Does Sberbank give a secured loan? A loan secured by real estate from Sberbank - conditions for obtaining

Today banks make so many loans without special requirements that clients who are ready to take out a secured loan are doubly valued. If you can provide real estate as collateral for a loan, the likelihood of approval of the application increases several times.

Under these conditions, almost any loan for individuals can be obtained from Sberbank. The main condition is that the required amount of collateral should not exceed the cost collateral real estate client. Among the dozens of offers of the bank, two of the most convenient, provided on the security of residential facilities, can be distinguished:

  • non-purpose loan;
  • consumer.

Conditions for obtaining these loans differ slightly, and the potential client can choose the option that suits him best

Conditions for obtaining a loan secured by real estate in Sberbank

The following rules are assigned to both banking products:

The maximum loan amount is determined as follows. It should be either 10 million rubles, or be 60% of the price of the property that is provided as collateral. In this case, the smaller number is selected from the two proposed.

Non-targeted loan secured by real estate

IN this case it is assumed that the client no need to indicate where he is going to spend the money. No further reporting is required as to where the funds were spent. Great for those who does not have an exact plan for the cost of the loan or simply does not want to inform anyone about the destination of the money taken.

Basic conditions for granting a loan:

  1. The loan is granted for a period no more than 20 years.
  2. Maximum amount may be 10 million rubles.
  3. Credit does not include a down payment.
  4. No commissions.
  5. Applications are being considered individually.

The interest rate on a non-purpose loan secured by real estate is from 14% to 14.75% and depends on two factors:

  • loan term- the larger it is, the higher the percentage;
  • the ratio of the issued amount and the appraised value of that property which was presented as collateral.

There are surcharges to the interest rate: +1% for those who receive a salary not through Sberbank and +1% for those who refuse health and life insurance.

Consumer loan secured by real estate

From non-target this loan differs in that the bank may ask you to indicate its purpose when applying for issuing money. But among the mandatory requirements this condition is not; such information can only be requested on an individual basis.

The rest of the conditions under which the loan is granted are exactly the same as for a general purpose loan. Sberbank positions this product as very convenient for those cases when you need a large amount for a long time.

The procedure for obtaining consumer and non-purpose loans

Apply and get money in bank branches at the place of registration of the borrower or one of the co-borrowers, If there are any. It is also possible to contact the Sberbank office located at the place of accreditation of the organization in which the borrower or co-borrower works.

After applying:

  1. Consideration is going on individually. Term - 2 to 8 working days.
  2. Amount provided at the same time.

Documents for applying and obtaining a loan

To apply for one of the above loan products, first need to fill out a form. Request it at any branch of Sberbank, and also download it from our website. I have an opportunity filling out an online application form when sending an application via the Internet.

In addition to this document, you must provide:

  • Passport, which must contain a mark of permanent registration. This can be the passport of the borrower or co-borrower.
  • Document with confirmation of temporary registration if the client is temporarily registered at the place of stay.
  • Certificates of employment and financial condition of the borrower.

Documents confirming the ownership of the provided collateral can be submitted to the bank later. This is given 60 days from application approval. Data about the object must be specified immediately, for its evaluation by employees. Money is issued only after the provision of documents of ownership.

These two loans are considered the most convenient for those people who can take a loan secured by real estate. The likelihood of approval in this case is very high..

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No wonder experts call a loan secured by real estate the most advantageous offer from Russian banks. Some conditions distinguish a loan in Sberbank secured by an apartment from another type of loan. Large sums, low interest rates and a loyal attitude of the bank - that's what hallmark such programs. Only such large financial institutions as Sberbank can offer a loan secured by real estate. IN Lately you can find more and more Russians planning to take out a loan as collateral for real estate in Sberbank.

During the loan application, the bank client is required to provide various certificates and documents from the place of work. But sometimes these documents are not enough, in this situation the bank will offer the client to receive a large amount secured by real estate, which is owned by the client. In the event that a client issues a loan secured by real estate, but is unable to fulfill its debt obligations, the bank will take the property of an unscrupulous payer into ownership for subsequent sale. If we weigh all the pros and cons and judge by customer reviews, a loan from Sberbank secured by real estate is the most profitable financial product.

