How to explain to the child what can be told and what is not worth it. We tell the child where children come from. When you can tell the child how he was born. Children's questions to parents

History Russia is rich in a heroic past that all generations of Russians can and should be proud of. Children preschool age are able to perceive the most significant events in the history of the Fatherland, to know its heroes. Children need to know the history Russian holiday– Cosmonautics Day; date of the first flight into space; about the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin; about the heroic conquerors of outer space.



What can you tell your child about space and astronautics?

April 12th We are celebrating Cosmonautics Day, one of the most beloved holidays in our country. This is not surprising, because in childhood, many dreamed of becoming astronauts and going to space.

The holiday was first celebrated in 1962, exactly one year after the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin, and in 1968 he received worldwide recognition and acquired the prefix "World".

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of learning to fly like birds. The mythical hero Icarus made wings from feathers and attached them to his back with wax. He managed to rise high into the sky. But he flew too close to the sun, the sun's rays melted the wax, and Icarus fell into the sea. Since then, that sea has become known as the Icarian.

People continued to try to conquer the heavenly space. First they took to the sky balloons. But they could not be controlled. Wherever the wind blew, the ball flew there. Then they came up with an airship - controlled Balloon. He was very big and clumsy. Later came airplanes. Then planes and helicopters.

However, people did not stop there. A simple teacher, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, came up with a "rocket train", a prototype of modern rockets, on which one could fly to the stars and visit other planets. But, unfortunately, Tsiolkovsky did not have the opportunity to manufacture this apparatus. Only many, many years later, the scientist-designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev designed the first space rocket.

But before sending a man into outer space, it was necessary to make sure that this was possible. First, mice, rabbits, and dogs went into space. Animals were specially trained, taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure cold and heat. The first animals to make an orbital space flight and return to Earth unharmed were the Soviet cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka.

After many successful flights of dogs, it was decided to send a man into space. They became Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin spaceship"Vostok" circled the entire Earth and returned back alive and unharmed. The flight, which lasted 1 hour 48 minutes, forever entered the history of the world.

Children about space. Getting to know the solar system

It is better to start acquaintance with the Sun. This is the most important star in our solar system the life of our planet depends on it. It is difficult for a kid to imagine the size of the Sun, stars, solar system, planets and the Earth too. Try to explain everything complicated simple things using improvised means. Take a flashlight or a lamp - this is the sun, and big ball- this is the Earth, the ball is a little smaller - this is the Moon. If you have a globe - great, it makes the task easier! Together with your child, you can conduct an experiment with a globe or with improvised objects, considering the issues of the change of day and night, why we sometimes see the full moon, and sometimes only a crescent. Tell us that we see only the illuminated side of the moon, and the other side is in shadow. Talk about the size of space objects. Why do we see stars small? Demonstrate on any object how it decreases with distance from us, it is convenient to do this on the street, take the same ball with you and use it as a star or planet. For this reason, we see the stars as small dots, but they are huge, they are just very far from us! Explain that stars emit light and planets reflect. To do this, it is convenient to use phosphorescent objects, stickers or reflective tape. The royal gift for a child will, of course, be a telescope. They are different size and sold by different prices. The child will be delighted! It will bring him closer to the stars!

You can compare the sizes of the Sun and the Earth using a pumpkin and a pea. If our Earth is a pea, then the Sun is a pumpkin. Try to explain everything in concrete terms. simple examples without uncertainty. In conclusion, you can watch interesting videos.

Try to answer all the questions that the child has. If you don't know something, don't brush it off, don't evade the answer! It is better to look for the answer with your child in an encyclopedia or on the Internet. Your authority will definitely not suffer, but on the contrary, you will show that it is normal not to know something, it is bad not to strive to know more.

Games on the theme "Space"

We make a rocket.

Make rockets with the whole family and arrange competitions "Whose rocket will fly farthest". To work, you need a sheet thin paper A4. Do not forget to connect the parts with glue. Ready rocket, install on the device to launch. A good blow - the rocket flies into space!

"Space rhyme".

Learn the counting rhyme with your child. Using it, you can determine the order of rocket launches:

An astrologer lived on the moon

He kept a record of the planets:

Mercury - times

Venus - two-s,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars,

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eight - Neptune,

Who does not see - get out.

"Alien Portrait"

We draw a portrait of aliens. Who lives on other planets? Let's fantasize! Take a sheet of paper, circle your palm, turn it over. Who is it? Maybe an alien from other planets? Let's finish the details - the alien's portrait is ready!

"Space Mysteries"

It burns without fire, it flies without wings. (Sun)

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned. What's this? (Sky, stars, month).

This planet is dear to all of us, the planet gave us life ... (Earth.)

"Planet Earth" Zh. Paramonov

Planet Earth is our dear home.

But how much, children, do we know about him?

