Temporal bone structure anatomy. Temporal bone

OS Temporale, steam room, participates in the formation of the base of the skull and the side wall of its arch. It lies in it and equilibrium. It is articulated with the lower jaw and is the support of the chewing apparatus.

On the outer surface of the bone there is an outer auditory, Porus Acusticus externus, around which three parts are located temporal bone; From above - the scaly part, knutrice and the rear - the rocky part, or the pyramid, in front and below - the drum part.

The scaly part, Pars Squamosa, has a plate shape and is located almost in the sagittal direction. Outdoor temporal surface, facies temporalis, scaly pieces are a little rough and slightly convex. In the rear section, it is held in the vertical direction of the groove of the middle temporary artery, Sulcus Arternae Temporaalis Mediae (trail of the adjacent artery of the same name).

In the revenue department of the scaly part, an arcuate line passes, which continues to the lower temporal line, Linea Temporalis Inferior, darky bones.

From the scaly part, above and a few kpeedi from the outer hearing aid, departs in the horizontal direction of the zyloma process, Processus Zygomaticus. It is a continuation of the exhaust ridge, Crista Supramastoidea, located horizontally along the lower edge of the outer surface of the scaly part. Starting in a wide root, the zicky process is then narrowed. It has an inner and outdoor surface and two edges - a longer top and bottom, shorter. Front end skylovoy process Jesbren. The zylomic process of temporal bone and the temporal process, Processus Temporalis, the bones are connected with the help of temporo-zylovatic sutura, sutura temporozygomatica forming a zylyl arc, Arcus Zygomaticus.

On the bottom surface of the root of the zoomy process is a cross-oval form of the mandibular fossa, Fossa MandiBularis. Front half of the pits, to the careist-scaly slot, is a joint surface, Fades Articularis, temporal lumpermandile Sustava. Ahead of the module's mumbler limits the articular tubercle, Tuberculum Articulare.

The outer surface of the scaly part is involved in the formation of temporal pits,
Fossa Temporalis (the beams of temporal muscles begin here, m. Temporalis).
The inner brain surface, Facies Cerebralis, slightly concave. It has finger-shaped indentation, Impressiones Digitatae, as well as arterial furrows, Sulcus ARTERIOSUS (in it there is a middle meningeal artery, a. Meningea Media).

The scaly part of the temporal bone has two free edges - Wedge-shaped and dark.

The edge of the wedge-shaped edge, Margo Sphenoidalis, wide, toothed, connects with the scaled edge of the large wing of a wedge-shaped bone and forms a wedge-shaped scaly seam, Sutura Sphenosquamosa.

Verkhnesey Darken Territory, Margo Parietalis, pointed, longer than the previous one, is connected to the scaly edge of the parietal bone.

Pyramid (stony part), Pars Petrosa, temporal bone consists of rear agent and advanced departments.

The rear-lathered department of the rocky part of the temporal bone is a prechaim process, Processus Mastoideus, which is located the stop from the outer hearing aid. It distinguishes the outer and inner surface. The outer surface is convex, rough and is the place of attachment of the muscles. The book is a minimized process in a cone-shaped protrusion that is good forgiven through the skin,
From the inside, the process limits a deep mastoid clipping, Incisura Mastoidea (from it begins the back of the abdomko of the two-dimensional muscle, Venter Posterior m. Digastrici). In parallel, the cutting and several jacket is located a groove of the occipital artery, Sulcus Arternae Occipitalis (trail of the adjacent artery).

On the inner, brain, the surface of the mastoid process is a wide S-shaped groove of the sigmoid sinus, Sulcus Sinus Sigmoidei, turning at the top into the dump bone the same name and further into the furrow of the transverse sinus of the occipital bone (venous sinus, Sinus Transversa lies in it). The Book of Sigmoid Sinus continues as the same name of the head of the occipital bone.
Behind the border of the deputy appearance is a serrated occupant edge, Margo Occipitalis, which, connecting with a cottage edge of the occipital bone, forms a shopping and lumine seam, Sutura Occipitomastoidea. In the middle of the length of the seam or in the occipital region there is a mastoid hole, ForaMen Mastoideum (sometimes several of them), which is the location of the cottage veins, VV. Emissariae Mastoidea connecting subcutaneous with sigmoid venous sinus, as well as the preceding branch of the occipital artery, Ramus Mastoideus a. Occipitalis.

On top of a minimized process bounded by a dark edge, which on the border with the edge edge of the scaly part of the temporal bone forms dark cutting, Incisura Parietalis; It includes a marshide corner of a parietal bone, forming a dark-chine-shaped seam, Sutura Parietomastoidea.

At the location of the outer surface of the mastoid proof in the outer surface of the scaly part, you can see the remains of the scaly-cottage seam, Sutura Squamosomastoidea, which is well expressed on the kids skull.

On the cutting of the deputyid proof, the bone air cavity cavities are visible - mastoid cells, Cellulae Mastoideae. These cells are one of the other separated bone mastoid walls, Paries Mastoideus. The permanent cavity is a prechantable cave, Antrum Mastoideum, in the central part of the process; It offers preserved cells, it connects with the drum cavity, Cavitas Tympanica. Cell-like cells and a cottage cave are lined with mucous membrane.

The front-ended department of the stony part lies in the scaly part and the mastoid process. It has the shape of a triangular pyramid, the long axis of which is directed outside and rear and medally. The base of the stony part is drawn by the dudder and the stop; The top of the pyramid, Apex Partis Petrosae, is directed by Knutrice and Kepened.

In the stony part, three surfaces distinguish: the front, rear and lower, and the three edges: top, rear and front.

The front surface of the pyramid, Facies Anterior Partis Petrosae, smooth and wide, is addressed to the cavity of the skull, directs from top to bottom and in advance and goes into the brain surface of the scaly part. From the latter, it sometimes separates the cameno-scaly gap, Fissura Petrosquamosa. Almost in the middle of the front surface there is an arcuate elevation, Eminentia Arcuata, which is formed by the front semi-currency channel of the labyrinth under it. Between the elevation and the rocky-scaly gap, there is a small area - the roof of the drum cavity, Tegmen Tympani, under which there is a drum cavity, Cavum Tympani. On the front surface, near the top of the stony part, there is a small trigeminal pressure, Impressio Trigemini (a trigeminal fitness site, Ganglion Trigeminale).

Laterally from the pressure is the cleft of the channel of a large stony nerve, HIATUS Canalis N. Petrosi Majoris, from which a narrow groove of a large stony nerve, Sulcus N medially directed. Petrosi Majoris. Kepened and several laterally from the specified hole is a small cleft channel of a small stony nerve, Hiatus Canalis N. Petrosi Minoris, from which a furrower of a small stony nerve is sent, Sulcus N. Petrosi Minoris.

The rear surface of the pyramid, Facies Posterior Partis Petrosae, as well as the front, facing the skull cavity, but heads up and the stop, where it goes into a mastoid process. Almost in the middle of it is round shape The inner hearing aid, Porus Acusticus Internus, which leads to an internal hearing pass, Meatus Acusticus Internus (in it there are facial, intermediate, predvevo-ulobal nerves, NN. Facialis, Intermediate, Vestibulocochlearis, as well as, artery and vein labyrinth, a. ET v. labirinthi). A little higher and laterally from the inner auditory is well-pronounced in newborns, a small depth of a subdug fossa, Fossa subarcuata (it includes a firm process). Even laterally lies with a slotted outdoor aperture of the runway water supply, Apertura Externa Aqueductus Vestibuli, which opens in the Water pipeline of the Thread, Aqueductus Vestibuli. Through the aperture of the cavity inner ear Endolymphatic duct comes out.

The bottom surface of the pyramid, Facies Inferior Partis Petrosae, rough and uneven, is part of the bottom surface of the skull base. It is located rounded or oval jugular fossa, Fossa Jugularis (the place of fitting the upper bulbs of the inner jugular vein).

Temple Bone (OS Temporale)
, Os Temporale.

Outside surface. View of the right.

1-scaled part (scales) of temporal bone;
2-zicky process;
3-articular tubercle;
5-camenive scaly gap;
6-Katrans-drum (glazer) gap;
7-cylinder process;
8-drum part of the temporal bone;
9-outer auditory;
10-minid processes;
11-bed-like cut;
12-drum-bed-like slot;
13-outcome rescue (above the auditory pass);
14-bed-eyed hole;
15-dark cutting;
16-temporal line.

(OS Temporale).

Inner surface.

1-scaly part of the temporal bone;
2-armed elevation;
3-dark cutting;
4-roofing cavities;
5-groove of the top rocky sinus;
6-baroed sigmoid sinus;
7-bed-shaped hole;
8-occurring edge;
9-outer hole (aperture) of water supply runway;
10-subdug fossa.;
11-vagina of the host-shaped process;
12-cylinder proceedings;
13-outer hole (aperture) Channel Snails;
14-inner hearing aid;
15-groove of the lower stony sinus;
16-rear surface of the pyramid of temporal bone;
17-top pyramid;
18-zicky process;
19-arterial furrows.

(OS Temporale).

Cooked through the drum per capita along the long axis of the pyramid (right bone).

