Methodical development on the topic: "Skillful hands do not know boredom." The learner will be formed. Chastushki "sewing business"

Razumov Sergei Dmitrievich
Position: technology teacher
Educational institution: MBOU SOSH No. 1 ZATO Ozerny
Locality: Tver region
Material name: methodical development
Topic: "Skillful hands don't know boredom "
Date of publication: 11.05.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Technology extracurricular activity for 7th grade

"Skillful hands do not know boredom"


Generalization and consolidation of knowledge gained in technology lessons.

The development of students' work skills and abilities, intelligence,

logical thinking.

Facilitating student team building, creating a favorable

psychological microclimate

Fostering interest in the subject.

The course of the event.

Organizing time.

Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a competition

competition "Skillful hands do not know boredom." Today in our competition

two teams are involved: girls and boys of the 7th grade. Each of you will

presented the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in

technology lessons. At the competition, we will identify the most skillful and attentive,

inquisitive and quick-witted from two teams.

Help each other, rejoice in the success of the other team as well as

to their own. Good luck!

I represent the members of the 7-A class team:

Class 7-B team members:

Our competitors will be judged by a competent jury, which includes

Leading: First competition "Greetings"

The floor is given to the 7-A class team


The floor is given to the 7-B class team.


Leading: Moving on to the second competition "Warm-up"

Each team needs to answer maximum amount questions.

The correctness of the answers and the time are taken into account.

1 team

Measuring device (measuring tape)

1.The tool in which a thin file is attached for cutting patterns and

drawings. (jigsaw)

2. Tool for woodworking (chisel)

3. Tool for knitting (hook)

4. What elements does the plane consist of (block, knife, wedge, handle)

5.What is the difference between the backrest drawing and the front drawing (neckline)

6. Why do you need a plane, jointer, scherhebel (for planing)

7.How are length measurements recorded? (fully)

8.Damage to wood in the form of holes gnawed by larvae and

bugs (wormhole)

9.Narrow band around the edge of the fabric (hem)

10. What tools are used for marking (ruler, thickness gauge,


2 team

1.Spool of thread to be inserted into the hook (bobbin)

2. Device for clamping the workpiece (vise)

3.Hand sewing tool (needle)

4. What nails are driven in (hammer)

5.Where is the bobbin inserted (hook)

6.Cutting tool (scissors)

7. Tool for planing (planer)

8. Weaving threads in fabric (stitch)

9.Wood processing machine (machine)

10.What is pulled from the spool (thread)

11. Harvesting from wood (bar)

The floor is given by the jury (results of the 1.2 competition)

Host: Let's move on to the 3rd competition "Anagrams"

Team members receive cards on which the words are encrypted, your

the task is to form words and write them down side by side. The correctness of the answers is taken into account and

IEELJI (product)

PERSNATOK (thimble)

ZYNINOZH (scissors)

NOLOKVO (fiber)

IPLA (saw)

PTLOIKN (carpenter)


ONBLSHA (pattern)

IEELJI (product)

URABONK (plane)

HAMMER (hammer)

ALMYAR (painter)

UFNRTIROUA (accessories)


XALKDA (fold)

DOMLOE (model)

For each correct answer, 1 point

Host: Next competition №4 "Tie a tie correctly"

Two representatives from each team are called.

Leading: Many have a tie, but not everyone knows how to tie it.

And, as a rule, having tied it once, it is left tied only

loosening the loop at the next donning. The task of the participants is faster and

it is more correct to tie a tie. The winner is the team that has the correct

a tie is tied.

The floor is given by the jury (results of 3.4 competition)

Presenter: Competition No. 5 "Folk Crafts"

This is an important part of the traditional folk culture... When making

any thing folk master I thought not only about the practical purpose,

but also beauty. From simple materials- wood, metal, stone, clay

were created true works arts.

Assignment Correctly distribute craft items.

Potter - clothing, garment decoration

Blacksmith - baskets, wattle, baskets

Weaving - jug

Master of household utensils - horseshoes, weapons, chaise

(For each correct answer, 1 point).

Host: Competition No. 6 "Hammer in the nail"

Captains competition

This stage involves one participant from each team (captains).

Participants receive blanks, hammers and nails. In one minute the captains

the maximum






For each nail 1 point, for compliance with safety rules 1 point, for speed and accuracy

work 1 point.

The floor is given by the jury (results of 5.6 competition)

Host: Competition # 7 "Cut the board".

This stage involves one participant from each team. Participants receive

drawings, which indicate the place of cutting the board. Students must mark and

cut off

according to



the speed and accuracy of marking, and the correspondence of the length of the board to a given value, as well as

compliance with safety regulations.

The maximum score is 3.

Host: Competition









labor, work. Each of those present knows at least two


let's make sure. Every team

receives an envelope with 10 cards inside. On the first five -

the beginning of proverbs, the rest - the end. It is necessary to "collect" proverbs. Who

will do it quickly and correctly.

Who does not work shall not eat.

A tree is valued for its fruits, and a person for deeds.

If you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.

Do not be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.

Small business is better than big idleness.

It is not without reason that it is said that the master's work is afraid.

As the master is, so is the work.

Do not sit idly by, so there will be no boredom.

Don't blame your neighbor if you sleep until lunchtime.

The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

For each correct answer 1 point.

(The jury sums up the results for the 7.8 competition)

Competition No. 9 "Thread" /woolen thread 10 or 20 cm long. /

Intro: from Myths Ancient Greece about Ariadne's thread: “Myths




a powerful state ruled by King Minos. He was

the whole of Greece is subject. The city of Athens was forced to pay Minos

a terrible tribute: to send seven youths and seven girls to Crete. Their

devoured by the Minotaur, a monster with the body of a man and the head of a bull.

