Women who gave birth before and after. Mia also has another great piece of advice for moms around the world to remember every day. Immediately after childbirth

You should prepare in advance for the first days after returning from the hospital, this will help you quickly adapt to a new life with a child, moreover, then you will have more time to enjoy communication with your baby. Do not forget that some children are born a little earlier than planned, so do not put off preparing until the last moment.

Six weeks before delivery

Start thinking about necessary items for baby care. You will need: a stroller, a basket or cradle to sleep in, a changing table, plenty of diapers (reusable or disposable), and newborn clothes. It is not necessary to buy everything at once, but it is worth looking at the assortment in stores to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is on sale, decide what suits your taste and fits your lifestyle.

If you are going to return from the hospital by car, then you need to prepare a car seat in advance, since it is forbidden to transport children in a car without special child seats.

Keep the hospital phone number in a prominent place in your home, and keep it in your bag with you wherever you go. All the necessary records, just in case, should also always be with you.

Month before childbirth

  • stock up necessary quantity frozen food and products long-term storage so that later you do not have to go to the supermarket with the baby immediately after arriving from the hospital.
  • Make sure that the gas tank of your car is always full, money to pay for parking at the maternity hospital should also always be at hand.
  • Arrange for you to be driven and picked up from the hospital. This can be done by the child's father, relative or friend. It is important that you can contact this person at any time, and arrange a fallback just in case.
  • If you have a child, arrange with a friend or relatives to look after him while you are in the hospital; Tell your child about what will happen during your stay in the hospital.
  • Prepare a gift for the older child to give when they return from the hospital, as a "gift from the baby" so that the older child does not feel abandoned.
  • Stock up on cartoons and new books to watch and read with your older child while you feed your baby.
  • Make a list of gifts you really would like to receive. Ask friends and family to refer to this list when buying gifts. There is nothing wrong with asking close people to cooperate and buy big thing.
  • If you know in advance that you are going to have a caesarean section, then make sure that after your return there is a person nearby who will help, since you will not be able to drive a car, lift weights and do active work at home. Typically, recovery after caesarean section takes over long time than postpartum recovery naturally.
  • Regardless of how your birth went, extra help never hurt. So ask close friends and family for help. Let us know how they can help. Never turn down an offer of help.

Recovery after childbirth

Nothing, absolutely nothing, can prepare you for the overwhelming impact of having a baby. Your genitals will be painful, your breasts will be sensitive, huge and unfamiliar, and you will most likely have mood swings due to hormonal changes. For the next few weeks, you will experience a strange sensation, as if you were in a twilight zone, where day and night have merged into one. You seem to be in a fog, you feel exhausted, but happy. You will never again experience such fatigue in your life, but at the same time, your love for the child will be so overwhelming that you will sometimes even cry with happiness.

Immediately after childbirth

If your birth took place in a maternity hospital, then try to relax and learn how to care for a newborn baby.

Nurses and midwives will spend maximum free time with you, teaching you how to properly feed your baby, change diapers and diapers, bathe your baby, etc. If you receive insufficient attention from medical staff be sure to report it. You will also have regular visits from the pediatrician for the first time after returning from the hospital. He will teach you everything you need to know about newborn care and answer any questions you may have.

According to statistics, 10% of children are born prematurely. The first time after childbirth, when premature babies immediately transferred to the ward intensive care for newborns, full of anxiety and excitement. After all, the doctor considered an additional medical care necessary for the child. Any mother is afraid to see her small and fragile baby, wrapped in wires, lying in an incubator, but do not forget that during this period you take everything too close to your heart, and your child is in the hands of professionals.

Coming home with baby

Most mothers stay in the maternity hospital for 3-4 days after giving birth, so by the time you return home, you just have milk, you are overtaken postpartum depression, and relatives and friends are already in a hurry to visit.

