Where to invest 10,000 rubles to earn. Buying securities backed by gold. Stable and safe types of investments

How to invest small money and not wait to win the lottery

Investments start from 1000₽

If you want to save money for a decent old age, but expect a big bonus from a company, an inheritance, or winning the lottery, you will meet old age in poverty. The terrible truth is that you will not have a chance to save a lot of money at once and go to spa resorts at 65. Never. And don't count on it. Even if you hit a big jackpot, you will spend it and not blink an eye.

Therefore, we will not wait until a million dollars fall on us, but we will invest a little money. Start-up capital for pensions in resorts - 1000 rubles. Let's start with her.

But first, let's learn the main rule - to postpone a little, but regularly. This develops a responsible attitude to money, the habit of not spending too much and a sense of pride in the right financial decisions. But these are just bonuses to the well-being that regular investment will bring.

How to invest 1000₽

It seems that investing such little money is pointless. But look at it from the other side: if you now have a free 1000 rubles, in the future you will have another one, then another and another. If you spend every free 1000 rubles, it will not bring long-term benefits. But if you save this money every time, it will become the basis of your financial well-being.

So, make this money work. You have 1000 rubles in your hands, here's how to invest it:

  1. Open a bank card with interest on the balance. If you already have one, do not be greedy, open another one specifically for long-term investment. It is unlikely that this will be a deposit in a large bank. Take a closer look at smaller banks that do not take money for issuing a card and offer a yield of 8-11% per annum. Some banks do not take money for the first year of service, this perfect option, because we can't spend much on maintenance yet.
  2. Every month put another 1000 rubles on the card. Here the law comes into force: it is more profitable to save a little, but regularly, than at once a large amount. If you do not open the card, but put money under the mattress during the year, at the end of the year you will have 12,000 rubles. But, if every month you transfer 1,000 rubles to a card with a monthly capitalization of interest and a yield of 10% per annum, at the end of the year you will receive 12,565.87 rubles due to compound interest.
  3. After a year with the accumulated amount, go to the next stage →

How to invest 10,000-15,000 rubles

Now that you have 12.5 thousand rubles, let's move on to more serious financial instruments. So far, our selection is rather limited. In addition, the amount is still small, so you need to keep an eye on the maintenance costs of investments. On the advice of financial advisors, they should not exceed 2% of the investment amount. Costs are commissions, annual account maintenance, subscription fees.

With 12,500 rubles, you can already open a brokerage account. But do not rush to invest in the shares of your favorite companies: this is too high-risk instrument for such an amount. Therefore, we advise you to invest it in indexes. For example, S&P 500 (ticker on the SPY exchange). The index includes shares of five hundred companies, its quotes are calculated as the arithmetic average of their value. Therefore, the risk of losing money is reduced: one company has failed, another has grown, on average, the fluctuations are small. Nevertheless, the indices consistently show good returns. As of December 1, the S&P 500 is up 12.08% since the start of 2014:

Screenshot of Google.finance

You may argue that this is about the same profitability that was in the bank, which means that it makes no sense to open a brokerage account and withdraw money to it. This is not true. With the purchase of an index, you invest in foreign companies, and investments do not depreciate due to currency fluctuations.

Buying an index will cost you about 11,000 rubles. At the same time, continue to save $1,000 each month at compound interest. And feel free to close the old card and open a new one to save on annual service. And revise the conditions on the card, perhaps in a year a new one will appear in another bank profitable proposition. Then go to it.

How to invest 50,000-100,000 rubles

With this amount, more financial instruments are opened to us. With them we will collect an interesting portfolio valuable papers and we will receive a constant passive income.

Financial consultants advise novice investors to equalize risks and collect portfolios of securities of 5-6 companies. Then the fall in quotes of one company will be uncritical even with a tiny increase in others. You should not buy shares of twenty companies at once if you are new to the stock market. Such complex portfolios are usually collected by experienced investors.

Novice investors are more likely to buy stocks than . It is worth taking a closer look at - the profit on them is usually less than on shares, but it is known in advance.