Types of loans from Sberbank

Sberbank issues several types of secured loans:

  • Non-purpose loan secured by real estate - issued for the "personal" purposes of the borrower.
  • Mortgage loan secured by existing housing - issued for the purchase of real estate.

Non-targeted loan secured by real estate conditions of issuance

Requirements for the borrower

  • The potential borrower must be at least 21 years old. It is important to have at least one solvent co-borrower. Close relatives of the borrower, spouse, etc. can act as co-borrowers.
  • The co-borrower, like the borrower, should not be owners of small businesses (exception: ownership of 5% of the share in the business), members of farms, heads of enterprises;
  • Before applying to Sberbank for a non-purpose loan secured by real estate, the borrower must make sure that at the time the loan agreement expires, its repayment will not exceed 65 years. If the borrower can provide papers confirming the presence of constant earnings and a stable high income, then age limit rises to 75 years. Both the borrower and the co-borrower must meet this requirement.
  • General seniority The borrower must be at least 5 years old. Current work experience at work this moment should not be less than six months.

Before contacting a bank, in order to receive a non-purpose loan secured by Sberbank real estate, you will need to provide a large package of documents. They should be prepared in advance.

It should be noted that the loan amount in any case cannot exceed 70% of the appraised value of the property.

Document Requirements

To consumer credit secured by real estate in Sberbank has been pre-approved, please provide the following documents:

  • Application from the client, as well as from his co-borrower.
  • Passports of the applicant and co-borrower with mandatory registration in the Russian Federation.
  • Documents that confirm the financial viability and employment of the borrower and co-borrower (certificate 2-NDFL, a copy of the work book).
  • If the loan is taken by a pensioner, a certificate of calculation of the pension for the month is required.
  • An entrepreneur, in order to receive money secured by Sberbank real estate, will need to provide a 2-NFL certificate to the bank.

After the initial approval of the application to Sberbank, no later than 60 days, you must provide the following documents for real estate, which will be collateral:

  • Documents that confirm the ownership of the apartment (certificate of ownership, contract of sale.
  • Report on the value of the object in the real estate market.
  • Statement of pledge from USRR.
  • Cadastral or technical passport for the apartment.
  • Permission from the guardianship authorities, if children under 18 years old are registered in the apartment.
  • Certificate from the ZhEK about registered tenants.

Loan secured by an apartment in Sberbank conditions

  • A loan secured by an apartment in Sberbank is issued exclusively in rubles.
  • Min. loan amount - 500 thousand rubles.
  • The term of the loan is up to 20 years.
  • When applying for a loan, the bank offers insurance for mortgaged real estate.
  • The base rate on a loan secured by real estate is 15.5 percent per year.
  • As collateral, you can provide apartments and houses, land plots, garages.
  • Complete absence of commission fees.

The table shows the rates in rubles that are valid for clients who receive a salary to a card / deposit account with Sberbank (salary clients).

The process of obtaining a loan

You can get a loan secured by Sberbank real estate only at the place of registration of the borrower. As customer reviews show, an application for a loan secured by real estate in Sberbank takes about 3-8 days (subject to the provision of all necessary documentation). Money is issued at a time at the bank's cash desk or transferred to the account of the recipient of the loan secured by the Sberbank apartment.

Real estate mortgage

Documents for obtaining a mortgage secured by real estate

To obtain a mortgage secured by existing real estate in Sberbank, it is important to provide the following documents:

  • Application from the borrower and his co-borrower.
  • Passport of the applicant, as well as the passport of the co-borrower with registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Documents that confirm the employment, financial solvency and employment of the borrower, co-borrower (2-NDFL, copy of the work book).
  • An entrepreneur, in order to take a loan secured by an apartment in Sberbank, will need to provide a 2-NFL certificate.
  • After the initial approval, documents for real estate are provided to the bank, both for collateral and for the purchased one.

Sberbank loan secured by an apartment conditions

  • The maximum amount in the case of mortgage lending from Sberbank is 40 million rubles.
  • The average interest rate is 14 percent.
  • A mortgage loan is issued for no more than 30 years (usually no more than 25 years).
  • If the mortgaged property is in poor condition or built a long time ago, the bank will not issue a large amount to purchase an apartment in a mortgage.
  • The amount provided by the bank covers no more than 85 percent of the purchased property.
  • Before the bank concludes a mortgage agreement with the borrower, the collateral real estate will be assessed. The procedure is carried out with the involvement of an independent expert.

