An interesting holiday in the senior group is the day of health. Day of health in kindergarten. Senior group. Healthy eating talk

health day in kindergarten. Senior group

Scenario of Health Day in the senior group "Be healthy!"

Kulikova Natalia Alexandrovna.
Material Description: It is very important today to develop in children preschool age motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to maintain one's health and strengthen it by introducing a healthy lifestyle. Holiday Health Day is the most interesting, exciting and unconventional solution to these problems. This scenario is intended for children of preschool age. The material will be useful to educators, physical education instructors in kindergarten.
Target: Introducing children to healthy and active image life.
- Strengthen the health of children through physical exercises, games;
-develop physical qualities, coordination abilities;
- expand and enrich children's ideas about healthy foods;
- create fun joyful mood in children;
- to instill a love for physical education.
Preliminary work:
- learning with children poems about sports, healthy food;
- making hats for vitamins, puddle templates;
- repetition of the dance "Sun".
Equipment and materials:
- audio recordings: "Sports March", cheerful music for competitions, "If you want to be healthy", "Sunshine";
- puddle templates cut out of boxes - 12 pcs.;
- rope - 1 piece;
- racks - 6 pieces;
- saw cuts wooden - 18 pieces;
- wooden blocks - 18 pieces;
- arches for climbing - 3 pieces;
- hoops of medium diameter - 9 pcs., flat hoops - 3 pcs.;
- hats for vitamins - 4 pieces;
- replicas of food products;
- Dunno suit.

Event progress:

(Under the sports march, children enter the hall, line up in a semicircle).
Leading: To the sports ground
We invite everyone now.
Holiday of sports and health
It starts with us!
We were getting ready for the holiday.
Guys, it's time to start sports competitions!
But before we start our holiday, I want to ask you: what should be done in order to be healthy?
1 child: To be healthy, strong,
You have to wash with soap in the morning.
Don't be lazy early in the morning
Get on the charger!
2 child: To be dexterous, strong, healthy, cheerful
No need to eat chips and drink Coca-Cola!
Eat an apple, plums, lemon, oranges
There are vitamins in fruits and berries!
3 child: Get yourself in order
Try swimming and diving!
Learn to love charging
And learn to sneeze!
It is necessary to temper from childhood,
To be healthy all year round.
To go to the doctor
Only when he calls!
(Coughing is heard. Dunno enters the hall).
Leading: Dunno?! Hello! What happened to you?
Dunno: Big trouble happened to me
I ate a lot of ice cream all the time!
And here's the picture-
Angina has become attached to me!
Both cough and runny nose overcame me,
Oh, if you knew how tired they are!
Leading: Yes, Dunno, the trouble is so trouble!
But we can help you forever!
I will tell you a secret
There is no better recipe in the world:
Be inseparable from sports
Then you will live a hundred years!
Exercise to the music "If you want to be healthy."
(Children line up in teams. Team presentations. Greetings.)
Leading: Autumn is a gloomy time
Prepared in the morning
On the roads, puddles, puddles,
You need to run around them all!
1 relay race: "Running between puddles".
(In front of each team there are "puddles" - ovals cut out of boxes. Children run between the puddles, run to the counter, and come back the same way).
Leading: Here's another game
It's time to get ready!
You jump over all the puddles
And quickly jump into the groove!
2 relay race: "Jumping over puddles".
(Children jump over puddles on two legs, jump over the rope, run to the rack, go around it, return running).
Leading: You will come to the autumn forest,
Well, there is a stump, a stump!
Runs along the stumps
And join the team!
3rd relay:"Stump Walking".
(Children walk along the saw cuts, laid out in a checkerboard pattern, go around the rack, return in the same way).
Leading: Along the autumn path
We go and hold back!
Let's bend under the bush,
Let's smile at each other!
4th relay:"Come on, don't fall!"
(Children walk along the blocks laid out in a straight line, crawl under the arc with their right side, go around the rack, return to the team in the same way).
Leading: Be clean and tidy
We're happy guys!
Even a gentle moth
Cleaning wings, my friend!
Even the little bird
careful sister,
Washes nose, cleans feathers...
Dunno: What kind of birds? They flew away to warmer climes!
Leading: True, Dunno, but only migratory birds flew away - starlings, rooks, cranes, geese, ducks. Birds are familiar with the rules of cleanliness, and you, Dunno?
Dunno: Don't know!
Leading: Guys, again you need to help Dunno - I suggest that he guess riddles!
(Riddles are made. Dunno confuses all the answers, the children help him).
1. I walk, I wander not through the forests,
And the mustache and hair.
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears! (Comb)
2. Escapes like a living thing,
But I won't release it!
white foam foaming
Do not be lazy to wash your hands! (Soap)
3. Rubber band Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
While she was walking
The back is pink! (washcloth)
4. The tail of the brush,
And a bristle on the back. (Toothbrush)
5.What is more valuable than money? (Health)
6.Track says-
Two embroidered ends:
"Wash a little
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you are at noon
Get me dirty!" (Towel)
(Dunno lowers his head, sad).
Leading: Guys, look, Dunno is completely sad, you need to cheer him up!
Joke game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"
Leading: Which of you keeps in order
Books and notebooks?
(Answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!")
Leading: Which of you, from the kids,
Walks dirty to the ears? (Ah, gotcha!)
Leading: Which of you does not walk gloomy,
Do you love sports and exercise?
Leading: Who is not afraid of charging,
Who likes to bathe under the tap?
Leading: Which one of you is so good
Sunbathing went in galoshes?
Dunno: How fun you have! My sadness-sadness has passed, as if it was not there at all!
Leading: Never be discouraged
Take vitamins!
You will be cheerful
Strong, healthy!
4 child: Remember the simple truth:
The only one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drink carrot juice!
5 child: For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
Or you can eat a lemon
Even though it's very sour!
Leading: Now try to solve a simple problem:
What is more useful to chew - carrots or chewing gum?
(Answers of children).
5 relay: "Collect a carrot."
(In front of each team, there is a carrot in the hoop - according to the number of children. Each participant takes one carrot and transfers it to the opposite hoop, returns running).
Leading: One more problem
It asks you - decide!
Which is better - a pack of chips
Or apples from the heart?
(Answers of children).
6 relay: "Spread the apples."
(There are 3 hoops in front of each team. The first participant runs with three balls, puts one ball into each hoop, runs to the rack, goes around it, returns to the team by running).
Dunno: Wait! My friends told me that chips are made from potatoes, and potatoes are healthy a food product, it contains vitamins ... I forgot which ones!
Leading: That's right, Dunno: there really are vitamins K and D in potatoes. And chips are harmful to the body, especially to children, as they are often made not from potatoes, but from potato flour. They contain many substitutes and dyes - very harmful additives. Chips are fried in low quality oil, so the fats contained in it can cause cancer! Excess salt in chips slows down bone growth, disrupts metabolism, and can cause heart problems.
Dunno: Oh oh oh! We urgently need to tell our friends about the dangers of chips!
Leading: Dunno, do your friends really eat chips?
Dunno: They think they have vitamins!
6 child: In various products
From fish to raspberries
Essential for life
There are vitamins.
They are called: K, E, D, A, B, C,
Contained in greens, cereals, eggs.
(Children are put on caps of vitamins - A, B, C, D).
Captains competition.
(Food items containing vitamins A, B, C, D. Team captains must choose foods that contain a particular vitamin and attribute it to vitamin for a child). Leading: Children love health day
Cities and villages
Let it become in the whole world
Health day every day!
Dunno: The sore throat seems to be gone. I am well! I should tell my friends about yours as soon as possible. useful tips! Thank you! Goodbye, guys!
Leading: Yes, it's time for us to say goodbye.
I want you to get hot!
Do not get sick and do not get sick,
Become an athlete!
And at parting, friends and buddies will perform an incendiary dance!
Dance "Sunshine"

