Kind words to brother from sister. Happy birthday greetings to brother in prose

A brother is a support, an example, protection and a reliable helper. As a sister, you must definitely congratulate your brother beautifully on his name day, wish you all the best, good health, reliable friends and say how dear he is to you. For such an occasion, we have prepared a selection of congratulations in our own words from our sister. We think such words will please native person and help you express whatever is on your mind.

Brother! Why do you need two health or eight successes at work? I thought that even without me they would wish you everything that a person should wish on his birthday! And all this will certainly come true! And if so, then why not wish you all pleasant things, which are also useful in life? Brother, let new shoes never press! Let always, when you are late for something, it suddenly turns out that your clock is just in a hurry! Let the charging on the phone not sit down at the very wrong moment! Let the words of support or consolation spoken by you to friends and relatives be remembered for a lifetime! And never forget how much I love you!

I have long wanted to open a secret - I was always afraid to introduce you to my boyfriends. They get upset, realizing that since childhood there was an example perfect man which is hard to compete with. They go headlong into work, unsuccessfully trying to outdo your talents and achievements. And they get a little jealous, realizing how much I love you. But I still introduce you - because I'm proud that I have such a wonderful brother!
Happy birthday!

Today I congratulate my brother on his birthday, he is just a miracle! Strong and wise - like a father, kind and with clear eyes- to my mother. And, of course, he himself is an amazing and unique person, my best friend and protector! Happy birthday my chivalrous brother, be happy! Let all the events in your life add up to one bright stained-glass window with an entertaining plot - and the sun always shines!

Happy Birthday bro! Do you remember when you were a kid that you were older than me? And now I boast that I am younger. Of course I'm joking, my dear. I am very glad that we have matured and forgotten all the childhood, youthful grievances and stupid quarrels. Each of us managed to accumulate some life experience and look at each other with different eyes. I am glad that we were able to understand that we are relatives and close people. Beloved brother, I wish you to go your own happy way, not to dwell on the mistakes of the past, drawing only conclusions from the past experience. Create a family, raise children, build a wonderful career ... In general, do everything the way you yourself wish. Happy birthday!

Knowledgeable people - scientists, argue that between brother and sister there is close connection. It's like this: I can feel you from a distance, I'm sad when you feel bad and rejoice too with you. So, I can convey to you a particle of my experiences and feelings. I wish you the same immense happiness that is in my soul today. I want the admiration with which I speak of my brother. And I wish you strength, to overcome difficulties, as well as love, because we have one for two.

Dear brother! Let this birthday be a happy threshold for you, beyond which a new, amazing a good life! Let up next day birthday, your cherished dreams will have time to come true, may you meet new, true friends, comrades and true love!

Dear brother, accept congratulations from your sister, who is always there, ready to help, share joy and sorrow, support in Hard time and give useful advice. May you wish what you need most on your birthday, the most cherished dream, only rainbow thoughts will come true! I wish you to strive towards success, enjoy life and not look back, because every new day is beautiful, so enjoy it!

How many days and nights have passed since your birthday, brother? A lot! The world was changing, and you were growing up, and soon our whole family had to wonder what a wonderful boy you are! Now you are almost big, a lot can change in the world, but for all of us you will always be a dear, beloved person! On your birthday, I want to wish you cloudless happiness, sunny luck, sweet victories and hot love!

Sister and brother are connected not only by one blood, but also by inseparable bonds of strength, support, interdependence and mutual understanding. I am grateful to you, my dear, for being on this planet, for a sincere smile and a strong shoulder, for the confidence that there is someone in the world who will be with you in any life situation.
Let the stars lead you on the right path of life, and we will only rejoice for all your victories and achievements.

On this significant day, I would like to wish you to be a strong nut so that you never break down for anything. May you never lose the desire to enjoy life and you will become happier and more joyful. Let them be lucky on the robot, in their studies, family and life. In all spheres of life, let comfort and harmony come. The strings of your soul should play delicious chords. Happy birthday!

My dear brother! Accept congratulations from loving sister! Let your every day begin with a smile, your mood will be infinitely beautiful, your life will be cloudless. On my birthday I want to wish you new achievements, incredible love, fulfillment of dreams and the birth of new beautiful desires! The main thing to remember is that lives are not a black and white zebra, but colorful rainbow, and on her path I wish to always find only positive, goodness, light and joy!