1-scaled temporal bone
2-bed-like cave;
3 protrusion of the lateral semicircular channel;
4th protrusion of the channel of the facial nerve;
5th window of the thread;
6-probe in the channel of the facial nerve;
7-cleft channel of a large stony nerve;
8-cleft channel of a small stony nerve;
9-groove of a large stony nerve;
10-groove of a small rocky nerve;
11-half-channel muscles pulling the eardrum;
12-half-channel hearing pipe;
13-impregnable hole of the sleepy canal;
14-outer hole of the sleepy canal;
16-drum cavity;
17-pyramidal elevation;
18-awl - mining hole;
19-preserved cells.

The temporal bone, OS Temporale, steam room, is very complex in structure, since it is thicker, and, in addition, the bone is permeated by a number of channels through which the vessels and nerves pass. The temporal bone is located in the side sections of the skull between the occipital, dark and wedge-shaped bones, complementing one part, others. The temporal bone is connected to the facial skull: with the help of the joint - with the lower jaw, and the seam - with a zilly bone.

The temporal bone is a few fragile parts. When considering the temporal bone from the outside, the temporal surface, at the lower edge of it, there is a large hole, which is called the outer hearing holes, Porus Acusticus externus. The hole surrounds the four components of the temporal bone: from above and front - flat, with a pointed edge of scales of temporal bone, Squama Temporalis, in front and bottom - small, in the form of a chute, plate - drum part, Pars Tympanica, rear - a powerful bone protrusion , Pars Mastoidea, from the inside - in the form of a pyramid, narrowing in the direction from the deputy part of the sideways inside and the kleoni - rocky part or pyramid, Pars Petrosa s. Pyramis. The scales of the temporal bone, Squama Temporalis, has a shape of a semicircular bone plate, facing its smooth temporal surface, Fades Temporalis, a dust and an inner, brain surface, Fades Cerebralis, - into the cavity of the skull. Semicircular edge, limiting the scales, not everywhere else; The front and rear portions of the edge are more separated and less pointed from the inside than the top plot. The front edge is connected to the scaled edge of the large wing of the main bone and gets the name of the main edge, Margo Sphenoidalis; Upper seat edge, connecting with the scaly edge of the ramp, wears the name of the parietal edge, Margo Parietalis. The rear bottom of the scales goes into the deputyid part.

In children at the site of the connection of these parts, there is an obliquely directed from top to bottom and the shutter shouted shouted, Sutura Squamomastoidea. The remains of this seam are sometimes preserved in adults. The temporal line is somewhat higher and along it, the front end of which is coming to the root of the zygomaticus ossis temporalis, the front of the heater. Zyloma processes departs with two roots: rear and front. It goes horizontally, first the dodder, and then at the angle of the kaperi, and ends with a served end. The latter it is connected to the hectic bone's temporal process, forming a bile arc, Arcus Zygomaticus with him. Below the bile process and ahead of the outer auditory, the articular fossa is located lower jaw, Fossa MandiBularis. In the front sections, the fossa limits the well-visible articular tubercle, tuberculum articulare; in the rear - smaller sizesBehind is the articular process, Processus Retroarticularis. The front of the fossa and the articular tubercock is covered with cartilage. In the backyard of the outer surface, Fades Temporalis, the scales of the temporal bone carries the groove of the middle temporal artery, Sulcus Arternae Temporalis Mediae. This groove rises up and branches in the upper segment of scales.

Brain surface, Fades Cerebralis, the bones are somewhat concave, has a well-pronounced, deep arterial groove, Sulcus ARTERIOSUS (Meningeus) (place of fitting of the brain shell artery), traces of the pressing of the brain's finger pressure, impressions Digitatae, and between the last protrusions - brain elevations , Juga Cerebralia. Stony part or pyramid, Parspetrosa s. Pyramis, has the appearance of a trilateral pyramid located in a lying position, so its base, Basis Pyramidis, is directed outward and combined with the deputy and scaly parts of the temporal bone. At the place of fitting the base of the pyramid to the scaly part in childhood There is a gap, Flssura Petrosquamosa, over the years it is filled with bone tissue, and thus disappears the border between these two parts.

The top of the pyramid has an uneven edge. It is aimed forward and inward, toward the side surface of the bodies of wedge-shaped and occipital bones. The gap remaining between them on the whole skull is called ripped hole, Foramen Lacerum (Fig. 124) filled with fibrous cartilage, Fibrocartilago Basilaris. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe tops, the inner hole of the carotid artery canal, Foramen Caroticum Intemum opens. The top corner of the pyramid, Angulus Superior Pyramidis, performs freely in the skull cavity at the front and back of the pyramid, Fades Anterior and Fades Posterior Pyramidis. Along the upper corner of the pyramid passes the upper stony groove, Sulcus Petrosus Superior, - a trace of the eponymous venous sinus, which is the angle of the pyramid, Angulus Anterior Pyramidis, is located on the front and bottom surface of the pyramid, Facies Anterior and Facies Inferior Pyramidis. The inner segment of the front angle is connected to the edge of the large wing of the main bone using cartilage, forming a basic rocky synchronosis, Synchondrosis Sphenopetrosa. The outer segment of the front angle is connected to the scales of the temporal bone, forming the rocky-scaly gap, Fissura Petrosquamosa.

Near the medial end of the rocky-scaly slot, in the corner where the front angle of the pyramid with the front edge of the scales converge, can be seen muscular Channel Hole, Canalis Musculotubarius. The latter, located Kostek dust and back, is divided into a horizontally standing thin bone plate - a partition of the muscular-tube channel, Septum Canalis Musculotubarii, into two parts: Upper - Piloxed muscles, straining eardrum, Semicanalis Musculi Tensoris Tympani, and the bottom - half-channel auditory (Eustachiyeva ) Pipes, Semicanalis Tubae Auditivae Eustachii. Both semi-channel leads to the middle ear cavity. The rear corner of the pyramid, Angulus Posterior Pyramidis, is located on the border of the posterior and its lower surfaces, Facies Posterior et Facies Inferior Pyramidis. It arrives at the side edges of Partes Basilaris and Lateralis Ossis Occipitalis. The inside of the rear corner is adjacent to Pars Basilaris Ossis Occipitalis, and here is a rocky-occipital gap, Fissura Petrooccipitalis, performed by cartilage connecting both bones, - Synchondrosis Petrooccipitalis. On the brain surface of this part of the rear corner passes the bottom rockozd, Sulcus Petrosus Inferior. The latter, connecting with the porridge of the same name on the adjacent part of the occipital bone, is the location of the temporal sinus (Sinus Petrosus Inferior).

At the external end of the furrow, on the back corner of the pyramid, there is a slight recess, at the bottom of which there is a minor sizes outdoor hole of the snail channel, Apertura Externa Canaliculi Cochleae. (Here are V. Canaliculi Cochleae and Ductus PerilyMphaticus, coming from the cavity of the inner ear). The side angle of the pyramid arrives to Pars Lateralis Ossis Occipitalis. Here there is a small jugular clipping, Incisurajugularis, which corresponds to the type-cut-eyed on the occipital bone and, together with it, on the whole skull, forms a jugular hole, Foramen Jugulare.

The specified three corners of the pyramid converge three of its surfaces: front, rear and lower. The first two facing the cavity of the skull, the latter is directed toward the outer surface of the base of the skull. The front surface of the pyramid, Fades Anterior Pyramidis, uneven, is located obliquely kepened. Outside it borders with scales, forming a rocky scaly, Fissura Petrosquamosa; From the inside, it borders with the body of the main bone, not reaching it and forming the torn hole, former lacerum described above here, for the uneven edge of its vertices. The front-bottom and rear-top boundaries are the corresponding corners or edges of the pyramid. On the front surface of the pyramid, near the tops, there is a trigeminal nerve, Impressio Nervi Trigemini, - the imprint of the Ganglion Gasseri knot adjacent here.

A little away from the middle of the front surface of the pyramid is a semicircular elevation, Eminentia Arcuata, - relief of the upper semicline. The front surface site located between the elevation and the rocky-scaly slot (Fissura etrosquamosa) is the roof of the drum cavity, Legmen Tympani; which is a subtle bench for the upper wall of the middle ear cavity. Tegmen Tympani its front edge comes into a gap between Pars Tympanica Behind and Pars Squamosa in front, forming a commercial in the Fossa MandiBularis comb, called Processus Inferior Tegmenis Tympani (s. Crista Tegmcntalis) (see more about this when describing Pars Tympanica).

A little knutrice and the Book from Eminentia Arcuata are noticeable two holes. One of them is located more media and is a hole of the channel of the facial nerve, Hiatus Canalis Facialis. Through this hole comes out the branch of the facial nerve - a large rocky nerve, Nervus Petrosus Superficialis Major, which lies in the appropriate groove - Sulcus Nervi Petrosi Superficialis Majoris, longitudinally walking Knuts and Kechadi from Hiatus Canalis Facialis.

Other hole is located lateral and is the upper hole of the drum canal, Apertura Superior Canaliculi Tympanici. Through this hole comes out of a small rocky nerve - Nervus Petrosus Superficialis Minor, who falls into the Sulcus Nervi Petrosi superficialis minoris with it - Sulcus Nervi Petrosi. This groove, heading Knutrice and Kepened from the pyramid, goes parallel to the Sulcus Nervi Petrosi Superficialis Majoris. When the surface of the pyramid, Fades Anterior Pyramidis, is located more vertically than the front, having, however, some skate for the post and book. Knutrice from the top angle, closer to the middle of the rear surface, is a fairly wide inner hearing aid, Porus Acusticus Internus. It opens into the canal, going inside the stony part. Canal This is called internal auditory passage, MEATUS ACUSTICUS INTERIMS. (His further move inside the stony part, see "Ear".)