Purpose: promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: to introduce children to the main vitamins "A", "B" and "C", what role they play for human health; to give children an idea about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for the human body; to consolidate in children the ability to solve riddles (vegetables, fruits).

To provide children with the opportunity to apply the motor skills acquired earlier;

- strengthen physical health children;

- form in children conscious attitude to your life, your health; develop curiosity, dexterity, coordination of movements;

- cultivate a love of work physical education and the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Plan of the event:

1. 07.50 - 08.10 Morning. Psychogymnastics "Hello!". Conversation about holding a Health Day in the group. Morning exercises "". mobile game"From bump to bump."

2. 09.00 – 09.15 NOD. Educational area“Knowledge. Formation of a holistic picture of the world "-" Everyone needs vitamins and is useful and important.

3. 09.25–09.40 NOD. Educational area "Physical culture"

4. 09.50 -10.30 Board games:lotto " Fruits vegetables”, “Make a chain”

5. 10.40 – 11.40 Preparation for the walk. Walk (games, observations, work).

6. 15.00 - 15.10 Wake-up gymnastics. Walking along the paths of "Health".

7. 15.50 – 16.20 Entertainment. Watching the cartoon "Moydodyr"

8. Summing up the results of the Health Day: encouraging participants (handing out coloring pictures depicting vegetables and fruits).

9. Stand alone games children. Offer skittles, balls.

Holiday progress:

Morning The teacher meets the children in the kindergarten group: Hello guys, I greet you all! The word "hello" means that I wish you health and I want you to greet each other too, smile, and I think your mood will rise.

Psychogymnastics "Hello!".

Objective: To explain the relationship between good mood and health.

Hello bright sun!

Hello beautiful morning!

Hello world around!

Hello good friend!

We'll hold hands tightly

And smile at each other!

From our smile the sun will wake up,

The sun will wake up, the children will smile!

Educator: And now, guys, when your mood has risen, I want to inform you that today our group will have a holiday - Health Day. Do you know what health is? (children's answers). This is when you are not sick, healthy, strong, when you are in a good mood, you want to run, jump and have fun. But, unfortunately, we are not always healthy. And today I will reveal to you the secret of how to maintain your health,

never get sick and always have a good mood. We will take you on a journey to magical land"Vitamins". Do you guys know who lives there? In this country live the most useful, delicious fruits and vegetables. And what do you think, on what we will go to the country of "Vitamins"? (children's answers). We will go on a vehicle that rides on rails, what is it? That's right, a train, a locomotive.

Let's all stand together in a circle, pull the horn lever and go! (children walk in a circle).

The steam locomotive crashed.

And he brought wagons.

Choo-choo, choo-choo!

I'll go far!

Educator: Well, guys, we are in the country "Vitamins", it's time for us to do morning exercises.

Morning exercises "Bunny".

Walking one after another on toes, normal walking, walking with a change of direction (changes 3 times). Building in links.

In the morning, the bunny stood up on its paws (stretched, hands up - inhale-exhale),

Prepared for exercise (jerks with hands in front of the chest),

He looked to the left, to the right (turns of the body to the left - to the right),

He looked straight down (turning the torso forward, tilting down),

And went down to the ledge. (squats).

I ran a little on the grass (running in place),

And he stood on both paws (stopped).

I cleaned the fluff with my nose (tilts of the head to the left - to the right),

And rather splash into the water! (sit down)

Rebuilding from links to a column. Easy run after each other. Normal walking. Breathing exercise.

Educational field “Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world»

Conversation "Everyone needs vitamins and is useful and important."

Goal: "Continue to nurture the need to be healthy"

Program content:

Learning objectives: to introduce the concepts of "vitamins" and the products in which they are found. Discuss the importance of vitamins for health Have a good mood, generalize and consolidate the concepts of "vegetables" and "fruits".

Developmental tasks: to form in children a conscious attitude to their lives, their health.

Educational tasks: encourage children to eat everything that is good for health. Preliminary work: a conversation about healthy food and the dangers of carbonated drinks, chips; reading a poem by Y. Kushak “ Enjoy your meal”, riddles about vegetables and fruits.

D / and “What grows in our garden?”, D / and “Guess the taste” creating conditions for role-playing games “Shop”, learning the physical minute “Gardener”.