We solve riddles all the time.

But we do not know the shape of the Earth until the end.

And the shape of the Earth without rivers and seas

It's called geoid! Learn and get smarter!

And what's inside? We take it for granted:

The core is not visible. Let's fly into the atmosphere!

We are grateful to her that we can breathe

And we can solve many problems with it.

Sotnikova Valentina Nikolaevna - teacher-speech therapist MADOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 33 "Rainbow" of the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region.
The material is recommended for parents of older preschoolers.

What can you tell your child about hedgehogs

The hedgehog is a wild animal that lives in our forests. The muzzle of the hedgehog is small, with protruding nose, all covered with short gray hairs. Black, like beads, eyes seem attentive and intelligent, but the hedgehog sees badly, but he has a wonderful scent! The paws of the hedgehog are short with small claws. The hedgehog wears prickly needles on its back. But what about him without needles? After all, they save him from enemies. The hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball, bristle its sharp needles - try it, eat it.
The hedgehog is a predator. It feeds on worms, beetles, catches lizards, poisonous snakes, mice, frogs.
Near the old stump, the hedgehog arranges a mink for himself and covers it with dry fallen leaves. The hedgehog prepares the litter in its own way. He rolls head over heels on the grass and pins leaves on his needles. The hedgehog does not stock up for the winter. When the cold comes, he will climb into his warm cozy house and sleep soundly until spring. Fluffy snow will cover a hedgehog mink, no one will find it under the snow and will not disturb sleep.
When it warms up, spring sunshine, streams will run and the snow will melt, the hedgehog comes out of the hole. In the spring, hedgehogs appear in the hedgehog hole, they will be born with eyes closed and ears. There are no needles on hedgehogs at first, they appear an hour and a half after birth - white, soft. The hedgehog mother loves her children very much, feeds them with milk, feeling the first signs of danger, drags them to another place. When the kids grow up, the eyes and ears will open, and the needles will darken and become hard, the hedgehogs come out of the hole. They run after the hedgehog mother, snorting funny and tapping their claws. Hedgehog and hedgehog are taught to look for food for hedgehogs, to catch bugs, mollusks, mice.
During the day, hedgehogs sleep in a hole under an old stump, and at night they go hunting.
Hedgehogs quickly get used to people, drink milk from a saucer, and catch mice no worse than cats.
Have your child answer the following questions:
1. - Describe appearance hedgehog.
2. - Name the hedgehog family: hedgehog - hedgehog - hedgehog
3. - Where does the hedgehog sleep? - In a mink under a stump.
4. - What do hedgehogs eat? - worms, mice, snakes, frogs, beetles.
5. - How does a hedgehog prepare for winter? - Near the old stump, the hedgehog looks after himself a mink and covers it with dry leaves. The hedgehog does not stock up for the winter. He sleeps all winter until spring.
Learn riddles:
1) Like a Christmas tree
All in needles
2) Nose like a pig
Yes pegs of bristles
3) We need sewing needles
And who needs needles to live?
Learn with your child a poem by P. Voronko "Sly hedgehog"
Cunning eccentric hedgehog
Sewed a prickly jacket:
Hundred pins on the chest
One hundred needles behind.
A hedgehog walks in the forest on the grass,
Sticks to pins
Pear, plum - every fruit,
What will find under the tree
And with a rich gift
Returns to hedgehogs

Olga Sidorova

Conversation with children on the topic: "Football"

Target: to acquaint children with the history of football; the simplest rules of the game; create a desire to play football.

Today we will talk about football, what is football? I will guess a riddle, and you try to guess it. The ball jumps quickly on the grass

From gate to gate.

They kick him - he doesn't cry.

Who will call me the game?

That's right guys, football is an old game. Only its name comes from the English words - "foot" this word means foot, and the word "bol" is a ball. So football, they play the ball with their feet. Football is played not only by boys and men, but also by girls and women.

As we all know, football is played on the football field. There are main lines, markings and, of course, goals on the field, as you know, there are two of them.

Any sports field can be turned into a football field. It is only desirable that it be grassy, ​​without bumps and depressions. The football field is like a rectangle. If the field is smaller, then the number of players should be smaller, otherwise collisions and, therefore, injuries cannot be avoided.

Each game has its own rules. The goal of the football team is to score as many goals as possible. The team that scores more goals in the opponent's goal is considered the winner.

A football team usually consists of 5-8 players and several substitutes who take the field in the event of an injury to one of the players. The best in the team is chosen as the captain. Each team has a name. Players from different teams must have uniforms different color so as not to make a mistake when passing the ball.

Before the start of the game, a lot is held to select the sides of the field and the initial throw-in of the ball. The referee places the ball on the ground. At his signal, one of the players of the team that started the game hits the ball, directing it towards the opponent. He may not touch the ball until other players have touched the ball. The opposing team players are located at a distance of two steps from the circle line.