Sign and Porus ACUSTICUS INTERNUS Cosnidly visible a small slit-shaped hole called outdoor Water Resource Hole, AquaEctus Vestibuli aquaEctuctus aquaEctuctus, which is the outlet of the internal lymphatic duct, Ductus Endolymphaticus, from the cavity of the inner ear. Slightly above the holes of the water pipeline, at the top corner of the pyramid, is located subfroller Jam, Fossa Subarcuata, noticeable in persons young age. The lower surface of the pyramid, Fades Inferior Pyramidis, is directed down and addressed to the outer surface of the base of the skull; Outside and a few front, this surface comes into contact with the drum part of the temporal bone. She carries a large number of holes, recesses and protrusions.

The central place on the lower surface of the pyramid occupies a large round-shaped hole, which is input to the carotid artery channel, the outer opening of the sleepy channel, Foramen Caroticum Externum. (Through this hole includes a nervous plexus.) For the stop and duck from Foramen Caroticum Externum, separating from it, there is a wide jugular fossa, Fossa Jugularis, reaching the rear edge of the lower surface of the stony part, where there is a jugular clipping, Incisura Jugularis. It places the bulb of the jugular vein. At the bottom of the yapper, closer to her front edge, the groove of the deputy tube, Sulcus Canaliculi Mastoidei, ending with a mining channel, canaliculus mastoideus.

On the scallop, separating Fossa Jugularis from Foramen Caroticum Externum, there is a barely noticeable rocky vest, Fossula Petrosa, leading to the bottom hole of the drum tube, Apertura Inferior Canaliculi Tympanici. (Here are a. Tympanica Inferior and N. Tympanicus - from the stony node.) At the very base of the pyramid, on the outside of the lower surface, the book and the shill-shaped procesus styloideus, which is semoled by the bone vagina, Vagina Processus Styloidei, formed by the drum Part of the temporal bone.

Near the sessoid procesus Mastoideus, there is a vessel, formen stylomastoideum, the procesus Mastoideus is located, the place of the front nerve and vessels The pyramid has such a complex structure. All these formations are visible on special preparations of sawmill dice conducted in various directions.

1. Education related to the structure of hearing and equilibrium:
but). outdoor auditory, Porus Acusticus externus, and continued it in an external hearing pass, Meatus Acusticus Externus, are bone parts of the external ear;
b). tire drum cavity, TEGMEN TYMPANI, is top wall The cavities of the middle ear, where the Canalis Musculo-Tubarius opens, running on the outer edge of the front corner of the pyramid;
in). cavity of the inner ear(Labyrinth) is indicated on the front surface of the pyramid semicircular elevation, Eminentia Arcuata, where the upper semi-current channel is suitable, and on the rear surface - a hole, Fossa Subarcuata.
Little holes on the back surface of the pyramid, Apertura Externa Canaliculi Cochleae and Apertura Externa AquaEctus Vestibuli, lead in; They contain vessels and lymphatic ducts through Porus Acusticus Internus passing audio and face nerves.

2. Canal facial nerve (Fallopiev Channel), Canalis Facialis (Falloppii), inside the stony part of the temporal bone. It begins opening the bottom of the inner auditory passage, in the area of \u200b\u200bits upper recess - Area Facialis (see "Ear"), and continues the direction of the inner auditory passage forward and the dust for the front surface of the stony part. Here, to the front surface of the pyramid, the branch, ending with the hole - HIATUS CANALIS FACIALIS, is departed; The channel itself, turning the dodder and the stop, forms in the place of rotation of the knee of an auditory nerve channel, Geniculum Canalis Facialis.

After the formation of the knee, the channel follows the kice and a few books and, reaching the back of the inside wall, Cavum Tympani, goes into the vertical part. Further, it goes down and opens behind the base of the cylinder and shocking from the mastoid processes - a veil vehicle, Foramen Stylomastoideum. The upper end of the vertical part of the channel is formed by the protrusion of the channel of the face nerve, Prominentia Canalis Facialis, located in the rear section of the medial wall of the inner ear. A slightly below channel of the facial nerve gives a branch of Canadian drum string, Canaliculus Chordae Tympani, through which the nerve passes is a drum string, Chorda Tympani, and which ends at Fissura Petrotympanica (Glaseri).

3. Drum Canal, Canaliculus Tympanicus, misses the branch of the pharyngeal nerve. Canal holder begins the bottom hole of the drum tube on the bottom of the rocky fossa, Fossula Petrosa (from the side of the bottom surface of the stony part), and, heading arcuately for the stop, upstairs and then forward, opens with the overhead hole of the drum tube, Apertura Superior Canaliculi Tympanici (on the front surface of the stony part) . Canaliculus Tympanicus is communicated with Canalis Nervi Facialis Falloppii in its knee. Sleepy artery canal, Canalis Caroticus, short, wide and curved. Her venous and nervous plexuses pass through it. The channel begins a hole located on the bottom surface of the pyramid - Foramen Caroticum Externum.

Next, the channel rises upwards, then forms almost at the right angle, the bending and, heading horizontally the shock and inside, opens with the inner hole of the sleepy channel, the formen caroticum internum. The closer of the outer opening, in the wall of the carotid artery canal, open the small holes of the sleepy-tumbled tubules, Sanaliculi CuraticotyMpanici. The tubules are short, go to the front wall of Cavum Tympani, bypassing the wall of the sleepy canal from above. Opening in the front wall of Cavum Tympani, they skip the branches of the inner carotid artery and the upper and lower sleepy drum nerves.

Deputyid partpars Mastoidea, located the post from the exterior auditory pass. Outside, it smoothly goes into the scales, and from the inside - in the stony part. The book is the deputyid part of the free convex, the fork and the duck is a rough surface. The rearbine, the occipital edge, Margo Occipitalis, is connected to the cottage edge of the occipital bone, forming a gaspid-shaped seam, Sutura Occipitomastoidea.

Upper region, together with the rear section of the Dark Edge of the Czech, forms a dark clipping, Incisura Parietalis. This clipping is performed by a mastoid angle of dark bone, angulus Mastoideus, connecting with the maternity part with a prech -ide-dark seam, suturaparietomastoidea. The front, in the upper part, the deputyid part goes into the scales, in the lower - borders with the drum part, forming the drum-bed-like slot, Fissura Tympanomastoidea. In the forefront, which makes up the top-back of the edge of the outer hearing aid, there is a small protrusion - the SPINA SUPRAMEATUM, and near it is the stopper, Fossa Mastoidea.

Grungy front-bottom outdoor surface and ends with a stupid and powerful depositous process, Processus Mastoideus, which is directed to the Kosper Koons and down and is good for the skin through the skin, in adults it varies, the degree of development of it in children of the first years of life is weakly expressed (Fig. 83 ). In the rear-bottom outdoor of the outflow, there is a mastoid hole, the Foramen Mastoideum belonging to the group of alumni holes, Emissaria Santorini; It penetrates through the entire thickness of the bone and opens on internal surface Superval process. The hole is impermanent in size and position: sometimes it is one and is in the Sutura Squamomastoidea area, sometimes there are several of them.

FROM outdoor And the bottom of the chipped process carries a deep mastoid clipping, Incisura Mastoidea, - the place of the beginning of the two-dimensional muscle (m. DigaStricus). Medial and parallel tenderloin passes a groove of the occipital artery, Sulcus Ariaeoccipitalis. On the inner, brain, the surface of the deputyid part is the S-shaped groove, Sulcus Sigmoideus, is the location of the venous sinus of the same name - SINUS SIGMOIDEUS. Very often in the same furrow the inlet opening of the above-mentioned Foramen Mastoideum.Processus Mastoideus refers to the group of pneumatic bones. As can be seen from the drawings depicting the sawmill of the maternity process, it contains a large number of cells that communicate between themselves, Cellulae Mastoideae lined with mucous membrane. The cells are filled with air penetrating from the cavity of the middle ear. In the head-up corner, inside the deputyid process, there is a large cell size, called the cave of drums, Antrum Tympanicum, which is reported, on the one hand, with the cavity of the middle ear, and on the other, with the cells of the mastoid process.

The number and size of cells may be unequal in different individuals. The drum part, Pars Tympanica, is laid in the period embryonic development In the form of a horseshoese-shaped semicircuit - the drum ring, Annuhis Tympanicus, forming the lower periphery of the external auditory passage. End of a semiring: front, large drum, spina Tympanica Major, and rear, small drum, spina tympanica minor, limit the gap, called drum clipping, Incisura Tympanica (Rivini), over which (above both oings) hits the bottom edge of the scaly part of the temporal Bones, thus clouded by half rings from above. Over the circumference of the inner surface of the ring passes the drum groove, Sulcus Tympanicus, which is the place of attachment of the eardrum.

On the inner surface of Spina Tympanica Major there is an obligatory naked scallop, crista spinarum, whose sharp ends are called: Front - Processus Tympanicus Anterior, and Rear - Processus Tympanicus Posterior. Along the ridge and below it passes the groove - Sulcus Mallei. Absession of the increase in the bone substance from the side of the outer surface of the semiring latter gets the shape of a groove plate, which forms the front, lower and part on the temporal bone of the adult back wall Outdoor auditory, Porus Acusticus externus, and outdoor auditory passage, Meatus Acusticus externus. With the lengthening of the bone jolob of the drum part with age, the outer hearing pass is lengthened with age: thus the drummeal, lying in children is superficially, due to this goes deep.