The minotaur lived in a palace called the Labyrinth. It was like this

many intertwining corridors and passages that everyone entering

he could not get back. The brave Athenian youth Theseus

went to Crete to kill the Minotaur. Theseus fell in love with Ariadne,

daughter of Minos. She gave Theseus a magic sword and a ball of thread so that he

defeated the monster and left the Labyrinth "

- Therefore, the phrase "Ariadne's thread", or "Ariadne's thread"

means “what helps to find a way out of a difficult

provisions ”.

Each team is given 10 cm long threads (20 pcs.), Which for 3

minutes need to be tied in one long thread.

The winner is the team whose string is longer and stronger.

Maximum score -10 points

Competition №10 "Song of the profession".

This stage involves all members of each team. They are invited in turn

remember a song about a profession. Help from fans is possible. The songs are not

must be repeated.

We invite the team 7 "A" class ………………………………

We invite the team of 7 "B" class ……………………………….

The floor is given by the jury.

Results of the competition

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Competition "Skillful hands do not know boredom"

(score sheet)

Stage name





7 "a"


7 "b"


1. "Greetings"

2. "Warm-up"

3. "Anagrams"

4 "Tie



5. "People's

trades "

6. "Hammer in the nail"

7. "Cut the board"

8. "Proverbs"

9. "Thread"

10. "Song of

profession "

Total points

Questions for fans: Do I know the technology?

1.The birthplace of this culture is Ethiopia (Africa), and more precisely Kaffa. Now

this most popular plant is cultivated to a greater extent in the South

America. What is it about? /Coffee/

2.The name of this lake consists of warm cloth and letters. What lake is it about

speech? / Lake Baikal /

3. “I am originally from China. I was made by a man and not by a man. They make of me

thin fabric and appreciated always and everywhere "/ Silk /

4.It is a very fragrant relative of the lilac native to China, where its flowers

added to tea for aroma, and its oil is contained in seven percent

of all the perfumes produced in the world. What is it about? /jasmine/



to the imperial court. / Faberge /

6. In 1843, the Frenchman Alphonse Rallet founded the Ralle and

K ", which began to produce soap, lipstick and powder. This factory -




is this factory called? /Liberty/

7 the Egyptian Queen who wrote the first cosmetics guide, where there were

the recipes for the preparation of powder, whitewash, blush, lipstick are given.

State the name of this queen. / Cleopatra /

8 courtier


apple filling, which is popular in our country now, and called it in

the honor of his beloved.

Assignment: What was the name of the beloved culinary specialist, whose name he was named

pie. /Charlotte/

9. The inner world of the house, made up of separate things. /Interior/

dining room


a definite

number of persons. / Service /

11. Soft flat headdress of various sizes, round shape,

detail of feminine and men's clothing... In the 15th century it was made of velvet,

later becomes popular among representatives of art, relevant

and in our time. (Beret)

12.High hat, 15th century part of men's clothing. As

everyday garment was introduced by the British shortly before

French Revolution, when the tailcoat became casual clothes, and he is his

addition (Cylinder)

13.What kind of fabric can not be sewn shirts? (From the railway)

14.One egg is cooked for 4 minutes, how many minutes do you need to cook 6 eggs? (4

15.What kind of needle won't you sew a shirt? / hedgehog /

16. Which hand does not show the time? / arrows on tights /

17.Which sleeve cannot be sewn on? / for roasting /

18. Himself in the room, and the head is on the street. (Nail./

19. The eater eats wood, one hundred teeth in one row. (Saw.)

20. Himself thin, and a head with poods. (Hammer.)

21. Where the tail rests, there will be a hole later. (Drill.)

22.Two ends, two rings, in the middle of a carnation. (Scissors.)

23.Sit is a lady in a spoon, her legs dangling. (Noodles)

24. Metal thread imitating silver or gold. (Gimp)

25. Forest on one side, field on the other. /Fur coat/

26. He does not sew clothes, but fabric always weaves. Who is this? / Spider /

27. About what cabbage soup do they say "cabbage soup, even whip with a whip"? / empty i.e. without

Which is easier? 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of honey? / same /

Target: improve the ability to work independently and in a team.
Educational: Expand children's understanding of work, including creative work, and its significance in people's lives.
Educational: Raising diligence, the desire to bring people joy and happiness with their work. Bring up friendly relations between children.
Correctional: Correction visual attention, development of fine motor skills, creativity children.



Target: improve the ability to work independently and in a team.
Educational:Expand children's understanding of work, including creative work, and its significance in people's lives.
Educational: Raising diligence, the desire to bring people joy and happiness with their work. Foster friendships between children.
Correctional: Correction of visual attention, development of fine motor skills, creative abilities of children.

Registration: an exhibition of children's works, a stand with a picture of the sun, a table with a vase.

Equipment: Multimedia, computer, presentation, flowers, vase, leaves for flowers, a watering can made of paper, scotch tape, a magic bag with the contents: a ball of yarn, a skein of thread, a bag with beads, a hoop, gouache, a medal, a comb with hairpins, a set of needles; "Chamomile" with tasks.

Event progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello our dear guests. Hello guys.

Please stand in a circle, take each other's hands and feel the warmth of your hands. Together with the warmth of your hands, we convey to each other a good mood, wishes for health, kindness.
I am glad to see you so beautiful, kind, with good mood! We will spend this hour together. May it bring you joy and many new ones interesting impressions... Let's make each other happy!
Thank you. Well done. Go to your seats.