If you add a stock index to your portfolio, it will help equalize risk. In general, the indexes consistently show income every year. Although usually this income is lower than for shares. But there are fewer risks. Sharp drops in indices happen mainly only in times of crisis, because the index quotes reflect the general economic situation.

If you don't know how to build a portfolio, choose an entire industry you believe in and look at the portfolios brokers offer. For example, Tradernet contains portfolios of energy, pharmaceutical industry, retail, etc. Carefully study each company that is included in this portfolio, check its growth over the past 1-5 years and buy a ready-made portfolio if it suits you. The cost of such portfolios starts from about 50,000 rubles.

In general, due to the growth of the dollar in recent months Russian investors benefit from securities. Even if the value of shares rises slightly, due to the growth of the dollar, the portfolio of securities of American companies is gaining profitability.

Remember to keep an eye on investment costs and remember the 2% rule. Since we are talking about long-term investments, you will rarely make trades on the stock exchange. So, for a brokerage account, choose a tariff without a monthly fee: small commissions for transactions will cost less.

How to invest 1,000,000 rubles

If you have a million to invest, it's time to learn financial planning properly. It is best to contact a consultant. You will tell him about your financial goals, and he will help you invest the money correctly. - still a small amount to, for example, secure 15-20 years of decent old age. Therefore, they need to be managed wisely. So it's hard to give general tips need an individual approach.

In general, with a million, the same risk equalization rule applies to investments: you invest part in securities, part in currency, and part in gold. This will help you feel safe in any economic situation.

Fundamental rules

Let's repeat the basic rules of long-term investment:

  1. save a little, but regularly;
  2. keep track of investment costs, they should not exceed 2% of the investment amount;
  3. equalize risks;
  4. finally make time for yours. This will be your most important investment in your future well-being. Understand financial instruments, profitability, trading in the stock market.
  5. remember that investment financial well-being start from the first thousand rubles.

Since you have finished reading the article, take out a thousand from your stash right now (we know for sure that you have it) and put it on the card under. Do the same after a month. And keep it up for another year. Then you will want to save more, understand and secure a decent old age. But you need to start now.

The list of the most successful investments will help determine where it is better to place funds in order not only to beat the inflation rate and stay on your own, but also make good money.

Where to invest $10,000: 7 best projects

It should be said that all investment methods, which will be described below, are capable of generating profit and do not contradict Russian law.

REIT funds or a smart way to invest $10,000 in Russia and Ukraine

If you are thinking about where to invest $10,000 in Russia or Ukraine to earn money, then we recommend that you consider REIT funds. This type of investment is practically unknown to the general public in Russia, but is critically popular in the West, as it allows the local middle class to invest in expensive real estate.

The abbreviation REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust, which means Investment Trust. real estate. As the name implies, such a fund invests in the most valuable real estate located in the resort areas of the European Union.

The principle of operation of such an organization is very simple. Collective investments (money of equity holders) are used to purchase highly liquid real estate, which is rented out or resold at a profit.

The key feature of a REIT fund is that at least 90% (sometimes 100%) of all profits received goes to equity holders, and they are relieved of the need to pay taxes on the profits received.

The question of which is better, a bank deposit or a REIT fund, can be answered as follows. By investing free funds in such a fund, you can expect to receive 5-6% per annum in foreign currency. This is much more than any deposit or other type of investment in Russia. Suffice it to say that Sberbank offers only 1.3% per annum in foreign currency! By clicking on the link!!link to the topic Why do we give% more than in the bank!! you can get more detailed information about income.

In addition, the cost of liquid foreign real estate in the southern region of Europe is growing with enviable constancy, as you can see by clicking on the link!! link to the topic Prospects for the growth of overseas real estate!!.

Advantages of REIT funds

The main advantage is a high yield, which bank deposits are not able to provide. Thus, it is possible to protect money from inflation, and to make a considerable profit.

Also, the advantages include high liquidity, because a share of the fund can be sold much faster than a house or apartment. Do not forget about reliability, because for long time not one REIT fund has gone bankrupt.

Bank deposits as a way to save money

This is the classic and easiest way to invest $10,000. It is enough to contact a bank (state or private, at your own discretion), open a deposit and the money will start working without any of your participation.