The upper-eyed edge of the drum part at a high distance is separated from the scaly portion inclusion between them the front edge of the rocky part - the bottom of the drum guard roof, Processus Inferior Tegmenis Tympani (s. Crista Tegmentalis). Between this process in front and Pars Tympanica rear is formed by the rocky-drum gap, Fissura PetrotyMpanica (Glaseri) through which pass small vessels And the nerve is the drum string, Chorda Tympani. Between the process of rear and Pars Squamosa, the front is formed by another gap - rocky-scaly, Fissura Petrosquamosa, made by a connective tissue.

The rear-line edge of the drum part borders with a house-like part of the temporal bone, forming a drum-apone-eye slot in the place of contact, Fissura Tympanomastoidea, in the depths of which the outlet opening of a deputy tube canal, canaliculus mastoideus, starting in Fossa Jugularis. The edge is pointed and pulled down the book in the shape of a ridge, Crista Peirosa, part of which at the base of Processus Styloideus is the most advanced, gets the name of the vagina of the Shilovoid Process, Vagina Processus Styloidei. The lower surface of the drum part and the rope from the root of the scaly of the scaly piece form the articular fossa of the lower jaw, Fossa MandiBularis, at the bottom of which are Fissura Petrotympanica (Glaseri) and Fissura Petrosquamosa. This fossa is divided by the challenge of two parts - the front and rear.

The front part lined with articular cartilage is facing the cavity of the mandibular joint, it turns out inside- or intracapsular part, Pars intracapsularis; rear - located outside the joint and called outor extracapsular part, Pars Extracapsularis (see "Lightweight Sust").

Temple bone, OS Temporale (Fig. 75 - 85), steam room is very complex in structure, since it is thicker, hearing and equilibrium organs are concluded, and, moreover, bone Permeated near the channels through which vessels and nerves pass. Temple bone Located in the side sections of the skull between the occipital, dark and wedge-shaped bones, complementing one part of the skull arch, the other - the base of the skull. Temple bone Connected to the facial skull: with the help of the joint - with the lower jaw, and the seam - with a zhilagoy bone.

Temple bone It is a few fragile parts. When considering the temporal bone from the outside, temporal surface, its lower edge is located a large hole, which is called external hearing holes, Porus Acusticus externus (Fig. 75, 79). The hole surrounds the four components of the temporal bone: from above and front - flat, with a pointed edge of scales of temporal bone, Squama Temporalis, in front and bottom - small, in the form of a chute, plate - drum part, Pars Tympanica, rear - a powerful bone protrusion , Pars Mastoidea, from the inside - in the form of a pyramid, narrowing in the direction from the deputy part of the sideways inside and the kleoni - rocky part or pyramid, Pars Petrosa s. Pyramis. The scales of the temporal bone, Squama Temporalis, has a shape of a semicircular bone plate, facing its smooth temporal surface, Fades Temporalis, a dust and an inner, brain surface, Fades Cerebralis, - into the cavity of the skull. Semicircular edge, limiting the scales, not everywhere else; The front and rear portions of the edge are more separated and less pointed from the inside than the top plot. The front edge is connected to the scaled edge of the large wing of the main bone and gets the name of the main edge, Margo Sphenoidalis; Upper seat edge, connecting with the scaly edge of the ramp, wears the name of the parietal edge, Margo Parietalis. The rear bottom of the scales goes into the deputyid part.

In children at the site of the connection of these parts, there is an obliquely directed from top to bottom and the shutter shouted shouted, Sutura Squamomastoidea. The remains of this seam are sometimes preserved in adults (Fig. 75). Somewhat higher and along it goes temple The line, the front end of which comes to the root of the scooping process of temporal bone, Processus Zygomaticus Ossis Temporalis. Zyloma processes departs with two roots: rear and front. It goes horizontally, first the dodder, and then at the angle of the kaperi, and ends with a served end. The latter it is connected to the hectic bone's temporal process, forming a bile arc, Arcus Zygomaticus with him. Below the bilax process and ahead of the outer hearing aid, the articular fossa of the lower jaw is located, Fossa MandiBularis. In the front sections, the fossa limits the well-visible articular tubercle, tuberculum articulare; In the rear - smaller sizes, behind - the articular process, Processus Retroarticularis. The front of the fossa and the articular tubercock is covered with cartilage. In the backyard of the outer surface, Fades Temporalis, the scales of the temporal bone carries the groove of the middle temporal artery, Sulcus Arternae Temporalis Mediae. This groove rises up and branches in the upper segment of scales.

The brain surface, Fades Cerebralis, the bones are somewhat concave, has a well-pronounced, deep arterial groove, Sulcus ARTERIOSUS (Meningeus) (location of the shell artery of the brain), traces of the pressing of the brain - finger pressure, Impressiones Digitatae, and between the latest protrusions - Brain elevations, Juga Cerebralia. Stony part or pyramid, Parspetrosa s. Pyramis, has the appearance of a trilateral pyramid located in a lying position, so its base, Basis Pyramidis, is directed outward and combined with the deputy and scaly parts of the temporal bone. At the site of adjacent, the base of the pyramid to the scaly part in childhood there is a gap, Flssura Petrosquamosa (Fig. 83a), it is filled with bone tissue over the years, and thus disappears the boundary between these two parts (Fig. 77).

The top of the pyramid has an uneven edge. It is aimed forward and inward, toward the side surface of the bodies of wedge-shaped and occipital bones. The gap remaining between them on the whole skull is called ripped hole, Foramen Lacerum (Fig. 124) filled with fibrous cartilage, Fibrocartilago Basilaris. In the field of the tops, the inner hole of the carotid artery canal, Foramen Caroticum Intemum (Fig. 76 - 78) opens. The top corner of the pyramid, Angulus Superior Pyramidis, performs freely in the skull cavity at the front and back of the pyramid, Fades Anterior and Fades Posterior Pyramidis. Along the upper corner of the pyramid passes the upper stony groove, Sulcus Petrosus Superior, - a trace of the eponymous venous sinus, which is the angle of the pyramid, Angulus Anterior Pyramidis, is located on the front and bottom surface of the pyramid, Facies Anterior and Facies Inferior Pyramidis. The inner segment of the front angle is connected to the edge of the large wing of the main bone using cartilage, forming a basic rocky synchronosis, Synchondrosis Sphenopetrosa. The outdoor segment of the front angle is connected to the scales of the temporal bone, forming the rocky-scaly gap, Fissura Petrosquamosa (Fig. 77).

Near the medial end of the rocky-scaly slot, in the corner where the front angle of the pyramid with the front edge of the scales converge, can be seen muscular Channel Hole, Canalis Musculotubarius (Fig. 77, 78). The latter, located Kostek dust and back, is divided into a horizontally standing thin bone plate - a partition of the muscular-tube channel, Septum Canalis Musculotubarii, into two parts: Upper - Piloxed muscles, straining eardrum, Semicanalis Musculi Tensoris Tympani, and the bottom - half-channel auditory (Eustachiyeva ) Pipes, Semicanalis Tubae Auditivae Eustachii (PUC. 80). Both semi-channel leads to the middle ear cavity. The rear corner of the pyramid, Angulus Posterior Pyramidis (Fig. 76), is located on the border of the rear and lower surfaces, Facies Posterior et Facies Inferior Pyramidis. It arrives at the side edges of Partes Basilaris and Lateralis Ossis Occipitalis. The inside of the rear corner is adjacent to Pars Basilaris Ossis Occipitalis, and a rocky-occipital gap is formed here, Fissura Petrooccipitalis (Fig. 124), made by cartilage connecting both bones, - Synchondrosis Petrooccipitalis. On the brain surface of this part of the rear corner passes the bottom rockozd, Sulcus Petrosus Inferior. The latter, connecting with the porridge of the same name on the adjacent part of the occipital bone, is the location of the temporal sinus (Sinus Petrosus Inferior).

At the external end of the furrow, on the back corner of the pyramid, there is a slight recess, at the bottom of which there is minor sizes outdoor hole of the snail channel, Apertura Externa Canaliculi Cochleae (Fig. 76). (Here are V. Canaliculi Cochleae and Ductus PerilyMphaticus, coming from the cavity of the inner ear). The side angle of the pyramid arrives to Pars Lateralis Ossis Occipitalis. There is a small jugular clipping, Incisurajugularis, which corresponds to the type-cutting-eyed on the occipital bone and, together with it, on the whole skull, forms a jugular hole, Foramen Jugulare (Fig. 124).

The specified three corners of the pyramid converge three of its surfaces: front, rear and lower. The first two facing the cavity of the skull, the latter is directed toward the outer surface of the base of the skull. The front surface of the pyramid, Fades Anterior Pyramidis, uneven, is located obliquely kepened. Outside, it borders with scales, forming a rocky scaly, Fissura Petrosquamosa (Fig. 124); From the inside, it borders with the body of the main bone, not reaching it and forming the torn hole, former lacerum described above here, for the uneven edge of its vertices. The front-bottom and rear-top boundaries are the corresponding corners or edges of the pyramid. On the front surface of the pyramid, near the tops, there is a trigeminal nerve, Impressio Nervi Trigemini, - the imprint of the Ganglion Gasseri knot adjacent here.