Dear brother! It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your birthday! I know that you are a wonderful and talented person! Never give up and always believe in yourself! Believe in the people around you, and then any difficulties will be on your shoulder! I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and success! You are the most best brother in the world!

I send fiery greetings to my brother from my sister and a sea of ​​congratulations on your birthday! Let the sun shine over you every day, in life it always meets green light and dreams come true on demand! I wish you to see, learn, experience so many interesting things, so that every minute is filled with emotions, positive and energy! Happy birthday!

On the birthday of my beloved brother, I really want to hug him tightly, not letting go longer and congratulating him on the holiday, wishing him to live with a happy smile, prosperity in the house, peace and love in the family! Let everything in life go like clockwork, and let not a single alarm dare to knock on the house! I am sure that such wonderful people, like my brother, Fortune should be especially favorable - and so be it!

Dear brother! Should I remind you how much I adore you? For your birthday, we tried to find a tastier cake and wrap gifts in brighter rustling paper and, of course, chose the most sincere ones for you, warm regards! Accept our congratulations from loving sisters and brothers, smile and make a wish on this magical day cherished desires they will surely come true! Be happy and loved, dream and always find the strength and audacity to go hand in hand with luck towards your dreams!

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Statuses about brother and sister - I’m sitting upset, my little brother comes up, pops a candy, I tell him: “Dima, I have adult problems and this can’t solve them.” After 5 minutes, he comes with a bottle of martini and asks: “So?”

My older brother is the best! I love him madly! He will always understand me, after his words I want to cry with happiness.

The way to my heart is through my brother (master of sports in freestyle wrestling).

In the evening, I felt uneasy, I buried my head in the shoulder of my older brother, and he quietly said: “You are very dear to me.” I burst into tears. Dear, do not forget to say such words to me, because you are also very dear to me!

Parents, I have a lot for you serious conversation. I thought about it and decided that I urgently need a brother for experiments ... Oh, I wanted to say for experience: I need to learn how to mess around with children!

A sister for a brother is always a small, cute, harmful creature that you can’t help but love, even if you are offended by him.

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My 5-year-old brother said that when he grew up he would be president and buy me a Bentley. Cool truth;) Now I'm waiting. . .

When my brother is at home, it is clear that he is at home. Rubbish and dirty dishes everywhere. And when I'm at home, it's audible that I'm at home!

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A brother without a sister is a body without a soul!

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Brother to sister: Why are you crying? - I was cutting onions... - Come on, tell me the number of this Chippolino!

As children, my brother and I often fought, I sobbed, and he said that my eyes were always in a wet place. These words really hurt me. And since then no one has seen my tears. Brother, I thank you for this.

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Yesterday it was so bad, I went up to my older brother, just hugged him ... And he whispered in his ear: “I love you” ... How touching it was, I already cried! Brothers, say this more often! We love you too!

I say to my brother - "I'm fat right?" He: "yes no." I'm so joyful. He - "you are a moderately well-fed Boar."

This morning the calendar reminded the holiday date,
I'll take a pen and a notebook and write to my brother
All congratulations in verse, and from the heart, and all with love,
My brother and I are related by the same family, by the same blood.

I wish you, brother, a cloudless and fertile fate,
Reliable, brother, strong, friendly, noble family.
And let good health accompany you,
A hundred or a hundred and five years of commercials helps to live fully!

My dear and dear brother!
Be smart! Healthy, rich!
Be stronger Hercules
And Socrates be wiser!

Happy in marriage, at work,
Among colleagues to be held in high esteem
I wish that you
Achieved everything without fuss!

Congratulations with all my heart
My brother, my dear!
Be happy, smiling, cheerful,
Every day to be wonderful!

So that gardens bloom in the soul,
You have always been in love with life!
To make the world around shine
For you to flourish!

Dear brother, today is a beautiful day,
Gifts and congratulations are waiting for you.
Let the sky, so crystal clear,
A brilliant fireworks will take off now!

And you will laugh with joy
Catch luck, so as not to let go,
Do not be afraid of problems and sadness,
Just don't let them in!

Brother, you know everything yourself, my friend!
I will not open America here.
You won't find a better friend in the world!
I am infinitely proud of you!
May fate protect your soul
From insults and selfish betrayals.
Listen to the voice of the heart and mind!
May your world be bright and clean!