2. Revealing the knowledge of pupils about work.

Guys, please tell me why a person needs hands? (children's answers)
Correctional exercise: The name of the event is encrypted on the slide, the children solve it. Answer: "Skillful hands do not know boredom."

Work at the screen.
Yes, human hands truly create miracles.

How do you understand the proverb: "Skillful hands do not know boredom"

This is the topic of our lesson "Skillful hands do not know boredom"

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about work, about the importance of work in human life.

All human life is filled with work. Even a small fish cannot be pulled out of a pond without difficulty.

None creature not without difficulty. Birds, animals, ants, bees, etc. are working. Your parents go to work every morning, you rush to school because study is your main work at this time.
It is very useful to work on fresh air... Your lungs breathe, they get fresh air rich in oxygen, then it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body and you and I get health, which is not given to us by medicines, but by nature itself.

There are a lot of proverbs about labor.
Correctional exercise: Find the second part of the proverb.

1. A person is glorious not for words - for an hour of fun.
2. Time is for business, but for man is labor.
3. Done in a hurry - and the hands are working hard.
4. The sun paints the earth - walk boldly.
5. Even though the eyes are afraid, it was done for a laugh.
6. Finished business - then life becomes pleasure.

7. Any work is very important - and glorious in deeds.

8. When you work for pleasure - you need it for the people.

3. Study of the material.

Let's take a look at Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. What is the meaning of the word "Labor"? 1. Labor-work, occupation.

2. Labor-skill aimed at achieving something.
3. Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

There is always a need for work. Work and life are inseparable concepts.

Demkina Nadezhda.

Time flies fast

No one can slow down this speed,

That winter, then spring

Then copper falls from the foliage.

We need to hurry

Leave something bright in life

And choose such a profession

To serve the people honestly.

There are a lot of things around

You will find work everywhere.

And there is no need to look for any peace in the future.

You need to live your life like that

To make someone happy

To give people joy with their work.

The whole world is supported by good working hands. No wonder they say: “And my hands, brother, are a great treasure. Hands are given for deeds! "

Lisyonkova Nastya.

Skillful hands, skillful hands

They never get bored.

They have no rest on their day off,

They know the heavy and the big

Working hands in the palms are bumpy

Workers - and blindingly clean

Everybody does it so well and skillfully

As the saying goes: they matter!

Hands of gold - hands are not made of gold

Golden hands are not afraid of the cold

In abrasions, calluses, these hands -

The most the right hands in the world!


The table you sit at, the bed you fall asleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis, plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail and every house
And each slice of bread - All this is created by labor,
And did not fall from the sky!
Lisyonkova Dasha.

For everything that was created for us
We are grateful to people.

Malyanova Christina.
The time will come, the hour will come -
And we will work.

I offer you chamomile pantomimes.

  1. I cut the product with scissors.
  2. I sew the details with a hand needle.
  3. Thread the needle.
  4. I twist the meat for minced meat.
  5. Handwash.
  6. Taking measurements.
  7. Cross stitching.
  8. Low start.

Lineova Lena My mom and I went to the store. We bought potatoes, sour cream and bacon. Mom is carrying it, it's hard for her. Oh, it's good that I'm not tired. I didn’t help my mother all day. Who knows why? That's right, I was visited ... (laziness).

Let's answer the question with you: What is Laziness? How do you understand this word? (children's answers)

On the slide, the word laziness. And now we turn to our assistant, the explanatory dictionary, Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.

Working with a slide.

Lisyonkova Nastya.

Life is very difficult. Outright trouble!

After all, nothing is given without labor!

Even some kind of Erunda

It is not given to us, It is not possible, It is not possible without hard work!

It's terribly difficult to get up in the morning,

In the evening it's hard to go to bed,

It's hard to learn - What is there to hide!

Difficult Everywhere Your nose Do not poke! ..

Do you know what is the most difficult thing?

This is -Do nothing at all!

Kuzmina Christina.

Children! You have to work: do not run away from work.
After all, from idleness will be borna lot of grief and shame.
Anyone who wants good fame d I must eat my bread in sweat,
Not for games and fun d honor remains for people.
Children! Children! Don't be lazy!Labor always bears fruit:
You will work from a young age -You will meet old age without worries.

Physical education

You need to stand up and clap your hands 3 times if you consider yourself to be in the following category:

  • All present clapping;
  • Only those who love the game of checkers;
  • Only those who like to beadwork;
  • Only those who love to sing;
  • Only those who study well;
  • Only those who love to dance;
  • Only those who love to embroider;
  • Only those who like to play football;
  • Only those who are in a great mood.

Educator: Every person's life has hobbies. People draw, sing, collect stamps, breed fish or listen to music, read or grow cacti. Everyone has their own hobby.

Primordial meaning english word hobby - a little horse, pony, wooden toy horse. Hence the expression to ride a hobby, in our language it is known as "to sit on your skate." The word "hobby" entered Russian speech use relatively recently, already in the 20th century. The modern edition of the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegova defines the meaning of the word hobby as follows: "A hobby, a favorite pastime for yourself, at your leisure."

A hobby is a kind of human activity, a kind of occupation, a hobby that is regularly practiced at leisure, for the soul, this hobby that brings a lot of pleasant things to a person.

  • A person at any age can engage in a hobby, both a child and an adult, regardless of the type of his work, social status.

  • A hobby is not only an interesting but also a useful activity.

The hobby plays very important role in human life, contributes to the constant development of personality, the manifestation of individuality. Thanks to our hobbies, we find like-minded people, friends with whom we always have something to talk about, those who are worried about the same problems as ours.

Therefore, the importance of hobbies is increasing. Favourite hobby distracts from the troubles of life, restores peace of mind.

Passion brings neither money nor fame. This is an activity for the soul. Now I will tell you what great people were fond of.