A little away from the middle of the front surface of the pyramid is a semicircular elevation, Eminentia Arcuata (Fig. 76, 77), - relief of the upper semicircular channel. The front surface site located between the elevation and the rocky-scaly slot (Fissura etrosquamosa) is the roof of the drum cavity, Legmen Tympani; which is a subtle bench for the upper wall of the middle ear cavity. Tegmen Tympani its front edge comes into a gap between Pars Tympanica Behind and Pars Squamosa in front, forming a commercial in the Fossa MandiBularis comb, called Processus Inferior Tegmenis Tympani (s. Crista Tegmcntalis) (see more about this when describing Pars Tympanica).

A little knutrice and the Book from Eminentia Arcuata are noticeable two holes. One of them is located more media and is a hole channel of the facial nerve, Hiatus Canalis Facialis (Fig. 77, 80, 81). Through this hole comes out the branch of the facial nerve - a large rocky nerve, Nervus Petrosus Superficialis Major, which lies in the appropriate groove - Sulcus Nervi Petrosi Superficialis Majoris, longitudinally walking Knuts and Kepenedi from Hiatus Canalis Facialis (Fig. 77, 80 - 82).

Other hole is located lateral and is the upper hole of the drum canal, Apertura Superior Canaliculi Tympanici. Through this hole comes out of a small rocky nerve - Nervus Petrosus Superficialis Minor, who falls into the Sulcus Nervi Petrosi superficialis minoris with it - Sulcus Nervi Petrosi. This groove, heading Knutrice and Kepened from the pyramid, goes parallel and the duck from Sulcus Nervi Petrosi Superficialis Majoris (Fig. 77, 80, 82). After the surface of the pyramid, Fades Anterior Pyramidis is located more vertically than the front, having, however, Skat by the Force and Book. Knutrice from the top angle, closer to the middle of the rear surface, there is a fairly wide inner hearing aid, Porus Acusticus Internus (Fig. 76). It opens into the canal, going inside the stony part. Canal This is called internal auditory passage, MEATUS ACUSTICUS INTERIMS. (His further move inside the stony part, see "Ear".)

Sign and Porus ACUSTICUS INTERNUS Cosnidly visible a small slit-shaped hole called outdoor Water Resource Hole, Aquaeductus Vestibuli aquaEctuctus Apertura (Fig. 76, 77), which is the place of exit of the internal lymphatic duct, Ductus Endolymphaticus, from the cavity of the inner ear. Slightly above the holes of the water pipeline, at the top corner of the pyramid, is located subfroller Jam, Fossa Subarcuata (Fig. 83a), well noticeable in people of young age. The lower surface of the pyramid, Fades Inferior Pyramidis, is directed down and addressed to the outer surface of the base of the skull; Outside and a few front, this surface comes into contact with the drum part of the temporal bone. It carries a large number of holes, recesses and protrusions.

The central place on the lower surface of the pyramid occupies a large round-shaped hole, which is the entrance to the carotid artery channel, the outer opening of the sleepy channel, the Foramen Caroticum Externum (Fig. 78). (Through this hole includes an internal carotid artery and nervous plexus.) The post and duck from the Formen Caroticum Externum, separating from it, is a wide jugular fossa, Fossa Jugularis, reaching the rear edge of the lower surface of the stony part, where there is a jugular clipping, Incisura jugularis. It places the bulb of the jugular vein. At the bottom of the tires, closer to her front edge, the groove of a deputy tube canal, Sulcus Canaliculi Mastoidei, ending with a mining channel, Canaliculus Mastoideus (Fig. 78).

On the scallop, separating Fossa Jugularis from Formen Caroticum Externum, there is a barely noticeable rocky bench, Fossula Petrosa (Fig. 78), leading to the bottom hole of the drum tube, Apertura Inferior Canaliculi Tympanici. (Here are a. Tympanica Inferior and N. Tympanicus - from the stony node.) At the very base of the pyramid, on the outside of the lower surface, the book and the shill-shaped procesus styloideus, which is semoled by the bone vagina, Vagina Processus Styloidei, formed by the drum Part of the temporal bone.

Near the sessoid process, on the border with a preceding process, Processus Mastoideus, there is a velocity hole, formen Stylomastoideum, the place of the front nerve and vessels. In the temporal bone, there are a number of channels through which vessels and nerves pass, and the hearing body and body balance are laid and the body equilibrium Therefore, the pyramid has such a complex structure. All these formations are visible on special preparations of sawmill dice conducted in various directions.

1. Education related to the structure of hearing and equilibrium structures:

but). outdoor auditory, Porus Acusticus externus, and continued it in an external hearing pass, Meatus Acusticus Externus, are bone parts of the external ear;

b). tire drum cavity, TEGMEN TYMPANI, is the upper wall of the middle ear cavity, which opens canalis musculo-tubarius, which runs on the outer edge of the front corner of the pyramid;

in). cavity of the inner ear(Labyrinth) is indicated on the front surface of the pyramid semicircular elevation, Eminentia Arcuata, where the upper semi-current channel is suitable, and on the rear surface - a hole, Fossa Subarcuata.

Little holes on the back surface of the pyramid, Apertura Externa Canaliculi Cochleae and Apertura Externa AquaEctus Vestibuli, lead to the inner ear; They contain vessels and lymphatic ducts through Porus Acusticus Internus passing audio and face nerves.

2. Facial Nerva Channel (Fallopiev Channel), Canalis Facialis (Falloppii) (Fig. 80 - 82), inside the rocky part of the temporal bone. It begins opening the bottom of the inner auditory passage, in the area of \u200b\u200bits upper recess - Area Facialis (see "Ear"), and continues the direction of the inner auditory passage forward and the dust for the front surface of the stony part. Here, to the front surface of the pyramid, the branch, ending with the hole - HIATUS CANALIS FACIALIS, is departed; The channel itself, turning the king and the stop, forms the knee of the knee of the hearing nerve channel, Geniculum Canalis Facialis (Fig. 80 - 82).

After the formation of the knee, the channel follows the kice and a few books and, reaching the back of the inside wall, Cavum Tympani, goes into the vertical part. Further, it is lowered down and opens behind the base of the cylinder and kaperi from the mastoid processes - the chillass vehicle, the Formen Stylomastoideum (Fig. 80, 81). The upper end of the vertical part of the channel forms the protrusion of the channel of the front nerve channel, Prominentia Canalis Facialis (Fig. 79), located in the rear section of the medial wall of the inner ear. A slightly below channel of the facial nerve gives a branch of Canadian drum string, Canaliculus Chordae Tympani, through which the nerve passes is a drum string, Chorda Tympani, and which ends at Fissura Petrotympanica (Glaseri).

3. Drum channel, Canaliculus Tympanicus (Fig. 80), passes the branch of the transshipment nerve. The channel starts the lower hole of the drum tube on the bottom of the rocky hole, Fossula Petrosa (from the side of the bottom surface of the stony part), and, heading arcuately for the stop, upstairs and then forward, opens with the overhead hole of the drum tube, Apertura Superior Canaliculi Tympanici (Fig. 80) (on Front surface of the stony part). Canaliculus Tympanicus is communicated with Canalis Nervi Facialis Falloppii in its knee. Sleepy artery canal, Canalis Caroticus (Fig. 78), short, wide and curved. The inner carotid artery and its venous and nervous plexus pass through it. The channel begins a hole located on the bottom surface of the pyramid - Foramen Caroticum Externum.

Next, the channel rises upwards, then forms almost at the right angle, the bending and, heading horizontally the shock and inside, opens with the inner hole of the sleepy channel, the formen caroticum internum. The closer of the outer opening, in the wall of the carotid artery canal, open the small holes of the sleepy-tumbled tubules, Sanaliculi CuraticotyMpanici. The tubules are short, go to the front wall of Cavum Tympani, bypassing the wall of the sleepy canal from above. Opening in the front wall of Cavum Tympani, they skip the branches of the inner carotid artery and the upper and lower sleepy drum nerves.

Deputyid partpars Mastoidea (Fig. 75 - 83), is located for the exterior auditory pass. Outside, it smoothly goes into the scales, and from the inside - in the stony part. The book is the deputyid part of the free convex, the fork and the duck is a rough surface. The rearbine, the occipital edge, Margo Occipitalis, connects with the cottage edge of the occipital bone, forming a gaspid-shaped seam, Sutura Occipitomastoidea (Fig. 123, 124).

Upper region, together with the rear section of the Dark Edge of the Czech, forms a dark clipping, Incisura Parietalis. This clipping is performed by a mastoid angle of dark bone, angulus Mastoideus, connecting with the maternity part with a prech -ide-dark seam, suturaparietomastoidea. The front, in the upper part, the deputyid part goes into the scales, in the lower - borders with the drum part, forming the drum-bed-like slot, Fissura Tympanomastoidea. In the forefront, which makes up the top-back of the edge of the outer hearing aid, there is a small protrusion - the SPINA SUPRAMEATUM, and near it is the stopper, Fossa Mastoidea.