As practice shows, it is best to opt for a large bank with state participation (Sberbank, VTB, etc.), as this will reduce the risk of losing money to an absolute minimum.

Recent events have shown that even large banks (UGRA) are not immune from sudden bankruptcy. Of course, the amount of $ 10,000 (about 600,000 rubles at the exchange rate for August 2017) is protected by law and will be paid under insurance in any case, but it’s better to save your nerve cells, which, as you know, do not recover.


Stability and reliability. Profit will be accrued without any participation of the investor.


Minimum profit. It will be enough to cover inflation, but it is difficult to call it earnings. For example, a deposit of $10,000 in VTB-24 will not exceed 1.45% per annum, which is three times less than the return on a REIT fund.

Naturally, 10 thousand dollars is not enough to buy one-room apartment even in the provinces, but this amount is more than enough to get a mortgage and purchase housing in this way. One of the most attractive areas for purchasing real estate is Northern Cyprus, this moment REITINVEST can offer you to become the owner of an apartment in Northern Cyprus with a down payment of 25% of the property value + installment plan for 2 years. Apartment example: Average height the value of real estate in Northern Cyprus is about 6-7% per annum.

Having bought an apartment, you can start renting it out. How less term rent, the higher the profit, but also the greater the involvement in this business. The most profitable option is to rent real estate by the day, but this will require living nearby and populating and evicting clients every day.

Do not forget that taxes must be paid on rent, and the tax police may have certain questions if you do not officially register your activities.

Advantages of buying property:

100% protection against inflation, since apartments will always be in price, and by selling housing you can return the money spent. Good profit if you rent an apartment by the day. Moderate profit if rented monthly.


To get a big profit, you need to work as a hotel employee. If you rent a room on a monthly basis, then the income will be extremely small. There may be problems with the tax authorities.

Where you can invest $ 10,000: opening an online store.

Trade in the global network is developing by leaps and bounds. According to experts, by 2020, online shopping and traditional retail will be equal and will bring the same profit.

It is best to focus the business on trade in goods from China. Special shop electronics and household appliances"Made in China", shop good tea and goods for the tea ceremony - all this can be done by having a large supplier with Aliexpress.

$10,000 is more than enough to buy quality online store and rent a small warehouse for goods.

However, if you engage in online trading on your own, then this will require considerable effort and constant employment.

Advantages of an online store:

Completely legal and promising business. If you get into the flow, you can earn good money, and in a few years, double or even triple the initial capital invested.

Disadvantages of your own online store:

Permanent employment. If you are engaged in a store in the global network on your own and without assistants, then this will become the main activity, and will not leave time for other types of business.

Cryptocurrency mining farm is a new promising direction where you can invest $10,000

Bitcoins, Leitcoins and Ethereum - virtual money that caused gold rush 21st century. Today it is difficult to find a person under the age of 25 who would not try to engage in “bitcoin farming”.

But not everyone can really make money on this. The fact is that in order to make good money on the extraction of cryptocurrencies, significant initial investments are required. An ordinary household computer is definitely not enough. It is best to purchase a specialized motherboard with a large number of PCI-E connectors, 5-9 powerful video cards and an excellent 1 kilowatt power supply.

Such equipment will cost (including video cards that have jumped in price) several thousand dollars. Assembly and subsequent farm setup will be required. If available necessary skills, then you can configure it yourself, but it is better to use the services of a specialist.

However, do not forget that this is not the only investment. The farm must operate 24 hours a day without shutting down, and this will require a significant amount of electrical energy which will have to be paid.


With a successful combination of circumstances, you can earn a lot of money every month, and recapture investments in 3-4 months. In the future, the farm will only bring profit.


Food and drink vending machines - actual business

This direction is actual business where you can invest $10,000 and get good income Quality vending machine installed in right place capable of bringing in a hundred thousand rubles a month. If you install such a machine in mall, near the checkpoint large plant or close to the institute, then it will be able to pay for itself in 2 months.

Currently, you can buy machines that sell soft drinks, chocolate bars, coffee, tea, and even instant noodles.