Many great people had hobbies. For example, the famous surgeon Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky was fond of gardening and even developed new varieties of apple and pear trees. Another doctor, Sergei Petrovich Botkin, was fond of playing the cello and took music lessons until he was 50.

Some great people became famous precisely because of their hobbies. For example, the excellent doctor Vladimir Ivanovich Dal loved to collect Russian words, proverbs, and fairy tales. And he became famous for his an explanatory dictionary, which is now known to everyone as the Dahl Dictionary. The great Russian composer Alexander Porfirevich Borodin, author of the opera "Prince Igor", was a chemist by profession.

For some great people, hobby has become a profession. The famous Russian poet Alexander Blok with early years wrote poetry, and the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with three years was already in love with music. The famous woman mathematician Sofya Kovalevskaya has been fond of formulas and numbers since childhood. Peter the Great was a passionate numismatist, he collected a large number of coins. King Gustav V of Sweden was fond of embroidery. Queen of Denmark - Margaret was fond of drawing. Arnold Schwarzenegger assembles Hummer cars.

Lineova Nastya.

People, just take a look around:

Our whole life is the work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities and houses -

All our hands! All our hands!

Smart hands are the basis for success

Hands are a person's face.

Arms! They say a lot

The eye only sees, but the hands create!

Our hands do not build villages, bridges and houses, but look here (address to the exhibition manual labor children), our hands are creating, making this beauty.

I think everyone present will be interested to know and hear about your hobbies.

Demkina Nadya.

I'm not used to boasting in vain

but everyone calls me a craftswoman -

For the fact that I myself am on my doll

I knit, embroider and sew and cut.

I learned to embroider

Chickens, chickens and cockerels.

And also for dolls dresses

I sewed from scraps.

Nadia's story about her handicrafts. Demonstration of their works and certificates.

Lisyonkova Daria.

Small beads look like droplets.

You can put them on a thread, on a wire too.

From them we will collect animals and weave baubles.

Tell me, how do we call these beads? (Beads)

Dasha's story about making a dragonfly by beading. Demonstration of their work.

Malyanova Christina's story about knitting. Demonstration of their work.

Kristina Kuzmina's story about diamond embroidery... Demonstration of their work.

Elena Lineova's story about beadwork. Demonstration of their work.

Lineova Nastya's story about sports achievements. Demonstration of medals.

Lisenkova Nastya's story about cross-stitching. Demonstration of their work.

Krivolop Sasha's story.

The game " Magic pouch» ... Fold into a bag various subjects, connected with different kinds needlework (a ball of yarn, a thread of thread, a bag and beads, a hoop, gouache, a medal, a comb with elastic bands for hair, a set of needles.) to which this item belongs.

Reflection. So our lesson has come to an end. We have done a great job today. And now, collectively, all together, we will analyze our event. Together we will compose a "Bouquet of Mood"

Method "Bouquet of Mood" - if you think that our event was useful for you, then take a flower in your hands, if not, then do not take anything. If during the event it was comfortable for you to work with each other, then glue green leaves to the flower, if not, then do not do anything. If the knowledge gained will be useful to you in the future, then go out slowly to the board and put your flower in a vase.

Guys, thank you very much for Active participation at the event. And so that your flowers do not wilt, I will add some water to them. (a watering can is hung out). Our bouquet shows that everyone is in a good mood, that you liked the lesson. I hope that the knowledge you have acquired today has enriched you and will help you in solving creative problems not only in the classroom, but also in life. And in conclusion I would like to tell you: “Work hard! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live as a lazy person. "

Thank you all for your attention. Creative successes to all.

Municipal budget educational institution

"School number 103 s in-depth study foreign language "

urban district city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

Methodical development extracurricular activities

Topic: " Skillful hands know no boredom »

Designed by: Technology Teacher

Kalinina O.M.


    Targets and goals.


    Improving the skills of students, the development of creative initiative.

    Fostering respect for people of work, the need to work and study well.

    Fostering a sense of responsibility, collectivism.


    Arouse positive emotions.

    Give children the opportunity to express themselves.

    To develop creative potential personality.

    The activity can be shown for students in grades 5-8.

    Equipment for the event.

    Exhibition of children's creativity.

    Requisites for the performance:


    A spoon,


    Two shawls (large and small),


    2 aprons,


    Sewing machine.

    For the competition:

    Crockery and cutlery for table setting.


    Scenario of the event.







































We want guys to remember today's holiday for a long time. Because: “You put your soul in - you can do everything”, “Without patience, there is no skill”, “People will not be born with skill, but they are proud of good skill”, “Wonderful diva create the will and labor of man”.

I will tell you a cautionary tale.

There was a grandmother in one village, and not just a grandmother, but

grandma is very smart.

Once her granddaughters Masha and Dasha came to her.

The grandmother wanted to know what her granddaughters learned in the city and

So I asked them a problem, but not simple, but with ingenuity. She called the girls to her place and said:

“Today, Dasha, you stay at home to do housework, and Masha and I will go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. We'll be back in the evening, and while you tidy up the house, cook dinner, wash. "

Only grandmother and Masha were out the door, Dasha decided to get down to business: she swept the floors, and swept the dust so hard, then she took up the laundry. The first thing that caught her eye was the tablecloth. There were two small spots on the tablecloth. She lathered them, but they did not wash off. And then it dawned on her that she could clean the stain with nail polish remover. Dasha did not regret the liquid, and as a result, the tablecloth turned into a sieve. Fearing that her grandmother would scold her, Dasha threw her out the window. Then she saw her grandmother's shawl, well, she thinks I won't ruin the shawl, and she took it to wash.