Grungy front-bottom outdoor surface and ends with a stupid and powerful depositous process, Processus Mastoideus, which is directed to the Kosper Koons and down and is good for the skin through the skin, in adults it varies, the degree of development of it in children of the first years of life is weakly expressed (Fig. 83 ). In the rear-bottom exterior surface of the outflow, there is a mastoid hole, ForaMen Mastoideum (Fig. 75, 76) related to the group of holes of graduates, Emissaria Santorini; It penetrates through the entire thickness of the bone and opens on the inner surface of the mastoid process. The hole is impermanent in size and position: sometimes it is one and is in the Sutura Squamomastoidea area, sometimes there are several of them.

From the outside and from the bottom, the chipped process is a deep mastoid clipping, Incisura Mastoidea, - the place of the beginning of the two-dimensional muscle (m. DigaStricus). The medial and parallel cutting passes a groove of the occipital artery, Sulcus Ariaeoccipitalis (Fig. 78). On the inner, brain, the surface of the deputyid part is the S-shaped groove, Sulcus Sigmoideus, is the location of the venous sinus of the same name - SINUS SIGMOIDEUS. Very often in the same furrow the inlet opening of the above-mentioned Foramen Mastoideum.Processus Mastoideus refers to the group of pneumatic bones. As can be seen from the drawings (Fig. 79 - 82), depicting a depression of a depositous process, there is a large number of cells that communicate between the cells, Cellulae Mastoideae lined with mucous membrane. The cells are filled with air penetrating from the cavity of the middle ear. In the head-up corner, inside the deputyid process, there is a large cell size, called the cave of drums, Antrum Tympanicum (Fig. 79 - 82, 85), which is reported, on the one hand, with the cavity of the middle ear, and on the other - with the cells of the maidal process .

The number and size of cells may be unequal in different individuals. The drum part, Pars Tympanica (Fig. 75) is laid during the period of embryonic development in the form of a horseshoese semicircuit - the drum ring, Annuhis Tympanicus (Fig. 83, 84, 84a) forming the lower periphery of the external auditory passage. End of a semiring: front, large drum ass, Spina Tympanica Major, and rear, small drum, spina tympanica minor, limit the gap, called drum clipping, Incisura Tympanica (Rivini) (Fig. 84, 84a), over which (over both essays ) Sweep the bottom edge of the scaly part of the temporal bone, thus closer in the top. Over the circumference of the inner surface of the ring passes the drum groove, Sulcus Tympanicus, which is the place of attachment of the eardrum.

On the inner surface of Spina Tympanica Major there is an obligatory naked scallop, crista spinarum, whose sharp ends are called: Front - Processus Tympanicus Anterior, and Rear - Processus Tympanicus Posterior. Along the ridge and below it passes the groove - Sulcus Mallei. The resulting increase in the bone substance from the side of the outer surface of the semiring the latter receives the shape of a groove plate, which forms the front, lower and part of the back of the exterior hearing aid, Porus Acusticus externus, and outdoor Angry pass, Meatus Acusticus Externus. With the lengthening of the bone jolob of the drum part with age, the outer hearing pass is lengthened with age: thus the drummeal, lying in children is superficially, due to this goes deep.

The upper-eyed edge of the drum part at a high distance is separated from the scaly portion inclusion between them the front edge of the stony part - the lower torch cavity roof process, Processus Inferior Tegmenis Tympani (s. Crista Tegmentalis) (Fig. 79). Between this process in front and Pars Tympanica rear formed a rocky-drum gap, Fissura PetrotyMpanica (Glaseri), through which small vessels and nerve are trained - the drum string, Chorda Tympani. Between the process of rear and Pars Squamosa, the front is formed by another gap - rocky-scaly, Fissura Petrosquamosa, made by a connective tissue.

The rearbird edge of the drum part borders with a depositous part of the temporal bone, forming a drum-apathetic drum, Fissura Tympanomastoidea at the point of contact, in the depths of which the outlet of the mastoid tube canal, Canaliculus Mastoideus, starting in Fossa Jugularis. The edge is pointed and stretched out the book in the form of the ridge, Crista Peirosa, part of which at the base of Processus Styloideus is the most advanced, gets the name of the vagina of the host-shaped process, Vagina Processus Styloidei (Fig. 76, 78). The lower surface of the drum part and the rope from the root of the scaly of the scaly piece form the articular fossa of the lower jaw, Fossa MandiBularis, at the bottom of which are Fissura Petrotympanica (Glaseri) and Fissura Petrosquamosa. This fossa is divided by the challenge of two parts - the front and rear.

The front part lined with articular cartilage is facing the cavity of the mandibular joint, it turns out inside- or intracapsular part, Pars intracapsularis; rear - located outside the joint and called outor extracapsular part, Pars Extracapsularis (see "Lightweight Sust").

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Home\u003e Abstract\u003e Medicine, Health

Ministry of Kazakhstan

Karaganda State Medical University


The structure of temporal and wedge-shaped bones. Channels of temporal bone.

Performed: student ғabdoll і.қ.

Lecturer: Arutyunyan MG

Karaganda - 2011

Temporal bone (OS temporale) steam room, is part of the base and side wall of the skull between the wedge-shaped bone of the front and the occipital bone from behind. It accommodates hearing and equilibrium organs. The composition of temporal bones distinguish the pyramid, drum and scaly parts.

Pyramid,or stony part(Pars Petrosa), has a triangular shape, located space in the horizontal plane. The top of the pyramid is directed forward and medially, and the base is back and laterally. At the top of the pyramid is the inner hole of the sleepy channel (Canalis Caroticus). Nearby and laterally there is a muscular-tube channel (Canalis Musculotubarius), which partition is divided into two half-cups: half-chained the hearing pipe (Semicanalis Tubae Auditivae) and a semicanalis muscle straining (Semicanalis Musculi Tensoris Tympani).

The pyramids allocate three surfaces: front, rear and lower. Front surfacethe pyramids are drawn up and forth. Near the top on this surface there is a small trigemini (Impressio Trigemini). Two holes are noticeable laterally. More than they are called a split (HIATUS CANALIS NERVI PETROSI MAJORIS), from which a narrow single-name groove is media. Kepened and lancerly located the cleft of a small rocky nerve (Hiatus Canalis Nervi Petrosi Minoris), turning into the furrow of this nerve. On the front surface of the pyramid there is a flattened section - the roof of the drum cavity (Tegmen Thympani), which is its upper wall. Along the upper edge of the pyramid is the groove of the top stony sinus (Sulcus Sinus Petrosi Superioris).

Rear surface of the pyramidframes for the post and medial. In the middle of this surface there is an internal auditory (Porus Acusticus Internus). It leads to an internal hearing pass (Medtus Acusticus Internus). Lateral and somewhat higher than this hole is a subdug fossa (FOSSA subarcuata), below and the laterally there is a little noticeable outdoor aperture (hole) of the runway (Apertura Externa Aqueductus Vestibuli). Along the rear edge of the pyramid passes the groove of the lower stony sinus (Sulcus Sinus Petrosi Inferioris). At the lateral end of this groove, next door to the jugular hole, there is a deepening, at the bottom of which the outer aperture of the Chanalculi Cochleae operates (Apertura Externa Canaliculi Cochleae).

Lower surface of the pyramidit has a difficult relief. Next to the base of the pyramid is a deep jugular yam (Fossa Jugularis). Kepened from it is the rounded outdoor hole of the sleepy channel, inside of which, in its wall, there are 2-3 holes of the sleepy-drum tubuine connecting the sleepy channel with the drum cavity. On the scallop between the jugular straw and the outer hole of the sleepy canal there is a small lobe (Fossula Petrosa). The lateral and long-shaped ellone (Processus Styloideus) is directed laterally. Behind the process is a velocity vehicle (Formen Stylomastoideum), and behind this hole is directed down wide, easily tested through the skin of a mastoid process (Processus Mastoideus).

In the thick of the mining process there are air filled cells. The most coupling cell is a cottage cave (Antrum Mastoideum) communicates with the drum cavity. MEDIAL PREVICE PROCESS is limited to deep-like mastoidea (Incisure Mastoidea). MEDIALLY THIS CLEANS Located a groove of the occipital artery (Sulcus Ariae Occipitalis). At the base of the maternity process, there is sometimes a mining hole (Foramen Mastoideum).

Drum part(Pars Tympanica) is formed by a curved narrow bone plate, which in front, bottom and rear limits the outer auditory (Porus Acusticus externus) leading to the outer hearing pass (Meatus Acusticus Externus). Between the drum and the maternity process, there is a narrow drum-bed-like slot (Fissure Tympanomastoidea). Ahead of the outdoor auditory hole is the drum-scaled gap (Fissure Tympanosquamosa). In this slit, from the inside there is a narrow bone plate - the edge of the drum cavity. As a result, the drum-scaled gap is divided into the lying Khanged-Fissura Petrosquamosa (Fissura PetrotyMpanica, the Glut Glider), through which the branch of the facial nerve comes from the drum cavity - the drum string.

Scaly Part(Pars Squamosa) is a convex duck in a plate having a bevelled free top edge to connect with a parietal bone and a large wing of a wedge-shaped bone. The outer temporal surface of the scales is smooth. On the inner cerebral surface of the scales there are brain elevations, finger-shaped pressure and arterial furrows. From scales, above and kaperi from an outdoor auditory passage, the process zygomaticus begins (Processus Zygomaticus). Connecting with the temporal process of zilly bone, it forms a zilly arc. Behind the zhilagogo process, at its base, there is a mandibular fossa (Fossa MandiBularis) for articulation with a mysterious leakage of the lower jaw for the formation of the temporomandibular joint.

