How to get rid of cystitis during pregnancy. Methods for the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy. Treatment of complex forms of cystitis during pregnancy

What it is?

Cystitis is characterized inflammatory process in the bladder caused by microorganisms. According to statistics, every third woman during pregnancy has at least 1 episode of infections. urinary tract- the share of cystitis accounts for about 2%. In pregnant women, it can occur either in acute form or relapsing.

What to do if cystitis occurs during pregnancy?

Diagnosed with cystitis during pregnancy - what to do? The most important thing that a woman should know about is that this disease develops as a result of the acquisition of pathogenic properties by normal bacteria that live in the periurethral region.

Therefore, it is very important, in addition to treatment by a specialist, to observe hygiene measures in intimate area. In this case, you should avoid products (soap, gel) containing an antibacterial component.

They can become additional factor disrupting normal interactions between microorganisms. And this becomes the reason for the "acquisition" of pathogenic properties by bacteria.

Is cystitis dangerous during pregnancy?

Cystitis may predispose to the development of complications from both the mother and the fetoplacental system (mother-child-placenta). Maternal risk due to cystitis is increased if:

  • The excretion of urine is disturbed due to swelling of the walls of the bladder and urethra;
  • There is urolithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • Anemia (especially sickle cell);
  • Diabetes;
  • Viral infection.

The risks of cystitis for the fetus are to increase the likelihood of certain obstetric complications:

  • premature birth;
  • Infection in utero;
  • growth retardation and weight gain;
  • Lethal outcome (in utero or after birth).

Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy are quite pronounced:

  1. Increased urination and pain, reaching a maximum at the end of urination;
  2. Pain over the pubic part;
  3. Urge to urinate, which is not crowned with success.

The doctor makes the diagnosis of cystitis on the basis of a comprehensive study of the results of the examination of a pregnant patient:

  • Clinical symptoms;
  • Detection in the urine of an increased number of leukocytes - more than 10 in 1 field of study (leukocyturia);
  • Determination of bacteria in the urine;
  • Identification of terminal hematuria, which can be observed in rare cases (the presence of unchanged red blood cells in the urine of the middle portion).

In some cases, the diagnosis is made erroneously - only by detecting leukocyturia in the absence of clinical symptoms. It is not right.

A combination of clinical and laboratory signs of an inflammatory lesion is necessary. In addition, leukocytes in the urine in an increased amount may be the result of getting them there from the genital tract. Therefore, when collecting urine for analysis, it is recommended to wash well and close the vagina with a cotton pad.

Important diagnostic value It also has a bacteriological study, with which you can evaluate the number of bacteria in the urine. It is essential if conventional analysis urine reveals only leukocytes, and microorganisms are not detected. This usually happens if:

  1. The pregnant woman started taking antibiotics on her own;
  2. The infection is caused by rare microorganisms - candida, tuberculosis mycobacteria, chlamydia, herpes virus, ureaplasma;
  3. Available noncommunicable disease kidneys (interstitial nephritis, congenital anomalies);

The diagnostic titer of bacteriuria in cystitis is 100 CFU/ml for Escherichia coli and 100,000 for all other microorganisms. These values ​​help to distinguish cystitis from urethritis, the symptoms of which are similar. However, with urethritis, bacteria in the urine are not detected in diagnostically significant titers.

Cystitis in early pregnancy

A pregnant woman is prone to the development of an infectious process in the bladder. This is the result of several causal mechanisms:

  • The small length of the urethra and its large diameter;
  • The close location of the urethra to the rectum, which is a natural reservoir of infectious agents;
  • Decreased tone of the bladder and sphincter due to elevated levels estrogen and progesterone in connection with gestation;
  • Stagnation of urine, observed in the second half of pregnancy and associated with an increased size of the uterus;
  • Decrease in the tone of the sphincter of the urethra, developing closer to the term of delivery;
  • Alkalinization of urine associated with increased excretion of bicarbonates through the renal glomeruli;
  • Changes in the functioning of the immune system (during pregnancy, there is a shift in its work towards immunosuppression, as a result of which coli).

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy in the early stages is carried out with antibacterial drugs, however, as in the later ones. The choice of means depends on the specific pathogen, but it is not always possible to conduct a bacteriological examination in each case. Besides, this additional loss time.

Therefore, in the selection of an antibiotic, the doctor is guided by the existing epidemiological data on the prevalence of certain microorganisms that are the causative agents of cystitis (this is called empirical treatment). This list, in descending order, is as follows:

  • coli (detected in 80% of cases);
  • Klebsiella (10%);
  • proteus (5%);
  • staphylococcus (4%);
  • enterococcus (4%);
  • enterobacteria (2%);
  • morganella (0.8%);
  • candida (0.8%) and others.