The cost of a vending machine is up to 300 thousand rubles, but most devices are cheaper. Do not forget that the cost column should include renting a place for a vending machine in a shopping center, which can cost more than the device itself.

It is best to have lemonade vending machines for the summer trade, and coffee and tea machines for the cold season. This will help you earn decent money all year round.

Advantages of vending machines:

High profit, excellent payback. Lightness and ease of maintenance.

Disadvantages of this direction:

Profit entirely depends on the place where the device will be installed. If this is a place with a large number of people passing by, then the income will not be long in coming. If the flow of people is small, then one cannot count on a quick payback.

Buying precious metals is a worthwhile option

Gold, silver and platinum are the most stable precious metals and should be considered as a $10,000 investment. If oil and gas prices are constantly changing, and the exchange rate depends on a dozen factors, and can collapse in an unfavorable political situation.

Do not forget that the aforementioned precious metals are used not only for the manufacture of coins and jewelry. It's hard to believe, but the vast majority precious metals goes to the production of expensive electronics. This is especially true of silver, the value of which has tripled over the past ten years, and there is always a shortage of it on the exchange, which creates a shortage and an increase in value.

At this point in time, trading in gold, silver and platinum is absolutely legal, and you can buy them in any major bank absolutely freely. Moreover, the purchased metal can be left in the bank for storage free of charge (Sberbank) or for a nominal fee (VTB-24).

Gold and silver are not growing in price as fast as bitcoin, but their growth is stable, transparent and completely justified. Ideal as a long-term and passive investment.

Advantages of precious metals as an investment object

Disadvantages of buying precious metals

When selling precious metals, VAT will be taken (18% of the total value of the proceeds), therefore, this direction can be considered as an option where to invest $ 10,000 only for a period starting from 4 years to compensate for both the VAT deduction and the accumulated inflation.

Summing up

And no matter what type of investment, where to invest $10,000 in Russia or Ukraine, you choose, it will bring a stable and absolutely legal income that allows you to earn even in a long-term financial crisis. For more in-depth study investment topics, we recommend that you study the materials from our headings "" and "".

Thinking about it where to invest 10000 rubles, you should understand that at your disposal is a considerable amount that can bring a good income. But, in any investment option, there are certain risks that need to be studied very carefully, comparing with the amount of probable profit, then you can invest 10,000 rubles, being sure of the justification decision, security of own savings and savings. Explore everything available options, compare them by key parameters. This will only allow the right decision.

Plan your investments correctly

Deciding to invest, decide on your own capabilities and desires. To make investing easier, designate the following for yourself:

  • availability of skills and knowledge in certain areas. Of course, it is better to invest in sectors in which you are well versed. This will greatly increase the chances of success;
  • priority method. By choosing the passive option, you do not need to take Active participation in the process, it is enough to control the profitability of transactions;
  • willingness to take risks and expectations of return on investment. The higher the risk, the larger the profit in case of success;
  • preferred payback period. It ranges from several days to several months.

Important! Immediately focus on choosing several areas of investment. We are talking about risk diversification, which helps to reduce the likelihood of losing all investments..

Now consider all the options that allow invest 10,000 rubles and earn income.

Investing in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is considered one of the most risky and promising areas. To evaluate the profitability, study the history of the development of bitcoin - digital coins, the value of which rose from 30 cents to $ 10,000 in a few years. Of course, not all types of cryptocurrencies are waiting for such prospects. Some of them disappear from the market as quickly as they appeared. But, with proper forecasting and careful study of this topic, there is an opportunity to reduce risks.

  • purchase of coins for the purpose of subsequent sale through certain time after a significant price increase. The difference in price will be considered as income;
  • regular transactions for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies for speculative earnings on the difference in rates. Here it is worth choosing digital coins, the price of which is characterized by significant fluctuations, but has a general positive trend;
  • cloud mining. You rent computing power for the extraction of digital coins, you do it through one of the specialized sites. Independent mining on your own equipment in most cases is not relevant. You can sell the mined coins or use them for other purposes;
  • investment in ICO. We are talking about financing new projects that are just being introduced to the market. You buy crypto coins at the lowest price, after which you can sell them for more after a certain time. Riskiness, as well as profitability, reach high marks. Cryptocurrency can disappear from everyday life very quickly without gaining popularity.

thinking where to invest 10000 rubles, choosing promising project, look at such moments: the life of coins on the market, market capitalization, exchange rate changes, expert forecasts.