Stuck in hot water, and she went to cook dinner.

What is a quick cook? Of course, pasta. Took a saucepan, poured cold water, put in 2 tablespoons of salt and immediately started pasta. Dasha went to see what was wrong with the shawl. He gets it out, and the shawl has become very small. But Dasha was not upset, hung up her shawl and said:

"Hang it up, water will drain, and it will stretch out."

But the shawl cannot stretch by itself, and even after

such boiling water. Okay, let's leave the shawl for now and go back to the pasta. While Dasha went back and forth, the pasta was all boiled down and it turned out to be porridge.

Well, okay. The hungry will come and eat everything. And what a bad day today? I’ll even go fix my grandma’s apron, otherwise it’s completely torn.

She took out a cloth, thread, needle, scissors. She cut the fabric at random, put the thread into a long, long needle, got all tangled up, barely sewed, but unwound all the knots. People say about such people: "Long thread, lazy seamstress." The apron looks like a solid patch. Soon my grandmother and Masha returned. Grandmother was very surprised to see the tablecloth on the garden bed, without saying anything, she picked it up and they went into the house.

Well, Dasha, how are you? Show me what you were doing here.

Yes, my grandmother cooked to eat, swept the floors, washed.

Yes, we saw how you washed the tablecloth, there are all holes, the shawl sat down. What did you do with them, granddaughter?

Yes, I decided to clean the granny specks.

And how did you clean them?

How, how, I took the nail polish remover and cleaned it, but it crawled away. I put the shawl in hot water.

Eh-eh! Granddaughter, who cleans acetate silk acetone? After all, acetone dissolves such a fabric, and don't you know that in boiling water, wool shrinks?

Grandma didn’t know.

Okay, show me what else you did?

Why, I swept the floors more.

Yes, you can see that there is rubbish in all corners. Have you even cooked food?

And of course, I didn't forget to add salt.

Well, carry it quickly, but that is, you really want to.

Dasha brought a saucepan, and instead of pasta, there was pasta porridge. Grandma and Masha tried such pasta, but they didn't feel like eating. So the hungry remained. And then Dasha also showed how she repaired the apron. The grandmother felt really bad. All that remained of her favorite apron was the strings. Grandma sighed, threw up her hands and said: "Cutting - don't sew, after that you can't cut it." "It is not the needle that sews, but the hands."

The next day Masha remained to manage the house. She wiped the dust, washed the floors and at the same time sang a song (to the melody of the song "I Can Do Everything")

I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning

I'll clean everything in the house, clean it up,

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes

And I will not forget to wash my clothes,

I will add sugar to the dough,

I'll put the pies on the oven,

I can do everything, I can do everything,

I will have time to do everything.

I study for fives, I study,

And I'm not afraid of work, I'm not afraid,

I can knit, sew my clothes,

"Technology" taught the subject before.

Although I don't have a car,

I’ll keep up everywhere without her,

I can do everything, I can do everything,

I will have time to do everything.

Masha cooked borscht, washed the linen, cut and sewed a new apron. Grandma and Dasha are returning for dinner, and Masha has everything ready: the house is clean, the borscht is cooked, the laundry is drying, and most importantly, there is a beautiful new apron hanging. Grandma is delighted. “What a fine fellow we have Masha! They say about such people: “You put your soul in, you can do everything”, “For a skillful hand, all work is easy”, “Golden hands of one who has trained well”.

Yes, now I will also go to technology lessons and listen carefully and write down what is needed. I will try my best and I think I will succeed.

"Of course everything will work out!"

And sings a song (to the tune of the song "What do they teach at school)

Different letters to write

With a thin feather in a notebook

Embroider, cut, knit,

Cook borscht and sew a dress

They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

When the staging is finished, 2 teams enter the stage. They need to come up with a name and motto in advance.

Did you like this story? That's what skillful hands mean. It is not for nothing that the people say: "The work of the master is afraid." And here is for youfirst task: list the proverbs that sounded in this story. Whoever calls more will get more points.

    "You put your soul in - you can do everything."

    "Without patience, there is no skill."

    "People are not born with skill, but they are proud of good skill."

    "The will and labor of man are wondrous divas."

    "Cutting - no sewing, then you can't cut it."

    "It is not the needle that sews, but the hands."

    "Long thread, lazy seamstress."

    "For a skilled hand, all work is easy."

    "Golden hands of one who has trained well."

Second task: "Table setting".

While the teams are setting the table, let's play a little with you:

    Find out the proverb by its end:

    grind everything. (Patience and work will grind everything.)

    then you reap. (What goes around comes around.)

    do not know boredom. (Skillful hands do not know boredom.)

    fun hour. (Business - time, fun - an hour.)

    What proverbs can express the meaning of the following sentences?

    Save time. (Business - time, fun - an hour.)

    Take your time, do everything carefully. (Hastily done - hastily done.)

    Finish the proverbs with ONE.

    One for all and all for one).

    There is safety in numbers).

Third task: you need to guess the riddles.


    Thin-legged Nenila

All dressed up, dressed up

On the very poor thing,

Not even a shirt.


    On one finger

The bucket is upside down.


    All day they dived into loops

And here he is, a scarf for Petenka.


    In the clearing woolen

Dancing thin-legged

From under the steel shoe

The stitch creeps out.

(Sewing machine.)

    Experienced tool

Not big, not small.

He has a lot of worries:

He cuts and cuts.


    If well sharpened,

He cuts everything very easily -

Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

Fish, apples and butter.


Fourth task: test. For future beautiful ladies.

    What sound does the mod make?





    What is a superclass fashion model called?

    Top Model ;

    Pop model;

    Rock model;

    Rap model.