Material for the lesson: pictures depicting fruits and vegetables, dummies of vegetables and fruits, fresh fruits - apples, oranges, tangerines, bananas;

Methods and techniques:

Visual - looking at dummies of vegetables, fresh fruits. Verbal - thin. word, questions, teacher's story, explanations, choral and individual answers of children.

Practical - finger game"Orange", didactic games.

Vocabulary work: vitamins, vegetables and fruits.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys today we will talk with you on a very interesting topic. We will go to visit the vitamins. Do you agree? Children: Yes.

Educator: Vitamins are very small substances, so small that we cannot see them, but small vitamins contain great strength and health. Have any of you taken vitamins? Vitamins - make our body strong and healthy. They come in tablets different color and forms. But vitamins are not only in tablets, they also grow on branches and beds.

Many vitamins are found in berries, fruits and vegetables, greens.

Educator: Let's remember with you what vegetables do you know? Now I will tell you riddles from the garden. (The teacher accompanies each answer by showing a picture of vegetables).

Riddles from the garden

Leaves are collected in a head

In the garden of the villagers.

Without it, the cabbage soup is not thick.

What is her name? (Cabbage)

Families live underground

We water them from a watering can.

Both Polina and Antoshka

Let's call to dig ... (potatoes)

He grows in the garden

Doesn't offend anyone.

Well, everyone around is crying,

Because they clean ... (onion)

Head, and on top of the moustache.

No, it doesn't taste sweet.

Ran with all legs

We tear for dinner ... (garlic)

Similar to watermelon

Also thick skinned.

I'm used to the yellow dress

Basking in the sun ... (pumpkin)

This vegetable pumpkin brother -

Also looks chubby.

Lie down under the leaf on the barrel

Between the beds ... (zucchini)

These tough kids

They hide in the leaves in the garden.

couch potato twins

Turn green ... (cucumbers)

He lived in a greenhouse in the summer,

Friendly with the hot sun.

With him fun and enthusiasm

Everyone calls him ... (tomato)

(The teacher puts dummies of vegetables on the table).

Educator: How, in one word, to call these products?

Children: Vegetables.

Educator: Right! And what do you think, where else, besides vegetables, there are vitamins? In fruit! (Puts a plate of fresh fruit on the table.) That's right! And now we will play the game “What grows in our garden?”, You will get out of magic bag fruits and vegetables and say their name. (Game over).

Educator: Well done, you did the job. And I suggest you go to the garden where fruit trees grow.

Phys. minute "Gardener"

We walked in the garden yesterday, (children walk in a circle, holding hands)

We planted currants (depict how they dig a hole and plant it)

We whitewashed the apple trees (moving the right hand up and down)

Lime, whitewash.

We repaired the fence, (imitate hammer blows)

We started a conversation: (they stand facing in a circle, one goes to the center

You say, our gardener, child, are in dialogue, for each name

What will you give us as a reward? fruits are bent one finger at a time

I will give purple plums as a reward, on both hands, starting with large ones)

The largest honey pears

Ripe apples, cherries a whole kilogram.

Here is what I will give you as a reward!

Educator: Well, guys, the gardener gave us a lot of fruit as a reward. And now we will play the game "Guess the taste", with eyes closed we will taste the fruit and name what kind of fruit it is. Well, did you like it? Now your body has added some more vitamins. And I want to wish you guys:

Eat fruit kids

And then the cold is evil

Every day and all year round

It will bypass you.


Teacher: What were we talking about?

What are vitamins?

How to protect your body from diseases?

Teacher: Thank you for your attention! I wish you to be always healthy.

Purpose: development of dexterity, balance, ability to navigate in space.

Educational area "Physical culture"

Materials and equipment: ball, 2 hoops, fruit and vegetable masks.

Progress: children enter the hall to the music. Greetings. Walking in a circle, warm-up.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to take part in competitive program

"Smart, bold." You are ready? Then we start.

1 competition "Transfer the tangerine"

Educator: you have to move the ball, holding it with your feet.

(A team member, holding the ball with both feet, must jump to the chip, take the ball in his hands and return to the start).

2 contest "Collect a picture"

Educator: In the second competition, you need to assemble a whole picture from pieces of paper, whoever does it first is the winner. (Teams collect a whole picture from six pieces of paper, the picture shows a penguin).

3 contest "Collect vegetables"

Educator: Our next competition is called "Collect vegetables."

(Team members one by one run up to the table on which vegetables and fruits lie,

take one vegetable at a time and return to the team).

Summing up the competition. Friendship wins.


Purpose: to introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn;

clarify the names and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, swimming.

Progress of the walk

When going for a walk, the teacher draws the attention of the children to their clothes. The children explain

why did they put on jackets, raincoats, boots, gloves. The teacher specifies:

It's cold outside, so we dress warmly. And why everyone has boots, the children can tell for themselves.

On the street, children are greeted by a cold autumn rain. Everyone quickly runs across the paths to the veranda and begins to watch. The teacher offers to list items that have become wet from the rain, pay attention to the fact that there are no birds.

Children say: "They don't have rubber boots, no umbrellas! That's where they all hide."

The teacher asks: “What does “gloomy day” mean? and encourage children to speak up

Is it fun to look at the gray sky when the clouds covered the sun, is it joyful to look at the naked

wet bushes that are swayed by the wind, tearing off the last leaves.

Then everyone listens to the rain drumming on the roof of the veranda: thump, thump, thump! (Children repeat the song of autumn rain.)

The teacher reads a poem by A. Pleshcheev "A boring picture."

Children listen to the howling of the cold wind, echoing it: “V-v-v!” educator

clarifies: “The angry wind howls. The evil autumn wind tears off the last leaves, disperses everyone.

Artistic word.

Boring picture!

Clouds without end

The rain is pouring down

Puddles on the porch…

stunted rowan

Wet under the window

Looks village

Gray spot.

What are you visiting early,

Autumn, come to us?

Still asks the heart

Light and warmth!

Outdoor games.

"Traps from the Circle"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, in dodging and catching, in building in a circle

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, holding hands. The trap is in the center of the circle,

bandage on hand. Players move in a circle and say:

We, funny guys, love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch!