  • Forget about homework and cooking, use free time for sleep.
  • Remember to remind yourself that this chaos will not last long and everything will fall into place soon.
  • Remind yourself that in order to produce milk, the mother needs rest and rest (write this on paper and ask the father of the child to read this record aloud to you in the morning).
  • Don't be overly concerned about bathing your baby. If your baby loves to swim (by the way, dads can bathe children no worse than moms), then this is just great. If your baby does not like to take baths, then you can limit yourself to washing and rinsing for several days.
  • Don't worry about your baby's day and night clothes - he won't know the difference. It is important for the child to be in clean clothes while the child is clean; changing clothes twice a day is not necessary.
  • If your baby is acting up, then try holding him in your arms in different positions, and if this does not help, ask someone else to hold him. Very often, children calm down in the arms of a calmer person (especially if his body does not smell breast milk). If there is no one around to help you, put the baby in the crib/basket, make sure he is safe and leave the baby alone for a few minutes. Sometimes kids can get overexcited and just need some time to "cool down".
  • Don't beat yourself up by counting the number of times you had to get up and go to your baby in the middle of the night. It already seems to you that you have broken all records for the degree of malnutrition compared to other mothers of newborns. It is much better to calmly get up and approach the baby in a relaxed, half-asleep state, and it is better to turn the clock face to the wall. You will soon get used to it and will wake up in the morning not remembering exactly whether you had to get up that night.

Postpartum changes with a woman's body

After childbirth, a woman's body needs to be restored. You will have enough heavy bleeding(even if there were births by caesarean section), and colostrum may ooze from the breast. Don't wait for you to experience sexual attraction!

Your nightwear will consist of a nursing bra with breast pads, oversized briefs with an oversized sanitary pad, and a roomy nightgown that will hide it all while you walk around with your baby in your arms all night. But rest assured, all this will pass. Bleeding stops about a month after birth (and sometimes much earlier), the chest will stop flowing as soon as a certain feeding rhythm is established, and, naturally, the baby will gradually develop a sleep pattern, which means that you can spend most of the night in bed, enjoying night sleep!

Two weeks after childbirth

Two weeks after giving birth, a difficult time may come for you, when fatigue from lack of sleep will accumulate, and the primary euphoria and delight of “I became a mother!” will gradually pass. In addition, your baby, who used to sleep well, may begin intestinal colic, and the level of crying will increase significantly. We invite you to take advantage of our recommendations:

  • Contact your pediatrician. This qualified specialist in the area of child health, and it will offer you many options for solving problems.
  • Ask for help from visiting friends and relatives. For example, ask them to keep the child busy while you are in the shower. Remember that now you do not have to take care of the guests, but they take care of you!
  • Never turn down an offer of help. We recommend making a list necessary work, and ask someone who offers you their services to complete some of them.
  • If you feel like everyone is only interested in the baby, and you are not, then constantly say to yourself: “I carried this child. I am amazing. I have great importance". And repeat it. Often.

I'll start my story from afar...

I've never been thin, I've always been overweight, but I've never been super fat either. My height is 163 cm, with my height at 16 years old, I weighed 68 kg. stupid, right? after a while, it finally hit me in the head that it was time to put myself in order. Slowly but surely, I decided to move towards my goal...

here I am 18 years old, 2008, as you can see, the figurine is not a fountain....

gradually, gradually, I lost weight, this is 2011, weight 50-51 kg

in the end, in March 2012, I looked like this (I'm on the left), my weight is 49 kg.

the following month, in April, I got pregnant as planned...

during pregnancy, I gained 15 kg, which at first could not but rejoice, but, as it turned out, my body was preparing a set-up, this is how I was on the day of the DA, after 11 days I gave birth.

I left the family home with an extra 10 kg ... (please don’t scold me for the mess in the photo, you yourself understand that you don’t always have time for everything, especially since I sleep when my son sleeps and I don’t see the point in making the bed)

only size 4 boobs pleased me instead of a flimsy two, and even then not for long ... I couldn’t look at myself ... I decided at all costs to put myself in order by the end of February. those who now think that after childbirth, and so the weight goes well, I’ll tell you, nifiga, maybe someone is fine, but my figure didn’t get fat, but just got its own ......

in short, for almost 3 weeks now I have been eating mainly kefir (don’t think, I don’t forget about the child, I just have kefir instead of snacks and at night) I allow myself to eat nuts, you won’t get much fat from them, but there are many benefits ... I’m already one and a half for weeks I squat with a child in my arms, so to speak, and the load is greater and if the diet cries, then it calms down, I shake my ass in this way, I don’t risk pumping the press, but I think that in a week or two I’ll start ...

today I look like this:

already something, but there is still no waist, the skin is flabby, the ass hung, despite the exercises .....