    What is Coco Chanel's real name?





    Which of these Couturiers was born in Italy?

    Christian Dior;

    Hubert de Givenchy;

    Yves Saint Laurent;

    Gianni Versace.

    What is the name of small shop selling super class clothing?





    Which of these international sizes clothes are the smallest?

(Small- little.)

    What Latin letter is not used in the international marking of clothing sizes?

(S- small, that is, small;L- large, that is, large; X-

extra, that is, over, additionally.)

    What kind of clothing is life-saving?





    What is the name of women's scarf from feathers?

    Down jacket;




    What's missing in a traditional Japanese kimono?





Fifth assignment: you need to read poems about work.

Strange affair.

Strange affair,

Maybe not.

Once upon a time

Once upon a time


He was a shoemaker

Forty five years

But about him

They said:


Strange affair

Or maybe not

Once upon a time

Once upon a time


He was an artist

Seventy years

But about him

Spoken: shoemaker

Strange affair

Maybe not.

R. Sef

Unfamiliar friends.

The man who built a house for me

I was a stranger

He was not familiar to me.

But, sitting down tiredly on the porch,

He thought about the future tenant.

Was not a friend and not at all relatives

The one who sewed the shirt for me.

But he, wielding a needle,

Sometimes he thought about me.

Never anywhere I have met

And the one who shook my shoes.

But he is alone with himself

I often thought about me.

How many friends are there in my country,

That they remember me all the time!

G. Graubin

Municipal budgetary educational institution

urban district Korolev, Moscow region

"Average comprehensive school No. 15 "


Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 15

T.Yu. Malginova _______________

Order No. _____________

"_____" _________________ 2017

Working programm

mug "Skillful hands"

2 "B" class

Compiled by:

Kondratyeva Svetlana Vitalievna

primary school teacher

Explanatory note

A century of booming information technologies, business requires a person to develop such qualities as the ability to concentrate, rational thinking, practicality of character. Children spend a lot of time at the computer, communicate less with nature, become less responsive, so development creative personality the school should be not only practical, but also spiritual.

Classes in the "Skillful Hands" circle can significantly influence labor and aesthetic education, rationally use free time students. Handling paper, natural and waste material, fabric - these are the most common types of decorative - applied arts among schoolchildren. The simplicity of the equipment, the availability of tools and devices, materials, the availability of work allow students to engage in arts and crafts primary school... The theoretical part includes brief explanations on the topics of classes and methods of work, and the practical part consists of several tasks. On the initial stage works master the techniques of material processing. It is necessary to educate children in the ability to bring the work started to the end, to monitor the observance of the elementary rules of work culture, to teach them to use materials sparingly and accurately, to use tools and store them. Special attention the work of the circle is devoted to the issues of labor safety and sanitary hygiene

The Skillful Hands course is integrated. Integration consists in acquaintance with various aspects of the material world, united by common laws that are found in the ways of realizing human activity, in technologies for converting raw materials, energy, information.

The program is designed for classes with students in grades 1-4 in the afternoon in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education second generation, based on the program "Artistic Creativity" Prosnyakova T.N.

In the process of developing the program, the main reference point was the goal of a harmonious unity of personal, cognitive, communicative and social development students, fostering their interest in active knowledge of the history of material culture and family traditions their own and other peoples, respectful attitude to work.

Working with aids will give children a big picture of the world applied arts, will help you master a variety of technologies in accordance with individual preferences.

Purpose and objectives of the program


Development of the creative abilities of a child with an interest in technical and artistic creation.

To achieve this goal, the program sets the following tasks:


    To form skills and abilities for the manufacture and design of the work performed.

    Introduce the properties of materials and tools.

    Teach the use of tools and devices.

    Introduce the safety rules when working with tools and materials.

    To teach techniques of artistic modeling from paper.

    To teach how to make seams "over the edge", "looped"

    Introduce manufacturing technology soft toys and a rug made of scraps of fabric.

    To study the technique of designing crafts from natural and waste material, plasticine.


    Expand your artistic horizons.

    Develop fine motor skills hands.

    Develop attention, memory


    To cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

    Adapt children to school.

    To cultivate an aesthetic taste, a sense of beauty.

Classes in artistic practical activities under this program solve not only problems artistic education, but also on a larger scale - they develop the intellectual and creative potential of the child. Mastering a variety of technological techniques when working with a variety of materials in conditions of space for free creativity helps children to learn and develop own abilities and opportunities, creates conditions for the development of initiative, ingenuity, flexibility of thinking.

An important direction in the content of the program is spiritual and moral education junior student... At the level of subject education, conditions are created for education:

    patriotism: through active knowledge of the history of material culture and traditions of their region, hard work, creative attitude to study, work, life;

    value attitude to beauty, the formation of ideas about aesthetic values;

    value attitude to nature, environment;

    value attitude to health (mastering techniques safe work with tools, children's understanding of the need to use environmentally friendly materials, the organization of healthy creative leisure).

Along with the implementation of the concept of spiritual and moral education, the tasks of instilling technological knowledge, work skills and skills in younger schoolchildren, the program identifies other priority areas, including:

integration of subject areas in the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the development of universal educational actions;

the formation of information literacy of the modern schoolchild;

development of communicative competence;

the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification by generic characteristics, the establishment of analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, the construction of reasoning, referring to known concepts.

System-activity and personal approaches v initial training suggest revitalization cognitive activities each student, taking into account his age and individual characteristics... The disclosure of the personal potential of a younger student is realized through the individualization of educational tasks. The student always has a choice in making a decision, based on its degree of difficulty. It can replace the proposed materials and tools with others with similar properties and qualities.