Mutual funds as one of the best solutions

Mutual investment funds are organizations to which private investors transfer their own assets for trust management. Manage cash qualified specialists, investing in promising instruments: stocks, real estate, currency markets, etc. All profits are divided between the managing organization and investors. Investors receive income in proportion to the amount of investment. The latter is determined by the number of shares - registered securities, giving the right to part of the organization's profits.

The benefits include:

  • low risks. The activities of most mutual funds are controlled by the state, so the likelihood of fraud is minimized;
  • wide selection. You have the opportunity to find a mutual fund operating in a priority area, offering suitable conditions cooperation;
  • high yield. Depending on the choice of the managing organization and the volume of investments, the amount of profit can reach 40-100% per annum;
  • no need to participate in the activities of the mutual fund.

To make the right choice, you need to approach the search for the right mutual fund with all the inherent responsibility. Be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • duration of activities in this area;
  • areas with which a particular organization works;
  • minimum entry threshold;
  • terms of cooperation: the amount of the manager's commission, the frequency of withdrawal of funds;
  • position in the rating of mutual funds in terms of reliability;
  • the number of investors and the amount of payments made;
  • investor feedback.

We're talking about where to invest 10 thousand, so you can invest all the money in one fund or distribute it among several organizations. Of course, experts advise working with 2-4 mutual funds in order to minimize the riskiness of transactions.

Binary options and PAMM accounts

Two more options for organizing trust management of capital. The main difference is the way to generate income:

  • binary options - here on specialized exchanges deals are made where you need to predict the price movement of a certain instrument, for example, a currency. If successful, it is possible to make a profit of up to 80-85%. If the forecast turns out to be incorrect, the trader loses the money that he put;
  • PAMM accounts are needed to work on the Forex market. Currency transactions are also carried out here, they are of a speculative nature. Traders open accounts on special exchanges that guarantee the safety and intended use of investors' funds. Payments are made in proportion to the contributions made, minus the manager's commission.

Both options are popular and actively used in the field of investment. the main task investor - choose a reliable trader with special knowledge and many years of experience. To make the right decision, you should study the statistics, ratings and reviews of other investors.

Regardless of what you are planning - or binary options, you need to responsibly choose the platform on which transactions will be concluded. There are a lot of scammers in this area who provide false information in order to embezzle other people's money.

Investments in sports betting

A rather risky investment method, so it should not be taken as the main method of investment. Of course, if successful, it is possible to get up to 85% of the initial investment. But, it is worth remembering that bookmakers, just like investors, are interested in the profitability of their activities, so they will not pay just like that. There are more or less conscientious organizations. To find them, you need to study a large amount of thematic materials, ratings and reviews of experienced investors. When placing bets, you should use several offers.

In order for your forecasts to have good prospects, it is important to pay attention to:

  • list of playing teams;
  • changes in the coaching and command staff;
  • results of past games;
  • venue of the match;
  • composition of the bench;
  • forecasts of experts and analysts.

Important! On the Web, you may encounter offers of paid forecasts, promises of their veracity. It should be understood here that even the most experienced specialist cannot guarantee 100% success in this area.

Gold as an investment object

You can do it in several ways. Consider the main areas of investment:

  • purchase of gold coins. It is characterized by low profitability, refers to long-term investment methods, because it pays off after a significant period of time. The cost of the coin itself includes a fee for its manufacture, which must immediately be deducted from the profit. In order for such investments to bring a good income, experts recommend paying attention to collectible coins. In addition to the cost of the metal itself, they have a certain artistic value;
  • purchase of ingots and transfer to the bank for storage. This option also has many disadvantages. In particular, the same costs for the manufacture of an ingot. You need to buy gold only at the bank where you plan to store it, because otherwise you will have to pay for the examination. You can store ingots at any time;
  • the best option for organizing investment will be an impersonal metal account. Here you acquire the metal formally, its weight and characteristics are indicated only on paper. This eliminates all associated costs that reduce the profitability of investments. The contract is concluded for a certain period of time, after which the depositor receives cash. If he terminates the agreement ahead of schedule, the bank charges large sums commissions.