I hope to put myself in order soon ... otherwise I have 5 kg left, now my weight is 54 kg))))

Decided to update my post a bit and show my result. In August, I returned to normal, began to weigh 50 kg, almost like before pregnancy, my weight suits me, like the figure

How I lost weight:

I ate right, vegetables plus dietary protein, drank a lot of water, even ate fruits only before lunch, there is a lot of sugar. Vegetables are not starchy, that is, potatoes, corn, peas did not eat. Ate tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans. As it got warmer, I began to walk a lot with the stroller, walked at a fast pace for at least 3 hours a day.

Everything I cooked, steamed, or boiled, or baked. Salt to a minimum, sauces are not added.

Well, sports

Now I'm pregnant again, I'll update the post again in early June, I'll fight hated fat again.

Finally got around to it) I begin to supplement the post.

During my second pregnancy, I tried to restrain myself as much as I could, ate right, did not eat after six, nevertheless I gained 12 kg.

The next day after giving birth, the first thing I ran to weigh myself, well, as I expected, it took only 5 kg, 7 extra ones remained, but plus my stomach hung, my muscles dispersed (((

For 1 month after the birth, another 2 kg went away and the stomach was drawn in, only fat remained, an extra 5 kg. All this happened by itself, I didn’t try to lose weight, I ate all sorts of rubbish, because my daughter’s stomach hurt very much from vegetables and kefir.

Already something, but it doesn’t suit me, I’m waiting for my daughter to improve digestion and go ahead, for harmony))))

2 months after birth:

childbirth - one of the most important points in a woman's life. But most often, apart from elusive memories of this period, nothing remains in memory. Photographer Monet Nicole considers this unfair and tries to remedy the situation by making amazing photos before childbirth, after childbirth and.

"I witnessed and caught moments incredible strength, incredible doubts, and incredible joy. It's simple: nothing evokes stronger emotions than the memory of childbirth," Monet told POPSUGAR.

We offer you 24 pictures from a series of works by Monet Nicole, which will show you, (photo) and (photo).

“It always amazes me when first time parents choose for their baby. It can be so hard to relax and trust your body when you haven't gone through labor before, and yet many of my clients do. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Words cannot express the strength of this woman who gave birth to her perfect baby girl naturally just minutes before she was due to go into emergency."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This mother was transferred from our local maternity hospital to the hospital when she blood pressure became too high. It must be so difficult when your birth plan changes drastically. But when I entered this amazing woman laughing and smiling."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"They called me and said that. I found them in the bathroom. Mom was sitting in the tub with the clear intention of giving birth. I asked dad, 'You don't want to catch your baby?' The midwife ran in the door a few minutes before the baby was born."

Photos of newborns, photos before childbirth

"This mom is currently in the process of preparing for a home birth with a midwife. To see her push and pull her own child was one of the most touching moments I've ever been entrusted with filming."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This family gave birth to their sixth child at home - in the presence of older girls who watched and offered support to their mother. The sun was shining, the children were excited to meet their younger brother, and there simply couldn't be a more beautiful birth."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Her birth was beautiful from start to finish. After Maeve was born, Erin lay back in the bath and I captured this moment, which has definitely become one of my favorite moments in history. Umbilical cord on her stomach, baby on her chest, and the relief on her face still excites me."

Photos before childbirth

"I love seeing siblings during labor. They often hold up surprisingly well! Much better than some adults. This older sibling put on his Batman cape as soon as his mom went into labor. He stayed with her throughout the whole period, offering your support and love."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Even though I shoot a lot of home births, I love working with families who want to have their babies in the hospital. They are just as beautiful and just as powerful. One of my favorite moments I love to capture during a birth (regardless of from where it happens) is the moment when the child falls into the arms of the mother".

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Logan gave birth to Jack knowing that she would not be able to spend much time with him. She wanted to document his birth and his life, because she knew that these moments, despite the darkness, can be filled with light. Logan's face shows longing and love This is the longing and love that every parent feels for their child. big love we cannot protect them from evil."

Photos before childbirth

“She remained so peaceful and calm during her labor. She swam in the bath, sometimes completely submerged during or after the contraction. So often people think that without medicine, labor means screaming or severe pain, but it usually looks like this."

Photos before childbirth

“Giving birth can be one of the most loving experiences of your life. Many of my clients say they cherish photos taken during this period even more than wedding photos because I was able to capture natural, unstaged moments like this one."