A recent study found that antibiotics previously used to treat cystitis were ineffective against Escherichia coli as the most common pathogen - it turned out to be resistant to them. Therefore, in modern conditions pregnant women try not to prescribe: ampicillin and amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, some cephalosporins.

The ideal antibiotic for the treatment of cystitis should accumulate as much as possible not in the walls of the bladder, but in the urine. So it will be able to exert its effect on the tissue for a longer time. At the same time, it should not be dangerous to the fetus.

These two requirements are best met by the following antibiotics, which should be used to treat cystitis in obstetric practice:

  1. Fosfomycin (its advantage is the sufficiency of a single dose, but it is allowed for use from 13 weeks).
  2. Aztreonam (course of treatment - a week).
  3. Some cephalosporins of the 2nd - 4th generation (Cefixime and Cefuroxime).

If they are ineffective in the second trimester, an alternative drug Nitrofurantoin (Furadonin) can be used. The duration of its reception should be 7 days.

The drug can not be used from the 34-35th week and later, because. this can lead to the development of hemolytic disease in the fetus.

Antibacterial treatment is carried out on average 1 week. Then, after 7-14 days, urine is examined. If good results are obtained, repeated courses are not required.

Unsatisfactory analyzes (pathogen detected) - a second course of antibiotics, after which a bacteriological examination is carried out, which is repeated every month until the due date.

If, after such events, the pathogen is detected, then treatment according to a special scheme is carried out before childbirth and within 2 weeks after them, fearing high risk septic condition.

Medicinal plants in the treatment of cystitis

It is rational to supplement the drug therapy of cystitis in pregnant women with the intake of medicinal plants. Their main advantage is safety. The most reasonable is the use of:

  • bearberry;
  • wild rose;
  • sage;
  • nettles;
  • hypericum;
  • field horsetail;
  • chamomile, etc.

You can also use the official herbal preparation- Kanefron. It has a complex effect on the urinary system in pregnant women:

  • increases diuresis;
  • relieves spasm;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • suppresses the inflammatory response;
  • fights free radicals;
  • protects the kidneys;
  • inhibits the attachment of Escherichia coli to the cells of the urinary system.

Prevention of cystitis during pregnancy

In women at risk effective prevention cystitis during pregnancy is carried out with Canephron. However, to achieve this goal, it is recommended to use it for at least four months. It can be carried out continuously immediately before childbirth or courses for a month with breaks of 2 weeks.

Timely examination of urinary sediment during pregnancy also helps to prevent serious complications. This analysis is assigned to women before each of their visits to the gynecologist.

If even minimal deviations are detected, additional examination and, if necessary, treatment are recommended.

The content of the article:

Cystitis during pregnancy is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process in the mucosa and walls of the bladder. The danger of the disease for expectant mothers lies not only in the discomfort caused by frequent urge to urinate, but also in the risk of ascending infection. Untreated cystitis can be complicated by inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis, which is extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

Features of the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy

The complexity of the treatment of this disease during pregnancy lies in the limited list of permitted medications that expectant mothers can use. It is worth noting that in most cases cystitis is caused by harmful microorganisms, such as E. coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas and others. It is possible to completely eliminate this pathogenic flora only by using antibiotics. And the latter during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Therefore, when the first symptoms of this disease appear, it is very important to consult a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive and correct treatment, taking into account your physiological state.

As a rule, women get cystitis in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, their body is quite weak and vulnerable to infections. Immunity future mother oppressed so that the body could not reject the embryo. Thus, even minor contributing factors, such as hypothermia, prolonged absence urination can cause inflammation in the bladder.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the list of approved drugs is extremely small. So, a number of drugs (for example, a group of nitrofurans) are prohibited in the first trimester. Throughout pregnancy, you can not take drugs of a number of tetracyclines and sulfonamides. However, antimicrobial agents are often indispensable.

Your healthcare professional may prescribe a cephalosporin antibiotic or fosfomycin. Sometimes in the course of treatment it is required to carry out a correction of therapy. This happens after the sensitivity of the body and pathogenic bacteria to the drug is clarified. To do this, a special urine culture is performed.

Also, in the process of treating cystitis, analgesics, anticholinergics, drugs that relax the muscles of the bladder and, thus, reduce the intensity of the urge to urinate, can be prescribed. Remember that all medications should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Medical self-medication during pregnancy is unacceptable!