It remains to be decided whether you want invest 10,000 rubles in this direction. This option is considered the least risky, because gold continues to rise in price. Instead, the amount of return is negligible compared to other ways of investing.

Bank deposit

This is another reliable investment option. You can increase the level of security to the highest possible level by choosing a large and time-tested bank. But, the profitability of such investments is very small, it is 8-12% per annum. So it is easy to calculate that the amount will increase by a maximum of 1% per month.

Bank deposits are chosen by those who are not ready to risk their own savings, set themselves main goal- save money.

The profitability of the transaction can be increased by using one of the promotional offers that operate in banks quite often. But, they are usually limited in time. Also, the search takes a lot of effort.

Business financing

Continuing to talk about where to invest 10,000 rubles, note entrepreneurial activity. Of course, large projects should not be considered. But you can explore more simple sentences and even go into business on their own. Some examples of good ideas include:

  • jewelry making;
  • tailoring of felt cases for mobile devices and laptops;
  • making souvenirs;
  • breeding budgerigars at home.

Important! There is an opportunity to become a co-founder of an online store, receiving income in proportion to the contribution made. Electronic trading platforms are quite popular and proper organization jobs are making a good profit..

Investing in shares

Owning the sum of money, you can safely do domestic companies. Having bought securities, they just need to be sold after a while, when the value of the instruments reaches the required levels. The more actively the company develops, the faster the securities that it has issued rise in price.

To orientate yourself in this issue, you should carefully consider the rating lists of companies with the highest investment attractiveness. It remains to choose one of them.

Thinking about where to invest 10,000 rubles to earn, remember that stocks are quite risky investment instruments. To reduce risks, you should work with offers from several companies.

How successful can you invest 10,000 rubles

We have considered only the most popular investment methods available to people who own the specified amount of money. But even this is enough to appreciate the breadth of available opportunities.

It is important to understand that the task of each investor is to preserve and increase funds, reduce existing risks. To do this, experts recommend following these tips:

  • choose well-known directions for investment;
  • allocate capital in several directions to diversify risks;
  • use rating tables, statistics, reviews of experienced investors.

The more responsibly you approach investing, the more likely you are to receive the desired profit.

Greetings to all visitors and readers of the blog "". I decided to think about making money online. It all started with the fact that I looked into the statistics to see what requests people come to my blog for. And I saw one interesting request like - how to invest 10,000 rubles in order to earn even more. Of course, most likely the person was interested in working schemes for depositing money, such as at interest or something else. But since my mind is in recent times imprisoned for making money on websites, I decided right here to figure out how to profitably invest 5 or 10 thousand rubles in order to start earning. Well, let's count, let's guess? Suddenly something interesting and promising will turn out :-) You yourself understand that what more money invest in sites - the more you will earn. And what is important - the faster you will start earning normal amounts. So let's go, let's think about how and in what you can invest money for a webmaster in order to "recapture" it as soon as possible and start earning.

Scheme 1.
There are 5000 rubles available.
The task is an effective investment of money, the creation of a working site, on which the invested money "beats back" and passive income begins to drip.

Step 1.
Site creation. Everything is clear here - if only 5k rubles are available, then you will create the site yourself. Most likely it will be a blog on WordPress or Joomla, it all depends on what you know best. So, the creation of the site - on your own. Costs - 100 rubles for a domain and 540 for hosting (payment immediately for six months on ). In total, the creation of the site cost us 640 rubles. On the balance - 4360.

Step 2
Compiling the semantic core of the site is the most important thing in creating a site for making money. The semantic core is a group of queries for which you will receive traffic from search engines. By the way, since we have a small amount on hand, we will not take a competitive topic, we will limit ourselves to non-commercial topics. For example, let's create a women's site - that's it for making money. So, correct compilation semantic core - the service is paid, it costs about 600 rubles for 20-30 queries. It is worth saying that 30 queries are enough for a good start, these are 30 optimized articles, very powerful. So we order the compilation of a semantic core - 700 rubles. On the balance - 3660 rubles. Money is melting)) You can, of course, pick up the requests yourself, but this process is very complicated.