We looked at illustrations about football, getting acquainted with the uniforms of the players.

Today, June 14, in our capital city of Moscow, the “2018 FIFA World Cup” begins, our capital welcomes guests from different republics with its hospitality, the game will take place at the beautiful new Luzhniki STADIUM

where guests can comfortably watch the game. We will be rooting for the Russian team. Also, our group was preparing for this championship, with the children they drew on summer veranda the mascot of the championship 2018 - Zabivak the dog, the slogan of our friendly team "Go Russia!".

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Each mother begins to talk with the child even before he is born, when the baby is in the tummy. With birth, communication becomes one of the essential needs.

Sometimes mom can't find suitable topic for communication, replacing everything with the usual lisping. However, communication with the baby is very important, because it helps him develop and improves relations with parents. Here are 9 ideas about what you can and should talk about with your child.

Everyone wants to hear nice things about themselves.

It is important for a child to understand that his parents love and appreciate him. Tell your baby how he was in your tummy, how he was born. Tell about feelings, experiences. Describe the weather, the time of discharge from the hospital, how and who met you. Don't forget your first bath. Describe the emotions of everyone who rejoiced at the appearance of the baby. Make an album together, fill it gradually, as you grow older. Comment on each photo, try to create a vivid story.

Fill your child's life with memorable moments

Don't just spend time with your baby, do things together. Help a homeless animal, build an original snowman, dress up as your favorite characters, and so on. Remember such events together with the baby, discussing the smallest details: where they found a homeless animal, who stuck their nose on a snowman, what color the hero’s clothes were. Through conversations, you will see that the baby perfectly remembers the details that you yourself do not remember.

Relatives Theme

Talk about everyone: grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, brother, sister. Don't forget to name names when showing pictures. If the child has already met them, recall this moment, find some distinctive feature.

For example: “Do you remember what a beautiful cat Uncle Fyodor has?” or “Oh, what a cake Grandma baked.”

Tell me about your childhood

The child is interested in hearing about you at his age. Talk about everything: the first toy, a broken knee, a trip to the forest, about any interesting moments life. Tell us about things that you loved and vice versa: dislike for barley porridge, joy from snow, etc. Tell your child about the first achievements, weaknesses, fears.

You will open from the side that the baby is especially interested in, important. Thanks to the stories, the child will understand how close you are, that you can understand and accept his feelings, needs.

Talk about a pet

Almost everyone has pet. Tell us how the pet became a member of the family, do not forget interesting details. If the pet appeared before the baby, then show his photos when the dog / cat / parrot was still small.

Discuss the weather

As trite as it sounds, such discussions can become quite exciting. Let the kid express his opinion, then focus on interesting, vivid details. The kid should actively participate in the conversation, so tell us why the sun shines, how the puddles dry up, where the rain and snow come from, etc.

Talk about everything you see "I see and I say"

Discuss everything you see. saw beautiful tree tell me how it grew. Try to ask the child, then complete the story. Ask questions about any subjects that are of interest, answer counter questions. So you get an interesting and exciting dialogue that will help the baby learn something new.

Discuss professions

In any place where you see a representative of any profession, it is worth asking the baby about it. Complete the story, tell about specialties unknown to the baby. Through the discussion, expand the horizons of the baby, find out who he wants to become, who he looks up to. Tell us about your childhood dreams regarding the profession, what you found interesting in it.

Talk about read fairy tales, watched cartoons

Discuss stories, cartoons, fairy tales. Divide the heroes into good and bad, evaluating the actions of the characters. Let the child express his opinion about the hero, his actions. Find out what the child will do in this situation.

These are just some of the topics that can be discussed with the baby. Talk to your child, find the most interesting topics for him.

What can't be done?

  • Do not say that the child asks stupid questions, so he will lose interest in conversations, curiosity, the desire for knowledge will disappear in him.
  • Never compare your child to anyone. In this way, you can underestimate his self-esteem.
  • Do not start conversations related to negative topics. You risk growing a pessimist out of a baby.
  • Listen, do not interrupt, even if you are in a hurry or know what the baby wants to say.
  • Do not use phrases: “You don’t understand”, “You are too small”, etc. It is better to explain everything to the baby in an accessible language.

Over time, you will see how the child will have personal topics for conversation. The baby will start asking interesting questions about your life or the world around it.

Sometimes kids can put us in a funny, and sometimes embarrassing position, declaring in public what should not have been made public.

Sometimes kids can put us in a funny, and sometimes embarrassing position, declaring in public what should not have been made public. Key number: say out loud the phrase said by dad under your breath, or reproduce your grandmother's favorite saying about uninvited guests unexpectedly descended relatives.

How to teach a child to "keep a secret"?

How to explain to a child that not everything that he hears in the family circle is worth repeating in front of outsiders?