The goals and objectives are achieved through the means and methods of teaching:

story, conversation, illustration, information and communication technologies, practical work... collective and group, individual approach to every child research projects, presentation.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

The program is designed for younger children school age 7 - 11 years old, for 3 years of study: 68 hours a year, 2 times a week. The recommended number of students in a group is 8-10 people.

Planned results of the development of the program by students

course "Skillful hands".

1 year of study


The student will have:

    interest in new types of applied art, in new ways of self-expression;

    cognitive interest in new ways of researching technologies and materials;

    adequate understanding of the reasons for success / failure creative activity.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

    internal position at the level of understanding the need for creative activity, as one of the means of self-expression in social life;

    pronounced cognitive motivation;

    sustained interest in new ways of knowing.



The student will learn:

    plan your actions;

    carry out final and step-by-step control;

    adequately perceive the teacher's assessment;

    distinguish between the way and the result of the action.

    show cognitive initiative;

    independently find options for solving a creative problem.


Students will be able to:

    admit the existence of different points of view and different options fulfillment of the assigned creative task;

    consider different opinions, strive for coordination when performing collective work;

    formulate your own opinion and position;

    negotiate, come to a common decision;

    observe correctness in statements;

    ask questions on the merits;

    control the actions of the partner.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    take into account different opinions and justify your position;

    own a monologue and dialogical form of speech;

    exercise mutual control and provide partners in cooperation with the necessary mutual assistance.


The student will learn:

    search for the necessary information to perform an artistic task using educational and additional literature in an open information space, incl. controlled space of the Internet;

    express themselves verbally and in writing;

    analyze objects, highlight the main thing;

    to carry out synthesis (whole from parts);

    compare, classify according to different criteria;

    establish causal relationships;

    build reasoning about the object.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    carry out an advanced search for information in accordance with the research task using the resources of libraries and the Internet;

    deliberately and arbitrarily build messages in oral and written form;

    the use of methods and techniques of artistic and creative activity, mainly educational process and everyday life.

The first year of study determines the content and nature working together teachers and students on the awareness of the upcoming practical activity: this is an analysis of the design of a product, an analysis of the technology of its manufacture, information about the device, the purpose and rules for the safe operation of tools, the name of the materials used and a number of their properties subject to targeted observation and experimental research.

When discussing the manufacturing technology of the product, the students, under the guidance of the teacher, draw up a verbal plan, distinguishing only the concepts of material and tool, since the production itself will be controlled.

1. Introduction

Theory. Introduction to educational program 1st year of study. Requirements for student behavior during class. Observance of order in the workplace. Compliance with safety regulations. "From the history of the origin of scissors." Conversation.

Practice. Excursion to the House of Creativity.

2.Working with paper and cardboard

Theory. The story "From the history of paper." "Origami". Talk "The history of the creation of scissors."

Practice... Artistic modeling from paper by folding. Panel - origami "Forest motives". Acquaintance with the application. Making applications according to the model "Forest Fairy Tale", "By the Lake", " Funny frogs"," Polyanka ". Manufacturing greeting card.

3.Working with fabric

Theory. Reception of seams "over the edge", "looped". Conversation + slide presentation "Wonderful Needle".

Practice. Suture training exercises. Fringed napkin making. Patchwork technique.

4.Working with natural and waste material

Theory... Conversation "Be a friend to nature." Excursion to the museum.

Practice. Designing a house for fairytale heroes... Construction of toys from rectangular boxes("Car", "Robot"). Toys from plastic bottles("Rocket", "Flashlight", "Carousel").

5.Working with plasticine

Theory... A story about clay and plasticine.

Practice... Modeling simple-shaped vegetables and fruits. Plasticine application on cardboard "Zoo". Modeling according to the intention of the children.

6.Final lesson

Theory... Reflection, questioning.

Practice... Exhibition creative works.

Academic-thematic plan of 1 year of study

p / p

Section name



Total hours


Working with paper and cardboard

Working with fabric

Working with natural and waste material.

Working with plasticine.

Final lesson


Calendar - thematic planning mug "Skillful hands".

1 year of study.

p / p

Topic name



the date of the


Requirements for student behavior during class. Observance of order in the workplace. Compliance with safety regulations. Excursion to the House of Creativity.

Working with paper and cardboard

The story "From the history of paper." Origami story.

Conversation "The history of the creation of scissors." Artistic modeling from paper by folding.

Acquaintance with the application. Panel - origami "Forest motives".

Making applications according to the model "Forest Fairy Tale", "By the Lake"

Making appliques according to the "Merry frogs" pattern

Making applications according to the "Polyanka" pattern.

Making carnival masks.

Making carnival masks.

Making greeting cards.

Working with fabric

Reception of seams "over the edge", "looped". Conversation + slide presentation "Wonderful Needle".

Suture training exercises. Fringed napkin making.

Fringed napkin making.

Manufacturing technology and sewing of the "Mouse" soft toy.

Manufacturing technology and sewing of the "Mouse" soft toy.

Patchwork technique.

Patchwork technique.

Sewing a rug from scraps of various fabrics.

Sewing a rug from scraps of various fabrics.

Working with natural and waste material

Conversation "Be a friend to nature." Excursion to the museum.

Building a house for fairy tale characters.

Construction of toys from rectangular boxes "Robot"

Construction of toys from rectangular boxes "Car"

Toys from plastic bottles "Raketa"

Toys from plastic bottles "Flashlight"

Toys from plastic bottles "Carousel"

Working with plasticine

A story about clay and plasticine. Modeling simple-shaped vegetables and fruits.

Modeling simple-shaped vegetables and fruits.

Plasticine application on cardboard "Zoo".

Modeling according to the intention of the children.

Final lesson

Reflection, questioning.

Exhibition of creative works.


Estimated results

By the end of year 1, students should


    name and purpose of materials - paper, fabric, plasticine;

    name and purpose of hand tools and devices: scissors, glue brush, needle, thimble;

    rules of labor safety and personal hygiene when working with these tools.

be able to:

    organize your workplace, maintain order during work;

    observe the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene;

    analyze the product under the guidance of a teacher (determine its purpose, the material from which it is made, methods of joining parts, the manufacturing sequence);

    economically mark materials using templates, fold sheets of paper in half, four times, cut paper and fabric with scissors along the marking lines, connect paper parts with glue, sew with stitches "over the edge", "loop seam".

To implement tasks This program offers students the following benefits:

1. T.N. Prosnyakova, N.A. Tsirulik. Smart Hands - Samara: Fedorov Corporation, Publishing House Educational literature", 2004.

2. T.N. Prosnyakova, N.A. Tsirulik. Lessons of creativity - Samara: Corporation "Fedorov", Publishing house "Educational literature", 2004.

3.S.I. Khlebnikova, N.A. Tsirulik. Create, invent, try! - Samara: Corporation "Fedorov", Publishing House "Educational Literature", 2004.

4. T.N. Prosnyakova Creative Workshop - Samara: Fedorov Corporation, Educational Literature Publishing House, 2004.

5. G.I. Dolzhenko. 100 paper crafts - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.

Olga Bychkova

Target: to expand the idea of ​​children about household work.


To consolidate and improve the skills acquired earlier in labor activity: wash toys, wash napkins: soap, rinse, wring, hang

Foster a culture of work and knowledge of children about consistency labor process(what equipment is needed for work, how to arrange it).

Strengthen the ability to work rationally, amicably, helping each other.


Develop small and general motor skills, visual and auditory attention, grammatical structure speech and related speech, continue to enter antonyms into the children's dictionary.


To cultivate independence, diligence, diligence, diligence, accuracy, responsibility for the assigned work, mutual assistance, a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of the work plan.

Materials and equipment: 4 tables, basins, buckets of water, soap with a soap dish, sponges, towels, rags, oilcloth aprons, badges, jars with pencils, garbage plates, sharpeners, cubes.

Participant and: children, educator.

Preliminary work: a conversation with children about "mother's helpers" ( washing machine, a conversation about how he takes care of his appearance, reading the poem "Moidodyr", targeted observation "We are in the laundry." Conversation about household work in kindergarten.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, look how many guests we have today.

Let's say hello to them.

Now sit back more comfortably, straighten your backs, put your hands on your knees, raise all your eyes at me.

Guys, today we will talk about work, and show our guests how we can work.

At all times in Russia, skillful and hardworking people were valued.

No wonder folk wisdom reads: "Man is glorious by work"

Children have always helped adults. They were in everything good helpers... They talked about them; "Small but remote"

Guys, do you know how to work? How do you help adults? (children's answers)

Well done boys. I see you know how to work. What proverbs and sayings about work do you know?

1. Without labor, you can't get a fish out of the pond.

2. Labor of a person feeds, and laziness spoils.

3. Who loves work, people honor.

4. Do you want to eat rolls. Don't sit on the stove.

5. The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

6. The sun paints the earth, and man's labor.

7. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Well done boys. You know a lot of proverbs and sayings.

2. Main part: Guys, I want to remind you of one more proverb that is suitable for our work. "Skillful hands, they don't know boredom." What does it mean? (children's answers).

Guys, today we have 4 types of work.

1 wash the applique cloths,

2 sharpen pencils,

3 wash and rub the cubes,

4 put away in the book corner.

We now need to determine what kind of work activity you will perform. I suggest you put on aprons (children dress).

Look, each of you has badges. The type of labor activity is drawn on them. Whoever has pencils drawn, these children, i.e. a subgroup of children, will sharpen pencils.

Who has drawn a book, this subgroup of children will clean up the book corner.

Whoever has cubes drawn, these children will wash, wipe the cubes of building material.

And whoever has a basin painted with water - these children will wash the cloths for the applique.

I suggest you take your jobs (children go to their jobs)

Guys, look, do you need anything else for work? That's right, there is not enough water. Now I and I.O. (nannies) will pour water into your basins. What kind of water do you think we will pour? (warm). Why not hot? (so as not to burn your hands). Why not cold? (you can get sick) Right. We pour you warm water... Now everything is ready!

Guys, I suggest that you distribute responsibilities among yourself and get to work. For those who have difficulties in assigning responsibilities, I will help.

Children are working (light music sounds).

During work, remember the rules of work. How should you work? (neatly, amicably, calmly, not to be distracted, to help each other).

3. The final part: Guys, now I'm going to ask you to put things in order in their places. What rule do we know? "Each thing has its own place!" Right. Rinse the rags, dry the basins. Desks, towel dry your hands, take off your aprons, and take your jobs. (Children with a teacher evaluate their work and the work of their comrades).

Guys, what have we done to ensure order and cleanliness in our group?

Have we coped with the tasks?

Why did we succeed? Well done!

Children, go to your chairs. Guys, today each of you has done his own little thing, and all together you have done a great common thing. And now you can say: "I did the job - walk boldly." Guys, how can you explain this proverb? Yes, I did (finished) the job. You can also relax. And what a rest without a good song. Children sing a song: "You can do everything in the world."

Guys, you made me happy today, and I have prepared a sweet surprise for you. But first, let's say thank you to our guests for coming to visit us and goodbye. Thank you guys!

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Problem labor education are relevant for children, because they have the formation of personal qualities, and the desire for work. Tasks.

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