"A caesarean birth is incredible, a wonderful experience to see and film. As more providers work to make this birth more family friendly, I was allowed to come back and film these moments."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Her baby was born in a nightgown. They carefully removed it after it was born, and then her mother held the baby to her chest. So much love, so much relief."

Photos before childbirth

"The love between Jennifer and Josh was so strong. In a few months, Jennifer will be filming my own history about the birth of a child. I'm lucky to work with her and we raise our children together!"

Photos before childbirth

"This moment: such strength and beauty! Do you see a man in the corner? This is her father, he is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He watched these births with the midwife so calmly, and even prompted her a couple of times."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"I have no words for this photo! This is the birth of a child for me - there are just so many emotions."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after caesarean

“So often women say that there is no opportunity for in the operating room. I have seen it as many times as I have heard that it is impossible. Women deserve this chance. A caesarean section is also a birth, and it remains one of the most profound and important days in a woman's life. If a woman wants her baby to be placed on her breast immediately after birth, then let's do everything we can to make it happen."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after caesarean

"Home birth after caesarean section is often unbelievable strong experience. Dr. Mike is actually a chiropractor and he guided his wife through the birth. They worked beautifully together - he held her while she pushed, and when they took their daughter out and hugged her, there was such joy and love."

“Surprisingly, women don’t cry as much after childbirth as I thought when I started my career. I think many of us are in shock, so these tearful emotions come a little later. So whenever a mother cries, it’s something special to me. I love the way tears roll down this mom's face."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I love capturing shots. Some birth photographers don't show them to anyone, but I think they're so powerful and really show how incredible a woman's body is."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I've been fortunate enough to film several babies born with a chemise on. You can see the bag of water left intact around this baby's head. The midwife calmly removes the membranes just a few seconds after this incredible moment."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

“This labor went so fast that I barely had time to catch it somewhere in the middle! As soon as the client called me, I immediately ran and, of course, my mother was already in pain. I had just enough time to take the camera and capture this moment."

It's no secret that after many months of fighting for the life of their child, women are embarking on a new battle - for their bodies. During pregnancy, the body loses its former form and becomes completely different, which is why many newly-made mothers are very indignant. The situation is noticeably overshadowed by the fact that there are photographs of those mothers who, after a week, already look beautiful and fit. But one mom named Mia Redworth did not embellish and create perfect image, and to calm all the "ordinary" mothers she showed real photos postpartum body on the example of his own figure.

Meet Mia Redworth and her 13-month-old son

She recently posted comparison photos of herself in what she calls "bloated" and "posing" poses.

In the caption to the photo, she explained that she carried the child for 42 weeks, after which she had bloated belly with a c-section scar and stress eczema.

"It's completely normal and it's normal to look like this. Stop thinking that everyone on Instagram looks the same as in the photo 24/7, because in 98% of the cases they take 100 photos of which they then take one for publication," Mia said.

Like many other mothers, Mia was shocked at how her body began to look after giving birth, but she was able to pull herself together and accept herself like that, especially considering that this is absolutely normal.

Until that moment, she had never seen what a real postpartum body actually looked like and had never even heard anyone talk about it, so after the birth of her son, her self-confidence dropped below zero.

12 weeks after giving birth, she began to walk in gym to strengthen your muscles and get on the path to regaining your former figure.

To help others, Mia began posting her fitness journey, only with an emphasis on self-love.

"I've always hoped to find someone on Instagram who I could look up to, no matter how much I love phytoms, their life is too unrealistic for most of us," she said.

"Not everyone can disappear in the gym, and not everyone will have athletic body after pregnancy. After that, I decided to document my fitness journey. All the ups and downs on my journey to becoming who I want to be will be real," Mia added.

Recently, Mia decided to talk about the problem of wearing her clothes after pregnancy. To do this, she published her comparison photos, in which she tries on her skirt after pregnancy and after a couple of months

In the second photo, she could not fasten just one button, because due to sports, her buttocks and thighs became more muscular and increased in size.

Mia urges women to stop comparing themselves to photos of other people on the Internet, suffering from cellulite stretch marks and scars on their bodies. A woman calls to appreciate her real bodies that have billions of other women around the world.

Mia also has another great piece of advice for moms around the world to remember every day.

"You can spend all your time trying to change the things in you that you are not happy with, but you only have one chance to have amazing memories of your child, so don't take it for granted. Love yourself despite all the flaws and enjoy life as much as you can. You are beautiful."