Children scatter, and the trap catches up. Caught temporarily steps aside. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"From bump to bump"
Description: Children stand on one side of the hall. The teacher lays out on the floor on

a distance of 20 cm from one another hoops. On a signal, the children move to the other side of the hall through the hoops.
Pass - do not back
Description: several pins are arranged in one row on the floor or cubes are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from one another. Children should go to the other side of the room, snaking around the pins without hitting them.

Independent activity of children.

Games according to the wishes and interests of children.

Purpose: to develop the ability to perform game actions in game exercises, learn to play together.

Story-role play.


Goal: continue to teach children to develop role-playing games, encourage improvisation, change and combination of roles, encourage children to use substitute items, cultivate friendly relationships.

"Clean hands are the key to health."

Awakening gymnastics.

(starts lying in beds, then, following the words, the children continue standing by the beds)

The boys woke up

Stretched, smiled.

We stood on our feet together,

The hands were crushed.

Once - they washed themselves with water,

Two bowed gracefully.

Three - waved their hands,

Four - the back was arched,

Five - they jumped on their legs.

Walking along the path "Health"


Watching the cartoon "Moydodyr".

Summing up the Health Day:

Encouragement of participants (presentation of coloring pictures depicting vegetables

and fruits).

Independent games for children. Offer skittles, balls.

Program content:

form motor activity children.
Strengthen the physical health of children. Increase resistance to colds.
Pin physical skills and previous skills.
Engage children sports games, physical education.
Create conditions for the physical relaxation of children.
Cultivate good and friendly relationships in children.


Morning exercises "Gnome"

1. "The gnome is sleeping" - and. p.: lying on the side. Curl up. (6 p.)
2. "The gnome wakes up" - and. p: the same. Draw out the arms and legs, return to and. n. (7 p.)
3. "Gnome yawns" - and. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Spread your arms out to the sides, open your mouth wide. (7 p.)
4. "Gnome rolls over in bed" - and. p: the same. Turns from side to side. (7 p.)
5. "Gnome stretches" - and. p .: sitting on your knees, hands on your belt. Hand movements up and down, kneeling (7 p.)
6. "The gnome washes" - and. p.s. on your knees. Turns to the right and left, movements of the hands, as if “raking in water” to the face. (7 p.)
7. "The gnome wipes himself" - and. p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Half squats, moving your hands up and down in front of your face, as if wiping yourself with a towel. (7-8 p.)
8. "The gnome is going to have breakfast" - and. p .: semi-crouching, arms lowered down. Walking in place with hand movements. (6-7 rubles)
9. "The gnome sits down" - and. p .: standing, arms shoulder-width apart, arms bent above the knees. Squats. (2 visits 4 times).
10. "The gnome jumps" - and. p .: standing, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs. (2 calls for 8 rubles).
11. Walking with breathing exercises.

Monitoring the stadiometer

What's this?
What is a stadiometer for? Invite children to measure their height. invite from nursery group several children and measure their height.
Whose height is greater? Why?
What does a person need to grow?

Healthy eating talk

Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of digestion and its importance for growth and health.

To be healthy, strong, fight germs and not succumb to disease, you need to eat vitamins. Vitamins as soldiers protect our body from evil harmful microbes and various diseases. But there are foods that are bad for us. Chips, crackers, sparkling water like garbage settle inside. And when a person swallows a cake, sweets, biscuits, ice cream, you cannot imagine what kind of anxiety occurs in the stomach. After all, no matter how the stomach hurries, it does not have time to cope with a huge amount of food that is difficult for it. That's when the stomach starts to hurt. But there is food that the stomach loves and easily copes with. These are vegetables, fruits, cereals. Eat healthy food, do not overeat, do not forget about vitamins, and then, grow up big and healthy.

Didactic game "Useful-harmful"

A large sheet of paper (chalkboard) depicts various food items (vegetables, sweets, fruits, chips, milk, soda in a bottle, fish, ice cream, eggs, black bread, etc.). Children circle with a green marker what is useful. The teacher explains why you can’t eat chips and other things junk food why sweets should be eaten in moderation.

Psycho-gymnastics "For you to grow up healthy, never hang your nose"

Every person has a good and a bad mood. How do you know what a person's mood is? Face, behavior.

Game "Mask"

The teacher invites the children to portray on the face different feelings and emotions. Children's work with mirrors. A bad mood does not allow us to be cheerful, cheerful, healthy. In order to get rid of bad mood you can throw the ball against the wall, crush plasticine in your hands. And even easier - smile!

Game exercise "Who has a smile"

Idlers at rest have a bad mood. Let them take care of business, and then they will laugh.

Individual work with children in drawing

Invite children to color in the pages from the album for coloring "Sports".
Purpose: to improve the skills of uniform painting, using pressure on the pencil to enhance color, to develop fine motor skills hands.

Outdoor games:

"Take a chair" (running around chairs, development speed of reaction),
"Snake" (jumping rope),
"Brook" (walking, rebuilding).

Board game "What is good and what is bad?"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to analyze actions, evaluate them. Develop attention, observation. To educate the need to be clean, tidy, healthy.


Acquaintance with the surrounding world and application. Theme: Sportland


Supervision of the sports equipment of playgrounds.

Ask the children to name sports equipment on its own and neighboring playgrounds. How to use this equipment? What safety rules should be remembered when playing on sports equipment?

Didactic game "Is it dangerous or not?"

Children listen to the question and answer either “It is possible!” or “Dangerous!”.

1. Push the person walking on the log ahead of you?
2. Gently jump down on two legs from a small height?
3. Climbing various ladders to the very top when there is no adult nearby?
4. Run near swinging swings?
5. Run on level ground?

Role-playing game "Family".

Offer the children a plot to play out: "Parents and children go camping." Encourage children to use dialogical speech during the game, substitute items. Develop imagination, speech.

Physical education in the air.

(Summary of the lesson in Appendix No. 2)

Outdoor games:

“Above the foot from the ground” (running, jumping and jumping), “Catching monkeys” (running, climbing the gymnastic wall).

Individual work with children on the development of coherent speech.

