent cleaning, which is very important for a tired newlywed.

V in this case it would be appropriate to rent wedding dresses. This is very profitable proposition, because usually the bride's outfit is one of the most expensive articles expenses.

Several ideas can be considered for thinking through this option.

Theme party.

Decorate the house according to the chosen decor and prepare the appropriate meals. Decorating elements are also good in the hand-made version: inflate balloons, cut paper doves, and more.

On open air.

If the festival is in the summer, then a park or water body will be a great place to hold it. The cost of a dress can be replaced by the purchase of a swimsuit and a pareo. And at the end of the holiday, when twilight has already begun, you can use the sky lanterns. But since they are now prohibited on the territory of settlements, this option is only suitable for out-of-town events.

Inexpensive cafe.

If you still want a feast with waiters, in order to free yourself on such a beautiful day from everyday problems then an inexpensive, tastefully decorated cafe can handle it. You can do without a toastmaster, but ask one of your friends or relatives to think over an entertainment program.

There are already many resources on the Internet with ready-made scripts and tips on how to spend your holiday. And if you're lucky, your own presenter will create individual program... The most important thing is that it is close person knowing the newlyweds and his efforts will be more sincere than that of a professional.

The nuances of a modest wedding

Whatever idea of ​​holding a celebration the choice of a young couple stops, do not forget about photo and video material. Let it not be a professional shooting, but memories of this memorable day should be preserved in the family archive.

Just as chic wedding outfits can be replaced with attributes. Veil and bow tie - budget, but very symbolic. Do not dwell on the pure white color of the dress, it can be of any pastel shade... In this case, it can be worn on other festive events... A classic shirt the groom can transform into an office.

If you want to keep the tradition wedding bouquet, then you can also do it yourself. The cost of flowers will already depend on the budget.

The main thing is not to forget behind all these cost cuts that the bride should be not only happy, but also beautiful, and the groom - not only with the saved amount in his pocket, but also satisfied with the result. And behind all the thoughts and problems of how to organize an event, the main thing to remember is that the wedding day is not an ordinary calendar day.

This is an event worth celebrating!

More details about the options for modest weddings can be seen in the video below: