Changes in the skull in newborns. Incorrect head shape in newborns: what is considered a pathology? What determines the shape of the baby's head. Causes of asymmetry in the shape of the skull

The most beautiful event for women is the first meeting with her child, whom she carried in her for 9 months and all this time she only guessed how he would look. But finally the moment of childbirth comes, and the long-awaited meeting takes place. Probably, every mother carefully studies the appearance of her child, and if she pays attention to other babies, she will notice that not everyone has the same shape of the skull. In this regard, the question may arise: why?

Skull shapes in children

Doctors distinguish two main types of skull shapes in babies:

  1. Dolichocephalic head shape. In this case, it has an oval and oblong shape.
  2. Brachycephalic head shape. With her, the skull has rounded shape.

These forms are considered normal in medicine.

Reasons for deviations

In general, there are several reasons why babies are born with different forms heads. First of all, it depends on how the baby was born. And today there are two ways of giving birth:

  • natural;
  • cesarean section.

The fact is that when a child moves through the birth canal, he is under pressure. During this sequence, the baby's skull adapts to the structure of the mother's organs, and a dolichocephalic head shape is formed. The skull can change its shape thanks to the fontanelle and elastic membranes that connect its bones in the baby. Therefore, the dolichocephalic head shape is more common in those newborns who were born in a natural way.

It is also believed that elongated shape the skull in the fetus is formed when occipital presentation... This happens when the aforementioned baby in the process of childbirth first passes through the birth canal.

Children, method-born caesarean section are not subject to pressure, so the skull retains its original rounded, brachycephalic shape. Interestingly, the dolichocephalic head shape of the newborn of these two norms is considered more acceptable. After all, when natural appearance a child into the light, the whole organism of a newborn is launched.

With a cesarean section, especially when it is planned and started without waiting for the start generic activity, a natural launch in the body of a newborn does not occur. Therefore, in babies who were born with this method, adaptation to life outside the womb may occur somewhat differently than in children born naturally.

Pathological forms of the skull of newborns

There are several pathological forms of the skull of newborns:

  1. Plagiocephaly, or "flat head". With this pathology, the frontal or flattened, and the head is asymmetric.
  2. Acrocephaly. With this pathology, newborns have a conical, elongated head shape. The seams of the bones of the skull are overgrown prematurely.
  3. Scaphocephaly. It is characterized by the fact that with it early ossification of the skull occurs, while its frontal or occipital parts can significantly bulge.

Head circumference in newborns

Not only does the weight and height of the newborn matter, but also the size of the head, as well as its circumference. These indicators can tell doctors a lot about physical condition born child.

The size and circumference of the head are measured with a soft measuring tape along the most convex places - the back of the head and eyebrow lines. Measure the circumference of the head of the newborn from the second to the fourth day of his life, after the disappearance of postpartum edema.

A 35 centimeter circle is considered the norm, but a fluctuation from 32 to 38 centimeters is the norm of deviation. For any of these indicators, the head circumference in children is larger. chest by 2.5 cm. When the baby is 5 months old, the mentioned indicators should become equal. And by one year, the child's chest should already exceed the head circumference by the same 2.5 cm.

If after measurements it became obvious that there was a deviation, this indicates possible pathology... For her more precise definition you need to know in which direction the deviation is larger or smaller.


There are several types of possible pathologies. One of them is a disease such as hydrocephalus (or, in other words, dropsy). With this ailment, there is an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the child's skull.

Photos of newborns with this problem clearly show that the size of the head is greatly increased, the brain region is larger in comparison with the front, and the frontal part protrudes strongly forward. The accumulation of the named liquid leads to the growth intracranial pressure.

Hydrocephalus symptoms

The symptoms of dropsy, or hydrocephalus, are:

  • an increase in head circumference;
  • the baby's skull continues to enlarge after birth;
  • he is irritable, lethargic, whiny, and at times, on the contrary, becomes aggressive;
  • the baby may experience headaches;
  • he often has nausea and vomiting;
  • doctors, as a rule, detect changes in the fundus;
  • epileptic seizures are possible;
  • urinary incontinence.

