Novosibirsk Clinical Hospital. GBUZ NSO "Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital"

Type of ownership: State

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GBUZ NSO "State Novosibirsk Regional clinical Hospital was organized in 1939. Currently, in terms of the volume and capabilities of the provided medical and diagnostic care, it is one of the largest multidisciplinary medical institutions not only in the Siberian Federal District, but also Russian Federation. hallmark hospitals are operating on its base 15 specialized centers: regional perinatal center, Regional Vascular Center No. 2, diagnostic center, Regional Center for Laboratory Medicine, Novosibirsk Interterritorial Burn Center, Nephrological Center, Center for High-Dose Chemotherapy of Hemoblastoses, Center multiple sclerosis and others autoimmune diseases nervous system, center of neurology and neurosurgery, children's asthma center, children's cardio-rheumatological center, children's nephrourological center, regional scientific and practical center transplant coordination, coloproctology center, trauma center first level. In the centers existing in the hospital, residents of the Novosibirsk region can receive modern high-tech and highly specialized medical care for all major diseases. Medical departments of the hospital, united in specialized clinics(therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, anesthesiology and resuscitation, obstetrics and gynecology), inpatient medical care in them receives more than 40.5 thousand patients annually. The hospital performs more than 30 thousand surgical interventions per year. Many of the operations are high-tech types of medical care: unique operations on the liver and pancreas; correction birth defects development in children; kidney and liver transplantation; orthopedic correction of limb deformities; angioplasty for severe vascular diseases; implantation of pacemakers; complex reconstructive plastic surgery for tumors and injuries of the facial skull; microsurgical operations in otorhinolaryngology; joint arthroplasty; vascular prosthetics, etc. Medical and diagnostic departments of the hospital, including the department laboratory diagnostics and diagnostic center, provide more than 3.8 million diagnostic tests per year, many of which are of the latest generation. The structure of the diagnostic center of the hospital also includes a consultative and diagnostic polyclinic for 700 visits per shift in 34 specialties, providing advisory assistance to 152 thousand patients per year, as well as an emergency and planned consultative care department that performs about 20 thousand consultations of the most difficult in the regions of the region categories of patients per year. The hospital houses 17 departments of the Novosibirsk State Medical University, 48 chief specialists of the region work. Currently, the hospital employs about 2,800 employees, of which 650 are doctors and 1,080 are secondary medical workers. Among the hospital staff, about 110 have doctoral and candidate degrees medical sciences, 17 people were awarded the honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", the title "Excellent Health Worker" - 26 people, two employees - the title "Honored Health Worker", 80% of doctors and 60% of nurses have qualification categories. The hospital is a center for training and advanced training of medical workers in the Novosibirsk region. The hospital staff, together with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Novosibirsk State Medical University, is conducting research work on the main problems of clinical medicine. GBUZ NSO "SNOKB" is the organizer of scientific and practical conferences and symposiums of the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

Russia, Novosibirsk, st. Nemirovich-Danchenko, 130


    Surgeon / Obstetrician / Gynecologist / Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics / Endoscopist / Neonatologist / Anesthesiologist / Resuscitator / Pediatrician / Neurologist / Pulmonologist / Endocrinologist / Gastroenterologist / Radiologist / Diagnostics (laboratory and instrumental) / Nurse/ Neurosurgeon / Cardiologist / Cardiac surgeon / Traumatologist / Orthopedist / Ophthalmologist / Thoracic surgeon / Oncologist / Mammologist / Urologist / Dentist / Transfusiologist / Nephrologist / Plastic surgeon / Allergist / Psychiatrist / Radiologist /


    Obstetrician / Gynecologist / Therapist / Allergist / Immunologist / Pulmonologist / Cardiologist / Gastroenterologist / Rheumatologist / Endocrinologist / Nutritionist / Neurologist / Hematologist / Nephrologist / Pediatrician / Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT) / Ophthalmologist / Diagnostics (laboratory and instrumental) / Radiologist / Doctor of ultrasound diagnostics / Endoscopist / Audiologist / Surgeon / Traumatologist / Orthopedist / Thoracic surgeon / Proctologist / Neurosurgeon /

State medical institutions

Licenses LO-54-01-002844, series LO-54-01 000673 dated 09/05/2014
Chief Physician: Yudanov Anatoly Vasilyevich
Candidate of Medical Sciences. Honored Doctor of Russia. Chief Surgeon Novosibirsk region and Siberian Federal District.
Work experience in healthcare - 32 years.

GNOKB is one of the largest diversified medical institutions Russian Federation and the largest regional hospital in the Siberian Federal District.

Hospital capacity

Today, the structure of the Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital has 47 specialized medical departments, which are combined into specialized clinics (therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, anesthesiology and resuscitation, obstetrics and gynecology).