Topic: "Composing stories from personal experience on the topic "How my family went on vacation."


Gymnastics after sleep "Hamster Family"

1. "Sleep of hamsters." In his mink, curled up, sleeps a small clumsy hamster. He lazily rolled onto his back and stretched well, taking a deep breath. I. p .: lying on the right side, knees pulled up to the stomach, hands under the cheek, eyes closed.
2. "The hamster stretched." All his movements are very soft, a little sleepy. I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body, pull your socks forward, take your hands back. (3-4 p.)
3. "What's the noise?" Here the sensitive ears of the hamster heard some noise. What is there? I. p .: the same. Head turns left and right (draw an arc) - the hamster listens. (6 p.)
4. "Hurry out of the mink." All right, time to get out of the mink. I. p .: lying on your back, arms along the body. Wriggling, move the whole body. a) Front legs. I. p .: the same. Raise your arms up and, alternately bending them at the elbows, hold them along the entire length of the arm. (4-5 p.) b) "Barrel". I. p .: the same. The palms simultaneously slide up and down the sides. (6 p.) c) “Hind legs”. I. p .: the same. Bend your knees, pull them to your stomach, clasp your hands, return to and. n. (6 p.)
5. "Hamsters play hide and seek." I. p .: lying on his stomach, leaning on arms bent at the elbows. Raise yourself on outstretched arms without lifting your lower body from the bed. (5 p.)
6. "The hamster warms the tummy." I. p .: sitting on the heels, emphasis with hands behind. Bend the body forward, rise, return to and. n. (6 p.)
7. "A hamster greets the neighbors." I. p .: kneeling, hands on the belt. Turns left and right with head tilts. (6 p.)
8. "Hamsters frolic." I. p .: standing on the floor near the bed, arms lowered along the body. Tilts of the torso to the right and left with the sliding of the hands up and down. (8 p).

Hardening according to the Riga method

On a rubber mat with spikes, dressed in a cover moistened with a 10% solution table salt(1 kg of salt per bucket of water) the child becomes barefoot and walks in place (from 5-7 to 16 seconds). After that, the child stands on a dry mat and stomps on it for 15 seconds. Then wipe your hands, neck, face with tap water. Starting from middle group, children rinse their mouths with iodine-salt solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and 3-4 drops of iodine). Water room temperature. This method recommended after daytime sleep or after charging.

Observation of air and breathing

What are we breathing? Take in as much air as possible into your chest through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Draw the children's attention to how it increases rib cage when inhaling (putting a palm to the chest) and vice versa. Can a person not breathe? Invite the children to hold their breath for a while. Tell that a person cannot live without air for more than a few minutes. What kind of air is easy and pleasant to breathe, and what is not? What pollutes the air?

Didactic game "Snub-nosed"

Children are invited to identify various odorous substances by smell (orange, garlic, mint, perfume, coffee, etc.). Purpose: to develop children's sense of smell, the ability to distinguish and identify odors.

Manual labor. Topic: "Vitamin kebab"

Purpose: To teach children how to use a knife, cut fruits into pieces, string them on a stick. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe work with a knife. Expand knowledge of the importance of vitamins for growth and health. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate the desire to cook desserts on your own.

Relays with balls.

1. "Throw the ball into the basket" (throwing).
2. "Pass the ball" (coordination of movements).
3. "Jump with the ball" (jumps).
4. "Run for the ball" (running).
5. "Catch, throw, fall on come on" (throw and catch).

Board game "Stadium"

Goal: To continue to teach children to play games with dice and chips. Strengthen counting skills, knowledge about sports. To cultivate the ability to adequately accept a loss, not to rejoice at the loss of a comrade.

Role-playing game "Athletes"

Encourage children to reflect their knowledge and impressions in the game. Beat manufactured attributes (medals). The educator take on the role of judge of the competition.

Working with parents

The parents' corner contains information on the topic "Seven parental misconceptions about frosty weather" (in winter), " Autumn Walk(in autumn). (Appendix No. 3).

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

In accordance with the Law "On Education", children's health is one of the priority areas of state policy. Children's health in preschool group MOU D / S No. 29 Kirovsky district Volgograd district is the subject of close attention of the entire team and parents. Health Day is designed for older preschool children. Throughout the day, work is carried out on the formation of the need for healthy way life, motor skills and physical qualities are fixed, various game types of motor activity are used.

I. Morning

  1. Morning exercises to the soundtrack of the song "Zverobika";
  2. GCD by areas of knowledge (socialization) "Journey to the country of health";
  3. Outdoor games.

II. Second half

1. Gymnastics for the eyes, massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds;

2. Independent physical activity;

3. Working with parents.

I. Morning

  1. Morning exercises to the soundtrack


Strengthen children's ability to perform rhythmic movements according to the nature of the music;

Learn to come up with options for movements;

Develop imagination and creativity.

Lyrics of the song "Zverobika".

1. The cat sat on the window (s.p. legs together, hands on the belt of a half-squat with a turn of the torso)
And she began to wash her ears with her paw (children imitate the movements of a washing cat).
After watching her for a while,
We can repeat her movements.

One, two, three, come on, repeat
Three, four, five, repeat again
Three, four five, repeat again
Very well!

2. The snake crawls along the forest path, (the movement from the first verse is repeated)
Like a ribbon, it slides along the ground.
And we move like this (“wave” with the right and left hands alternately)
We can show you by hand.

One two Three. Well, repeat!
Three four five. Repeat again!
Repeat again!

3. A heron stands in the swamp all day.
And catches frogs with its beak.
It is not difficult to stand like that (alternate jumps on the right and left legs).
For us, for trained guys.

One two Three. Well, repeat!
One two Three. Well, repeat!

Three four five. Repeat again!

4. The monkey came down to us from the branch.
The monkey must be respected
After all, monkeys are our ancestors, (sitting on the floor, children try to reach out with their feet and ears)
And the ancestors, children, need to be imitated.
Lives in the world a lot (repetition of imitations of animal movements from all verses)
Monkeys, cats, birds and snakes.
But man - you are a friend of nature,
And he must know the habits of all animals.