If a child is diagnosed with hydrocephalus, then it must be shown to a neurosurgeon. Most often this disease is treated surgically, and the neurosurgeon after examination and thorough examination gives indications or contraindications for the forthcoming operation.

After a successful surgical intervention the disease, as a rule, does not progress. The child can attend regular preschool institutions(gardens) and a school with their peers. Sometimes, treatment is carried out without surgery, using drugs that reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid. In this case, the shape of the skull gradually returns to normal.


The second type of possible pathology of newborns is a disease such as microcephaly. With it, there is a decrease in brain mass in a newborn, in contrast to healthy children, and a related decrease in the size of the head circumference.

There are many reasons that provoke development this ailment... It can be different infectious diseases, transferred during pregnancy, intoxication of the fetus in the womb with alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Such effects are especially dangerous on early dates pregnancy, when all organs and systems of the child are just being formed.

The use of some antibiotics during pregnancy has a negative effect. The influence of radioactive radiation, toxic poisoning of the fetus, genetic abnormalities and can also cause the development of microcephaly in newborns. At the same time, the child's skull will be noticeably smaller in comparison with children who do not have pathology.

Microcephaly symptoms

Microcephaly of a newborn can be recognized even visually, without additional examinations. This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The head circumference of a newborn is 2-3 times less than the norm. If in healthy children it is 32-38 cm, then in newborns with microcephaly, this figure is only 25-27 centimeters. In the photo of newborns with microcephaly, it can be seen that the shape of their skull has been changed - the child's face grows, and the head itself remains small.
  2. The weight of the brain in healthy children is about 400 g, and in newborns with microcephaly, it fluctuates around 250 g.
  3. Frequent companions of the named disease are such deviations as "cleft lip", strabismus, "cleft palate".
  4. Children with microcephaly are born with a closed fontanelle, or its closure occurs in the first month of life.
  5. The kid is noticeably lagging behind in emotional and speech development... At the same time, he not only cannot reproduce words and sounds himself, but also practically does not understand the speech spoken by others.

Microcephaly is currently, unfortunately, an incurable disease. Treatment is mainly aimed at reducing the development of malformations.


Another type of possible pathology is macrocephaly. In medicine, this is the name for an increase in the volume of the skull and the weight of the brain in the absence of dropsy. With this disease, the weight of the brain can reach 2850 grams. This pathology may be asymptomatic, and appearance the brain is practically no different from the normal one.

Macrocephaly is congenital disease, but sometimes it can occur after birth. Unfortunately, the reasons why it occurs are currently unknown.

Even if your newborn has a dolichocephalic head shape and there are no abnormalities and abnormalities in the shape of the skull, it is necessary to properly care for the baby to prevent the appearance of postpartum pathologies. The fact is that the bones of the skull in newly born crumbs are relatively soft, not hardened, therefore, when the baby lies for a long time in one position, the skull bones are deformed, and the head eventually acquires correct shape... In order for the dolichocephalic shape of the fetus's head to change, in the first 12 weeks of life, parents need to change the position of the newborn as often as possible, each time laying it on the other side.

Immediately after giving birth, especially if they were the first, mom is surprised at how the baby's head looks - disproportionately large, slightly elongated upward. As the baby grows and develops, the parents may be concerned about the size of the fontanelle, the rate of its overgrowth. So that nothing distracts from the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, it is necessary long before the birth of a baby to learn about all the nuances of its development, including the principles of skull formation, possible deviations from the norm and the dangers to which they entail.

Newborn head shape and size

The skull of a newborn before delivery and for some time afterwards is fastened, practically, only by the skin membrane. And this is not a pathology, but a kind of trick of nature - thus it made it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. If a baby is born naturally, and not during a cesarean section, then the shape of his head can be both round and oval, slightly elongated upward, flattened, ovoid. Do not be alarmed if the newborn's head is not symmetrical or has a characteristic postpartum edema.

Another feature is the size of the newborn's head. The head is disproportionate to the body, its girth is greater than the girth of the chest, at least 2 cm. Such indicators are the norm, and deviations are called hydrocephalus and microcephalus. Both should be the reason for a detailed examination of the baby, for a number of diagnostic measures.

Why hydrocephalus is dangerous

Too much big sizes A newborn's head (hydrocephalus) may indicate a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull. In the first months of life, this does not entail any danger, since in most infants up to 3 months, it outflows through special channels. After being examined by a doctor of narrow specialization, the child is prescribed therapy, and the problem is easily solved, without having time to develop into a serious pathology.

What is myrcocephaly

Microcephaly is the most dangerous for a newborn. A small head is a sign of her underdevelopment, which can affect the formation of the brain long before birth. The reason for this pathology is the mother's alcoholism or drug addiction, intrauterine infections, birth trauma, hormonal diseases.

What is fontanelle

The fontanelle is an unossified part of the skull in a newborn, protected by a connective elastic fabric... It is needed so that the baby's skull during childbirth can adjust to the shape of the mother's small pelvis and the birth canal. There are six fontanelles on the head of a newborn, but only one, the largest of them, can be observed. It is located on the top of the baby's head and is completely overgrown by bone tissue only by 12 months. Its main functions are:

Facilitating the process of childbirth,

Providing optimal space for brain development,

Regulation of heat exchange, cooling of the brain during the period of increasing body temperature,

· Depreciation in the event of a fall.

Find the most large fontanelle, diamond-shaped, about 2 by 2 cm in size, it is very simple on the baby's head - it is located in the middle of its parietal part. Another fontanelle that can be felt is located at the back of the head, and its size does not exceed 0.5 cm.

During that period, until the fontanelle is overgrown, it is necessary to monitor how it looks. If the fontanelle protrudes too much above the surface of the skull or is too fused, this may be a signal of problems in the development of the child. The fontanel can sink in against the background of dehydration, provoked by diarrhea, high temperature... Having noticed this, you need to ensure plentiful drink and call a doctor. If the fontanelle bulges, and this is accompanied by changes in the baby's behavior, high fever, vomiting, convulsions, if the bulging is observed long time, it is necessary to urgently deliver the baby to a medical facility.

How to care for a fontanelle

Head shape, size and general development the baby in the first year of his life is directly related to the fontanelle. Special rules medicine does not put forward care for him. The most important thing is to ensure safety, to eliminate the risk of injury to the newborn's head in the area of ​​the large and small fontanelles.

In order for the child's head to form correctly, it is necessary to put the baby periodically on the back, one and the other barrel. This measure will not allow parts of the skull to move to one side and will provide minimal stress on the fontanelle. In addition, there are several rules for caring for the fontanel:

When combing, do not touch the teeth of the comb,

Wash the baby's head with neutral means and very carefully,

After bathing, dry your head with blotting movements,

Never put pressure on the fontanel,

There should be no seams on the caps in the fontanel area,

Before removal, soften the parietal crusts with baby oil or cream,

· Do not rely only on the pediatrician and independently track the rate of overgrowth of the fontanelle.

The parietal crusts can be distressing to the baby and affect the rate at which the fontanel area ossifies. If they form intensively, represent a dense layer on the baby's head, then you need to lubricate them with cream not only after bathing, but also before it - in 20-30 minutes.

What to do if the fontanel does not overgrow

Not only slow, but too fast bone formation in the fontanel area should be a cause for concern. If the fontanelle does not overgrow, and the baby is already more than a year old, then this may indicate the presence of the following problems:

Development of hydrocephalus,

· metabolic disease,

Bone tissue disease,

Hypothyroidism (violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland).

It is impossible to determine the reasons on your own, and you need a consultation with doctors of narrow specialization - an endocrinologist, a geneticist, a neurologist.

If parents note the rapid overgrowing of the fontanel, this should also serve as a reason to see a doctor. Don't have to wait routine inspection, which are carried out monthly in children under one year old, you can come to the clinic and ask for diagnostic measures - to do blood and urine tests, ultrasound internal organs, MRI of the head, if indicated. This is necessary if, against the background of rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle, symptoms appear:


Bad, short-term sleep,

· lack of appetite,

Low rates of weight gain,


Unstable work of the digestive tract,

Pallor or cyanosis of the skin.

The rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle may be a signal of the development of disorders in the formation of bone tissues - craniosynostosis, microcephaly, which entails abnormalities in the work of the central nervous system and the formation of the brain. Ossification of the skull in the area of ​​the spring is considered early if it occurs at the age of three months from the date of birth. Parents have the right to insist on diagnostics aimed at identifying the listed developmental problems. But to give up preventive measures, even if there are no other symptoms of disturbance, it is unreasonable.

In no case should you rely on the opinion of grandmothers, girlfriends or neighbors if the shape of the baby's head, the rate of its growth or overgrowth of the fontanelle cause concern for the parents. It is important to realize that folk methods or self-prescription of vitamin-mineral complexes in similar cases can be not only useless, but also very dangerous for the baby.

The asymmetry of the head shape is quite common.

As a rule, only parents see it, and outsiders do not notice anything. Out of inexperience, young mothers are often worried and worried if this is some kind of pathological disorder.

Like the mother's body, the baby's body also prepares for stressful situation- birth.

Until the very moment of birth and for a year after, the bones of the skull remain soft.

This mechanism, laid down by nature, facilitates the passage of the child through the narrow birth canal.

This is done by partially displacing and squeezing the bones of the skull. Therefore, immediately after childbirth, the baby's head has a slightly unnatural shape.

Babies born with a cesarean section are less likely to have head deformities than babies born naturally.

But even if immediately after birth the head of the crumbs has a normal shape, then changes can occur later. This will be due to constant lying in one position or insufficient baby care. But in 80 percent of cases, the deformity is restored, the asymmetry disappears, and the head takes on a natural shape.

Typically, the skull becomes flat and regular in shape by about one year. But in some cases, they recover by school age.


There are times when the head still does not take its natural shape.

And there are a number of reasons for this: hematoma, the position in which the baby is most of the time.

The most common deformity is the beveled back of the head. This can be not only a consequence of childbirth, but also a postpartum change.

The head becomes flattened, uneven, the girth does not correspond to age norms.

A strongly elongated and sloping back of the head, as a rule, becomes the result of improper lying of the baby. That is, the child spends most of the time lying on his back. And, as a rule, children choose one side that is most convenient for them, in which they constantly turn and tilt their head.

Modern doctors note that it is not always safe to put the baby on the back. Since, it can choke or even choke. Therefore, it is recommended to place the child on the side, periodically changing sides. This will not only reduce the risk of danger during regurgitation, but also prevent deformation and various changes the shape of the skull.

The kid always turns to where there are objects, of interest... If the bed is near the wall, then mom and dad always come from one side, and everything interesting is also only on one side. This one-sidedness also provokes changes in shape, such as a beveled back of the head. In this case, you should carefully monitor the baby, shift it to different sides, more often spread on the tummy.

Fontanelle in a child

The baby's skull has a special soft area - the fontanelle. As long as the fontanelle is open (not ossified), all defects, changes and deformities can be corrected on their own.

Thus, admissible changes that are not considered as pathology are considered to be:

  • dolichocephaly - the shape of the head is like an egg, the back of the head is slightly elongated. If there are no other signs of pathologies, then the child is considered completely healthy, and the indicated deformations go away on their own;
  • brachycephaly - narrow occiput and elongated parietal part. Also considered the norm.


By 2-3 months, the shape of the baby's head begins to gradually improve. This is due to the fact that the child spends more and more time in an upright position, turns his head more and tilts it in different directions.

The pressure on the slowly hardening bones of the skull is reduced, the asymmetry is corrected.

But there are times when self-recovery does not occur. In these cases, circumferential deformity is a sign of a serious disorder. There may be several reasons for this: from lack of vitamins to serious pathologies such as rickets, and others.

If the crumbs develop rickets, then the deformation of the head is one of the signs. In addition, the body does not absorb calcium in the required amount, the bones do not strengthen, the baby grows and develops poorly. The fontanelle does not close on time, the bones of the skull remain soft for a long time, which means they are subject to strong changes. To prevent such phenomena, pediatricians advise to walk more and take vitamin D.

Vitamins are taken only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Another cause of head deformity can be a disease such as torticollis. In this case, the child turns his head only in one direction, and not only when he lies in the crib, but also when he is in an upright position. It is worth treating such a pathology only after consulting a doctor.

It is also urgent to go to the doctor if the fontanelle closes too early, since early ossification can cause an increase in intracranial pressure, which, in turn, can provoke more serious diseases.

In this case, a consultation with a neurologist and a surgeon is appointed, who conduct complex treatment, including both medicinal and non-medicinal methods.

A generic hematoma deserves special attention. It is an accumulation of blood at the sites of soft tissue rupture.

The reasons for the appearance of a hematoma may be the fact that the baby was born very large, and the damage was received during the passage of the birth canal. If a child was born by caesarean section, a sharp change in pressure between the womb and the natural space provokes a hematoma, since tissue cells are not able to quickly rebuild.

Ideally, the hematoma should resolve on its own, and then everything is in order. But if this does not happen or it increases in size, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Experts also distinguish such forms of head deformation as:

  • cephalohematoma - a lump with blood inside, usually in the parietal region, less often on the back of the head, forehead or temples. Cephalohematoma can occur if the fetus is large and the mother's birth canals are extremely narrow; if the bones of the mother's pelvis were damaged; if the pregnancy is crossed.

Also, a baby's brain disease - hydrocephalus, and other reasons can provoke cephalohematoma. This type of damage is difficult to assess as it is associated with the baby's natural postpartum edema. And only after it passes, you can really estimate the size of the cephalohematoma.

At normal development it goes away on its own within 2 to 4 weeks.

But 10-14 days after birth, you must definitely see a specialist. And if it has not resolved itself, then the doctor will remove it by aspiration. This procedure is not complicated and takes 10-15 minutes.

If the parents disagree with the procedure, you can wait about one week. But it is worth remembering that cephalohematoma calcifies. That is, calcium salts are deposited in this formation. And then the removal procedure can be complicated.

But you should not be afraid of it, since this damage is still treatable;

  • A birth tumor is swelling of the soft tissues of the head, usually the occiput, forehead, or crown. It is extremely rare that the swelling goes to the face. If it was small, then it goes away on its own after a few days, without leaving any traces. If the tumor is large, then the child must be under the supervision of doctors.

How does body position affect the shape of the skull?

It has already been repeatedly mentioned that if the baby lies in one position for a long time, then this leads directly to the deformation of the shape of the head. When a child lies on his back for a long time, it provokes a sloping nape, making the head too flat from behind.

The baby sleeps on its back

The flattened head becomes with constant lying on one side. In this case, the head has a flat, egg-shaped, unnatural shape. Therefore, in order for the head of the crumbs to have the correct rounded shape, it is necessary to carefully monitor the position in which the baby most often sleeps.

How to align the head?

Head asymmetry is not always a cause for concern for young parents. But to rule out possible complications, it is worth seeing a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination. If there are any doubts, they will be assigned additional examinations... But this should be done in order to calm yourself.

To prevent head asymmetry, it is worth observing a few simple rules that will help natural recovery forms:

  1. Change the position of the baby's head more often - as a rule, the baby sleeps on his back most of the time. Therefore, it is worth changing, slightly tilting it. In this case, there is no need to completely lay the child on its side, it is enough just to put a small roller under one side, then under the other. You should also alternate your arms when breastfeeding.
  2. When the baby is awake, carry it more often in your arms - this will reduce the pressure on the cranial bones.
  3. Spread the crumb on your tummy. In this case, it is worth observing safety precautions. While the baby does not hold his head, do not leave him unattended for a minute, so that he does not buried his nose in the bed and suffocate.
  4. It is worth changing the position of the baby - if a slight deformation is noticed, lay out the baby so that he turns his head in opposite side from deformation, and, consequently, the mother should be on the other side in order to arouse the child's interest.
  5. You can also take a massage course, but only with a professional massage therapist, after consulting a pediatrician.

Asymmetry of the baby's head is most often not a sentence, but natural process in the development of crumbs... Therefore, you should not immediately panic and start experiencing everything on the baby. possible ways treatment. You need to see a doctor for an appointment adequate treatment if necessary.

But you must always remember that in 80 percent of cases, asymmetry goes away by itself without consequences, if you follow the elementary rules for caring for a child. If the deformation is a sign of any disease, then its identification on early stage and the appointment of treatment will allow either to completely solve the problem, or to correct it as much as possible.

Video on the topic

When the baby is born, the mother forgets about everything in the world. And it's time for doctors to show Special attention to a new inhabitant of planet Earth. The first measurements are made for him - height, weight, chest circumference and head circumference.

Why is this done? What and why are there deviations of proportions from the standard ranges?

The normal shape of the skull of a newborn - the norm of the circumference of the baby's head at birth

These and other baselines enable doctors to obtain the big picture about the state of health of the newborn in the first period of his life and about the absence or presence of pathologies in him.

Normal indicators

The fact that during this period the size and shape of the baby's head changes rapidly is considered a natural process.

Baby head shape

What determines the shape of the baby's head?

The following is considered the norm:

  1. Rounded
  2. Elongated
  3. Flattened
  4. Ovate.

There is nothing to be surprised at. But why is each of these options almost the norm? There are several explanations for this.

So, in a child being born, the bones of the skull did not have time to become dense, and they harden during the first year - the seams between them have not yet grown.

Further, the woman's body is so arranged that for a better passage of the baby through the birth canal, the bones are superimposed on each other. Therefore, the shape of the head of the newborn after natural childbirth is somewhat elongated.

BY THE WAY: Heads of tiny caesareans are rounded.

Video: Birth tumor and skull shapes

The norm of the circumference of the baby's head at birth

A child's head in circumference is larger than the ribcage, about a couple of centimeters. However, these sizes can be or less - or more, say, due to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity. Fortunately, this does not happen very often.

ATTENTION: A pediatrician should control all parameters of the newborn's development.

In general, the norm for the head circumference of a born child is usually 34-36 centimeters... Moreover, this number may have deviations in the region 32-38 cm due to the peculiarities anatomical structure and fetal development.

  • At first, the growth is significant - there is an increase every month, and the head circumference is 1.5-2 cm larger than the chest circumference.
  • After 3 months. the girth increases by 0.5-1 cm, and both circles become the same.
  • Then the process is not so intense, and by six months the skull reaches 43 cm in girth - that is, by 15-16 weeks. the circumference of the chest is already greater than the circumference of the head.

Height premature babies more active, so the first data will gradually become equal to the usual parameters.

Video: fontanelle and head sizes in children from 0 to 12 months

IMPORTANT: Strong lead or lag indicates problems nervous system... Therefore, we must carefully monitor the growth - it must meet the standards.

Types of deformation of the infant's skull in various pathologies and injuries at birth

It is known that during childbirth, the fetal skull has the main load. And therefore, sometimes it deforms.

Dolichocephalic head shape is the norm with natural childbirth with normal presentation fetus
The brachycephalic shape of the baby's head occurs during natural childbirth, when the baby in the womb is placed upside down and facing the mother's belly

The same can happen with various pathologies.

BY THE WAY: Babies born by caesarean section have slight changes.

Large and small fontanelles on the head of a newborn - why are they?

Not only the size of the baby's head matters, but also its shape and fontanelle.

This invisible and constantly pulsating island on the baby's head always scares mothers. And this is understandable - will the baby's health be affected by the usual touch of the fontanelle?

Therefore, you need to know why fontanelles are needed.

So, in short, this is a reliable protector of the baby, which must gradually adapt in our world.

And you also need to know that there are not one, but two fontanelles - large and small:

  1. Large fontanelle. This is that "breathing" place on the crown of about 2x2 cm in size. It shrinks as the baby grows and overgrows around the year.
  2. Small fontanelle... It is located on the back of the head, and it is much smaller (up to 1 sq. Cm.) Than its counterpart. Many mothers are not even aware of the presence of a small fontanel, since it is difficult to feel it (which cannot be said about premature babies).

Types of deformity of the child's head with improper care and pathologies of the neonatal period - when is it necessary to see a doctor?

Alas, not all mothers are worried when they notice irregularities and irregularities in the girth of the baby's head. Yes, as soon as the child stops lying, everything will change.

But sometimes a deformation of the circumference of the skull can serve as a sign of a violation of symmetry. What happens to different reasons... That is, at improper care or pathology of the neonatal period.

What are these cases?

  1. Systemic bone diseases.
  2. Or when a newborn does not have enough vitamins, as a result, he develops diseases, for example, rickets, when the bones do not get stronger, they grow poorly.
  3. Cranial hernia.
  4. Secondary congenital defects development of the skull and brain, etc.

In different situations, such a skull is formed:

  • High conical shape.
  • With narrow frontal and wide occipital bones.
  • Tower, or pointed head.
  • Triangular, etc.

Video: Children's neurosurgeon about cephalohematomas and treatment of an irregular head shape - Dr. Komarovsky

Why does the child have such an irregular head shape? For what reason?

Only in rare cases are the reasons genetic or hereditary.

In the bulk, the mechanism for the appearance of an anomaly in the shape of the head is associated with the position of the fetus in the womb and with the process of childbirth.

In the womb in last weeks During pregnancy, the baby's head "rests" on the mother's belly, which creates an asymmetry in the shape of the skull. Features of the structure of the maternal pelvis, the structure of the sacrum and the angle that it forms, features of the process of childbirth, these are the main reasons that affect the shape of the baby's head.

The natural behavior of an infant affected by childbirth is to seek a comfortable position to relieve tension in the tissues. He will tend to turn his head left or right, or throw it back. (Very often this head position is due to congenital torticollis, which I call "false torticollis", since it does not have all clinical signs... This is actually an analgesic position in relation to the tension caused by cranial asymmetry. Therefore, differential diagnosis is very important, since in each case the main treatment will be different. With true congenital torticollis, treatment is performed by a kinesitherapist, and then by an osteopath (in this order), or both at the same time. In case of false crotch, priority is given to the osteopath, who himself can get rid of this problem.)

What are parents doing?

When parents see that the child is lying on the same cheek, they allow him to do so, taking care of his comfort. Thus, with "parental consent", the child reinforces or aggravates the asymmetry of the skull. The bones of the skull are very soft and pliable, and the skull can deform under its own weight.

What should parents do?

The work of an osteopath is necessary, but 80% of the success of treatment will depend on the parents. With a strong deformation of the skull, the doctor cannot fix anything alone. A thirty-minute session once a week will not correct the situation if, at 7 or 15 days following the session, the baby will lie in his favorite position, and no one will control his position.

Treatment success will depend on three people... From a mother or nanny, an osteopath and the baby himself. Mothers need to use a special device that allows the child to maintain exactly the position that the osteopath recommends. It is useful for up to 5 months. To begin with, they put it in during daytime sleep and make sure that the child does not throw it off until it gets used to it. From birth to one month, the child allows this to be done and maintains the position in which he is placed. From one to two months it is already more difficult. After three months this will become impossible as the child becomes very mobile.

The support device must fit snugly to support the head in the desired position. The child should not be able to move his head freely. Required for security reasons. So that the child sleeps on his back. But lateral position is also possible if, for the sake of safety, the child is under constant supervision to avoid the slightest risk. Thus, it is possible to give a gentle position to the deformed side of the skull, thereby ensuring its correction.

When the baby is lying on his back, the mother stimulates, as often as possible, the rotation of the head in the direction opposite to the one loved by the baby. This can be done with toys or by turning the toddler 90 degrees away from the stimulus toy.

If mom correctly follows all my instructions, then progress becomes clear from session to session, even with pronounced asymmetries. The more diligent the mother is, the sooner the success of the treatment is visible, the fewer sessions are required for correction. In general, asymmetries can be corrected.

Is the skull asymmetry correction necessary only for aesthetic reasons?

Of course, you should not neglect the aesthetics, although the hair will hide many of the irregularities in the skull. But asymmetry is not the only reason for visiting an osteopath. And that's why.

The fundamental principle that should be followed is this: any asymmetry in one part of the skull is reflected in the entire set of the head, which also becomes asymmetric.

The head is not only the bones of the skull, it is also our sense organs, our receptors: eyes, nose, mouth, ears.

What is the relationship between asymmetry and receptors?


They are located inside two bony orbits, left and right. To ensure normal vision, at least a minimum of symmetry of one eye in relation to the other is required.

Normal vision is impossible if there is a violation of the symmetry of the facial part of the skull. If not corrected, the child may develop functional strabismus, hyperopia, astigmatism, or early myopia.


The auricles are located on the temporal bones and should normally be symmetrical.

Dr. W. Fraiman writes that the axes temporal bones Normally, the bones in the area of ​​the Turkish saddle intersect at the level of the body of the sphenoid (main bone of the skull). When one ear is not symmetrical with respect to the other, this axis loses its center position.

The osteopathic concept says that imbalance creates conditions for hearing impairment at a certain life stage... I believe that such a damaging factor is the "cause of the reasons" for the occurrence of the so-called "primary lesion", which can give rise to purulent otitis media, chronic otitis media, violation spatial orientation, in which the child becomes awkward, poorly controlling his body. Other pathologies may appear at the level of the ear, throat and nose.


Located along the central axis of the face. In fact, it consists of two parts, left and right, separated by a partition. If the skull is symmetrical, the nose will be centered and the parts of it will function harmoniously. The harmony of function will be disrupted if the nose is displaced, i.e., the symmetry of the face is disrupted. The central bone of the nose and its lateral septa, being asymmetrical, will make it difficult for air to pass through the nose. The moisture in the nasal mucosa will decrease. The bactericidal property of the mucous membrane will be less effective, which will lead to permanent sinusitis, rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, etc.


Oral cavity has a hard palate divided into four parts. The oral cavity will also be affected by the asymmetry of the skull. If left side the palate is asymmetric in relation to the right, then the symmetry between the jaws is broken and problems of bite of the teeth arise. Swallowing may be impaired. A child in 90% of cases will be doomed to wear a special orthodontic apparatus or braces. Deformation of the jaw may occur, the jaw may move to one side or the other. Over time, this can create problems at the level temporomandibular joint with difficulty opening and closing the mouth, clicks during chewing and yawning.

Vertebral column

He also needs symmetry. The head rests on the first cervical vertebra. No wonder he bears the name of Atlanta. On it lies lower bone skull, occipital bone. It is the occipital bone that suffers greatly during childbirth. It is she who is subjected to the strongest compressions, loads, displacements. If the occipital bone is flattened, displaced anteriorly, posteriorly, to the right or left, or deviated from its central axis, i.e., the balance will be disturbed, all this will affect the articular surfaces of the condyles with which the first cervical vertebra or atlas is articulated. Atlas will try to compensate for the imbalance. He will adjust to imbalances. He is obliged to do this so that the person's gaze remains horizontal, and the head is placed straight. This is necessary for semicircular canals. inner ear providing balance to a person in motion.

All other vertebrae, both cervical and thoracic and lumbar, will adjust to compensate for the imbalance. False congenital torticollis and scoliosis will appear. For example, idiopathic scoliosis, that is, scoliosis that does not have an obvious cause, may still have one: it can be provoked by "cranial scoliosis", that is, an imbalance at the level of the skull during childbirth.

That is why one should not ignore the cranial asymmetry, mistakenly believing that this problem is related only to aesthetics, and it will settle itself - by itself or it will be covered by hair.

The skull and face are formed by the joining of many sutures and bones, which, when articulated together, form an intelligent and coherent structure that is homogeneous and functional.

It is quite obvious that the structure of the skull, due to its structure and shape, ensures the protection and functioning of everything that depends on it: organs, nerves, blood and lymph vessels. This is very important, since the senses and all sensitive receptors bind the newborn's body to environment... Sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch are senses that are directly or indirectly related to the entire set of structures and functions of the head.

What should you think about the shape of the skull?

Here are three examples from practitioners.

Example 1

Some babies have an asymmetrical skull without any noticeable abnormality. They feel good, eat with appetite, sleep normally. They behave calmly and develop correctly. Osteopathic tests are almost normal at every level. Despite the asymmetric shape of the head, a relative balance is possible between structure and function. In the near future, the baby is not threatened with health problems. But what happens next? In adolescence or adulthood? Over time, the appearance of any ailments is possible, the roots of which go to asymmetry, which no one has eliminated. If the cranial asymmetry is eliminated, big troubles can be avoided in the future.