The bed fund of the hospital is 1445 units. More than 48,000 patients receive medical care at the SNOCB hospital every year. About 38 thousand operations are performed in surgical departments.

high medical technology

At present, all directions are represented in the SNOKB modern medicine: the hospital is a regional center of high medical technology, occupying a leading position in terms of the types and volumes of specialized, including high-tech, care provided.

The clinics of the Novosibirsk Regional Hospital provide treatment in 18 profiles of high-tech medical care:
. abdominal surgery;
. obstetrics and gynecology;
. gastroenterology;
. combustiology;
. neurosurgery;
. neonatology and pediatric surgery;
. oncology;
. otolaryngology;
. ophthalmology;
. pediatrics;
. rheumatology;
. cardiovascular surgery;
. thoracic surgery;
. traumatology and orthopedics;
. transplantology;
. urology;
. Maxillofacial Surgery;
. endocrinology.
Types of medical care provided

Surgical clinic has modern operating equipment, which allows performing both abdominal and minimally invasive surgical interventions in the field of general, reconstructive, plastic, endoscopic surgery.

Among the surgical interventions performed are: correction of congenital malformations in children, kidney and liver transplantation (including related), correction of limb deformities, microsurgical operations for aneurysms of the cerebral arteries and arteriovenous malformation, endoscopic and microsurgical interventions for lesions of the spine, joint arthroplasty , opto-reconstructive interventions in diseases of the cornea, surgical interventions on the vitreous body and retina, stenting and balloon vasodilation, angioplasty in severe vascular diseases, complex treatment diabetic foot, liver resection using transplantation technologies, reconstructive plastic surgery for tumors and injuries of the facial skull, microsurgical interventions in otorhinolaryngology.

Therapeutic clinic is actively collaborating on scientific research and introduction of new medical technologies with scientific institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In departments of a therapeutic profile apply modern technologies treatment coronary disease hearts, arterial hypertension, acute disorders cerebral circulation, violations heart rate, myocarditis, endocarditis; diagnostics and treatment of viral hepatitis, portal hypertension, ischemic disease of organs abdominal cavity; treatment of hemoblastoses and lymphoproliferative diseases; diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, complex therapy of allergic dermatoses, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma; diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy; therapy for Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, pituitary dwarfism, "empty" sella syndrome.

Regional Vascular Center2 was opened on the basis of the therapeutic clinic of the Novosibirsk Regional Hospital in April 2013. It includes an emergency cardiology department with a block intensive care and resuscitation, a neurological department for patients with stroke with an intensive care unit and resuscitation and a department of X-ray surgical methods of treatment and diagnosis. The task of the RSC is to provide emergency specialized, including high-tech, medical care to patients with acute coronary syndrome and acute violation cerebral circulation.

Pediatric clinic The Novosibirsk Regional Hospital has extensive experience in the intensive care of newborns with severe forms of congenital infections; treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, kidney disease in children. The clinic provides assistance to children with epilepsy, neuroinfections, perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis.

At the obstetrics and gynecology clinic the main areas are organ-preserving operations for multiple fibromyoma of the uterine body in women reproductive age; reconstructive surgery for malformations reproductive organs; urogynecology (stress urinary incontinence); pediatric gynecology. Delivery of pregnant women with severe obstetric pathology: disorders of the blood coagulation system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, genitourinary system with endocrine pathology.

The success of the surgical, therapeutic, pediatric and obstetric-gynecological clinics of the Regional Hospital in to a large extent ensured high level anesthesiology and resuscitation care. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Service constantly improves and optimizes the methods of postoperative pain relief, respiratory support and respiratory rehabilitation programs, clinical nutrition in intensive care, actively practices blood-saving technologies during surgical interventions.

Specialists of the anesthesiology and resuscitation service of the Novosibirsk Regional Hospital, together with neonatologists, have extensive and successful experience in nursing newborns with low and extremely low body weight.

17 specialized centers operate on the basis of the SNOKB:
. Diagnostic center;
. Interterritorial burn center;
. Regional Children's Asthma Center;
. Regional children's cardio-rheumatological center;
. Regional Children's Nephrology Center;
. Regional Coloproctological Center;
. Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Transplant Coordination;
. Regional Nephrological Center;
. Regional perinatal center;
. Regional rheumatological center;
. Regional Center for High-Dose Chemotherapy for Hemoblastoses;
. Regional Center for Laboratory Medicine;
. Regional Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery;
. Regional Center for Multiple Sclerosis and Other Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System;
. Regional endocrinological center;
. Regional Vascular Center 2;
. Trauma center of the first level.

Diagnostic center The Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital and the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics perform about 4.5 million studies per year (laboratory, functional, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic), a significant part of which is carried out using the latest generation technologies and expert-class equipment.

In the consultative and diagnostic polyclinic GNOKB doctors of 65 specialties annually provide more than 200,000 consultations to residents of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region.

The availability of specialized medical care for the population of rural areas is also ensured through the work departments of planned and emergency consultative assistance(air ambulance), whose doctors conduct over 20 thousand consultations of the most severe categories of patients per year.