In parallel with synthetic drugs, herbal remedies and physiotherapy can be prescribed. Herbal medicines play an important role in the process of getting rid of cystitis in pregnant women. The components of these drugs effectively fight harmful microorganisms that cause the disease, and, as a rule, are safer for the health of the expectant mother than pharmaceutical chemistry. However, despite the relative safety of this method of treatment, it is also unacceptable to use herbal preparations uncontrollably.

Regardless of which method of treating cystitis during pregnancy will be chosen by the doctor, it is recommended to follow bed rest and also consume a large number of liquids daily, if there are no contraindications for this (for example, a tendency to edema). The abundance of fluid entering the body will allow you to quickly "wash" the pathogenic flora from the bladder.

You should also follow a sparing diet for the duration of treatment. The diet of a pregnant woman should include nutritious dishes from vegetables, cereals. Avoid for a while if possible protein products, as well as spicy, smoked, fried, salty, sweet dishes.

Drug therapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy should be extremely gentle. So after complete examination doctor prescribes therapy based on physiological features pregnant woman and her body's response to antibacterial drugs. These can be tablets (or in the form of powders), as well as special solutions that are injected directly into the patient bladder.

Oral medications for treating cystitis in pregnancy

The choice for pregnant women in this matter is small. Doctors usually prescribe two antibacterial drugs - Amoxiclav and Monural.

Amoxiclav is combined remedy for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. In particular, it is often used as an antibiotic therapy for diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia, complicated by acute respiratory infections).

The danger of Amoxiclav lies in the fact that it can provoke a number of side effects. So, it causes nausea, vomiting, can disrupt the balance of microflora, which leads to candidiasis or dysbacteriosis. Thus, the appointment of Amoxiclav during pregnancy can be justified only in rare and exceptional cases.

Monural is a drug in powder form. His salient feature in that it quickly penetrates into the blood, and about 99% of the medicinal substance is found in the urine. Another plus this drug is that to eliminate the signs of cystitis in an uncomplicated course, a single dose, that is, one dose of the drug, is sufficient. Thus, the detrimental effect of the antibiotic on the body of the expectant mother and fetus is significantly reduced.

In addition to antimicrobial drugs, with cystitis, pregnant women can also be prescribed combined herbal medicines. One of the most effective is Kanefron. It has almost no contraindications and can be used by pregnant women for different terms. It contains extracts from rosemary, centaury, wild rose, lovage, as well as additional components- riboflavin, Castor oil, mountain wax and others.

Kanefron has two forms of release - drops and tablets. As a rule, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug in solid form, since the liquid drug contains some alcohol.

The active components of Kanefron have a complex effect on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • The functionality of the bladder and kidneys improves.
  • The development of a number of infections is prevented.
  • Relaxes blood vessels and capillaries genitourinary system, output excess water from the body of a pregnant woman, which prevents the development of edema.
  • Improves blood supply to the kidneys.
  • Spasms and pain syndrome are removed.
As a rule, several doses of the drug are enough to relieve all the symptoms of the disease. It is important to observe the recommended dosage of Kanefron. The composition of the medicine includes extracts of lovage and rosemary, which, with prolonged uncontrolled use, can provoke uterine tone, which will have an extremely negative effect on the course of pregnancy.

Installation of the bladder in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

In the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers, the effect of medicines to the embryo. This can be achieved if pharmaceutical chemistry does not enter the woman's bloodstream. For this, such a method of drug administration as the installation of the bladder is used.

In this procedure, the drug is injected through the channel of the bladder. As a rule, antiseptic solutions, antibiotics, agents of the dimethyl sulfoxide and dimexide groups are used. In this way, active substances deeply and quickly penetrate the walls of the body.
Sometimes ozonated solutions may be used. They have a good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Bacteria are not resistant to ozone. In addition, the substance penetrates into the thickness of the mucosa and leads to the death of microorganisms located there.

In addition to antibiotics, antiseptics and ozonized liquids, cycloferon liniment can be injected into the bladder. It is used to stimulate a local immune response in protracted or complicated forms of cystitis.

In general, the installation of an organ has a number of undeniable advantages compared to the traditional oral treatment of cystitis:

  1. A high level of concentration of a medicinal substance in the bladder, which is several times higher than the allowable norm for the content of the drug in the bloodstream. In this case, the chemistry does not enter the bloodstream and does not have any effect on the body of a woman or fetus.
  2. Prolonged stay of the drug in the organ cavity. The drug is administered after complete emptying of the bladder. Thus, on average, two to three hours before the next urination, active medicinal components show their full effectiveness.
  3. Penetration medicinal substances into the deep layers of the organ walls. So you can achieve a strong anti-inflammatory result even in cases with a chronic form of cystitis.
As a rule, one or two manipulations are enough to completely eliminate the symptoms of cystitis. Installation should only be carried out in a hospital setting. In the early stages, this procedure can be dangerous. Therefore, a doctor can prescribe such treatment only for special indications.

Phytotherapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

For the treatment of this disease in pregnant women, traditional medicine recipes have long been used. There are many of them, and you should also choose the right one under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account individual features women, so as not to cause a negative reaction in the form of allergies or side effects.

It is worth remembering that vegetable medicinal decoctions and infusions - it's not just herbal tea, which can be drunk uncontrollably in any quantities. This is especially important for pregnant women to remember. Many herbs have a stimulating effect on the pelvic organs and can cause, for example, uterine tone, bleeding, and others. negative reactions organism.

In most cases, herbal medicine is prescribed as a supportive or rehabilitative treatment for cystitis. The main blow to the disease is carried out with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, and then a restorative course is prescribed using herbal remedies.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs have an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, help to remove pathogenic bacteria from the body as quickly as possible.

Consider how to treat cystitis during pregnancy with herbal decoctions and infusions:

  • We take the rhizome of the wild rose and cut a couple of tablespoons of dry raw materials. Fill it with a glass of cool water and put it on the stove. After the mixture boils, remove from heat and leave to infuse in a warm place. After cooling, strain the broth through a fine sieve and take half a cup three times a day thirty minutes before a meal.
  • One tablespoon of dill pour 1.5 cups hot water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Ready infusion is taken one third of a glass 4-5 times a day before meals.
  • We mix three quarters of red rowan berries and one quarter of lingonberry leaves and pour a glass of hot water. Leave to infuse for several hours in a warm place. We take half a glass of funds half an hour before the main meal. For taste and greater benefits, you can add a small spoonful of natural honey to the liquid.
  • We take ten grams of washed birch leaves. Pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Put the mixture on the stove and bring to a boil. We insist the broth in a thermos. We drink fifty grams of the drink three times a day with meals.
  • Six tablespoons of blackcurrant leaves are carefully chopped with a knife and poured with a liter of hot water. We leave to infuse in a thermos for about an hour. Then we filter the drink and add a little honey to it to taste. We drink this tea in a glass five to six times throughout the day.
  • Squeeze out the juice from the turnip and put on the fire, bringing to a boil. Boil for five minutes. Cool and pour into a clean container. We drink one or two spoons several times during the day. Turnip juice can be mixed with black radish juice in a 1:1 ratio. Drink this mixture should be three times a day for a spoon for 30 days.

Remember! Before choosing how to treat cystitis during pregnancy, you should make sure that you do not have allergic reaction on a plant.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, physiotherapy methods can only be used to a limited extent and under the strict supervision of a doctor. To get rid of the symptoms of cystitis, apply gentle heat to the area of ​​the bladder. Electrophoresis may also be prescribed.

Thanks to this treatment, microcirculation of blood flow improves, local immunity is strengthened. In some cases, it is even possible to eliminate pathogenic microflora under the influence of physiotherapy.

However, as a rule, in order to minimize the risk of harm to the fetus, only local warming is used during pregnancy. They are used to relieve pain and inflammation in combination with drug treatment.

You can put a heating pad on the bladder area at home. To do this, you need to use a pharmacy device or make warm compress from boiled potatoes or calcined salt.

In any case, before using these methods of therapy, it is necessary to consult your doctor!

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy - look at the video:

Cystitis in pregnant women occurs quite often, especially in the first months of fetal formation. This is due to the weakening of local and general immunity. The genitourinary system becomes more vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. This ailment should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of gentle preparations of synthetic or herbal origin.

Cystitis is a rather serious ailment, often diagnosed in pregnant women. According to medical statistics, about 10% of expectant mothers suffer from inflammation of the bladder. Some even consider this disease to be a non-specific symptom. interesting position". And yet, it is necessary to get rid of the inflammatory process, only it should be remembered that the treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy must necessarily take place under the strict supervision of a doctor. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Causes of the disease

Cystitis is a polyetiological disease, that is, it has several causes. The most common of these is the penetration of pathogens into the bladder. Most often, inflammation provokes Escherichia coli, somewhat less often - staphylococcal bacteria, chlamydia organisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pathogenic fungi.

Why is cystitis so widespread during the period of bearing a baby? The risk of infection in expectant mothers is high due to hormonal adjustment and related changes in the microflora internal organs. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the ureter after unprotected intercourse or due to non-compliance hygiene standards after a bowel movement.