Step 3
Content for the site (articles). Since we have a meager amount, we will write the articles ourselves. When writing articles, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for writing optimized articles, because you can’t catch up with traffic with regular articles.
Of course, you can throw the rest of the money on articles, but then we won’t have anything left for promotion, and therefore we write articles ourselves, I think writing 30 articles for certain requests is not a problem if you firmly decide to start making money on the site.

So, what we have is a ready-made blog, 30 SEO articles on it and 3660 rubles for promotion. By the way, you need to promote the site after at least 2 months, so for the first 2 months your task is to create a blog, upload 30 SEO articles, it is very desirable to dilute the optimized articles with regular articles on women's topics. So we write 15 more ordinary articles, we link from them with the necessary anchors to the SEO of the article.

After 2-2.5 months, the estimated traffic, even without promotion, will be 100-150 people (subject to the presence of 30 optimized articles). Then we start moving forward.

We have 3660 in stock, not enough for all articles, so we choose the most promising ones that have already begun to receive traffic from search engines. Let's say that there will be 10 articles, queries in the articles - about 1000 according to wordstat. It turns out that we spend 360 rubles for 1 article. By the way, if a request has a frequency of up to 1000, then it will take about 200-300 rubles to promote it to the top 5 search engines, depending on the competition. But after all, we took low-competitive requests that are easily promoted. Why did we pay 700 rubles for semantics)) By the way, it’s best to promote on the Rotapost exchange - it’s inexpensive there, and there are a lot of women’s sites there.

As a plus, it can be noted that for the first time you can promote with cheap links worth from 20 to 40 rubles. When the site reaches a normal income, we spend part of the income on high-quality, expensive links from Goget. This is mandatory if you want the site to gain trust and develop, to be trusted by search engines.

So, without promotion, we have 100 uniques after 2-2.5 months, after promoting 10-15 requests to the top 5, the estimated traffic to the blog is 500-700 people per day. This will happen no earlier than in 3-4 months.

Well, now actually earnings.
A women's blog with a traffic of 600 people earns an average of 5-6 thousand rubles.
Earnings come mainly from female teasers, and also a little from the context. As you can see, having invested 5,000 rubles, after 4 months we “beat them off” and we have a working site that brings stable money. By the way, the site is developing and if you continue to invest half of its earnings in the site for another 3 months, then in 8 months the attendance will be 1500-2000, and this is quite good money, about 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. Here is some information for you to think about, if you think that I made all this up, then I can assure you that this is not so. My experimental site on the subject of treasure hunting convinced me that investments are not only necessary, they are simply necessary. At the moment, attendance there is 1500, so he already earns normal money. That is why I created several projects, one of which is a women's site, the development of which will be carried out according to this scheme, taking into account the fact that the investment of money will be in another 2 months. While the site is 3 weeks old, there are 14 articles, traffic is 10 people a day .

Well, now let's take a quick look at how to invest 10,000 rubles in order to earn even more.
Hosting + domain = 600 rubles.
Semantics = 600 rubles.
Seo-articles from copywriters - 150 rubles per article (copywriters will gladly write a slightly optimized article), if desired, add keywords. We order 20 articles = 3000 rubles.

Total costs - 4200, 5800 remain for promotion - this is very good money for promotion, the expected increase in traffic is at least 1500 uniques per day. Earnings - 8000-10000 rubles per month. Approximate time achievement of the goal - 5-7 months. So - by investing 10k rubles, you can promote your blog much faster and start mowing cabbage, but for poor moneymakers (I include myself among them), option number 1 is quite acceptable.