The Novosibirsk Regional Hospital is the clinical base for 16 departments of the Novosibirsk State Medical University. 43 chief specialists of the region work here.
Personnel composition

The staff of the SNOKB is about 2,600 people, including more than 600 doctors and more than 1,000 paramedical workers. 100 employees of the hospital have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of medical sciences, 19 doctors were awarded the honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", 50 specialists - the title of "Excellent Health Worker", 6 employees have the title of "Honored Health Worker", 50% of doctors and 50% of medical sisters have qualification categories.

GBUZ NSO "GNOKB" is a regional methodological center for the organization of healthcare, acts as an organizer of scientific and practical conferences and symposiums of the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

The State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital was founded in 1939. Currently, in terms of the volume and capabilities of the provided medical and diagnostic care, it is one of the largest multidisciplinary medical institutions not only in the Siberian Federal District, but also in the Russian Federation.

On the basis of the hospital there are 16 specialized centers:

  • Novosibirsk Interterritorial Burn Center,
  • Regional Nephrological Center,
  • Regional Center for High-Dose Chemotherapy of Hemoblastoses,
  • Regional Center for Multiple Sclerosis and Other Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System,
  • Regional Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery,
  • Regional Children's Asthma Center,
  • Novosibirsk Regional Scientific and Practical Center for Transplant Coordination,
  • Regional Perinatal Center,
  • Regional Vascular Center No. 2,
  • diagnostic center,
  • Regional Center for Laboratory Medicine,
  • Regional Coloproctological Center,
  • Trauma center of the first level,
  • Regional Children's Cardio-Rheumatological Center,
  • Regional children's nephrourological center.



The medical departments of the hospital are combined into specialized clinics (therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, anesthesiology and resuscitation, obstetrics and gynecology). More than 45.0 thousand patients annually receive inpatient medical care in them. The hospital performs more than 35 thousand surgical interventions per year.

Many operations are high-tech types of medical care:
  • unique operations on the liver and pancreas;
  • correction of congenital malformations in children;
  • kidney and liver transplantation; orthopedic correction of limb deformities;
  • angioplasty in severe vascular diseases;
  • implantation of pacemakers;
  • complex reconstructive plastic surgery for tumors and injuries of the facial skull;
  • microsurgical operations in otorhinolaryngology;
  • joint arthroplasty; vascular prosthetics, etc.


The medical and diagnostic divisions of the hospital, including the department of laboratory diagnostics and the diagnostic center, conduct more than 3.8 million diagnostic tests a year, many of which belong to the latest generation. One of the largest subdivisions of the Novosibirsk Regional Hospital is the Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic for 700 visits per shift in 34 specialties, which provides consultative assistance to more than 170,000 patients per year. As well as the department of emergency and planned consultative care, which performs about 20 thousand consultations of the most severe categories of patients per year in the districts of the region.

diagnostic studies are carried out annually
medical and diagnostic departments of the hospital

do you know that...

16 departments of NSMU

are placed in the hospital.
We also have 45 chief specialists of the region.

Currently, the hospital employs more than 2,600 people, including about 660 doctors, more than 1,000 nurses, including: 24 doctors and 77 candidates of medical sciences; 45 main specialists of the region; half of doctors and nurses have the highest qualification category 18 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation 4 Honored Health Workers of the Russian Federation. 34 Excellence in Public Health of the Russian Federation.


The hospital is a center for training and advanced training of medical workers in the Novosibirsk region. The hospital staff, together with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Novosibirsk State Medical University, is conducting research work on the main problems of clinical medicine.

GBUZ NSO "SNOKB" is the organizer of scientific and practical conferences and symposiums of the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

The State Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital, today, is one of the largest medical centers in Russia. The regional hospital of Novosibirsk began its history in 1939, and now it is a multidisciplinary institution capable of carrying out medical and preventive measures in many industries.

Specialized centers operating on the basis of the hospital

  • perinatal center;
  • vascular center;
  • diagnostic center;
  • center of laboratory medicine;
  • a burn center, as well as a nephrology center, a center for multiple sclerosis, neurology, a first-level trauma center, neurosurgery, and a variety of autoimmune diseases of the nervous system.

Children's centers operating in the polyclinic

  • cardio-rheumatological;
  • coloproctological;
  • asthma center, and many others.

Absolutely in all centers of the Novosibirsk Regional Clinical Hospital, patients can receive highly specialized and high-tech medical care. During the year, the clinic undergoes more than 30 thousand operations of various directions, including unique types surgical intervention such as vascular prosthetics and pancreatic surgery. More than 150 thousand people from all over Russia trust their health to this clinic every year. When contacting a clinical regional hospital Novosibirsk, you will undoubtedly receive services at the highest level.

Today, the number of employees is 2,800 people, among which 110 have a doctoral degree and the title of candidate of medical sciences.

Also, if you wish, you can use paid services that are present in the regional clinical hospital.