How to show him the difference between what he can say after you, and what is not intended not only for others, but also for himself?

"Where are you going, blind?" - calmly says the baby sitting on back seat meanwhile it's warm and the windows in the car are open. This remark did not go unnoticed, and dad, smiling embarrassedly, hurriedly leaves.

When later they try to explain to Anyuta that they shouldn’t say that, she replies that “dad always says that,” and it’s hard to argue with that.

Anya, sincerely, not wanting to offend anyone, said what she had heard from her father more than once. Children do not see any obstacles in order to reproduce what they heard from us in similar situation. They do not yet understand that some phrases adults pronounce in the expectation that they will not be heard.

In such situations, you can explain to the child that when we are angry because of something, then sometimes we need to say some words, but not for others, but for ourselves, in order to express our anger.

Often, children with remarkable spontaneity retell stories to others from our personal and family life. Teachers, friends and parents of friends sometimes listen to the most amusing revelations of our children. This talkativeness is sometimes disturbing, but in fact the child does not want to upset you.

Everything that the baby sees and hears at home is part of his life for him, and, talking about you, he thus speaks about himself. The child is sure: everything that happens in the family is related to him, whether it is about financial position or about the difficulties between mother and grandmother.

Nothing escapes the attention of children, do not console yourself with the illusion that adulthood they are incomprehensible and uninterested.

Pay close attention to what is said in the family circle. Criticizing the mother-in-law in the presence of the child, you can hurt the feelings of the child, because he adores the grandmother. Complaining about her husband best friend You also run the risk of disturbing the balance of the child, it is important for him to know that his dad is "the best."

Children are unusually receptive towards us, our emotional state, and even immersed in a game or cartoons, everyone hears and remembers. Sometimes, by retelling conversations that they do not understand too well to other adults, they expect a reaction to their story. Thus, unconsciously, they try to understand what is happening and how to relate to it.

Also, this may be an attempt to attract attention, especially if events disturbing the child occur in the family. The birth of a brother, the illness of someone close, moving - all this can make a child want to find an interlocutor.

Sometimes he may start talking about something in front of you in order to draw your attention to topics that concern him. Perhaps he feels insufficiently included in the life of the family, and needs you to explain what certain events are connected with, and tell him that you understand his feelings and anxieties.

A careless word flew out, and they are waiting for an apology from you? Do not scold the child, because he repeats your words, apologize instead of him, share with him the responsibility for the situation.

Even if you are angry or embarrassed, do not blame him, but try to find out why it was important for the child to tell about this or that event. Perhaps to impress friends, to attract the attention of a teacher, or to arouse pity in a friend's parents.

Try not to overreact to the child's "frankness". If he understands that his words and actions have power, he may repeat the experience for the sole purpose of provoking you.

If the child's statements amused you, do not let him understand that he said something funny. He will certainly want to continue in the same spirit to please you. When four-year-old Alina declared at a family gathering: “My aunt has big boobs!” Everyone laughed, of course. But mom was no longer laughing when the girl repeated this to everyone she met for a whole week.

Not to say anything out of politeness is too complicated a rule for a three- or four-year-old child.

Only over time, he will learn to understand what can be told and what is not worth it.

After all, adults do not always know how to be delicate. And in the presence of children, sometimes they give out secrets about their personal life. Often adults, when discussing children, complain about them or express concern that the child does not know how or does not know something, thus hurting him and depriving him of support. Imagine the acute sense of shame a child experiences when you tell a neighbor that he peed last night or that you are still spoon-feeding him.

It will be difficult to teach a child respect for the privacy of loved ones without showing respect for his life. If you want to talk about something in the presence of a child, ask him if he would mind that someone else learns some details about him. Try not to hurt his vanity with careless remarks.

It is important for a child of three or four years of age to be proud of his achievements, to feel skillful, and your critical statements can deprive him of initiative. Moreover, at this age social connections child are expanding - he goes to kindergarten, where he will gradually form his own social circle, his own world.It is at this time that it is important to show him that there are boundaries between the home and the outside worlds.

The need to keep some information in a “sealed” form causes such a strong excitement that it is difficult to cope with it.

After all, we adults know the feeling when we are bursting with exciting news. Find a reason for the child to "practice" in keeping secrets, it must be connected with positive emotions some happy event.

Dad's birthday is approaching, and he chooses a gift together with you? Take this opportunity and teach him to keep secrets.

"You're big enough already, and I trust you." "Your dad loves surprises, so it's important to keep a secret."

In this way, you will make the child feel important, and he will be very proud that you entrusted him with a secret.

Be sure to explain to the child that there are things that cannot be hidden, about which it is absolutely necessary to tell parents.

Dangerous games in the yard, school racketeering, sexual or physical abuse. The child must know that he has the right to talk about it, even if he was told that it was a secret.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet