Professional massage courses for babies. Baby massage - first level

Massage for a child is quite important, all parents understand this. Skills to master it can be acquired after watching video tutorials or reading literature. However, it is most effective to get training. baby massage at special courses. They are led by professional specialists with great practice and high qualifications.

What does teaching baby massage give?

Acquisition of knowledge on special classes give a chance:

Teaching baby massage for parents

Some professionals offer home training courses. Such techniques are designed for mothers and their children. The professional goes home to the client. On the spot, he teaches one or both parents the manipulations that need to be carried out with their child, shows the basic techniques, instills the necessary skills, and gives recommendations.

The duration of such courses is 5 lessons of 30 minutes each. The procedures are carried out every day or every other day, at a convenient time.

To conduct classes, you need to prepare:

  1. Select hard surface on which the child will lie.
  2. Cover it with a mattress or blanket.
  3. Get oilcloth, sheets, towels.
  4. Have baby oil, without fragrances and impurities.

The private study program is not too complicated. It includes:

  1. Familiarization with initial knowledge about the anatomy of the baby.
  2. Obtaining the basics of the specifics of behavior with children during the procedure.
  3. Mastering techniques and techniques. Massage for different parts body: baby's arms, legs, back, tummy.
  4. Acquaintance with ways to prevent and combat disorders in scoliosis, dysplasia, flat feet, torticollis.
  5. Acquiring basic knowledge about the use of massage and developmental gymnastics for children of different age groups(from newborns to adolescents).

During training, emphasis is placed on individual characteristics child, age, health status, needs. Courses can be extended.

It is very useful and cost-effective to undergo training in baby massage for those mothers whose children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy and other pathologies. The procedure for diseases is shown several times a year, and it costs a lot of money. If you do it yourself, you can significantly reduce cash costs, save time and effort that are spent on visits to the children's masseur or his visits home. It is very important that when touching a loved one the baby experiences much less stress.

Training for a children's masseur

Mastering baby massage can be carried out not only for the purpose of using it on your child. This is a fairly popular, profitable occupation that allows you to make a living.

In this case, it is necessary to attend advanced courses. At the end of such classes, all students take an exam and receive a certificate. Its presence allows you to apply skills in practice not only at an amateur level, but also to do professional baby massage.

In different schools, the study aimed at mastering the technique of manipulating the child may differ. This happens due to the use individual techniques and the application of various knowledge and skills acquired by teachers in practice. However, the main points and principles underlying the training are unchanged, since the curriculum for the courses is drawn up and approved in accordance with the standards required by law.

Teaching is carried out in small groups. Trainers always pay individual attention to each one. Some time is allotted to get acquainted with the theoretical basis, after which all the techniques are shown in practice.

You can bring and bring your children as models for training. It is completely safe manipulations are carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. This allows, already in the process of mastering the method of baby massage, to begin to achieve practical results for the health of your baby. If this option is not suitable, then the training center provides its own models. This approach will help you become a good massage therapist in the future.

Baby massage training program for professional level long and detailed. It makes it possible to master the intricacies of massage procedures well. The following issues are being studied:

  1. Contraindications to manipulation.
  2. Physiological reflexes children.
  3. Massage and developmental gymnastics for different age groups:
  • Newborns and infants up to 4 months of age.
  • Grudnichkov up to 6 months.
  • Babies up to 9 months.
  • Children under 1 year old.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • Preschoolers.
  • Younger schoolchildren.
  • Teenagers.

4. Prevention and treatment with massage and physical education of the following diseases:

  • Rickets.
  • Hypotrophy.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Abnormal muscle tone.
  • Dislocation of the hip and dysplasia.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Congenital clubfoot.
  • Flat feet.
  • Deformities of the legs.
  • Torticollis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

Upon completion of the courses, a certificate or certificate of completion is issued, which confirms the level of qualifications sufficient for the professional implementation of the procedures.

Children's massage is becoming more popular every year, because it helps protect the child from the occurrence of many diseases and successfully fight the existing ones. The ability to perform manipulations allows you to carry out the procedure for your baby and provide such services to others.

We invite everyone to take a baby massage course!

training from 15.00 to 18.00 daily on weekdays - in a group of no more than 10 people

Do you have your own children and grandchildren? You work in orphanages, kindergartens, sanatoriums, nannies

Then courses classic massage For you!The course of children's massage with us is conducted only by practicing specialists in the field of pediatrics, with experience of 15 years or more. Working with children is always a very big responsibility and in no case should you give massage to children without proper preparation. At wrong technique massage can not only not help a child with injuries or congenital pathologies, but also very harmful. In no case do not try to massage children without skills and knowledge.

Unfortunately, now every third child needs massage. At an early age, children are shown massage, as a rule, if they have problems with the legs. Early conduction baby massage sessions will significantly improve the child's recovery. Only at an early age, massage can prevent the development of more severe forms diseases. Therefore, it is very important to start doing massage as soon as the doctor tells about the presence of pathologies and recommends massage sessions.

Payment for courses by card 18,000 rubles

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Program of the course "Children's massage"

Introduction to Human Anatomy. The skeletal system.

The human muscular system.

Basics of massage. Types of massage. The effect of massage on the body. Workplace requirements. Hygienic basics of massage. Indications and contraindications for massage.

Stroking, squeezing. Trituration. Kneading

Shock and vibration techniques

Growth and development of a child of the first year of life

Prematurity. Hypotrophy. Features of massage and gymnastics.

Assessment of physical and neuropsychic development children 1-3 years old. Massage and gymnastics for children 1-3 years old. Development of coordination of movements, prevention

Acupressure massage in pediatrics

Massage and gymnastics for diseases gastrointestinal tract in children early age: spastic and atonic constipation, colic. Treatment umbilical hernia.

Massage and gymnastics for perinatal encephalopathy.

Massage and gymnastics with congenital torticollis. Prevention of installation torticollis.

Massage and gymnastics for respiratory diseases

Clubfoot, flat-varus position of the feet, O-shaped curvature of the legs. Features of massage and gymnastics, posture treatment.

Flat feet, flat-valgus placement of the feet, X-shaped curvature of the legs. Features of massage and gymnastics, posture treatment.

Massage and gymnastics for hereditary diseases in children.

The use of sports massage in children.

Intensive massage training in mini-groups

Our courses are focused on quality teaching, all 60 academic hours are held in our classroom. The course consists of a theoretical part - 1st lesson, then all lessons are practical and theory goes in the course of studying the practice. 90% of the time this is practice, practicing massage techniques takes place on top of each other, which allows you to better feel the technique of techniques. In a group, as a rule, 6-8 people - this is only 3-4 pairs! We do not recruit more than 10 people (5 pairs). Why? The teacher must be constantly in contact with the students and monitor the accuracy of the technique, when there are 15-20 people in a group, it is very difficult to do this and the quality of training begins to "lame". Massage courses in mini-groups are high-quality training, and a quick development of practice!

/ baby massage training

Baby massage courses (for healthy children)

New discounts! Most training programs have discounts from 15% to 30%!

Today, many young parents already know how much at an early age mental development children depends on their physical development... And for this one of the most powerful and effective means they use massage. If the massage course for the child is correctly selected qualified specialist, then such a baby lays a very reliable and solid foundation for good health and further development... That's why modern parents at the slightest opportunity, they try to take their child to a massage. A great place where you can get acquainted with such a necessary specialization as baby massage is our Institute.

Thus, our courses will be able to put you in the hands of a noble and promising profession, which will give you the opportunity not only to make good money, but also to give people who are just entering the life path, health and longevity.
Baby massage training in our training center is intended for students who have secondary or higher medical education, or own the technique of conducting an adult classical massage.

Our baby massage school will give you the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which will be enough to maintain the health of children at an early age. Students who graduate from our courses can apply for work in kindergartens, children's hospitals, children's sanatoriums and other specialized organizations and private massage rooms.

The training program for baby massage includes:

  1. Introduction. The history of massage.
  2. Basic anatomical features child's body.
  3. Basics of massage and gymnastics
    • The main types of massage.
    • Technique and technique of classical massage.
    • Gymnastics and massage in the upbringing and health of the child.
  4. The main contraindications for massage and gymnastics.
  5. Hygienic basics of gymnastics and massage.
  6. The impact of gymnastics and massage on the child's body.
  7. Types, techniques and features of children's massage and gymnastics.
  8. Zone massage
    • Limb massage.
    • Back and chest massage.
    • Belly massage.
    • General massage.
  9. Massage and gymnastics according to the age of children
    • from 1 to 3 months.
    • from 3 to 4 months.
    • from 4 to 6 months.
    • from 1 year and older.
  10. Features of the massage in children over 12 months old.
  11. Features of massage for school children.
  12. Technique and methodology of massage and gymnastics
    • Children's massage.
    • Children's gymnastics.
    • Basics of massage and gymnastics for young children with various diseases and developmental disorders.
  13. Massage and gymnastics combined with water treatments.
  14. A brief concept of aromatherapy and its combination with baby massage.
  15. Combination of massage with other physiotherapy treatments.

Duration of the 1st level baby massage course:
28 academic hours (5 practical training, 8 ac. hours of independent work).

Location of massage courses: metro "Semyonovskaya"

BasicRUB 10,000 / 2 800 UAH .
Individual trainingRUB 29,000.
VIP client ( individual sessions) - 35,000 rubles.

If you sign up directly to:

The TSPRM company provides professional massage tables for the duration of the seminar, to consolidate the acquired knowledge at home!

The TSPRM company provides everything free of charge expendable materials and equipment for the practice in the center.

A certificate of the established form is issued:

Characteristics of children's massage and gymnastics

Children's massage up to a year represents natural remedy help the baby, consistent with the physiology of the child's body. Baby massage for infants is often prescribed by pediatricians as effective method to normalize muscle tone and withdrawing muscle tension The child has. Baby massage for up to a year reduces the likelihood of an umbilical hernia, reduces colic, and promotes the development of motor skills.

Baby massage for babies will also become faithful helper mothers in those cases when you need to calm down and relax a little over-excited baby. Often there are moments when the baby falls asleep hard, thanks to the gentle mother's touches, baby massage for up to a year can work wonders - a few minutes and the child already sees sweet dreams.

It would seem that such procedures as baby massage for infants, as well as baby massage for up to a year are absolutely uncomplicated in technique and method, since, at first glance, all movements are very clear and simple. However, despite the fact that children's massage is characterized by external simplicity of movements, there is extensive knowledge about anatomical features the child's body, possession of the technique and technique of massage.

The center for training and development of masseurs invites everyone to master the program of the first level "Children's massage". After completing the course of study, you will master the theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject of children's massage and gymnastics. The training program includes the main sections:

  • The history of massage.
  • Basics of gymnastics and massage (basic types of massage, methods and techniques of classical massage, baby massage and gymnastics in raising the health of a child).
  • Children's massage and gymnastics (indications, contraindications, hygienic basics, technique and technique, techniques, types and features).
  • Combination of massage with water treatments, aromatherapy or other physiotherapy treatments.
  • Massage for children of different ages.

In conclusion, we note that it is also necessary to take into account the factor that children are unpredictable patients, therefore, working with them requires special treatment... The child's body is hypersensitive to touch, therefore, massage for babies is difficult both from a technical point of view and from a psychological point of view - babies perceive not only massage, but also emotional attitude others.