Beautiful words to my brother in prose

Happy holidays, brother. Congratulations. I would like to wish a lot of all the best, but first of all, the most necessary, important, most important, of course, health, it is difficult to do without it. There will be health - everything will be in joy. I wish, brother, healthy joy in the family, in work, in salary, in everything. Strengthen, temper immunity and character and conquer the planned peaks, achieve what you want. Congratulations.

Dear brother! Happy holiday! I wish you an easy, carefree and pleasant life. Let an expensive car never fail, the house will be cozy and hospitable, the children will be healthy and obedient, and the wife will be affectionate and friendly. I wish you to do what you love and know how to do for yourself and others for the good! And let you be unspeakably and certainly lucky in the most daring undertakings!

My darling brother! With all my heart I send you congratulations! I want it on your life path the bright sun of luck always shone. So that this path passes only through happy moments and magical moments! And luck and good mood have always been faithful companions!

Dear brother, let the coming holiday color your whole world in amazing colors of joy and happiness, exciting shades of surprises and pleasant meetings!

  1. I want to wish you, brother, more masculine joys - financial stability, interesting travels, attention of the opposite sex, boring work, exciting hobbies, powerful cars and reinforced concrete health! Let everything that you still lack in life gradually strung on the thread of your destiny, making you a happy person!

On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday, I want to wish you quite a bit.
First, health and energy: without them, a person cannot move on.
Secondly, good friends: their support is very important for any person.
Third, true love: without it, everything in life loses its meaning.
Be, dear brother, always at the height that you choose and determine for yourself.
Look forward and don't look back.
Decide what happiness is for you, and always strive for it!

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Happy birthday, congratulations, brother!
I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires!
Let the road of life be full of only pleasant surprises!
I wish you always great male power and never-ending health!
Treasure every minute, rejoice and have fun!
Never despair, may you have tremendous achievements in everything!
In love, you - the desired happiness, the ideal of the family, comfort and pleasure!

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Brother, congratulations!
Happy birthday to you!
I speak for myself and wish you all the best!
May your eyes always burn with love, happiness and hobbies!
Live to the fullest, all your entertainment!
Be healthy, have a lot of strength all the years of your long life!
Don't be depressed, go in for sports! Be rich!
May true friends always be with you!
Good luck to you, and joy for every day!

Brother in your own words
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For you, brother, I want to wish the best!
So that neither friends nor health ever let you down!
Be strong and brave like a lion!
Become steadfast and strong as a rock!
Be strong like Hercules!
Eat with a big appetite, go in for sports!
Make your plans come true!
Be happy in love!
family warmth you, comfort and well-being!
Happy birthday!

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Dear bro! Happy birthday!
I wish you good health and happiness!
Full of pockets of money and many days of happy holidays!
Have fun and frolic like a child, laugh out loud!
Achieve your own, take everything from life!
Let love inspire you and raise you to great things!
Burn in love and at work, but do not burn out!
May they always be with you best friends and I!

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Brother, beloved and dear! Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish you to achieve your plans in life!
Achieve high peaks of victories! Let dreams come true!
Don't despair when you're out of luck! Say you're lucky anyway!
Laugh, successes and years of life are added from laughter!
Live long and in good health! Don't be sad and don't freak out!
Have fun and invigorate, do not lose your strength or optimism!
Let everything be as you want in love! Be young!

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How dear you are to me, brother, and I don’t need any friend!
You mean so much to me! best health you brother!
On your birthday, I want to wish you great fun!
Rejoice today from the bottom of your heart, receive pleasant and valuable gifts!
Keep the best moments in your heart!
May great impressions and moods always be with you!
Be the master of your plans, reach the highest!
I wish you prosperity in your career, prosperity in your family!
Let love become a real fairy tale and last a lifetime!

Brother in your own words
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Dear brother, happy birthday!
I wish you to always be the same generous, strong body and spirit!
Never despair, go forward to your goals and win!
May you be lucky in your career and love!
Love yourself with all your heart and let life give only pleasant gifts!
I wish you excellence in your hobbies!
Follow the lucky star and go everywhere in the world!