One two Three. Well, repeat!
One two Three. Well, repeat!
Three four five. Repeat again!
Three four five. Repeat again!
Repeat again!

GCD by sections knowledge(socialization) "Journey to Health"

Integration of educational areas


  • Strengthen children's knowledge of how to take care of their health.
  • To form a desire to take care of oral hygiene.
  • Strengthen knowledge on disease prevention with foot massage.
  • Cultivate a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle.


Contribute to the expansion and deepening of children's competence about the importance of oral hygiene, food intake, the importance of healthy eating in human life, to develop an understanding that healthy eating is part of a healthy lifestyle.


Continue to contribute to the strengthening of friendly relations in the team of peers. Develop a game experimental activities, the unity of children to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.


Continue to develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

Reading fiction

To promote the perception of literary images through listening to poetry.


  • To consolidate children's ideas about the importance of nutrition in human life;
  • about useful and harmful products;
  • Clarify children's knowledge about the rules of eating;
  • Develop thought processes (attention, memory);
  • Continue to acquaint with the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of oral care.


Illustrations of the structure of teeth;

Pictures for the game with the image of food;

Presentation on the topic "Rules for brushing teeth"; pieces of vegetables and fruits; - a bottle of cola; sweets ("rondo" or "tic-tac"),

Water tanks;


Preventive paths;

Toothbrush, toothpaste.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys today we will go to the country of Health. Who do you think lives in the country of Health?

Children: Healthy people who never get sick.

Educator: Right. Do you know what to do so as not to get sick? Well done, now we will check this with you (the door opens into the group, Carlson runs in with a bag of sweets and a jar of jam, a parcel box, a package with a bottle of cola, an apple, chips. (Puts the parcel.)

Carlson: Hi, and I'm visiting you. See what I have. I am the biggest sweet tooth. I can eat it all in one minute.

Educator: Wait, Carlson, is it possible to eat so many sweets?

Children: No, you can't.

Carlson: Why not? I always eat only sweets. And now I'm eating. (Carlson sits down on a chair and starts eating candy, jam from a jar. But after a few minutes he starts screaming in pain, complains that his teeth hurt. The teacher suggests Carlson rinse his mouth with water. Carlson rinses his mouth with water from a glass and spits out water into bowl.)

Educator: Well, Carlson is it easier for you?

Carlson: No, I don't need to treat anything. I will not go!

Educator: Listen to Carlson, what can happen if you do not treat your teeth on time.

So that you, my friend, with longing

Didn't have to in my declining years

Terrible false jaw

chewing lunch,

So that your native teeth

I need to clean them more often.

It is necessary to treat in time.

Educator: And yet, Carlson, you need to seek help from a dentist. You know, Carlson, we are going with the guys to the country of Health. There you will learn many more interesting things about how to take care of your teeth. Do you want to come with us?

Carlson: Yes, I really want to.

Teacher: Then let's go. To get to the country of Health, we will go along the magic paths (prophylactic rugs are spread out). Why do you guys need to walk on rugs?

Children: We will have even, strong, slender legs. We will not get sick yet, because. there are many points on the soles of the feet that are massaged and turn on the protection of the body. (Children walk along the paths with Carlson.)

Educator: Here we are in the country of Health, Carlson, how do you feel?

Carlson: The tooth still aches, but not much at all.

Educator: Guys, tell Carlson what protects teeth from destruction?

Children: Tooth enamel protects it from decay. She is very durable.

Educator: Right, but what can happen if the enamel is destroyed?

Children: Cracks appear in the enamel, small holes that increase and the tooth starts to hurt.

(Children come to the laptop, and I choose slides with the rules and tell Carlson about them in turn.)

Rinse your mouth after eating;

visit the dentist twice a year;

You can not gnaw nuts;

Eat foods containing calcium and fluoride, etc.

Educator: Carlson remember these rules and always follow them, then your teeth will be strong and healthy. You guys said you should definitely brush your teeth. Are you good at brushing your teeth?

Children: Yes, we can.

Educator: Can you, Carlson?

Carlson: No, I can't. Maybe you can show me how to do it?

Educator: Now the guys will tell you everything.

(The next slides are the rules for brushing your teeth.)

Children: Teeth are cleaned from the bottom - up the lower teeth and from the top - down the upper teeth; clean inside too. We give you toothbrush and pasta so you can brush your teeth too.

Carlson: Thank you! You also said that you need to eat foods that contain some kind of calcium and fluoride?

Educator: Guys, what are calcium and fluorine?

Children: These are the elements that make strong and durable tooth enamel and our bones.

Educator: Let's tell Carlson what foods to eat to strengthen tooth enamel. (The game “Choose foods that strengthen teeth” is being played: children lay out cards on a magnetic board depicting foods containing calcium and fluoride, fruits and vegetables.)

Educator: The guys named everything correctly. Now you, Carlson, understand what foods you need to eat so that your teeth are strong.

Carlson: I understand everything. Now I will eat fruit. I need to eat a lot of them at once, (takes out an apple from the bag. Drops it, wipes it off and starts eating hastily. At the same time, he tries to say something, walks around the group, waving his arms.) I want to tell you one story (but he says so I can't understand anything.

Educator: Guys, did you understand anything from what Carlson said? Can you tell me why his stomach hurts?

Children: He did not wash his hands before eating, ate on the go, talked while eating, picked up from the floor, chewed food badly.

Educator: Carlson, sit down on the sofa, drink some water and listen to the rules that our guys will tell you. (Carlson sits on the sofa, the children opposite him on the chairs.)

1st child:

I think you know without a doubt

That not everything you eat is beneficial.

Remember and explain to everyone very clearly:

The stomach cannot be offended in vain.

2nd child:

He doesn't need cold food

And very hot is also harmful.

3rd child

And all sorts of sweets, and chips, and cola

The stomach is afraid of injections like children.

4th child

Do not eat on the go - it is very dangerous,

All people are well aware of this.

5th child

You always sit down at the table at the same time,

And don't be lazy to wash your hands before eating,

6th child

Large pieces should not be swallowed,

And you have to chew your food thoroughly.