The video discusses the features of obtaining a loan secured by real estate

real estate loan calculator

A loan secured by real estate in Sberbank is now issued on increasingly favorable terms. Using an online loan calculator, you can calculate the amount of debt repayments, interest, and also calculate the total amount that will need to be returned to Sberbank.

The Sberbank real estate loan calculator online will also help you find out approximate schedule payments. If you decide to take a loan secured by real estate in Sberbank, the calculator is very easy to use to calculate all the necessary payments. It is very easy to use it. To do this, you only need to fill in all the empty fields that a loan secured by real estate Sberbank calculator online calculator and click the "Calculate" button. In a couple of seconds, all the data you need will appear.

If you have any questions about obtaining a loan secured by real estate, write in the comments

Getting a loan secured by an apartment in a savings bank means getting a rather impressive amount of money. They can be used to purchase finished or under construction housing, as well as to buy a residential building. In each of these three cases, the bank will feel more than confident, since the collateral for the loan is highly liquid.

However, mortgage programs are not the only option when property owned by the borrower is accepted as collateral. For example, a client's real estate can serve as collateral for a loan for any consumer purposes. Max Volume Money, which Sberbank can issue in the described situation - 10 million rubles, 355 thousand US dollars or 250 thousand euros. At the same time, you need to understand that the transferred amounts are a kind of “ceiling”. That is, they can only be obtained if the property serving as collateral is in perfect condition.

Basic collateral requirements

When it comes to such large amounts, it is obvious that the bank puts forward a list of requirements for the described property. It is worth highlighting two main ones:

  • valuation of immovable collateral should be carried out according to the size of the loan that the borrower intends to take;
  • before the start of the transaction, permission to operate with a particular property must be given by the spouse of the borrower, as well as other co-owners (if any).

It is possible that a banking institution will wish to involve a solvent guarantor in the lending process. Such a guarantee without fail is made in writing.

How much loan can a borrower expect? IN best case by 70% of the value of the immovable object offered as security. Moreover, any of its (immovable object) variety is suitable for the bank: a residential building, a garage, an apartment or a piece of land.

Lending terms

Under what conditions does the mentioned banking institution lend? If we are talking about one of the mortgage programs described above, then the conditions for granting a loan are as follows:

  • down payment - from 10% to 30% (during the construction of a residential building minimum size the initial payment is 15% or more);
  • loan currency - Russian rubles, euros, US dollars;
  • maximum term lending - up to 30 years;
  • interest rate - depends on the size of the down payment and the term of the loan. In Russian rubles, it can vary from 9.5% per annum, in foreign currency - from 11% -11.5% per annum.

There are no commissions for issuing funds or maintaining a loan account.

If we talk about consumer credit, then the maximum loan term is much more modest - up to 7 years inclusive. Credit interest is 14.5% per annum or more in Russian rubles or 12.5% ​​per annum or more in foreign currency. There are also no commissions here. In addition, to complete the "requirement", the borrower must provide a minimum package of documents, which includes:

  • civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • questionnaire-application of the established sample for issuing a loan;
  • documents confirming the amount of official income and official employment.

In conclusion, it must be said that Sberbank of Russia has a very good loyalty program for a certain range of customers. It applies to those who have an account opened with this bank, to which wages or pensions.

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If you need a large amount of money, you can get a loan from Sberbank without any problems if you provide the bank with sufficient collateral. It can be real estate.

At the moment, real estate acts as collateral in almost all mortgage products of Sberbank. In this case, we are talking about the purchased apartment, house, plot, etc. , real estate bought with money provided by the bank is sold, or transferred to the disposal of Sberbank.

In a leading Russian bank, real estate can also become collateral if you need money for other money. In this situation, you can take a consumer loan secured by real estate, which is provided for up to seven years and has a low interest rate (compared to other consumer loans).

A loan secured by Sberbank real estate can be issued in large volumes - up to 10 million rubles. Of course, the size of the loan provided depends solely on the value of the object acting as security.