In the first trimester, cystitis often becomes a consequence of a decrease in protective forces. The female body, in order not to reject the fetus, inhibits its own immunity, which can lead to the growth of opportunistic microflora, which is already present in the pelvic organs. In addition, inflammation of the bladder in expectant mothers leads to:

Prolonged use of certain medications that leave the body with urine and irritate the mucous membrane of the urinary tract;

Allergic reactions in sensitive women to detergents, medicines, certain foods, contraceptives, tampons;

Overheating or hypothermia, for example, frequent lying in a bath with hot water worsens the microflora of internal organs, and it is generally strictly contraindicated for pregnant women to supercool.

Stagnation of urine, which occurs due to the relaxation of the bladder, can also cause cystitis. The hormone progesterone reduces the tone of the uterine muscles to prevent miscarriage, but at the same time it relaxes all the smooth muscles in the body. In the third trimester, the likelihood of an illness due to congestion increases due to the compression of the uterus on the bladder.

Can also provoke malaise:

Permanent negative emotions, depression, stress;

Uncomfortable underwear, also made of synthetics;

Infections localized in nearby organs;

Constant fatigue.

There are many reasons for the development of cystitis, so it is extremely important to understand the likely "provocateurs" in order to alert in time or even prevent the onset of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the bladder most often manifests itself abruptly and unexpectedly for a pregnant woman. Within 2-3 days after exposure to the body negative factor(for example, infections) the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. Almost immediately, other symptoms of the inflammatory process join:

frequent urge to urinate (often deceptive), which is accompanied by its small output and a feeling of overcrowding of the bladder;

Burning in the urinary canals towards the end of the emptying of the bladder;

Turbidity of urine and the appearance of a pungent odor;

The presence of blood or purulent discharge in urine;

elevated temperature;

Sensation of pressure in the peritoneum, pain in the lower back.

The intensity of pain can be different, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the level of pain threshold in a pregnant woman. Temperature indicators not always rising sudden jump possible when an infection has joined the inflammation.

Inflammation of the bladder occurs both in acute and chronic form. Often, it is during the bearing of a child that a relapse occurs, during which the symptoms listed above occur. When the exacerbation passes, the symptoms become less pronounced.

Is cystitis the first symptom of an "interesting situation"?

Such an opinion can often be found among mothers and even some specialists. However, inflammation of the bladder should not be identified with frequent urination, indeed indicating an "interesting situation".

Cystitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the bladder, and frequent urges to emptying the intestines in expectant mothers can happen quite for objective "non-pathological" reasons, for example:

With conception, the load on the renal pelvis begins to increase, which work with a vengeance;

Due to increased blood and lymph flow in female body the kidneys have to filter more fluid.

Normally, the mother-to-be frequent urination does not feel discomfort and pain, which is typical for the inflammatory process. By 14 weeks hormonal background ceases to "fail", the uterus rises to its place, and the pressure on the bladder gradually stops (up to the 3rd trimester). As a result, women will go to the restroom less often.

Therefore, cystitis is not characteristic symptom conception, but also frequent emptying of the bladder, accompanied by pain, temperature, and other negative signs, should not be ignored. The best solution the future mother will visit the doctor, who will establish the correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Doctors determine the diagnosis based on the complaints of the expectant mother. To confirm cystitis, the patient is sent to important procedures and the study of tests, the main among them is the study of urine. It is by these secretions that the specialist determines the presence of inflammation. And, for example, urine culture establishes a possible infectious source of the disease.

If you suspect an inflammation of the bladder, doctors usually prescribe:

Examination by a gynecologist - a smear of the microflora of the vagina is taken;

Clinical blood test - most often the indicators are normal, only signs of what has begun in the body are found inflammation;

General urinalysis - the diagnostician evaluates the number of red blood cells, with a significant number of them, a conclusion is made about pathological processes in the bladder;

The study of urine according to Nechiporenko is a special test that involves a more in-depth study of urine for red and white blood cells;

Urine culture - determines pathogens or pathogenic microorganisms connected to inflammation, helps to establish the type of antibacterial drugs for treatment, that is, this is the main test for choosing a treatment; 

Ultrasound - is prescribed for a severe course of the disease in order to exclude possible deformations, which often become a consequence of the inflammatory process.

In private medical institutions, women may be offered an accelerated test for cystitis. Express methods allow you to make an accurate diagnosis literally on the day you visit the clinic.

Important! In any case, before diagnostic procedures, a woman needs to wash her vagina to prevent the corresponding secretions from entering the urinalysis.

Is cystitis dangerous?

Yes, the inflammatory process, which is also complicated by infections, can be harmful. women's health and growing child. The risk is especially increased if the expectant mother is engaged in self-diagnosis and self-therapy, delaying visiting a doctor and hoping for self-healing.