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Dear my brother!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
We grew up together and have always walked side by side.
You are one of the closest people to me.
I wish you not to know what diseases and hospitals are.
Always be confident and firm in your decisions.
Be loved in your family and among your friends.
Be the winner in battles with opponents and be able to win their respect.
Be a man and a real person, feel like the master of your life!

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Brother - the only, good, happy birthday!
I wish you great love and eternal luck!
Live with joy and happiness!
Be rich and have as many cars as you want!
Don't complain about life, let it give you the best!
Be kept by all the saints, never get sick!
Go ahead for victories and may God help you!

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Wishes to your brother will make you remember childhood pranks, pranks and everything that has united you for life. Wishes for Brother is a collection of stories and anecdotes. I would like to say a speech to my brother seriously, but it turns out only: “Do you remember that? Do you remember that?…” mixed with laughter and smiles.

In verse

  • wish brother beautiful love,
  • So that passion plays in young blood,
  • For you to love beautiful girls,
  • You could make them happy.
  • May your fantasies come true
  • So that you can get out of any situation,
  • And for everything to work out
  • It definitely worked!
  • Brother dear and dear,
  • Your character is golden!
  • Never change
  • Let trouble go around you
  • And let sorrows bypass
  • Happiness rules in life!
  • Let my dear be near
  • Tender yours, my love!
  • I wish my brother artistry
  • May you be a bright, wonderful person!
  • I wish my brother charisma
  • And respect for the Motherland!
  • To be proud of you
  • To be respected
  • So that everyone is equal to you,
  • A little behind!
  • Always boldly go forward
  • And among the crowd be the first
  • I also wish you
  • Big and true love!
  • For my brother
  • Wonderful Wishes:
  • May all your holidays
  • Will be crowded!
  • Gather your friends
  • At the table you are generous
  • Always pour wine on them
  • And don't be poor!
  • For guests to have fun
  • With you until the morning
  • And to smear on bread
  • Red caviar!
  • I wish brother sex,
  • And on the reflex girls
  • Very violent orgasm
  • To avoid insanity!
  • For the brain to be very smart,
  • So that the brother is not noisy,
  • But he was not so boring,
  • Always believed in miracles!
  • I now wish my brother
  • No more cursing!
  • Grow up and grow wiser
  • And get a bride.
  • For her to be beautiful
  • And slender, and not jealous,
  • So that you love her very much
  • You spent the night with her!

In prose

Brother! your main goal in life has always been and remains career, and love and rest always go by the wayside. I really want you to realize that one is not a hindrance to the other. I wish you this year, finally, to meet the ideal, caring and understanding girl who will give me many, many nephews!

Who is a brother? Brother is pride. Brother is jealousy. Brother is an overseer. Brother is an extortionist. A brother is not necessarily a friend. Brother is just a fact. Well, in general, brother - he is a brother in Africa! But I still want him to be fine. And let only someone dare to make him feel bad or hurt! I'll tear anyone!

I never understood why the older brother is constantly being clever in front of me and pretending to be either mom or dad. It offended me to tears. I did not listen to him and we often quarreled. One day while in good mood, he explained to me: - Understand, you are my younger brother. I feel responsible for you. God forbid, something happens to your parents, who will take care of you? How can I educate you if I don't have authority? How can I explain to you that respect can only be achieved sincere love! Be yourself! I already have parents! I need a brother!

In your own words

It used to be that you annoyed me so much that more than once I wanted to just beat you! But the next day, my heart sank with tenderness and love. We live under the same roof, sleep in the same room, sometimes it seems to me that we are completely strangers or, on the contrary, there is no one in the world more dear than you! This is what it means to be brothers! My native stranger! I will not interfere in your life, but I sincerely wish that there will always be a settled room in it, where they love and wait for me! Even if the whole world says that you are a scoundrel, I will not believe it. If everyone turns around and leaves, I'll be with you! You are my reflection. You are me! And when we're together, it's better not to get in our way! We were connected by an invisible thread in the mother's belly and agreed to be one! You are my life, my friend true friend my twin! Let everything work out for you, and I will help! Dear brother! I noticed a long time ago that you take all the problems that happen to you and your family too close to your heart. Sometimes, wanting to help a loved one, you can even offend him with your silence and frown, because not everyone can read your thoughts and understand the reason for your bad mood. In that holiday I want to wish you to learn to meet difficulties with a smile, become more frank with loved ones and never get hung up on failures!