One way or another, do not expect to start making money IMMEDIATELY, this will not happen. To reach an income of at least 5,000 rubles per month, you will need at least 5-6 months. And this is in a favorable situation, there is always a chance that Yandex will start pressing you, apply some kind of filter, or even exclude you from the index. Therefore, when promoting the site, focus on Google, it is stable. But the whole trick is that Google is very slowly promoting the site, the first month the site is in the "sandbox", with my female site I feel it very much)) But Yandex can immediately take the bull by the horns and start giving traffic even without buying links . And then also famously select everything. Therefore, in order not to cry bitter tears - download traffic from Google, and then Yandex will catch up and you will be in chocolate.

Remember, without investing money, making money is very difficult and very slow. Which way to go is up to you to decide based on your desires and, first of all, on your capabilities. Good luck in moneymaking, colleagues.

In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a moment when income exceeds expenses and a certain free amount of money is on hand, for example, 10,000 rubles. Someone will think how small it is, and easily spend them this coming weekend. But there are those who think about the future, trying to make every ruble work for them. This is the correct position.

Experts in the field of economics have identified several sectors that are profitable even with minimal investment.

  • Purchase of shares;
  • bank deposits;
  • Purchase of precious metals;
  • Investment in mutual funds;
  • lend at interest;
  • Investing in a PAMM account.

You can successfully invest even 10,000 rubles and receive passive income from them.

Stable and safe types of investments

Bank deposits. Opening a deposit is a public means to save and increase personal funds. The lower limit for opening a deposit varies from 1,000 to 100,000 rubles in almost all banks.

It is beneficial to invest 10,000 rubles in opening a bank deposit in the first place in order to save this amount.

The annual profit of such an investment will be about 700-1100 rubles, depending on the chosen financial institution and the interest rate on the deposit. Guaranteed state insurance of bank deposits makes this species investment safe.

Buying precious metals. This method of investing money is the oldest and most reliable. Precious metals such as gold, platinum, silver, palladium, etc. have always had high liquidity.

If the question is where to invest 10,000 rubles, the answer is simple - buy investment coins made of precious metals. You will not have to pay VAT and make additional expenses in the form of renting a bank cell, as when buying bullion.

It is not recommended to open a metal bank account, as such accounts are not insured by the state. In case of any problems (for example, revocation of a license from a bank), it will be impossible to return your money back.

Investing in mutual funds. Financial analysts are confident in the positive returns and stability of investments in mutual funds. This is due to the fact that the activities of such funds are strictly regulated by law.

The minimum cost of a share in many mutual funds is 1000-15000 rubles.

Competent Management Company it is profitable to invest your money and help you get the planned income. Mutual funds can provide a sufficient degree of capital protection and right choice fund to bring a good income. The profit will be 15-25% per annum of the invested amount.

Buying shares. With free money in the amount of 10,000 rubles, you can invest in the development of any promising company. Buying several shares will allow you to receive good dividends in the future.

The advantage of this investment is that you can invest in an enterprise located in the city where the investor lives. This makes it possible to learn firsthand all the information about the profitability and success of the selected joint-stock company.

Innovative and risky investments

Real estate investment. It has always been profitable to buy houses, summer cottages, etc. Can be rented out or resold if needed for more high price. Of course, you won’t be able to buy something significant for 10,000 rubles, but if you live in small towns, you can try next way investment.

You can rent a house for 10,000 rubles a month, and then rent it out daily or hourly. With good demand, you can get a good profit, but this method is risky because the official landlord may not like this method of secondary hiring.

lend at interest. A good type of investment activity that requires certain moral qualities from the investor. During the crisis of the economy credit history of Russians is spoiled and, accordingly, the demand for lending in small amounts from individuals is growing.

This method carries certain risks, since the human factor can play a role.

You can invest 10,000 rubles in borrowing them for a private person at interest if you use specialized sites operating in each city. People in need of borrowed money find their lender and take money at a specified percentage (25-50%) and a receipt.

Investing in PAMM accounts. You can entrust your savings to a hired trader who, having stock trading skills, will be able to profitably manage your money. Depending on the contract, the profit is divided in half or otherwise (40/60, 30/70).

A profitable and reliable PAMM account can be chosen based on the duration of the broker's work in the financial market and on customer reviews and data on financial profitability ratings.

So, the question of where to invest 10,000 rubles has been resolved - everyone chooses for himself the most acceptable option cash investments.