7th child

Try not to eat too much

To not get better and not get sick.

Children (all):

And remember! They didn't have a stomach ache.

Who from childhood understood and pitied him.

Carlson: I understand everything, guys. Now I know how to eat right. But I wanted to tell you that I brought a treat for you. (Takes out of the package, cola, chewing gum, chips. He tries to treat children with these products.)

Children and teacher: Carlson, these are very harmful products. They cannot be eaten.

Educator: Look, guys and Carlson, what will happen in your stomach if you eat only some of the foods that Carlson wanted to treat us to. (an experiment is being conducted: a bottle of cola is opened, sweets like “rondo” or “tic-tac” are thrown into it. There is a violent reaction in the form of a fountain. Everyone is surprised. The teacher explains why these products should not be eaten.)

Educator: Carlson, the guys have already told you so much about what you can eat and what you can’t; how to eat right. Do you want to play with the guys in the game "Useful and Harmful".

Carlson: I really want to. (There are children with Carlson at the table. There are cards on the table. There are 2 baskets, the teacher offers to put cards with the image in the right basket useful products, and on the left - harmful products.)

Carlson: Thank you guys. You helped me to understand useful and unhealthy foods. I learned how to take care of my teeth, how to eat right. Where is my parcel. Kid sent it to you. I must have left her in kindergarten. Let's go back there (everyone "returns to kindergarten").

Carlson: And here is the package. Sit on the chairs, let's see what surprise the Kid has sent you. (Opens it. Takes out a plate with pieces of fruit and vegetables, covered with a napkin.) The kid wants to play with you. To do this, you need to close your eyes. I will put a piece of some product in your mouth. You chew it and say what you ate. (The game "Guess the taste" is being held. Candy is found among fruits and vegetables.)

Carlson: Tell me, Katya, what did you eat? Name Vladik, what did you have? (Ask each child. It turns out that someone had candy.) Guys, is candy a useful product?

Children: No, you can’t eat a lot of sweets. From them, the enamel of the teeth deteriorates and there are no vitamins in it.

Carlson: Well done guys. It's time for me to leave. Thank you for useful lesson. I will do everything right and immediately go to the dentist. Goodbye.

Educator: Let's once again remember the rules for oral care and the rules for eating. (The material covered is being consolidated.) And now I suggest you prepare for a walk. Tell me why you need to walk? (Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, well done. Let's go for a walk and have fun competitions on a walk.

Outdoor games:

- develop dexterity, resourcefulness, endurance, a sense of friendship and mutual assistance;

- Encourage children to acquire a variety of motor experiences.

Games - relay races

1.relay race with rope

Equipment: jump ropes.

Age: 5–7 years.

Game progress:

The teams are built in a column one at a time, in the hands of the guides there are short ropes. On a signal, the first numbers begin to move, jumping over the rope in a conditioned way and, having rounded the rack located at a distance of 8-10 m, come back, passing the rope to the second numbers, etc. During the movement, taking into account the distance, you must do at least 10– 12 turns of the rope.

2. Grasshopper Relay

Age: 5–7 years.

Game progress:

Two or three teams line up in front of the starting line. On a signal, the first numbers jump over the established distance of 10–15 m back and forth, always stepping over the line on opposite side sites. As soon as the first participant, having landed behind the starting line, touches the next participant with his hand, he starts jumping, etc.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. In the relay race, the following tasks can be performed: jumping on two legs, jumping on the right foot, jumping on the left foot, there - on the right foot, from there - on the left, or vice versa.

Relay option. Each participant tries to overcome the distance in fewer jumps.

3.From bump to bump

Equipment: hoops.

Age: 5–7 years.

Game progress:

The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, they draw or lay flat hoops (6-8 pieces) - these are bumps. At the command of the teacher, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop. Having reached the finish line, they run back. Jumping starts the next participant. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

4. Don't hit the object

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Age: 5–7 years.

Game progress:

Children are built in two columns at the starting line. Opposite each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump one after another on two legs between the objects (snake) and return to their place. The column that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

5. Ball into the wall

Equipment: balls.

Age: 5–7 years.

Game progress:

The players line up in 3-4 columns at a distance of 3 m from the wall facing it. On a signal, the first players throw the ball against the wall, catch it after bouncing off the ground and pass it to the next, they themselves run to the end of their column. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

II. Afternoon

AT recent times in preschool institutions increasingly used unconventional means physical education children: rhythmic gymnastics exercises, game stretching, dancing and others.

The game method gives the educational process an attractive form, facilitates the process of memorizing and mastering exercises, increases emotional background classes, promotes the development of thinking, imagination and creativity child.

Game self-massage - unconventional look exercises that help the child's body develop naturally, morphologically and functionally improve its individual organs and systems.

"What a beard": Massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds

Yes - yes - yes - grandfather has a beard.

Rub your palms together

De - de - de - there are gray hairs in the beard.

Run your hands along the neck from the back of the head to the jugular fossa.

Doo-doo-doo - comb your beard

Gently run your thumbs down the neck from the chin down.

Yes - yes - yes - tired of the beard.

Hands clenched into fists, elevations thumbs quickly rub the wings of the nose

Doo - doo - doo - let's shave off grandfather's beard

Put three fingers on the forehead with the entire plane and, gently pressing, stroke the forehead.

Dy - dy - dy - no more beard.

Extending the index and middle fingers, put them in front of and behind the ears and rub the skin with force.

"Our Eyes": gymnastics for the eyes (according to the method of yogis).

index finger right hand touch the tip of the nose so that the finger is parallel to the floor. Focus on the tip of the finger, look without blinking, to the point of fatigue, to the point of tears, fix the gaze on the tip of the finger for full breath(take a full breath, then a full breath). Relax your eyes. Repeat the exercise by placing a finger between the eyebrows;

With the index finger of the right hand, touch the tip of the nose, focus on the tip of the finger. With inhalation, remove the finger from the nose as far as possible within the distance outstretched hand while continuing to look at the tip of your finger. With an exhalation, return the finger back to the nose. Repeat the exercise by placing a finger between the eyebrows;

Throw your head back until it stops. Focus on the tip of the nose. Take a full breath, then a full breath. Repeat the same, focusing on the area between the eyebrows;

Perform circular rotations of the eyes, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do the same with your eyes closed. The rate of rotation is variable, from slow to as fast as possible;

Close your eyes with your palms so that light does not penetrate through your palms. Sit for a while, letting your eyes relax.

4. Independent physical activity

Offer children balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles, ring throws.

5. Working with parents

Purpose: to provide parents with the necessary information on the organization of children's nutrition in an accessible and convincing way.

How not to feed your baby (from the book by V. Levy " Irregular child")

Seven great and obligatory "don'ts"

1. Do not force . Let's understand and remember: food violence is one of the most terrible violence against the body and personality, harm is both physical and mental. If the child does not want to eat, then he this moment there is no need! If you don’t want to eat only something specific, then you don’t need this! No compulsion in food! No "feeding"! The child is not a farm animal! Lack of appetite during illness is a sign that the body needs internal cleaning, he wants to starve, and in this case the voice of instinct is more correct than any medical prescription.

2. Do not impose . Violence in a mild form: persuasion, persuasion, persistent repetition of a sentence. Stop - and never again.

3. Don't please . Food is not a means of obtaining obedience or a means of enjoyment; food is a means of life. Healthy enjoyment of food is, of course, necessary, but it must come only from a healthy appetite. With your sweets, you will only achieve spoilage and perversion of taste, as well as metabolic disorders.

4. Don't rush . Food is not fire fighting. The pace of eating is a purely personal matter. Haste in eating is always harmful, and breaks in chewing are necessary even for a cow. If you have to rush to kindergarten or somewhere else, then let the child better not finish eating than, in confusion and panic, swallow another half-chewed piece.

5. Don't distract . While the child is eating, the TV should be turned off, and new toy tucked away. However, if the child is distracted from eating himself, do not protest or urge: it means that he is not hungry.

6. Don't indulge, but understand . You can not let the child eat anything and in any quantity (for example, unlimited doses of jam or ice cream). There should be no food coercion, but there should be food prohibitions, especially for diathesis and allergies. Compliance with all other "not" will save you from many additional problems.

7. Do not worry and do not disturb . No anxiety, no worry about whether the child ate on time and how much. Just keep an eye on the quality of the food. Do not pester, do not ask: "Have you eaten? Do you want to eat?" Let him ask, let him demand it himself, when he wants, so it will be right - so, only so!

If the child is older, then you can tell him that breakfast, lunch or dinner is ready, offer to eat - that's all, nothing more. The food is in front of you: eat if you want.

Used Books:

  1. Zaitsev G.K. "Lessons of Moidodyr". St. Petersburg, publishing house "Accident", 1996
  2. V. Levy "Non-standard child". M., 2009

Tasks: improve motor abilities children, exercise in walking, running, crawling, balance, cycling; educate interest and needs in a healthy lifestyle; give children a sense of joy.

Equipment: two gymnastic benches; sandbags - according to the number of children; four baskets; two bicycles; two cubes (for reference) emblems; flags (two per child); bicycle for Dunno; two benches.

Character: Dunno.

Leisure course

Children enter the hall to the music and line up in one line.

Instructor. Today we have gathered in the hall to celebrate Health Day. We have two teams here that will compete with each other. The Koloboks team and the Stars team. And our respected jury will judge our competitions (jury representation).

Teams, warm-up march!

Children walk along the hall to the music and form into units.

Warm-up (with flags).

1. I. p. - the main stand.

1-2 - hands with flags to the sides;

2 - i. n. (6 times).

2 . I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.

1-2 - turn to the side, stretch your hands with flags in front of you;

3-4 - and. n. (6 times).

3. I. p. - legs apart.

1-2 - tilt to the leg, with a flag to reach the toe right foot, do not bend your knees;

The same to the left leg (6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting on the heels.

1-2 - kneel, raise your hands with flags up, stretch, bend your back, look at the flags;

3-4 - and. n. (6 times).

5. “Blow on the flag” - breathing exercise (2 times).

To the music, the children are built in one line.

Collect flags.

Instructor. Teams, for a welcome step march!

Children are rebuilt in two lines, stand opposite each other.

Instructor. The Kolobok team welcomes the Zvezdochka team.


We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

May your results be good!

Instructor. The Stars team welcomes the Koloboks team.


So that they don’t know fatigue today

And they brought a lot of joy to everyone.

Instructor. Now let's get down to our competition.

Knock on the door. Dunno appears on a bicycle.

Dunno. Hello, what are you doing here? (Answers of children.) Nonsense! Here I rest, so I rest! I lie on the couch, eat sweets and watch TV. Here is the rest!

Instructor. And we do sports with the guys! We want to be smart, brave, strong. And most importantly - healthy!

Dunno. And I can do everything without training and don’t get sick ... almost!

Children offer Dunno to crawl along the gymnastic bench with a bag on his back. He fails, the bag falls.

Instructor. But look how our children can do it. And you hurt for them.


1. "Don't drop it."

Crawl on the gymnastic bench with a bag on your back.

Instructor. And now let's play.

2 . Game "Apple".

Children stand in a circle holding hands. They go in a circle with the words: “Apple, apple”, run in a circle - “A wormy apple”, “The wind blows - it falls” - they squat. You can't fall!

Instructor. And now let's dance.

3 . Round dance “Still wind, wattle fence” (both teams).

Instructor. Now the next competition.

4. Relay with bags.

There are two baskets at the finish line (for each team). It is necessary to run along the board, take a bag of sand from one basket and transfer it to another basket. Run back (run next to the board) to the team.

5. The game "Dance, spin, be the most dexterous"!

Dunno. How ashamed I am! I can't do that! I better go home.

Instructor. Don't know, don't go! Stay with us. The guys will teach you how to become as dexterous and strong.

Dunno. But I can ride a bike!

Instructor. Our guys do too.

6. Who can ride a bike faster?

Each team has a bike, and they take it in turns to ride a bike to the finish cube, return back also on a bike and pass it on to the next team member.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Children make a circle of honor and leave the hall to the music.