There are only two main complications and undesirable consequences of cystitis during pregnancy:

1. Infectious inflammation can spread to the kidney tissue and cause pyelonerfitis. This disease is characterized elevated temperature, unilateral pain in lumbar. If the disease affects both kidneys, then a threat to maternal life begins.

2. In the case of an incorrectly chosen treatment strategy or refusal of therapy, the disease becomes chronic, that is, the symptoms of the disease will occur in a woman for the rest of her life, worsening not only her well-being, but also her mood.


A neglected ailment that has turned into pyelonephritis is also dangerous for a child. With inadequate functioning of the excretory organs, toxic substances accumulate in the mother's body, poisoning developing fetus. The result may be a lack of baby weight or premature birth.

That is why, at the slightest concern, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor. This will allow you to choose the safest medicines or folk remedies. In addition, the doctor will prompt and recommendations for lifestyle changes.

Medical treatment

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy, only the doctor should decide. Inflammation of the bladder requires a special approach in therapy, since the vast majority of antibiotics, which should defeat infectious pathogens, are contraindicated in women in position.

Most often, doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs for cystitis, and the drug is chosen the one that reaches the highest concentration in the tissues of the bladder. The most effective and harmless antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis in expectant mothers are drugs such as:

- Amoxiclav- a two-component drug whose active substances destroy various pathogenic microorganisms, disease-causing urinary system. This antibiotic is quite safe, has a minimum of "side effects" and contraindications.

- Monural- Another safe and extremely effective antibiotic. Positive results visible after the first application healing powder! If the disease has taken severe form, you will need to use a second bag of medicine.

Another popular "anticystitis" drug is Canephron N in tablets. This remedy contains herbal ingredients that allow you to short time improve the condition of the pregnant patient. Canephron N combines well with other medicines, so it is often prescribed in complex treatment. inflammation Bladder.

During the bearing of the baby, they are often used and modern way- instillation. In this case, antibiotics are injected through a tube directly into the inflamed organ, which allows you to bypass the systemic blood flow. Of course, such a treatment technique is possible only in stationary conditions.

Folk recipes for cystitis

The most popular "anti-cystitis" plant is, of course, lingonberries. There are ready herbal preparations, which include lingonberry, birch, currant leaves, dill, rowan berries and other natural ingredients.

We list the most popular unconventional ways treatment of inflammatory processes localized in the bladder.

1. 4 teaspoons of dried lingonberry leaves pour 2 cups boiled water. Put on a small fire and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then the broth is cooled and a little honey is added to taste. Drink the resulting lingonberry infusion in the first half of the day, 100 ml each.

2. 2 tablespoons of wild rose berries, 2 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves, brew with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Then strain the infusion and consume throughout the day, adding a little honey for taste.

3. One part of lingonberry leaves and 3 parts of red rowan fruits are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 3-4 hours and filtered. Use an infusion of 100 ml 3 times a day, adding a little fresh honey to taste.

Treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy folk remedies quite acceptable. but similar methods treatment is still not a priority. It is also worth understanding that non-traditional recipes should first be agreed with the attending doctor.

Prevention of inflammation of the bladder

Like other ailments, it is better to prevent cystitis during the period of bearing a baby than to deal with it painfully later. Moreover, prevention methods inflammation bladder have long been known and are not very difficult to implement in practice.

1. First of all, even before conception, it is necessary to completely detect running infectious processes and cure them. For example, even caries can provoke the passage of pathogens into the urinary organs.

2. Hygiene is also extremely important. Expectant mother should wash daily warm water, eliminate the hot bath, take a shower, to the ingredients detergents did not penetrate the vagina and did not lead to inflammation.

3. Underwear it is also important to choose the right one. For example, the so-called thongs are contraindicated because they do not protect a woman from inflammation. It is best to purchase panties of a standard style made of cotton or linen.

4. A woman in position is simply forbidden to supercool. To this end, expectant mothers should avoid prolonged exposure to frost and wear warm clothing during the cold season. Of course, short walks will only benefit.

5. frequent visit restroom is desirable. With regular emptying of the bladder, pathogenic microorganisms are excreted more quickly and cannot actively multiply in the body. Therefore, when urged, a woman does not need to endure.

6. You also need to watch your diet. The consumption of salty and pickled foods is excluded, especially if cystitis had already made itself felt before pregnancy. Coffee and caffeinated drinks are also banned. But a fruit drink of cranberries and lingonberries, a rosehip broth will only benefit.