A loan can be issued in rubles, dollars or euros, while interest rates do not differ and amount to at least 12.5% ​​per annum. The minimum loan amount of this type is 1 million rubles or its equivalent in another currency, minimum term- 3 months.

The main requirements for real estate put forward by the bank are the compliance of its value with the size of the loan issued, the consent of the spouse or other co-owner of the object, or the existence of a contract from a third party if the property is owned by someone else.

If necessary, a written guarantee from a solvent person can be issued. The amount issued by the bank cannot exceed 70% of the appraised value of the property. Housing of any kind (apartment, house, townhouse), land, garage, etc. can serve as security.

Of course, a loan secured by real estate can only be issued to persons who meet the requirements of the bank. In particular, the age of the creditor must not be less than 21 years and more than 75 years. In this case, the time of repayment should fall on the able-bodied or retirement age. In addition, the registration period (if the residence permit is temporary) at the place of residence must end no earlier than the maturity date.

If the borrower works in any organization, he must be registered at the current place for at least 6 months. The total experience should not be less than a year over the past 5 years.

Interest rates on a loan depend on the currency in which the loan is provided, as well as on whether the lender participates in the Sberbank salary project or not. For those who receive a salary on an account opened with a bank, rates of 12.85% per annum in rubles and 12.05% in dollars apply, for those who do not participate - 14.25% and 13.4%, respectively.

In order to obtain a consumer loan of this type, you will need a minimum of documents. This is a passport, application form, certificates of employment or other documents confirming the declared level of income, as well as documents for real estate. If we are talking about residential real estate, documents are additionally provided confirming that the object is habitable.

A loan secured by real estate is issued within 45 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement and is repaid in equal installments within the terms established by the agreement. In this case, there is no commission for granting a loan.

It is no secret that many people work in commercial firms with double bookkeeping, so they cannot provide the relevant documents to the credit institution to confirm real income. In addition, there is a category of citizens who work at home unofficially, so they cannot confirm their income. Neither a mortgage nor any other type of loan is available to them. The only way to get money is a loan secured by real estate.

A mortgage loan is strictly targeted, must be accompanied by the implementation of several mandatory conditions. Its collateral mass is necessarily the acquired property. Non-purpose cash loan allows you to spend money on education, purchase of residential and commercial real estate, start or expand your own business and other activities. A targeted (mortgage) loan has a lower interest rate than a non-targeted one.

Reference! If there is at least one day of delay on any previous payment or if there is no certificate of official income, even if the collateral is liquid, it will not work to take a loan from Sberbank.

This means that Sberbank clearly monitors credit history any potential client, not only in his institution, but also in other banks.

It's important to know! The only apartment with an encumbrance, in which the borrower himself, his relatives and minor children, or real estate in shared ownership is registered, is not a subject of pledge.

Sberbank will not take the only housing as collateral. This requires another apartment, which is in full ownership without debts, shares and encumbrances, moreover, located in a relatively large city.

Features of non-targeted loan

The following real estate can serve as collateral for a general purpose loan:

  • apartment or share in it;
  • a detached house or together with a land plot;
  • town house;
  • land plot;
  • garage in a cooperative, or with a land plot;
  • commercial real estate.

Requirements for collateral real estate:

  • in compulsory ownership without encumbrance;
  • not dilapidated housing and not a house intended for demolition;
  • no utility bills;
  • has legal purity;
  • not the only object for living;
  • is not a pledge;
  • has a complete set of legal documents.

If at least one of the points does not match, Sberbank will not issue a loan.

Basic conditions for granting a loan

Loan issued individuals only in rubles.

It's important to know! With a low lending rate from 15.5% per annum, maximum size cannot exceed 60% of the value of the mortgaged property.

Lending terms:

  • return period up to 20 years;
  • the minimum amount is 500 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum amount is no more than 10 million rubles;
  • no more than 60% of the cost of the assessment is provided (in other banks this figure can reach 90%);
  • the interest rate is from 15.5% per annum, but has some nuances;
  • although a non-purpose loan is considered without confirmation, Sberbank obliges to confirm the total legal income with certificates of 2NDFL (sometimes 3NDFL);
  • are taken into account additional sources income subject to confirmation official documents(private practice, rental of housing or other existing real estate);
  • obligatory insurance of own collateral property by the borrower in accordance with existing legislation;
  • Sberbank obliges the borrower to take out life insurance (although this violates human rights, if this condition is not met, the bank reserves the right to refuse a loan);
  • a mortgage is issued for collateral and an encumbrance at the Registration Chamber, which is canceled upon full payment of the debt.