Channels of temporal bone.

Sleepy canalcanalis Cardticus) begins on the bottom surface of the pyramid with an outdoor sleepy hole, goes up, bends almost at right angles, then directly and forward. The channel ends with the inner sleepy hole at the top of the pyramid of the temporal bone. Through this channel in the cavity of the skull pass internal carotid artery and the nerves of the sleeping plexus.

Sleep drum tubules(Canaliculi CaroticotyMpanic!), Number 2-3, depart from the sleepy canal and are sent to the drum cavity. Artery and nerves are located in these tubules.

Muscular-tube canal(Canalis Musculotubarius) begins on the top of the pyramid of the temporal bone, goes back and laterally and opens into the drum cavity. The horizontal partition divides it into two parts. Above is the half-channel muscle, straining eardrum (Semicanalis Musculi Tensoris Tympani) containing the muscle of the same name. Below is a hearing pipe (Semicanalis Tubae Auditivae).

Facial Canal(Canalis Facialis) begins in the inner hearing aisle. It comes first across in relation to the long axis of the pyramid to the level of cleft channel of a large stony nerve. Having reached the cleft, the channel forms the knee, then heads at right angles back and laterally. Having passed along the medial wall of the drum cavity, the channel rotates vertically down and ends with a veil vehicle. In this channel passes the face nerve.

Canal holder drum string(Canaliculus Chordae Tympani) comes from the wall of the facial channel in the final department and opens into the drum cavity. In this channel passes the nerve - drum string.

Drum khannelin(Canaliculus Tympanicus) begins on the bottom of the rocky snaps, goes up, processes the wall of the drum cavity. Next, the channel passes through its medial wall and ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cleft channel of a small stony nerve. The drum nerve passes in this canal.

Caucasia Canal(Canaliculus Mastoideus) begins in a yammer and ends in the drum-bed-like slit. In this canal, the ear branch of the vagus nerve is held.

Through the pyramid passes several channels of temporal bone for cranial nerves and blood vessels.
Sleepy canal (Canalis Caroticus) begins on the bottom surface of the pyramid with an outdoor sleepy hole, goes up, bends almost at right angles, then directly and forward. The channel ends with the inner sleepy hole at the top of the pyramid of the temporal bone. Through this channel in the cavity of the skull pass internal carotid artery and the nerves of the sleeping plexus.
Sleep drum tubules (Canaliculi CaroticotyMpanici), number 2-3, depart from the sleepy channel and are sent to the drum cavity. Artery and nerves are located in these tubules.
Muscular-tube canal (Canalis Musculotubularis) begins on top of the pyramid of temporal bone, goes back and laterally and opens into the drum cavity. The horizontal partition divides it into two parts. Above is the half-channel muscle, straining eardrum (Semicanalis Musculi Tensoris Tympani) containing the muscle of the same name. Below is a hearing pipe (Semicanalis Tubae Auditivae).
Facial Canal (Canalis Facialis) begins in the inner hearing aisle. It comes first across in relation to the long axis of the pyramid to the level of cleft channel of a large stony nerve. Having reached the cleft, the channel forms the knee, then heads at right angles back and laterally. Having passed along the medial wall of the drum cavity, the channel rotates vertically down and ends with a veil vehicle. In this channel passes the face nerve.
Canal holder drum string (Canaliculus Chordae Tympani) comes from the wall of the facial channel in the final department and opens into the drum cavity. In this channel passes the nerve - drum string.
Drum Canal (Canaliculus Tympanicus) begins on the bottom of the rocky snaps, goes up, processes the wall of the drum cavity. Next, the channel passes through its medial wall and ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cleft channel of a small stony nerve. The drum nerve passes in this canal.
Caucasia Canal (Canaliculus Mastoideus) begins in a yammer and ends in the drum-bed-like slit. In this canal, the ear branch of the vagus nerve is held.

Sphenoid bone (OS sphenoidale) occupies a central position at the base of the skull. It is involved in the formation of the base of the skull, the lateral departments and a number of cavities and pits. As part of a wedge-shaped bone distinguish the body, wingid processes, large and small wings.

Body of wedge-shaped bone(Corpus Sphenoidale) has wrong shape and six surfaces: upper, lower, rear, resulting (in an adult) with a basilar part of the occipital bone, front and two side surfaces. On the upper body of the body there is a recess - Turkish saddle (Sella Turcica) with a deep pituitary pit (Fossa Hypophysialis). Rear in the Turkish saddle is distinguished by the back of the saddle (Dorsum Sellae), and in front of the saddle tuberculum (Tuberculum Sellae). On each side, a sulcus caroticus is visible on the bone body (Sulcus Caroticus) is a trail of the internal carotid artery. On the front surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone there is a wedge-shaped comb (Crista Sphenoidalis). On the sides of the ridge are the irregular shape of wedge-shaped sinks (conchae sphenoidles), limiting the apertures of a wedge-shaped sinus. Wedge-shaped sinus (Sinus sphenoidalis) is an air filled cavity communicating with the nasal cavity.

The side surfaces of the body of a wedge-shaped bone directly go into paired small and large wings.

Small wing(Ala Minor) is a directed laterally flattened bone plate, at the base of which the visual channel is located leading to the eyelet (CANALIS Opticus). Rear free edge serves as the boundary between the front and rear cranial pits. The front edge is connected to the headquarters of the frontal bone and the lattice plate of the lattice bone. Between the small wing above and the upper edge of the Big Wing there is an extended hole - the top of the orbitalis Superior (Fissura Orbitalis Superior) connecting the cavity of the skull with the eye.

Big wing(Ala Major) begins from the side surface of the body of a wedge-shaped bone with a wide base and, as well as a small wing, directed in the lateral side. It has four surfaces: brain, orphanage, temporal and topless. The concave brain surface is facing the skull cavity. It has three holes through which blood vessels and nerves pass. Round hole (Formen Rotundum), located closer to the base of the Big Wing, leads to a wonderland-pavement. At the level of the middle of the wing there is an oval hole (Foramen Ovale), which opens on the base of the skull, and the back of it is a small spiny hole (ForaMen Spinosum). Faceflight (Facies Orbitalis) smooth, participates in the formation of the lateral wall of the orbit. On the temporal crest (Crista Infratemporalis), oriented in the anterior seat and the temporal hole from the ompecable one on the side surface of the skull, is held on the temporal surface (Facies Temporalis).

The maxillary surface (Facies Maxillaris) is facing forward - in the wonderland-palate hole.

Kryowyoodynne exhaust(Processus Pterygoideus) pair, departs down from the body of a wedge-shaped bone. As part of the process, the MEDIALIS ET LAMINA LATERALIS is distinguished. Rear between the plates is a walled pensioner (Fossa Pterygoidea). Based on the walled process of the back in the back, there is a narrow wing-shaped (see) channel (Canalis Pterygoideus), connecting the overall skull of a walled packer with a ribbon hole area.

Occipital bone (OCCIPITALE) is located in the posterior part of the skull brain department. In this bone, the basilar part is distinguished, two lateral parts and the occipital scales that surround a large (occipital) hole (Formen Magnum).

Basilar piece(Pars Basilaris) is ahead of a large (occipient) hole. It is connected to the body of a wedge-shaped bone, together with which the platform is formed - the slope (Clivus). On the lower surface of the Basilar Part is the elevation - Pharyngeum Supplement (tuberculum), and in the lateral edge goes furrow of the lower stony sinus(Sulcus Sinus Petrosi Inferioris).

Lateral part(Pars Lateralis) Pair, rear goes into the scales of the occipital bone. From the bottom on each lateral part there is an ellipsis-shaped elevation - the occipital model (Condylus Occipitalis), at the base of which there is a channel of the sub-speaking nerve (Canalis Nervi Hypoglossi). There is a mystery of the mouse from the myster (Fossa Condylaris), and at its bottom there is a hole of the model of the microen channel (Canalis Condylaris). On the side of the occipital mystery there is a jugular clipping (Incisura jugularis), which, together with the jugular clipping, the pyramid of the temporal bone forms a jugular hole. Next to the jugular clipping on the brain surface is a sigmoid sinus groove (Sulcus Sinus Sigmoidei).

Toward Schee(Squama Occipitalis) - a wide, convex dust of the plate, the edges of which are strongly separated. In general, the skulls are connected with dark and temporal bones. In the center of the outer surface of the scales, the Occipitalis Externa (Protuberantia Occipitalis Externa) is visible, from which the low-voltage top you are moving in both directions (Linea Nuchae Superior). Down from the protrusion to a large (occipital) hole passes the outer occipital comb (Crista Occipitalis Externa). From its middle to the right and left the bottom of you are a different line (Hinea Nuchae Inferior). Over the outdoor occipital protrusion, the highest line is sometimes visible (Linea Nuchae Suprema).

On the inside of the occipital scales there is a cruciform elevation (Eminentia Cruciformis), separating the brain surface of the scales on 4 pits. The center of the cruciform exaltation forms the internal occipital protuberant (Protuberantia Occipitalis Interna). Right and left from this protrusion passes a furrower of transverse sinus (Sulcus Sinus Transversus). Up from the protrusion is a furrower of the upper sagittal sinus (Sulcus Sinus Sagittalis Superioris), and down, to a large (occipient) hole, is an internal gripping comb (Crista Occipitalis Interna).

Bones (Fig. 4, 2) lies a small main wedge-shaped bone (Basisphenoideum). She is completely covered with a wide main temporal bone ... shock absorbing device - forks), structure Wing skeleton (including ...

Temporal bone(OS Temporale) is a container for equilibrium and hearing. The temporal bone, connecting with a zylogo, forms a zygomaticus (Arcus Zygomaticus). The temporal bone consists of three parts: scaly, drum and stony.

Scaly Part(Pars Squamosa) The temporal bone has an outdoor smooth temporal surface (Facies Temporalis), which passes the groove of the average temporal artery (Sulcus Arternae Temporalis Mediae). From this part (just above the outdoor auditory pass) begins a zylomatic process (Processus Zygomaticus), at the base of which the mandibularis is located (Fossa MandiBularis). This fox is limited to the articula (tuberculum articulare). On the inner cerebral surface (FACIES CEREBRALIS) there are finger-shaped pressure and arterial furrows.

Drum part(Pars Tympanica) The temporal bone is fought with its edges with a large-apparatic process and the scaly part, limiting the outer hearing aid (Porus Acusticus externus) from three sides, the continuation of which is an external hearing pass (Meatus Acusticus externus). Rear at the site of the battle of the drum part with a large-appaled process is formed by a drum-apathetic gap (Fissura Tympanomastoidea). Ahead of the hearing aid is the drum-scaly gap (Fissura Tympanosquamosa), which is separated by the edge of the roof of the drum cavity on the rocky-scaly (Fissura Petrosquamosa) and the rocky-drum-drum (Fissura Petrotympanica).

Stony part, or pyramid(Pars Petrosa), the temporal bone has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The pyramid is distinguished by the top (Petrosae Apex Partis), the front, rear and lower surfaces, the upper and rear edge and the mastoid process.

Channels of temporal bone.

The front surface of the temporal bone from the lateral side goes into the brain surface of the scaly bone, from which the rocky-scaly is separated (Fissura Petrosquamosa). Next to the rocky-scaly slit is the hole of the muscular-pipe channel (Canalis Musculotubaris), which is divided by a partition into two semi-chairs. One of them is a half-chamber of the hearing pipe, and the other is the muscles straining the eardrum.

In the middle of the front surface of the temporal bone there is a arcuate elevation (Eminencia Arcuata), the roof of the drum cavity is located between it and the rocky-scaly slit (Tegmen Tympani). Near the top of the front surface there is a triple pressure, laterally from which the hole of the Chanalis Nervi Petrosi Majoris is located (Hiatus Canalis Nervi Petrosi Majoris), which begins the same name. The lateral of this channel is located a hole of the channel of a small rocky nerve, the same name of the groove is departed.

In the middle of the rear surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone is located internal hearing aid (Porus Acusticus Internus), which goes into an internal hearing pass. The lateral of this hole is a subdug fossa (Fossa Subarcuata), below and the larger than which there is an outdoor hole of the running water pipeline (Apertura Externa Aqueductus Vestibuli).

The lower surface of the pyramid of the temporal bone has a metering hole at the base (Fossa Jugularis), on the front wall of which the groove ending the mastoid hole (Formen Mastoideus). The rear wall of the yapper is represented by the shape of the same name. This cutting and cutting of the occipital bone form a jugular hole (Foramen Jugulare). A 2nd canalis carotic (Canalis Caroticus) begins ahead (Canalis Caroticus), in the wall of which there are small yams that continue in the sleepy drum tubules. On the scallop, separating the yapper and the outer hole of the sleepy channel, there is a stony beam (Fossula Petrosa), at the bottom of which the bottom hole of the drum canal is opened. Laterally from the jugular fossa begins a cylinder process (Processus Styloideus), the stop from which there is a chain vehicle (Formen Stylomastoideum).

The top edge of the pyramid of the temporal dice separates the front surface from the back, and the furrow of the upper stony sinus (Sulcus Sinus Petrosi Superioris) passes along its surface.

The back edge of the pyramid of the temporal bone shares the rear and lower surfaces, on it there is a groove of the lower stony sinus (Sulcus Sinus Petrosi Inferioris).

The chicken bone (Processus Mastoideus) of the temporal bone is separated from the scaly piece of the dark cutting (Incisura Parietalis), from the bottom of the process is limited by a cottage clipping (Incisura Mastoidea). MEDIALLY LAST LAST A GROWAGE OF THE COLORING Artery (Sulcus Ariage Occipitalis). On the inner surface of the process there is a wide sigmoid sinus furrow (Sulcus Sinus Sigmoidei). The internal structure of the process is represented by cells, the largest of which is called a predominant cave (Antrum Mastoideum).

Through the temporal bone pass numerous canals and the tubules:


2) drum channel (Canaliculus Tympanicus);

3) Drum string channel (Canaliculus Chordae Tympani);

4) sleepy drum tubuies (Canaliculus CaroticotyMpanici);

5) Sleepy Channel (Canalis Caroticus);

6) Face Channel (Canalis Facialis);

7) Muscular Pipe Channel (Canalis Musculotubarius).

1. Facial Nerva Channel (Canalis P. Facialis) It begins at the bottom of the inner auditory passage and is sent forward and laterally to the level of cleft channel of a large stony nerve. Here is a bending - the knee of the facial channel (Geniculum P. Facialis). From the knee, the canal goes at a right angle laterally and backward along the axis of the pyramid, then changes the horizontal direction to the vertical and ends at the rear wall of the drum cavity with a cottage-hole.

2. Sleepy Channel (Canalis Caroticus) It begins the outer aperture on the lower surface of the pyramid, it rises vertically and, bending almost at right angles, opens on the top of the pyramid inner Aperture (Apertura Interna Canalis Carotid). Through the channel passes internal carotid artery.

3. Muscular and Pipe Channel (Canalis Musculotubarius) It begins at the top of the pyramid, between its front edge and scales of temporal bone. It is part of the hearing pipe.

4. Drum string channel (Canaliculus Chordae Tympani) It starts from the channel of the facial nerve slightly above the velocity vehicle and ends in the rocky drum slit. It passes the branch of the facial nerve - the drum string.

5. CANALICULUS MASTOIDEUM) Takes the beginning at the bottom of the yammer and ends in the drum-bed-like slit. Through this channel passes the branch of the wandering nerve.

6. Drum Kanalculus Tympanicus It occurs in a rocky hole by a hole, through which the branch of the tongue nerve is a drum nerve. Having passed through the drum cavity, its continuation (small rocky nerve) comes out through the seeds of the same name on the front surface of the pyramid.

7. Sleep drum canaliculi caroticotympanici The carotid artery channel is held in the wall near its outer aperture and opened in the drum cavity. They serve to pass vessels and nerves (Table 1).

Table 1. Canals of temporal bone

Channels and Canalza

What cavities (area) connect

What passes in the channel

Sleepy canal

Outdoor base of the skull and the top of the pyramid of temporal bone

Internal carotid artery, internal sleepy (autonomous) nervous plexus

Sleep drum tubules

Sleepy Canal (at its start) and drum cavity

Sleep-drum nerves and artery

Internal auditory pass

Rear cranial fossa and inner ear

Facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves), predver-ulvek nerve (VIII pair of cranial nerves), artery and vein inner ear

Canal facial nerve

Rear surface of the pyramid of temporal bone (internal hearing aisle) and a velocity vehicle (external base of the skull)

Facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves)

Canal holder drum string

Face nerve channel, drum cavity and rocky drum slot (outer base of the skull)

Drum string - branch of facial nerve (VII pair of cranial nerves)

Drum Canal

The bottom surface of the pyramid of temporal bone (rocky vertex), drum cavity and the front surface of the pyramid (cleft of a small stony nerve)

Small rocky nerve - Language nerve branch (IX pair of cranial nerves)

Muscular-tube canal

The top of the pyramid of the temporal bone and the drum cavity

Muscle, straining eardrum (polled muscles, straining eardrum), hearing tube (hearing a hearing pipe)

Caucasia Canal

Jugs and drum-bed-like gap

The ear branch of the wandering nerve (x pair of cranial nerves)

Canal holder Expert

The eve of the inner ear and the rear cranial fossa (aperture of the tube of the runway)

Water resistant water pipe and vein water pipeline runout

Canal Snail

The inversion of the inner ear (the medial wall of the bone runout) and the lower surface of the pyramid of temporal bone (aperture of the tube snail)

Water pipe Snail and Vienna Water Supplies Snail

Ocanification: temporal bone develops from 6 points of osenation. First (at the end of the 2nd month intrauterine period) Points of ossification in the scaly part appear, on the 3rd month - in the drum part. In the 5th month there are several points of ossification in the cartilage tab of the pyramid. By the time of birth, the temporal bone consists of 3 parts: the scaly with the descent of the zhilagogo process, rocking with the desiccity of the maternity process, and the drum part; Between these parts, the newborn has slits filled with connective tissue. The cylinder process develops from 2 points. The upper point appears before birth and merges with the stony part for the 1st year of life. Lower point Appears after birth and merges from the top only in the period of puberty. In the 1st year of life, 3 pieces of bones are growing among themselves.

Anatomy of man S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin