Test well you know your girlfriend. Test Yourself: How Well Do You Know Your Partner

This mini test of several simple questions will let you know how well you know each other.

Answer the questions below, then ask your partner.

P.S. These questions are for people who have been together for quite some time.

If your relationship has just begun, be lenient towards each other and do not demand correct answers at every point.

Partner knowledge questions

1. What is your partner's least favorite body part?

2. When your partner was a child, who did he / she want to become in the future?

3. Which country would you like to visit?

4. Did your partner have a nickname as a child? If so, which one? Did he like that nickname?

5. With whom of your relatives does your loved one communicate the closest? (If not, omit the question.)

How well do you know each other

6. What disappointment from the past gnaws at your partner until now?

7. What are his / her achievements proud of?

8. What does your partner hate most about doing around the house?

9. What are the names of your partner's grandparents. Can you name all the grandparents?

10. What talents is your partner endowed with in his own opinion?

11. What is his / her favorite scent?

12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

13. What character trait does your partner dislike in himself, and in what way does he resemble his parents?

14. What kind of death is your partner afraid of?

Questions for a couple to know each other

15. What kind of music does your partner actually enjoy listening to? (Even if those around you do not know about these musical preferences). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) expect from the upcoming weekend?

17. Whom does your partner consider to be his mentor, or someone who has shown a strong positive influence on his (her) professional development?

Second half knowledge questions

18. How did your partner spend their summer as a child?

19. What are your favorite and least favorite moments in your partner's work?

20. Does your partner consider himself more like his mother or father in terms of character? If so, in what way?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What's on his wishlist?

Pay attention to the questions you answered incorrectly. Consider shortcomings as opportunities for conversation and deepening of your relationship.

As you analyze the answers together, remember that it is your partner who decides whether you earn a point for each correct answer.

For some questions, for example, about your favorite taste of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on the current mood of your partner.

Sometimes it turns out that we know our soulmates better than they know themselves.

When you look at the answers, you may find that you remembered something that your partner once told about his childhood and that you forgot, and you remember it.


If you (or your partner) scored 16 points or more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you scored 16 or more points, and you have been with your partner for less than six months, it is likely that your relationship is developing too actively.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You've gotten to know your partner pretty well.

Pay attention to exactly where you know each other the least.

Perhaps the two of you talked little about your childhood experiences, or you shy away from talking about topics related to negative emotions.

Try to make up for those moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You don't know each other that well.

2) You are only in a relationship for a short period of time.

3) You talk to each other a little, or maybe your conversations are of a certain nature (for example, you are both of the same profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) score 0-4 points:

This suggests that you do not know each other at all, which means that you have the opportunity to do this.

Questions for knowing each other

Why exactly these questions?

These questions are designed to engage a range of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fears included because strong relationships entail a willingness to be vulnerable to one another.

Questions about childhood included because loved ones usually understand the experiences that made each other the way they are.

After all, it is in childhood that a person's personality is formed.

And lighter funny questions included, due to the fact that it is very important to conduct conversations not only on serious topics, but also on lighter ones.

Conversations related to your positive emotions make our life easier.

Talk to each other in different topics... Then you will get to know your partner better.

Starting from the first date with the person we like, we try not to touch on some issues that can ruin everything.

Unfortunately in serious relationship this can become an obstacle to the openness and sincerity of the relationship. Over time, you run the risk of finding yourself face to face with details you don't want to know.

To avoid unpleasant and, most importantly, sudden discoveries, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the potential difficulties in advance. Each of these 30 questions will help you figure out important information about your significant other, as well as your chances of a happy future together. Ask and discuss them together - it may even bring you closer together.

  1. How often should we make love?
  2. Is there anything in me that you would like to change?
  3. When you look at a woman, what do you first pay attention to?
  4. Have you ever checked my phone or computer?
  5. When do you think we had the most best sex?
  6. Is there a difference between making love and having sex?
  7. How do you describe me to your friends (appearance, character)?
  8. What can you not remember without the paint of embarrassment? Tell us about the most shameful situation you have been in.
  9. If we hadn't met, what would you be doing today?
  10. Is physical attraction important to a strong relationship?
  11. Do you masturbate?
  12. What do you think about when you don't think about sex?
  13. What were you especially worried about when we were going to make love for the first time?
  14. What turns you on in bed?
  15. How old was the first time you kissed or had sex?
  16. Share your erotic fantasy, which you have never mentioned to me before.
  17. What's the sexiest thing you think we can do in bed?
  18. If you found out that your friend is cheating on his wife, would you tell her about it?
  19. Could you come with me to a nude beach? Would it bother you that others are looking at me?
  20. How would you prefer to spend your vacation: on a sun lounger on the beach or climbing equipment in the mountains?
  21. Can you read my mind?
  22. What else can we do to bond as a couple?
  23. Why partners can cheat on each other?
  24. Would you like us to have a cat or a dog together?
  25. Is marriage in the future included in your life plans?
  26. At your parents strong marriage? Would you like to have the same relationship?
  27. Do you believe in God?
  28. Thanks to whom have you formed as a person?
  29. If you had enough money in abundance, and you didn't need to earn it, what would you do for the rest of your life?
  30. Do you believe in love at first sight?

These questions help to identify the other person's expectations and preferences in the relationship. This is not done so that the girl can adapt to the wishes of her beloved, but to assess the lovers' chances of a happy relationship.

If he can't open up and answer too personal questions- it means that he does not trust you. If he starts to behave aggressively, just presenting you naked on the beach, he may be pathologically jealous. If he thinks that outside connection can strengthen the relationship, then you should think about it - of course, unless you have the same point of view. His views on religion, family, finances can also tell a lot about the potential future of your relationship.

If, after finding out the answers to these questions, you still love each other so much, you are a great match for each other, and nothing can separate you)

His favorite number is 3, and her favorite color is red. She loves to play tennis, he hates football.
Knowing each other's addictions, whether they are trivial oddities or important things that can cause disagreement, helps to maintain a lasting marriage. The more you know about your spouse, down to how he or she loves to spread a sandwich, the more you show how much the relationship with him (her) means to you. The very process of getting to know each other creates a feeling of closeness that can only arise between two people who genuinely care about each other.
Try to refresh your relationship by answering the questions in this test. Thanks to him, you will be able to discover something in your partner that you would not have known in many years otherwise.
Calculate how many questions you can answer correctly. Check your spouse's answers and then ask him or her to answer the questions on this test. I wonder how he (she) will handle this?
1.Where was he (she) born?
2.How maiden name from his (her) mother?
3. What was his / her name as a child? Did he (she) have a nickname?
4. What kind of pets did she (he) have when he was young?
5. On what musical instruments did she (he) learn to play?
6. What is one of her (his) childhood hobbies? What did he (she) collect?
7. Did he (s) have chickenpox?
8. In what institute, school did he (she) study?
9. What subject did he (she) dislike most of all at the institute (school)?
10. What was the name of his (her) best friend (best friend) from childhood?
11. Name his (her) first job.

12. What spectacular sport does she (he) enjoy the most?
13. What kind of sport does she (he) enjoy doing the most?
14. What would she (he) like best for dessert?
15. What soft drink does he / she prefer?
16. Name his (her) favorite restaurant, favorite cafe.
17. What does she (he) like the most about pizza with?
18. What actress does she (he) dislike most?
19. Which actress does he (she) like the most?
20. Breakfast, lunch, dinner - what does she (he) like the most?
21. Name his / her favorite movie.
22. What TV commercials annoy him or her the most?
23. What's her / his favorite TV program?
24. What is her (his) favorite singer or group?
25. Her (his) favorite holiday?
26. What is your least favorite holiday?
27. What time of year does he or she like best?
28. What's his / her favorite color?
29. What kind of headgear does he (she) like to wear the most?
30. What does he (she) like to read more for relaxation?
31. What section in newspapers does he (she) read first?
32. His (her) favorite magazine.

33. What is the number of his (her) passport.
34. What is his (her) shoe size?
35. What is the name of his / her boss?
36. What's his / her phone number at work?
37. How much money does he or she have in a savings account?
38. Has he / she ever had bone fractures?
39. Is he / she allergic to anything?
40. What is his / her blood type?
41. What is his (her) height?
42. What is his / her salary?

43. How many children would she (he) want to have?
44. What would he (she) want to name your first child?
45. Where would he (she) like to go on vacation?
46. ​​What kind of sport would he (she) like to learn?
47. What animal would she (he) like to have at home?
48. What car does he (she) dream about?
49. Would he (she) want to build or own a house of his own?
50. Does he (she) plan or dream of changing jobs?

Psychological tests are based on obtaining information, processing and analyzing it. The results are compiled on the basis of previously identified features, patterns and certain "standards" related to a particular area of ​​the science of psychology.

If you want to get reliable result, it is important to answer the test questions honestly.

Today I suggest you go through a very simple, interesting test "How well do you know your partner" that will not take much of your time. You will need a piece of paper and a pen. Or a good memory.

Read each statement and mark either B (True) or H (False) against:

1. I can name my partner's best friends.

2. I can tell what difficulties my partner is currently facing.

3. I know the names of some people who are recent times irritated my partner.

4. I can name some dreams that my partner has.

5. I am well aware of my partner's religious beliefs.

6. I have an idea of ​​the life philosophy of my partner.

7. I can list the relatives my partner loves the least.

8. I know what kind of music my partner likes.

9. I can name three of my partner's favorite films.

10. My partner knows my problems today.

11. I know which three events are most important to my partner.

12. I can tell you what the biggest challenge my partner faced as a child.

13. I know my partner's main aspirations and hopes.

14. I know what my partner is worried about the most.

15. My partner knows who my friends are.

16. I know what my half would do if they suddenly won the lottery.

17. I can detail my first impressions of him / her.

18. From time to time I ask my half about the state of his / her inner world.

19. I feel like my partner knows me pretty well.

20. The partner knows my hopes and aspirations.

For each answer “true”, give yourself 1 point. Calculate the total number of points.

Test results

10 or more points: this is strong point your marriage. You know about each other in some detail. V Everyday life you do not forget to be interested in the hopes, fears, aspirations of your half. You know what drives him / her. Judging by the number of points, you find options for how to use knowledge about the inner world the other for the good of your relationship by strengthening the spiritual bond between you. Try not to take for granted this knowledge and understanding of each other. Continue to be sensitive and protective to each other and you will be ready to deal with any problems that may arise.

Less than 10 points: your marriage would benefit from some improvements. You may not have had the time or opportunity to get to know each other well. Or your ideas about the second half are already outdated, tk. a person could change over the years. If you now try to learn more about your partner, you will notice how the relationship is growing stronger.

Understanding each other without words, without hesitation talking about the most intimate, giving the last and not regretting - all this is available only to friends. Friendship is what many dream of all their lives, what they strive for, but not always get it. The ability to make friends consists of many things: the ability to understand and support, defend and forgive.

If you think that you have finally found a friend, but still doubt his intentions, take the friendship tests. By dispelling doubts, you will be able to communicate with an open soul, show warmth and sincerity. And, conversely, if “ best friend»Will not turn out to be such, do not miss the moment when you can end the relationship without loss.

Girlfriend tests

Who is yours best friend? Do you know her well? Is your friendship real? Collected here best tests for girls, girls who know how to be friends. After going through them, you will understand if you are suitable for each other, and you will be able to find out how much she appreciates your support.

Tests for couples, friends for knowing each other

Your friendship is many years old and you know each other better than anyone? Check if this is so. These tests are designed specifically for couples, longtime girlfriends and boyfriends. Their goal is to strengthen friendships. After all, only knowing everything about your friend, you can rely on him both in grief and in joy. Tests for two will show you new sides, help you find out loved one better.

How does your girlfriend behave in different situations? Does she have decency in a relationship? Does she help you? Are you ready to appear yourself at the first call? Put your friendship to the test. Choose the answers to the questions of this mini-test and compare your feelings with the conclusions of psychologists.

Take this test both and compare the results. They will reflect not only your ability to be friends, but also the look at human relations generally.

Comic questions this test may seem frivolous. But don't be in a hurry with your estimates! Each of them has a special meaning. Good manners and decency, the ability to value others and the ability to sacrifice - all this will determine the conclusions of the friendship test.