The main requirements for the borrower:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation, the presence of permanent or temporary registration (the loan repayment period must end before the end of temporary registration);
  • age range from 21 to 65 years (if documents confirming official employment are presented, then the repayment period is 75 years);
  • impeccable credit history;
  • lack of debt obligations;
  • at least six months of work experience at the last place of work with general experience from one year;
  • official income with documentary evidence;
  • it is desirable to have guarantors and co-borrowers, as well as additional sources of income.

With such high requirements, the bank is trying to protect itself from non-payment under the loan agreement.

Important! To confirm the application and obtain a positive decision by the credit institution, the client has the right to indicate the total family income of all working family members. Pensioners submit to the bank a certificate of accrual of pensions for the previous month. If you have additional income, you must indicate all confirmed income. Scholarships excluded. insurance payments, alimony, government benefits, promotional dividends and lottery winnings.

List of documents to be provided

In addition to identity documents (passport), 2NDFL certificate (sometimes a bank may require 3NDFL), work book, documents reflecting additional income, the borrower must provide:

    • bank statement of a standard form;
    • pensioners - provide a pension certificate;
    • men under 27 years of age provide a military ID;
    • title documents for real estate;
  • certificates from BTI and about the absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • documents of the estimated value of the collateral object;
  • consent of all family members and shareholders;
  • real estate insurance;
  • in the presence of minor children, it is necessary to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities;
  • information about the composition of the family.

Other documents may be required at the request of Sberbank.

Features of lending

With the officially declared interest rate, the bank retains the right to adjust this amount depending on the presence of dependents and the amount of the total family income. Features of a loan secured by real estate are as follows:

  • with a base rate of 15.5% for payroll card customers, there is an additional 1% surcharge for those who have not previously been served by a bank and do not receive a salary there, another 1% in case of refusal of life insurance;
  • the possibility of early repayment of the payment;
  • repayment by annuity payment, that is, in equal shares, taking into account accrued interest;
  • in case of complication of the financial situation, it is possible to refinance a loan from Sberbank and another credit institution;
  • It is possible to provide a loan to pensioners.

Before applying for this type of loan, you should carefully read the conditions of the credit institution and evaluate your potential opportunities. To do this, you can visit the bank itself and find out the details on the amount of the returned amount.

In addition, you can calculate the amount of the refund if you use the online calculator posted on the official website. Having entered the website of this credit institution, go to the "Loans" section, then click on the "Non-purpose loan secured by real estate" tab. The system takes the user to a page with a loan calculator. The user needs to fill in the required fields and start calculating the loan amount. But these are only approximate values. The exact ones will be carried out by the bank's specialists after the provision of all necessary documents.

Credit limits

The loan is not provided if the borrower is:

  • individual entrepreneur;
  • a manager or holds another managerial position with the right to sign financial documentation;
  • the owner of a small business or a member of a farm.

A loan is obtained at any branch of Sberbank at the location of the property or the borrower's residence.

Having assessed its potential financial capabilities, the borrower can apply online application on the Sberbank website or

contact your nearest branch. Once approved, the client begins collecting documentation. After submitting the documents, the application is considered within two weeks. If the decision is positive, the client receives the money.

Debt repayment methods

There are several repayment options and each client can choose the best method for himself:

  • using Sberbank Online;
  • directly at the nearest branch of the bank;
  • through any bank where an account is opened in the name of the borrower;
  • using a salary card or a card from another bank;
  • using Sberbank terminals;
  • through money transfer systems;
  • using electronic wallets or Qiwi terminals, and other payment systems.

Even with such stringent requirements, Sberbank only inspires confidence in any borrower and is a guarantor of the security of any financial transaction. And this security is especially relevant today, when unauthorized actions of collection agencies take place. And even if the amount of the deposit is less than in other banks, but each position is verified and thought out. Therefore, the size of the monthly payment will be realistically feasible without much difficulty.