If the expectant mother works in the office, you need to take care of physical minutes. After half an hour or an hour, you should get up from your chair and walk a little, stretch yourself. This will prevent congestion in the bladder.

So the inflammation bladder is not a disease whose symptoms can be ignored. Treatment of cystitis during early pregnancy at home is carried out with the help of selected doctor medicines, folk recipes. The task of the expectant mother is to pay attention to the signs of the disease in time and consult a doctor. Thus, she will save herself and the baby from possible negative consequences.

The disease at first glance is harmless, but extremely unpleasant. Painful frequent urge to urinate can bring anyone to tears and fatigue, and even more so a pregnant woman, in whom the load on the body already exceeds the usual, and the condition nervous system usually far from ideal.

The special importance of treating cystitis during pregnancy is not exaggerated - and it's not just about discomfort and pain. The danger of inflammation of the bladder is that the so-called ascending infection is not excluded, that is, the entry of microorganisms from the bladder through the ureters into the kidneys, which will provoke the development of pyelonephritis, a condition that seriously complicates pregnancy. Therefore, when the first signs of cystitis appear during pregnancy, treatment should begin immediately. Undoubtedly, it works here too. universal rule for pregnant women: "Just a little - run to the doctor!" But this is not always possible, so you can start treatment yourself.

How to treat cystitis during pregnancy, when almost nothing is possible? Do not despair! In the arsenal of modern pharmacies there are both quite effective herbal preparations and modern synthetic preparations.

The basis of the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is, of course, antibiotics. Antibiotics are ideally given after susceptibility culture. But, firstly, it will take a long time to wait for the results, and time is running out and the inflammatory process is aggravated. And secondly, there are not so many antibacterial agents that a pregnant woman can take.

We will not touch on the treatment of specific cystitis associated with tuberculosis and STDs (gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and others) - their management has its own characteristics. But in any case, the course of treatment should be carried out completely. Of course, the desire of a woman to stop treatment at the first sign of improvement is understandable, but this approach may end in best case resumption of inflammation, and at worst - chronicity of cystitis, when the disease becomes a lifelong sworn enemy.

Antibacterial therapy

In order to effectively act on cystitis during pregnancy, the treatment must have a strictly directed effect, which means that the concentration of antibacterial agents that destroy the cause of the disease - pathogenic microorganisms - should be maximum in the bladder. This can be achieved in two ways:

    use such an antibiotic in tablets, which will be retained in the bladder as much as possible;

    inject funds directly into the bladder by instillation.

In the first case, the choice of drugs is very limited. Perhaps, of all the synthetic drugs for pregnant women, only two drugs remain: monural and amoxiclav.

Monural widely used for the treatment of cystitis - it is effective in correct application safe for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Monural is also attractive in its treatment regimen: in uncomplicated conditions, it is enough to take just one sachet of the drug.

Amoxiclav- a combination drug that can also be prescribed for cystitis in pregnant women. In the medical literature, one can often find an opinion about the dubious effectiveness of amoxiclav for the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system, but practice shows the opposite - in most cases, the drug has good results.

Instillations carried out exclusively under medical institution. Through the catheter into the bladder enter the compositions with antibacterial action ( medicinal oils, rivanol, boric acid, silver nitrate and others). The advantages of such treatment are obvious: the drugs are injected directly into the diseased organ, which, firstly, increases its content in the bladder, and secondly, eliminates its general effect on the body. True, you will have to put up with some discomfort during the introduction of the catheter, and also endure the urge to urinate for an hour.


Herbal medicine is one of ancient ways getting rid of diseases. But herbs are also poisonous, so pregnant women should strictly adhere to the recommendations and take into account contraindications for taking herbs. For the treatment of cystitis, a pregnant woman can use horsetail, asparagus roots, unpeeled oat grains, mountain ash, lingonberries, rose hips, dill and others. medicinal plants. The most effective are special collections, consisting of a whole complex of herbs, which, of course, increases their healing effect. There are also tablet forms of herbal remedies, for example, kanefron.

Kanefron differs by a fairly fast action, which is explained by the variety of its effects - kanefron has an antimicrobial, diuretic and antispasmodic effect. There are practically no contraindications for its use (with the exception of individual intolerance).


The use of physiotherapy during pregnancy is very limited. Heat on the bladder area and electrophoresis can be used to treat cystitis.

Do not forget that only your doctor knows exactly how to treat cystitis during pregnancy for you. And only he will prescribe the safest and most effective treatment.

Cystitis occurs in pregnant women quite often, and if we take into account the statistics, then every tenth expectant mother who had to deal with pathologically frequent urination, accompanied by pain and painful sensations. The disease usually develops at the beginning of pregnancy. Many doctors even refer to it as indirect signs"interesting position". The fact is that at this time the woman's body is undergoing global restructuring. The hormonal background is changing, it starts to work differently the immune system. And any infection that got into urethra, can develop quite rapidly under such conditions.

Treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is complicated by the fact that not all drugs a woman can take, especially when it comes to potent antimicrobial or antibacterial agents. In the instructions for most drugs, this provision is on the list of contraindications. What to do in such situations and what can be done to successfully combat the inflammatory process? Let's consider in order.

Clinical picture with cystitis

Pledge successful treatment- timely appeal medical care. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to deal with it. Symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy differ little from its signs in other cases:

  • frequent urination;
  • cloudy urine, and sometimes with blood impurities;
  • pain and burning during urination;
  • discomfort in the pelvis;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakness.

Some of the symptoms of cystitis in pregnant women are initially normal. For example, such a situation is often characterized by fatigue frequent urination, especially on later dates. But, if a woman notices that the composition of the urine has changed, there are signs of inflammation, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to understand how dangerous such a disease is, that in the absence of therapy it can cause complications, in particular pyelonephritis, cause premature birth or fetal abnormalities. It is not worth delaying the appeal to the doctor.

Regardless of the cause of cystitis during pregnancy, especially in the acute course of the disease, doctors recommend the following:

  • bed rest;
  • drinking plenty of water if the woman does not have edema;
  • a diet that excludes salty, sour, spicy.

Sedentary baths, which involve the use of not hot, but warm liquids, will also be quite effective, so they will not cause harm. As a basis, it is better to take decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage. They will be very helpful in this situation. Such treatment of cystitis during pregnancy is not enough for a complete recovery, but the procedures help relieve symptoms. The main thing is to do baths correctly. The temperature of the liquid should be approximately 38 degrees, the duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. The depth of the container should be such that the liquid reaches the navel. More detailed information about the baths will be provided by the doctor, so there will be no problems.

Continuing to talk about how to treat cystitis during pregnancy, one should not miss herbal teas and infusions. For example, it may turn out useful cranberries, the dried leaves of which are sold in many pharmacies. There are other options your doctor may recommend:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • birch buds;
  • herb St. John's wort or knotweed.

You also need to be careful with herbs, because they sometimes have a rather strong effect on the body, and it does not always benefit the pregnant woman and the fetus. Without consulting a doctor, you should not make yourself an appointment and self-medicate.

Treatment of complex forms of cystitis during pregnancy

If the results of the tests showed that the cause of inflammation of the bladder is bacterial or fungal infection, to do without the use of drugs will not work. the main task a doctor - prescribe pills for cystitis during pregnancy, which will cause the body of the expectant mother and baby minimal harm. Here drugs will be selected, where similar condition is a relative contraindication and may be given when the benefit to the woman outweighs the potential harm.

For bacterial infection of the bladder, the following drugs are most often recommended:

  • Monural is a strong antibiotic, but its beauty lies in the fact that it is taken once. Such a medicine is prescribed quite often;
  • Amoxiclav - shows nice results, including in the treatment of pregnant women.

If the patient's condition is not too serious, the doctor may recommend a herbal preparation, such as Canephron. About the treatment they have a lot positive feedback. Due to the fact that the drug is made from natural ingredients, it does not cause serious harm to the body of a woman and a child. The effectiveness of the tool is quite high.

When there is a fungal infection that caused inflammation of the bladder, the use of suppositories is most often recommended. Candles have a local effect, cause minimal harm to the fetus. Of the most common names, we note:

  • Betadine;
  • Hexicon;
  • Methyluracil.

The duration of therapy is determined individually, as well as the frequency of application of suppositories. Need to be here careful women prone to allergies. For example, Betadine contains povidone-iodine, which can cause an allergic reaction.

The safest procedure for treating cystitis

If cystitis occurs during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester or earlier, when the fetus is just developing, doctors may recommend instillation (washing) of the bladder using special antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • the active components of the drugs used penetrate directly into the bladder, do not harm the woman's body and the fetus;
  • due to the local effect on the focus of inflammation, the symptoms disappear quickly enough;
  • the choice of drugs for such a procedure is quite wide.

The minus of the procedure is only in the uncomfortable sensations that it can cause.

Of course, only a doctor can tell how to treat cystitis during pregnancy. He will compare the complexity of the situation with the general health of the expectant mother and baby, and will find the optimal and safest solution. It is also important to follow the recommendations regarding the dosage of drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. Under no circumstances should they be violated. Smaller doses will make therapy ineffective and may lead to complications. The increased dosage causes a number of side effects.